The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

That's the Serial Killer

This is the summer hit of 1993.
I was 25 back then.
We have more songs from the 80s coming up.
She's dead.
We have to call the police.
Where's the phone?
In the car.
I'll go get it.
What is it? What's wrong?
We'll be going back to the 80s
with our next song.
- Hello, police?
- Our first song was
- I found a body!
- "(I Just) Died in Your Arms."
- It was dethroned
- Send someone, please!
- Help!
- by this next song in the fall of 1985.
Here's the number one song
of September 1985
"Wash Your Wounds with Your Tears."
The school festival is coming
The school festival is coming
Let's do our best
Let's do our best
The school festival
The school festival
School festival
School festival
School festival
Aina, what is it?
- What's wrong?
- Aina?
I saw
Romeo yesterday.
On the stage.
I'm sure of it.
You mean Eiko?
Eiko was standing on the stage
in her Romeo costume.
I've never seen a ghost.
She's the real deal!
You mean she's a real ghost?
She's the real Romeo!
Eiko died and became the real Romeo.
I'm sure of it!
What are you saying?
Aina, have you lost your mind?
Are you all right?
Let's try to summon Romeo on the stage
before they take down the set.
Like a Ouija board?
- Let's do it.
- It's worth a try.
Let's do it.
And death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead!
Hie to your chamber.
I'll find Romeo to comfort you.
I wot well where he is.
Hark ye, your Romeo will be here at night.
I'll to him.
He is hid at Laurence' cell.
O, find him!
Give this ring to my true knight,
and bid him come to take his last farewell.
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
- Romeo!
It's hopeless.
Should we just go and join Romeo, then?
You mean we should die?
Mitsuko, what's wrong?
Romeo! It's Romeo!
She's covered in blood!
Covered in blood!
- Are you okay?
- Mitsuko.
- Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko.
Can you walk?
O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
Performance canceled.
I can't concentrate on anything this year.
Maybe we should die.
Gracefully, like Romeo and Juliet.
Right. Maybe drink poison
and jump from the rooftop.
Let's die.
I knew you'd say that.
We were looking for you.
Let's make it a game.
This is sleeping medicine.
We'll stand there.
If we fall asleep, we die together.
- Good idea.
- Okay.
Let's see how long we can stand on the edge.
Come on, Mitsuko.
I'm starting to get dizzy.
It's nice. I'm sleepy.
- I'm so sleepy.
- Let's just sleep.
I'm just so sleepy!
If you don't want to die, just quit!
- I won't quit!
- I want to sleep!
I don't know what to do.
- I'm so sleepy.
- I won't quit!
- If I survive, I'll become a slut!
- Yes!
Come over here.
I can walk! I can do this!
Romeo and Juliet.
This morning, yet another woman
was found dead here.
A local resident had been hiking
when he came across the body.
- That's the bracelet I gave you.
- Yes. I like it.
- I'm flattered. Still
- What?
Your shirt is too thin.
- Really? I think it's cute.
- Hey.
- Back me up. She always dresses like this.
- It's cute, right?
Just as with the other cases,
the handgun used in the murder is thought
to have been stolen from a police officer.
- Cover up. You'll catch a cold.
- Really?
- Ami, what kept you?
- Sorry!
You shouldn't keep your friends waiting.
Hey, listen.
My sister has been acting strange.
She wears sexy clothes now.
My dad is really pissed,
and my mom is about to have a meltdown.
Maybe she's seeing a sleazeball.
That's bad, right?
Well, I don't agree with my father.
He says girls who dress in sexy clothes
are asking to be raped.
He said that?
So what if we want to wear sexy clothes?
How is that a crime?
I'm not trying to seduce men.
I just enjoy dressing up.
Men shouldn't rape.
It's the men who need supervision.
I have to disagree.
Your father is right.
Okay, here's a question for you.
Are you brave enough to leave your wallet
with your bicycle when you park it?
Can you leave your wallet
in your bicycle basket
and walk away to do something else?
You'd worry about it, right?
No one does that.
The wallet may get stolen.
Say someone left their wallet there
and walked away.
When they return, it's gone.
What would you say to them?
"It's your fault for leaving
your wallet unattended."
You wouldn't blame the thief, right?
- No.
- And there we have it.
Don't expect everyone around you
to be a saint.
