The Legacy (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Afsnit 3

is taking place at her home on Fynen.
She leaves two sons, Frederik
and Emil, and a daughter, Gro.
Did she suddenly have a coronary,
just like that?
Apparently she had cancer.
I would just have liked to say goodbye.
- Sunshine was the one who found her.
- Our little sister?
- Mother called her just before she died.
- I have three siblings.
I have no idea
if they know I even exist.
She won't be inheriting anything,
I hope she realises that.
I don't believe I thanked you
for finding mother. Did she mention me?
We didn't talk about you.
I mean, not at all.
Veronika set up a trust. It's going
to run a museum in this building.
How do you have the temerity
to announce something like this
before we've even had a look
at any papers?
You'll be able to look at
all the papers you want.
- The idea is for me to have this house!
- Can they just do that? - I hope not.
Surely we are meant
to get something, right?
The letter from Veronika that you gave me,
I showed it to Ole, our lawyer.
There is something
they call a deathbed will.
She writes that
Signe is to inherit the house.
Why would she give her the house?
I mean, she wanted to set up a museum.
No matter what,
Veronika can't give her house to Signe
because she has already given it to
the trust and she can't give it away twice.
Is this the trust thingy
you were looking for?
- What if we can't find the trust papers?
- They must be here somewhere.
What if they hadn't been signed?
Oh, I am sure they have, Gro.
All right, come on then.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, you have to move farther back.
- Are you ready again?
- You can shoot properly like.
- Wow, golly! Did you see that?
- Yes, I saw.
- Come on, come on.
- Are you ready? - Yes.
Anyhow, must be getting to work.
Sorry. It was just so funny.
- Hi.
- You are early.
It's going to be exciting.
- Yes. If we win we'll go to the top
of the league. - Hi, troll.
- Hi, darling.
- Hi.
- Signe. - Yes.
- Do you mind just?
- No, I have to get to work.
- Yes, but it'll only take a jiffy.
- But I am dead pushed.
- I just need to fix a few sleeves.
Dad tried it on
but it doesn't fit. He is far too
We've either got to screen him off
or run around him.
So you're going to have to play close
to the three metre line or else.
Hey, what's this hook sleeve?
I have actually started coming over
to see you several times.
Mum, I really need you
to be honest with me.
Of course, darling.
You both said I was with you
from when I was a few months old, right?
- Yes, and you were.
- OK, in that case hand me my bag.
Hand me my bag.
Why didn't you tell me?
Yes, but
Why didn't you tell me that I had
my second birthday up at Veronika's?
Yes, but we did try to give you
to her for a bit at first.
- Of course we did
- At first - Yes.
I saw them regularly
until I was three, mum.
How often was I up there?
Don't give me that! No way you can
have forgotten! Once a week? Twice a week?
Did I go round asking for her?
Did I call her mum?
- Signe, I
- Did I call her mum?
Why wasn't Emil allowed
to come to see me?
He came here loads of times and
you told him he wasn't allowed to see me.
- No, I never said that.
- You did. Emil says you did.
Well, yes, but it he came once
when we had visitors. It's just not true.
Once? He came lots of times. Why wasn't
I allowed to see my brothers and sister?
But Signe, do you think
I mean, do you think it was easy?
I wished and wished
I could turn back the clock.
Has it helped?
- Why the hell do you go on trying?
- Signe. - How about we?
And you stay out of this
and stay out of the letter business too.
- What have you done?
- Dad gave my letter to a lawyer.
Yes, for heaven's sake,
that house is worth a great deal of money.
It just needs
Do you mind standing still?
I thought it might lay the wound a bit.
What wound?
- What do you mean by wound?
- Nothing.
Signe, Signe, I am sorry
if I have made a bit of a mess of things.
- Right, well, I have to be going.
- Yes, but Signe
Yes, but mum, I have to get to work.
Let go of me, I have to get to work.
Welcome to Handball Afternoon on 103.9.
We have lots of build-up
for today's game between SHK and IKI.
The place feels so empty without her.
You know what, I fully understand
if it is too much for you.
I can always get
someone else to help me.
No, I can cope. Of course I can.
