The Longest Promise (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Your silhouette in the twilight's glow ♪
Awakens like snow, delicate and cold ♪
Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine ♪
A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person ♪
As moonlight shimmers ♪
Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise ♪
Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world ♪
To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme ♪
Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights ♪
I defy fate, turning it around ♪
Fearless of heavenly decree ♪
It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound ♪
Unafraid of the destined trials ♪
I only wish to make a vow with you ♪
Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart ♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 3=
Could it be that she's your
Who am I to him?
Kill her quickly!
So, you weren't after my life.
Watch out!
Seek High Priest of Grand Preceptor!
You can talk?
Doesn't that mean
he has heard everything I said just now?
Be careful!
It's Xueying's dance dress!
It's Xueying's dance dress!
It's Xueying's dance dress!
Reinforcements are here! Retreat!
Why are you still here?
I still have questions for you.
Lord Immortal Official.
Where am I?
(What a nice smell.)
It's the smell of Snowy Rosa.
Lord Immortal Official
Where did he go?
Your Supreme Majesty,
the assailants have left.
You still have to
take your medicine, right?
It's an Ice Clan magic technique.
Search the area.
See if any of them are still here.
So, you're here.
Lord Immortal Official,
hurry and bring me out!
Don't tell me
you're just an illusion?
We were lucky that you were here today.
We were able to prevent a calamity.
If it's anyone else,
I'm sure no one can stand its power.
The Ice Clan has never gotten a chance
to step into Kongsang
ever since they were banished.
Why did they suddenly
invade the Emperor Valley today?
If they're seeking for treasures,
the only treasure here
will be the legendary Ring of Houtu.
It is odd.
Although Heavenly Divine Ring
has the power to destroy the world
and the Ring of Houtu
has the power to protect Kongsang,
only the chosen ones
can wield them.
They're useless to both of us,
not to mention the Ice Clan.
If they invaded us
in order to acquire the Ring of Houtu,
it wouldn't make any sense.
Even though I've been
in the Emperor Valley for many years,
I still haven't found out
where exactly the Ring of Houtu is.
I have no idea.
Could it be that the Ice Clan
knows where it is?
But at least one thing
is confirmed.
Not many people know about
the period when Jiuyi Mountain
is unguarded.
The Ice Clan can never figure that out
by themselves.
Your Supreme Majesty, according to you,
there must be an important figure
in Kongsang
who's acting as their spy.
The State of Kongsang has prospered
for over 7,000 years.
The Menghua Dynasty may seem
peaceful and prosperous,
in reality, it's rotten to the core.
The Six Ministries
fight for power and wealth.
Even if one of them
is colluding with the Ice Clan,
I wouldn't be surprised about it.
We must keep this a secret.
Do not let anyone else find out.
I know.
It's an illusion. This must be it.
Someone new has arrived at the valley.
It's not the Ice Clan.
Have you met anyone else?
You have your reasons
for trapping me here.
I'll just wait here.
(For some reason, )
(you feel endearing to me)
(even though it's our first encounter.)
Both you and he
have the same widow's peak.
What's the matter?
do you still remember
the tale of calamity
five years ago?
Your Supreme Majesty,
if you're suspicious of me,
you can do an investigation.
Many people have joined
the ministries lately.
There's an overabundance of women
within the Six Ministries.
I'm being paranoid
for your sake.
Your Supreme Majesty,
I detect no signs of
the Ice Clan nearby.
We've already expanded
our scope of search.
Search thoroughly.
Do not let anyone get away.
Yes, sir.
Why do they look
just like Crown Prince's eyelashes?
How are you moving?
Aren't you an illusion?
Just now
-What you saw just now
-Just now
was just an illusion.
The person you touched
was just an illusion too.
I just wanted to ask
that how did you do that?
How did you hide me away
in an instant?
You don't need to know.
how did you know
that I touched you?
Do not mention that again.
No way.
I need to explain myself
to you.
