The Jetty (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

My heart's in embers
Lying post-flame
But if this is
how the fire feels
Light me up again. ♪
RIZ: It's mostly women who
listen to my podcast
I don't find weird at all.
have an IC3 female
abrasions sustained antemortem,
as well as several sustained
in the hours following death.
This is what we fear.
There is extensive distoid
bruising to her neck,
a pattern consistent with
manual strangulation.
Maybe not consciously,
but it's there
from the moment we
realise we're vulnerable.
That he could if he wanted to.
The chances of being
murdered are small.
But the shadow that is
cast by the threat of it,
that's so vast
that we don't even
know we're living in it.
My name is Riz Samuel,
and I chase the
darkness for a living.
How did you know
she was in the lake?
She was in the lake?
How did you know?
She told me. Mum
I don't know what else
to say to you, Ember.
Did she drown?
Poor Amy.
No, it wasn't Amy.
It was It was
Riz, a podcaster.
Oh, my God! Riz? You knew her?
She came here. Why?
Who would hurt Riz? Mum, why?
She saw my ad.
She wanted to talk to Amy.
Did she?
I couldn't get into her space.
Did she ask any questions
about about Mack? About me?
A couple of things. Why?
Oh, Jesus Christ, Mum,
you have to be the least
perceptive psychic ever.
What is going on, Ember?
I think she was
investigating Mack
in relation to
Amy's disappearance.
No. Why would she do that?
He was seeing her. He
was with her the
the night that
she disappeared.
Well, that doesn't
mean anything.
The police don't think
he was involved, do they?
The answerphone messages.
I left her messages.
Saying what?
Where are you going?!
Could you sign in, please?
OFFICER: Tag this one, please.
Have you recovered
the victim's phone?
Pair of EarPods,
two charging cables,
but no actual devices.
Where are your gloves?
In the case.
Put them on! This
bastard's not walking free
because you've got your
grubby hands on her stuff.
TV REPORT: The human remains
recovered from the lake yesterday
have been confirmed as those
of award-winning
investigative journalist,
podcaster and
activist Riz Samuel.
Riz was best known for her
Girl, Disappeared podcast,
as well as her tireless campaigning
for the rights of women and girls.
Although a cause of death
has not yet been confirmed
Who did this? there
is tangible shock here
that Riz may have become
a victim of crime herself.
When a high-profile figure
dies, they belong to everyone.
They're everyone's sister,
everyone's daughter.
That's a lot of people invested.
And they're all waiting on
us to deliver them justice.
Alpha Team,
I want you investigating
the victim's life.
Her work, her friends.
Bravo Team, you're
going to be looking at
the 2007 unsolved
disappearance of Amy Knightly
that Riz was investigating.
We think she may have had
a copy of the case file,
but we haven't found her laptop,
so we don't know exactly
what she did have.
The theory at the time
was that Amy ran away,
so the case file
is painfully thin -
statement from a friend,
statement from the parents,
but no evidence of abduction
and, crucially, no suspects.
We are going to work on
the theory that Riz Samuel
knew something about this
case that we currently do not.
What was it?
She was also investigating
an active sexual predator.
Surely that's more likely
to have provided the killer
with a motive than a cold case?
Yes, Alpha Team are
going to pick that up
as part of their remit.
Well, maybe it should
have its own team.
I was intending to run this
investigation, DC Manning.
Sorry, I thought I was brought
onto the team for my insight.
There you go. C Team.
You're a two-man army working
the sexual predator angle,
after I've used your insight
into Russell Knightly.
Well, I'd never even
heard of the podcaster
until you mentioned her.
You can't have been best
pleased she was making
a podcast about your daughter.
Not really, no.
But what can you do?
Did she know about your affair?
I have no idea.
Why don't you ask your colleague
if she's been spreading
her lies about me?
Can you tell us where you were
between the hours of
8pm Sunday evening
and 8am Monday morning?
Well, I was at home
with Imogen, mostly.
Mostly? I went for a walk
to the ridge around nine.
Riz Samuel was staying
near the ridge.
Well, I didn't know that.
So you didn't go and
have a word with her?
you have an incomplete alibi
for the window when
Riz was murdered
and a motive to kill her.
You see, I think the truth
is like a little shoot
pushing up through
the soil to the light.
My job is just to clear
its path, and wait.
