The Ex-Wife (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Look, it's daddy's ex-wife, again.
Agh! What the hell!
Jen, I need you to go.
Ooh, it's a ducky.
She had pouches of toddler
food, in her cupboard.
You thought you saw Jen.
Jen! What the hell do you think
you're doing with my child?
It's not yours, Sam.
I saw Sam outside the
house and again at work.
You followed Jack?
If he didn't think something
was going on between us before,
- I'd say he might now.
- I'll let you get back to Sam.
I'm gonna be gone for three nights.
- Emily's already been collected.
- What did she look like?
The woman who took my child!?
Right. Here.
Jen! Who verified her?
Who verified her as
a carer for my child?
Let's have a look.
Jack did.
Okay. Okay
- Wait.
- Mrs Warrington, wait.
Last week?!
Last week, and you didn't think
to tell me, her mother, to check?
That's not Nursery
procedure, Mrs Warrington.
Jen! Jen, are you in there, please?
I need to get hold of Jack Warrington.
No, no, no. Someone has taken our child.
Lola, I need to know where Jack is.
A number for him in New York.
Where he is? Oh, is
everything all right?
No, it's Emily. Something's
I just need to get a hold of him.
His mobile isn't working and I
Sorry I don't have
time to get into this.
I understand, I just need to
tell you about the situation here,
- because it seems you aren't aware
- The situation?
Please sit down, Tasha, seriously.
Jack isn't here.
- I know he's not here. He's in New York.
- No,
Jack isn't here anymore.
He isn't with the company.
He doesn't work here.
What are you talking about?
Of course he works here.
No, he quit two weeks ago.
It was a bit of a thing. And
he took a few clients with him,
pissed a lot of people off.
He just quit?
- Left, yeah, resigned.
- Why?
And you don't know a phone in
New York, or a hotel anything?
No disrespect, Tasha, but
are you sure he's even in New York?
Jen Warrington.
- Through there.
- Thank you.
Where's Emily?
- You can't just barge in here.
- Where the fuck is she, you mad bitch?
Is that him?
It's on mute, but I
would really appreciate it
if you could stop shouting in my face.
- This is my place of work.
- I really don't give a shit.
Where's my daughter?
Tasha, please stop! Okay!
Look, I know you're upset
and clearly this is
very difficult for you,
but Emily is not here, okay?
Jack asked me to collect her for him.
Oh, he has her?
Where is he?
He's quit his job, did you know that?
I think he's in some kind of trouble.
No, he's not in any kind of trouble.
Actually, I think he meant
to leave that job a while ago.
Oh, he told you that, did he?
He was planning on leaving?
What is going on? Where is he?
Jack collected Emily
about half an hour ago.
Okay, so he's not in New York?
Okay. It seems I am caught in
the middle of something here.
Jack told me that he discussed
the terms of the
separation with you, and,
- you agreed to
- What the hell are you talking about?
Okay. That doesn't
appear to be the case.
- I'm really sorry, I can't do this.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Jen, you need to tell me
what the hell's going on here!
I'm going home and you should too.
This is not at all appropriate, okay?
- You need to talk to him.
- I can't.
- He's changed his number.
- No, he hasn't.
Yes, he has.
Why is he doing this?
- I still think that you
- I don't understand.
Everything was fine this morning. I
I'm sorry, Tasha,
but I really don't want to
be involved in this, okay?
Oh my god! This is
because of you, isn't it?
This is because of
whatever you think you heard
between me and Sam the other day.
This is exactly what
you've been waiting for.
- You did this to get him back.
- Oh my god.
Of course I ha
You know, if Jack found
out something was going on
between you and Sam, that's
between the two of you.
Excuse me.
Come on, Jack! Let me in!
Hello, ma'am. Is everything okay here?
Can I ask if you're the house owner?
Yes. Yes, this is my house.
Okay. We've been alerted
to a possible break in
via your home security
company. Is there a problem?
There's no problem, my
husband changed the code
and I'm just about to
reset it, but thank you.
Ma'am, would it be
alright if we just took
- a quick look inside the property?
- Yeah, sure.
