The End (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Fuck Christmas

Right this way, sir.
Hi, Johnny.
I brought you a little mate.
Who's this little fella?
Bad apple.
Can I take him home?
Bastards won't let me go home.
I want you to take me home.
How's your mum?
Still threatening to stick her head
in the oven?
We're in our passive aggressive,
not speaking part of the cycle.
It comes right before I grovel.
Merry Christmas.
How are you, mate?
We right for coffees?
Good for you.
Now the wife has made cheese balls.
Five different kinds of cheese.
I don't want a cheese ball, Gerry.
Everyone wants a cheese ball.
I want to go back to work.
Oh, OK.
Talk to me.
Kate's frustrated.
She wants to get back
to her patients.
She gives a shit, God bless her.
It's not a slap on the wrist.
Isn't it?
No. It's a suggestion.
Spend time with the kids.
What if I could get her husband
That ship's sailed.
He's got a solicitor.
This woman was late-stage MND.
I mean, did she even have
the arm strength to do this?
I mean, is anyone asking
that question?
And how about the husband?
Where was he at the time of death?
No. No. I need the blue gel
for 'Winter Wonderland'.
Copy that.
Every year.
Same songs,
same regional Eisteddfod
I mean one might think
I'm not talking Broadway but off,
for about half a minute.
And then Sydney,
the original cast of 'Hair'.
Well, go on then.
Show them how it's done.
Couldn't bear it.
Santa's little helpers,
I want a shuffle step-ball-change
in from the left.
Eyes on Iris.
Oh, bugger it.
We're a day away
from curtain up
if you haven't noticed.
I want a slot.
We do.
Edie and I.
A slot?
Sign us up.
I'm not doing it.
You will.
This one has got
all the Christmas classics.
We've got Elvis, Mariah,
what's she done to herself?
What has she done to herself?
Oh, look. A text.
My daughter's version of apology.
With emoji or without?
You raise them,
do everything for them,
and in the end
your daughters
always love their fathers best.
Back-up vocals.
On your feet.
I'm sure you have a voice?
Soaring church hymns?
George would disagree.
Booted me out of his own choir.
This husband of yours,
I'm getting a picture.
Any chance was he a cunt?
You probably would've fancied him.
A lot of women did.
Bugger off.
You're not a shrinking violet.
You're just not.
I say, fuck your husband.
Fuck choirs.
Fuck, I don't know
Oh god, yes. Fuck Christmas.
Fuck Christmas the most.
Come on.
Come on, have a go.
Let's have a try.
I'm not promising anything.
Alright, you don't have to.
Shoo-shoo, keep going, it's good.
Stop it.
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in a storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
Oh the fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still goodbying
But as long as you love me so
Let it snow ♪
Heads down.
..Let it snow
Let it snow. ♪
Competitor's ready
Can you guys be quick?
Seph really wants us to watch.
Nice burqa.
Come on, Seph!
Come on! Dig deep!
Kathy, you're screeching.
Push, Seph! Puuuuuush!
Josh, hi, I'm so glad we can talk.
Of course, yeah, yeah.
When were you thinking?
Check the airways.
It's not a successful rescue
if your buddy isn't breathing.
Come on.
Come on, Persephone.
Pound his chest!
Pound it.
That's right.
Stop, stop, stop!
We're leaving.
Staying at Jasper's.
Can I stay with Nanna today?
No, you're not! Oberon!
I'm going to show Art my medal.
I think it will lift their spirits.
That would actually be helpful.
Nanna, do you mind?
I thought I was toxic?
Unfit to be around children?
I'm going to Art's.
There's some sort of show on tonight
at the
..what they call a restaurant.
Would you like us to come?
Oh, no. No.
Just Pamela,
who you met at the?
At the hospital, yeah.
She's asked me to sing something
with her.
What, in public?
I think it's quite a big deal
for her.
Bit sad really.
Yeah, we'd love to come.
I knew it would just take some time.
You know, for you to settle in.
Make some friends.
Well, that was exceedingly clever
of you
because actually
I've never been more miserable.
Never in my entire life.
Art wants you to look at
one of his moles.
I have to get to an appointment.
It's changed shape.
So, not a mole then?
No. Sorry.
Not a huge shock.
I've been at the precipice
of eccentric for a while.
What did your specialist say?
A lot.
Vascular dementia,
I didn't know
there were different types.
It's good to take someone
along with you if you can
to those appointments.
It's early days,
there's going to be
a lot of decisions
Early days, yeah,
that's what he said.
It's a double-edged sword isn't it?
Anyway, kind of you to look.
If you can keep it under your hat?
Of course.
And if you need another referral?
Now, this Magpie.
Beak's giving me trouble.
What are your thoughts Persephone
on how to proceed?
I don't want to be too much.
Since when?
Thoughts? Feedback?
You need no compliment.
I don't think
you are fully appreciating
that this is a seminal outfit.
Semen-filled outfit, yes.
Because I told Mark
that tonight this sweet, young boy
becomes a man.
It's a Christmas miracle.
Interesting life choice.
I think I love him Bae.
No, actually for real.
Like I need to either shit
or puke all the time,
just thinking about him.
It looks good.
My friend Kate.
She is not terminal.
Just visiting.
Does anybody else feel like
having a bit of a share?
