The Interest of Love (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Okay, good.
-Goodness, one second.
Take this too.
Have you had breakfast?
It's not good to skip breakfast
when you start work early.
I'll leave it here. Please eat it.
-Are you all right, sir?
Would you like to eat breakfast?
Thank you.
Did you make this yourself?
Yes. I got sick of eating out.
It's good.
I'm glad you like it.
I was worried you wouldn't.
I made it
because I knew you were opening today.
I wanted to share it with you.
Why are you not asking me any questions?
You saw what happened back there.
Then, may I ask you just one question?
Your cell phone background
is a photo of a man.
Who is he?
Is he your boyfriend?
It's someone…
who loves me more than anyone else.
I'm in front of your house right now.
I need to tell you something.
I'm in front of your house, Ms. Ahn.
I'll be waiting.
I'm sorry. I tripped.
You didn't have to rush.
Is your foot okay?
So… how long have you been waiting?
This is so unexpected.
I wanted to tell you something.
Can you stop going on blind dates?
I like you, Ms. Ahn.
I waited for you to tell you that.
Is there another reason?
Is there a reason that I'm not aware of?
This is none of your business.
I saw that you called yesterday.
It was because of work. I took care of it.
You made some interesting revisions.
Sorry? What is it? Is something wrong?
No, it's really great. I'm impressed.
It's because you
put together a great draft.
I just wanted to combine
nine apps into three.
You're proposing
that we start from scratch.
Research showed that people thought
there were too many apps,
so they didn't know when to use what.
The biggest problem was accessibility,
I thought it'd be best
to combine, simplify the apps
and inform our customers
on exactly when and how to use them.
I think we just came up
with the best proposal.
The presentation is tomorrow,
so let's refine it until then.
You're different from what I've heard.
What do you mean?
You got into all kinds of trouble
when you were a rookie.
What's the secret?
When did you get so good at this?
You're being cheeky again.
We need good food
to give a good presentation.
Dinner is on me tonight.
Okay, sure.
Not bad.
You selected suitable clients
and chose excellent approach methods.
Thank you.
Is this your first time
selling products to VIPs?
Yes, sir.
You show so much promise.
It must've been disappointing
to handle only depository work.
Keep up the good work, Ms. Ahn.
If you pull this off,
your position will change for the better.
I'll try my best, sir.
It's not enough to try your best
in our line of work.
You also need the drive, passion,
and loyalty to the company
to make this happen.
I see.
I'll do what I can to help you
transfer positions next quarter.
It's a loss for the bank
for someone as talented as you
to stay as a service rep.
Su-yeong, you're like a daughter to me.
You know that
I'm always rooting for you, right?
Mr. Yuk, can you please
check this progress report?
Why do you look so surprised?
I forgot to knock.
I'm sorry, Ms. Ahn,
but could you give us a moment?
-This is an urgent matter.
Mr. Yuk, you haven't changed.
Still so caring.
You pay special attention
to every single clerk here.
Perhaps that's why my father
also trusts you implicitly.
Your father is doing well, yes?
Yes, thanks to you.
That's good to hear.
Don't just sit there and take it
when he's like that.
I know, but he never quite
crosses the line.
It'll seem like I'm overreacting.
From now on, don't go to his office alone.
What's wrong with that man?
Ms. Park, you seem so confident,
and you don't let anyone get to you.
I've done nothing wrong, so why should I?
Thank you.
If you want to thank me,
then let's be friends.
I need to take you under my wing.
Hey, where did these guys go?
Mr. Kim, the instructor, hurt his knee,
so they're subbing for him.
I see.
I wonder if they can get the applications
and fees that are due this quarter.
I'm not so sure about this.
Can someone…
Ms. Ahn, I'm glad I ran into you.
Can you do a follow-up at the class?
-Sure, I'll go.
-Thank you. Thank you.
What kind of class is this?
You've never heard of it?
It's a singing class.
-It's our community service program.
It's important for the Youngpo branch
to be a part of the community.
It's similar to how department stores
operate cultural centers.
It's a way of attracting clients
by disguising it as a service.
Do people take these classes?
Depends on the instructor.
If the instructor is popular, it's full.
