The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Dog Day Night

[breathing heavily]
[menacing music playing]
Is the phrase "revolution or death"
finally making sense to you, Pirateque?
In two hours, the captain dies.
Fifteen minutes later, Edilma dies.
And 15 minutes after that,
this turns into a slaughterhouse.
You have two hours to bring me the money.
Even God can't bring that money
within two hours.
[on radio] You shut your mouth!
Well, you can shoot your guns
all you want.
No matter how badly
I want to bring you that money,
the airport's closed.
Not a soul flies out before 4:00 a.m.
If you want your cash,
you'll have to wait until 6:00 a.m.
In two hours, you'll look like
the coward that murdered me for nothing.
Or how about you just patiently
wait those 11 hours for it to be 6:00?
You'd appear honest, because at least
you'll have given them a chance.
[tense music playing]
6:00 a.m., Pirateque.
Not a minute more.
6:00 a.m.
6:00 a.m.
Revolution or death.
[ominous music playing]
Everyone, no more first class in here
effective immediately.
Now, you're just one of the people.
To the back, go! Now!
Everyone to the back!
My good sir, the fight for social class
- [Ulises] Enough of this bullshit!
- Look, man, I'm just doing my job.
- You've got to let somebody report
- [Ulises] Did I not make myself clear?
You'll be next if you don't cut
the bullshit right now, motherfucker.
Stay here!
It's all right, Edie. It's all right.
- It was all my fault.
- No!
- I murdered that man.
- You didn't murder anyone.
[Ulises] Put your hands
on the fucking seat!
[Toro] Come on.
[crying softly]
[Bárbara] Edie
- [Wilches] Edilma.
- Captain, I'm so sorry.
- Please, I beg you to forgive me.
- No, no, no. Calm down.
Look at me.
- [sobs]
- Look at me.
What they did to that man
is not your fault.
The government
and the airline abandoned us.
No one is going to save us,
but we mustn't sit here like lambs
waiting to be gutted,
beheaded, and butchered.
We need to get everybody out of here
before these two
fucking psychopaths murder us all.
But I need to you to be present and sharp.
I am not planning on being killed today,
and neither should you.
Repeat after me.
We're not going to die here today.
We're not going to die here today.
[Wilches] Repeat after me.
We're not going to die here today.
We're not going to die here today.
We're not going to die here today.
We're not going to die here today.
Now, I need you
to find a way to free my hand.
I trust you.
[ominous music playing]
[crying softly]
[Bárbara] What?
Time to find a way off this fucking plane.
[Manchola] He's here, he's here.
- [footsteps approaching]
- [door opens]
Doctor! How are you doing?
Doctor, can you believe
I extended the money delivery until
until 6:00 a.m.
I said it before
and I'll repeat it now, Pirateque.
That shitshow out there is Pastrana's.
He's already negotiating
with the Dutch government
on the possibility
of military involvement.
Doctor, are we just
going to sit back and do nothing
while everybody gets killed?
I didn't say we just sit back!
What's wrong with you?
You, take that and put it in the payroll
safebox where it belongs right now.
Yes, sir.
You listen very carefully,
as I will say this once, Aristides.
The council is meeting tomorrow.
If you still harbor in your heart
the hope of keeping your title,
I need you out there.
Put that pathetic face of yours on,
go and speak to the families
of the hostages,
and clean up the name of Aerobolivar.
[menacing music playing softly]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[reporter on radio] Apparently,
gunshots and explosions have been heard
from inside Aerobolivar flight 601.
They were were hijacked 13 hours ago
by members of a subversive group.
We'll continue to update
as soon as we have more
Why are you awake still?
I don't feel well.
Please check my temperature on this.
All right.
Where is my mommy?
In Cúcuta.
- You're 40 degrees.
- That means I have a fever, right?
[whining] I want my mommy!
[gasps softly]
There's something wrong with the kids.
- [Bárbara sighs]
- We must find a way out of here now.
- What's wrong with you? Sit down!
- I feel it, Bárbara.
Something's off! I know something's wrong!
Your kids are fine, Edie.
It's time to find a way out.
- [Bárbara] Breathe.
- [menacing music playing softly]
[Edilma whispers] Bárbara
- What are you doing? What are you doing?
- Just a minute.
I know it's here.
Ms. Drowsy left these behind.
- [crowd clamoring and shouting]
- [man] Please, show some respect to us!
We're doing everything we can!
[clamoring and shouting continues]
No, the government
demanded we turn over a few details
[man] What details?
Stop bullshitting us and tell us
why shots were heard inside the plane!