There are bad people, too.
If there are no bad people,
we can leave our wallets in our bikes.
We can go out at night in sexy clothes.
But that's just a fantasy.
If I were your father, I would be very upset
to see you go out at night in sexy clothes.
Listen, this isn't some kind
of highbrow philosophy.
It's the opinion of a father.
It has nothing to do with philosophy.
Your father is right.
He isn't saying that every man
would jump at the chance to rape you.
He's asking you to be careful
of the evil men out there.
Do you understand?
Blaming men after you've been raped
won't undo the crime.
Your father worries about you
because he wants you to be safe.
- Right?
- Well
With all due respect, I think you're wrong.
In my opinion, all women
should have the right
to wear whatever they want.
No, there are wolves everywhere.
You have to be vigilant.
But the women aren't to blame.
They shouldn't be shackled by men.
My thoughts exactly, Mr. Murata!
I'm so jealous of you, Ami.
He's the perfect boyfriend.
- Let's go.
- What?
- Come on.
- What? That hurts!
- You're hurting me! Let go!
- We're leaving.
Don't shout, you're embarrassing me.
- I'm leaving. You know where to find me.
- What?
- Wait!
- That's an antinomy!
- Looks like I upset him.
- Don't worry about it.
How about a date sometime?
You're a bad man, Mr. Murata.
I'm just a hunter of love.
"Hunter"? What about me?
You're a young adventurer
and a poet of love.
- I like that.
- Actually
I'm doing a show tomorrow.
I'm going to sing for you,
so I want you to come.
I'm definitely coming.
Come on, follow me.
Excuse me.
- What the hell!
- This is crazy!
- So many girls!
- Incredible!
- Maybe this Murata is actually special.
- Maybe he really is!
There she is!
Go away, you bitch!
Mitsuko, let me explain!
You're filthy!
You're just a whore.
You're no friend, you're nothing!
- Mitsuko!
- Go away, you shit.
Stay away from my beloved!
He'll hurt you, Mitsuko!
Do you remember what you said to me?
You said,
"Create a scar and move forward."
Then move forward!
You're only creating scars!
You disappoint me, stupid Juliet.
Romeo would never come to you!
Isn't that Taeko's sister?
- You're right.
- It's her.
You both haven't given up yet?
Maybe I shouldn't have come.
Are all these people his fans?
Isn't she cute?
- She's ugly.
- Seriously.
- It looks like she took after her mother.
- Shut up!
Maybe they're all his girlfriends.
- Taeko, I need to apologize to you.
- What?
A while back, Murata was looking
for your yearbook, so I lent it to him.
Where's my yearbook?
Did you need it?
Who are you to him?
- What the fuck?
- Who are you?
Who are you?
Settle down!
Murata is here!
It's too early to work yourselves
into a frenzy.
It's him.
He's perfect for a movie!
- Shin, you can play him!
- What?
Thank you all
for coming today
to see Joe Murata!
Mr. Murata!
Mr. Murata!
Let's get started.
We'll begin
with the first song I ever wrote.
Pure is ♪
What I am ♪
So you'd better ♪
Call me pure ♪
No matter ♪
How rough it gets ♪
I'll pierce ♪
Your heart ♪
And keep supporting ♪
Your pure ♪
Emotions ♪
A pure heart ♪
Check out his band's faces!
I'm guessing
They all work for him. Right?
So he must be hitting them
- and forcing them to play.
- A pure heart ♪
He made a band through violence?
What if he's the serial killer?
I like that!
I think I can write a good script from this.
- Cool! Let's make a film!
- All right!
Here we go!
You can stop. The camera is rolling.
Let's change the title.
We began filming immediately.
Fukami, the cameraman.
Jay, the director.
Taeko, the witness.
Goto, lighting.
Yoko, sound recording.
Satsuki, makeup artist.
Chihiro, costumer.
We began with Murata's arrival in Tokyo.
I'm Joe Murata.
A nobody.
- I came to Tokyo to lose my virginity.
- Pure is what I am ♪
I strummed my white guitar
and sang as loud as I could
so all the Tokyo chicks would hear me.
It was an original song
- A pure heart ♪
- called "Pure Heart."
And then
- Excuse me.
- Oh, hello.
You're a wonderful singer.
Do you know where I can find
a 24-hour restaurant around here?
What? Come again?
