The Following s01e03 Episode Script

The Poet's Fire

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
We need you in Virginia, Ryan.
I'm not an agent anymore.
You caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.
So what's my sequel about, Joe? We're gonna write this together, Ryan.
Ohh! Even though you slept with my wife.
I have so many surprises waiting for you.
He fancies himself Edgar Allan Poe.
That was the impetus for writing his novel.
We got more bodies.
He removed the eyes, Carroll's signature.
He used this prison guard to gain access to the internet to create a cult.
Agent Parker's taking the lead.
Cults, my specialty.
Ice pick lady, gay neighbors, and the nanny, how do they figure into your new plot? Where is he? Joey? Where is my son?! Carroll knows where the kid is.
He's not gonna tell us.
He might tell his wife.
You son of a bitch, where's my son? "Take thy beak from out of my heart, and take thy form from off my door.
" Quoth the raven "nevermore.
" And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting If you don't like the piece, call my editor, scream at him.
It is too early for this crap.
You have a nice day.
Lies floating on the floor shall be lifted-- nevermore! Hey! Good morning, Claire.
Aah! Good morning, ma'am.
Is Ryan Hardy here? No, ma'am.
He left over an hour ago.
How'd you sleep? That motel they stuck us in sucks.
The bed is bricks.
How many fingerprints? Several were older prints, but upstairs in the attic room, that is where we found 6 sets.
They're the newest ones we found.
I'm guessing that's where they gathered most.
Jacob, Paul, and Jordy.
That's 4.
The guy with the Poe mask that attacked me.
You really think that this cult is limited to 6 people? We weren't supposed to find their little clubhouse.
I tell you, there's got to be something here that will tell us where Joey Matthews is.
I've been through every piece of it.
Nothing points to where he is or why they took him.
I want to understand what this cult is about.
I mean, what's Carroll's message? Koresh, Jones, Manson-- they all used mind control to reinforce their message of family and unity over the individual.
Didn't Manson convince his family to kill for his own selfish needs? Yeah, but he dressed it up in several different motives at once.
He'd test his followers with acts of murder in order to prove their devotion.
He was a brilliant manipulator, get anyone to do anything.
Joe was a teacher.
He was a man of ideas, and he was brilliant at it.
I witnessed him at class he could engage and inspire his students in ways that I'd never seen before.
Hester had broken free from all of that.
She had-- she had created her own moral code.
Are we not able to break free and-- and do whatever we want as long as we are willing to pay life's consequences? What is-- what is your moral code? Make it unique unto yourself, and it will bleed into your writing.
Thank you.
How's your bedside manner? Jordy's awake.
Hey, Jordy.
How you feeling? How am I feeling? You shot me.
Sorry about that.
Tell us where Joey Matthews is.
Oh, is that all? Do you think I'm stupid? I'm not talking.
I think you're looking at the death penalty.
I'll never make it to the chair.
I'm a correctional officer.
I won't last a week in prison, but can I tell you a little secret? It was worth it to kill those girls, to hold them in my hands while they died, felt their last breath.
You know I talked to Joe, right? He was very upset to find out that you were still alive.
He wanted you dead.
You failed.
You were supposed to kill Claire Matthews.
Weren't those the rules? I know what you're doing.
It's not gonna work.
Come on, Jordy.
Where's Joey? La la la I can't hear you.
Look at what's happened to me Come on.
Just tell us where-- I can't believe it myself suddenly I'm up on top of the world Jordy! Jordy! Should have been somebody else Aah! - Hey! - Sorry.
I slipped.
- You can't do that! You can't do that! Hey! Hey! No, no, no, no! Sorry for the shaky cam.
- It's from a witness' cell.
- What are we watching? Street performance by a man dressed as Poe early this morning.
Recognize the mask? He was doing this on the street? It's very common.
It's the historical district, and here it comes.
Who's the victim? Stan Fellows, book critic.
Richmond paper.
I know this guy.
I interviewed him for my book.
He wrote a scathing review of Carroll's book "The Gothic Sea.
" It was the worst I read.
Suspect threw confetti on the crowd.
It's got writing on it.
"Generous Critic fann'd the Poet's fire, and taught the world with reason to admire.
" That's Poe.
