The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Cuenta hasta tres

[tense instrumental music playing]
[birds singing outside]
- Hey there.
- Hey, Raquel. How you doing?
Fine, fine.
- [lock clicks]
- Fuck.
[cell phone unlocks]
[Raquel panting and moaning on cell phone]
[man breathing heavily on cell phone]
[Raquel gasps]
[moaning grows louder]
[both panting]
Quela, look who's here.
Hi there, Simón.
It's great to finally meet you.
You're more beautiful than in your photos.
Well, thanks. [chuckles]
So, you're everyone's
favorite new teacher?
Well, for now,
I'm happy just being a decent sub.
- [Simón] That's great.
- So, are you back in Spain for good?
Well, hopefully. If the economy's good.
[scoffs] He's sure optimistic.
Perhaps if he looked around,
he wouldn't be.
No, no. Don't tell him that,
or he'll go back to England.
- [Simón] No.
- Please don't.
I would never.
Something to drink?
No. I mean,
look at all these papers I have left.
- You sure?
- Yeah, later.
Hmm. We'll be in the kitchen
if you change your mind.
- Mm-hmm. Good to meet you.
- Yeah. You too.
- [Germán] So, what do you want, man?
- [Raquel exhales]
- [Germán] Beer?
- Yeah. That's perfect.
[Germán] This is a great new microbrew.
- [Simón] Yeah?
- [Germán] Kinda hoppy.
So, what have you been up to lately, man?
Doing anything fun?
[Simón] Eh,
a little of this, a little of that.
[Raquel continues moaning on cell phone]
[exhales deeply]
[takes a deep breath]
[Raquel gasps softly]
Is that a new project?
It is.
I've had this idea stuck in my head.
You know,
the kind you just gotta get on the page?
It's really crazy.
Now that there's no pressure to write,
I'm writing.
- Really?
- [Germán] You're gonna like it. Yeah.
But I don't want you to say you like it
so I'll forget the restaurant.
[cell phone chimes]
[Raquel kisses] I'm headin' out.
- [cell phone clatters]
- [Raquel sighs]
[cell phone chimes]
[students chattering]
- [chalk squeaking]
- Come on!
- Fuck me, teacher's angry!
- Stop it. It hurts my ears.
[squeaking continues]
- [girl] Oh, my God.
- [Roi] No what?
We supposed to know what that means?
I'm sure
at least one of you will understand.
I would suggest
all of you be on your best behavior
because the exam is two days away.
- [class murmurs]
- And it won't be easy.
- [class chattering softly]
- [Roi sighs]
- [boy 1 sighs]
- [boy 2 whispers] Fuck.
[Raquel sighs heavily]
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [energetic music playing]
[weights clattering]
[Viruca grunts]
- [sighs]
- [trainer] Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Take it easy, okay?
- Don't push yourself too hard.
- Okay.
[trainer] Give it another shot.
Let me know if you want someone to spot.
- I can help her, if that's okay.
- Yeah?
[trainer] Great. You two can be a team.
You're in good hands
with this guy. Good luck.
[Viruca sighs]
- ["Young" by Rush Week playing]
- I know now just how to fake it… ♪
Good. The only thing,
see, when you go down…
try to stick out your… There.
[grunts] What are you doing, Iago?
- What? I'm helping you.
- Well, don't help me like that.
What are you talkin' about?
- Well, um
- What's up? All good? Huh?
We're okay. It's fine.
- Yeah?
- [Iago] Yeah.
- He was just trying to help.
- Well, then. Okay.
[group grunting]
- [Iago panting]
- I don't miss you anymore ♪
- Like when we were young ♪
- [Viruca grunts]
Oh ♪
- I don't miss you anymore ♪
- [clatters loudly]
Like when we were young ♪
Oh ♪
I don't miss you anymore like when ♪
- [car alarm chirps]
- [doors unlock]
[indistinct chatter]
[birds singing]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[indistinct chatter]
[Raquel sighs]
What are you doing here?
Come on. You thought
I wouldn't interpret your one-word texts
and awkward voice mails
as a desperate cry for help?
You only say you miss me
when things are really bad.
I'm so glad you're here.
[Tere sighs]
- You missed me after all, huh?
- [Raquel] I did.
- So, why don't you show me around, yeah?
- Okay.
[Tere] They're doing a crime. Report it.
No, no. I can't just do that,
because if I reported it,
it would go public.
I don't want anyone to see
that video of me and Simón, ever.