I must have talked to 4 or 5 different
lawyers about that letter from Signe.
It is absolutely certain
that she has no claim to the house,
no matter what it says.
The trust owns the house and that's that.
Do you think I'd have invited
a gaggle of investors here today
if I hadn't double checked that,
or what?
- No.
- No.
What do you think,
they'll say if they get wind of this?
Don't tell anyone else
about Signe and that letter.
Do you mind grabbing this?
Lone, I am not trying
to be insensitive
or hurt your feelings
or anything, really I'm not.
But Veronika had been talking about
this museum ever since I was little.
It has always been her dream.
You yourself have put
all kinds of ideas into the place
and left all kinds of marks on it.
We promised, we would complete it
and now you have jolly
well got to, Lone.
Forget all the nonsense.
And that's that.
Hey, mumsychops.
Fuck me, you look good!
I miss her so much.
Oh, Lone
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Is there anything I can do?
Just grab hold of this.
Right. Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Thomas, don't light up now.
I really don't like it. It'll make
being in this room quite horrid.
It looks like it can be
repaired completely
but it'll be a very extensive
process and extremely expensive.
- Hey there.
- Look what I've been given.
This is my brother.
Hey, can I have a look?
Be careful with that.
Are you sure
it is what you want?
and if I remove all this stuff,
it will just be
an ordinary portrait again.
Yes, but it'll be great
to get that stuff off it.
- But it's a very amusing picture!
- Amusing? It's our family.
Sure, but so is Veronika
in a way, right?
This is a piece of art history.
Shall I give the job
to somebody else?
- No.
- So that will do, thank you.
If you change your mind,
just give me a call.
- Thank you.
- Bye. - Thank you.
She was really cute.
Well then?
Well, I have looked everything over
and it seems that Veronika transferred
everything she owned to a trust,
which is to say she has,
technically speaking, disinherited us.
- That's bollocks.
- No.
We are entitled to something,
aren't we?
Isn't there a portion to which
we are entitled by law?
Yes, but that requires the presence
of a portion in the first place.
So mum didn't intend us
to inherit anything at all?
Apparently not.
Are you short of money?
No, I am not short of money, but you know
what it's like starting something up.
Like when you started what was it,
a mountaineering agency in Nepal?
Yes, oooh. Just think, there are people
in this world who do what they fancy.
- Oooh, carpe diem.
- Carpe diem.
What are you doing?
- OK, it's shitty.
- Yes, it is seriously shitty.
Good morning.
My God, I am sick of handball.
What's got into you?
I showed them the photo.
- Right?
- They wouldn't tell me anything.
- I have got to know what happened.
- Yes.
Would it be weird
if I asked my brothers or sister,
or that Thomas bloke
who I got the photo from?
- No, that's a really good idea.
- You think? - Yes.
It's just what you should do.
- OK.
- Yes.
No, no!
- Thomas!
- Yes.
Hey, you two! Hey!
Those things are fragile, be careful.
Yes, yes, and put them in the middle.
That looks bloody good. There.
And now I think we should attach something
or other to kind of emphasise it a bit.
Hey, no, no, leave it.
For goodness' sake! I don't believe it.
- No, that's for the visitors.
- I'm only having one. - Thomas!
- Give me a break for God's sake!
- Really!
They've arrived.
If you are going to stay, you must go
and put some decent clothes on.
If there is one thing
I am not going to do it's to stay here.
- That's fine by me.
- Those art administrator types
sitting in their posh cars,
living the life of Riley at the expense
of all the artists on minimum wages.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You look lovely.
- Monsieur.
- Mademoiselle.
- This is the new museum?
- Yes, exactly.
- Julien De Smedt, it is super. - Yes, yes,
I really love him. What he does is very good.
It would seem they are serious,
the Pompidou people.
Pardon me, is Thomas here?
No, sorry,
I just wanted to talk to Thomas.
I'm sorry, I had no idea
you were having a meeting.
That's fine, don't worry about it.
AII I wanted actually was to hear,
because your dad showed me
some photos from when I lived here,
and I wondered, because my mum and dad
won't really tell me anything,
and I was thinking about
asking you about it
now we are kind
of family again.
