The Envoys (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Juventud de Cristo

Careful, Adri.
- Valentina!
- Adriana!
Mrs. Cortés.
- Mr. Cortés.
- Father Prado.
- Guillermo.
- Guillermo
Are you staying for breakfast?
No, Father. Thank you.
No, we just got off
the car to say hi.
We have tickets for the soccer
match of Mexico versus Bulgaria.
It's at noon.
Anyway, I can't compete
against a world cup.
You should better
get going then,
so you don't arrive late
and later blame it on me.
you listen to Valentina, OK?
- Yes!
- Sister Valentina, soon to be.
What can you do about it?
Kids used
to say goodbye back then.
Well, have a safe return
home. Drive safely.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you, Father.
- OK, please.
- Sure.
Thank you.
You naughty.
What if we make a stop and
we arrive for the second half?
This is the match that decides
the fate of our national team.
It's a life-or-death match,
after a group phase
where Mexico was able
to remain undefeated
facing against Bulgaria.
What did I do now?
What is it?
Teresa, are you alright?
Stop! No!
Honey, it's so nice
to hear from you.
How are you?
Fine, just doing
I'm glad
Could you get me
Badi's number?
Again with that, Pedro?
I already told you,
Mom, I never ask
you for anything.
Please get me Badi's
number, will you?
OK, thank you. Bye.
What's up with you?
So much studying,
so much expertise
all over the world,
so much of polishing
the resume,
but he sees a dead body
and freeze to death.
What did you have on your hand
when you went to the bathroom?
Blessings, Father.
Sister, good morning
Did I wake you up?
Your Eminence
My brother
hasn't called me back yet.
No, no, it's not about that.
I'd like to ask you a favor.
No, Father,
excuse me for correcting you,
you need
to ask me another favor.
When you become a Pope,
you'll spend your days
returning favors to me.
Did you find Father Jeronimo?
Yes, we did find him.
And it was thanks to you.
I can't tell you much about
it. Everything we were told,
he told us so under the cover
of the Secret of Confession.
That's why they need to let
women hear confessions.
That's just so stupid.
Your Eminence.
Sister, I need to ask you
for another favor,
as you just said.
All the information you can
get on Father Prado,
the head of the hospice.
Who he has been with,
where he has been at,
everything, his whole profile.
Does this have to do with
Father Jeronimo's confession?
If I were to answer you
that with a no,
I'd be sinning by telling
lies, which I hardly do.
And if I were to answer you yes,
I would be violating
the secrecy of confession.
So I'd rather not answer.
OK, that's fine. I'll send
you everything I can find.
Won't you tell me
what's wrong with you?
It's personal. It has nothing
to do with the investigation.
Do you want to have
a confession with me?
Again? No, thanks.
I'm fine, Father.
I could confess
I need to think, that's it.
Thank you. I'm fine.
- Why don't you answer the door?
- Sure, I'll get it.
We could also just talk
Well, whatever.
- Hi.
- Hello, Father.
Would you give me your blessing?
Sure. What do you want?
Well, I'm here to ask you
to come with me.
Why is that?
Where to?
Well, it's just for a while.
You'll see in a bit.
Alright then.
You come here with two officers
just to flaunt your power?
- Against two priests?
- Well
How brave of you, Captain.
And very efficient also.
Look, Father. If I were you,
I'd hold my tongue.
You see how priests
disappear on this village.
- Captain
- Take them away.
- Alright.
- Where are we going?
- Alright.
- Come with us, please.
But where Where are we going?
We were just talking
with the bishop at D.F
about you, Aviar Arretes.
He knows we're in contact
with you and
Sure, send my regards
to that bastard
when you get to talk to him.
Honestly, if you'd tell me
where we're going,
- I can go there myself. OK?
- Thanks.
Excuse me?
- Excuse me?
- Holy Mother
You can't retain us here,
it's illegal, OK?
You can't hold us here
without any further explanation.
I already know the Cardinal.
He must be saying the same.
"Let's go on a trial."
They always want to go
on a trial.
We'll have to go to testify,
they will lose their jobs
- Hey.
- It's a mess for everyone.
Hey. Hey!
- Relax.
- You could at least
acknowledge reception!
Relax. Father, calm down.
Don't come at that poor man.
He must be under enough pressure
for putting his job on the line.