It's the person trying to stop
it that has the harder job.
They're fighting against nature.
WOMAN: Hello?
Hi. Is Gregory Blake there?
Er, who is this?
Could I speak to him?
Well, he's not here.
Could you tell me if he is
the owner of a Nissan Navara,
registration number LG10 HPU?
Don't call here again.
Hey, Manning. What
are you doing in here?
Just trying to get some
space, actually, Hitch.
I was literally saying last week
how I would kill to
be on Murder Squad
and, bingo, here I am.
Charlie Team.
My mum's going to blub.
I don't think Morgan
quite intended for C
to stand for Charlie,
but whatever.
So I was listening to one
of Riz Samuel's podcasts,
and she mentions
that she uses a PI.
So what if that's the
guy with the truck
that we caught taking
photos at the boat hut?
Maybe we could track him down.
I thought you might
have clocked his reg.
No, why would you think that?
It's the sort of thing you
do. You're a bit like RoboCop.
Well, I didn't.
No? No.
Hey, good thinking, though.
Yeah. C Team.
So, what, we're just going
to walk up to Sheena
Ashby and say,
"You sure you won't tell us
who Miranda's baby-daddy is?
"Because now we think he
might have killed Riz Samuel"?
Or we could just ask Miranda.
Can we come in?
Miranda, you have no idea how
glad I am to see you awake.
Everyone has been worried sick.
There's a collection at the pub
that's raised over a thousand quid.
For my funeral?
Do you mind?
She's so perfect.
Take her with you if you like.
Wish I'd got rid.
Have they arranged for
you to speak to anyone?
About what?
About everything.
The baby. The fall.
I'm not keeping her.
Pub's no place for a baby.
It is really important that
all the decisions that you make
right now are really yours.
Sometimes it can
be hard to tell.
TV: ..the final movements of
podcast journalist Riz Samuel,
whose body was discovered
in Hap Lake yesterday.
It's believed that
Riz was staying
Did you ever meet Riz?
You kick a wasps'
nest, you get stung.
There is some speculation
that this might have
involved the 2007 unsolved
You did know that she
was trying to find out
who the father of your baby is?
She thought
She thought he'd abused you.
He didn't.
I don't know
whether he knew
about Riz or not,
but if I'm to rule him out
of this murder investigation,
then, I
Miranda, I really need
to know who he is.
I can't tell you.
Because you're scared he's
going to get in trouble
for having sex
with you underage?
No, because
I don't know who he is.
I like having a good time.
GIRLS: Stop the violence!
ALL: No more silence!
Those who do not return
to class face a
fixed-term exclusion,
something we will have to
include in any reference
that we write for you.
Yes. Very much food for
thought, ladies and gentlemen.
Stop the violence!
No more silence!
I'm DC Ember Manning.
This is DC Hitchin. We wanted
to talk to the students
about the murder of Riz Samuel.
Seems they've got a lot to say.
This isn't about the murder.
It's about being out of class.
And making a point about a few
incidents of silly behaviour
we've had from the Year 11 boys.
Silly behaviour?
Hormones, etc.
I'm DC Ember Manning
and I'm investigating
the murder of Riz Samuel.
PUPIL: Fuck the police.
Do you know what?
Riz's murder is your business.
And it's related
to all of the
shitty behaviour that
you're expected to put up with.
I don't believe for a second
that every man is capable
of hurting a woman,
but we are living in an
incubator for the ones who are.
That is just a fact.
Now, anyone knows anything
any information
about Riz Samuel,
then we want to know.
But trust me, you
have been heard.
Thank you. Good. Right.
Well, you heard the
lady police officer.
Anybody with any
information, come forward.
Otherwise, back to class - now!
HITCH: OK, just come over here
if you have any information.
Where's Hannah?
ALL: She's ill.
What kind of ill?
Um, stomach, I think she said.
Yeah. I am begging you, do
not go into crime, girls,
cos you are really
bad at bullshit.
You'd better go in. I think
he might be a stroke risk.
TEACHER: Get back inside.
I'm sorry, Ember.
About the photo.
Hannah said you were stressed
about me sending it to Riz.
Oh, no. Just
in case she got
the wrong idea.
Well, I hope Hannah managed
to get her to delete it.
Though I don't suppose
it matters now.
TEACHER: Yeah. Yeah. Take it
with you. Take it with you.
