The Following Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

(Alex on computer)
I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!
(Dan on computer)
You don't get it. You just
you don't get it.
Don't you remember our weekend?
Hey, hey, just don't flatter
yourself, Alex.
Go ahead, hit me.
(Alex) If you can't fuck me.
Why don't you just hit me?
You're so sad. You know that, Alex?
Lonely and very sad.
(Joyce) I was recently divorced,
living in Bristol.
In this big house, I'd inherited
from my grandmother.
I was struggling
to keep up with the bills
and someone suggested
I take in a lodger.
And, well
that's how I met Graham.
False promises, scare tactics,
I'll pity you.
I'll pity you because you're sick.
Because I won't allow you
to treat me like some slut
you can just bang a couple of times
and throw in the garbage?
Two weeks after moving in,
he'd gone from living
in the basement
to sharing my bedroom!
(Alex) I'll tell your wife!
(tense music)
What were you thinking of, Alice?
I thought it was worth the risk.
(Benjy) Did you?
(Benjy sighs)
What did he say when he saw you?
What did he do?
(Rob) Juno.
I've heard so much about you.
We will be eternally grateful
for everything you did
for Goblin, won't we, Cher?
It was just
Ah, well
He was just in the water, was he?
Half swimming and like with his
(nervous chuckle)
And I was like, oh, God.
How astonishing.
What a bloody hero.
So, Cheryl tells me that
you're a fashion designer, Juno.
Juno Fish?
Is that your real name? Fish?
-(Cheryl) Married name, presumably?
She's got that shop in town
next to the, erm
Ah, has she indeed? Huh?
(Goblin barks)
-(Danni) Cheryl?
-(Cheryl) Anyway,
we don't want to hold you up.
(Alice) Yes, I better get going.
-(Rob) That's odd.
-(Cheryl) What is?
I'm, er,
just on your website, Juno.
And you look, er
nothing like you.
(Cheryl) Rob, don't be rude!
-(Danni) Cee!
-(Rob) Oh, no, no.
I'm not being rude! I'm serious.
-We're dying of thirst in here!
-Have a look.
-Hang on, Rob. I'm coming, love.
-Have you got any more wine?
You wanna see?
She's a model.
The face of the company.
-It's a marketing thing.
They thought it would make
the brand seem
to have someone younger,
more attractive.
Ah, no way.
(Rob) Huh, makes sense I suppose.
(inhales deeply)
She is rather lovely.
(Cheryl) I'll just say goodbye
to these guys
and then we can start.
Well, I know that Rob's got to get
to a concert,
but are you sure you can't stay
for a movie, Juno?
-No, thank you. I really better
-(Rob) Actually,
I was rather hoping that Juno
might be able to give me a lift.
(breathes deeply)
(animal hooting)
(car lock clinks)
(car door closes)
I'll give you directions as we go.
-(engine starts)
-# Borderline #
# Feels like I'm go #
(engine revs)
(tense music)
-"Benjy Bubble."
-He's a friend.
I had an accident in my Land Rover.
-(Alice) Er, drove into a tree.
-Clown friend.
Dear Christ.
Can you imagine?
(exhales sharply)
fashion designer, hmm?
Just like you always wanted.
Are you all right? Juno?
I didn't know.
Okay, I swear to God!
Didn't know what?
I didn't know Cheryl
was your girlfriend!
I didn't know
you lived in that house.
Come on. Do you really expect me
to believe that?
Jesus, Alice!
No, don't look at me like that.
I'm not angry.
I just want to understand.
I mean, you can see why
I'm a bit taken aback, right?
I find my ex-wife,
who I haven't seen for years,
sneaking around
my girlfriend's house,
calling herself Juno.
What am I meant to think?
-Nothing's going on.
It's just a design name.
Like a stage name.
(Rob) Oh, a stage name!
Oh, you can do better than that.
Cause according to her website,
Juno Fish is your boss,
and you're her trusty
personal assistant.
(inhales deeply)
Okay, yes.
I told Cheryl I was Juno
because I wanted her to think
I was someone important.
That's all.
Just a silly mistake.
I don't believe in coincidences.
When I saw you tonight, I thought
I was losing my mind, I was scared.
-Watch the road!
I hit a badger out here once.
Take the next turning on the left.
What? Why?
Because I said so.
Take it.
Where are we going?
Turn right at the end.
(signal clicks)
You know, Robbie,
the truth is
when I saw you tonight,
I felt ashamed.
My mum always used to say
I was a bad wife
and I didn't believe her.
(Alice) But I was very immature.
And I I
I blamed you for stuff.
It wasn't your fault.