Don't worry about it, OK?
I can have a word
with the Cardinal
and speak in your favor.
One hand helps the other, right?
You let us out and we can
begin assessing the damages.
You're laughing?
- He's laughing at me.
- Yes, he's laughing at you.
Are you laughing at me?
- Calm down, Father.
- This is what we needed, right?
- A rural cop laughing at me?
- Calm down.
We need to calm down.
How many morons
are on this village?
- Come on!
- Let's calm down.
It's a record!
It's a world record!
You can come across with one,
two, three
- But all of them at once?
- We'll negotiate things
- It's the Stations of the Cross.
- We'll negotiate
- I'm talking to you!
- Hey, hey!
- What's wrong with you?
- Get over here, you son of a!
I love sending more souls
to Heaven, huh?
What do we have here?
Two priests and an asshole.
You pray with that
mouth of yours, Father?
You can't clean that up
with bleach or holy water.
Come on in.
You looked so well-mannered.
Just one scratch and the hood
comes showing. Have a seat.
I don't know
why you're so upset, Father.
We just want to have a talk
and solve some questions.
Excuse me, and who are you?
Ricardo Juarez,
pleased to meet you.
I'm the prosecution officer
in charge of the investigation.
I need to ask you some questions
in order to understand why
How odd is it.
Since you arrived,
four people have died.
And you had contact
with all of them.
Four people?
So, you're taking for granted
Father Quintana is dead?
No, I don't take anything
for granted.
it's all about to be done.
Right. Well, to begin with,
we're not the only people
who had been in contact
with the victims.
If you can call
that being in contact,
it has only been work meetings.
What is exactly your job, then?
In general terms
or for this case in particular?
For this case, Father.
We're not on a date.
If you want, you can tell us
your zodiac sign too.
We're investigating
the alleged healings
performed by Father Quintana.
Well, I hope you
don't get to investigate me.
We're holding a sigil
for the last two people, Father.
Can you tell us what
you're accusing us of?
Someone is cleaning down
the house.
And we know really well
how you sweep the house.
Like you?
You think the Vatican,
the Holy See,
leaded by Your Holiness,
the Bishop of Rome,
head of the Roman Curia,
has sent two devoid priests
with no knowledge
of the place to an inn which,
I better don't say any more,
having a stroll
in front of the whole village,
when it actually happens
that we are two deadly
and efficient hitmen able
of eliminating a priest
and disappear three people
in just only two days?
We are so very efficient, huh?
If you have
any more information,
I'm asking you to provide
it to me.
Look, the information
we might have or not
is completely irrelevant.
If us, just a pair of
priests, had obtained it,
I can imagine what you
can you with it.
Now, if you really are
from the prosecution office
and you know some about the law,
you know you can't retain us
a single minute more,
and that you have to open that
damn door right this instant!
Another beautiful show
of kindness from San Acacio
to the visitors.
The village itself
is already unnerving,
and now these gestures
I really feel like heading
back home.
Are you OK, Father?
Look at the mess they've made.
They're covering up for Prado,
I have absolutely
no doubt about it.
Quintana found out
something about Prado,
we don't know yet,
but we'll find out later.
Prado is hiding it
and he's making us think
Quintana is a scammer.
He meets up with the lover,
makes it look like a suicide
and eliminates
all traces left behind.
It's a good theory,
don't you agree?
It is.
Yes, I agree with practically
everything, but
There's something I completely
disagree with, Father.
That thing about
we'll find out later.
There's no later
and there's no finding out.
We're here to confirm miracles,
to deal with priests,
with devotees, with souls.
And I think this is work
of very ill-intentioned beings
and this is too
in the flesh for my taste.
- Don't you realize?
- What is it?
I told you the same
and you made such a fuss!
- Oh, but
- No, it's for the best.
I was right all along,
and you're not qualified
- to deal with criminals.
- Oh, and you are?
You just gave us
a lecture on diplomacy.
You're such a Kissinger.
I just lost my temper once,
come on.
And besides,
it actually worked. It worked.
It's a very delicate matter,
You don't know
how to measure it.
- Oh, come on.
- You have to know
when to be diplomatic
and when to push a little.
When to light the fire or not
- Do you know about it?
- Alright! OK, I don't know!
But there's something
we both know
What is it?