Wait, is that normal?
All part of the service.
I smashed the door.
It's a long story but
my husband and I
We're having problems and
God this is really embarrassing but
He changed the locks and the alarm.
Right. Have you got any ID ma'am?
Proof of address? Driver's licence?
I don't have a driver's licence
but I'm sure I've got
something upstairs though.
- Can I?
- How about I come along with you?
My husband covers the bills.
I had a baby last year, I
haven't gone back to work.
If you've got a mortgage
statement, that'll be fine.
Yes. Yes, yes, I have that.
Is there a problem?
No. Um, I don't know. I
I'm not on the mortgage statement.
My name's not on it. Uh, but
What does that mean?
I know that he put me on it last year.
- I've just spoken to your husband.
- Oh, you have?
Yes, the security company
connected me to Mr Warrington.
The good news is he's not
going to be pressing charges
for the criminal damage to the door.
However, you are going to have to
vacate the property now, with us.
I'm sorry, what?
You can't stay here.
But I live here.
No, sorry. I live here. I'm his wife.
I know I'm not on the form, but, I'm
I have rights, don't I?
Seems he applied for an
occupation order yesterday.
Legally you can't be here.
No, no, no. No, sorry
He's got my child.
He's got my daughter. I
I don't know where they are.
- Is he the child's legal father?
- Yes.
He has parental
responsibility as much as you.
Do you have any concerns
over your baby's safety?
Could she be at risk from your husband?
No, no, nothing like that. It's just
Tah-dah. The spare room.
Thank you so much for this, Sam.
- I appreciate it.
- Honestly
It's the least I can do.
I can't believe he's doing this.
What did they tell you?
- The police?
- Yeah.
- That I'm screwed.
- Oh, yeah?
And what did they tell you to do?
Go see his family tomorrow
Okay. Are you gonna call first?
No. I'm not giving anyone else
the chance to hangup on me.
If I'm right in front of
them, they can't ignore me.
I can't afford to let this
go down the legal route.
I don't have any savings or money or
What are you talking about?
- Jack's loaded.
- Yeah, he is.
And what, you don't
have a joint account?
No. I didn't want anyone to
think that was why I was with him.
Okay. No, okay.
How're you getting there?
Do you need me to drive you?
He thinks we're having an affair,
Because of the stalking thing
Okay, okay.
Um, did you mention anything to him
about us?
Us in the past?
No. Did you?
Okay, good
because there was no us, Sam.
It was one time, when we were drunk.
So, I didn't mention it.
The point is I can't show up with
you if they're in that headspace.
Oh god, I know, I'm sorry.
This is a lot to deal with.
No, it's fine.
Listen, I know this
is really bad, and I fucking
hate that I have to do this,
- but I can borrow some money?
- Yes.
And I'll get one of the guys
from the office to
to drive you.
Thank you.
- I won't forget this.
- It's okay.
And I'll pay you back. Okay?
Don't worry.
- Just here is fine.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- I'll be 30 minutes max.
- No problem.
Best get the boss.
Hayles! Incoming!
Right, well, I think you should
probably leave, don't you?
He's not here and we'd said
we'd stay out of it so
I need to speak to him.
I'm sure he'll call when he's ready.
As far as I can tell, he's
well within his rights
you've made your bed.
- Sorry, my bed?
- Yeah.
He told us
about your boyfriend.
Sam isn't my boyfriend.
not sure it's any of
my business, but sure.
Hayley, I need to see my daughter.
I'm sure Emily's fine.
You know how good Jack is with her,
besides that will all
be sorted out soon, so
What will?
The divorce, mediation, whatever.
The divorce?
Hayley, this is ridiculous.
I'm sorry but
How can he? We haven't even
I think we all know you've
had problems for a while now.
Jack said as much the other week
but that's besides the point.
I'm sure someone will
call in the next few days.
In the meantime,
it's best not to get too emotional.
Oh god, the water works
Tasha, you'll forgive
me if I don't buy it.
You are such a fucking bitch Hayley.
You think it's endearing
but it's not, it's ugly.