So you thought you'd start
by stabbing your family in the back?
I think we should talk about
the letter she gave you.
You showed up at the funeral
and you didn't say a word.
No, but I thought that as I wasn't going
to make use of it, it didn't really matter.
No matter what Veronika wrote
in that letter, it isn't valid.
She has given the house to a trust,
which owns it and you can't bequeath
something you don't own.
- No, of course not.
- No. I think you should send
a copy of the letter and then
you'll hear from our lawyer.
All right, but Gro, I wasn't going to
Send a copy and that will be that.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Did Frederik say when he'd be back?
No, I think he's pretty caught up
with the legacy and all that stuff.
- Have you heard that she disinherited us?
- Yes.
It's really fucking weird.
What will happen now?
There is so much stuff
filling our heads right now.
So much is surfacing,
all kinds of stuff, you know,
things you'd have liked
to talk to her about.
- Let's have another fight.
- No, Villads, not now. - Yes.
- No, no more for now.
- Not now. - But I am bored.
In that case you can run along
and ride your scooter.
- No, I want to fight.
- Go for a ride on your scooter.
All right.
I think it is important
to talk about one's history.
Ours is just so chaotic.
Yes but
What would you have liked
to ask her about?
The time dad disappeared,
suddenly he wasn't there anymore.
- Yes.
- From one day to the next.
And we got a postcard
from California I remember.
He sent me one with this dog on. I thought
it was strange because I didn't like dogs.
I thought he knew that.
And two years went by, I think,
and suddenly there he was again.
He was as sick as hell
and mum had just had a baby.
- She began to nurse dad.
- Did she really? - Yes,
and went around with Sunshine
in her arms.
I thought she threw your father out?
No, not at first,
she looked after him for a few months.
Then one evening
she began to chuck all his stuff
out of the window, all his clothes.
They were spread all over the yard
and she started screaming and shouting
that he should find somewhere else to die.
What happened after that?
That was the evening
he went off and shot himself.
I still get flashbacks of Frederik's face
when he came out of the barn.
He was white as a sheet.
Was it Frederik who found him?
And he came up to our room,
shut the door, drew the curtains
and sat down on the bed.
And he just sat there looking at me
without a word.
I just knew that something
was really, really wrong.
And the next morning
mum came in and told us
she had found dad in the barn
and that he'd shot himself.
What did Frederik say to that?
- So now you have got the Pompidou
on board! - Yes, my goodness!
The show is on the road!
Yes, indeed. Thank you for coming!
I had a word with your boss
the other day.
He told me you were going
to Rio on Monday.
Yes, I hadn't got round to mentioning it,
but yes, I am as a matter of fact.
- I'll be in the USA, but I'd like
to come down for the opening. - Wow.
And I have a couple of other galleries
you really must see. I'll give you a bell.
- He is crazy about you.
- And what are you going to do about it?
You were just so good.
- Wasn't she fantastic?
- Yes.
And you got them all to say
they wanted in.
Let's drink to it!
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations to you too.
Well then, Robert,
shall we have a look at those works?
- Yes, we'd better.
- Now?
But shouldn't we remember
to celebrate our achievements?
Der Hamburg, Lone.
We are under a lot of pressure.
OK. Is there anything I can do?
No, everything's fine, thanks.
- All right. Bye.
- Bye. - Bye.
Maybe she didn't think
I'd go through with it.
- Who?
- Veronika.
She was always bitching about me not
giving enough of my time to the museum.
You spent loads of time on it.
I should never have taken
that job at Kunsthallen.
Why not? It was your dream job.
It was just bad timing,
the last year of her life.
You worked like a slave for Veronika.
So why does she go
and give the house to Signe?
A hearty welcome to this top decider
between GOG and SHK.
- How did it go?
- Fine.
- Want some popcorn?
- No, thanks.
Do you want something to drink?
With no. 12 Frederik Tofte,
with no. 19 Christian Lindeby.
With no. 22, ladies and gentlemen,
Andreas Baggesen.
With no. 27 Christian Kystgaard,
with no. 32 Tobias Bost.
