The Luminaries (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


If two people were to be
born at the exact same instant
and very near to one another,
they would become what's
known as astral twins.
They would share a destiny.
It's thousands of pounds,
I've never seen so much money.
Do you know a man named
Francis Carver?
Lydia Greenway.
I have
a surprise for you.
In the cabin of the Godspeed
tomorrow night at 10 o'clock.
- Miss Anna Wetherell?
- No, she's not here.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It's not poison, it's medicine.
- It's only laudanum.
- No
It's for the pain.
He was full of it.
You saw a man die.
I can read.
We are hosting
a party tomorrow.
And the theme is the
British navy on the open sea.
Captions by Able.
Good morning.
Do you know, I
encourage his drinking.
I'm rather ashamed to say.
But I get so used to the house
when he's away, you see?
he's like a little boy
sometimes - his appetites.
What do you fancy? Tea?
Thank you.
I was hoping you might help me
with my costume for the party.
I shall be Aphrodite,
born of heaven and the sea.
You're leaving already?
This calls me home.
Would you mind if?
Can I come with you?
You really ought
to get this fixed.
She's not here.
Yes, she is.
She's standing
right in front of me.
It's you I want.
Come through.
- What's all this?
- She's throwing a party.
- It's Tuesday.
- So?
Who throws a party
on a Tuesday night?
I've got something for you.
Open ticket to the
new field - Hokitika.
Come any time you like.
It's yours.
No need to tell Mrs Wells.
This is just between us.
All right?
I'm a rich man, Miss Wetherell,
and I plan on getting richer.
We could make a lot of money
together, you and me.
Mr Mannering.
Yes indeed?
Who's Mr Carver?
You keep your eyes open,
don't you? I like that.
Who is he?
I've got a ship to catch.
Come with.
I'll tell you on board.
Tell me now.
He was a convict -
10 years' hard labour.
Only got out a few months back.
What was he in for?
I'll tell you on board.
Mr Wells.
Mr Wells. Mr Wells, wake up.
Mr Wells, the key to
the strongbox is gone.
- Where is it?
- I don't know.
- Where's Lydia?
- She went out.
- Where to?
- She didn't say.
- He was a convict.
- Who?
Mr Carver. He did 10 years
of hard labour.
I just found out.
What for?
I don't know.
Something about this
party isn't right.
All right, come here.
Come here! Up.
Right, it's clear.
Do you really think this-?
What on earth?
Are you completely mad?
- Where's the key?
- You could have killed someone!
Where is it? Give it to me.
You're causing a scene.
Watch it!
- Give me the key!
- Stop it. Stop it!
Oh! Of course I took the key.
You were blind drunk.
You're not going
to open it here!
We'll be robbed.
We'll be murdered in our beds.
Don't be a fool.
Give it to me.
Give me the gold, Crosbie.
Shame on you.
I carried that
sack for two weeks.
I know how much it weighs.
That wasn't gold.
It wasn't heavy enough.
She switched it out.
Crosbie. I think she
slipped us some laudanum
last night in our drinks.
Kind of you to
get him into bed.
It's not the first
time he's done this.
We've been here before,
he and I.
You understand?
Now, we have a party
to prepare for.
On this 11th day of
October 1865 a sum of £2000
is to be given to Miss Anna
Wetherell by Mr Emery Staines,
witnessed by Mr Crosbie Wells.
Ah. Here.
I honestly can't tell
the difference.
Now look.
This one, it's cloudy.
That is pounamu.
That is just a stone.
You'll be after my laundry.
Come up.
Miss Anna Wetherell.
You needn't introduce
yourself to tradesmen.
You have so much to learn.
Thank you. That'll do.
I could be absolutely destitute,
Miss Wetherell,
and I would still find
a way to pay somebody else
to launder my clothes.
We should go check on Mr Wells.
You know, in case
he stops breathing.
I'll go. You carry on.
Shh. Fast asleep.
Now, your costume
for this evening.
I was thinking perhaps a siren.
Do you know what that is?
Evening, gentlemen.
Captain Raxworthy!
Oh, and you wore
your Victoria Cross.
Do you know, I've never
seen one in the flesh.