If the instructor is bad, then no.
-Mr. Ma, let's have some coffee.
-Yes, sir.
Mr. Jeong? A moment, please.
Mr. Jeong, we need some coffee.
You forgot the extra shot
in Mr. Lee's coffee before.
Don't forget this time.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jeong?
I'm sorry, but can you pick up
some gimbap on your way back?
A client from Daeyeong Building is coming,
so I don't have time to go out.
Tuna gimbap, please.
Yes, Ms. Bae.
Do you need anything, Mr. Ha?
No, I'm fine.
I'm going to check out the class.
I'll get going too.
Yes, that's the spirit!
Not there. Please sign here.
Let me write it for you. Just a second.
What's your address?
-Okay, Seoul.
The pen isn't working.
Please confirm
the current earnings rate on the right.
And please sign
the bottom of this page as well.
Right here.
Thank you.
Do you like the artist Yoon Chung-a?
Do you know her?
That's from her private exhibition
at PK Gallery last year.
I was there too.
She's a budding artist,
so not many know her.
I met her in Germany through a friend.
I see.
Her modernistic approach suits you well.
I just like her work.
I don't understand it fully.
Have you seen her early work?
I have photos
of her private exhibition in Germany.
Let's have lunch later.
I'll show you the photos then.
I mean Mr. Ha.
Do you want to eat lunch
with Ms. Ahn and me?
No, my lunch break is after yours.
I wasn't sure what you liked,
so I ordered everything.
That's a line I normally use
with guys I'm interested in.
I wanted to treat you
because you had to cover my duties.
Thank you.
And here.
This is a list of clients
that I plan to contact.
It includes their investment type,
deposited sums, and preferred futures.
I know that file.
I'm the one who put it together.
I knew it. It was too well-organized
for it to be Mr. Ma's work.
Let's eat.
Ms. Ahn, have you considered
transferring positions?
You've worked enough years,
and you seem to be
the best clerk at the branch.
Well, things aren't so bad right now.
You should still try out next quarter.
I'll help you.
You started working here long before me.
Sorry if I overstepped.
No, it's okay.
It's because I like you, Ms. Ahn.
What is it?
I'm not used to people
saying that they like me.
Most women find me uncomfortable.
They're jealous of your looks.
That must feel so unfair.
I've had my fair share
of experience with that,
but it's actually a good thing.
Are you ready
for tomorrow's in-house contest?
Sang-su did most of it, so…
Mr. Ha, I mean.
Why is it so hard for me
to call him Mr. Ha?
Actually, we went to the same college.
Preparing was fun
because I felt like I was back in college.
Okay, enjoy your lunch.
Let me know if you need more.
Auntie, I'll take a beer.
Are you crazy?
It's not even non-alcoholic.
Wait, are you drinking too?
Fine, go ahead. Drink.
It's tradition to drink while farming,
so I guess it's the same thing.
Drink up.
Let me ask you this
because I just don't get it.
What is it now?
This isn't about me.
I read this in a book.
This woman told this man
who confessed his feelings for her
that she's dating someone else.
That means she has a boyfriend, right?
Then she says
she's going on a date with another guy,
so he's wondering
what on earth is going on.
Why would she hug her boyfriend if…
So? What about the hug?
Tell me about the hug.
Auntie, can we get our food quickly?
Thank you for lunch.
-Did you enjoy it?
I don't get why people give out flyers.
It doesn't seem efficient, does it?
Hello, we recently opened
a new restaurant.
Hello, sir.
Please come by. Thank you.
Are the numbers not adding up?
I guess something is missing.
I'm finished, Ms. Ahn.
Mr. Ha, can you give her a hand
before you go home?
Do you need my help?
No, I'm okay.
I have to get ready for tomorrow,
so please excuse me.
Right. Got it.
Grow up already, Sang-su.
Shall we?
I saw that you called yesterday.
It was because of work. I took care of it.
Do you need my help?
Isn't it nice to have a friend nearby?
We can drink milk together
after work like this.
Two for one.
Please don't feel
that you have to reciprocate my feelings.
I don't expect anything right now.
I just wanted to let you know how I felt.
I panicked a little
when I heard about your blind date.
