The Eastern Gate (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
Episode 3
Literature Studies.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
This is not a dorm.
Everything was fabricated.
She's a legend.
That bitch never studied in Riga.
There are no other pictures.
Only the ones from the CCTV.
I'm still searching.
Maybe we need to ask discreetly.
We'd better not.
Let's not involve the services
if you want to do it on your own, Madam.
I'll be back later today.
Maria, love, I'm sorry.
Tell our daughter
that her daddy loved her very much.
I know you'll raise her
to be a good person,
a Pole,
a Polish woman.
In Belarusian prison
I was humiliated for being Polish.
They insulted
and ridiculed my motherland.
I thought that patriotism
is a love that you can't measure.
I was wrong. I love my country
more than I love my life.
Death to you!
Death to Russian filth!
Death to the enemies of civilization!
A bomb blew up in Minsk.
The explosion took place in Toledo Hotel.
The number of victims is unknown
but the damage is very serious.
Rescue work continues.
Something happened.
Do you hear it?
Something happened.
- Leave.
- Why?
- Please.
- But why?
You must leave.
- Have you seen it?
- Seen what?
Drawicz's video.
It's everywhere. Online, on TV.
We have to be ready for retaliation.
I was wrong.
I love my country
more than I love my life.
They made a terrorist out of him.
KGB, FSB? I don't know.
What's going on?
The services.
The whore must be somewhere here.
Run. I'll distract them.
Come. Come on.
What's going on?
Check every flat.
Cordon off the airports and stations.
The bitch can't escape.
To work!
Where's Maria?
What did you do to her?
- Maria!
- We're taking him.
- Let me go!
- Easy.
We're moving to the top security alert.
Apart from surveillance,
we patrol the halls every two hours.
You do rounds in pairs,
always with the radio.
No rogue activity.
We need to prepare for any situation.
I don't think we can count
on Belarusian government's help.
At 2 AM, a bomb exploded
in Toledo Hotel in Minsk,
leaving 9 dead, 35 wounded.
Among the dead are Gen. Boris Kozlov,
deputy head of Belarusian intelligence,
Yuriy Olatchev, Russian vice-Minister
of National Defence,
Lieutenant Oleh Skopintsev,
two officers and four Toledo employees,
among them Jan Drawicz,
a Polish terrorist,
whose body was found
next to Gen. Kozlov's.
The Polish terrorist
brought in the bomb and set it off.
Explosive traces were found on his body.
Hotel CCTV confirms his presence
at the hotel during the meeting.
A Pole we exchanged for a Russian spy.
Blowing up a hotel.
Without us knowing a fucking thing?!
Right after the explosion, a video
of Drawicz presenting his murderous plan
was posted online.
Death to you!
Death to Russian filth!
Death to the enemies of civilization!
And that's why this fucker
wanted to go back. To take revenge.
He went back for the baby.
A baby? A wife?
And what the fuck else?
You wanted him
in exchange for Skopintsev.
They'll blame it on us
and they'll be right.
We're fucked!
Yes, Minister?
Inka, don't lean through the window
and stay out of the balcony.
Stay in the room.
Mrs. Ewa?
Madam Consul?
Anybody got the spare key?
Did Consul Zagorska leave?
No, she didn't.
Were there no signals
of him being a terrorist?
No, Minister, sir.
He was active within the diaspora,
as many other Poles.
And he suddenly went radical?
Sir, you know perfectly well,
they know how to break people.
I want a report on it ASAP.
Russians and Belarusians can fuck us up
from anywhere after this attack.
Even NATO won't help.
Nobody supports terrorists!
Certainly, sir.
Do you realize that if they want to,
they can use it as casus belli?
From where we stand, sir,
the war has been going on.
When will you understand that migrants
are not a problem but people like us?
If we don't change our mindsets,
we'll be to blame
for what is happening here,
in our region.
This is Gnuri. She was my age.
- She had a life ahead of her.
- That is really powerful, Jasiek.
She had been dying for days
on the entry road to Hajnowka.
Her brother, who she was travelling with,
informed the Border Guard
about her declining health.
He was giving the exact location
and asking, begging for medical aid.
Instead, he was pushed back to Belarus.
We're dealing with a humanitarian crisis
on the border.
The government should work
to de-escalate the violence
in order to protect human rights,
the Constitution and state security.
I gotta go. You can post it.
That's why we, the activists, are here,
- What's this?
- It's what you see.
Leave it alone.
I'm not a kid anymore.
You can't tell me what to do or think.
I will as long as I provide for you.
What are you doing?
What you see me doing.
If you move out, there's no way back.
Oh well.
Can't you see you'd help them more
by changing the system
than by handing out sandwiches?
At least I'm doing something,
not yapping.
- But it's dangerous!
- Life is dangerous!
Come, sit there.
Careful, it's low.
I'll make you a place to sleep.
I'll tell you everything.
Whenever you're ready.
They came two days
before the Toledo explosion.
They beat him on his back and legs
so as not to leave any marks.
And they made him record the video.
They told him
to read everything they put on paper.
me and the baby.
Then he was to report at Toledo.
a brave man.
He'd have been a great father.
Oh my God!
Push hard! Push! Right on!
You're doing great! Come on!
Breathe in, breathe out.
How are you feeling?
Okay. Are you ready?
Breathe in and out, and push!
Three, two, one!
Push, push, push!
One more time.
We're doing it this time. Ready?
Inhale, exhale.
Three, two, one!
Go, go, go! Push!
Can I hold her?
Ewa. Give her to me, please.
Delivery needed immediately.
Do you remember the plan?
Do you have any questions?
Thank you.
Is everything okay?
Why weren't you picking up?
I was in Toledo.
Are you fucking crazy?
Drawicz didn't do it.
It's their false flag.
I had my camera on me.
I'll send you the video now.
You disobeyed the fucking order!
- Did anyone see you?
- No.
They say Skopintsev died there.
I doubt it.
Did you see him there?
I saw them kill Drawicz.
And I have his wife's testimony.
She had a baby.
And I sent them to Poland.
I'll take care of her.
Send it all to me ASAP.
Maybe, with Kozlov dead,
it'll be easier for us to get Skiner out.
I hope so.
Focus on the mole.
That nosy bitch.
Paulina here.
Please leave a message.
It's me.
I'm calling in case you worried about me.
A bomb exploded here
in the hotel last night.
They say a Polish guy blew himself up
but you know how they are with the truth.
I'm safe and sound.
I hope you guys are okay too.
Say hi to Kai.
Who the fuck are you?
Krzysztof Halaj,
head of Intelligence Agency.
I know you speak Polish.
Where's the PM?
At home.
He's sleeping. It's early.
What kind of fuckery is this, huh?
We didn't want to cancel the meeting
I'm standing in.
You don't seem
to understand the situation.
The shit you stepped into.
This Polish terrorist
who strapped a bomb to himself
and blew up half of Toledo Hotel
was recently exchanged
for a Russian officer.
Who was unlawfully arrested,
do you understand?
It was your spy, Ambassador.
The Polish government knew
who they were obtaining in the exchange
and we have the right to assume
that a terrorist was deliberately freed.
Poland attacks Belarus.
And Russia will fulfil its duties
as an ally of Belarus.
President of Russian Federation expects
an act of indemnification by 12 PM.
Allow me to give you a piece of advice.
Don't be stingy.
Are you threatening us?
Ambassador, are you threatening NATO?
You imply that
an alleged Polish terrorist,
Jan Drawicz, with explosives
strapped around his body,
deliberately stood next to General Kozlov
to blow himself and others up, right?
This is the only credible version
derived from the investigation.
Drawicz admitted
to everything in a video.
The alleged Polish terrorist,
Mr. Jan Drawicz,
at the moment of the explosion
was in the boot of a car,
murdered by some suspicious people
that I assume you'd recognize.
We also have the testimony of his wife
who claims that he was forced
to record a fake expose.
How do we call this act of terror, sir?
- Who recorded this video?
- Our man.
Polish school of cinematography.
Famous worldwide.
There is one Polish film,
"Cold War,"
about an unfortunate love.
