The Hunter's Anthology (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

A Visit to the Asylum

Is one of them the demon or not, Mac?
It's possible.
Where there's murder, there's demons.
Was the lurker a demon?
[MAC] Certainly has the
makeup, but still not our demon.
Just our luck.
I think it's your turn.
Me, why me?
Why not?
Don't worry.
My parents are so not scary.
The fact you're even
here shows you care.
I know, I just,
I hope they like me.
What's not to like?
Besides, we're here
for Grandma, not them.
[GRACE] Steven?
Hey, it's good to see you again.
It's down the hall into the right.
Thanks, Grace.
She knows you?
Yeah, I've been here a lot recently.
Grandma's been getting worse.
My parents told me today was important,
but I'm not sure why.
We are meant to be together!
You were supposed to love me!
I wanna warn you about Grandma.
Um, she can be a little.
No, I understand.
Um, we're in a psychiatric
ward if that's what you mean.
Well, she's not violent, just out there.
You're not crazier than me!
Yeah, you hear stuff
like that sometimes.
I feel for them, they
don't choose to be sick.
Most people don't even
give them the time of day,
act like it's their fault.
That's sad.
It's good to see you here again, Steven.
How's Grandma?
Well, she's fine, just fine dear.
It's better if you just go see her.
Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Kate.
[MR. CAPSHAW] Uh, why didn't
you tell us about her, son?
Yeah, Steven, why didn't you?
Because as you can see,
they get weird about this kind of stuff.
Nonsense Steven, you only think we do.
Can we go see Grandma now?
Thanks for the heads up.
No, they're just acting weird.
I'm glad you said it
first, but I knew it.
I should have told them I was coming.
I'm sorry, Kate, it's just that
Uh, this is it.
Three person max.
Your friend will have to stay out here.
Listen, um, wait outside
and I'll come get you after.
Yeah, I get it.
Hey, Steven,
you never told me what was
wrong with your grandma.
What the ?
Where's Grandma?
Come, sit, relax.
Mom, what's going on?
Now, now dear, be still.
Mom, what are you doing?
Oh, Steven, don't you know,
Grandma's been gone for years.
You're the patient here.
Now, doctor's orders to take
these pills so you need too.
What did you do with Grandma?
Oh, Steven, listen to yourself.
You're sick.
Now don't fret.
This will calm you down.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Just get back here, Steven!
Kate, run!
[MRS. CAPSHAW] Get back here, Steven!
You get back here, Steven!
Steven, get back here now.
Steven, there's no where to run.
What the hell did you do?
He just appeared.
Code gray, we have a code gray.
[KATE] It's no use, I already tried it.
Are you okay?
I guess so.
Why is everyone going crazy?
I feel like I'm going crazy.
Try to remember, think.
My parents.
They care about you.
They've been here helping the doctors.
Nobody ever said anything
about restraining you.
You were in on this?
I work here.
No you don't, you're my girlfriend.
We met in school.
You've never been here
before in your life.
You're here for me to visit my grandma.
Your grandma hasn't been here in years.
Steven, you know this.
I visit her all the time, I remember.
You used to.
I went along with this as
part of your rehab, okay?
It's, it's what the doctors wanted.
Steven, think.
Do you remember us walking in together?
Of course I do.
I mean, everyone knows me
because I'm here all the time.
but as a patient.
[STEVEN] I did meet you here.
Oh, so I'm crazy now, is that it?
Sh, they'll hear you.
Something's off.
If you work here, then
why are you hiding?
You're not telling me something.
You need to remember on your own.
I can't think.
They told me you were schizophrenic.
No, Grandma is.
What are those?
Pills they wanted me to take.
I just thought I'd.
Oh my God.
I remember.
I am a patient.
It's strange how you're
thinking more clearly
as the medicine's wearing off.
Let me see.
How long have I been here?
Wait, these aren't anti-psychotics.
Great, so I'm psychotic now too?
No, actually you're
not, look, that's DMT,
not chlorpromazine or haloperidol
or whatever you're
supposed to be taking.
Well, how do you know what it is?
DMT comes in many forms.
This is one of them.
So I'm getting better, not worse.
Well, if this is DMT,
then these pills aren't
preventing my schizophrenia,
they're causing it.
Throw them away.
But I need them, I know I need them.
That's what they want you to think.
Throw them away.
You're just feeling the effects of
what's left in your system, okay?
Um, DMT is N-dimethyltryptamine,
it's like the strongest
psychedelic drug out there.
It causes vivid hallucinations,
it twists the truth,
it makes you forget.
How do I know all that?
Your studies.
Right, I was studying
to be a psychiatrist.
So, I'm a student and a patient?
That doesn't make any sense.
You're almost there Steven.
What else do you know?
Um, I know DMT doesn't last very long,
so they must've compounded
it with an MOA inhibitor.
You need it to wear off
in order to get your truth.
My parents think I'm nuts.
I need this to wear off
now, I need to remember, I,
how did I end up here?
- How do I?
- Focus.