I couldn't throw them out.
Your father left this behind.
Jong-hyeon, you never try
to pry into my life.
It makes me feel bad.
Would things look different up there?
The night view, I mean.
Do you think it would make
that much of a difference?
What if it does?
Then maybe I should try
living there someday.
It looks like it'll cost quite a lot,
but I want to see how different it is.
I'm going to pass the next exam.
And one day,
I'm going to look at the night view
from way up there.
What's so funny?
You remind me of someone
who would have been
as hard-working as you.
I can't stay long.
I need to touch up the presentation.
Don't forget
that I'm attending the same presentation.
Just one drink, okay?
Which wine do you prefer?
I don't know too much about wine.
I'll go with whatever you choose.
I like how you don't put on an act.
-Was that funny?
I didn't even say much.
It was hilarious.
You seem easily amused.
No, you just have
a way of telling stories.
Me? Not at all.
You're totally funny and amusing.
Anyway, how's work so far? Is it okay?
You had to enter a competition
on your first day. It must be a lot.
Things are going well
thanks to you, Sang-su.
But you'll get busy
if our presentation is chosen.
Can you handle that?
Ms. Ahn does a great job of backing me up.
I had lunch with her today.
She seemed really nice.
So what have you been up to? Just working?
You were like that in college.
Why don't you ever date?
Wait, or are you into…
It's not like that, punk.
Then why won't you date?
Because I don't like dating
and breaking up on a whim.
Then do you prefer
serious relationships and breakups?
There's a sense of responsibility.
Having feelings for someone
comes with responsibility.
It's their signature menu item.
This dish has even won awards.
Can I get this to go, by any chance?
I want to take this to someone.
-Okay, goodbye.
What's this?
It's not Mother's Day. What's going on?
Midnight-snack delivery, ma'am.
When will you introduce her to me?
It's obvious you were on a date.
With that persistence,
you should've studied
-and gone to a prestigious college--
-I have a son who went instead.
Ms. Han.
Ms. Han, are you there?
What brings you here at this hour?
I knew I could count on you to be here.
My face broke out
after playing a round of golf.
I have an appointment in the morning.
Can you help me?
Of course.
Go and lie down. I'll be in soon.
-Please hurry.
It stings so badly.
Wait, are you done eating?
I have a client to tend to.
But it's after hours.
-Just tell her no.
That's not what's important.
Tell me about her.
It's nothing, Mom.
Nothing came out of it.
It sounds like there was someone,
but she turned you down.
Who would turn down my son?
What? I didn't get turned down.
-Is it because I'm a single mom?
That's not it. I'm serious.
Is she from a prominent family?
Mom, go on ahead.
I'll clean up here. Hurry. Go on now.
I grabbed it as soon as it expired,
so it's fresh.
You can't call expired food "fresh."
-Forget it, then.
-Hey, I still want it.
Now that you work at a burger joint,
it feels like I got connections.
What's so great about that?
I'm worried it'll take forever
to make enough money to live a good life.
What do you mean?
Of course, you'll live a good life.
Dream big, sis.
My dream is to live
an average, ordinary life.
That's it?
An average, ordinary life
means you want for nothing,
which equals an all-around good life.
That's how I want to live.
Just you wait.
I'll get my motorcycle license
and become a delivery master.
I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony
in the heart of Seoul.
You can grow all kinds of herbs
on the balcony.
You can also paint and play the piano.
Gosh, how exciting.
Don't you trust me?
You should know me by now.
I'm a man of my word.
So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
Why are you here? Go away.
Get out of here, Dad!
This is all your fault!
Get out!
I said get out!
It's all your fault, Dad.
Goodness, you're here.
Don't just stand there.
-Make her some food.
Don't come near the bank ever again.
Have you eaten?
At least have a bite before you go.
-We made your favorite oyster jeon--
-Why here?
You could've gone anywhere else.
Why did you have to come here
of all places?
We didn't come here for a specific reason.
We just wanted to see you occasionally--
Since when did you care so much?
How could you take him back?
Have I…
Have I eaten?
Why are you asking that question now?
Why do you think Su-hyeok…
Why do you think he died?