I'm not
a casual girl.
It's all because
that illusion
looked just like you.
I couldn't tell the difference.
I wouldn't dare to do so
if it was the real one.
Enough. Stop it already.
Anyway, no matter what I say
or do,
I'm sure you can see through them.
You're amazing indeed.
I have a question.
Since this plant
can revive withered plants,
can it revive the dead too?
It's the same for you
no matter if I tell you or not.
It's because what happened today
will be just a dream to you.
Lord, don't tell me
you're going to erase my memories?
Why are you hiding your forehead?
Do you think I need to cast
a spell on your forehead
to erase your memories?
Where is it then?
It's your forehead.
You lied to me!
(It's been tough on you.)
Are you done with just
erasing her memories?
Don't forget,
she's destined to bring calamity to you.
She's just a girl who wandered
into the valley by accident.
By accident?
Did you forget about the prophecy?
You and I have been living in seclusion
within the valley for eons.
But now, everything is ruined.
Not everything.
Before I was 18,
every girl I met
was destined to bring calamity to me.
She's a reckless person.
We're merely strangers.
And, she would never do anything
that was related to me.
It's impossible for us
to encounter each other in the future.
don't you worry.
I've spent
a long time with you.
You've never been visibly moved.
But you broke the rule
right after encountering her.
I'm sure she's
Don't spout nonsense.
You have gone soft.
(Initially, it would've worked out)
(if the puppet died on your behalf.)
However, the convergence
of three coincidences
has become a calamity for you.
If you meet this girl
before you become 18,
you'll die in her hands in the future.
You have to be wary of her.
When we head to the Emperor Valley
to steal the Ring of Houtu,
the place wasn't unguarded,
unlike what you'd said.
We encountered
tough adversaries instead.
We returned empty-handed.
Tough adversaries?
He lived at the bottom of
the Emperor Valley.
He's a youth that has
tremendous magical power
even before reaching 20 years old.
His cultivation
might even be stronger than
the Four Grand Marshals.
There was a girl too.
However, the girl
seems ordinary.
It seemed like she wandered
into the valley by accident.
Who will she be?
Azure King, I'm here to tell you
that you need to verify your source
before you deliver the news to us.
This is my negligence.
However, I promise you
that I'll definitely verify
my sources in the future.
I'm just curious
as to why the sage sent you
to steal the Ring of Houtu.
What is he
up to?
Laymen like you need not fret upon
the motives of our sage.
This will not affect
your profits in any way.
Please stop asking questions.
Check that place out.
Who's there?
Your Lordship, please spare us!
There's a bunch of
unknown crooks on the Mountain.
We've repelled them.
We're here to search for
those who have gotten away.
Your Lordship, have you seen or heard
anything suspicious?
All right.
If so, we will stop interrupting you,
Your Lordship.
Don't worry.
Since I'm joining hands
with the sage,
I'll watch his back.
I won't let expose your location.
Pardon me,
but I don't see the need
for you to join hands
with our Ice Clan.
You don't need to second-guess me.
I'm joining hands with
another strong faction
just in case anything happens.
Young Lady, you're awake.
What's with my getup?
Did I fall asleep?
what happened yesterday?
Young Lady, you're actually
asking me that?
You drugged me
and went somewhere
last night.
I feel so giddy.
My hands
Shouldn't I be
at the Emperor Valley last night?
Princess, it's not worth it
for you to risk your life
for some firefly powder.
The firefly powder is just an excuse.
The Star Gazer
is mine now.
The legendary Ring of Houtu
was hidden within the Emperor Valley.
However, no one knows where it's.
If I can find it,
I'll be able to ascend
the throne of the empress for sure.
(Pavilion of Books, Jiuyi Mountain)
(The name list of all noble ladies
in Kongsang)
(is kept within this library.)
(We'll know if the princess of)
(the Crimson Clan is
a harbinger of doom)
(by checking her background.)