Prado killed Valentina.
But that's a secret
of confession.
Look who is over there.
What do we do? Do we follow him?
I need you to give me
the blessing to do this, Father.
What we're doing now
is absolutely wrong.
Stalking a person goes against
God's law and the man's law.
we're violating a restriction
they explicitly made
at the police station
and the prosecution office
to stay out of all this mess.
We're going to lose him, Father.
Could you can call
Father Antequera.
Even more,
you can be casual with me now.
"Alright, please go against
all the possible regulations
and follow that man."
What do you say?
Come on
Alright, follow that man
already! My goodness
Sister, use only cute words,
you're on speaker.
Tell me, have you been able
to find out anything
about what I requested?
Guillermo Toribio Prado
de los Casales began his career
in San Acacio,
but he was transferred
in total eight times.
These were all to the
of the Metropolitan
Archdiocese of Mexico.
He was in Queretaro, Toluca,
Cuernavaca, Pachuca,
Sanagacho, and they'd rotate him
until he became the head
of the hospice.
Anything else?
Oh, that seems
too little for you?
I expected you to praise me.
I'll call you later
and praise you like you should.
I can't talk right now.
Thank you, sister.
Wow. A lot of transferring,
that's too much for anybody.
Suspicious, isn't it?
We already know what that means.
He's still in his car.
Do you think he saw us?
I don't know.
The Vatican envoys
are following me.
I need you to take them off me.
They followed me to the camp.
Not on here. I'll handle it.
It's the location
of the pictures, right?
The camp where Valentina
was dressed as a nun.
Oh, yes.
Why would you leave
someone alive for 10 years
when your goal
is to shut her up?
She left her insane.
It doesn't matter what
you might or might not know.
With the proper medicine
I mean, the improper medicines,
it's pretty simple to
drive someone insane.
Yeah, but why now? Why killing
her now after 10 years?
Look, look, look.
Your Excellence,
Monsignor Benavent.
I'd like to ask you
another favor.
Are we talking on a safe line?
Speak with ease.
I'm sorry to insist on
this,Your Excellence.
It's about the priests
you sent over.
May you let us
talk in private, sister?
I know you have two
of your envoys in Mexico, right?
Yes, they're investigating
the miracles
attributed to Father Quintana.
Have them return immediately.
The case is closed.
- May I know why?
- Why?
Isn't it enough with me being
the Cardinal Major Penitentiary?
Isn't that enough
explanation for you?
Isn't it enough three dead
and a missing person?
Do I have to come all
the way over here to explain
you something so obvious?
Have them return immediately.
Maybe he saw us.
He comes all the way
and doesn't get off his car.
Reverend, I'm afraid
I have to ask you
to return immediately.
You to the Vatican
and Fr. Salinas to Mexico City.
How are you, Your Excellency?
No, no, no.
Stop what you are doing.
and get back on
the first flight to Rome.
Your Excellency,
with all due respect,
our work has just begun.
It's an order.
Sister Emilia
will buy the flights for you.
No, no. Your Excellence, I
He hung up. What's going on?
I can't believe this.
It's an absolute outrage.
Something like this
has never happened to me.
Obviously someone
called someone,
and this someone
called another someone.
And this other someone
has called
Hold on, hold on. Slow down.
Slow down for a bit.
Go slow, slowly.
- Sure.
- Speed up, speed up.
Turn right now.
- What is it?
- We're being followed, Father.
Don't turn back!
We are being followed.
Hey, what?
What are you doing?
Hold on, Rambo! Hey!
Use your diplomacy,
damn it! Father!
- Father
- Are you following me or what?
Are you following us?
Well, alright.
Now that you have your coffee,
could you tell us
why you were following us?
I just want to find Rafael.
And you think we have him
hidden on the trunk?
But he disappeared
just when you arrived.
It could be
a coincidence, but
You don't believe
in coincidences.
Oh, we're proficient
in irony on this table.
Fantastic, in that matter
I'm very knowledgeable,
- as you may already know.
- No, it's not irony.
- It's the truth.
- Even better.
I can deal with the truth
better than irony.
it's for your best interest,
because in such
a folksy village,
which can't be gloomier,
we're the only morons doing
everything we can
- to get to find Quintana.
- Hush.