I hope something like
this happens to you one day
and when it does, I hope that you
come to someone like me for help
and when you do, I hope
they fucking ruin you!
That's some real mother of
the year stuff right there.
Get off my property,
before I call the police.
Fuck off me.
How about that one?
Hard no.
That's a certified ten, mate.
Nah. She's got the crazy eyes.
Fuck off.
Oh, feisty.
I'm serious lads, I am not in
the fucking mood, so fuck off.
Can I buy you a drink?
What? Fucking what?
You wanna fuck me, show me the world,
whack me in a huge fucking house,
stick a kid inside me
and then break my legs
like fucking 'Misery'.
Yeah, didn't fucking think so.
Fuck off, you shit bag.
Who is this?
It's me. I just need
to talk to you, please.
Just five minutes of your
life, and then you never have
to see me ever again. I promise.
Fucksake, Tasha. Go home to your family.
I can't, I don't know where they are.
You're all I've got right now.
Let me in, let me in, let me in
- Jesus christ.
- Let me in, let me in, let me in
You can come up if you just shut up.
How much have you had to drink?
I'll make coffee.
I'm sorry Jen,
I am, about everything.
About what I did to you.
Your husband.
Your house. Your life.
I just didn't think.
No, sorry, you're right.
That was a lie; I did think.
I knew exactly what I was doing,
I was okay with hurting you because
you weren't real to me.
You weren't a person with feelings
and hopes and plans.
And that's unforgivable.
But I came here to tell you that if
this is about you and Jack,
if that's what this is, then
I want you to know, that
I will go so easily
Really, I will. I'll
leave you guys to it. I just
I need you to tell me where he has her.
I need to see Emily.
You're drunk, Tasha, and I
don't want to get involved.
I don't owe you anything.
I didn't even want Emily,
I didn't want a kid.
I'd booked an abortion.
I didn't plan for any of this.
I was so young, I
didn't have a career. Still don't.
No means to look after her, but
the point is I did and she is the
best thing that ever happened to me.
You have everything I ever wanted.
We wanted.
Three miscarriages.
The first was the worst.
She even had a name.
We had our whole lives mapped out.
And then I kept losing them.
A dull ache,
blood, weeks and weeks of waiting.
Hope and then trying not to hope
and then doing it over and over again
until honestly, you're not sure
why you're doing any of it anymore.
I should hate you.
But, you want to know the truth?
I'm tired.
I'm just so fucking tired of
trying to make life happen.
I could fill an arena, Tasha,
with all the things I want, but
I'm old enough and
weathered enough to know that
you can't change the way things
are through sheer will power.
I'm not a bad person.
But I'm not your friend either.
Look, I don't know
where they are Tasha
but I will try to find out.
Right now, I just want
you out of my house. Okay?
Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you.
For what?
Changing my life, kiddo.
For fucksake.
Look, I've done some digging.
I spoke to Hayley this morning.
The thing is she thinks
he's at Whitsford which
I know that can't be true because
that would've been the
first place you'd check.
What? What's Whitsford?
You don't know what Whitsford is?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
He never told you about the second home?
The holiday house
the whole time you
I suppose things did move
rather quickly, didn't they?
Well, Whitsford is in Surrey.
It's bigger than the
London place, garden, pool,
it's actually very beautiful.
- Sounds very nice.
- It was.
It was going to be our forever home.
Okay, so he's there, is he?
It would certainly seem so.
Excuse me, can I borrow your pen?
Thank you.
Here's the address.
Do you have any way of getting there?
I will figure it out.
Thank you Jen, so much.
Tasha, wait.
When you get there,
what are you going to do?
I mean are you gonna see her
or are you gonna take her?
If I see her,
she's coming home with me.
I'm sorry, that's the honest truth.
I understand.
But then you'll leave the marriage?
Do you have a way of getting there?
Thank you for doing this.
I really appreciate it.
You don't need to thank me.
There's not much point in me giving
you an address you can't get to.
You didn't tell anyone I
was driving you, did you?
Oh no, of course not.
When we get there,
I think we should wait
a bit before we go in.
What do you mean wait?
Until it's dark, until he's asleep.
