The Long Call (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

'Rosa was being hurt,
but not by Simon.'
Maybe Walden did something to Rosa
and they found out?
That was sent
to an unregistered burner.
There was a partial footprint,
about ten metres from the body.
Size five, as yet unidentified.
'I saw you getting into his car.
'The bloke from the Woodyard.'
I am sick and tired of you
treating me like a child!
'I know what you saw this morning.'
I just wish you'd given us a chance
to help you re-find the light.
'She had this scrapbook.'
It's OK to want your mum
to be proud of you.
I thought I could meet him.
I found this on my dad's computer.
'A non-disclosure agreement.
'He wanted Simon
to keep something quiet.'
You don't know what my dad is like.
He killed my mum.
If we find out
who gave Rosa that necklace,
we might find out
who was hurting her.
Maybe even Simon Walden's killer,
too. It's him.
Are you all right?
What time will she be here?
Just don't you dare be late.
Do you think
more girls are in danger?
I don't know.
Everything all right, Detective?
We'd like to speak to you
at the station.
I'll have to make some calls.
Rearrange my morning.
No, Mr. Reasley. Now.
Rosa Shapland's mother
found this hidden in her bedroom.
Can you tell us how and why
you came to give a £120 necklace
to a volunteer?
I bought it for my daughter
a few weeks ago.
So why did you give it to Rosa?
I felt sorry for her. She was upset.
About what?
She was in a tizz about something.
Maybe something a student had done.
She's a lovely girl, but
the slightest thing can upset her.
And her family, I think
they encourage her to feel
the world is a dangerous place.
Did you tell anyone
you'd given it to her?
I realised afterwards it was
an ill-advised thing to have done.
Did you tell Rosa
to keep it a secret? No.
We have reason to believe
that somebody was hurting Rosa.
We think that same person
later abducted her
and murdered Simon Walden.
You told me that
you had had an argument with Simon
shortly before he died.
Was that about Rosa?
No! No.
Was it about the £200,000
that Walden was planning
on donating to the Woodyard?
Money that's now missing.
I don't know anything about that.
'He's lying.'
We need to search his property.
I reckon we'd find that burner.
We haven't got enough evidence
for a warrant yet.
Whoever sent those texts,
we know Walden thought
they'd go to prison
for what they'd done.
So what?
Reasley was hurting Rosa
in some way and
..Walden caught him?
But then why abduct Rosa
after Walden had died?
She wasn't sexually assaulted.
To make sure she'd stay quiet?
Sorry. I don't buy it.
I don't think it was him.
Well, Jesus, Ross,
are you from the '70s?
Look, Reasley has access to dozens
of vulnerable girls at the Woodyard.
I mean, this thing could be bigger.
There could be more girls
in danger now.
But until we can show that
..we can't hold him.
What about Walden's 200K?
The court order hasn't come
through for the payment site yet.
Then chase it. Today.
I want to know where that money is
and why he was planning on giving it
away in the first place.
Let's go.
Hungover again, DS Rafferty?
Look, I understand,
you feel threatened, Ross.
Yeah, I understand
there's not many women like me
in your little rugby twat, little
boys' club, little world, yeah?
But I'm your senior officer.
Show a bit of bloody respect.
OK I've got one with chocolate
and one without.
Dad's been questioned by the police.
About Rosa Shapland's disappearance.
All right?
Rosa's back home from hospital.
She won't say anything, will she?
See you later, yeah?
Is it OK
if we ask you some questions?
Everything's all fuzzy.
The doctor said your head injury
might cause some memory problems.
Do you remember being in the chalet?
It's all blurry.
How did you get there?
Did Did someone take you there?
I remember leaving
the Woodyard at lunch.
Everything after that is a blank.
You made a 999 call.
I I don't remember that.
When you made the 999 call,
you talked about "he".
Who were you talking about?
I don't know.
Christopher Reasley,
at the Woodyard.
We know he gave you a necklace.