I work as a hostess in Machida.
- Okay.
- I just fought with my live-in boyfriend.
I had to get out,
but now I don't know where to go.
Excuse me. Wait.
there's a hotel over there.
Why don't we spend the night together?
I knew it.
Anything can happen in Tokyo.
Even a hick loser virgin like me
can get laid on my first night in Tokyo.
I was so excited.
This is amazing.
But I soon realized
that I had underestimated Tokyo.
She reached into her handbag
and pulled out a knife.
What's that? What's with the knife?
- die together.
- What?
I just broke up with my boyfriend!
Let's have sex.
Yes, please.
In return,
you'll come with me
to my hometown tomorrow
to meet my mother.
I want you to meet her
and pretend to be my husband.
I didn't have anywhere else to go,
so I said yes.
- The next day, we went to her hometown.
- Mom!
- I was introduced to her mother
- He's Murata, my husband.
- and we began our life together.
- Hello.
My goodness.
I pretended to be her husband
and introduced myself to the neighbors.
Three months passed.
We were no longer a pretend family.
Let's do it.
I finally lost my virginity.
- You're such a good husband, Murata.
- Thanks.
You don't have to work.
We have savings and property.
I didn't have to work.
All I had to do was have sex,
eat, and sleep.
I had no complaints.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hi there.
Such a warm day today, isn't it?
Money and chicks.
I realized that was what I wanted.
As the days passed,
I found myself longing to return
- to Tokyo.
- Hey.
I needed money to go back to Tokyo
- and fuck girls.
- I need some money.
Just for your haircut?
- You should buy new clothes, too.
- What?
I'll go get the money.
- You don't have to--
- Lucky you!
She's so nice.
I'll be moving to Tokyo
with my wife and mother-in-law.
The house will be empty,
but I'll be back in a few years.
That night, I executed my plan.
I strangled Akemi's mother in the kitchen.
An hour later, Akemi returned.
I strangled her, too.
I looked for the money.
Jackpot! I found it! Incredible!
Who am I, you ask?
I'm the great serial killer,
Joe Murata!
I returned to Tokyo
and started a sex club.
You stand to earn a lot of money
if you join this business.
you need skills.
Do you understand?
Yes, more or less.
- You know what I'm talking about?
- Yes, more or less.
You're still a virgin, so we'll stop here.
What? Come on!
- I can suck him off.
- No need for that.
Let's move on to the next scene.
My sex club raked in the dough.
I expanded my business
and opened swingers' clubs.
- Horny women came to my club in droves.
- You, you, and you!
- I fucked them all.
- Come join the fun!
All the female employees were my women.
The male employees?
- Work harder!
- I'm sorry!
- They aren't women.
- Listen up.
So I went Spartan on them.
- I beat them up.
- I'm going to be a hit singer-songwriter.
You'll be my band members.
- Got that?
- Yes, sir.
Where's your spirit?
We start practicing tomorrow!
Pure is what I am ♪
Eventually, the part-time workers
in my sex club
actually became skilled musicians.
Unfortunately, my sex club business
went downhill.
- Hey!
- I'm a guitarist!
- I'm the bassist!
- My clubs folded, one by one.
- I ran out of money.
- I'm the keyboardist.
It was time for me to go back
to my gigolo ways.
- I kept an eye out for women
- Excuse me!
who looked rich.
- I approached women in designer dresses.
- You dropped this.
- I pretended to be a young entrepreneur.
- This is yours, right?
- I fucked them and took their money.
- That isn't mine.
It isn't?
I just arrived in this town,
and now you're the only thing I see.
Is that so?
This must be some kind of fortune ♪
Between you and me ♪
- Sorry, it's a song I wrote.
- It's lovely.
Then sing it with me.
This must be some kind of fortune ♪
Nice, you sing well.
I have a concert coming up.
You should come. Here's a ticket.
- Really?
- And buy my CD, too.
Believe it or not, I'm with the CIA.
That's incredible.
I have to go on dangerous missions.
I may die at any time.
That's incredible.
You're the love of my life, Juliet!
Oh, no!
Your precious shoelaces
They're untied!
I'll tie them with love.
Did the Russian submarine mission work out?
I love you.
I just can't do this!
When are my scenes?
We've been shooting for over a month.
I bet you haven't talked to Mitsuko
about it either.
