The Empress (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

The Wedding

[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Rauscher] Lord.
Guide us through the darkness
and lead us into the light.
Show us who is good
and who lusts for evil.
[doorman] Your Royal Highness?
It is time.
[Rauscher] The Emperor
fights for us
and for our beloved Austrian Empire.
He shows us the righteous path.
With strength
and wisdom,
the Emperor protects us
and our Empire from the dark powers
that would seek to undermine it.
And now,
Almighty God has proffered him a bride.
She will be an island
in the midst of a raging storm.
Her bosom shall give refuge
to our divine Emperor.
For demonic forces are at our door
that would seek to devour
our beloved Empire whole.
But this alliance,
Franz and Elisabeth,
will protect us.
It will shine
for all eternity.
By the grace of God,
I declare you
man and wife.
[dramatic music continues]
[crowd cheering]
[music continues]
[cheering loudly]
[horse whinnies]
[gendarme 1] Stay back! Stay back!
[gendarme 2] Everyone to the side!
[gendarme 3] This way!
- [gendarme 4] Send more men this way!
- [gendarme 5] You get back!
[horse whinnies]
[theme music playing]
- [crowd continues clamouring]
- [bell tolling in distance]
[Elisabeth exhales]
[both chuckle softly]
[horse whinnies in distance]
[cork pops]
[doorman] A visitor,
Your Imperial Highness.
[door shuts]
You are late.
[woman] Thank you for the invitation.
Your Imperial Highness.
You always add a splash of colour
to a drab and dreary evening.
But now you're on your own.
I'll be all right.
What is it that you have in mind?
To make new friends. See old ones again.
[classical music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[women chuckling]
Why so nervous? Never been to a ball?
Of course.
I'm just not quite as blasé
about it as others.
[woman 1] Where are the bride and groom?
They should be here by now.
[woman chuckling]
What's your story, Leontine?
A lady from a noble house
in the throes of youth.
Why aren't you wedded yet?
I have to find a husband
as I have seven sisters.
Father says that five must marry
or else he will hang himself.
I'm not after a husband.
What are you after?
[classical music continues]
[woman chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
I'm told that you
had a visitor last night.
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
[Buol] Your Imperial Highness,
the Foreign Minister.
You're here at this hour? Really?
Forgive me, Your Highness,
but this is of the upmost urgency.
Speak then.
The Russians are amassing a vast number
of soldiers on our eastern front.
There are reports of border violations.
It's a clear assault.
The Russian army is on Habsburg soil?
I know that you and the Tsar
are very old friends
Even old friendships come to an end.
A violation at the border is an insult.
We must inform the Emperor.
[emotional music playing]
[indistinct whispering]
[woman 1] She looks a bit pale.
Now we'll see if she's up to this.
[indistinct whispers continue]
[woman 2] Pretty hair.
[woman 2] I heard
she only caused trouble in Bayern.
What happens now?
The court dances in our honour.
We don't dance until the very end.
Then you have not heard? It's cancelled.
- So you don't look absurd.
- [ballroom music playing]
[Franz chuckles]
She actually looks like an empress.
However did you do it, Mother?
Have you not seen?
The people positively adored her.
You wanted them to calm down,
not to get worked up like dogs in heat.
- [Sophie] You exaggerate.
- I say what I see.
No, Maximilian.
You see what lies within your own heart.
Who is that woman?
[Elisabeth] There.
I don't know her.
[Elisabeth scoffs]
[upbeat classical music playing]
[music ends]
[guests applauding]
There are problems arising at the border.
We must speak immediately.
Do excuse me.
[Charlotte] My congratulations,
Your Majesty.
- [lady] Care for a glass of
- [Ludovika] You look magnificent.
before you see your guests?
I always knew that Elisabeth
was a very special girl.
Now, Helene,
we just need to find you a husband.
- I would like to make a request.
- Certainly, Your Majesty.
I would like my sister to stay here
with me at court.
Do you want to remain?
But you already
have such wonderful company here.
She's my sister.
I trust no one more.
I would like to remain.
She will be the head of my court.
Is that a problem?
This is an outright provocation.
It was a mistake to provoke Tsar Nicholas.
It would be an even graver error
to give in to him now.
I will not let him force me into this war.
I most urgently beseech you
to give the French and Russian ambassadors
an indication
as to whose side we're taking.
And remember our responsibility's
to the people in the border regions.
Does your heart really bleed
for a few Romanian serfs?
as you know, I have excellent connections
with the French.
I'll speak to them.
Then we shall form an alliance.
No, the most vital concern is
to reinforce the east without delay.
With at least 250,000 men.
Tell the ambassadors
I will be making a decision.
Shall we continue our discussions alone,
Your Majesty?