Can you tell us about
why he gave you the necklace?
He just did.
Was he the man
you were scared of, Rosa?
When you called 999?
I don't know, I
I really don't remember anything.
I knew we should never
have let her go to that place.
Charity's all well and good,
but there's work needs doing here.
It's a beautiful place.
Closer to God here
than in any building.
You weren't born here,
by the sounds of it.
How'd you end up in Devon?
Came here on holiday when I was 19.
Met Dennis
when he was street preaching.
We were married two months later.
I can see why you stayed.
It's a sanctuary
our church, this place.
Nothing bad gets in.
But something bad did get in.
Did Rosa talk to you?
About what happened?
They need your help, my love,
with the seedlings.
Green fingers and green toes.
That's my wife.
Simon Walden went to their church
because he wanted to help Rosa.
He wanted to bring whoever was
hurting her to justice. What if
What if that someone was Dennis,
and not Christopher?
He's got an alibi
for Rosa's abduction.
He's got an alibi
for the murder, as well.
He was conducting
my father's funeral.
I I just
I just think we should try
and talk to Grace.
Yeah, but Brethren women
are trained to stay silent.
They listen, not talk.
But maybe
she'll talk to an outsider.
I'm sorry, Jen.
You wouldn't get anything,
because you don't understand
their world.
No outsiders,
and certainly no police.
If you charged in there,
we'd lose Grace and we lose Dennis.
I'll drop you at the station.
Are your parents local, Jonathan?
My dad lives in Spain.
And my mum's in Sydney.
She, er She remarried.
They divorced when I was a kid.
Sorry to hear that.
That's why we're happy
to have you nearby.
I just think, as you get older,
you just sort of feel that pull
to be closer to your family.
I know Matthew does.
I never understood, you know,
the way
..young worldly folk have to go
off, halfway across the country.
Lot I don't understand
about the modern world, I suppose.
Well, it's not that different
from yours.
People still want a home. A family.
Shall we, erm
Shall we give you the tour?
Still a work in progress.
We spent months
just stopping the weather coming in.
Oh, well, he says "we".
It was all
It was all him, really.
Well, Matt can't be trusted with an
angle grinder, as I'm sure you know.
That's the, er
the master bedroom.
Like something from a painting.
Yeah, well, erm
All you can hear is the wind
and the the sound of the gulls.
The light. The view.
You've made a
a real home for yourselves.
We've got the court order.
We know where Walden's money went.
Gaby it doesn't look good.
I was protecting it.
It was for his own good.
He was depressed.
He was being weird.
Weird about what?
That night,
he started going on about money.
Saying he was gonna give
his whole 200 grand to this place.
Did he say why?
He said he needed to save it.
Cos it might be going under soon.
Some scandal.
Said he didn't need it
for himself any more.
He was gonna join that cult.
Join The Brethren?
He thought they'd cure him.
You've committed
a serious crime here, Gaby.
For your own good,
I advise you to tell us now
if you know anything else that could
be relevant to our investigation.
The night before he died,
he went out for a drink.
To the Newland Hotel,
up on the headland.
Was he meeting someone?
I don't know.
You believe her, sir?
She only took the money
to stop Walden giving it away?
Well, that tallies
with what we know.
He did have plans to give it away.
The question is, why?
What was this "scandal" he was
trying to save the Woodyard from?
Bet Rosa knows, sir.
Yeah, there's someone else
who might know, too.
Someone who knows the Woodyard
better than anyone else
and who met with Walden secretly
more than once.
Lucy Craddle.
Lucy knows that Rosa and Walden
were involved in some way.
We thought she might have been
trying to hide their relationship.
But what if she was hiding
something else altogether?
Like why Walden was killed.
Where's, er, Lucy, Maurice?
I don't know. Probably with Alfie.
The Woodyard said
that she left an hour ago.
Shouldn't she be home by now?
What do you want
to talk to her about?
Are those Lucy's?
The trainers?