Hannah, what's wrong?
Did you go to Riz's place the other
night when you left here with Troy?
What? No.
No, you have to tell me the truth,
Hannah. You can't lie about this.
I am. Did you go to speak
to Riz about the photo?
No! Did you and Troy
go to that house?
No! Because I will
find out, Hannah.
Stop! You really think that
we did something to her?
No! No, of course I don't.
You think that my dad
killed Amy and I killed Riz?
Do you think that everybody
is a monster, Mum?
Or is it just the people that
you're supposed to love and trust?
I'm so sorry. I don't know
what's happening to me.
I just want my dad.
I just want my dad.
Look, I'm sorry.
Oh, Hannah, I'm sorry.
GIRL: And because they're
older and you're younger,
you can't really see it.
They make you feel special,
but only when you're doing
the things they want you to.
Phone company have sent over
Riz's phone bill, but
we've excluded numbers
from family and friends.
MORGAN: This number
comes up repeatedly
on the day she was killed.
Can I borrow your phone?
I'm not going to wait around
for the phone company to
tell me who it belongs to.
DC Manning's phone.
ECHOING: Anyone there?
Is anyone there?
For any person to be
murdered is a tragedy.
For it to happen to a woman
who dedicated her life
to protecting others
Murder squads under Morgan
have a higher success rate
than under any other DI
in the North of England.
Right. He's proper.
So, to Riz Samuel's
killer, I say this
we will find you.
We will bring you to justice.
Of that you have my
cast-iron guarantee.
I'll also say this.
If any person is
aiding the killer
covering for them,
hampering this
investigation in any way
I will come for you too.
Now I shall take
some questions. Yes.
REPORTER: Can you give
us a timeline of events?
Miss Samuel's body was recovered
from the lake two
days ago at 4:21pm.
We are awaiting forensic tests
to determine how long she may
have been in the water. Ember?
Excuse me.
I saw you arguing
with Brad Ashby.
I'm a police officer.
I don't have to speak to you.
No, you don't. But you
spoke to Riz, didn't you?
I heard the recording.
I recognise your voice.
My car's over there.
Why don't we get out of here?
Look, I know you're scared,
but you reached out to Riz,
so I also know
that you're brave.
Can I see?
It's OK.
Are they his fingermarks?
He was just looking
out for his brother.
Liam Ashby did that to you?
Because you told Riz about him?
Not his name.
I'm going to need
you to make a statement.
What do you think he'll do
if he finds out I've
spoken to the police?
Because he's going
to go to jail.
And you can promise that?
Are you still seeing him?
Rosie, once a man has put
his hands around your throat,
the chances that he'll go on to
kill you go through the roof.
Well, I'm not a grass.
He will kill you, Rosie.
Morgan's had me out looking
for you. Where have you been?
Right, he wants us
back. We'd better go.
No, he wants me back.
I don't want to get kicked
off this investigation.
You're not really on the
investigation, Hitch.
You're basically my plus-one.
Look, cover that
door and don't move.
What are you doing?
My job.
You breaking and entering now?
It wasn't locked, so
just entering.
What do you want?
To know who the father
of Miranda's baby is.
Well, I reckon she'd like
it to be young Ellis.
But sadly for her,
I think there's been that many
darts thrown at the dartboard,
it's hard to tell who's
hit the bull's-eye.
Did you throw a dart
at the board, Liam?
She's my niece, Ember.
But I know which little
skank has been spreading
that particular rumour.
Who's that, then?
Rosie. Tell her to
wind her neck in.
Or what?
What are you going
to do to her neck?
You alone, Ember?
Hitch is outside.
Alone, then.
If you're not planning to
arrest me for anything,
off you fuck.
Liam Ashby, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of the murder
of Riz Samuel
What? Whoa! Whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!
What the fuck has Rosie
got to do with that?
Rosie was talking to
Riz, but you know that,
which is why you put your
fingerprints round her neck.
Maybe Riz's too.
Are you insane?! Put your hands
out in front of you! Hands out!
I'm not fucking going anywhere!
Don't worry, Liam,
if you didn't do it,
I'm sure it's all going to get
worked out down at the station.
You arrest me for
something like that,
and I will be fucked for life
for it, whatever happens.
Then, tell me a
story I can believe.
OK, right.
Maybe I got a little
bit rough with Rosie.
A bit rough.