What if we're too late?
Get her on the set as soon as possible!
It's not that simple. This is a film!
You just repeated it in English!
- It's Murata.
- What?
- Hey!
- Quick!
It's the serial killer!
- The murderer!
- Quick!
This is so exciting!
- Hello?
- Are you free to meet at a hotel now?
I'm working.
Don't you have other women?
Not recently, no.
What about Mitsuko?
Yes, she's my woman.
Did you sleep with her?
Come on, just come over.
Or I'll call Mitsuko instead.
Did you sleep with her?
I want that girl I don't know about her ♪
Do I want Mitsuko? Do I want Taeko? ♪
Which one is my girl?
Just come quickly.
- Fine.
- Then meet me at the usual hotel.
Can't we meet elsewhere?
We'll just end up at a hotel anyway.
See you in an hour.
- This is amazing!
- Incredible!
- Go on, meet him.
- What?
Tell him we're making a movie about him
- as a serial killer.
- What?
- I'll tell him.
- Really?
- What if we're actually right?
- That would be nuts!
If he was the serial killer,
I would be dead by now.
Shin wrote the script.
Maybe he really is the serial killer.
You never know.
- That's so scary.
- Terrifying.
"This movie is based on a true story."
We'll have to add that
to the beginning of our film!
- Awesome!
- Let's do it!
- Masterpiece!
- Awesome!
Go talk to Mitsuko today!
I can't wait any longer.
This movie is supposed to break her shell.
I want her to act in my play.
- Okay. We'll break that shell of hers.
- Do it. I don't care who.
- Let Murata do it, then.
- No!
It has to be one of you. I don't care who.
We can't let Murata get her.
I'll hold him at bay with my body.
So she says, but I bet she's
head over heels in love with him.
Dear God, I pray
that everything turns out fine.
If you really exist,
then please make everything okay.
Whether I burn in flames
or pass out at the bottom of the deep sea
I have no regrets,
as long as everything turns out fine.
Hurry up.
I'm here.
I'm a serial killer?
That's a hilarious story.
- Well, it's all made up.
- And who do you play?
I don't have a role yet.
Then why don't I write
the rest of the story?
First, get naked.
You really are the worst.
That's what you love about me.
What's wrong with being the worst?
You and I both ♪
That hurts!
That hurts!
You like the pain.
Do you know any other guy
who'll bite hard like this?
- No.
- Right? And that's what you want.
Let go of me, pervert.
Hurry up and take them off.
- No.
- Just take them off.
- I said no!
- Get naked! Come on!
Is this how you treat Mitsuko?
Sort of.
Sort of, my ass!
What's with the bad behavior today?
You're usually such a good girl.
Am I wrong?
Fine! In that case,
a bad girl needs some discipline.
Just give me a second.
I anticipated this
and brought some toys with me.
Let's see, how about this one?
Hey, I'll shoot you.
I'll shoot you. Put your hands up.
Put your hands up!
Hey, I'll shoot you.
Maybe I'm that serial killer on the loose.
Come on, give me a reaction!
Come on!
You lousy actor!
Fine. Let's move on.
Hey, I'll stab you.
I stabbed you!
Stab! Come on!
Now for the real deal, Taeko.
I actually brought something special today.
Here, take a good look.
Murata's Custom Power Sticks.
You have to plug it in.
Just a second.
There we go.
This will make you feel horrible
in an instant.
Don't worry.
- It only stings a little.
- No!
- It's okay, it's not that scary.
- No!
- Here!
- No!
- Can I help you?
- Sorry to bother you.
- It's us again.
- I see.
You're the filmmakers.
- Is Mitsuko home?
- Yes, she is.
Mitsuko? Your friends are here.
It's been a while. How are you?
We're making a film.
we want you to be in it.
We have an important part for you.
You're the only one
who can play this role.
It has to be you.
It's a role for a pure, innocent virgin.
- Hey, Jay.
- What?
Let's take Mitsuko someplace else.
Is this about my virginity again?
We're making a film.
One that will blow your mind.
Let's go somewhere. Anywhere.
I'm no longer a virgin!
I'm a mess!
I'm filthy!
That was close.
Was it really necessary for us to come here?
Of course. This is for our play.
Now we know what a forest feels like.
Taeko is right,
If you say so, Romeo.
I love you.
Me too.
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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