Miss Wetherell,
bring the dear captain a drink.
Now, Miss Wetherell is
dressed as a siren, Captain.
So you mustn't listen
to a word she says.
- The British navy.
- The navy.
Who are you?
Where's Miss Greenway?
She hasn't been Miss Greenway
in a long time, Mr Lauderback.
She didn't tell you?
She got married.
Who are you?
How about you call me
Mr Wells - Crosbie Wells.
I think you know my wife,
Mrs Lydia Wells.
What's this?
- And why's my name on it?
- Open it.
It isn't mine.
I've never seen it before.
Open it.
Five dresses,
all hiding something.
If I called in the harbour
master right now and told him
to take a closer look,
what do you think he'd find?
Have a feel.
Pay special
attention to the seams.
There's a lot of gold in there,
Mr Lauderback,
and it sure doesn't
belong to you.
I don't understand.
It's very clever,
Women's clothes are far less
likely to get searched.
If that gold leaves
the country undeclared,
that's evasion of duty,
brother -
tax fraud,
grand larceny, smuggling.
- But whose gold is it?
- Mine.
You see, I made a strike
on the goldfield.
Proudest moment of my life.
And you stole it from me.
No, I didn't.
It's right there in your trunk.
Booked under your account.
Stolen with the help
of your mistress.
You're setting me up.
May I?
One sheet to the wind!
May I have your attention?
Our guest of honour
has joined us.
Captain Raxworthy
is a decorated hero.
But there is one decoration you
will notice he does not wear.
I think he needs to be shown
the ropes, don't you?
You get three guesses,
Captain Raxworthy.
Get it right,
you drink for free.
Get it wrong and they do.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
So, Captain, where' is the ring?
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Two more guesses, Captain!
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
This is blackmail.
You're blackmailing me.
I am.
What do you want? Money?
I want this ship.
Sign it over and all
your problems go away.
The trunk disappears,
I disappear,
and you, Mr Lauderback,
get to keep your good name.
Last guess, Captain Raxworthy.
Let's make it count.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir.
Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir
No, sir. Soon, sir. Never, sir.
Yes, sir. No, sir. Soon, sir
Now, where is my apprentice?
Let's have some more music.
Oh, no, no, no.
Now it's your turn.
No. Somebody else. No.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Soon, madam
Two more guesses.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Soon, madam. Never, madam.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Soon, madam. Never, madam.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Soon, madam. Never, madam.
No, no, no, no.
You haven't guessed yet.
Mr Wells. Crosbie!
She cut the whiskey.
She's been drugging you.
Something's going on.
Mr Wells.
Mr Wells, please wake up.
Never, madam.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Soon, madam. Never, madam.
Yes, madam. No, madam.
Is your name Carver?
It used to be. Now it's Wells.
Where's my gold?!
You think this is
just about the gold?
- What?
- It's leverage.
That's all you are.
Leverage against what?
- Against what?!
- Don't kill him.
Leverage? What's he
talking about, leverage?
I don't know.
He was here this afternoon
when you were asleep.
Why did he say
his name was Wells?
We need to leave.
My passport.
My miner's right.
They're in there with the gold.
Please, Crosbie.
We have to leave.
I should have seen it before.
Who'd have use for
another man's papers,
signed with another man's name?
A convict, that's who -
someone who wants to
leave his past behind him.
That's what's going on here.
They weren't just
after my money.
They were after my name.
Don't. Don't kill him.
Don't kill him. Don't.
What did we do? What did we do?
You know who you are now?
You're the man with the scar.
Try leaving that behind.
Oh God, no.
- Where's my gold?
- You killed him!
I swear to God,
I'll cut his fucking throat.
Where's my colour?
Where's my colour?!
- It's on the ship.
- What ship?
The Godspeed, down on the quay.
She leaves tomorrow morning.
- Please, please-
- And my passport?
My passport? My papers?
Crosbie, please.
I beg you.
Please, Crosbie. I love him.
- Where's my gun?
- Francis. Francis.
You did this together -
you and her.
- No.
- You're in it together!
Stay the hell away from me,
both of you!
Francis? Francis?
No. No. No.