Head coach John Larsen,
assistant coach Lars Jacobsen.
Enjoy the game.
No. 11 Robbie Larsson.
I need to pee.
- Hi.
- Hey. - Hi.
We've got them!
- We've got them!
- We've got them!
She hasn't shrunk.
- What do you mean?
- She didn't renounce.
I simply don't see how I could overlook it.
It's first year legacy law stuff.
What does that mean?
To renounce, to repudiate, to give up.
You can give away your house and
all your things as a gift to some trust
but only if you then do
without them while you are still alive,
but Veronika didn't do that.
She remained living in her house, she had
all her things, while she was still alive.
It means that in order for the trust
to receive the house and the art and all,
it has to be mentioned in a will.
- And it isn't?
- And it isn't.
And what does that mean?
It means that I have just saved
your arse, again.
- I don't believe it.
- It's true.
What's going on, man?
Is this for real?
Yes. The museum is finished.
- Now the house is ours.
- But that's bloody fantastic.
- Have you told Gro?
- No, but I have told Lone.
There is no need to make it personal.
Is that for me?
- Why didn't you check it?
- How could I know she would die?
- Nobody could have known.
- I knew you were useless!
If she had died six months later
she would have renounced it.
She would have moved to Italy.
I think our cooperation is going
to stop right here.
Gro, you can't sack me.
Yes, you bet I can.
Tell you what,
we'll fix up the guest house for you
so it is always ready for you,
when you come home.
There'll be a bathroom and bedroom
and kitchen and everything.
And toothpaste.
- Yes. What colour do you want
your toothbrush to be? - Green.
You'll have a green toothbrush.
Your phone.
It's Gro.
I'll get that.
Frederik speaking.
What are you playing at,
you fucking egotist?
Calm down, Gro!
Like hell I will. Do you realise what
you are destroying just because you want
- your pathetic childhood home back?
- No need to make it personal.
You are the one
who has made it personal.
It is my father's house, Gro.
The will says it is to go to me
and that's all there is to it.
You have no bloody idea, you moron.
- What did she say?
- Mostly she shouted.
I'll go to see her and talk to her.
Will you tell her
not to take it personally?
It has nothing to do
with her really.
- She can have all the works and set up
a museum somewhere else. - I'll do that.
We'll be there in an hour.
Did you get the will
I scanned for you?
See you shortly. Bye.
Who is Carsten Hviid?
Carsten Hviid is
Denmark's best lawyer.
He is mad about art.
He will do his utmost to help us.
What we did today was that
we were at rock bottom and we dug in
and we found the best morale
we have ever shown.
That, ladies and gentlemen,
was no less than world-class!
- Here's to us!
- Here's to SHK!
I reckon that if we go on
playing like this, we had better get used
to the idea
that we'll get promoted,
but I expect we can put up
with that, can't we?
We are SHK!
- Maybe we should be getting home now.
- No, no, no.
But what is it?
How about we take a photo next door?
We must get a photo of SHK.
you've got to be in the photo.
- That's OK. - Lise.
- Come. - Yes?
- Signe, aren't you coming too?
- No, I'll wait here.
Hi, Flemming.
- I know how you must be feeling.
- Really.
I was adopted too.
They should have told you.
I said so at the time.
John said: "She'll be able to tell. "
You can tell that kind of thing,
you can.
You can really tell.
Kirsten said the same thing.
You all knew?
For fuck's sake, you great moron,
you mustn't do things like that!
Oh, you did look a sight!
- Have you seen Gro, Thomas?
- No,
not for ages.
What are those pipes?
Organ pipes in a kind of airbed, right?
Have you ever heard anything like it?
How the heck does it go?
- That's a G and that's an A.
- Is that a G?
No, you need the three pipes
together for that,
but it's just everything
sort of heaped up together.
I mean, all because of that
shitty renouncement business.
We have a house in Italy
she was ready to move into.
- She was in the process of renouncing!
- Yes, but we have no contract,
nothing in writing,
so we wouldn't get anywhere anyway.
I am really sorry
but I can't help you.
Thank you for trying.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Sorry. Everything turned out so awkward,
just when we finally had a day together.