And it's only in recent years
I've realised
how lucky I was to have you.
You was the best thing that
ever happened to me, Robbie.
I'm really sorry.
(clicks tongue)
Pull in here.
(Benjy) So that was it?
You just dropped him off
at the pub?
Bloody hell, Al.
-I thought you were going to say
did something bad.
You lied to me.
(Benjy sighs)
I knew you weren't at
Juno's birthday.
Did you?
-I'm going away at the weekend.
I know. You forgot.
I've got a magic convention.
I didn't forget. Birmingham.
Blackpool. Nice try.
I feel weird about leaving you.
-Because I thought
that if I lied to you,
even one time,
our whole relationship
would be over.
So, what changed?
Or was it just that
I'm not allowed to lie?
Cause if this was
the other way round
Oh, stop saying that.
I'd be packing my bags,
wouldn't I?
All these years of you
checking my phone,
memorising my passwords
these trust issues,
maybe it's been you the whole time!
It's not me. I have told you
all there is to know.
You don't need to lie to me.
I support you.
You don't.
Every time we talk about him
you accuse me of having feelings
You do still have feelings for him.
I do not have feelings for him!
I mean feelings of hate.
(Benjy) What's he gonna do
if you keep going with this?
Look, he is getting away with it.
He ruined my life and he is
walking around a free man!
He ruined your life, did he?
I'm sorry it's so shit,
being with me and Josh,
living here.
-I meant my dad's life.
-Not what you said.
That is what I meant.
I just want you to stop, Alice.
(Benjy sighs)
You have made my life worth living.
I'm sorry I lied.
(breathes deeply)
You've gotta trust me, Alice.
You don't need
to protect yourself from me.
(sombre music)
(breathes deeply)
(engine idling)
What's Cheryl gonna say, hmm?
How's she gonna feel?
We don't need to say anything.
You want me to lie to my soul mate?
Oh, Al.
I know you.
I know how you struggle
with your emotions.
But you do know
what this looks like, don't you?
It looks like you've probably
been stalking me.
You found out
I was in a new relationship
with someone more successful,
more desirable.
And furious that she has
what's rightfully yours,
hell-bent on revenge,
it seems obvious to me
as it will to others,
that you kidnapped her dog,
used it
to ingratiate yourself with her,
as some kind of pathetic attempt
to get to me.
I would never keep something
like this from Cheryl.
However much it upsets her,
and it will,
I am gonna have to tell her
what you've done.
And for old times' sake, I
I can make sure she doesn't
press charges if if
you stay away from now on, okay?
(Rob) Try to move on. Hmm?
Forget about me, yeah, Ally Cat?
Think about professional help.
(car door opens, closes)
(sinister laugh)
(sighs deeply)
Change of plan.
Now he knows I'm onto him.
We need to adapt our tactics.
(Bill) When was the last time
you had something to eat?
-I'm not hungry. Why?
-You seem
I I'm worried he's
-taking over again.
-(Alice) No, he's not.
Cause when you were with him,
you were like not you.
I'm not saying it very well.
(Alice) I know what you mean,
but I'm fine. Honestly.
Now come on. Look.
Here's the Filofax.
What do you see?
(Bill) Er
(Bill) Random words.
(Alice) Find you.
See if that helps.
Me? I'm in here?
You. Me. Mum.
Just the Nunthorpe Terrace address.
What do these letters mean? NW?
(Alice) NW is Natwest.
They're bank accounts
and maiden names.
And something else.
For example, next to my name,
it says, "dad accident."
And under yours, "Hedgehunter".
What's that?
No idea.
Know what I think it is?
It's people he's screwed over.
People like you and me.
We're gonna speak
to every single name in that book
and persuade them
to speak out against him.
Blimey. Are we?
I'll speak to the local ones,
you start making phone calls.
What am I gonna say?
Did a man called Rob Chance
ever screw you over?
Or Robbie Graham. We're looking
for corroborating witnesses
or accounts
or anything to do
with the Saattut Academy.
What about Cheryl Harker?
Couldn't you just give her this?
And get her to report him?
Like we said?
No, it's too late.
By now she'll think
I'm the crazy ex.
She won't believe a word I say.
(Alice) She thinks he's charming,
and helpful, and kind.
She's never gonna take my side.
That's why we need people
to back us up.
You should've just told her
in the first place.
(Alice) The best way to help her
is to get proof.
So she can see for herself
what he's really like.
Who's Claudia Rose?
(ominous music)
Is she in there?
(Bill) I know that name, don't I?
Yeah, it it's Rob's ex.
Before me.
Didn't she go missing or something?