Please leave me alone.
[bell rings]
Maximilian, stay.
[door closes]
You invited Countess Gundemann?
Louise? She's here?
[Franz] Stop it.
This is tasteless, even for you.
I knew nothing of it. Really.
Theo, see to it
that the Countess is shown out.
Just keep an eye on her.
I don't want scandal.
What do you care for that old liaison?
It's long since over with her.
Or maybe not?
You want to be my confidant,
yet you flirt with my bride
behind my back.
It wasn't like that.
She simply accepted my invitation.
You were invited as well.
As of now,
you will remain out of all of my affairs.
And stay away from her. From everything.
[Maximilian inhales]
Bringing you back to Vienna was an error.
All you do is ruin things.
- If you would.
- [horse whinnies]
[door opens]
[Franz exhales]
[door shuts]
[man] Your Majesty?
The gentlemen have just arrived.
[sombre music playing]
[Theo] Countess.
I was wondering how long it would take
for them to appoint a nursemaid.
If there is anything I can do for you.
Oh, there is one thing, Theo.
So tell me,
who is the most powerful man
at the party tonight?
[Theo] His Majesty, of course.
Even the Emperor needs
something from someone.
I'm afraid I cannot help you.
Come on now, don't be coy.
You know everything.
No one knows him better than you.
[Sophie] Kempen, there you are.
What happened outside the church?
It looked as though
you had lost all control.
We have made several arrests now,
Your Highness.
And there's a growing restlessness
in some parts of the city.
We're hearing of taverns
where liberal propaganda is circulating,
and insurgents are gathering.
Give me the word,
and I'll take decisive action tonight,
Imperial Highness.
On a day of Royal celebration?
How would that look?
Countess, is there a problem?
She wants her sister to remain here.
- As the head of her royal household.
- [Sophie] Does she?
[Esterhazy] I think
it'd be a terrible mistake.
It is imperative that the young empress
remains under our guidance.
Your Imperial Highness?
I'll find a solution.
And you.
Arrest as many as you want,
but in the morning, you will pardon
50 people we have locked in our cells.
As an imperial gift on the wedding day.
Very well, Imperial Highness.
[Charlotte] Did you hear? They say
there were arrests outside the church.
- Arrests? But why, though?
- Impugning your honour, Your Majesty.
Let's not speak of such things
on this happy day.
They say conditions
for people in the city are awful!
- They're starving! So hungry!
- [Amalia] Those are just rumours.
[Ludovika] Starving, you say?
All I can say is I only had salted carrots
for three months to fit into this dress.
- It was worth it.
- [all chuckle]
Which is why the champagne you've guzzled
has gone straight to your head.
- [woman] You like to get your hands dirty.
- [man chuckles] You have no idea.
You have shown the world what you think
of our union. That's enough.
I'm not doing this out of spite, Ludovika.
Oh. Then why do you flirt
with every woman in sight?
Because you show no interest.
Stop being such a fool.
[Helene] Who is that?
She's staring at me.
Do you know who that woman is up there?
[Amalia] No, I'm sorry.
Oh, that's Countess Gundemann,
with whom His Majesty is [gasps]
[Amalia] A misunderstanding, Majesty.
Ladies, if you'll excuse me,
I need to speak to the Emperor.
- Majesty, we'll go with you.
- She will go alone.
The Empress is never alone.
It is not permitted.
- Franz Liszt is here now.
- [Charlotte gasps]
[Elisabeth] Franz?
Are you here?
[Louise] Your Majesty.
My congratulations.
Why were you staring at me earlier?
[Louise] Are you always so direct?
I try.
[Louise] How does it feel?
To be married?
Like yesterday, but in white.
[chuckles softly]
I knew the two of us would get along.
Are you married?
- I have avoided it.
- Do you know the Emperor?
[contemplative music playing]
You know,
everyone at court
has their own small role.
A part to play.
What is it you do?
I see to the entertainment.
But now I'm here.
Whatever role you may have had
is now over.
[Louise] This palace
has its own plans for you.
It changes people.
It creeps inside.
It has eyes everywhere.
Your Majesty.
[man 1] So you want a loan
for a new railway?
But we have one already.
[man 2] His Majesty
is convinced that the public mood
would be improved in the provinces
if they were better connected.
He wants to unite
the people of the empire.
Forgive me, Majesty. Who is he again?
Alexander von Bach,
interior minister and close adviser.
[von Bach] Conditions in parts
of the empire are intolerable,
which is why we face a revolt.
This expansion will mean more trade,
more prosperity.
Majesty, where is your mother?
I would like to introduce her to my son.
Simon will take over
my businesses one day.
Just as one day,
your son will surely do the same.
Gentleman, times are desperate.