That's all right. I can get a lift into
Copenhagen and I met Denmark's best lawyer.
- Shall I drive you to the airport?
- No, that's all right, I'll get the metro.
I have to have a word with Svend
about Rio, anyway.
Now you'll be able to go away.
No, I can't, because if I do there'll be
no hope for the museum at all.
Don't you think
you should just sleep on it?
No, I can't go away.
He'll understand that.
I see.
- I am so pleased you could come by now.
- Think nothing of it.
It is not that I don't
understand your position,
but you simply must go to Rio.
I'll send Madsen.
She can manage just as well as I can.
Gro, I have always been behind you
and backed you up.
And now you can do so again. After all,
you support the actual idea of the museum.
- Yes, but now you are our director.
- In that case, call it a sabbatical.
I am not the first person in history
to take a sabbatical, am I?
A sabbatical? You have been
in your post for a year.
That kind of thing requires planning
and incidentally far better grounds.
I have slaved away in this art gallery
of yours, night and day.
- Surely you can Skype or use the phone?
- No, because I have got to be here.
Give me three weeks, Svend.
You know I'll make it up.
I'll work twice as hard when I get back
- you know me.
- Gro, I can't do that.
In that case, sack me.
Sack me if that is what you all want.
Shut the door behind you please.
1, 2 No, that was too quick.
1, 2
- OK, da capo.
- Oh no, it's come off the hose.
- Is it broken?
- Not exactly broken, it just needs to be
- Sausage.
- Hi, Gro.
- What are you doing here?
- I dropped in
because I wanted to see how you were
and to give you a bit of brotherly care.
So you thought you'd smoke yourself stupid
with my father as a way of supporting me?
Has Frederik
sent you over to spy on us?
Nobody is spying on anyone here.
We're worried sick about you.
And Frederik is fucking
miserable over there.
I will set up this museum
one way or another
and why you are against it,
I do not understand.
I just don't feel like
being disinherited, maybe?
Don't be just
as selfish as Frederik.
He isn't selfish, he has been dreaming of
this house for ages.
- How about I get that?
- No, leave it.
Gro, it's Svend.
If you are there, please pick up.
I have talked to the rest of the board and
they cannot allow you to pull out of Rio.
If you won't go, I can't promise
to protect your position. Bye.
Will you light up?
No, I am going to bed.
What do you want?
Gro, I know it is none of my business,
but I have obtained a copy of the letter
from Signe and I have discovered something.
- What?
- It is probably valid as a deathbed will.
- So we'll just have to try
to persuade her to use it. - Why so?
Because Veronika mentions
the trust in the letter.
Look at what it says.
It says all the works are to be part
And what of it?
If this holds good as a deathbed will,
the trust is mentioned
in a will and is therefore it's valid.
And it makes no difference,
the renouncing bit?
Yes, because it is only if it is given
as a gift along with what's been bequeathed.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I have double checked it with several other
lawyers with due discretion, obviously.
Now we just have to figure out
what to do about Signe.
- Have a nice day.
- Thank you.
- And say hi to the folks at home.
- Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I am sorry about yesterday.
It has been rather hard for me,
the fact that mother phoned you
and you were the last person to see her.
- And that she gave you that letter.
- But I don't care about that letter.
I know.
But anyway
I'd like to talk to you about the past
if you still want me to.
You are right, we are family,
we share a past.
I see.
You can come by tonight.
I could cook supper if you like.
Yes, I'd really like that.
See you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Promise you won't sign anything.
- AII I am doing is going there for supper.
But don't you think
she is acting a bit weird?
Of course, she has just lost
her mother, after all.
AII I mean is that I never signed
any of my contracts
until I'd had someone look them over.
I mean, not even if I trusted them.
- Won't you promise me that,
just for my sake? - Yes, sure.
See you later.
We drew them every year.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Do you have any memories?
This is you.
I haven't told Emil or Frederik
about the letter mother gave you.
- OK.
- It's a bit sensitive right now,
so I'd really appreciate it
we didn't talk about it to anyone.
- I want to tell them in the proper manner.
- Yes, of course.
- Sunshine! - Hi.
