The Fortress (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Yersina Pestis

- Get well soon. Hilde.
- Thanks.
Let's go.
The upcoming election is the
most important ever for Our Way.
I need you.
Two people have been found
dead in the sea outside Bergen.
What happened to him?
We thought he'd had an acc
that he'd suddenly gotten ill.
This infection came here by
boat from another country.
This demonstrates yet again that
we can only trust ourselves.
- It's me.
- It's done.
The infections have been taken
care of and the bodies cremated.
Good. Regarding that
boat with refugees
All survivors and their families
are to be injected with DNA
from the salmon disease.
Can you get it in
via the informer?
Use the old channel,
the Vigen group.
Good. I'll send a
package to Bergen now.
She's ready.
- Don't you miss working here?
- No.
- This is my advisor, Arman Hashemi.
- Anne Marie Moen.
- Nice to meet you.
- Yes, likewise.
How is Stefan doing?
He asked me not to discuss the
state of his health with anyone.
Please take a seat. Esther,
what did you want to ask me?
The redmouth disease. Do you know
why the vaccine isn't working?
As I told you, the bacteria
have become resistant.
And Stefan has been working
tirelessly to find out why.
The source of the infection,
has it been identified?
That shit floated in
from the North Sea.
We were infected from
the outside of course.
One Yersinia ruckeri bacterium
thrives in particle-rich water.
Is the seawater below the
fish farm very polluted?
No. Not unusually so.
We took samples from the sea by the
farm. We found no redmouth bacteria.
You know that bacteria drift
with the ocean currents.
That you didn't find anything
doesn't mean it wasn't
there a few days ago.
You have to get hold
of that CCTV footage.
Did you get in? Did
you find anything?
All footage from the fish farm has
been deleted in Pantogena's system.
Someone must have
moved the files.
We'll have to find a way to ask
for them through official channels.
Health and Food Supply,
Hashemi speaking.
Yes, thanks. I'll notify them.
That was Lydersen's horticulture.
They've got a problem.
- I've never seen anything like this.
- Could it be blossom end rot?
I doubt it. We add
calcium by automation.
We'll take some samples. Check for
anthracnose and other diseases.
Nothing leaves the farm until we
find what's afflicting the tomatoes.
We're the biggest producer in
Bergen. That will have an impact.
Yeah. You know, I'm
painfully aware of that.
We'll have to get back to the office
and set up another supply plan.
Hi, Hilde. I heard
that you were here.
I just wanted to say
hello. How are you doing?
I feel very weak.
She has a strange
rash on her neck.
Okay. Let's see
- Right.
- And I think her fever is high.
Yes, you're quite warm.
All the survivors and their
families have been taken care of.
They'll be picked up and put in
isolation to prevent further spread.
- Hi, Sis.
- Hi.
Huldra has 200,000 likes.
That's great. But do you think
you can come visit me in Oslo?
I haven't got time
right now. Next week
That'll be too late.
You have to come now.
- Relax. What do you mean?
- Trust me, you have to come now.
Do you have a draft?
- Yes, but only a first draft.
- That'll be fine.
- The beginning lacks the right flow.
- You can finish it on the plane.
I like to be where the action is.
So we're flying to Bergen now.
You'll be needing this.
- What are you doing to Tora's house?
- Disinfecting it.
- Why?
- You'll have to ask the council.
- Yes?
- You have to return to work, Esther.
- I've worked all night, Wilhelm.
- It's important.
And wear something presentable.
- What's happening?
- No idea.
I'd just gone to bed
when I got the call.
- Stefan Keyn died last night.
- What?
They say it was
multiple organ failure.
Oh my God.
But the doctors Did
they give a diagnosis?
The bacterium has mutated
for several generations.
That's why I need you here now.
We have to inform
people in the right way.
How awful, after all we've
done to protect Norway.
It's horrendous.
- Are you Esther?
- Yeah.
Thanks for doing this with
me. I really appreciate it.
- What? Am I meant to say something?
- You're the one with the knowledge.
With your professional authority we
can prevent panic and public chaos.
- Will you help me do that?
- But I haven't prepared anything.
We have prepared something
we believe you can stand for.
- Have you looked at this?
- Yes, it's good. You'll be fine.
- Are you ready?
- We need to read the script.
I'm sorry, we have
to go on air now.
I'm not sure. I like to do fact
checks. This is going too fast.
Right. Take a seat
next to Amund.
We're getting ready to
broadcast. Three, two
Dear people of Bergen.
Dear all fellow citizens.
I'm addressing you
today to inform you
that the bacterium brought to Norway
by refugees has been identified.
This has taken time, because
the bacterium has mutated.
But now we know what
we're up against.
This is an old adversary.
Yersinia pestis.
The bacterium responsible
for the Black Death.
This life-threatening bacterium
came by boat from another country.
Much like in 1349, when the plague
came here by ship from England.
This proves how important,
how justified, our policy is.
That we can never do enough
to protect our country.