- The other European states are now ahead.
- [man 3] Oh, thank you.
You are not only investing
in this railway
[man 2] No, no, we can't yet.
you're investing in a better future
for the people of the Habsburg Empire.
Are you planning
on shoring up the military?
As an ally of England and France?
An investment in troops
could be of very great interest.
And how would these troops
get to the border?
How would we get food to them?
The eastern border
is over 1,000 kilometres away.
We need this railway for everything.
Including war.
- [knocking on door]
- [door opens]
[doorman] Your Majesty, the Empress.
Forgive the intrusion.
[man 3] Majesty,
what a wonderful surprise.
And what a great honour.
Can I speak with you for a moment?
It must wait.
It is important.
I said later.
Of course.
[door shuts]
[man 4] If I may,
the Empress is exquisite.
Do you still remember
your wedding night, Sina?
[Sina] Probably better than you,
von Eskeles.
[von Eskeles] I remember mine vaguely.
[Sina] Right, uh, well, Majesty,
we thank you wholeheartedly
for these excellent cigars,
but I'm afraid to say we cannot help you.
My apologies.
Come, Simon.
[door opens]
- I always get so queasy on trains.
- [door shuts]
[classical music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
Have you lost an empress? Yet again?
[Amalia] Her Majesty is taking a walk.
Your Highness,
my name is Charlotte von Stubenberg.
My cousin served in your navy.
Perhaps you remember him. He has one ear.
And you are?
I have no interest in being the next girl
to lose her position on your account.
You might find it's worth it.
In my experience, it never is. [chuckles]
[Charlotte] Who's that man there?
He looks intriguing.
- That is the French ambassador.
- Ah!
[Maximilian] Monsieur De Bourqueney.
[in French] Good evening.
[in English] Your Imperial Highness.
Such a pleasure to see you again.
The pleasure is all mine.
What a magnificent occasion indeed.
[chuckles] Of course, it does not compare
to your costume ball last year.
I know you have pressing business
with my brother.
With respect, Emperor Napoleon
has shown the Habsburgs great patience.
And yet it is time now
for His Majesty, your emperor,
to decide which side he is on.
Your emperor pays a high price
for his peace.
Oh please.
- My brother cares not for peace.
- Hmm.
[in French] How so?
[in English] If France and Russia
tear each other to pieces,
then who will hold sway in Europe?
My brother calls it peace,
but profits from your war
by staying out of it.
[both breathing heavily]
[Sophie moaning]
[man] Did you miss me?
Say that you did.
I wanted you to see
the man he's become.
The young woman
who felt this vast palace too small,
who wanted to change everything,
is she still in there?
I don't know.
[gentle music playing]
And now?
You have a new Empress.
What will become of you?
Well, maybe I will do the things
I've always wanted to do.
[man] Then come.
Let us go away from here. In the morning.
How foolish of me. [chuckles]
You'll never leave this place.
Am I right?
That is your true love.
[gentle music continues]
But there can be only one Empress.
[water splashes]
[man humming]
[man] Ah-ha!
Here comes the bride!
Can you please act normally for once?
What does that mean, "normally"?
Are the people in there normal?
You know what I mean.
Come on in.
It's like home almost.
But we are not at home.
I beg your forgiveness,
Your Holy Highness,
but you know what I'm like. [chuckles]
You behave like an ass
and call that freedom.
[Father] So that's how it is.
They've changed you already.
Bring me my gun!
Today we have to shoot you.
Can't you just be happy for me?
[Father] Happy? What for?
Should we ask your sister
what she thinks about all this?
And now she's supposed to look after you,
even though she loves him.
[fireworks whistling]
[fireworks bursting]
I want you to leave.
And Mother too.
I really don't want you here.
[fireworks continue bursting]
[sombre music playing]
[Father] You'll never be yourself again
as long as you're in there.
You've got yourself
an emperor, though. Huh?
You can't have it all, Elisabeth!
Your Majesty.
My congratulations on your marriage.
Forgive me, have we met?
[man] Not in person.
I'm an old friend of your mother's.
Gustav von Vasa, Your Majesty.
Von Vasa?
Are you a Swede?
Yes, but I haven't been home
for a number of years.
- The war with Napoleon?
- Worse. Trouble with the family.
- [chuckles] You don't say.
- [chuckles]
My sister [inhales]
Let's just say it's better if there's
at least one mountain range between us.
[chuckles] It's the same
with my brother and I these days.
The palace is too small for us both.
I can't imagine that.
When you were both little and your brother
couldn't sleep, you sat with him in bed.
So that the demons wouldn't catch him.
Majesty, kindly excuse me.
How do you know that
about me and my brother?
Your mother told me.