So Carroll wants his followers to exact revenge on his critics? That could take a while.
The recent string of murders in the wake of Joe Carroll's prison escape is raising all kinds of speculation.
Is this the work of a cult? Hey.
The press is officially calling us a cult, but the FBI won't confirm it, so they've issued a media blackout.
That's because they're completely clueless.
Have you talked to Emma? No.
Why? Things are weird between you guys, and to be fair, you haven't been that nice to her.
Is that Rick? Awesome! Look.
Here's some cool footage of the fire.
So-- so torch man's a hit, huh? I knew it would work.
If you hate blood so much, what about fire? It's flashy.
I don't hate blood.
What about removing the eyes? You can't do that with fire.
Actually you can, doofus.
What Jordy means is the eyes are Joe's signature.
Fire doesn't go with gouging eyes.
You're being literal.
Besides, we're supposed to find our own voice, not just copy Joe's story, doofus deux.
I like Joe's story.
Then have at it, Jordy.
You do it your way, I'll do it mine.
Just talk to Emma, okay? You don't see it, do you? I mean, that girl wears a lot of faces.
I don't get the Emma you get.
What Emma is that, Paul? Oh, we were just talking-- Don't cover for him.
If he has something to say Forget it.
Hey, guys.
We got him.
There's a business owner downtown with a security camera in an alley two blocks away.
Can you get a license plate? Way ahead.
Car's registered to Rick Kester.
He's 29.
This room is clear.
Aah! Please don't hurt me.
We're not gonna hurt you.
Who are you? Maggie Kester.
I live here.
- You know Rick Kester? - Yes, I do.
He's my husband.
Thank you for agreeing to come down and talk to us.
Are you kidding? I don't want to stay in that house alone.
When was the last time you heard from your husband? Last night.
He called.
I didn't pick up.
We're separated.
Um leave a message.
Why were you hiding from us? I didn't know it was you.
I was scared.
He still has a key, and he's been bothering me, calling me, showing up at work.
Rick can be scary when he wants to be.
We pulled your records, and your story checks out, but I'm curious about this police report that you filled out a couple of years back in the Emergency Room.
Why did your husband try to kill you? I asked him for a divorce.
So he took a knife to you? Unh! Ugh! They never pressed charges.
I wouldn't testify because he was sorry.
He was.
He wasn't always like this.
When did you notice a change? He lost his job and had all this free time and started hanging out with these new friends.
Did you ever meet any of them? No.
I didn't want anything to do with them.
He would come home with these weird ideas and saying crazy things.
What things? He started talking a lot about death, how life didn't matter.
He got really dark.
He was depressed.
We're gonna give you protection till we find your husband.
Excuse me.
So you believe her? Yeah, I do.
She's tragic and pathetic, and I know her well.
How so? She wants the man in her head, not the one she married.
She's my mother, my sister, my other sister.
No one ever wants to see what's really there.
We need to find the husband.
He's the closest thing we have to finding Joey.
Why don't you let me see Joe again, see if I can get him to talk? Let me try.
I think it's time Joe and I met anyway.
What do you want, Paul? You need any help? No.
I'm sorry about before and whatever I've done.
We're all in this together, and I don't want things to be like this.
I don't either, Paul.
Can we sort of pretend that we like each other and, I don't know, see where that goes? Truce? Unh! You bitch! Don't try to turn Jacob against me.
It won't work.
Bitch! Hi.
I'm Agent Parker.
We haven't officially met.
How's your hand? First of all, awesome job.
I'm very impressed.
How much planning did all of this take? Seriously, you are doing a great job.
Thank you for my book.
You're welcome.
Why torch your critics? That seems a little petty.
Oh, dear.
Has someone been playing with matches? I like fire, sir.
It started when I was a kid, and it just stuck.
I'm not good at knives.
I've been practicing getting better, but I still prefer fire.
Definitely makes a statement.
Tell me more.
Poe often wrote of revenge.
I want my chapter to be about revenge.
I want to target the people who hurt you professionally.
I've done my research.
I know who they are.
I'm not above revenge, Agent.
I think I've proved that.
Revenge is primal.
It's a universal theme, and every good story needs one.
Don't you agree, Ryan? Of course, his theme somewhat different.
So your acolytes come up with ways to make you proud with these little tributes.