You people don't know squat!
You're wasting time
when you should be helping them!
I want to inform you
that the airline will no longer be part of
the negotiations with the hijackers
[crowd clamoring and shouting]
[Pirateque] The government has decided
to take matters into their own hands.
- [man] This is ridiculous!
- [clamoring continues]
- Aerobolivar
- [clamoring continues loudly]
[man] You're responsible for their safety!
Aerobolivar feels your pain
and sympathizes with you all
[woman] No, no, no! Nonsense!
Just a moment, sir.
Is one of your children
on that hijacked plane?
- [man] Ha! No, of course not.
- Or maybe a brother?
Is your mother
being held hostage on that plane?
Then don't say you sympathize with us!
Have some decency!
- [crowd clamoring]
- [woman] How are you gonna help us?
Go on, tell me!
What's the plan according to you? Tell me!
- What do you have to say for yourself?
- [clamoring continues]
How are you going to help us, sir?
- [voices continue muted]
- [woman] Say something!
What a fucking joke.
[crowd clamoring and shouting]
[voices fades into background]
[voices continue muted in background]
[dark music playing]
[crowd yelling and shouting]
[lock clanging]
[Wilches] Ulises
- [Ulises] Now what do you want?
- Some food.
Some food and water for the passengers.
We'll need to hand out food
if you want them here overnight.
- At the moment, we're non-operational.
- Is scaring them not enough?
Having everyone here all night,
knowing they'll get murdered.
[Ulises] That's not on me.
It's your president and your government
who'd prefer to see them die
instead of recognizing the injustice
So you'll starve everyone
to prove your point?
What happened to
"Latin America being hungry"?
This plane is hungry.
I'm hungry. You're hungry.
Or is "being hungry" some phony story
to scam your own people?
Some food and water.
No more. They can leave it
on the runway where no one can see.
No one must come close.
You know what's gonna happen
if you try to fool us again.
- [metal clangs loudly]
- [combination lock winding]
[metal clanging]
- [lock winding]
- [Pirateque] Seventy-four
- Hmm?
- [metal clanging]
- [door opens and slams]
- Have you lost your mind or what?
These numbers
aren't playing nice, Manchola.
Please help me get this open.
Are you an idiot?
If I open that safe for you,
we are both going straight to jail!
I I'm sorry, but this is as far as I go.
Mancholita, don't do this.
Don't play hard to get.
Give me the fucking combination.
The last time I did what you asked me to,
a man got killed.
Your drinking is pushing you
into the abyss, and I won't follow you.
No, my drinking's fine.
It's true. I'm just a little drunk.
But, anyway, aren't drunks and kids
the only ones
brave enough to tell the truth?
Brave enough to admit
that we were blinded by our own ambition?
I didn't do this for ambition. I did it
- To
- Hmm?
Because I wanna be with you.
[stifling tears]
don't cry.
That safe there
holds the opportunity to honor
the life we lost on flight 601, yes.
That man died because of us.
This is our opportunity to do something
to save those condemned to die.
And to save our souls as well, right?
[metal clangs]
Now, we've gotta come up
with a way for you to get this money
all the way to Aruba,
but safely, without any obstacles.
No, we're airmailing this.
That's how we get it there.
But you're taking it, not me.
You know I can't fly
with my medical condition.
Being afraid
is not a real medical condition!
You're telling me,
after that speech you just made,
you're gonna chicken out?
[menacing music playing]
[Toro] Get down, get down, get down.
Go get that and come right back.
You try anything
and I'll murder another hostage.
Sorry, but I can't lift heavy things.
That woman wounded
my hand just now in the altercation.
And I'm afraid I can't lift that alone.
- I'll need a man to help me.
- Do several runs, then.
Lequerica? Lequerica can help me out.
He's a strong guy. Let him do it.
[Ulises] Hands up! Keep your hands up!
Bárbara found enough Tramadol
to put a bear to sleep for a week.
I sleep like a baby,
even through a highjacking.
It's not for you, Lequerica!
Tell the captain we're
knocking them out, all right?
I've got the manual with instructions
to open the hatch in the back.
[Ulises] Move it!
[bottles clinking]
Here we go. Section two.
It's on page 250. It's a tech manual.
- Explains it very clearly.
- Technical?
- Yeah.
- I'm not an engineer.
- What?
- I'm not an engineer.
- Huh?
- I'm not an engineer!
Doesn't matter!
Just follow the little drawing.
An image is worth
more than a million words.
[Ulises] Hurry up!
People are starving in here!
- [Edilma] Sure.