Tasha, I thought you
wanted me to talk to him.
I told you I'd help bring him round,
I didn't say I'd help
break into his house.
He's not gonna just hand her over.
You said yourself, he's
terrified of losing her.
I think we go in there, get her and
you can soften him after the fact.
Reassure him that
I'm on the level with this.
I'm not going to disappear.
And you are on the level with this?
He'll still be able to see her?
Hey, this is Tash. Leave a message.
This is it.
We should probably leave the car,
walk the rest of the way.
I've been thinking
Maybe I should go in alone.
I mean, I'm the one who
knows where the spare key is,
I know the lay out of the house,
where she'll be if she's there.
There's a nursery on the first floor.
You can wait here.
I'll bring her to you.
I'm just not sure how
he's going to react
if he finds you sneaking
around his house, Tasha.
If it's me, it's different.
I swear to god if this is a trick
if you warn him
I'll fucking fight
this to the bitter end.
I just don't want a situation, Tasha.
Not if we can avoid one.
I'll wait outside.
I won't come in.
What if he's not here?
He's here.
Creature of habit.
Stay put.
I'll go in and find her and I'll
bring her back out here, meet you.
Don't go far.
Oh, shit.
Emily! Emily!!
Emily! Emily!!
Fuck! Jack, open the fucking door! Fuck.
Jack, if you don't open the
door, I'm gonna break it down.
She's gone.
Alright, she's gone.
Look, I never wanted to hurt you,
alright, that was never the idea.
She's magical, you know
You've made a beautiful little girl.
So, you see I can't let
you take her from me.
And honestly, Natasha
All of this was for her.
Our marriage. All of it was to
ensure that legally I'd be her father.
Jen and I should be together.
You're a wonderful young woman, Natasha,
but what I felt for you was never love.
This wasn't the ending I'd planned,
by the way, it's a bit bleak.
I'd hoped for a smoother transition
but you forced me
when you said that you'd take Emily.
There's a line, all right, I'm
not gonna let you cross that line.
And also, you've had been lying to me
for quite some time, haven't you?
Spying on me,
bringing another man into my house.
Don't think I don't know
history when I see it.
I know you were together.
Right, so here is
what's going to happen.
You are going to walk
away from this marriage.
You're not gonna try and
fight it because you'll lose.
My resources far outweigh
yours as you've seen.
Besides, you're young.
You can walk away and start again.
Here's what you'll get in exchange:
I will pay you a healthy maintenance.
Nothing outrageous but it'll be fair.
You will get to see Emily on
birthdays and special occasions
and holidays,
until she is old enough
to make her own choices.
And in return for this access,
you will have to give up any
bid for permanent residency.
Do you understand that?
She lives with me.
That's it, that's the offer.
I can hear the cogs turning.
All right, I'll make it simple, shall I?
If you try and fight me on
this, and I win, which I will,
I'll make sure you get nothing, okay?
You've had a very busy
few days, haven't you?
Leaving Emily with strangers,
causing a scene at my place of work,
at my ex's place of work.
You know my sister
had to call the police, don't you?
You broke in here too.
I had to defend myself.
Jen will back me up.
No Court will ever believe you.
They'll see you as an unfit mother.
I'll drag you through the filth.
Do you understand?
I'll make sure you'll never
see Emily unsupervised again.
What was that?
I'll do it, I just obviously need more.
Yeah, I'll sign whatever, but
I need half.
Half of everything?
I've read up on this,
spouses get half by default
unless there's a pre-nup,
which there isn't.
I'd have to write a letter to the judge,
explaining why, if I
took any less than half.
I think it's there to protect people
- in coercive relationships.
- I see.
- Good for you.
- Hmm.
Well, I'm sorry to see you boil
our daughter down to numbers,
but if you want to sell her
for half then, yeah, fine.
I'll go along with it.
She's worth much more to me anyway.
I know.
I know.
Fuck! Fuck!
You're not taking her!
You're not fucking taking her!
You're not gonna fucking take her!
You don't take her!
- Jack!
- You don't win!
Do you hear me?!
Pick up you bitch, pick up.
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