You've got a snowball's chance
of getting her to press
charges. You know that, right?
You assaulted Rosie
because she told Riz
that you were having
underage sex with her.
Wrong again.
Why, then?
Because she's barking.
She's obsessed with
me. Ask anyone.
I wasn't interested,
so she convinced herself
that I was seeing Miranda.
But you did have sex with Rosie.
You must have done.
I can't get hard.
I could go to a
strip club and remain
as flaccid as a salted slug.
But you can ask my
doctor that if you like.
So unless I fucked Rosie
with someone else's dick
Why would you get so angry
about her speaking to Riz
if you hadn't done
anything wrong?
Because liars get believed.
No, Liam. No, they don't.
And Rosie would know that.
So why would she lie?
Why would she say that you
had abused her if you hadn't?
The fuck should I know, Ember?
Some girls like to
have a nice time and
some just hate themselves.
I like having a good time.
ROSIE: And because they're
older and you're younger,
you can't really see it.
They make you feel special.
But only when you're doing
the things they want you to.
Even when those things hurt you.
You're their pimp.
That's not a nice word.
Give me your phone.
Give me your fucking phone!
All right.
Nothing on there I wouldn't
want my mother to see.
Want your mother to
see that, would you?
She's very open-minded.
This girl's legal, is she?
I don't know. Someone
just sent me 'em.
They don't come
with an age rating.
Did you know?
Did you know that she's been
sending photos to people?
She only sent them to Troy.
He sent them to another
boy and on it went.
Yeah, well, they've
made it all the way
to weapons-grade
scumbag Liam Ashby.
She's in there
crying her eyes out.
Scared to go to school because
she doesn't know who's seen them.
I will find Troy and I will
put him through a wall.
And then I will find another
wall Ember and I will put him
through that. I swear
I will run out of walls
before I run out of rage.
Can't you arrest him?
Oh, yeah. I could arrest Troy and
Liam for possession of the images,
but then I would also
have to arrest Hannah
for creating and distributing
them. She has made herself
both the pornographer
and the porn,
which I would say is a
fantastic bit of multitasking.
How's the other thing?
The voice mails.
Yeah, Riz's phone
hasn't been found.
I'm assuming that's
a good thing.
If I think Mack has got anything
to do with Amy's disappearance,
then I should be telling
the police what I know.
But you don't suspect that.
Do you?
Are you going to
speak to Hannah?
Too angry.
You won't get to redo this moment
if you mess it up, you know.
You'll just get to replay
it to yourself forever.
Thanks, Mum.
Do you replay things?
Or is it hard to do
when your parenting
consisted mostly of Post-it
notes on the fridge?
"See you when I'm
back from the pub
"slash art class slash
whatever it is I am doing"
"that means I am not with you."
Your new job has you writing
a fair few Post-it
notes yourself, Ember.
But you only see other
people's failings, don't you?
Thank you, sir.
Give me your phone.
Why? Now.
I knew a lad who
once got sent down
for sharing indecent
images of children.
The other prisoners put him on
what they called a program me
of cleansing and purification,
which I wish I could
tell you was metaphorical.
What are you saying that for?
Have you been sharing indecent
images of children, Troy?
No. Try again.
Oh, fuck.
I just sent it to one person.
Well, I think he's
had busy thumbs, Troy.
I want the name and number
of everyone you suspect
has got these photos.
I don't want to get
anyone in trouble.
Make me ask you again, and
you're going to end up in jail
and I will send in the
Brillo pads myself.
Right, yeah.
Those photos have gone
to half the year group.
She would have been better off
if she stripped off naked
in front of everyone.
At least then she could
have got dressed afterwards.
He has made her
He's made her permanently naked.
He's made her
It'll be OK.
No! No, Mum, it is not OK.
It cannot be OK.
Well, it has to be,
because the alternative
is that we walk around
in a perpetual state of rage.
Yes! Good, good. Fine. Well
maybe it's not
fine for Hannah.
Maybe it would be better
for her not to think
all men are utterly toxic,
and that she's going to spend
a lifetime getting burnt.
Sometimes, Ember, what's
needed is comfort.
Not cure.
Did you make him delete it, Mum?
I did, baby.
I messed up.
It's OK. Really.
He said he didn't know it'd
make me upset because
the photos are so nice.
Well, then, you know he's a
bit of a twat, then, don't you?