- [thrilling music playing]
[gun cocks]
[thrilling music continues]
[thrilling music continues]
- [thrilling music building]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Edilma] Enjoy you're meal.
[music stops]
[indistinct chatter]
[Edilma] Here, sir, enjoy your meal.
- [Bárbara] Well, uh, may I continue then?
- [man 1] Thank you, Edilma.
- [Bárbara] Thank you.
- [man 2] Miss, please. Over here.
What the hell is this?
Some bread and cheese?
You said "sandwich."
Come on, give me another one, at least.
That's all there is.
[tense music playing]
Once the seatbelt sign goes on,
run to the back. We're all escaping.
[man] All right.
Once the seatbelt sign goes on,
run to the back
because we're all escaping.
- Thanks.
- Once the seatbelt sign goes on,
run to the back
because we're all escaping.
All right?
What do you want?
[sighs] I'm sorry.
It's a habit I've had since childhood.
[Ulises] What habit?
I like trying to read faces.
Oh yeah?
Can you read mine?
[tense music playing softly]
Do you really wanna wanna know?
It reminds me of a song.
That Sandro song
about the boy with the sad face.
It's a song about a really sad boy
who feels alone in his pain and
nobody knows his story
and nobody ever will.
Don't know that one.
Is your partner gonna eat something?
[Ulises] Hey, partner!
Eat something.
[grave music playing]
[thrilling music playing]
[thrilling music continues]
What you think you see isn't sadness.
You wake up hungry back where I come from,
always an empty stomach.
The only thing in your stomach is rage.
- Not sadness.
- [Wilches chuckling]
What's so funny?
Well, I'm laughing because,
believe it or not,
I also know
what it feels like to be hungry.
[Ulises laughs dryly]
My mom had nine mouths to feed
with my dad's lousy
insurance seller's paychecks.
I know what it's like to go to bed hungry.
But I never woke up feeling angry.
I felt a drive to get up
and make money to buy food.
[thrilling music continues]
So, you're like the brother
I never had, is that it?
Did my mother abandon you
in the same place she abandoned me? Huh?
All I was trying to say
was that everything in life is a choice.
It's your choice to eat the world
or let the world eat you and spit you out.
It's not like that where we're from.
If you're hungry, you've got two options.
You find a ball and learn to play soccer
even better than Pelé,
or you get one of these
and do what you can.
Or you wake up early and study
and serve five years in the Air Force
to be where I'm sitting.
That thing in your hand, that weapon,
is for the ones who don't wake up early.
This is for those of us who are unwilling
to accept the shitty hand we were dealt.
There are other ways out,
but to get there
you need to work your ass off.
[thrilling music playing]
[music fading]
[Bárbara] What if it's
not that simple, Captain?
So what if you actually do
get the shit end of the stick in life?
Then what, huh?
Wake up even earlier,
say your prayers,
and study harder
to avoid becoming an outsider
or an assassin.
What was that, you piece of shit?
[Lequerica] Hey, no, no, no!
- [Ulises] Toro, let him go!
- [Toro] What did you say?
- [Lequerica] Let go of him!
- [Toro] Huh? Tell me! Say it again!
Say it again, asshole!
[metal clatters loudly]
I've broken my back my whole life,
you asshole!
- [Wilches coughing]
- [Ulises] Let it go! Calm down!
- [in Guaraní] I'm going to kill him!
- [in English] Enough!
- [in Guaraní] Don't say more!
- [in English] Stop it now!
[menacing music playing]
[Ulises] Where's the other stewardess?
- Go find her.
- [Toro] Get out of my way!
- [Bárbara yelps]
- Hey, stewardess!
[menacing music intensifies]
[shouting] Hey! Stewardess!
[metal clattering]
[music stops]
Get out of here.
[tense music playing]
- [tense music continues]
- [rain pattering]
- [Boris cries] No! It's too cold!
- [shower running]
No, hold still. It's good for you.
It'll bring your fever down.
[whining] But I don't want to!
[watch ticking]
[Lequerica snoring softly]
Stay alert, I'm going to the bathroom.
[grave music playing]
Captain Wilches.
[grave music continues]
- [chair squeaking]
- [Wilches grunting softly]
[metal rattling]
- [grunts]
- [wrench clatters]
[tense music playing softly]
[exhaling heavily]
[tense music continues]
[whispers] He's asleep now.
[Bárbara] Captain, the signal.
I still can't get myself loose.
[tense music continues]
[seat clangs]
Captain, the signal!
Just a moment.
Captain, the signal!