Yeah, but why would that
be such a problem?
You already told Germán
that you had sex with Simón.
It's awkward
but not a huge deal if he sees it.
- You're giving them way too much power.
- Know how hard it was to get past that?
sometimes it's like we never got over it.
He doesn't even… [sighs]
The truth is,
it was more than a one-night stand.
[crow cawing]
More than once?
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Tere] How many times?
[Raquel inhales sharply]
[sighs] Oh, Raquel.
And he was so good to me after my mother…
Ugh, God. Shit.
I mean, I wouldn't have made it
without him by my side.
He finds out, and it's over.
Maybe you think you're protecting him,
but is it right to hold on to Germán
'cause he'd be upset?
No, I'm not holding on to him.
We love each other.
Are you sure?
Anyone can tell a lie to themselves.
Tere, I love him. He loves me.
- [sighs]
- Well, you know what I would love?
To get the hell out of these woods.
I think I've seen enough mud
to last my whole life.
- [crow caws]
- [Tere] Let's go drink.
[Raquel sighs]
[keys jingle]
It lasted three months
between me and Simón.
[somber instrumental music playing]
There's no way
that I can really explain myself to you.
It was all so…
perverse and so thrilling.
There's nothing
that could be more of a betrayal to Germán
than choosing to sleep
with his best friend. [inhales sharply]
That feeling of being guilty…
He tasted so sweet
while making me feel so bad.
I can't explain it.
Maybe I'm just an addict.
But I… I wanted to stop.
Every time I left his place, I'd say,
"Raquel, that's enough. Stop."
"Stop it right now."
"You have to stop.
You have to stop." But I couldn't stop.
I can't explain it.
I guess that was just the way
I used to punish myself.
Or I just wanted to hurt Germán.
How come you never told me?
I didn't want you to think badly of me.
[sighs] Oh, honey.
I just don't know what came over me.
It's almost like I was somebody else.
Now it's done.
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
I just wanna know
how they got a hold of them.
What do you think?
Because I made sure
that I erased all of them.
I don't even know how I would do it.
The only way I know
is to download from the cloud
because, you know,
it'll copy automatically.
Saves of everything on our computers
or our cell phones, whatever.
That's just great. [sighs]
[Tere] Babe, be realistic for a second.
You would have to be
some kind of computer wiz genius,
and I don't think
there can be many of those around.
[faculty chatting indistinctly]
[Raquel sighs]
[chuckles softly]
- Raquel?
- Yeah?
[Isa] I found a box
with Viruca's books in it.
So I was just thinking
you might be interested in using them
for your classes.
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, that would be great. Thank you.
You wanna join me over there?
I can show you.
[indistinct chatter]
[Isa] Here it is.
Let's take a look.
It's all female authors.
Ah, well, that's great news.
After we finish
with Pardo Bazán with the class,
I was hoping to read Nada
by Carmen Laforet.
I only brought a few copies
with me in the move, so, uh…
I hope this helps you out.
It will. Thanks again.
See ya.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Raquel sighs]
[exhales] This could work.
Not this.
- [bell tolling]
- [car alarm chirps]
[man sighs]
[footsteps approaching]
- [intercom beeps]
- [dog barking]
- [intercom beeps]
- [lock clicks]
- Hi, honey.
- [Viruca] Hey.
- How you doing?
- Fine.
Saw your car. Is it new?
It is.
I was having problems
with the other one, so I swapped it out.
Don't you think maybe it's a bit much?
- What do you mean by that?
- Isn't it a little flashy for the village?
Don't give her silly ideas.
Why should we be ashamed
just because we enjoy
the finer things in life?
If they don't like it, so what?
Anyway, you'd better run out
and get the fish before they close.
- [Viruca] Hmm.
- See ya in a bit.
See ya later.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Viruca sighs]
- [birds singing outside]
- Is something wrong, Mom?
I received this from the bank. Look.
[mother sighs]
No, this can't be right.
This is a mistake, Mom.
- Are you sure about that?
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm.
Your father doesn't know anything
about what's going on.
we simply don't have the money to pay.
Those banks
are going to take everything we have.
What are you talking about?
Nobody's gonna take anything from anyone.
It's not happening. It's just…
Besides, Mauro and I have investments,
and it's been a good year for us,
so all we have to do is sell a few stocks,
and that's it.
- Really?
- [Viruca] Mm-hmm.
It's not something
you're just telling me to calm down?
[Viruca sighs]
I promise.
A couple of phone calls, and that's it.
- