The Edge of Sleep (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Black Triangle

The sleep chamber,
developed by
Dr. Luis Castaneda,
is an instrument
of supreme sophistication.
It allows us to enter
a subject's temporal lobe,
initiating a response
to evaluate crucial aspects
of dream construction.
By placing a human subject
in the chamber,
the special rays
of the sleep chamber
penetrate the remote
and semantic memories
of the user
allowing the technician
to monitor the dream,
influence the dream,
and, as a result,
understand the dream--
understand the dream--
understand the dream--
understand the dream,
Dave, what have you--
What's wrong?
You're good.
You're good.
Do you see 'em?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ah! Maybe you need to,
like, swirl it around.
You've got
to stop saying words,
you're not helping.
Well, I mean,
we gotta find 'em.
That could be it.
I'm done.
Yeah, okay.
Um I got this.
Interesting color.
Yeah. I had, um,
a pomegranate kombucha.
I can see that.
God, it's so warm.
Two little white pills?
I think I found them.
When I look up
from my pillow ♪
I dream you are there ♪
With me ♪
Though you are far away ♪
I know you'll always
be near to me ♪
I go to sleep ♪
Sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I go to sleep, sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I look around me ♪
And feel you are
ever so close ♪
To me ♪
Though tears that flow ♪
From my eyes ♪
Bring back memories of you ♪
To me ♪
I go to sleep ♪
Sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
I go to sleep, sleep ♪
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me ♪
With me ♪
When did the nightmares begin?
When he was born.
I brought him home
from the hospital,
and he just cried and cried,
and he just never
slept through the night.
And when did you first notice
the acts of self-harm?
It started pretty young.
Bruises and scratch marks
on his arms and his legs,
but sometimes more serious.
Did any of the medication work?
Not really, no.
Nothing's really helped us.
And the other doctors
that Dave has seen
did they reach a consensus?
he suffers
from extreme exhaustion.
The concern now is
that it could lead
to developmental issues.
Oh, Tracy, Tracy.
It's It's all right.
It's going to be all right.
Thank you.
We will get to the root
of Dave's problems.
Have you ever heard
of something like this?
A virus that kills you
in your sleep.
How long
can someone stay awake for?
It varies
from person to person.
Several days maybe.
You still don't wanna
stay up past 48 hours.
That's when everything
starts to breakdown.
You start seeing things.
You start hearing things.
Paranoia, depression, psychosis,
Horrible thoughts circle
and get into your head.
And then, at 72 hours
well, let's just say
you miss how you felt at 48.
Great sales pitch, asshole.
I know.
I'm just saying.
Look, we need
to watch each other.
How's everyone feeling?
I mean, I'm cool.
I ran a few miles,
but I'm good.
I'm a little tired,
if I'm being honest.
I was out all night.
Out doing what?
I wasn't using,
if that's what you mean.
That's not what I was saying.
It's not really
any of your business, is it?
It's my business
if there's a crisis happening.
That still doesn't
really matter.
I'm just trying to help.
Hey, hey.
Come on, guys.
We gotta focus, a'ight?
We ain't got time for this.
Broadcast went out an hour ago.
We should get back
to the hospital,
see if there's anyone there.
Look, we should split up.
See if anyone's here.
Okay. Yeah.
Go that way.
Hey, yo! Anybody here?
Is anyone here?
Help! Help.
Do you hear that?
Where the hell you been?
Linda, we've found someone!
Oh, my god, Katie!
You two know each other?
Lilly from NA--
this is her mom, Ruth.
Glad you finally
decided to show up.
I've never heard of
a four-hour cigarette break
I'm sorry. Uh
- Can you tell me what's wrong?
- You.
This place.
I'd get better care
at an animal shelter.
I think that
she's being treated for cancer.
It's lymphoma
in my spine.
I feel like I got
razors in my back.
Can you please
get me some codeine?
I can't sleep without it.
Well, it's not time
to sleep yet.
But I will get you something
to help with the pain.
Oh, yeah. I'll go--
I'll-- I'll go check
the other rooms.
Where is everybody?
What are you doing here, Katie?
I'm visiting.
Oh. Oh
Jesus, the staff
must've forgot about her
when they cleared out.
I mean, is there
anything that we can do?
She's in so much pain.
Her cancer's metastasized,
it's pressing up
against her spine.
She uses codeine to fall asleep,
so that's off the table.
I could give her something
to take the edge off,
but her pain's kept her alive.
Dave's illness
is truly one in a million.
Chronic night terrors--
it's an exceedingly
rare condition.
But in my office--
in my home--
we like to look directly
at our patients' dreams.
Now, I've been looking
at Dave's drawings.
And I've noticed
that he has two dreams
that manifest most frequently.
The first is one
I like to call
the "Elephant Monster".
And the second,
perhaps you can help me with.
"The Dream People."
"The Dream People."
"The Dream People," yes.
This is Modafalyst.
It's a stimulant.
Oh, I know Modafalyst.
In the air force,
pilots would take it
before missions.
Keeps you up for days.
I'm not supposed
to take any pills
that aren't prescribed
by a medical professional.
I am a medical professional.
You've just been prescribed.
Take it.
I know this isn't easy for you,
but we need this right now.
I'm just gonna say this now,
it's been several hours
since our broadcast
and no one showed up.
We have to keep reaching out--
uh, police, FBI, CDC.
But we have to consider
the reason
they're not picking up
is because this is
happening everywhere.
We might be on our own.
You think this is global?
I mean, that's impossible.
I've seen
a lot of things today
that I thought were impossible.
Let's give it 15 minutes
for the meds to kick in.
I gotta go prep the cadavers
for pathology.
Wait. What?
If we wanna figure out
what's going on,
we have to examine the bodies.
And-- And you know
how to do that?
Kind of.
Kind of?
Hey! Do you see
any other doctors here?
No? Well, shit,
I guess that leaves us.
See you in
the coroner's office in ten.
Hey, you know,
the more I spend time
with this chick,
the more I think
she might actually be
batshit insane.
She's intense.
Yeah, but, I kinda like her.
Hey, any of y'all
coming up yet?
Just me then.
Of course,
this lovely piece
of machinery and technology
needs no introduction.
The Dream Chamber.
With the Dream Chamber,
we can enter a dream,
we can influence a dream,
and, by doing so,
we understand the dream.
And this
this will solve Dave's problem.
The Dream Chamber is a result
of over 30 years of work.
It really has been, for me,
a journey,
and not always an easy one.
There's been a lot of pain,
for me, personally--
in my personal life--
because of this.
A lot of
A lot of relationships
that came into my life
and now no longer exist.
But it's worth it--
the loneliness.
It's worth it.
I go into an emotional state
when I talk about my machine.
Oh, you're such a sweetie.
No wonder my Lilly loves you.
Can you try and call
that silly girl?
She's supposed to be here.
Yeah, of course.
She's gonna be okay.
We're gonna take care of her.
We-- We can get through this.
Stop what?
There is no "we"
And stop pretending
like everything
is just normal between us.
I know I did something terrible,
but what is it you think I did?
Did I do something to you?
Did I hurt you?
Tell me, what did I do?
You really don't get it,
do you?
It wasn't about what you did,
it's that you pretended
that it never happened at all.
And you promised
you'd be honest with me,
but you're not even
being honest with yourself.
It has been years
since I felt that vulnerable
like I could relapse.
You know?
And I can't go back to that.
Not for you.
Not for anyone.
Yeah. I understand.
Is that all you have to say?
Well, what do you
want me to say?
Dave, literally anything.
What is going on with you?
I mean, I knew
that your nightmares
were getting worse
you never talked to me.
Katie, there are some things
about my condition
that I didn't think
you should know.
You know
one of the first things
that they teach in recovery
is that you can't keep running
from your problems
and you have to face them.
You have to face them head on.
the undertaker awaits.
You wanna join us, Katie?
Is the camera on?
Uh, this is Linda Russo.
I'm a registered nurse
at the Santa Mira Hospital.
Uh, the time is approximately
3:46 p.m., July 5th.
Assisting me
with the pathology report
is Dave
what's your last name?
Uh, Torres.
Dave Torres.
Dave Torres
and Matteo?
Matteo Leon.
I'm a Capricorn.
Uh, six foot.
I like college basketball,
My bad.
We are examining
the body of Duane Bradley.
37-year-old male.
Checked into the hospital
July 4th with a fractured rib.
He died in his sleep
somewhere between
four and five a.m.
I've marked the incision
and will begin
with the right mastoid.
I'm reflecting
the anterior flap forward
and separating
the connective tissues.
He's hot.
That's what you're into?
No, his head is hot.
Like he's feverish.
But he's dead.
Yes, I am aware.
Removing the scalp.
And now we will open
the cranium.
Pass the bone saw.
Uh, this one?
Here we go.
- Shit!
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Oh, come on, man!
- Is it in my eye?
- Uh, yeah, well--
Oh, my god,
it's just a little blood.
Well, I didn't see you
getting sprayed.
I'm a nurse,
I get sprayed with blood
every day.
Do you even know
what you're doing here?
Uh, would you like
to take over, pal?
Please, be my guest.
No. But I'm just saying,
I don't usually see nurses
cracking people's skulls open
like they're coconuts.
Okay, well, I have
a Ph.D. in Neurology.
Then what are you doing
working as an E.R. nurse?
I wasn't always an E.R. nurse.
I used to work for Cynagen.
Oh. Oh! Unbelievable!
See, I knew that you were shady.
- Hey!
I knew it.
She works for some Big Pharma,
deep state type of bullshit.
Hey! Look!
Oh, sh
What is going on?
Does it look like
I have a fucking clue?
Whoa, what are you doing?
I'm continuing
with the incision.
All right, are you su-- Okay.
I'm removing the skull.
Holy shit.
What am I looking at?
I don't know.
Mentira, mente, corpo
cerebro, boca, dentes ♪
Ataque, nervos
ouvidos, surdez ♪
Vice-versa outravez ♪
Pupilas dilatadas ♪
Portas, trincos, janelas
visao, corredor, solidao ♪
Pes no chao
Loucura, paixao ♪
Homem, mulher
amor, interrogacao ♪
Mente, palavras
gargantas, lagrimas ♪
Pupilas dilatadas ♪
Pupilas dilatadas ♪
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