(Bill) Why's she got
so many addresses?
(Claudia) Please, call me.
It's Claudia. Please listen to me.
I know you don't know me.
But I know him.
And I know you don't know
what he's capable of.
You can't trust him!
He's not who you think he is.
He will take everything that
matters to you and destroy it.
Get away from him! Now!
Before it's too late.
I know him.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
(ominous music continues)
(operator) The number
you have dialled is
no longer in service.
(breathes heavily)
(clicks tongue)
(Rob) Good morning, beautiful.
Oh, no, Rob!
You'll stretch it!
I think it fits me like a glove.
Hasn't she done well
old Juno Fishy Fish?
(both laughing)
(Cheryl) What time did you come
to bed last night?
Huh? I still have no idea.
-How was the concert?
-Oh, it was fine.
the piano, it's too far back
at the Sheldonian for my liking.
But you could play Rachmaninov
on a Casio keyboard
and I'd be very happy.
I thought you said St. Hilda's.
-(Cheryl) The concert.
You said it was at St. Hilda's.
Mm, no, I didn't.
Are you all right, darling?
And how about Juno?
She didn't mind giving you a lift?
No, she didn't mind at all.
In fact,
I found out something
rather interesting about her.
Oh, yes?
She's, erm
a terrible driver.
-(both laughing)
-(doorbell rings)
-Oh, that'll be them!
-Them who?
Priana and Lola. They've come over
to make plans for the party.
-What party?
-The Scholarship announcement.
You mean the dinner!
We need to confirm the venue ASAP,
and we've got
catering quotes and
-(Lola) Oh, hi, Cheryl.
So, what are we thinking,
Friday the 14th? Full steam ahead?
We're zoning in on the Dexter Club.
(Cheryl) The Dexter.
-How much is that?
-We're a bit worried about budget.
Whoa. I hope you're not
a problem person, Priana, are you?
Is she?
As the college representative
Oh, fuck the college!
The academy is paying.
Ah, hang on, since when?
We have an allocated budget
for this event.
Yeah, but these guys
have been telling me
that it's always
such a piddly low-key thing
with bad food and boring speeches.
Now you've got me involved,
it has to have the spirit
of Disruptive Exploration.
Which means
we put our hands in our pockets
and we show people
just because it's green doesn't
mean there isn't free champagne.
Shall we talk about the guest list?
-There will be press.
-(Cheryl) Since when?
We're supporting
these students through college,
not turning them into celebrities.
Oh, my, darling. You will still be
the star attraction, I promise.
-That's not
-(Rob) Especially
in your dragon themed
dressing gown.
It's not a dressing gown!
(Rob) I need you guys to brainstorm
famous people that you know.
It's got to be huge, but also
at the same time exclusive.
So, go, go, go, go, go, go. Go!
I don't know any famous people.
Juno Fish?
She's quite well known locally.
And she designed my gown.
I'm sure she'd come.
(Juno) Alice.
Can we have a word, please?
-(office phone rings)
-(background chatter)
So, I finally had a call
from the mechanics
with an estimate for the car.
Wonderful, I think.
I can take this to Alice
and we can discuss
a repayment plan.
But then Lionel comes in
with a big red face
telling me these have arrived.
Someone ran a red light on the A34
out near the Peartree roundabout
and incurred a 100-pound fine.
And before you get
into more trouble by denying it,
it's timed and dated
about half an hour
before you drove into a tree.
-Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
someone has been parking illegally
outside Temptress Night Club
and has accumulated over 3,000
pounds worth of tickets!
-That's not me!
-Well, it certainly wasn't me.
(Juno) And it wasn't Lionel, so.
And can you please explain to me
what's been happening
in the storeroom?
Poppy told me she saw you
down there with a lady
working on one of your own designs.
Care to comment?
(Juno) I'll leave these with you.
(quirky music)
Nobody uses cash anymore, do they?
Except you.
Always asking me
to go to the cash machine.
I didn't even think about it.
Till I found this.
-What's that?
-(Alice) Your cocaine, Juno.
It was in your car!
You know what?
You know who I think
that belongs to?
Go on.
The Nanny.
Well, think about it.
She's been driving Poppy around
-for the past
-What's Lionel gonna say, hmm?
You promised him when you had kids.
Please don't tell Lionel!
Please, Alice! You don't have
to pay the stupid fines
and I'll talk to him about the car,
I promise.
Fine. Great. Thanks.
And I want a promotion.
-Junior Designer.
My designs are good.
People with excellent taste
love them!
-Like who?
-I'm sorry, Alice.
But I'm not going
to be blackmailed.