Size five.
We're gonna need
to take these, Maurice.
Oh, hi! Hi.
It's Jen, right?
Hiya, mate. You all right?
Yeah, I was, erm
just going to the Newland Hotel,
got a lead on the murder case.
But you're busy
It's all right. I'll take her.
You sure? Yeah.
Yeah. Good. Go.
Hey, go to Mummy.
Daddy going to work. I'll call you
when I'm done, all right?
Bye, see ya.
I think I owe you a pint.
Thought you could do with this.
Ed told me about your dad.
You not having one?
I'm pregnant.
Shit. Simon's?
Who else would it be?
H-How far along?
Eight weeks.
It's total madness.
Oh, but it's amazing.
Was here for a couple of hours.
On his own?
Was a quiet shift.
He was pretty much
the only one in here.
Waiting for someone?
Yeah And they didn't turn up.
I shouldn't've called you
a "rugby twat".
To be fair, it's pretty accurate,
what you said.
Never been up North.
Only ever been to London twice.
I mean, to be fair,
if I was you, I
probably wouldn't leave home either.
Your wife's lovely. And your baby.
Ah, they're all right.
You've got two, right?
One is hard enough.
Don't know how you do it alone.
Oh, they're old enough to forage.
What about their dad?
Guess you don't see him much?
Yeah. City folk don't normally
move to a place like this
unless they're
they're running away from something.
Anyway, cheers for this.
I've never heard my mother
talk so much about her life.
Wait till I get her
on the prosecco.
Yeah, right.
I wish I could be more like you are
about it.
What, shameless?
I don't know.
Less self-conscious.
Babe, none of this is your fault.
They taught you that gays were part
of Satan's army, for Christ's sake.
Just take it steady, OK?
It's a lot.
For you both.
I baptise you
in the name of the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Come on, let's get you out,
into something warm.
Here you go, my love.
Hope the water wasn't too cold.
It was OK.
After what she's been through,
she felt ready to commit.
To the church, and the community.
Didn't you, love?
Were you able to remember
anything else about what happened?
It's all just blurry.
Come on. Let's get you warm.
Do you know anything
about Simon Walden?
About why he was helping Rosa?
Of course not.
Does Dennis?
Whatever you were to tell me, he
..he wouldn't have to know.
You're scared of him,
aren't you, Grace?
I can remember at meetings.
..closed you always seemed to be.
People used to say
it was your nerves.
But it wasn't just that, was it?
It was him.
I'm fragile, Matthew.
Always have been.
Dennis saved me.
I wouldn't have survived
without him.
Maybe that's what
he's made you believe.
I couldn't help you then,
but I can help you now.
If you talk to me.
Somebody hurt Rosa.
Maybe the same person
who killed Simon Walden,
and I think
she's staying quiet about it
for the same reason
you stay quiet about Dennis.
Do you want her to live
a life like yours, Grace?
The silence in the women.
The subservience.
I remember it as a kid.
I saw it in Grace.
I see it in Rosa now.
We won't get anything from them.
It's Lucy's shoe, boss.
'It's a match
to the footprint on the beach.'
Lucy was at the murder scene.
Maid? Can you come down?
I need you to be honest with me.
About where you were
the morning Simon Walden died.
What you on about?
I know you've been lying to me.
And to the police.
I haven't.
Has Alfie got
you into this somehow?
You knew they were coming?
I made a promise to your mum
that I'd keep you safe.
And you're not any more.
Lucy, it's DI Venn.
Can you open the door?
'What do you know about Alfie?'
'Seems like a lovely guy.'
And is is Lucy
capable of consenting
to a relationship?
Well, I'd say yes.
I think everyone
has a right to a sex life.
Did you know about them, Jon?
I knew they were mates.
'She started things.'
'She followed me to the arcade
one night.'
It went from there.
What, you started having sex?
It was more than that.
But you kept it secret.
We didn't tell people
because we knew they'd judge us.
Like you're doing now.
Like her dad.
Who thinks she's a kid
who can't look after herself.
Well, she's not.
She's a woman.
I know you were at the scene
of Simon's murder.
And that you met with him secretly
before he died.
I need you to tell me what you know.
About Simon, about Rosa,
about what they were doing.
And how he ended up dead.
lying to the police is a crime.
Do you understand that?
It's not my secret to tell.
It was lovely, seeing you
in the water this morning.
I thought it would
make me feel better.
You can talk to me, Rosa.
About what happened.
Dennis said
I should only talk to God
..and him.
He said the same thing to me
when I first arrived here.
The only way to find peace
..was to submit to God
..and to him.
Did it work?
Whenever you're ready.
I've told her
I'll help her raise the baby.
They'll be living with us here.
Could be fun.
Like a commune.
And then, if we ever
..have one
You know I want three, at least.
What are you doing with these?
He's your dad, Caz.
This isn't about me.
This is about Simon and Gaby,
and their baby.
I'm going to confront him today.
It was at the Woodyard.
About two months ago.
I'd been volunteering there
one afternoon a week.
After we'd finished the session,
the volunteers
wanted to stay for drinks.
At the cafe.
I thought, if I stayed for
half an hour, Mum'd never know.
They bought bottles of wine.
Someone kept topping my glass up.
I knew I needed to go home.
I went outside. I was so woozy.
He came out after me.
To help me, he said.
The next thing I know,
he's pushing me up against the wall.
He had his hands in my shirt,
on my
The worst thing is,
I didn't even tell him no.
I just froze.
That doesn't make
what he did any less of a crime.
'I'm going to the police.'
To DI Venn. I'm giving him this.
You've been lying to me for weeks.
I need to talk to my daughter alone.
I want Ed here.
I said go. Now.
'Simon came outside.'
He stopped him.
So Simon Walden was there?
He was one of the volunteers.
And how did you get home?
Brother Dennis picked me up.
He could see
that something had happened.
He said, "This is what happens
out in the world."
Did you tell anyone else about it?
We went to Mr. Reasley.
He gave me the necklace
to shut me up, I think.
Then Simon turned up
at a meeting a few days later.
He said he could help me
if I wanted to go the police.
He said the man who'd done it
had got drunk.
He'd talked about what'd happened.
So the man had confided in Simon
about what he'd done to you?
Simon had recorded it.
On his phone. Secretly.
He said we could go to the police.
I swear to you, the police
got it wrong about Rosa and me.
Why do you have a non-disclosure
agreement with Simon's name on?
Do you know something
about his death?
I asked him to sign this,
he refused. That's all.
Why did you want him to sign it?
Because he knew of an allegation
that had been made.
By Rosa.
There's no doubt in my mind
she'd made something out of nothing.
Spreading it as gossip
would have been
pointlessly destructive
to the Woodyard.
And it would have been
pointlessly hurtful to you.
To me?
It wasn't me
she made the allegation about.
Who was it?
Rosa, what was the name of the man
who assaulted you?
Dad, who was it?
Ed Raveley.
Tell us about the chalet.
Me and Lucy had been there
once before with Simon.
To talk in private
about what happened.
Ed must've found out I'd been there.
After Simon died, Ed came
and found me at the Woodyard.
He was asking
for the address of the chalet.
I thought maybe
he knew something about the murder.
Maybe he was the one who done it.
So I went after him.
I was so scared,
but angry, too, about Simon.
I saw Ed looking for something.
I thought maybe for Simon's phone.
I tried to stay quiet,
but he realised I was there.
He took me inside,
and he wouldn't let me leave.
And that's when you called 999?
He tried to grab my phone.
I don't think he meant to hurt me,
but I fell and hit my head.
And when I woke up,
it was dark and he was gone.
I was all confused,
and my head was bleeding.
..did Ed know that Simon
had recorded their conversation
on his phone?
I don't know.
Is it my fault Simon died?
none of this is your fault.