[von Bach] Your Majesty?
Baron von Sina has requested
an immediate audience with you.
You were expecting my father?
Honestly, yes.
Well, he doesn't want to accept it,
but I decide what investments
and loans our bank makes.
I think your plans are right.
I think it's high time
that the Industrial Revolution
comes to the Habsburg.
I'm very pleased to hear that.
However, with all respect,
your family has a reputation
for spending more than it has.
A magnificent party, by the way.
As you may know, I'm not one
to fritter away money on wars or castles.
Everyone builds statues in the end,
don't they?
You have my word.
And that's not enough.
Or so I thought.
But there is someone who could convince me
that I can trust you.
And I've heard
you know her well.
My congratulations, Majesty.
How nice to see you.
Thank you, Countess.
[Simon] On Monday, I'll have a proposal
for the loan sent over.
Shall we?
[von Bach] This is incredible.
This is fantastic.
We have the loan!
- That is, you have the loan, Your Majesty.
- What loan is that?
Tell the ambassadors
I ally myself with no one.
And instead?
I'll make our country great.
But first, I'll build a railway.
- You are not an earnest.
- Majesty, this is a grave error.
[Sophie] You cannot seriously want
to sell out our country to those dogs.
For a trinket!
Where did you get this idea?
If you'll excuse me, it is time for me
to dance with my bride.
[Sophie] If the Empire crumbles,
I'll hang you first.
[sombre music playing]
[De Bourqueney]
Imperial Highness, au revoir.
I will make my way to Paris tonight.
Napoleon must know
of your brother's intentions.
Please send Napoleon my regards.
I very much hope
our two nations will soon be great allies.
That would require a new head of state.
If you can think of anyone.
[dramatic music continues]
[fireworks bursting]
We looked everywhere for you.
The entire court was up in arms.
[Charlotte] We thought
someone had abducted you.
[Amalia] The Emperor had to wait so long,
and the guests were confused.
[classical music playing]
[Franz] Helene.
[Helene] Your Majesty.
My congratulations.
Thank you.
You look enchanting, Helene.
If I may say so.
Thank you.
I expect people to say
that I should claw your eyes out.
Let their tongues wag.
I'm glad you want to stay
with Elisabeth for a while.
[Sophie] There you are.
Is something wrong?
You always know everything.
Say the word, and we'll make sure
the countess never shows her face again.
Thank you. It's not necessary.
Everyone will want
a piece of you, Elisabeth.
Don't let it worry you.
Learn who you can trust.
Is it right
that Helene remains here at court?
Or is it selfish of me?
There is no simple answer to that.
If you're asking me
if she's loyal to you, yes.
But whether she's still hurt
[guests applauding]
How would you feel, my dear?
We have a cousin in Bohemia.
We'll arrange a stay for her there.
She needs time away from your parents,
wouldn't you say?
[indistinct whispers, chatter]
[classical music continues]
How was your evening?
Is anything wrong?
[classical music continues]
[people clamouring]
[indistinct yelling]
Come on!
[woman screams]
[music crescendos]
[guests applauding]
Your Majesties,
now for the most important part.
The wedding night.
Without successful consummation tonight,
the marriage is not valid.
The act must be performed.
You will wear this gown
for the entire duration of the act.
Do not take it off.
Pain is normal.
It's best you lie still
and let everything take its course.
This coupling is not
in the pursuit of pleasure.
This coupling is for God.
For the Holy Habsburg Empire.
[door shuts]
I lied to you.
I know that woman.
She told me.
It was over long ago.
But she won't accept.
All night I felt like a fool.
I'm sorry.
Everyone here treats me
like I am a silly little girl.
They want to get into my head.
Like my brother?
Be careful of him, that's all.
Anything else?
This nightgown
I can't take it off or I'll go to hell.
[Franz chuckles]
What are you doing?
[Franz inhales]
It's calming. [exhales]
[gentle music playing]
[Franz exhales]
We'll do this.
You will not abandon me?
I promise.
[gentle music continues]
[Elisabeth exhales]
I'll close my eyes.
[horse whinnies]
I'm sorry they sent us away
from the court so soon.
They do not know what she's like.
Not one of them knows
what she's really like.
You always said she was not all there.
Like me.
But she's stronger than me.
And she gets that from you.
[horse whinnies]
Don't be sad, Helene.
[Helene] I'm not, Mother.
This is her journey now.
I heard that Prince von Vasa has left us.
[Esterhazy exhales]
It's better that way. You know that.
- He caused us so much trouble. Remember?
- What if he's right?
That my time has past?
[Esterhazy exhales]
What are you doing?
Good night, Your Imperial Highness.
[exhales shakily]
[birds chirping]
[gentle music playing]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music fades]
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