Okay, fine. But from now on,
I'm sticking to my job description.
I'll do agendas, diaries,
marketing, travel.
But anything beyond that? No.
You can fetch your own coffee.
You can take
your own kids to nursery.
-You can open your own post!
And I'm taking a holiday.
(opera music plays)
-(indistinct shouting)
-(phone vibrates)
Saattut Climate Academy,
how can I help you?
(over phone)
Red fox? It's Lone Wolf.
Ah, it's you. Finally.
(clears throat)
-Did you get it?
-Affirmative. I have Thumper.
Uh-huh, copy that.
And you'll deliver it for me, yeah?
(Lone Wolf) Yes, of course.
Do you have the address?
Er no, I don't I have
a recent address
you might have to look it up.
(clicks tongue)
-Bear with me.
-(Lone Wolf) Affirmative.
(clears throat)
Does it have red eyes?
-Yes. As requested.
Good man!
(Lone Wolf) It wasn't easy
to locate one with red eyes.
I had to call in a favour
from an old flame in
Hang on, let me call you back.
-(opera music continues to play)
(metal clanks)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Where the fuck is it?
(upbeat music)
Oh, hello. I'm trying to reach
Mr Timothy Evans.
(Bill) Yes, I I can hold.
(Alice) Is Kelly here today?
Can I leave a message?
Hi, Kelly, my name's Alice.
I got your number
from your colleague.
I think you might know a man
I'm looking for
called Robert or Robbie.
(Alice) Anyway,
can you call me back?
(door clanks)
(upbeat music continues)
What's all this gobbledygook?
-(woman) Hang on. Shit.
-(object thuds)
Ow. Uh
-I'm here to see Ms Dartmouth.
(woman) Oh, yes, er, c-come in.
Hi, er, sorry, I'm Lola.
Erm, did we have something
in the diary?
Er, yes.
Oh, my secretary's on holiday.
Erm, catch me up.
Is this, er is this a new case?
Er, no, it's not a case.
I just wanted a quick chat
about Dr Robert Chance.
Er, why? Erm, what about him?
Do you know him?
Barely. I, er, I met him
a few times through a client.
But, er
When did you first meet him?
-Are you a journalist?
-No, no.
-What then?
-I'm conducting an investigation.
-What kind of investigation?
-On behalf of an interested party.
-I can't tell you that yet.
Well, like I said,
I met Dr Chance through a client.
I hardly know the man.
-And which client would that be?
-Sorry, what's this about?
-Who are you? Can I see some ID?
I must have left it, yeah.
But, listen, has your client
given him any money?
Invested in his academy?
Dr Chance doesn't seek investment,
quite the opposite.
His academy provides money
for scholarships.
That information is publicly
available on his website.
It's just there's a situation.
Dr Chance is in the habit
of making promises he can't keep.
I'm sorry, I I don't know
who you are but I can't
I mean, I I don't want
to get involved. So leave me alone!
(Alice) "A clear, cold night
enveloped Arathdoon
in peaceful darkness,
but Doonathra was troubled
by an uneasy sense of dread.
Beyond the slumbering city
she could hear
the dragons murmur across the wind.
Beware the Knight of Spires
came the haunting growl.
For he is an enemy so subtle,
he could have a weapon
at your throat
while all you see is his smile.
You must be patient.
Doonathra brooded
knowing that for now,
all she could do was bade her time
and keep watch.
But the Knight of Spires
stalked her thoughts
like a wolf on the flock."
-(Benjy grunts)
-(Benjy sighs)
(man) Red Fox?
Did you get it done?
-As requested.
-Anyone follow you here?
No chance.
Any word on your Filofax?
-She's got it.
-You sure it's not the American?
I mean, no.
I can't be sure of anything.
Christ, I'm naive!
This is why women always
end up taking advantage of me.
-So what's the plan? What do we do?
-The only thing we can do.
We accelerate Operation Goose.
And then move straight
on to phase six.
(sighs deeply)
-Is the Goose ready?
-I hope so.
She really is the most
extraordinary woman.
-You think she'll go for it?
If we bring in The Captain.
-Now hit me.
-Oh, Christ.
Don't be a pussy. Just hit me!
Thank you.
Obviously it's great
for the extra student.
(Cheryl) He's changing her life!
He's only contributing
half the finances
and he's getting
a co-sponsorship credit
and an association with your brand,
your trust,
your years of hard work,
not to mention a direct affiliation
with that university.
He's already affiliated
with the university,
and without his contribution,
there's no way the college
would have agreed.
There are other ways to raise money
if you set your mind to it.
Like selling my TV rights
to Scott Maran, that kind of thing?