(Zhu Yan of the Crimson Clan, )
(born on the third year,
Month of the Cicada, on the 7th.)
(Luckily, she's not it.)
(I was being paranoid.)
This is great.
I've checked the Elixir Book.
The princess of the Crimson Clan
was born in the Month of Yang.
She's not
your harbinger of doom.
I know that.
Is that all?
That can't be.
You've escaped
a calamity, you know?
Don't you think you should
celebrate the occasion?
Look at you.
You spend your time at the bottom
of the valley all day long.
On your left face, it says "boring".
On your right, it says "uninteresting".
On your forehead, it says "zombie".
After thinking about it,
although that young girl
was pretty rude and reckless,
she was good with jokes.
Since she's not
your harbinger of doom,
why don't I capture her
so that she can tell you jokes?
I just pray for divine justice
and powerful skills,
so that I could uphold justice
for my mother
when I grow up and return
to Jialan.
How am I boring?
Stop talking about
those ridiculous stuff.
You're just too stubborn to admit it.
Back then,
when Emperor Xingzun saw Bai Wei,
his expression
was just like yours
when you saw that young girl
Please return to the valley entrance
and stay devoted to your post.
A stranger has entered the valley.
However, it's not a martial artist.
Don't tell me
it's that young girl again?
Since you don't want to see her again,
I shall
Up to you.
Ring of Houtu, please bless me
so that I can fulfill my wish soon.
I want my mother
to rest in peace in the underworld.
This girl
is not as interesting as the last one.
she's fair and young too.
Why don't I
gobble her up?
Chong Ming,
don't do so.
She should be my cousin.
She's not the one in the prophecy.
You don't need to kill her.
Everyone says that the Emperor Valley
is a treacherous place.
But now, all these princesses
are visiting us in turn.
It's as if I serve no function
as the guardian bird.
are you going to erase her memories
and let her go?
I've never received news about Mother
ever since I left the palace.
I guess this Princess of the White Clan
should know about my mother's condition.
Chong Ming, I wish to ask her about it.
Since you're the princess
of the White Clan,
have you seen Madam Bai Yan lately?
She was trapped
within Kunyuan Palace.
His Majesty has forbidden anyone
to visit her within five years.
If so
If so,
do you know how she's been doing lately?
It's been some time
since I last saw her.
I do not know how she's doing.
I heard that it was
tough for her.
The palace servants do not
send her food from time to time.
Even when she's sick,
there's no extra blanket for her to use.
That's nonsense.
Mother is the empress of the nation.
Why would His Majesty do this to her?
This is
Chong Ming, send her back.
I'll look for High Priest
of Grand Preceptor.
I cannot let my mother
suffer like that.
(Zuowang Palace, Jiuyi Mountain)
Your Supreme Majesty!
Your Supreme Majesty!
Your Supreme Majesty!
I don't care. I'm heading to Jialan.
where are you going?
Your Supreme Majesty,
do you know the kind of life
my mother is leading right now?
you don't need to go.
I just came back from Jialan.
Your mother
She has already passed away.
Your Supreme Majesty,
you must be kidding me.
Why would Mother suddenly
She committed suicide
by swallowing charcoals.
She committed suicide?
That's impossible!
That's impossible!
That's impossible! What are you saying?
That's impossible!
What happened?
What happened?
Listen to me.
When I was there,
she could no longer speak.
She told me to pass this letter
to you.
(Mother, )
(I miss you very much.)
(I will definitely bring you back)
(when I'm 18 years old.)
Your dinner is here.
Leave it over there.
Your Majesty,
what's wrong with your voice?
It's nothing.
Ying sent me this.
The Bell of Cleansing.
You actually mastered a powerful skill
like that
within five years of training
in Jiuyi Mountain?
You didn't disappoint me indeed.
But Ying,
you should
stop being concerned about me.
It's too risky.
They'll trace you down
and find out that you're still alive.
I want you to stay safe.
But my life
is the biggest threat
to yours.
(Consort Qing, )
(it seems like)
(the Empress has recovered her voice.)
Is that so?
I wonder who treated her?
I need to find out
and tell the Emperor.
(Ying, )
(I did everything)
(so that you could live peacefully)
(in Jiuyi Mountain.)
(I don't need you to avenge me.)
(It's because there's no one)
(for me to hate.)
(Ying, it's not worth it
for you to hate them too.)
(You're born a noble.)
(Do not be consumed by
your temporary emotions)
(and bring yourself to ruins.)
(When you master everything
in the future, )
(you can protect all living beings
with your power.)
(That's my wish as well.)
you must avenge her.
It's all because of me.
So, I was the cause
of my mother's demise.
it's not your fault.
It's the fault of those people
who landed you and your mother
in such a plight.
It's me.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
Go to hell.
It's all my fault.
Go to hell.
Go to hell.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
You're actually powerful enough
to move the celestial phenomena
with your thoughts?
Go to hell.
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
calm down.
Calm down.
It's all my fault.
Control your state of mind.
The rich and powerful figures
within the Six Ministries
have hidden many martial arts experts
in the mountain.
If you cannot control
your state of mind
and they find out that
you faked your death,
all of your mother's effort
will be in vain.
If I can exchange my life
for Bai Yan's,
I will do so without hesitating.
This is her own choice.
From now on,
only you and I are left.
Our servant said you ran off
somewhere last night.
They found you unconscious
in the courtyard.
Tell me.
What did you do last night?
I just wanted to take a walk
before sleeping.
But I got absent-minded
and I didn't know where I went.
I didn't know why
I fell unconscious too.
I don't remember
what happened last night.
As the princess of the White Clan,
how could you
act so recklessly?
If Azure King hears about this,
he'll use this as his excuse
to cancel the wedding with you again.
Father, if that's how
you think about me,
I have no need to defend myself.
When Prince Shi Yu
are observing the ceremony
from the mountains,
please allow me
to do what I do best
and approach him
so that I can reduce your burden.
Your Lordship,
this is an emergency carrier pigeon
from Jialan.
All of you may leave.
Yes, Your Lordship.
Father, what's on your mind?
I'm willing to share
your burden with you.
Bai Yan is gone.
It's said that she committed suicide
by swallowing charcoals.
I think she couldn't endure
the suffering in Cold Palace.
But His Majesty didn't hold a funeral
or send her body into the mausoleum.
When did Aunt Bai Yan pass away?
Last night, at the hour of Zi.
(Maybe aunt's death)
(was somehow related to my behaviors.)
I understand now.
It was at the hour of Zi when I became
and fell unconscious.
I guess I predicted
aunt's death.
Right before it happened,
I always spent time with her
in the palace.
She always praised me
for being intelligent
and that I would lead a prosperous life.
She said I had the look of an Empress.
And, I actually sensed that
she was going to pass away.
I guess
this must be fate.
(Although Xuelu came
from a poor background, )
(she's much better at scheming)
(than Xueying.)
(Maybe she could)
(become the Crown Princess.)
Xuelu, get up.
Yes, Your Lordship.
Tell the kitchen to prepare
some bird's nest soup
for Princess Xuelu.
Yes, Your Lordship.
I am heading
to the Chamber of Council now.
Xuelu, it's been tough on you.
Have some bird's nest soup.
The selection of the next Empress
is directly related
to the survival of the White Clan.
Xueying's personality
is too soft.
in my opinion,
you're my best candidate.
Father, thank you for
regarding me highly.
get up.
I'm sure your mother
doesn't want to see you
in this dejected state.
It's all because I tried to be witty.
I sent Mother the Bell of Cleansing.
That's how she died.
It's all my fault.
You better sober up.
Your mother wrote that in the letter
because she wanted you to be safe.
But as her son,
you should know what you can do
for your mother, who died
a wrongful death.
You better listen closely.