Is that the way they're helping you write your book? Right.
Everyone has a story to tell, Agent.
Your little devotee, is he gonna torch all your critics? There are really only 3 people that I hold accountable for my professional downfall, Agent.
Isn't that right, Ryan? I wonder who he holds accountable for his downfall.
Must be very hard for you to be surrounded by the stench of death again.
I know this takes a terrible toll on you, and you must be careful, what with that little heart of yours.
What are you doing? Joe's downfall-- his words.
That would be me, the dead critic, and this guy.
He was a professor at the university.
I interviewed him.
He was a dean.
After Joe's book failed, this guy denied him tenure, said that Joe wasn't worthy.
It was a big blow to Joe's career.
Here it is.
Phillip Barnes, Dean of Literature.
Do you think he's still the dean? As far as I know.
This was years ago.
May I help you? Did we have an appointment? Why did you deny Joe Carroll tenure? I beg your pardon.
I asked you a question.
Is this a joke? I'm sorry.
You need to leave.
Ooh! No.
You need to sit.
Why did you deny Carroll tenure? Answer me.
Unh! I never killed anyone with a knife before.
Press is using the cult word.
It's out there.
We gonna comment? No.
Let them speculate.
Where's Ryan? He went outside.
There's no way you could have stopped this.
I could have.
See, that's the point.
He's baiting me! I should have seen it coming.
Why? Because you interviewed him 8 years ago? Seriously? You know Carroll's out to torture you.
Well, it's working.
- Professor Carroll.
- Hmm? Hi.
Ryan Hardy, FBI.
Oh, yes, yes.
My wife said to expect you.
It's a pleasure, Agent Hardy.
How can I help? I was hoping to pick your brain on a case I'm working on.
Oh, the murders.
Oh, gosh.
Poor girls.
I'd relish the opportunity.
" I don't mean relish.
I mean, it's not every day one gets to aid the FBI in a murder investigation, is it? Now a good time? No.
I'm afraid not.
I'm already late for an appointment, but, uh, look.
Just call my office.
I'm free every night this week.
I'll do that.
Thank you, sir.
Please call me Joe.
Nice to meet you.
All right.
Get in closer.
Smile! How was it? I don't like it.
One more.
- Come here.
Ohh! - Ha ha ha! All right.
Can I call mom now? No, you cannot, and stop asking me that! No.
We can't pretend to be gay.
Sarah Fuller has major issues.
She's not gonna warm up to a straight guy the way that she would to a totally nonthreatening gay couple.
Uh, I don't know.
Joe thinks it's a great idea.
But we're straight.
Come on.
Expand your minds.
Let's try.
What, now? Let's see if you can pull it off.
No, no, no.
No way, no way.
You guys are losers! So what am I gonna tell Joe? Okay.
Let's do this.
Come on.
Gay chicken.
What's wrong with him? Hey! What do you think you're doing? - Get away.
- Come on, man.
Don't do this.
Where are you going, huh? Hey.
Your face is all over the news right now.
Don't be stupid.
You're a liar.
Authorities have yet to confirm or deny any cult activity surrounding Joe Carroll.
So does the coffee work as an equalizer? That's the idea.
Rick Kester's records just came in.
Take a look at this.
A critic for the "Richmond Herald" Stan Fellows is dead.
The assailant, a street performer, is currently at large Several eyewitness caught the incident on camera.
Come in? Excuse me.
Claire? I'm watching the news.
What's happening? Listen.
We have a suspect.
I need to ask you something.
The man who's starting the fires? Right.
I've just got his credit card statements, and there's a couple of items that I just need to confirm with you-- All Pro sponge ball, Ridley Race car set, dragon ninja warrior-- Action figure.
Those are all Joey's favorite toys.
What's going on? This is good news, Claire.
They bought him toys.
Wherever he is, they're not hurting him.
I want him home, Ryan.
He's not gonna be safe until he's home.
I know.
I got to go.
I'll call you later, okay? - Bye-bye.
- Bye.
I've been here all day.
Can I go now? Soon.
Any idea why your husband would purchase toys? I don't know.
It's his credit card.
You'll have to ask him.
It's Rick.
Answer it.
Put it on speaker phone.
Where are you? The FBI came to the house, Rick.