And I resent
your boyfriend's accusation
that I am encouraging you
to make decisions
on a purely financial basis.
When did he say that?
Read the small print!
-Oh, come on. He was joking!
-Did you see me laughing?
I know you don't approve.
No, I don't disapprove. But I do
Please don't say
you worry about me.
(Regina) All right, I won't say it.
It's just
(clicks tongue)
What is it?
(Regina) Oh, Cher.
I have to go.
I've got a meeting.
It's lovely to see you.
take a look at his social media.
(Regina) As someone
who's always been very private,
he's made your life
very, very public.
-(light music playing)
-(background chatter)
(foreboding music)
"Doonathra's heart grew cold
and she finally understood
the terrible truth.
She had waited too long.
There was no undoing her fate."
She's crazy!
(Cheryl whispers)
"No way back."
He must think I'm completely mad.
I'm losing my marbles!
She's doolally.
(Cheryl) "Betrayal hung heavy
about her heart, an icy mist."
It's just you and me!
(Cheryl) "She finally understood
the true toll
of the sacrifices she had made,
kinship and truth."
-(Rob grunts)
(Ralph) Oh, Cheryl.
I'm afraid you've had a break-in.
-And they've hurt Rob.
-What? What do you mean?
They were wearing masks.
I couldn't
I just spoke to Simon.
It's worse than we thought.
It's more than one.
-(Rob) Jesus Christ, how many?
-(man) They think ten.
-(Ralph) Ten!
-Get hold of Crake! Now!
Rob. Who is that man?
What's happening in my house?
(Rob) That's JD. He's my lawyer.
He's here because the academy's
been attacked!
Initial reports
just say arson attack,
but now it seems
there's an ongoing situation.
I don't understand.
Why would someone
attack a climate academy?
And why break-in here?
What were they looking for?
We do a lot of sensitive research
into Big Pharma and Big Oil.
And there are certain individuals,
governments who want
to get hold of it.
And when I refused
to open the safe, they
(JD) Bye. Crake can't release
any cash from your trust.
Liabilities inequities.
Says it won't clear till Friday.
-Friday? It'll be dead by Friday!
-Who'll be dead?
Cheryl, you cannot breathe
a word of this to anyone,
do you understand?
-Okay, drink this.
Whoever attacked
the academy has taken
10 of my researchers hostage.
There is a ransom demand.
Now, obviously, I can afford it,
but my trust manager
isn't playing ball.
I have got six million pounds
sitting in a Swiss bank account,
and I cannot get access to it.
Ralph has been
incredibly generous
but we are still short
by over a hundred thousand,
and time's running out.
I wish I could help, I just
And what, erm, do you have?
Liquid-wise that you could get
hold of tonight?
A a few thousand?
A few thousand? Is that it?
Lance was sick
for a very long time.
I've been through
most of our savings.
And the rest is still in probate.
The only place
I keep that sort of money
is the Scholarship account, but
The Scholarship account?
But it's it's not mine.
No, you're right.
Half of it's mine.
A third. And that's not
Just forget it!
It it doesn't matter!
Forget I said anything.
It's my problem.
Just just go and get some sleep.
(glass thuds)
Wake up! We need you.
Lance, dear? What is it?
(Rob) JD has been through
the legalities.
He's got the website up.
We just need the password.
What website?
Your brilliant idea
about using the scholarship.
Just until Friday.
We have spoken to Crake.
What do you mean
use the scholarship? I said
We'll transfer the money
from the Harker Scholarship account
into one of my offshores,
then when my funds are released,
we rectify the financials ASAP.
Hang on, hang on.
Cheryl, darling, if we don't get
the activists out of Greenland,
they are going to be murdered.
I thought they were researchers.
Jesus, they're
activist researchers.
Do you really want
to discuss semantics?
I'm sorry, I I'm just thinking
through implications.
No, no, no, I'm sorry.
They live or they die,
does that help?
That's not what, I mean.
I meant Oh, I need to call Lola.
(Rob) JD's a lawyer. Yes?
I've been through the legalities,
you're the only signatory
on the trust account
so there's no reason
you can't release the money.
-Who said that?
-(Rob) Who said there's no reason?
Who said I'm the only signatory?
Does it matter?
We can worry about the details
when there aren't lives at stake!
The money will be back
into the account
before anyone else knows
it's even happened!
(Ralph) They've sent a recording.
-(woman screaming in recording)
Please, Cheryl.
(woman on recording)
Get off of me!
-Please, Cheryl.
(JD) We just
need the password, Cheryl.
-Just enter the password!