- Nice to see you. - Likewise.
- Hey, that smells delicious.
- Oh, hi.
I could smell it all the way
from my caravan.
- Hi, Thomas. - Hi.
- I asked Thomas along too, OK?
He is the one with
the most stories from back then.
- Yes, far too many of them.
- Thomas, will you give me a hand?
Sure, of course.
- Is there enough? I don't want to
- There's loads, loads. Loads of food.
- Have you got a tattoo? - Yes.
- Where from? - Australia.
Have you been down there
diving then?
I didn't actually go diving,
but I did a bit of snorkelling.
Cool. Whoops.
- I've got a tattoo as well. - Really?
- Want to see it? - Er, sure.
- It's pretty neat. - Is this "cheers,
do you want to see my tattoo?"
Yes, it is.
- Yes.
- It means peace.
I had it done in Burma.
Have you been to the Far East?
- No, only Australia.
- Right.
I thought I was going to do lots and lots
of travelling, but then I met Andreas.
Doesn't he like travelling or what?
Yes, but he has to stick around
because of his handball.
- Where does he play?
- For SHK.
Wow, that's something.
- Oh dear, I started!
- Oh, do start, do. - Is it OK?
I want to hear all about you.
- Don't you remember anything at all?
- No. - I see.
Where the hell do we start?
How often did I see you all, once
I'd gone to my mum and dad's?
At first, quite a lot, but it got less
and less. Lise didn't like it much.
No, she bloody did not.
She'd sit there in the car as cross
as you like when she came to get you,
and she would sit there for hours.
She refused to set foot
in the place.
Veronika wasn't exactly
the most brilliant mother either.
She couldn't get her head
round me and Frederik,
so we were sent off to our aunty
for a year and a half.
That wasn't because
she couldn't get her head round you.
- Yes, it was.
- She was worried about Frederik
because he totally withdrew
into himself when Carl died.
- Come off it. That wasn't the reason.
- But he did.
Nobody could get through to him.
No, but neither did anyone
actually try very hard, did they?
That is just not true, damn it.
He was the one who said he wanted
to go to Herlufsholm Public School.
And why do you think
he did that?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- It's delicious.
- It is, yes. Thank you.
Who was Carl?
Carl was my father.
He was the one
who owned this house before.
You might say.
Been busy?
Frederik, I had a chat to Emil.
- Yes.
- About the time your dad died.
I see.
I think he needed to talk.
Well, there wasn't much to talk about.
Why did she throw your father out?
I have no idea.
All he wanted was to die in his own home
and he was not allowed to do so.
And so he shot himself in the barn.
Who found him?
Veronika did.
Where are you?
A penny for them.
- For my thoughts?
- Yes, for your thoughts, Frederik.
My thoughts
Right now I am thinking:
"Bloody hell I am lucky.
I have a lovely wife, dishy,
clever, cute, whom I feel like undressing
and carrying into the bedroom. "
- Mummy.
- Yes.
Gosh, those are the cells she is making,
the ones now in Amsterdam.
Oh, right.
I never did like them.
Look at that,
they look like fuck all.
That's you, Sunshine.
What am I doing?
Everyone had to be part
of her weird things,
wrapped up in wax
or bathing in paint or something.
- Hey, that's John.
- Yes.
John. I tell you,
he just couldn't let go of his dream
with Veronika and family and all.
But she chucked him out.
Yes, she did.
But after John and Lise took you in
he began bringing you back here.
And him and Veronika,
well, it all exploded again.
But in that case,
why did Lise want to keep him?
I don't know what he told Lise.
But she did get pretty
fed up with it in the end.
How so?
She stood out there screaming and shouting
and throwing bits of firewood
and I don't know what.
All howling and screeching.
- Emil was howling and screeching too.
- Dad!
- Well, it's true!
- Yes, but all the same!
All right.
Are you expecting anyone?
No. God, no.
It could be one of the girls
from art college, I suppose.
Lise came here one day
when John was here with you,
and she told him to choose
between her and Veronika.
You ran off and they rushed about
looking for you but they couldn't find you.
I was the one who found you,
you were sitting out here
and then Lise grabbed you
and away they went.