I know he likes me, Mum.
I'm sure he does.
Was it Chloe?
Who grassed.
They defended your secret
like the nuclear codes.
You've got good,
loyal mates there.
MORGAN: DC Manning.
Where did you disappear
to this afternoon?
Looking for Miranda's abuser.
And did you find him?
I'm starting to think
you're a spider sat in a web
at the heart of
all this, Manning.
Am I right?
Tea or coffee?
Welcome, welcome.
This is the boat hut.
This is Joe, a little
shrimp I found on the jetty.
Decided to take him
in as one of my own.
I hear she's got you on
the drink now, Kitty.
Well, no-one should
have to live life sober.
Oh, right.
Would you do anything
she told you to?
You wouldn't do
anything for me, Kitty?
Well, I'd do anything
you needed me to,
but not just anything you said.
Oh, hang on a minute. Sounds
like our Kitty's a deep thinker.
I've got a question for you,
Kitty. Who makes the rules?
Not this again. Who
decides what's OK?
Who polices our instinct?
This question is so boring,
it makes me want to die.
OK, here's a better one.
Who thinks that Joe looks
like the sensitive one
in a boy band?
She means the gay one. I do not.
Yeah, you do.
Boyband. Who would I
be in a boy band, then?
I have some bad news for you.
Do you? What's that, then?
The clue's in the title.
What are you doing? Give
us a bit of that, then.
No, no!
You're having it!
Look, can you get a room?
As if you're not storing
this in your wank bank, Joe.
JOE SCOFFS No, not really.
No, his last girl was nicer.
Fuck you.
Hey, come on!
And fuck you too!
Come on Amy.
Oh, for Christ's sake, Amy.
Upstairs, to the right.
Come in.
I'm DC Manning.
I was wondering if I could
ask you some questions, Joan.
You won't get much from her.
It's about the
murder of Riz Samuel.
I've already told your colleagues
we can't help with that.
You never met her, then?
No. Why would we?
She was doing a podcast
about the disappearance
of Amy Knightly.
She was contacting a couple
of the people involved.
We weren't involved.
Amy and your daughter
Caitlin were friends.
Don't want it.
I'd like to speak to Caitlin, but
I'm struggling to track her down.
She's dead.
They're all dead now.
Who's dead?
She gets confused.
Who's dead, Joan?
We we don't know
that. Not for certain.
And Caitlin.
Caitlin isn't isn't dead.
She's been dead for years.
No, love. We've not
seen her for years.
She wouldn't stay away
from me, not by choice.
Caitlin decided her life would
be better without us in it.
It's been hard for Joan
to get her head around.
Do you have any
details for Caitlin?
No. Do you know
anybody who does?
Silly, silly girl.
Didn't I tell you it would
all come back to haunt you?
Who's Kitty?
Ask what you need to, quickly.
He's an arsehole.
Yeah. I think he's
just worried about you.
I told Caitlin you lock
them in your bottom drawer.
The Amys.
The Danielles.
Men can't stomach that
we can love without 'em.
Makes them vile.
That's why he killed Caitlin.
Malachy. Malachy.
Malachy. Malachy.
Calm down! Calm down?!
Why do you wind Amy up?
It was a joke.
A normal person would have laughed
or told me to fuck off, but
Amy's not right in the head.
That's not true.
It is.
Even Malachy knows it.
But he's trapped.
Where have you been?
This is the last one.
Malachy Granger. We're
pulling details for him now.
What's this?
Persons of interest in the
Amy Knightly disappearance.
Based on what?
They all live within a
two-mile radius of her
and had convictions or cautions
for gender-based crimes.
That's kind of a wide net.
Got to start somewhere.
If Amy was abducted,
it's unlikely it was the
perpetrator's first offence.
Hi, Hannah.
Where are you, Mum?
Is everything OK?
There's a man here for you.
Oh, yeah?
Who's that?
He won't say.
Is he in the house?
MAN: Why don't you meet me at
the station car park, Mummy?
OK? 9pm.
Get out of my house.
I'll do whatever you want,
but get out of my house.
You stay away from my
daughter. Do you hear me?
He's gone, Mum. He's gone.
You don't go to my house.
Then, don't you call mine.
You scared the shit
out of my wife.
You heard about Riz?
What happened?
She left me a message
saying that her laptop
had been snatched and she was
going to follow its GPS tracker.