Funny, ha-ha.
If it wasn't forged.
You're going to get all the evidence.
To verify the metadata.
Right now they're investigated separately
by Polish and American experts.
Thank you for the meeting, Ambassador.
It's been a long time
since my country
has been insulted so badly.
It lasted the whole night.
As of now, all Toledo guests
and employees have been evacuated.
Nobody is in danger now.
Bodies of the victims,
What are you doing?
General Kozlov's dead.
You wanna know who wiped him out?
That Polish terrorist, haven't you heard?
Then why was the video of this Polish guy
taken off the Internet so quickly?
- You serious?
- Yeah.
These fuckers are hiding something.
Every TV station lies.
And you thought ours
is telling the truth for a change?
friend and traitor Makheyko is dead.
Thank you for your recommendation.
We'll be happy to hear more.
Thank you.
I've just identified the body.
It's Makheyko. The Russian.
Our source, temporarily a sleeper cell.
How did they know?
that Skiner started talking.
I think we have a procedure for this.
We do.
We're moving all the sleepers he knew.
OK, work on.
I don't want to lose more people.
But I'd keep Ewa for now.
That's how you thank her
for saving our asses in Toledo?
By leaving her alone out there?
She should keep looking for the mole.
Your person, your responsibility.
Do as you wish.
Okay, thank you.
Fucking hell.
They won't let us get away
with that Drawicz thing.
Go home!
I can't drive through.
You Polish whore!
And her pimp!
Pack your stuff
and fuck off to Poland!
Get the hell out!
This one has acetone.
Do you want some?
Yeah, acetone. Fantastic.
You got new earrings.
They're nice.
God, the worst thing you can do
is to show a man that you care.
My grandma used to say,
"Never show a man your whole ass."
My gran said the same thing.
But when I was younger,
I thought it was about sex.
Like, what would she know
with the lights off.
And you?
Have you ever been in love?
It's just mere bullshit.
Where were you last night?
At 3 AM we ran a security check
you weren't in your room.
Indeed, I was not in my room.
I know you did not leave the building.
Is it someone from the embassy, then?
It's my personal matter.
I ask solely due to security matters.
We used protection.
You're impertinent.
And you're biased.
I suggest you eat some mints.
I can smell it from here and, trust me,
I rinsed my face with acetone.
- Are you okay, Ewa?
- Yes, thank you.
It was a bit scary, though.
Were you in touch with our Poles?
I just found out
they were detained one by one at night.
Lemanski was taken away.
What can happen to them?
Interrogation, beating,
they'll be intimidated,
and then, hopefully, released.
- Can we help them somehow?
- We shall see.
MFA decided that we're moving
to the third security alert level.
Charlie, CRP.
- I see.
- Have you seen my water?
We have to prepare
for an evacuation of the consulate.
We need to pack our documents.
Embassy of the Republic of Poland,
how can I help you?
Polish whores.
You either get the hell
out of there yourselves
or we'll come and start
poisoning you like rats, one by one.
We'll burn your houses
and hang your kids.
We'll blow you all the fuck up!
New IDs are ready and they sent us
the list of safe addresses.
Hang on.
They broke the negotiations
on Skiner's exchange.
I know we have
Okay, later.
What's up?
The physicist monitoring the footage
from the nuclear engineer's glasses
says that now
they're the same files on and on.
As if someone was switching attachments.
Makes no sense.
They found the overview.
Check with the border
if Tamara or Nikolai Sorokin crossed it.
Do we have anyone on stand-by?
Wake him the fuck up, then.
- Let's bounce.
- Yeah.
Wonder what happens with us now.
Who's gonna be the one
to bullshit us this time.
I'm sorry.
We need to finish the evacuation list.
- The morality guard is always watching.
- Like guard,
like rebel.
Well done.
It's just a flare.
Away from the window!
Inka! What's the matter?
There's something in her throat,
we need to clear it!
Bring the AED!
Go on, pump.
Don't stop.
- Clear the area around the patient.
- Okay.
Press the shock button.
Perform CPR.
Call the ambulance!
Inka, come on!
Literature Studies.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
This is not a dorm.
Everything was fabricated.
She's a legend.
That bitch never studied in Riga.
There are no other pictures.
Only the ones from the CCTV.
I'm still searching.
Maybe we need to ask discreetly.
We'd better not.
Let's not involve the services
if you want to do it on your own, Madam.
I'll be back later today.
Maria, love, I'm sorry.
Tell our daughter
that her daddy loved her very much.
I know you'll raise her
to be a good person,
a Pole,
a Polish woman.
In Belarusian prison
I was humiliated for being Polish.
They insulted
and ridiculed my motherland.
I thought that patriotism
is a love that you can't measure.
I was wrong. I love my country
more than I love my life.
Death to you!
Death to Russian filth!
Death to the enemies of civilization!
A bomb blew up in Minsk.
The explosion took place in Toledo Hotel.
The number of victims is unknown
but the damage is very serious.
Rescue work continues.
Something happened.
Do you hear it?
Something happened.
- Leave.
- Why?
- Please.
- But why?
You must leave.
- Have you seen it?
- Seen what?
Drawicz's video.
It's everywhere. Online, on TV.
We have to be ready for retaliation.
I was wrong.
I love my country
more than I love my life.
They made a terrorist out of him.
KGB, FSB? I don't know.
What's going on?
The services.
The whore must be somewhere here.
Run. I'll distract them.
Come. Come on.
What's going on?
Check every flat.
Cordon off the airports and stations.
The bitch can't escape.
To work!
Where's Maria?
What did you do to her?
- Maria!
- We're taking him.
- Let me go!
- Easy.
We're moving to the top security alert.
Apart from surveillance,
we patrol the halls every two hours.
You do rounds in pairs,
always with the radio.
No rogue activity.
We need to prepare for any situation.
I don't think we can count
on Belarusian government's help.
At 2 AM, a bomb exploded
in Toledo Hotel in Minsk,
leaving 9 dead, 35 wounded.
Among the dead are Gen. Boris Kozlov,
deputy head of Belarusian intelligence,
Yuriy Olatchev, Russian vice-Minister
of National Defence,
Lieutenant Oleh Skopintsev,
two officers and four Toledo employees,
among them Jan Drawicz,
a Polish terrorist,
whose body was found
next to Gen. Kozlov's.
The Polish terrorist
brought in the bomb and set it off.
Explosive traces were found on his body.
Hotel CCTV confirms his presence
at the hotel during the meeting.
A Pole we exchanged for a Russian spy.
Blowing up a hotel.
Without us knowing a fucking thing?!
Right after the explosion, a video
of Drawicz presenting his murderous plan
was posted online.
Death to you!
Death to Russian filth!
Death to the enemies of civilization!
And that's why this fucker
wanted to go back. To take revenge.
He went back for the baby.
A baby? A wife?
And what the fuck else?
You wanted him
in exchange for Skopintsev.
They'll blame it on us
and they'll be right.
We're fucked!
Yes, Minister?
Inka, don't lean through the window
and stay out of the balcony.
Stay in the room.
Mrs. Ewa?
Madam Consul?
Anybody got the spare key?
Did Consul Zagorska leave?
No, she didn't.
Were there no signals
of him being a terrorist?
No, Minister, sir.
He was active within the diaspora,
as many other Poles.
And he suddenly went radical?
Sir, you know perfectly well,
they know how to break people.
I want a report on it ASAP.
Russians and Belarusians can fuck us up
from anywhere after this attack.
Even NATO won't help.
Nobody supports terrorists!
Certainly, sir.
Do you realize that if they want to,
they can use it as casus belli?
From where we stand, sir,
the war has been going on.
When will you understand that migrants
are not a problem but people like us?
If we don't change our mindsets,
we'll be to blame
for what is happening here,
in our region.
This is Gnuri. She was my age.
- She had a life ahead of her.
- That is really powerful, Jasiek.
She had been dying for days
on the entry road to Hajnowka.
Her brother, who she was travelling with,
informed the Border Guard
about her declining health.
He was giving the exact location
and asking, begging for medical aid.
Instead, he was pushed back to Belarus.
We're dealing with a humanitarian crisis
on the border.
The government should work
to de-escalate the violence
in order to protect human rights,
the Constitution and state security.
I gotta go. You can post it.
That's why we, the activists, are here,
- What's this?
- It's what you see.
Leave it alone.
I'm not a kid anymore.
You can't tell me what to do or think.
I will as long as I provide for you.
What are you doing?
What you see me doing.
If you move out, there's no way back.
Oh well.
Can't you see you'd help them more
by changing the system
than by handing out sandwiches?
At least I'm doing something,
not yapping.
- But it's dangerous!
- Life is dangerous!
Come, sit there.
Careful, it's low.
I'll make you a place to sleep.
I'll tell you everything.
Whenever you're ready.
They came two days
before the Toledo explosion.
They beat him on his back and legs
so as not to leave any marks.
And they made him record the video.
They told him
to read everything they put on paper.
me and the baby.
Then he was to report at Toledo.
a brave man.
He'd have been a great father.
Oh my God!
Push hard! Push! Right on!
You're doing great! Come on!
Breathe in, breathe out.
How are you feeling?
Okay. Are you ready?
Breathe in and out, and push!
Three, two, one!
Push, push, push!
One more time.
We're doing it this time. Ready?
Inhale, exhale.
Three, two, one!
Go, go, go! Push!
Can I hold her?
Ewa. Give her to me, please.
Delivery needed immediately.
Do you remember the plan?
Do you have any questions?
Thank you.
Is everything okay?
Why weren't you picking up?
I was in Toledo.
Are you fucking crazy?
Drawicz didn't do it.
It's their false flag.
I had my camera on me.
I'll send you the video now.
You disobeyed the fucking order!
- Did anyone see you?
- No.
They say Skopintsev died there.
I doubt it.
Did you see him there?
I saw them kill Drawicz.
And I have his wife's testimony.
She had a baby.
And I sent them to Poland.
I'll take care of her.
Send it all to me ASAP.
Maybe, with Kozlov dead,
it'll be easier for us to get Skiner out.
I hope so.
Focus on the mole.
That nosy bitch.
Paulina here.
Please leave a message.
It's me.
I'm calling in case you worried about me.
A bomb exploded here
in the hotel last night.
They say a Polish guy blew himself up
but you know how they are with the truth.
I'm safe and sound.
I hope you guys are okay too.
Say hi to Kai.
Who the fuck are you?
Krzysztof Halaj,
head of Intelligence Agency.
I know you speak Polish.
Where's the PM?
At home.
He's sleeping. It's early.
What kind of fuckery is this, huh?
We didn't want to cancel the meeting
I'm standing in.
You don't seem
to understand the situation.
The shit you stepped into.
This Polish terrorist
who strapped a bomb to himself
and blew up half of Toledo Hotel
was recently exchanged
for a Russian officer.
Who was unlawfully arrested,
do you understand?
It was your spy, Ambassador.
The Polish government knew
who they were obtaining in the exchange
and we have the right to assume
that a terrorist was deliberately freed.
Poland attacks Belarus.
And Russia will fulfil its duties
as an ally of Belarus.
President of Russian Federation expects
an act of indemnification by 12 PM.
Allow me to give you a piece of advice.
Don't be stingy.
Are you threatening us?
Ambassador, are you threatening NATO?
You imply that
an alleged Polish terrorist,
Jan Drawicz, with explosives
strapped around his body,
deliberately stood next to General Kozlov
to blow himself and others up, right?
This is the only credible version
derived from the investigation.
Drawicz admitted
to everything in a video.
The alleged Polish terrorist,
Mr. Jan Drawicz,
at the moment of the explosion
was in the boot of a car,
murdered by some suspicious people
that I assume you'd recognize.
We also have the testimony of his wife
who claims that he was forced
to record a fake expose.
How do we call this act of terror, sir?
- Who recorded this video?
- Our man.
Polish school of cinematography.
Famous worldwide.
There is one Polish film,
"Cold War,"
about an unfortunate love.