John too.
I remember you crying
in the rear window.
What happened after that?
Well, they adopted you
and we never saw you again.
No, he's never forgotten it has Emil.
- Hi. - See?
- Hi, Camilla. - Hi.
It's just that we said,
we'd go for a ride.
- Now?
- Yes.
It has completely slipped my mind.
Well, another day then,
if I am interrupting something.
- No, no, no, it's OK. Let's go for it.
- All right then.
Right? I'll just go now.
Sunshine, I'll call you.
I'd love to see you again.
- It was a real buzz. Have a great evening.
- Same to you. - Enjoy your ride.
Thanks. See you.
Don't mind him.
That's just the way he is.
I am so ready.
It has to be started with love, right?
- How are you getting on?
- Really well.
- And you?
- OK.
I don't know what is going on here.
- We can just sit here if you like.
- Yes, it is. It's really comfy.
- Do you still play?
- Not so much anymore.
- That's a pity,
you were really great. - Thanks.
Where did you really vanish
to that time?
I went off to Nepal
and then I travelled for a bit
Cambodia, Thailand.
It's great to see you, Camilla.
You are looking great.
- As ever.
- As ever.
Imagine that my dad was once in love
with Veronika!
Yes, it was quite a jealousy drama.
- So it wasn't about me at all.
- No, it is seldom about the children.
I had better be getting on home.
Why don't you stay the night?
There are loads of beds. It would be nice.
Come along.
I'll show you your bedroom.
Did you mean what you said
about not wanting to use the letter?
Veronika wanted to turn
this house into a museum.
She spent the last year of her life
setting up the trust to run it,
but there was a cock-up, and now
I really need that letter she gave you.
I didn't think it was valid.
No, but that's because the trust
doesn't own the house, only the works,
so it is valid as such
and you can actually make use of it.
You can also go for the house
if you want, actually.
No, I don't want the house.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
My whole inheritance is going
towards it and Emil's and Frederik's.
It's a fantastic project.
But I'd like to be part of it.
You can just have the letter.
I have drawn up
a deed of transfer for you
saying you want to give
the house to the trust.
Thanks. I'll sign it, don't worry. But I had
better show it to my boyfriend first.
He has got this thing
about contracts.
He is always signing contracts
with the clubs.
Oh, right, but it's not
a contract as such.
No, I know
but I kind of promised.
Yes, of course.
But don't worry, I'll sign it.
Obviously the two of you
will have to discuss it first,
and if there is anything
you don't understand, just let me know.
OK, thank you.
Frederik, can we have a little talk?
I really want to.
Frederik, what is going on?
You taste good.
Just stay right there.
What are you doing?
Camilla, what are you doing?
Do you realise how badly you upset me
when you disappeared like that?
You are not fucking doing this!
Now we are quits.
Camilla, you are not doing this!
Camilla? Camilla, Camilla, come back!
Camilla, I am sorry!
Camilla! Camilla!
Camilla, come back, for fuck's sake!
I don't believe this.
Hey. Hi.
I think I need some help.
- I need some tools. - Yes.
- I think Thomas has got a file
- or a bolt cutter or something
in his caravan. - Yes.
- Do you mind getting it for me?
- Sure.
- Great. You know where the caravan is?
- Yes.
And let's keep it between
the two of us maybe?
No need to mention it to Gro.
What the heck
What have you been up to?
For fuck's sake!
- Do you mind giving me a hand?
- Of course.
Go and get some tools.
Bugger off. Don't fiddle.
Um yes
No need to I'll do it. Calm down
No, try the bolt cutter.
- I can always try the cutter.
- Here it is. - Yes, yes, yes.
- Cut right across
- No, no, no,
be careful!
Don't, Thomas.
Gro, say something to him.
- Thomas
- Thomas.
- Maybe we should just try
- That
No, it's fine.
Thomas, what is the matter
with you, man? Do it, now!
- I am using all my strength.
- Gro, do something to your fucking father!
- She was such a nice girl.
- Dead nice!
Aren't you going to go out
with her anymore?
How did it go?
I don't want to see them anymore.
John and Lise.
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