Help! Help, Anna.
Help me, please!
Where's Mr Wells?
You tell me.
I don't
I must have drunk too much.
I can't remember anything.
Hair of the dog that bit you.
No, I
I really don't-
Do you know what you've done?
Let me tell you
something about Crosbie.
He saved himself
and left you here
because he forgot you the
moment you opened your legs.
You're nothing to him.
You're a whore.
You're nothing.
Look at him.
You did this.
Get the fuck out of my house!
The ship?
- It's gone.
- No. No!
Francis, there's nothing
we can do. Stop.
I'm sorry.
Where is he?
Where is he?
I don't know. We'll find him.
We'll find him.
We will find him.
Come back to bed.
I can explain.
Oh, aye? Well, go ahead, then.
My name is Crosbie Wells.
I made a strike in the Dunstan
Valley. You can look it up.
I was robbed by a convict.
He took He took my papers
and my gold, and he smuggled
the gold somewhere on this ship.
That's why I'm here -
to get it back. I
All right, all right.
I never meant to stow away.
I don't mean any harm. I
I just want to
get my money back.
- Shackle him.
- No.
No, it's it's here.
Ow! It's here somewhere.
Just let me look for it.
I've heard enough.
Make sure he's secure.
I'll share it with you.
We'll split it down the middle!
Load the cargo.
Prepare the first boat.
Don't turn it over
before it's in the water.
Let's get at least one
boat to shore. All right?
Will you bloody concentrate!
You damage my boat,
I'll have you flogged!
How is it?
I'll kill him.
We'll have to find him first.
I signed his name, Lydia.
So long as he's alive-
The ship belongs to him.
Yes, Francis, I understand,
thank you.
I wish I didn't have to leave.
You don't.
No, I have to go
and stake a claim.
I signed a contract.
I thought you came
here for love.
I might have loved her.
I wanted to.
You cannot keep it for yourself.
Te Pounamu.
What you find you
must give away.
This is Maori land!
Hell of a place to call home.
My mountain is Tuhua.
My river is Arahura.
My canoe is Takitimu.
My hapu is Ngati Waewae.
My iwi is Ngai Tahu.
And my name is Te Rau Tauwhare.
Pleased to meet you all.
Why don't you give me your name?
I don't mean any disrespect.
I'm just trying not to use it.
Sorry to have trespassed.
It's all I've got.
Did that hurt?
I cut a man's face.
I marked him.
Like this.
He bled like anything.
Yours bleed?
Is it sometimes
a shock to see yourself?
If you haven't been near a
looking glass in a while,
- do you forget?
- No.
I never forget.
Crosbie Wells.
Emery Staines.
So, this is paradise.
Miss Anna Wetherell,
Mr Edgar Clinch.
No luggage?
We'll sort it out,
don't you worry.
Room and board
and a hot bath every week,
whatever she wants
to eat and drink,
and you send the bill to me.
Uh, right, uh
Pleasure, Miss Wetherell.
Uh, just this way, please.
If you'll follow me.
Thank you, sir.
Just up here.
Watch your step there.
And, uh, number six is you.
What do you fancy to eat?
I can do potatoes,
potatoes or potatoes.
Do you have anything to drink?
Rise and shine.
Got you something.
I got some salvage. Washed up
on the beach in a trunk.
Try them.
The pink one
is for when you're working.
You know, bright colour.
Lets them know.
The others?
Well, you can
wear them whenever you like.
Nice hat, pair of gloves.
Try them.
You know, it costs a lot
of money to keep you like this.
That's not enough.
Better get to work, then.
And will you look at that?
She's seen the light.
Now, just do something
with this nest.
- Lady!
- That Johnny's got money.
- Lady!
No, we never
stop in Chinatown.
See anything you like, sir?
How much for her?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Up the front,
where they can see.
Do you want to know the secret
to my success, Mr Nilssen?
- Not particularly.
- One girl in each hotel.
You can't risk them
making friends, you see.
Divide and you shall conquer.
I've drawn your bath,
Miss Wetherell.
The water's steaming.
Miss Wetherell?
You don't want it going cold.
Mr Sook?
Do you remember me?
