The Machinery (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Levande död

-Bedroom clear!
-Kitchen clear!
-Balcony clear!
-Area clear!
No trace of Olle Hultén.
We'll take it from here.
-Henrik Hultén's boat was stolen.
-From its usual spot?
We're coming.
A Super Van Craft 73?
And your insurance company
-Do we have to do this now?
-That's fine. He's doing his job.
-Hello, Henrik.
When do you think it happened?
I don't know.
They called me half an hour ago.
-But they didn't see anyone?
-You mean Olle?
He ran away
and now the boat is gone.
No, I've never seen him
on a boat. Not even the ferry.
-So he can't operate a boat?
-We don't even know if he took it.
Well, it was probably him.
Then he must have had a good
Why would he do that?
You might not know him
as well as you think.
-Before we accuse him
-You don't know everything.
It was Olle who took
the equipment from Laholmen.
-What equipment?
-That was used for the robbery.
-I'm going home.
-You can't.
We haven't finished
searching the house.
I'll drive you home tomorrow.
-Is your mother home?
-No, I live here alone.
-You're Victoria?
What's all this?
The bloody press has arrived.
-What's going on?
-The door was kicked in.
What are you looking for?
-How much was in Olle's bag?
-I have no idea.
It was a lot of money and
I saw him go
into the police station.
-Can I please change alone?
-Are you building a house?
-Yes. Why?
-How are you paying for that?
Olle built most of it himself.
But where do you get the money?
We had quite a lot of savings.
There's no reason
he would steal a lot of money.
Our economy is fine and if not,
my father can lend us money.
Olle's parents are dead.
His name was Terje Olav Mørk
when you met him, right?
Yes, but everyone called him
-And then he took your last name?
But it's not uncommon
for the man to take the wife's name.
-Not in Sweden anyway.
-No, you've always been ahead.
Olle is very close to my dad.
I think he wanted to honour him.
Yes, that would be logical.
Especially since Terje Olav Mørk
doesn't exist.
-The passport was issued in Mexico.
-Yes, he worked there.
It's fake.
I don't think either of us knows
who Olle Hultén actually is.
I hear you have problems
with the server for the cameras?
There was a lapse in security.
-I haven't heard anything about that.
-And where are you from?
-IT support.
The boss called me. But if all is
fine I can come back tomorrow.
No, no, if you're from IT support,
it's probably fine.
I would need to see it
to fix the problem.
-Yes, you can just sit here.
-Do you have any equipment?
-No, it's not a big deal.
I'll just check
the link to the driver.
-Come on, Mum!
-Where are my car keys?
-We'll be late.
-We're always late.
-Stop that and help me look.
Typical. Here they are!
Go take the bus, Jimmy.
I'll come later.
-Do you want a surprise?
-Did you get the bloody tickets?
We'll see.
Here, buy yourself some food.
-No sweets!
The bag.
I hope for your sake
that he isn't dead.
-He's a bloody big risk.
-Did he hurt your little hand?
He needs to go.
-But we'll stick to the plan?
-It's their bloody plan.
-He should be locked up.
-Don't touch him.
-And Jack?
-I've got him under control.
-You're in control?
-Yes, I'm meeting him now.
He might not want
to share the money.
Listen, it's important that we do
exactly as we planned.
The IT guy,
if you want to talk to him.
-IT guy?
-Something with the cameras.
I didn't know that.
When will the group
from Hamburg arrive?
-Around 3:30.
-I'll wait here, then.
Okay, I'm done here.
Which company are you from?
-No, I'm a freelancer.
-But for which company?
It's called Vibekk.
Vibekk? No, we use Calcolo Data.
I don't know any more than you do.
Hello, Vidar. Listen,
did we get new technical support?
No? That's a bit strange.
What was the name of your company?
Let me talk to him. Vidar?
Yes. Could you just
give Trond at Vibekk a call?
Ask him to check the contract
for Park Hotel.
-It is Andreas.
-Yes. Isaksen.
That's great. Okay.
He'll call you back after lunch.
-Have a nice day.
You too.
Anybody home?
Mum, it's me.
Ole Ole?
Is it really you?
I thought you were
You look so handsome.
I'm sorry I never
got in touch.
I tried sending postcards
from Mexico. To explain a little.
-You got them, right?
Why were you in Mexico?
I've gotten myself into
I need help.
Can I talk to you?
-We have nothing to talk about.
Only one thing.
I don't want to see you here again.
It hasn't been easy.
I'll go make some coffee.
-Nina speaking.
-Listen to this.
We have a match
for the blood on the lamb
with the blood on the clothes
of the presumed killer.
We're at the sheep farm right now.
-Any sign of him?
-No, but
We found a dead person.
We assume it's the farmer himself.
-How long has he been dead?
-We think since yesterday.
We'll have to expand the search.
Ask for backup
and have the helicopter pick me up.
Okay. I'll send an unmarked one.
-Tell me about Mexico.
-Well, Mexico was
It was warm.
Hey, were you in Acapulco?
Elvis shot a movie there.
You and your Elvis, Mum.
He's just so
I can see
Are you married?
-Is she beautiful?
-Of course she is.
How exciting. Do you have a picture?
Hang on. Maybe I do have some.
Come on
Hang on. Go back a little.
I know her.
She came here and asked for you.
Nice lady. Looked a bit different.
What did she want?
She came often. She asked for you.
And she sold lottery tickets.
-Lottery tickets?
-Yes, for the local soccer club.
Sometimes she would bring her son.
-Do you remember her name?
-She probably told me.
I can't remember.