When you become 18
and the prophecy is over,
you may leave the valley.
By then,
I shall confer you the title
of Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Over time,
when your cultivation
has reached its peak,
you may remove your clergyman outfit,
return to Jialan,
and take back your throne.
You have to make sure
the culprits of your mother's death
suffer the humiliation
she did,
and take back everything
she has lost.
You hear me?
Take everything back?
Mother died because of me.
It's all my fault.
Mother died because of me.
What gives me the right to do so?
What gives me the right to do so?
What gives me the right to do so?
What gives me the right to do so?
(Judging from Ying's mental state, )
(it seems like we can
only take it slowly.)
in an hour,
the Six Clans will hold a discussion
in the hall
to decide
how to handle your mother's body.
You should join it.
I've received
the donation of you all.
Now, I will read out
the allotment of empresses
from previous dynasties.
For Emperor Xingzun,
3,000 goats, 3,000 cows,
3,000 oriental pearls,
600kg of lapis lazuli,
6,000 liters of rose wine,
10 dan of millennium tea leaves,
and 1,000 night lanterns.
For the late empress,
Bai Yan deserves
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
did I hear wrongly?
Why does Bai Yan deserve
what an empress deserves?
Although Bai Yan was
removed from her post,
her name was still
included in the Book of Elixir.
She will be revered by the future
generations, just like the others.
It's not unreasonable
for her to be included.
I beg to differ.
Bai Yan swallowed charcoals
and committed suicide
for fear of punishment.
His Majesty only buried her
in a random corner in Jialan
instead of the Emperor Valley.
It's obvious that His Majesty
doesn't want to acknowledge her
as his empress.
We only worship virtuous figures
during our rites.
Even the Emperor Valley
has no place for Bai Yan.
How could we include her
in the funeral rites?
Guys, what do you think?
Azure King, you have a point.
Since she's a sinner
who's detested by His Majesty,
we mustn't treat her with such respect.
White King,
what about you?
She's a sinner.
Naturally, she doesn't deserve it.
But this
Only priests and clergymen
are located in Jiuyi Mountain.
It's common for them
to be ignorant about the changes
in the court.
High Priest of Grand Preceptor,
you can follow our ancestral rules
and remove her name.
Divine servant,
get me a brush.
You may leave.
For Emperor Yunqi,
1,000 goats, 1,000 cows,
600kg of lapis lazuli,
6000 liters of rose wine,
and 100 night lanterns.
(Ying, )
(today I show you)
(how cruel this world is.)
(You will understand)
(my intention sooner or later.)
Crown Prince, stop.
(As the saying goes,
spare the rod, spoil the child.)
(It's all because the Empress
was too conceited.)
(Even the Emperor Valley)
(has no place for Bai Yan.)
(How could we include her)
(in the funeral rites?)
(I just want you to stay safe.)
(But my life)
(is the biggest threat)
(to yours.)
You told me to protect
all living beings.
But are you seeing this?
This unlawful world
and these heartless scums
don't deserve
your pity and forgiveness.
I will avenge you!
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying, what's the matter?
How fateful was our encounter ♪
How tragic, destined by fate's decree ♪
How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace ♪
Love and hate entwined,
indistinguishable ♪
How prophetic, a single word spoken ♪
How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny ♪
How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed ♪
Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows ♪
The drop of blood in your heart ♪
Has dried into a lock that binds me ♪
Securing my path,
thousands of miles long ♪
Never apart from you ♪
The drop of blood in your heart ♪
Has dried into a lock that binds me ♪
Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart ♪
Our gazes forever intertwined ♪
The drop of blood in your heart ♪
Has dried into a lock that binds me ♪
Securing my path,
thousands of miles long ♪
Never apart from your side ♪
The drop of blood in your heart ♪
Has dried into a lock that binds me ♪
Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart ♪
Our gazes forever intertwined ♪
How fateful was our encounter ♪
How tragic, destined by fate's decree ♪
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