To me…
No, to us. You were already dead to us.
So don't act like you care about me.
Stop hovering around me.
-It's not that--
Su-hyeok kept his promise to me.
Su-hyeok's promise…
is what held me together.
I'll buy you a house with a huge balcony
in the heart of Seoul.
You can grow all kinds of herbs
on the balcony.
You can also paint and play the piano.
So, sis, you just focus on being happy.
Whenever I felt like giving up,
I always reminded myself of his promise.
Su-hyeok essentially saved me.
Guess who?
What? Hey!
I had to be happy.
I had to become happy.
Because my happiness…
came with responsibility.
Were you asleep?
That's a classic ex-boyfriend line.
Hey, I was wondering
if you had the open-platform
environment analysis data.
I do, but it's on my desk
back at the bank.
No, I'll come with you.
I'll get ready and go.
I'll be there.
This is Chief Ha Sang-su
of the Youngpo branch.
I need to deactivate
the security system to get inside.
Thank you.
You finally noticed me.
Why are you here?
I said you didn't have to come.
Some take on team projects alone
because they think
they're better than everyone,
but in your case,
you have a competent partner.
In that case, why don't you handle
the app service reformation strategy?
Shall I?
But eat this first.
I wasn't asleep.
You snored, but let's say you didn't.
I snored? I've never snored in my life.
We have some time left,
so go home and wash up.
That's not how this works.
You have to look tired
so that others will notice.
I look perfect right now.
I look tired enough to take some credit.
Gosh, my arm is numb.
I thought I was in charge
of opening today.
I had to prepare for the presentation.
Good morning.
You're here too, Ms. Park?
No need to call me Ms. Park
when we're off the clock.
Okay, Gyeong-pil?
Okay, got it.
If you haven't had breakfast,
come with us.
You guys should go. I need to open up.
Is there any place
that's open at this hour?
Here we go.
Enjoy your meal.
-I will.
-Gosh, you're up early today.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
This looks great.
You don't like oyster gukbap?
No, I just don't eat a lot.
I see.
But it didn't seem like that
when we had gamjatang before.
I only have salad for breakfast.
Fine, I got it.
-Does this go in the kitchen?
No, you don't have to do that.
-Goodness, I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
Goodness, thank you.
My goodness.
Allocate 10% of your savings
into this product at 58% pre-tax…
-Here's the cake you ordered.
-Thank you.
Have a nice day.
You got this!
Hello, ma'am. I'm from KCU Bank.
Your birthday is next week,
so I'm here to wish you a happy birthday.
Are you new?
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Ahn Su-yeong of the Youngpo branch.
I'm here today because--
Étoile, come back here.
Are you hungry?
Let's sit here.
This is a gift for Étoile, ma'am.
It's cat coat supplement.
How did you know Étoile
had a hair loss problem?
Go on.
This is an exclusive stock-related product
that is available for a limited-time
only for VIP clients.
It might be more convenient for you
to invest in real estate
since you spend over
half of the year in France.
But recent trends indicate a preference
for three-month-long, short-term products.
Sure, I'll sign up.
After all, I know some people
at the Youngpo branch,
and you're quite friendly and pretty.
Thank you, ma'am.
Please visit our branch,
and we'll process it right away.
Try some. It's our maid's specialty.
Yes, thank you.
Miss, can you come here?
Take these with you.
Take them and share them
with your colleagues.
Thank you so much for these treats.
It's my daughter's favorite piece.
Your daughter has excellent taste too.
I'll take my leave, then.
-Take care.
-Thank you.
What do you think?
This is too hard.
What is it? What's wrong?
-This one?
-They look the same to me.
They're totally different.
This hot pink pairs well
with cool undertones,
and this peach coral
is for warm undertones.
Cool? Warm? What's that?
-What's my undertone?
-You know what it is.
-Booze undertone.
Your face is just red all the time.
Goodness. Stop drinking so much.
You got that tone, Ms. Seo.
Stinky soybean undertone.
That punk.
I can't believe that punk.
Anyway, I hope Ms. Ahn is doing well.
Don't worry.
She has the power of persuasion.
It's much better to deal with rich people
than to get harassed by marketplace folks.