Not the prosecutor office,
nor the police,
nor the faithful devotees.
No one is moving
a finger to find him.
So, we better leave irony aside
so we can start out
with the truth,
it will be better for all of us.
You're right, Father. I'm sorry.
Besides Rafael, I don't tend
to trust the church.
You're doing good. I sometimes
even do the same as you.
But not right this instant.
I wasn't following you.
I was following Prado,
and I realized you were too.
Do you think your boss has
to do anything to do with it?
With Quintana disappearing?
I don't know.
But what worries me
is that this will eventually
stretch out too much
and fall into oblivion.
Goodbye, Rafael. If I ever saw
you, I don't even remember.
It's not the first cover-up that
has happened on this village.
Where are you going?
To uncover.
Excuse me, where's the restroom?
Today, yes.
No layover.
From Mexico to Rome.
Under the name
of Simon Antequera.
Yes, yes, I'll send you
the payment details.
Sister, I need you
to come with me immediately.
Excuse me, I'll call you back.
Some time back then
I would've loved this,
but right now, I don't have
the time nor the will to do so.
What do we do now?
We could climb up.
Climb up? You?
To irrupt into private property?
I can't believe this.
We're already here. Come on.
Reverend, Father Salinas,
founder of the Guild
of Righteousness.
Member of the Holy Statutes.
But not only that, PhD.
In Peeing inside the WC.
That way is much better.
Wait here.
Is there anything I should know?
- Eminence.
- Sister.
Do you know who I am?
Your Excellency,
you are the Senior Penitentiary.
Would you mind if we speak
Sure, of course.
If you prefer to.
Your mother was Spanish,
and your father Italian.
From La Marianas,
if I'm not mistaken.
Your father is Franco Graviano.
Do you visit him at jail?
It must be hard to be
the daughter of a "pentito."
The mafia doesn't forgive
the snitches, nor their family.
Being all the time
in danger and hidden,
waiting for the blow
to happen any second.
That's why it really pleases
me, sister, honestly,
for you to be here inside
the walls of the Holy See,
where we can provide
you protection.
I don't know what to say,
Your Excellence.
Do you mind I investigated you?
That I meddled in
a part of your life
that is only yours
and no one else's?
I thought you
wouldn't mind too much,
because that's exactly
what you've been doing
for several days now.
Was it Prefect Zuliani
the one who asked?
Then who asked you?
I don't think you came up
with it while you were praying.
I like your silence. Keep it up.
Sister, outside the Vatican
you're under risks.
Don't do the same in here.
You're in the right place.
Do you know
this place well, Dr.?
I grew up in here, did you know?
You don't have a family either?
Of course I do.
My family is God, Jesus,
and all of the people
who took care of me here.
They are my family,
and they'll become yours too.
But, just in case,
I'll look after you.
Welcome, Adriana. Let's go.
This will be your bedroom,
Look, he is Rafael.
Why don't you chat for a bit
while we go fetch your things?
Go on.
Do you want me to teach
you how to do it?
Look, the first thing you'll do
is looping this on the top
Prado used to sleep
in here on camps.
Rafael was terrified of this
place when we were children.
Surely when he saw us,
he came for what was hidden
on this closet.
What is it? It's empty.
Maybe he thought
he forgot something
and wanted to make sure.
You don't need to be a genius,
a priest with many transferring,
many changes of headquarters,
a camp full of children,
the nun in charge is admitted.
Then she's murdered
and a priest goes missing.
Come on! The church's
reputation is not uncalled-for.
I can tell you about it.
That is a serious
accusation, Father.
And a murder isn't serious?
Those are two very
serious accusations.
Is that what
you were trying to say?
Adriana, did they ever?
Oh, my God.
My goodness.
We have to call the police.
No. Forget about finding Rafael
if we call the police, Father.
- Why?
- What do you mean why?
They'll think
he hid this himself!
Or even worse, they'll rule
out any kind of evidence
that indicates otherwise.
I don't want to
disappoint you, doctor,
but surely your friend did
exactly that.
He left the truck
to leave in another vehicle.
It can't be. You saw the road,
it was full of mud and dirt.
This is spotless.
How did he bring it here?
Levitating it?
Clearly someone took their
time to wash the vehicle.
We have to get him
to confess, Father.
If we take him to the police,
they'll have each other's backs.