And to prevent this plague from
spreading to the rest of Norway,
we have no other option than to
impose a full lockdown in Bergen.
All travel out of Bergen for
personal reasons will be banned.
Esther Winter from the Directorate
of Health and Food Supply
will brief you on the
status of our food supply.
That Norway has the world's
healthiest and safest food
has been our number 1 goal.
And we have succeeded.
Refugees pose a constant threat,
but it doesn't impact food safety.
The DHFS will, in collaboration with
the Armed Forces provisions command,
ensure that shops have enough food
for the duration of the lockdown.
There's no need for hoarding,
there is enough food for everyone.
Together we will make
it through this crisis.
The government today also
passed an Emergency Powers Act
to further safeguard the
population of Norway.
We still don't know enough
about this bacterium.
Which is why all
non-Norwegian citizens
and people without a verified health
record, must leave the country.
This decision is not made lightly.
But during this critical time
it is the safety of Norwegians
that must guide our hand.
Look after each other.
Hi, Mum. It's dangerous in Bergen,
you have to come to us right away.
I'm being careful, sweetheart.
- Bye, Mum.
- Bye. Love you.
No. No, she misses her mum.
We start at 6:00 AM tomorrow.
You'd better get some sleep.
You've reached Vigleik Mowinkel
at BT. Leave a message.
I've read about the Black Death.
80 million people died.
Yes, but that was
in the Middle Ages.
We have much better medication to
fight the Yersinia bacteria now.
Hilde How is she doing?
- I'm so worried about her.
- Yeah.
She's doing well.
She's in a single room in the
isolation ward. I'm going there now.
- Shall I say hello from you?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Hey there.
What are you trying to say?
Tora? Tora!
Can you hear me?!
Oh fuck.
Tora? Tora!
Mum! Mum! Mum!
Tora! Can you hear me?
Welcome. Let's get
straight to it.
First, the secretary of health
minister will update us.
The status as of now is that we
have 87 confirmed cases in Bergen.
They attended the same graduation
party, and are now in isolation.
Their families
are in quarantine.
Graduation party? What's the route
of transmission, do we know that?
Two refugees were found drowned. One
not far from the graduation party.
And one by
Pantogena's fish farm.
The scientist who died, did
he carry the same bacterium?
Affirmative. It's the same bacterium
that was found in the refugees.
It's a mutated strain of the
Yersinia pestis bacterium.
Experts believe that's
where the contagion entered.
We don't know that. The Institute of
Public Health wants to do autopsies.
That's impossible. The bodies were
cremated to prevent further spread.
Why the hell wasn't I
consulted prior to that?
- This is Code Red.
- I know damn well it's Code Red.
Anyway, we have to
talk about Bergen.
Does it really serve a purpose
to isolate an entire city?
As long as the sick are isolated,
life can carry on as normal.
I understand that you perceive
this as a burden on your city.
But we are facing a
potential disaster.
Untreated bubonic plague has a
mortality rate of more than 50%.
Pneumonic plague kills 100%
within two to three days.
Septicaemic plague kills all
those affected within one day.
If my workers are deported, I can't
harvest, and I'll go bankrupt.
95% have worked here for
more than six months.
If any were sick,
I would have known.
Your tomatoes have been infected
with a Yersinia bacterium.
And we have to find
out how it got here.
I don't get how
that got in here.
- Do you store poison here?
- There is nothing toxic here.
It could be the source of infection.
We'll check its stomach contents.
Looks like the animal fertiliser
we water the tomatoes with.
Could that have caused the
stomach to expand and burst?
Or the rat ate something
before it got in here,
was infected with the bacterium and
transferred it to your tomatoes.
That's not possible.
Stefan was infected by bacteria
from the body in the sea.
And now tomatoes have been
infected by the same bacteria?
The only common
denominator I see,
is that all the
bacteria are mutations.
The sick people drifting into
the fish farm, that I understand.
But is it possible for two other
bacteria to mutate at the same time?
- Anette called.
- Anette?
- You haven't spoken to her?
- No.
- About Tora?
- What's happened to Tora?
She refused to stay at home.
She wanted to stay with Hilde in
the hospital around the clock.
Then she got infected.
And Tora
She died today.
I wish I could give you a hug.
I'm so sorry.
I was wondering, have you talked
to your brother lately, Ariel?
- Norne
- Establishing video link.
- Ariel!
- Where are you?
I have no idea. I was stopped by
some soldiers and put in a truck.
They drove around for hours
without telling me anything.
As your brother came from
Bergen, he was stopped
and taken to a
quarantine station.
He was the last person to get out
of Bergen before the lockdown.
Is that a coincidence?
You've used confidential information
for personal gain, Ariel.
- A serious violation of your NDA.
- I didn't mean to do it.
But Vigleik has very bad asthma.
He's going to die if
he stays in Bergen.
And it's just the two of us.
As he's already here, you should
be thankful that he made it.