Funny, ha-ha.
If it wasn't forged.
You're going to get all the evidence.
To verify the metadata.
Right now they're investigated separately
by Polish and American experts.
Thank you for the meeting, Ambassador.
It's been a long time
since my country
has been insulted so badly.
It lasted the whole night.
As of now, all Toledo guests
and employees have been evacuated.
Nobody is in danger now.
Bodies of the victims,
What are you doing?
General Kozlov's dead.
You wanna know who wiped him out?
That Polish terrorist, haven't you heard?
Then why was the video of this Polish guy
taken off the Internet so quickly?
- You serious?
- Yeah.
These fuckers are hiding something.
Every TV station lies.
And you thought ours
is telling the truth for a change?
friend and traitor Makheyko is dead.
Thank you for your recommendation.
We'll be happy to hear more.
Thank you.
I've just identified the body.
It's Makheyko. The Russian.
Our source, temporarily a sleeper cell.
How did they know?
that Skiner started talking.
I think we have a procedure for this.
We do.
We're moving all the sleepers he knew.
OK, work on.
I don't want to lose more people.
But I'd keep Ewa for now.
That's how you thank her
for saving our asses in Toledo?
By leaving her alone out there?
She should keep looking for the mole.
Your person, your responsibility.
Do as you wish.
Okay, thank you.
Fucking hell.
They won't let us get away
with that Drawicz thing.
Go home!
I can't drive through.
You Polish whore!
And her pimp!
Pack your stuff
and fuck off to Poland!
Get the hell out!
This one has acetone.
Do you want some?
Yeah, acetone. Fantastic.
You got new earrings.
They're nice.
God, the worst thing you can do
is to show a man that you care.
My grandma used to say,
"Never show a man your whole ass."
My gran said the same thing.
But when I was younger,
I thought it was about sex.
Like, what would she know
with the lights off.
And you?
Have you ever been in love?
It's just mere bullshit.
Where were you last night?
At 3 AM we ran a security check
you weren't in your room.
Indeed, I was not in my room.
I know you did not leave the building.
Is it someone from the embassy, then?
It's my personal matter.
I ask solely due to security matters.
We used protection.
You're impertinent.
And you're biased.
I suggest you eat some mints.
I can smell it from here and, trust me,
I rinsed my face with acetone.
- Are you okay, Ewa?
- Yes, thank you.
It was a bit scary, though.
Were you in touch with our Poles?
I just found out
they were detained one by one at night.
Lemanski was taken away.
What can happen to them?
Interrogation, beating,
they'll be intimidated,
and then, hopefully, released.
- Can we help them somehow?
- We shall see.
MFA decided that we're moving
to the third security alert level.
Charlie, CRP.
- I see.
- Have you seen my water?
We have to prepare
for an evacuation of the consulate.
We need to pack our documents.
Embassy of the Republic of Poland,
how can I help you?
Polish whores.
You either get the hell
out of there yourselves
or we'll come and start
poisoning you like rats, one by one.
We'll burn your houses
and hang your kids.
We'll blow you all the fuck up!
New IDs are ready and they sent us
the list of safe addresses.
Hang on.
They broke the negotiations
on Skiner's exchange.
I know we have
Okay, later.
What's up?
The physicist monitoring the footage
from the nuclear engineer's glasses
says that now
they're the same files on and on.
As if someone was switching attachments.
Makes no sense.
They found the overview.
Check with the border
if Tamara or Nikolai Sorokin crossed it.
Do we have anyone on stand-by?
Wake him the fuck up, then.
- Let's bounce.
- Yeah.
Wonder what happens with us now.
Who's gonna be the one
to bullshit us this time.
I'm sorry.
We need to finish the evacuation list.
- The morality guard is always watching.
- Like guard,
like rebel.
Well done.
It's just a flare.
Away from the window!
Inka! What's the matter?
There's something in her throat,
we need to clear it!
Bring the AED!
Go on, pump.
Don't stop.
- Clear the area around the patient.
- Okay.
Press the shock button.
Perform CPR.
Call the ambulance!
Inka, come on!