Do you take private lessons?
You always have the snarkiest things
to say about everything.
Karma will get you one day
if this continues.
Well, I still like working at the bank.
It's cool in the summer
and warm during winter.
Right then.
My dear Ji-yun,
you're as pure as baby skin.
You're so fresh and clear
with zero blemishes.
Have you heard from Sang-su and Ms. Park?
It starts at 2:00,
so they're probably getting ready.
I hope they do well.
Don't worry about them.
You should worry about
your own future, Mr. Ma.
Gosh, thanks for your support.
Darn it.
Our bank currently operates
a total of nine different apps.
The sheer number of apps
makes it difficult to update them
and leads to many system errors.
But who are we to decide
which apps to keep or discard?
What's important is not evaluating
the pros and cons of the apps.
Instead, it's this.
A simplified app that integrates
the pros of all the other apps.
Why aren't you smoking?
Do you want one?
I quit ages ago.
I'm going to quit too.
I really should quit now.
You're going to quit smoking.
Why get so sentimental about it?
You looked really good up there.
Nicely done.
I appreciate your compliment.
Do you have plans this weekend?
Hang out with me.
I'll hang out with you
as a reward for today.
Sure. Sounds good.
I study here too.
Don't mind me and keep studying.
You seem happy these days.
I got certified in investment consulting
and financial planning,
but I never had a chance to practice it,
because I usually dealt
with people in the marketplace.
It's not that I didn't like it.
It just felt like an ATM could do my job.
Well, that's what I sometimes thought.
But this job was different.
The clients would listen to me
and decide to invest.
If I do well this first season,
they might ask me
to handle the next batch.
And that could help me
with my position transfer.
What's with the look?
I just think you're cool.
Ms. Ahn, you're such a cool person.
I thought I was more pretty than cool.
No, you're definitely the cool type.
I'm going to study hard
and become a cool person too.
-Isn't it fun?
-It's so fun!
Is it?
-Wait a second.
-One, two.
-Wait, this is really scary.
I said I wanted to hang out.
I didn't say I wanted to learn
how to walk again.
You said we could do what I wanted.
I can walk just fine on dry land.
I don't have to walk on ice…
Sang-su, just a second!
Okay, let's focus on
your center of gravity.
-Bend your knees a little.
-Bend my knees.
-Like this?
-Like this?
Why on earth do you like ice hockey?
Because the rules are clear on the ice.
Don't fall and go full speed.
That's why I like it.
Me too.
I think I might start liking it too.
Oh, my gosh! Wait!
I think that's enough. Let's stop.
You'll end up getting muscle aches.
I really can't move anymore.
Go ahead and get changed first.
I'll slowly make my way back.
Are you sure?
Yes, just go.
-Hold on.
-Sit and rest for a bit.
-All right.
-I'll be back soon.
One. Two.
One. Two.
One. Two.
Ms. Ahn, are you going for lunch?
Come with us.
No, I already have plans.
Enjoy your lunch, then.
-Let's go.
Ms. Ahn, hop in.
You're the first passenger
to ride in my new car.
It's nice.
Should we speak casually?
We're about the same age, after all.
Did I get ahead of myself again?
Gosh, I need to stop doing that.
I always jump the gun when I like someone.
Why waste time with someone I like?
I'm okay with that.
Let's drop the formality, then.
I reserved this for you, Su-yeong.
Why are you so nice to me?
Because you're doing
a great job with PB duties,
and I'd rather have lunch with someone
whom I'm thankful for.
Is that strange?
No, I like it too.
Pretty, isn't it?
Yes. The design is pretty,
but the material looks unique too.
You really have a good eye.
It's pure bronze and very rare.
Is it very expensive?
It's not rare if you can
buy it with money.
My friend who does metalwork
made it for me.
I see.
Do you want it?
No, I just thought it was pretty.
It's okay. I have another one at home.
No, really. You don't have to.
Okay, then I'll take it
after you've worn it for a very long time.
You're so cute even when you say no.
Let's eat.
Thank you for lunch.
I hope you like it.
It must be inconvenient to park
so far away from the bank.
Only team leaders and higher-ups
get to park here.