I found this on her iCloud.
RIZ: Hey! Do you want to tell
me why you stole my laptop?
Cos I tracked it here.
Wait Wait, what
are you doing?
You need to take
that to the police.
No, it's not in my interest for
the police to know about me.
They'll find the recording
on her iCloud soon enough.
And the photo of Amy
and your husband.
Did Riz think that
Malachy killed Amy?
Well, he was on her list.
He had a caution for harassment.
And because, two days
after she arrived in town,
the boat hut he owned at the
time of her disappearance
suddenly burned down.
Which is why you were there.
Can I give you a bit of advice?
Go on.
Go home
and tell that
lovely kid of yours
what you think her
dad might have done.
Then go to the police
station and do the same.
Because otherwise, when
the police work it all out,
which they will
they will bang you up
and she will have no-one.
They don't know anything.
I don't know anything. Not
Not really.
Do you want to know?
The samples you took
off me at the boat hut.
There was a bone fragment.
I'm not an expert. Was it human?
I assume you put
it in for evidence.
Oh, fuck.
Fuck, it's in the locker.
It's in the fucking locker.
Tell your boss what you know
while you've
still got the chance.
What have you done to her?!
Don't fucking do that.
What are you going to do?
I can't hold on
to it much longer.
If if they found out I knew,
I'm going to end up in jail.
Does Hannah know?
I'm going to tell
her in the morning.
But in the meantime, I need
you to go and be with her.
Where are you going?
I can't just let it all go.
I can't.
SHEENA: No, no, no.
You don't get to keep
harassing our family
and then just breeze in here.
Sheena, I get how frightened
you are. How ashamed.
But there comes a time
when you've got to face it.
You're barred.
Hey, hey, come on,
Sheena, don't be hostile.
Let's get Ember a drink,
huh? On the house, of course.
You know, I like to celebrate
every day as a free man
without any impediments to
my happiness on the horizon.
They know about Malachy.
You need to go and
tell Morgan everything.
You are the company you keep.
You do know that, yeah, Hitch?
Nah. I'm not having lectures
from you today, Ember.
Ah, there you go. See, all
she needed was a jolly juice.
You know, your life
would be so much more fun
if you just lightened up.
Is everything all right,
Ember? I'm just in there
if you want to join
me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
Cheerio, then.
Did you know, I thought
that I was looking for
a needle in a haystack.
But it turns out that I
am looking for a needle
in a pile of fucking needles.
Is there any hay here at all?
You know, if I was
a man in this town,
I would want to show everyone
that I do not sleep
with children.
So I tell you what
Tell you what. Why
doesn't everyone
who is certain they haven't
got a teenage girl pregnant
take a swab and prove it? Mm?
Come on, Liam, yeah?
You've got nothing
to hide, have you?
What about you, Brad? Hmm?
You want to take one?
You want to prove you didn't
accidentally forget that
Miranda is your stepdaughter?
Ember, I think you
should let me take you
No! No, no, don't you talk
to me like I am crazy.
I am not crazy! I am angry!
I am fucking angry!
Stupid bitch. CHUCKLES
You go first, Hitch. Come on.
Set an example.
What the fuck are you doing?
Show them that it matters.
C Team.
No, Ember.
You're making a
fool of yourself.
Come on, lads, you
know the words.
For she's a jolly good fellow
ALL: For she's a
jolly good fellow
For she's a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us. ♪
Fuck you all.
Ember. I'm sorry.
or I swear I will
put you on your arse.
Ember! They came to the
house looking for you.
I had no choice.
Please don't give those
bastards back there
the satisfaction of seeing you
wrestled into a police car.
Keep your head up.
For Hannah.
Is that what we're
modelling to Hannah?
Dignified resignation?
No, Ember, you're
modelling bravery,
like you do every single day.
And please don't let
this stupid old woman
ever persuade you to
do anything different.
Come on.
Ember Manning.
I'm arresting you on suspicion of
perverting the course of justice.
You don't have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence
if you do not mention
when questioned
something you later
rely on in court.
Anything you do say may
be given in evidence.
Do you understand?
Tell him I will shove
those somewhere intimate.
RIZ: The women who listen to
my podcast are frightened.
But it's our anger, when united,
that has the power
to become a tsunami.
And it's only when
those waters rage
that landscapes will change.
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