Look, Adriana. I'm very sorry.
There's nothing I'd like
to do more than helping you out,
but for external reasons,
they've taken us off the case.
Father, please
There's nothing else to discuss.
I'm going to the Vatican
and you
I don't know
where you're leaving.
I'm sorry, Adriana, we don't
We have our hands tied.
We can't do anything.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Adriana.
What's going on?
It's my fault, isn't it?
Something else is going on here.
I think we now know
who removed the videos
from the Internet.
Did you buy the flight
for Antequera?
Is Father Salinas already
in Mexico City?
No, I was about to do it
when they called me.
Buy it over the phone.
Have the fathers leave the
town as soon as possible.
Do you understand?
- What are you looking at?
- Nothing
I see you so decided
to go back to the Vatican.
You, being so flexible with
the rules, being your own man
And, besides,
I even saw you being empathic
with the doctor,
which is something
rare to see in you.
I don't know if it's
a good moment to go back,
- just right now, I'm afraid
- No, Father.
I might ignore
the laws of the police,
of the citizens,
the prosecutors, all of them.
But not the Curia's law.
You must oblige
to those no matter what.
And the order is, we leave.
We have our hands tied, huh?
Yours were very loose.
It's just an observation,
that's it.
In case you can use it.
It's so bad we have
chastity vows, huh?
Why can't
we just talk with Emilia?
Father, maybe
she can give us 24 hours,
she can say there were
no flights available.
Or that we missed our, maybe.
Now you're like James Dean
in "Rebel Without a Cause?"
No, it's nothing like that
Would you rather
I call you Rambo?
As you like the extremes
so much.
I feel I must be here, Father.
It might sound silly,
but I feel I must finish this.
like something
wanted me to be here.
It's a very normal feeling when
you work for the Congregation.
- I know, but
- You can see some unusual
and unique cases,
and you might think
it's something else,
but it's not like that.
It's not about that, Father.
It's not that.
Then what is it?
When I was a kid, I was
my mind would wander off
to some strange pathways.
The woman who worked
with us, my nanny, Badi,
told me that
what happened to me
was an absence,
she would call it that.
And during those absent
times, I would draw,
I would do just scribbles,
meaningless things.
Some other times,
it was more significant things,
pictures that would turn
into events afterwards.
I did this all unconsciously,
I didn't even have any control.
Clearly, since as I was a
child, it would strike me hard.
And my whole life
I've been obsessed
with getting to understand
what was happening to me.
There isn't much
to understand either.
It isn't?
This vulgar medium crap
is just coincidences.
Yes. Maybe, sure.
It's suggestion,
some kind of somnambulism.
Yes, when I went to med school,
I researched a lot
in psychiatry and neurology.
This absence
was not on any book.
Sometimes there are too many details
to be just a coincidence, right?
If I were investigating
the case,
I would dismiss those
scribbles immediately.
Anyone could have done
those after the event.
Do you really think
I would do that?
That's the reason
I want to stay, Simon.
I feel like the answers
I've been searching
are here.
On this village.
I don't know
We have our orders already.
Thank you for everything.
- Travel safe, take care.
- God bless you, Maria Jose.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Hello?
- Father Prado, good evening.
I'm sorry to bother you at this
time, this is Father Salinas.
What can I do for you, Father?
Nothing, I was just calling
you to show appreciation
for all of your attentions.
we were informed by the Vatican
we are to go back,
we're about to turn the car in.
We won't be able
to say goodbye in person,
you some present later.
So soon?
Yes, geez the
investigation was suspended
Oh, how bad
Well, I trust our friendship
shall help us stay in contact.
You can count on it, Father.
Have a safe travel.
Thank you,
God bless you. Goodbye.
A little present?
You continue
with your diplomacy,
I'll handle the strategy.
Yes? San Acacio hotel?
Are Father Salinas and
Father Antequera over there?
It's an emergency.
Oh, they just left.
And how late
do they usually arrive?
They left off to the Vatican,
they took all their luggage.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Hello, Father?
Sister, how are you doing?
Look, I need you to add one
last favor to the list.
You have to change
my flight for tomorrow.
No, no.
That's impossible, Father.
You have no idea the fuss
it went over here.
I have no idea
what you got involved in,
they're looking
everywhere for you.