Where are you?
I came to this beach for the
first time a week after I arrived.
After all the shit
I'd been through in London.
I thought to myself
"You know, one day,
I'll bring a girl here.
"She'll fall in love with me, and
we'll have our happy-ever-after."
I know. About Rosa.
About what you did.
It was before we were properly
together. I didn't cheat on you.
You think this is about cheating?
I'm not some predator.
It wasn't like that.
She didn't tell me to stop, Caz.
Oh Look, I know she was drunk
and it was wrong
No. You don't get to explain
or justify anything.
What you did was a crime,
and you know it.
Help me, Caz.
I loved you.
Look, let's just go.
Get out of here, just get
a flight somewhere, tonight.
Please, Caz!
Are there others?
Other girls.
No! I swear, no.
Look, it's you I want.
It's only ever been you.
So, please, help me.
- Grace?
- We're here to see Ruth.
Er, Ruth. Rosa's safe.
She's at the station.
We've been out of our minds
with worry.
Er, she came of her own choice.
We know what she's been through.
We know that she was assaulted
and you told her to say nothing.
What should we have done, Matthew?
Come to me.
To seek justice for her?
Terrible things happen
in your world, Matthew.
And we should never have let her
go there alone. I blame myself.
But I couldn't make her
drag it up for the police.
I couldn't put her through that.
You mean you couldn't
put yourself through that.
Your idea of justice
isn't the only one.
Everyone's a victim nowadays.
Everyone's got a grievance.
They're airing it in court,
or on television.
But in our world, Matthew,
only God deals out justice.
All that matters is being safe
..with your family.
But she wasn't safe,
was she, Dennis?
You didn't keep her safe.
Neither did God.
That's enough.
Go home, Matthew.
Home. Now.
Brother Dennis is a good man.
He lives according to
his principles.
Do you really believe that?
He terrorises Grace.
He has done their entire marriage.
Grace is a troubled woman.
He's spent his life
taking care of her.
She's scared of him, Mum.
Scared! I remember it as a kid.
The power he had over all of us.
It feels like warmth,
but it's not. It's control.
He's a coercive,
bullying narcissist,
and he has used your church
for his own ego.
He stands by us. By our community.
He treats his wife
like his property!
Maybe you don't understand
normal marriage.
I didn't invite you back
into my life.
You invited yourself.
It's not too late for you, Matthew.
Let us help you re-find the light.
It wasn't you. Was it?
It was Dennis.
Was it his idea?
His idea for you to meet Jonathan?
Yeah Yes.
Jonathan's a good man.
Anyone can see that.
But he's still a man.
I've tried, Matthew.
I wanted to make my peace with it,
for both of us.
But it'll never be right.
It'll never not be a sin.
So, what now?
We pack some stuff
..and go.
I never want to see you again.
Rosa's told us
what happened to her.
That you and Simon
were helping her.
I always looked out for her
since she started volunteering.
She told me
about what happened with Ed.
But you knew how damaging
it could be for the Woodyard.
That's what Simon was going to use
his money for, wasn't it?
To save the Woodyard,
if he needed to.
You were there, on Crow Point,
the morning he was killed.
We were meant to meet there.
Go to the police.
But I got there,
and he was lying there.
And I just ran.
He just wanted to help them.
He wanted to help "them"?
Was Simon helping someone else
apart from Rosa?
He said no-one should
be frightened all the time.
"let not sin reign
in your mortal body.
"Present yourselves to God as those
who have been brought from death"
" life, as instruments
for righteousness."
Simon Walden came to The Brethren
to help Rosa.
But I think he saw someone else
who needed his help even more.
The night before he died,
he went to the Newland Hotel.
I think he was meant to meet you.
That he wanted to help you
escape Dennis.
I'm right, aren't I?
Grace, help me
and I'll help you, I promise.
"Sin will have
no dominion over you."
Grace. Grace!
"For you are not under law
"..but under God."
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