[chair rattling]
[wood snaps loudly]
- [Lequerica] What was that?
- Shh, shh, shh!
[footsteps approaching]
[Toro] Go to the back.
With your friend.
[knock on door]
Yeah, okay.
[Toro] What's the matter?
We're both dozing off a bit.
Throw some water on your face.
I think we're gonna
need more than some water.
[darkly intriguing music playing]
[both sniffing]
I saw them snorting coke.
We're really fucked now.
I don't know, but I have
a bad feeling about those two.
Like they're hiding something.
Have you seen how they talk?
It makes me wonder
if they're really guerrillas.
That frightens me even more, actually.
[darkly intriguing music continues]
[Edilma] They did some drugs.
- They're never gonna fall asleep.
- [Wilches] Then we'll do it the hard way.
You get someone to help you
with the guy in the back.
We'll take the one in the front.
[expectant music playing]
We need help from the cyclists.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
The fuck are you doing?
I was collecting the garbage.
This plane is a mess.
So you wanna play maid
and get shot in the head?
You're so indoctrinated that all you
know to do is serve people and clean?
[Toro] What's the matter?
Back to the front.
[expectant music continues softly]
[man] "Grab the guy who's in the back."
[intriguing music playing]
[tapping on door]
Evening, sir.
May I perhaps humbly
enlist your assistance with
Not understand, mister. I'm sorry.
I bet you understand this?
Your time's almost up, Captain.
In 20 minutes, you're a dead man.
- [Toro] Partner!
- [tense music playing]
Their time is almost up.
Don't you get cold feet, now.
Revolution or death.
- Hmm?
- Excuse me, can I maybe
- [Ulises] Who told you you could stand up?
- Look, my subversive friend.
I need to tell you something.
My luggage below
- I don't care. Get back in your seat.
- Now!
- Now, now, now! Get it! Now!
- [man] Please, listen.
I have 423 baby chicks below,
and those little bastards might die on me.
- Sir, please! Please, sir, I just need
- Quiet!
[man]to get out and save them.
I beg you, sir.
- Please!
- [Ulises] Go back to your seat.
Do you hear me?
[man] Yes, sir, but I'm responsible
for these poor creatures.
If these tiny babies die,
I won't forgive myself!
They're 400 little babies
who don't even have
What part of "quiet" don't you understand?
Huh? He said, "Quiet!"
- [Toro grunts]
- [Ulises] Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!
He's an old man! Can't you see that?
[Toro] Crazy old man!
[man] Listen, Mr. Subversive,
Let me go.
I'm a retired railroad worker. I just
Want to get off this plane?
You'll get off, all right.
Cold, stiff, and feet first.
This is the last time I'm telling you.
- Shut up and go back to your seat!
- [whispers] Chucho.
- Go back to your seat.
- [man whimpers] Yes, sir.
- Go back to your seat!
- [whimpers] Yes, sir!
[thrilling music playing]
[thrilling music continues]
[thrilling music building]
- [music stops]
- [horn honking]
Sit down! Hey, partner!
Heads up, someone's coming.
- [honking continues]
- [Pirateque] I'll solve this!
Save these people, we'll head back
to your place to celebrate!
[Pirateque] Ulises! Wilches!
Tell Ulises to come down!
No more radio.
I want see him with my own eyes.
Yeah, I
- [Ulises] Sit down.
- [Pirateque faint] Tell him to come down!
- Where's Ulises?
- I'm Ulises.
Don't come any closer!
I said don't move!
I told you not to get any closer!
- You're Ulises?
- Yes.
[chuckles] My God, you're a child.
- May I speak with your father, please?
- Come closer, and I'll blow your head off!
Put your hands up.
Who are you?
Ulises, I'm Pirateque.
I have your money here.
[ladder clattering]
Are you someone I can trust?
Go on.
He's giving the other girl something.
It's a big bag, look.
You were right, Captain Latin America.
The early bird does get the cash.
[indistinct chatter]
[Toro yells] What's going on? Nobody move!
You, sit down! Sit down!
I said sit the fuck down!
[ladder clatters]
[angelic music playing]
[Bárbara] There's $50,000 here,
and he's got three more bags like this.
He'll hand over another bag
for every five hostages you liberate.
That's the deal.
So you owe him five hostages.
[angelic music continues]
[exclaims in disbelief]
[Ulises] Revolution or death,
son of a bitch!
- Revolution or death, you son of a bitch!
- [both laughing]
Revolution or death, you son of a bitch!
- [both laughing]
- [angelic music continues]
- [man 1] This is it!
- [man 2] We're getting out of here!
[hijackers laughing]
[angelic music continues]
We gotta release them in fives.
You choose.
[Toro] You.
You as well.
Not you. You, too.
And you as well.
All right, Captain.
Smell this money?
This will help us build
a whole new world now.
[mocking] We'll be happy and free,
you'll still get up at the crack of dawn!
But don't worry.
I'll give you
a pretty handsome tip, Captain.
Because you've done a formidable job.
I'd like to thank you,
you did a wonderful job as our chauffeur.
[dramatic music playing]
- [Richard] You guerrilla piece of shit!
- [Bárbara] Captain, what are you doing?
They already brought the money!
[Jesús] Over here, bitch!
[Toro screams]
[both struggling]
[dramatic music continues]
[man] Hey!
[dramatic music continues]
- [men clamoring]
- [Edilma] Over here!
[man] Have you lost your minds?
They were about to release us!
Over here! Come on!
[Edilma] Hurry! Come on!
- [man] Go! Listen to her!
- [Edilma] There's an exit this way!
- [dramatic music continues]
- [passengers clamoring]
- [gun fires]
- [bullet ricocheting]
- [Edilma] Over here!
- [man] Faster!
- [Edilma] Over here!
- [man] Out of the way!
- [man] Hold him!
- [woman] Over here! Faster! Hurry!
[clamoring continues]
- [man] Get out of the way!
- [Edilma] Hey, hey, hey!
What are you Calm down!
- [clamoring continues]
- [Edilma] Please, one at a time!
- [ominous music playing]
- [men shouting]
[man] Get up, Flaco! Get up!
Marulanda, they freed you?
Freed myself, man!
Now I'm out!
[softly] No
- [man] Hurry up!
- [dramatic music playing]
[Pirateque] What's happening? Wilches?
- [man] Move!
- [Pirateque] I brought the money!
[man] Get out!
- [dramatic music continues]
- [Edilma] Enough! One! One at a time!
- You're all getting out!
- [passengers clamoring and yelling]
[both struggling]
- Son of a bitch, give me a hand!
- [Lequerica] I'm coming!
[dramatic music continues]
- [Wilches] Shoot him, Lequerica!
- [Bárbara] Don't kill him!
- Don't kill him!
- Shoot, you son of a bitch!
- [Lequerica] No, no, no!
- No, don't kill him!
- [gun firing]
- [Lequerica] Ahh!
Don't move, son of a bitch!
- [dramatic music continues]
- [man] Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- Come on!
- [Pirateque] Wilches, what's going on?
Ulises! This is my fault, stop!
Start the engines!
Start the fucking plane now!
- Do as you're told!
- Suck my big cock.
Start the plane or I'll shoot the fat guy!
Start the plane!
No, no, no, no, no!
- Start the engines now!
- [gun fires]
Ahh! Ahh!
Start the plane right now
or I'll blow his fucking head off!
The next bullet's in his head!
Start the engines right now!
- Do it now, now, now!
- [Lequerica] Ahh!
[Ulises] What are you waiting for?
[Lequerica sobbing]
- [passengers clamoring]
- [Edilma] We'll all get out! Don't push!
[dramatic music continues]
[propellers whirring]
[engines humming]
- [passengers yelling]
- [woman] Wait! Jorge Enrique!
Jorge Enrique!
Jorge Enrique!
Jorge Enrique!
[Pirateque yelling] Stop!
Kill me if you want, but stop!
Stop, stop, stop!
Here's the money, take it!
[Toro choking] You fucker!
[Edilma] Hurry!
- [Toro groaning]
- Who's the boss now, bitch?
It's okay, just go! Get out of here!
I'll keep this fucking bastard here!
- No!
- Get out of here!
[passengers clamoring indistinctly]
[Edilma] Hurry! Jump!
- [dramatic music continues]
- [Edilma] Jump!
You crazy shit!
- [Toro groaning]
- [Ulises] Nobody move!
Let him go, motherfucker!
You stay still, you son of a bitch!
- [Jesús] Don't kill me! Don't kill me!
- [Ulises] Do not fucking move!
[Edilma] There you go! Jump now! Go!
[Edilma crying]
[Ulises] Everyone, back off!
You, back off!
In your seat right fucking now!
Everybody to their seats! Now, now!
[Edilma yelping]
[propellors fading]
["El Ultimo Romantico" by Nicola Di Bari]
["El Ultimo Romantico" continues playing]
Even though it's inspired
by real facts and people,
some characters, incidents, places,
dialogues and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes.
["El Ultimo Romantico" continues]
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