(discordant music)
-Wait. What's he doing?
-It's okay, babe.
(JD) In a moment
your bank will call
to take you through
some security questions.
Don't indicate any of this
is happening or people will die.
Do you understand?
(discordant music continues)
Thank you!
(music fades)
(sighing deeply)
(Cheryl breathes heavily)
(phone vibrates)
(ominous music)
(Alice) You must be Kelly.
(soft chuckle)
I know him.
His name's Bobby.
Bobby Martin.
Did he ask you to come?
Oh, no, no,
it it's nothing like that.
I, erm
(clicks tongue)
I used to know him. I'm just
Well, he he used to be
my boyfriend, so.
I can talk about it now,
but if you'd have asked me
six months ago
How is he?
He's okay.
'Cause it was, erm, one of them
toxic relationships.
Yeah, erm
(clicks tongue)
A sort of chemical reaction.
You just push each other's buttons.
I'm not meant to have,
erm, contact.
Poor Bobby put up
with a lot of shit from me.
But that was, erm,
that was before my diagnosis,
so I was out of control and, erm,
perceiving things all wrong.
And, erm, I had like
stuff in my past that I hadn't
quite dealt with and, erm
Sorry, can I just ask,
did he ever get you
to invest in anything?
Or lend him money?
No, no, erm, the opposite, really.
Thing is I I sort of
(inhales deeply)
I sort of, erm,
had a bit of a habit,
and so I was doing some escorting.
And, erm well, Bobby used
to looked after my money for me.
You know, so I didn't go crazy
and spend it all.
And that's actually what caused
our final breakup in the end
because, erm,
I wanted to buy a train ticket
to go and see my mum
and, erm, Bob said no.
(inhales deeply)
So, you know, we ended up.
Police. The works.
I got sectioned.
-Er, why?
-Oh, erm
I smashed a bottle and apparently,
I, erm, threatened to kill him.
And that's how I got my diagnosis.
Oh, it it explained everything,
my behaviour
Why I can get so unreasonable?
And when they explain it to you,
it's amazing!
You you go,
right, okay, so the world isn't
against me, it it's just me.
It's just the way I am.
And you can learn ways
to not be like that anymore.
Not to be angry?
I-I I didn't just
snap my fingers, I, erm
I retrained.
I found things
that resonated with me.
Like, erm, like wellness.
In a way, Bobby was the one who
who pointed me onto that path.
He always said I needed help.
He used to say the same to me.
When we were married.
Sorry, I
You and Bobby
When was this?
A long time ago now, but
He never told you he was married?
(sombre music)
When we first met,
he treated me like a goddess.
Best boyfriend I've ever had
Bar none.
Then when we got married
it was like
I mean, he said I changed.
He said I had unrealistic
expectations of marriage.
But whatever it was,
there was no
getting through to him.
He just denied everything
I was feeling to the point where
over time it became
easier just to live in a world
in which we both accepted that
I was completely unreasonable.
He used to track my periods
on a chart in the kitchen,
and when it was my time
of the month,
he used to make this huge deal
about how I was gonna be
even crazier than usual.
And it was true.
I forgot plans.
Kept finding things in odd places.
I thought I was going crazy.
And the worst thing is
somebody tried
to warn me about him,
and I didn't believe them.
And by the time I did Sorry.
I've never told anyone about this.
All I'm trying to say is
You're not
It's not
It might not all be you.
You see?
And the thing is, Kelly,
I really
really, really need your help.
And not just me.
Other people too.
There are other people
just like us.
Robert Gray from Dulwich
graduated Barnard College, 1988.
I phoned the records office.
They they confirmed it.
-Did they?
-I spoke with the Timothy boy.
He seems very nice.
Robbie was his roommate.
And is he gonna help us?
I'm sorry love, I did try.
But he says he doesn't want
to get involved.
(Bill) Can you believe it?
He went to Oxford.
And his real name's Robert Gray.
Robbie would not get into Oxford.
He'd already been there
when you married him!
I didn't marry Robert Gray.
I married Robbie Graham.
And he didn't have scars
on his back, did he?
(Alice) From his childhood burns.
No way.
How many more lies, Robbie?
(suspenseful music)
If we can prove he married you
with a false name,
-isn't that a crime?
-(Alice) Prove it how?
I burned all the wedding photos
when we lost the house. Remember?
(phone vibrates)
Cheryl again.
Oh, God, God.
(Bill) You can't avoid her forever.
(phone vibrates)
-(Bill) Answer it!
-(Alice) Here we go.
-(Alice) Hello?
-Juno, hi, it's Cheryl.