At my old job, even though
there was plenty of parking space,
I felt self-conscious.
Because my car was nicer
than the branch manager's. Silly, right?
People care about the weirdest things.
I'll take my leave, then.
-Take care.
-Thank you.
After all, I know some people
at the Youngpo branch.
Come to my place sometime.
Let's hang out and paint.
Just a second.
Yes, okay. Thank you.
Oh, my gosh!
We did it.
Our presentation came out top!
Good job, Sang-su!
All right.
Ms. Park.
Mr. Ha.
Great work.
Let's keep up the good work, okay?
But the final decision hasn't been made.
Isn't this a bit much?
But we beat the Dangsang branch
and came out top of our district.
I'm proud of you, Sang-su.
He did a great job.
Stop acting like you had a hand in this.
Come on, let's be honest.
I groomed Sang-su.
But both Ms. Park and Mr. Ha
are doing very well
thanks to our branch manager, right?
He has a great eye
when it comes to people,
and puts the right person
up for the right job.
It's an amazing ability, sir.
I truly respect you.
That said, allow me
to sing for you, Mr. Yuk.
Mr. Yuk, this song is for you.
-What's this song?
Jingle, jingle, jingle
Jingle, jingle, jingle
The sound of the bell
On the spotted dog
He comes in the morning
To greet me on my way to work
And wags his tail in joy as he follows me
Jingle, jingle, jingle
Jingle, jingle, jingle
The sound of the bell
On the spotted dog
I love you, Mr. Yuk!
-Thank you.
-Good job!
Gosh, that was a great song.
Ms. Ahn, why don't you sing a song?
What was that look for?
I'm your superior, and I sang,
so you can't refuse.
-I'll sing.
I'm a good singer.
-Sounds good, Ms. Park.
-Very cool!
-Help me out.
-I said help me out.
-Help me.
Me? Wait a minute.
-What's going on?
-Are you guys a couple?
How about a hand for the couple?
-They seem close.
-That's great.
They should sing a duet song
like "The Blue in You."
Come on.
-Looking great!
-Let's hear it.
-Good one.
-Looking great, you two.
Let's go!
Great choice!
Cute, so cute
You're so cute when you smile
You're the cutest, my love
Cool, so cool
You're so cool
That you make my heart skip a beat
Scared, so scared
Your deep eyes
I think I might fall into them
So I've been learning how to swim
Sexy, so sexy
Your collarbone is so sexy
I want to kiss it so much
They look great together.
-They're so cute.
-They should just date.
No way, are you dating?
Are you sure?
Are you two really not dating?
No, we're really not.
Mr. Ha and Ms. Park!
Are you two okay?
You should just date after this.
After this song,
you two will officially be a couple.
Hey, Mr. Ha!
Look at him. He's so tense.
Come on!
Dance with her!
Come on, just take her lead.
-All right!
-You look great together!
Park Mi-gyeong!
I was in such a good mood
that I drank too much.
Get rid of your hangover
before you head home, sir.
Mr. Ma.
Go pick up the hangover cure
that he always takes.
Yes, of course.
Hey, Mr. Jeong.
-Mr. Jeong, we need--
-He's not here.
Right, we didn't call him.
Now what?
Ms. Ahn.
Can you make a quick run
to the convenience store?
Three bottles.
I'll go.
-I need some cigarettes.
-I need some too.
-I thought you were quitting.
-And coffee milk.
Is it fun?
Toying with my emotions, that is.
I could say the same thing to you.
You still can't
bring yourself to be honest.
Tell me so that I can understand.
Then explain what happened that day.
I've already told you.
-It was because of the balance.
-No, the real reason.
It wasn't that you couldn't come.
You chose not to come.
I saw you.
I saw everything.
Su-yeong. Did you feel anything for me?
Has your relationship
with Ms. Ahn evolved?
Have you and Ms. Ahn
turned into archenemies?
Why do you like her?
Ms. Ahn.
Let's go somewhere and eat something good.
I wish you would stop drinking soju
whenever you're upset.
Your hand is warm.
Why do you like me?
Sang-su is a good-hearted man.
You two look good together.
Why did you follow me out?
Can I ask you something?
Do you still like me?
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