The Institute of Public Health has
analysed the bacterium's lifespan.
We have greater challenges
than we thought.
Are you coming?
- Have you seen this?
- What?
Odd Seljestad, you have now
moved back to Bergen. Why?
To me, nothing's more important
than combatting the Yersinia.
But the rest of the staff at the
Health Ministry remain in Oslo?
Yes, I don't want to put my
staff at unnecessary risk.
You're not afraid of
this lethal disease?
To quote an old Bergen
proverb, I'm scared shitless.
But this is not about me. Yes,
I was born and raised here.
And I see it as my duty to be
here when we face such a crisis.
You see what he's doing? Taking
advantage of the situation.
- So he believes, but that's stupid.
- He's riding the wave of our work.
He's secretary of health in
the world's healthiest country!
People think it's the
Farmers Party's achievement.
His interview is trending.
- Fuck, I underestimated him.
- That means nothing.
Of course it does. He'll take
his party out of the coalition.
This is Odd Seljestad launching
himself as prime minister!
Let me finish, Amund. Every
victory holds the seed of defeat.
- Fuck me
- Amund!
The Institute of Public Health has
analysed the bacterium's lifespan.
- We're completely fucked.
- Yes.
Imagine being the
secretary of health now.
We've managed to keep the
infection at bay with antibiotics.
But we've never encountered
anything like this bacterium.
Esther I have to
show you something.
This is my boyfriend Erling.
Nice to finally meet you.
Anette's told me a lot about you.
Nice to meet you too, but I do
wish the circumstances were better.
The dead refugees
were brought here.
When they were removed,
we disinfected everything.
The only thing that survived
was the Yersinia bacterium.
- Is that normal?
- Absolutely not.
The cell wall of a bacterium
should not be able to resist that.
There's something you should
know about what's going on here.
- I'm bound by confidentiality.
- I know.
You can trust Esther.
Anyone who dies in an accident or
by a criminal act is autopsied here.
One of the drowning victims had some
marks on the arm, like needle marks.
- Maybe they were a drug addict?
- But
- We were shut out.
- So you didn't perform the autopsy?
Only a brief pre-examination
when they were brought in.
The next day, I was told that
Border Control had taken over
because the dead were "infections",
Border Control lingo for refugees.
- Is it normal that they take over?
- I don't know.
But the autopsy report said the
Yersinia bacterium had been found.
Can I see the analysis
of those samples?
Sure, I just have
to find a terminal.
- Hey, there you are.
- Hi.
There was a delivery for you. I
took the liberty of signing for it.
See you tomorrow.
- Hauge Solicitors.
- Hi, sorry to call so late.
This is Esther Winter. I
received a parcel from you.
I just wanted to check
that it's for me.
Stefan Keyn instructed us.
In the event of his demise we
should send the parcel to you.
I'm Stefan Keyn, and
this is my documentation
of my work to develop
a fish vaccine.
I'm under great pressure.
I will do my best, but if I fail,
you'll see that it wasn't my fault.
Norway is a small country,
and this is a big task.
I'm worried that we don't have
the resources and skill required.
Our vaccine is based on a stealth
virus that can insert one or more
Oh dear, are you okay?
a stealth virus that can
insert one or more
- Call Arman.
- Calling Arman.
- Hello?
- Hi, Arman. Listen
How do I find a particular
person in lots of recordings
without watching them all?
This reads great,
Ariel. Really good work.
- Ready?
- Soon. You?
- Hi. Nice to see you.
- Yeah, hi.
- You have the documents?
- Yes, fully approved by us now.
- Good. Very good.
- Yeah.
And here's the budget
for the vaccine factory.
It's vital that the DHFS supports
the proposal before the committee.
As long as the factory is built in
Bergen you have our full support.
In the long run, we're looking
at expanding to human vaccines.
We'll make allowances for that.
But the factory will primarily
secure Norwegian food production.
Yesterday was a dark
day for our country.
Many people are scared,
understandably so.
The refugees that were
found dead were infected
by a unique mutation of the
Yersinia pestis bacterium.
And our experts at the Institute
of Public Health have found
a troubling feature
in this mutation.
The bacterium can lie dormant
in our bodies for a long time,
six weeks, maybe more, before
the disease breaks out.
Potentially, we have many infected
people walking around in Bergen
without being aware
that they are infected.
I've had to reshuffle the government
now that Bergen is isolated.
After consulting the other party
leaders within the Our Way coalition
I have assumed the role of secretary
of health in this grave situation.
And as secretary, I can guarantee
that the Ministry will receive
all the resources they need to
develop an efficient vaccine.
And finally
I want to put to rest any doubts as
to where this contagion originated.
One of the deceased has
now been identified.
Uma Scholl was 28 years old.
From the former UK, residing in
Cardiff, a city in Free Wales.
She entered Norway illegally.
She was carrying this
life-threatening bacterium.
Uma Scholl is what doctors
refer to as Patient Zero.
The first identified
spreader of the contagion.
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