I just wanna say
I'm really grateful. I
I never realised
how much you grieve your own death.
Having you here makes me feel like
I'm not alone in it.
So cheers.
Liver, metastatic.
I'm not grateful today.
I do feel like a burden.
I guess I've been thinking of
a lot about ways for it to be over.
My neighbour's got a nail gun
in his shed if you're desperate?
A bit messy.
I won't be around to clean it up.
So what did you think?
I've worked in end-of-life
a long time.
On your terms.
A lot of people need help.
And they can't get it in a hospital.
Can we go outside? I just have a bit
of a church aversion thing.
Fair enough.
Uh, this heat.
Yeah, it's horrible.
Can I just
I know you must be thinking
a settlement will somehow
I mean, it's not gonna make it
hurt less. Nothing's going to.
I don't want money.
I want you to say you were wrong.
I was wrong.
I should've kept a better watch.
I should have sent a psychologist
down there.
No. Not for that.
Look. I want the Nembutal back.
What? Why?
Because it's expensive
and it's a shit-fight
to get through customs.
And there are people here
who need it.
No. I mean I got rid of it.
I don't have it.
Maybe I've got
a doctor aversion thing.
Were you famous?
Never even remotely.
My aunty Charlotte's a dancer
but we're not allowed to
talk about her.
I look ridiculous.
Nanna. You're a butterfly.
No. She's glow-worm.
Watch her glow.
I just feel like
there's so many more rights to diers
and legislations
They're never gonna vote it in.
Not up here in Cowboy country
Yeah, but if it was law, would you?
No and I don't it in my hospital
Remind me why.
Man, this Beth Carlisle thing
has really got to your head,
hasn't it?
Look. She hung herself.
She was nutty.
The slippery slope.
Family coercion.
The disabled.
The 24-year-old depressed girl
from Belgium,
who was granted the right to die.
Unbearable, uncontrollable suffering
is only 4% of patients anyway
and the debate
drains resources from Pal Care,
which we need desperately.
Oh god, I have got
the worst headache.
No. Have you got anything?
I just need to get out of my head.
Please, it's like barbwire in there.
Remember the time
you called me Daddy?
Please, Daddy.
Say it.
I'm not gonna
Say it.
I didn't get your music.
Right here.
Well, I hope,
because there is a standard
And because it was
so successful last year.
Oh, we were planning on
river dancing naked
are you saying
that's not appropriate?
It's entirely appropriate
in my book.
Bring it on.
It's me! Art?
I watch the work of my kin bold
and boyful
Toying somewhere between love
and abuse
Calling to join them
the wretched and joyful
Shaking the wings
of their terrible youths
Freshly dissolved
in some frozen devotion
No more alone or myself could I be
Looks like a strain to the arms
it were open ♪
You OK?
Does it hurt? protest from me
With her sweetened breath
and her tongue so mean ♪
Yeah, you wanted that, don't you?
Where am I going? Back or breasts?
Oh, don't say breasts.
Where's Kate?
The baby.
Sorry. Work.
I haven't missed you, have I?
We're up now.
Come on, you can't be scared off
by this crowd?
Go on, Mum.
I don't want to.
Don't bully me.
You're always bullying me.
Just leave me alone.
Santa Claus got stuck
in my chimney
Stuck in my chimney
stuck in my chimney
Santa Claus got stuck
in my chimney
When he came last year
Santa Claus got stuck
in my chimney
Stuck in my chimney
Santa please come back
to my chimney
You can come back here ♪
You missed most of it.
No wonder Nanna got upset.
Mum? Why's your hair wet?
I had a shower.
I was hot.
I want to visit Daddy tomorrow.
We haven't booked a visit.
He's all alone and he's missing us.
Stop being a little bitch.
Stop. Fuck off.
Piss off!
Janice, come in.
I didn't mean to disturb you,
how are you?
You're making a break for it?
And you?
Does it strike you
that dying takes too long these days?
That's what it's all about.
Hospitals and their shareholders.
Places like this.
Do you know how much they make
every time one of us
gets shunted off to hospice?
They keep us alive forever.
Dribbling, incontinent.
In there, we're cash cows.
I'm sorry.
I think you should go back inside.
The thing is, I've loved my life.
I've such little interest
in forgetting it.
Then you're lucky.
I didn't mean to ruin it.
You didn't, I was spectacular.
Oh Edie,
stop being so fucking English.
Do you want a drink?
Yes, I do.
There we are.
Bye-bye Baby Jesus.
Kate, I've done something,
I need your help.
Honey, I've got to drop into work.
Do you want to get Jasper over?
Night Kate.
I didn't think you'd come.
I don't know if it wasn't enough?
Or if the batch was bad?
Where did you get it from,
the Nembutal?
The internet.
How long ago did you give it to him?
Show it to me.
I did everything
they said you're meant to do.
Can you help him?
On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman
Found a poor half-frozen snake
His pretty coloured skin
had been all frosted with the dew
Poor thing she cried
I'll take you in
and I'll take care of you
Take me in tender woman
Take me in for heaven's sake
Take me in tender woman
sighed the snake
She wrapped him up all cosy
in a comforter of silk
And laid him by the fireside
with some honey and some milk
She hurried home from work
that night
And as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake
she'd taken in had been revived. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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