I'll be just a couple
of hours, really
What do you mean
just a couple of hours?
I don't know,
Tell them the airline
oversold the flight or whatever,
but we need another day.
It's 24 full hours?
How was it then?
- What?
- What did you feel?
Like a tingling?
Like as if you were fainting?
When you had those visions?
It's hard to explain, Father.
To begin with,
I've never had them again.
But it was like
like a lucid dream,
like I was in there.
I would feel
the heat of the fire,
the cold of the water,
the humidity.
The fear, and also the pain.
What are you looking at?
- What are you looking?
- Nothing.
You were looking at me.
You make a lot of questions but
hardly give any answers, huh?
I didn't have a life as
interesting as yours, you know?
I never had any prophesies.
Maybe some absence.
Oh, how funny, Father.
Tell me about something,
Well, I've already told you
about my mother,
about my brothers,
about Vallecas.
The austerity,
that's like going to college,
you learn either way.
Tell me more about your five
brothers and your mother.
Do you still see them?
Yes. I sometimes visit
my mother at the cemetery.
I'm really sorry.
Did you know her?
Did you know my mother?
No, how could I?
Then why are you sorry?
Do you feel sorry about
the death of all the people
you don't know?
Then you must be suffering
the whole time.
Alright, I was just being kind.
To be honest, I'm not sorry,
I don't care at all.
You don't care at all?
You don't care at all
about my mother's death?
- Yes.
- You are so rude, Father.
Alright, enough. Yes, I'm new
on this thing, diplomacy.
You're insufferable.
My Lord
I'm sorry, Fathers. Is it late?
Let's hope it's not.
Will he come?
He hasn't entered yet
because he saw us.
Now that we're gone
I don't know.
And if he doesn't show up?
I'm sorry to ask,
Adriana, but
how did you end up
in a place like this?
I could tell you
it was my mother's fault, but
I wouldn't know in detail.
Yeah, I think I can relate.
I, in a certain way,
I was also abandoned.
Oh, no.
I'm not talking about that.
My parents
got themselves killed
after dropping me off here.
My dad was driving and my mom
suddenly turned the wheel.
Everything happened so suddenly,
there is no real explanation.
My father survived,
he was some days at the hospital
and there he said my mom
It wasn't herself,
it's like she had
abandoned her body.
Father Quintana
told us something similar
before he disappeared.
He said there was something
on this village
that made ordinary people
suddenly stop being so.
You won't find anything, Father.
What are you doing here?
There is no use to keep looking.
I have it very well-kept,
don't worry about it.
What it is?
Don't tell him. You don't
know what he's looking for?
Don't say anything. OK?
What did you do with Rafael?
- Don't come near me!
- No, no, no!
Calm down. Please, calm down.
Please, Adriana.
I don't know what happened
with Rafael. I swear it!
I don't know.
You have to come with me.
And you'll give me
what you've got on you.
Father, for goodness sake,
calm down and put the gun down.
- Let's just discuss
- You shut the hell up!
You should not even be here
You know me.
You know
you're not cruel, right?
Father It's all over.
Please, why don't you confess
and collaborate with us
and with the authorities?
You have no idea, do you?
You don't even know
what you're doing, right?
Give him the gun, Father.
Please. Everything will be fine.
You can trust me,
give him the weapon.
Give him the weapon,
please, Father. Please.
I'm not going to harm you.
Please hand him the weapon,
for all that's holy.
- Relax.
- Relax.
- We will get you some help.
- Yes, yes
Are you OK?
Come on. Let's go.
Are you OK, Father?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Let me see.
- I'm fine.
- Are you really sure?
- Yeah.
- Eyes on the road!
- Sure, sure, sure.
Here, put this on your forehead.
Thank you.
Adriana, wake up.
Come with me. Here.
No, don't take her.
Shut your mouth and go to sleep.
Rafael Quintana,
you go back to sleep now,
or I'll slap it out of you.
Go to sleep.
Let's go.
Go to sleep.
Where are we going?
Monsignor Benavent is here
and he wants to meet you.
Did I do something wrong?
What did I do?
- Hit the brakes!
- It can't be. No, it can't be
It can't be, it's not possible.
The important thing is,
no matter what happens in there,
you don't scream.
Do you understand?
If you scream, no one will
be able to help you. OK?
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