Do you still have
any of my old clothes?
Einar wanted to throw it all away,
but I refused.
Your father was always so nervous
when you drove around late at night.
But I always knew
that you would come home.
If anybody asks for me,
I was never here.
Nina, the suspect was seen
near the farm.
We'll be in Sandefjord in 30 minutes.
Do you think this looks nice?
Yes, I do, sweetheart.
Have you seen
Grandma's diamond necklace?
Have you seen my necklace?
My wedding gift.
You probably put it somewhere.
It's happened before.
-I told you to put it in the safe.
-It was there yesterday. I'm sure.
-He probably took it.
-Your necklace doesn't fit him.
-I was only joking.
He's shown what he's capable of.
I've checked his finances
at Laholmen. Everything is in order.
Could you help me look for it?
It's worth 60,000 kronor.
-I can see that it's you, Olle.
I'm in a bit of
a difficult situation
that I'll have to get out of.
I'm sure it'll all be fine.
I just need a little time.
We'll solve this together, Olle.
Whatever it is you did
or didn't do.
Just come on home.
Thank you.
-It's the farm on the left.
-Circle two kilometres around it.
Fly slowly.
Magnus is asking us to pick them up.
No! We don't have time. Keep going.
Follow that track.
Hi. What are you doing?
No! No, wait! Help!
At a gas station in Lillestrøm.
No! Open the door!
Fucking hell! Damn!
Just take it easy.
It's all going to be fine.
Shut up!
Okay, here's your
bloody hippo or whatever it is.
Fucking hell.
-Looking forward to practice?
-And everything's fine at school?
-No one's being mean to you?
Well, then
I'll see you next week.
You'll go to your mother now.
I love you.
Excuse me? Maybe you can help me.
Have you seen her before?
We met in town last night.
I got wasted, so I forgot her name.
But she talked about this club.
I think her son plays here.
I'm a father too, you know.
A single dad.
But I'm looking, you know.
Do you know her?
I think that's Jimmy's mum.
-The goalkeeper.
-Do you know her name?
-Yes, she works down at the yard.
Thanks a lot.
Suspect stole a car near Stenfjell.
He's on route 8
going east towards highway E18.
There's a child in the car.
E18! Look for E18!
The car is a beige '89 Mercedes.
Now it's ok.
-Here you go.
-What are you doing?
Late, maybe all night.
This has to be finished tomorrow.
I'll pay you double overtime.
Hi, how are you?
Did something happen?
I know that Olle is innocent.
And so do you.
You were with him.
You're his alibi. Tell the police!
There's something you need to
There was a woman at the bar.
Olle left with her.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-I didn't think it was important.
-What did she look like?
-She was maybe 35.
Brown hair. Good-looking.
-Did Olle know her?
-I don't know.
Olle said it was nothing,
and I believed him.
But, listen, just let me know
if you need anything. Any help
And say hello to Henrik.
Did he like his gift?
I know he has a soft spot
for single malt.
They've published his name.
The guy who ran away.
Olle Hultén.
He's ice cold. Just boarded the ferry
like on any normal day.
-Are they sure it's him?
-Well, he's a suspect.
Hey! Monica, is she here?
What the hell
Tom? Is that you?
God! Stop!
Ole Bloody hell!
It's rare to see you in Sandefjord.
I'm visiting Mum and Dad.
-I heard you were abroad.
-I'll never get out of this shithole.
-Come on, it's not that bad.
-What are you doing here?
-I have boat trouble, so
What kind of boat you got?
You won't believe it.
A Super Van Craft. But listen
It's not too shitty.
But it's fucking expensive.
-Did you scratch the paintwork?
-No, signal trouble.
I can't see where I'm going.
As you can see,
I'm busy with transponders.
-It's so good to see you.
-We'll go for a beer soon.
One beer?
A beige Mercedes!
Don't lose him!
There. Put me down.
I'll need you up here to guide me.
The car is on the right.
Be careful, Nina.
There's nobody in the car.
Circle around.
Put down your gun! Let go of the gun!
Come on, put it down.
Get up!
Get out of there!
Come on. Out!
Turn around. Slowly.
Hands behind your back!
-Come back. I've got him.
-Okay, I'm coming.
Turn around.
Turn around!
Come on.
Nina? Hello, Nina?
Nina? Dispatch, I'm landing.
-Here you go.
Brede's funeral.
That's the last time I saw you.
Must be at least twenty years ago.
The saddest funeral
I've ever been to.
God, how I cried.
-To Brede.
So now what? Are you crashing
on your parents' couch?
No way! No, I'll sleep on the boat.
That's not happening.
You can stay at my place.
-No, no, I'm fine.
-Come on, I've got lots of space.
I had a house before.
I was getting married.
-Didn't work out.
-Talking about women
At your work Is there a Monica?
A picture?
What kind of picture is that?
Are you stalking her?
Of course I am.
Her profile picture on Tinder.
It's hard to see
I need to pee.
Is she that hot?
Hello, and welcome.
Henrik doesn't even want
to talk the police.
It's a lot of money.
And then there's
the sentimental value.
I was thinking that you or Lilly
should inherit the necklace one day.
At least it stays in the family.
What do you mean?
It is a bit strange
that it disappears right now.
At the same time as all this.
If you're not going to help,
you can just go.
It's just a reporter. She's been
calling Henrik all day. Don't answer.
Hey, it's me.
I had nothing to do with the robbery.
I love you.
-Have you heard from Jack?
Olle has a Super Van Craft.
It's out in Knattholmen.
Stop! Stop, I give up!
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