They're going to check
the stairwell eventually.
What do I do, Kate?
There's only one way we can go.
I got this.
Over here! Let's get them.
They're coming back quick.
Find somewhere to hide.
I can't tell if I'm
getting better or worse.
If you're a nurse,
why are you helping me?
I've been taking care
of you for a while and,
well, we, we fell in love and
ever since I found out what
they were doing to you, I,
I wanna help you.
DMT, they must have a
stash of it somewhere.
We have to get rid of it, all of it.
But where are they hiding it?
I don't know.
I have to tell my parents I'm okay.
They need to know what's going on.
Steven, no.
Steven, no.
Okay listen, I um
What the hell is this?
Fight it Steven, fight it.
You need your rest.
You're not yourself.
Take your medication, son.
No, Mom, Dad, I'm not crazy.
They've been drugging me.
No, no, no.
You're just having
Get off me!
What kind of father are you?
Steven Capshaw, you'll stop
this insanity right now.
You're not thinking straight, Steven.
Why would your parents
want to keep you here?
How could your own mother
want to strap you down,
inject you with something?
What kind of parent would
do that to their child?
You're right, they wouldn't.
They're not really my parents.
They're my doctors.
Take your pills.
Get off of me!
They've been drugging me.
Tell them what you saw, tell them!
I remember, I remember someone died.
He's lying!
Paranoid schizophrenia,
pathological liar, delusional.
Nothing he says is
credible or makes any sense.
It's all in his file.
This is nice.
What the hell is in that?
He's dangerous, sedate the prisoner!
Prisoner? You heard
that, he said prisoner.
I mean patient.
No, I remember now, I'm
not a patient here at all.
I came here one day
to visit as a student.
I just wanted to take a
leak, but I saw it happen.
These two doctors gave some
violent patient a sedative
to calm him down, but it was too much.
A seizure like this, he never woke up.
I tried to help and they
grabbed me and strapped me down.
Must've given me DMT pills.
I don't remember anything
making much sense after that.
Until now.
They kept it going to shut me up.
They kept feeding me that poison.
Why are you two idiots standing there?
Can't you see he's dangerous?
Sedate him!
I have to find the rest of the pills.
[GRACE] Steven, the utility room.
Oh, thanks, Grace.
Come on.
Where is it, where is it?
Come on, come on.
Don't be stupid, Steven.
You're sick. We can help you.
I don't need help, you
sick bastard, you do.
It had to be done.
It had to be done.
Seems like there's a fine line
between doctor and patient.
No, no, no, no, no!
It had to be done.
No, it had to be done!
It had to be done!
I may not have enough to get
him for the man he killed,
but they can get him
for what he did to me.
Thanks for believing in me.
Do you remember everything now?
I think it's finally
starting to wear off for good.
I know.
I know it is
and I'm so sorry.
For what?
The same name tag I
wore the day I came here?
I'm not real, Steven.
You made me up in your own mind.
Once the drugs wear off,
I'm gone for good.
I can't lose you, not now.
I love you.
There must be more somewhere.
Steven, you have to let me go for you.
Kate, you're real.
Something about you is real.
What we have is real
and one day, you'll find it again.
Kate, no.
Well, now I'm depressed.
That's so sad.
I wish there was magic in your story.
Maybe then Kate could have stayed.
Interesting point, kid.
There was nothing
supernatural in his story.
[ROD] Yeah, what's that about, Mac?
Well, that's not entirely true.
The other day, just
like she said I would,
I saw Kate right before my
eyes walking down Sixth Ave.
Are you guys missing the obvious?
Steven killed that doctor lady.
Of course he did, she's nuts.
But he chose to kill her.
He didn't have to inject
her with that needle, did he?
Oh, I don't know, Clint.
Maybe they had me really,
really doped up on a strong drug.
You killed someone too, you know?
- But he was a demon.
- Okay, everyone, shut up.
You see what he sees, right?
If you're watching from the point
of view of the certifiably insane.
I'm not insane.
We don't know that, which
makes your story unreliable.
If Steven truly was schizophrenic,
which I'm not saying you are,
my vision would be a bit off.
But still, we're not done.
There's two of you left.
Two cards left.
Okay kiddo, your turn.
It's fine, Mac, I'll go next.
A girl your age on the train at 3:00 AM
doesn't sit right with me.
[MADISON] Me neither.
Does your mom know you're here?
My mom?
Like she cares.
Come on, man.
She's not the demon, look at her.
She's just a kid.
[MAC] I'm sorry, is she
too young to be a demon?
You think demons just
fall out of the sky at 18?
21, 30?
Well, I doubt from the
sky, I mean, maybe lower.
Is this a joke to you?
Do you know how long
I've been doing this?
The hell I've seen?
How long have you been doing this?
Long before you were born, pal.
Demons are either born into this world
through the guise of humans
or a human chooses to become one.
Sometimes it takes them a
while to know what they are,
sometimes they've always known.
Either way, no age is
too young for pure evil
and we're running out of time.
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