You give me this,
first time. Opium.
I gave you laudanum.
You were in pain.
Same thing.
Your fault.
Your fault.
What are you doing here?
I came back to find you,
and you were gone.
Under arrest.
Public intoxication.
They bring me here.
Your fault.
She was due back
here two months ago.
Oh, aye? Who the bloody
hell are you, then?
That ship was sold
the night you left.
New management.
You're out.
Crosbie Wells?
I don't expect
you've heard of him.
Actually, I have.
On our first leg to Hokitika
we found a man down below -
a stowaway. He said his
name were Crosbie Wells.
Well, he must have been lying.
- But why?
- He was a stowaway.
Of course he's going
to give a false name.
What happened to him?
Something strange
about all of this.
Why wasn't I told?
If you've got a problem,
take it up with Mr Lauderback.
He's the one who sold the ship.
No explanation, no severance.
The paperwork's been filed.
It's done.
- I'm just the messenger.
- No.
You're the bloody captain now.
So, what happened
to this stowaway?
He jumped overboard,
swam to shore.
They never saw him again.
And the trunk?
So we go looking for it.
Hokitika, Nicholson, Lyttelton,
Jackson, Melbourne, Chalmers.
That's the run.
It could be anywhere.
It's still out there.
Crosbie is still out there.
- We played a dangerous hand-
- The hand isn't over yet.
We played a dangerous
hand and we lost.
The gold, we lost.
Wells, we lost.
But the ship, we won.
We can sail away.
We find a dockyard,
we change the figurehead,
- change the rigging-
- Change the name?
That ship was sold
to Crosbie Wells.
Who named Francis Carver
as his captain.
What if he finds out?
If we leave now, he never will.
Anyway, we have his passport.
What's he going to prove?
Let's go back to San Francisco,
pick up where we left off.
- You and me, together.
- On what income?
I'll start up a cargo run.
And how much would you make?
£5 a week? Maybe 10?
It's a living.
Is it?
I have a living, Francis.
This is a living.
What I want is a life.
Heavenly Father, we entrust
this man to your love and mercy.
May he now be at peace
for all eternity.
Every death is a mystery.
We ask, why him?
Why now?
Why in this way?
Lord, grant us the patience
to accept what we do not know.
Teach us to entrust in your
inscrutable divinity
and help us put our
doubts and fears to rest.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Show yourself!
There you are.
Anna, you are coming
back to town and back to work!
I made it crystal clear.
You cannot hide away down here.
You keep coming here
and no one's going to touch you.
Men do not want a girl who
associates with Chinamen!
You think you know
what men want?
A great hunger for beauty.
That's what you said to me.
But that's not what they want.
That's not why they come.
They come because whatever
ugliness they feel,
they want me to feel it worse.
That's what they pay for.
Every man wants his whore
to be unhappy.
I'm exactly what they want.
But you do not work here,
you understand me!
You do not wear the pink dress.
You wear plain colours.
And you keep your head down
and your mouth shut!
You don't touch her.
Do you understand me?
No touchy.
She's mine!
She belongs to me.
She's mine!
Hands off!
For the pain.
No. No, no.
No, no, no,
it's all right, Anna.
It's all right, Anna.
I'm just getting
you to bed, all right?
I'm just getting you to bed.
Up you come.
Oh dear. You really have to
take care of yourself, hey?
Just help me a bit here.
Let's get this off.
It's all right.
I've seen it all before.
Oh dear. Lie down, then.
There you go.
Now, let's get this off here.
Easy, my girl. Easy.
Nice and easy, Anna.
We can look after it.
All of us. You'll just
work until you can't,
and then we'll all
look after it.
Be nice, actually, having
a wee one running around.
It'll be nice.
Whose is it?
Do you know?
It's mine.
I can't stop thinking about him.
When you see a man dead
it's strange, you can't tell
what he really looked like
when he lived.
A dead man looks
It makes you think of
the creator, the designer.
You You see him and
you wonder how he was made.
You were his friend.
Did he ever mention me?
He never mentioned you.
Mr Lauderback.
What are you doing here?
I came to bury my husband.
But it seems I arrived too late.
Captions by Able.
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