I just wondered
if you got my invitation
to the scholarship
announcement party
at the Dexter Club this evening.
Rob's officially
becoming a partner.
(Alice) The party? Oh, yes!
-Erm, I'm feeling a bit
-(Alice over phone) What?
I mean, it would just be nice
to have a chat.
I didn't know who else to call
and I know you won't judge me.
Perhaps we could speak tonight?
Something strange is happening.
(Alice over phone)
Er, of course, I'll see you there.
(Cheryl over phone) Thanks, Juno.
(Bill) Well?
(Alice) He hasn't told her.
She still thinks I'm Juno.
(Alice snickers)
Of course he hasn't told Cheryl.
Why do I believe
a single word he says?
(suspenseful music continues)
(Alice) He's not after
investment for his academy.
You what now?
(Alice) Lola told me
he's involved in scholarships.
He's after Cheryl's trust money!
Shit! We need to warn Cheryl.
Right! I'm off.
What the devil's that?
(Benjy) A bunny.
I found it in the driveway.
You found it?
(Benjy) You all right, love?
You don't look yourself.
No, I I I'm fine. I'm
It's nothing.
-Hope it's magic!
-(door closes)
(Alice) Now, Kelly's agreed
to help us. Is there anyone else?
Who do we have left?
Who's Joyce Ransome?
The lady in Bristol.
She said she's willing to talk
but not over the phone.
I thought I might head down there.
No, no, no, there's no
time for that. Who else?
-We need to warn Cheryl.
-Hold up. I thought we said we
No, I know there's a good chance
she won't believe us, Dad,
but we have to risk it.
He's getting her to go
into partnership with his scam.
In public!
We can't let that happen.
And she's already started
to doubt herself.
Losing her compass.
I can hear it in her voice!
Either he's speeding things up
or we have let it go too far.
Either way, we need to tell her now
before it's too late!
(Alice) I'll call Kelly.
We just have to hope
she's enough to convince Cheryl.
And if she doesn't believe us,
at least one day
she'll know we tried.
(Alice sighs)
(Cheryl sighs)
(breathes deeply)
(Rob) Are you ready?
Let's go change some young lives.
Have we heard from JD yet?
-About the money?
-Not yet.
I'm feeling bad
I never told Priana.
Maybe I should mention it tonight.
There's no need.
We'll have all the cash
back in the account
before she's has
breakfast tomorrow, okay?
-(Rob) Now then.
I want you to stop worrying
and enjoy your night.
(cheerful music)
Because tonight
is all about you.
("I Just Died in Your Arms"
by Cutting Crew plays)
# Oh, I #
# I just died
In your arms tonight #
(Rob) How you doing?
# It must have been
Something you said #
# I just died
In your arms tonight #
Can I ask you for a comment?
Sure, sure, I'm
I'm so delighted to be here.
What a fantastic cause, what
(suspenseful music)
What an evening it's gonna be!
(Priana) Thank you everyone
and welcome!
Just to give you a heads up
we'll be doing
the official presentation
and a couple of speeches
in about 15 minutes.
# for feeling like this #
# On the surface
I'm a name on a list #
(muffled music playing)
(Alice) Kelly. Come in.
(Kelly) Why are there
photographers outside?
You you said it was a dinner.
(Alice) It's all fake,
don't believe any of it.
Trust me.
Let's find Cheryl.
We don't have much time.
(indistinct chatter)
It's it's a philosophy,
I think probably
more than that, it's a
It doesn't look fake.
This party looks
pretty fucking real!
(Kelly) God. There he is.
Don't focus on him.
Okay? Ignore him.
Whatever happens,
just keep your focus on her.
We wait for him to be distracted
then we go up to her
and we start talking.
Start talking as loud as we can
and don't stop whatever
he does or says.
Can't we can't we wait?
I'm just feeling a bit
Me too.
But if we let them
announce this partnership,
it'll destroy everything
Cheryl's worked for.
People will start blaming her
for what he's doing
we can't let that happen.
We can do this. Okay?
We're strong.
Oh, Juno, darling. Have you heard
of the Saattut Climate Academy?
-And why we all talking about it
as though it were Harvard
Business School?
Oh, hang on, Juno.
Who's Juno?
Can I confess something awful?
I'm not a big fan
of Dr Robert Chance.
I've known Cheryl for years.
And suddenly, it's as if
I can't get through to her.
-As if she's under a spell.
I mean, what does she see in him?
-Can you explain it?
-I can and I can't.
I'm so sorry, Regina.
Would you excuse me?
I just need to
(Alice) Kelly?
Back in a sec.
-(Chioma) Ms Harker.