What have you done? Are you with them now? Y-yes.
They're looking for you, Rick.
You're in trouble.
How could you hurt those people? Where are you, Rick? Is Ryan Hardy there? Tell Ryan it was all for him.
He's using the same setup at their internet.
It's being routed internationally.
We can't trace it.
What do you think? We try and make contact? I don't know.
Take her home, stay with her.
I'll send someone to relieve you in the morning.
I'll go with him.
What you're gonna do, vodka breath, is go back to that dumpy, little motel the FBI put us in and get some rest.
I feel totally fine.
When was the last time you had more than an hour of sleep? You're gonna go, and you're gonna get some sleep, Ryan, and tomorrow, we're gonna find Joey.
Do you understand? Look.
I get it.
You overidentify with the victims, the guilt makes it personal, you unravel.
I get it.
You okay? Not going back to the hotel to sleep, are you? I think Rick Kester knows where Joey is.
Well, they gave me a rental car.
Joey's in his room.
He thinks we got into a little fight.
Paul just needed to blow off some steam.
Our faces are all over the news.
What if he goes into town? I know Paul, okay? He's not gonna go into town.
Did you send that e-mail? Not yet.
I was waiting for Rick to call.
Why is no one doing what they're supposed to do? Damn it.
Excuse me.
Megan? Heh heh.
Where would I find the wine? Oh.
We don't sell wine.
All we have is beer.
That's the law.
Well, I really wanted wine.
Heh heh.
Uh So, uh, red or white? G-go with the red.
And, uh, what time do you get off? Do you really think he's gonna come here? We just want to keep you safe, that's all.
Do what you normally do.
Pretend I'm not even here.
Um, help yourself to the fridge.
Hardy and I are outside.
What? Does Parker know? Yeah.
Do you really think Kester would be stupid enough to come here? He's already killed two people today.
He's escalating, he's getting bolder.
We'll be outside if you need us.
Does Parker know we're here? She told me to watch you.
I know you march to your own drum and everything, and, hey, that's cool.
Maybe someday I can, but I'm the second youngest agent in the BAU, and people still look at me funny.
This is my career, sir.
You still live in Brooklyn? Yeah.
You ever make it up to Albany? I read your book.
I know you grew up there.
Not for years.
No reason.
Um, I'm a military brat.
Was born in San Diego.
I've lived everywhere-- I'm gonna take a look around, stretch my legs.
Ryan, good to see you.
Come on in.
I'm afraid it's only me tonight.
Claire's out with the little one.
Can I get you a drink? No.
I'm fine.
My God.
This is a moment when it all becomes very real.
Your wife mentioned Edgar Allan Poe as a reference for the eyes.
What makes you think that your killer has a greater literary purpose? Well, there's a sophistication to the murders, the way the bodies are handled and displayed.
There's a romance to it.
Poe's eye allegories would certainly fit, and you'll find his symbolism full of haunting romance.
Thanks a lot.
I'll get this right back to you.
No, no, no.
Don't you dare.
This has-- this has been a treat for me.
Now please may I offer you a drink? All right.
Whatever you're drinking.
I need a breather.
And more wine.
Ha ha ha! Sure.
We're not having sex, okay? Let's just take that off the table.
Unh! Wait.
That hurt.
Were you just choking me? No.
Of course not.
We should get going.
It's getting late.
But-- I need to get home.
- Okay? - Okay.
Let me get the door for you.
Aah! Don't be so happy to see me.
Will you excuse us, please? I'm not talking to you.
Well, you're gonna have to.
I need some information from you, Jordy.
Believe it or not, I'm walking on air So I was talking to Joe.
I never-- And he wants to see you.
I want to see him.
I can make that happen, but I can't if you won't talk to me.
You okay in here? Yeah, I guess.
Are you married, Agent Riley? Divorced.
Was she a good woman? She wasn't the problem.
What was that? Was that inside or outside? Yeah.
- You okay? - I'm not sure.
There's someone in the backyard.
I'm coming in.
How do I know you're not lying? What if I tell you stuff and you don't let me see Joe? Character, Jordy.
I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.
What if I tell you stuff and you don't like the stuff I tell you? Do I still get to see Joe? Just talk to me, Jordy.
I'll let you see Joe.
I don't know where the kid is.
Oh, come on, Jordy.
I don't.
We divide the secrets so no one person knows everything in case one of us gets caught.
So who has Joey? Emma and Jacob and Paul, but I don't know where they are, and that's the truth.
Can I see Joe now? Does Rick know where Joey is? I don't know, but his wife does.
What? Maggie.
She and Emma planned that part.
Something's up.
You lied! It's Parker.
Jordy just told me Maggie Kester is one of them.
She's lying.
Maggie's one of them.
Maggie, you're getting a message.
What does it say? It says, "now.
" What the? Unh! Ugh! Oh, my God.
Baby, are you okay? You went too deep.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
You lose.
You suck at games.
He sucks at knives.
All right.
Who's next? Truth or dare? Guys, she needs a hospital.
What? Oh, my God.
Baby, I'm so sorry.
Baby, I'm so sorry.
There's no time.
We have to go.
Oh, my God.
Get an ambulance! Here.
Hold pressure on this.
Hold on.
I got it.
Hey, Troy.
Look at me.
You're gonna be okay.
Stop! Stop! No.
Please, please.
He's gonna kill me.
I don't think so, Maggie.
No! Ah, ah ah! What is that? What the hell? Hey, guys.
This is Megan.
Megan, this is Emma and Jacob.
Who is she? She's a friend, and she's gonna be staying with us for a while.
You have lost your mind.
I'm done listening to her.
I'll take care of this.
Go check on Joey.
What are you doing, Paul? I'm tired of being the third wheel, and now I'm not.
I know you're mad at me right now, but you can't ruin things for everyone.
Does Emma know what a liar you are? We promised we wouldn't tell anyone especially Emma.
I drank too much.
Sarah's gonna think I'm a drunk.
Are you kidding? She loves you.
You had a few too many, too.
You know that? So touchy-feely when you drink.
It's for Sarah, all right? I mean, we go to look like a real couple.
So touchy Ha ha ha! Stop that.
- Ohh.
- Ha ha ha! Under a blue moon I saw you so soon you'll take me up in your arms too late to beg you or cancel it though I know it must be the killing time Look.
We can't keep her here.
I'll help you take her into the basement, okay? That woman fooled me today, and I am mad.
Riley didn't have to die.
Thanks a lot.
I'll read it right way, I promise.
Well, feel free to hate it.
Everyone else has.
It's not doing well? I think that's the third copy.
Maybe I should give you Ha ha ha! Listen.
I really appreciate tonight, Joe.
Well, if nothing else it's good scotch, huh? It's great scotch.
You know, I've been working on this case nonstop for months now.
Sometimes I just forget to stop and turn it off for a few hours.
I couldn't turn it off if I were you.
Must be hard with friends and family when you're running around, trying to chase down the bad guy.
I imagine it, uh, it gets quite lonely.
But the payoff, huh? Helping people, saving lives.
You know, I think what you do is quite remarkable.
One more, huh? Sure.
Why not? Joe fooled me.
I should have known from the first time I met him he was the man I was looking for, but he had this power.
I'm sorry, Joe.
I'm sorry, Joe! Charmed and seduced.
I know what his followers feel.
As I run blindly from the fear I know is not real They're better for being near him.
He knows how to give them a little piece of what they're missing.
I'm sorry, Joe.
I fell for it.
And 5 more girls were murdered.
Let me hate for you and hate for me I got your message.
What is it? I got an e-mail.
See? If you catch the sun just right, the bug catches fire.
Why do you want to kill a bug? Because we can.
See, if you kill the bug, then it dies, and your life means a little more.
I-- I don't understand.
Look at this little guy.
Whoa! Where did you get a cute, little mouse? Caught him in a trap.
Screw the lid on.
It's got to be real tight.
Then it's gonna suffocate.
It-- it will die.
Screw the lid on.
I don't want to.
It's okay, sweetie.
Go ahead.
Then we watch it go straight to heaven.
- There you go.
- Yeah.
Good job.
I never killed anything before.
We're just getting started.
They're teaching him.
Claire, we are going to find him.
Then do it! Claire! Claire, wait.
Joey, can you wave to the camera and say, "hi, Ryan"? Who's that? He's a friend.
Come on.
Just say it for me.
Hi, Ryan!
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