-Oh, my
-two scholars!
-Oh, my God, thank you so much,
Ms Harker.
Thank you so much for everything.
We just can't believe
this is happening!
This party is amazing!
-Er, so sorry to interrupt.
-Excuse me.
I'm heading off.
Oh, no, really?
I was coming to find you.
I take it you didn't speak to him.
About him centring himself
even in situations
where it's entirely inappropriate.
I'm going to. Something came up.
I'll call you in a couple of weeks.
You take some time to, you know
-Wake up!
Charge your glasses, everyone.
We'll be announcing the winners
in five minutes.
(Kelly) Bobby?
What the fuck?
If that's your name.
Is it?
Of course, it's my name.
What are you doing here?
Are you off your meds?
-Have you been drinking?
-No, no.
I haven't come here
to cause a scene. Erm
A lady came to see me and
She said all these
all these things about you.
I know exactly the lady
you're talking about.
And I know why she asked
you to come here.
And I know when you're not okay.
-How much have you taken?
-(Kelly) Nothing!
Honestly, I promise.
Come on.
Let's get you out of here.
-(upbeat music playing)
-(indistinct chatter)
(Alice) Cheryl, can I have a word?
I'm so pleased you made it.
People have been admiring my gown.
Are you okay? What happened?
Nothing, I'm fine!
Isn't it a good party?
(Cheryl exclaims)
Sorry about that phone call.
There are really very few people
you can trust in this world.
You realise that
when someone gets ill.
You find out who your friends are.
That's what they say, isn't it?
Turns out I didn't have many.
Not really.
Oh, at first, when he was diagnosed
and there was all the drama,
people sent messages.
"Please let me know
if there's anything
we can do, Cheryl! Anything!"
But two years down the line,
you're caring for a husband
who doesn't recognise you,
sitting on a mountain
of dirty laundry,
you haven't washed
or slept or eaten,
or even left the house
for three weeks,
and you've got a toothache
and you need to go to the dentist,
but you can't find a single person
who'll come and sit with him
for a couple of hours.
What are you doing hiding in here?
Juno, how are you?
-Everything okay?
-(Cheryl) I'm just
I'm just feeling a bit emotional
being here without Lance.
I was just telling Juno
what a lovely party
you organised, wasn't I, Juno?
You can relax, by the way.
I just got this from JD.
It's gone back in.
My researchers are on a plane
to Copenhagen.
Your money is all back
where it belongs.
(sighing sharply)
Come on.
Where are you? Please come back.
(tense music)
-Come with me.
-Robbie? Let go of me!
I thought we agreed
you were gonna move on, Alice.
I can't protect you from Cheryl
if you keep showing up like this.
-You haven't told Cheryl.
-Of course I've told Cheryl!
Question is, why not?
Have you lied about me?
Pretended I don't exist?
You need help, Alice.
You know that?
You need a new line.
I'm not who I used to be.
Oh, I think you are.
Peculiar little Alice Newman
and her kooky outfits.
Poor old Cheryl looks ridiculous
in that gown.
-She looks fabulous.
-Are you trying to humiliate her?
I see you, Robbie.
I see who you are.
I see what you are.
Oh, cut the shit, will you!
(breathes heavily)
Give it back to me, right now
-and I'll let you walk away.
-Give what back?
I don't know what possible use it
could be to you,
but I know you took it.
-And I want it back.
Give it back.
I'm not gonna do
as you say anymore.
I'm never gonna go away.
And I'm never gonna give it back.
Now listen to me,
you fucking lunatic.
-You will leave me alone.
-(Alice chokes)
Leave my fiancé alone.
And stop poking your nose
into my business.
Stop trying to do whatever
the fuck it is
you are trying to do!
You will drop this.
Or I'll hurt you.
(Rob) I will hurt you.
-You understand?
-(gasping continues)
(Alice gasping)
Clean yourself up. You dirty bitch.
Oh, Cheryl, darling!
Thank you for the invitation.
What a fabulous evening
and such a fantastic cause.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry, have we
I'm Juno Fish.
And this is my husband, Lionel.
Listen, we're having a little
soirée in a couple of weeks.
Would you and Dr Chance
like to come?
I'll have my assistant call you.
Love your robe, by the way.
Oh, excuse me.
Took a wrong turn by the loo!
-(Priana) The winners of The Harker
Scholarship Trust
are Chioma and Sandrine Johnston.
(Priana) Thanks
to our new official sponsor,
Doctor Robert Chance.
(foreboding music)
(gasping continues)
(foreboding music continues)
Will you marry me?
(crowd applauding)
(music intensifies)
(closing theme music)
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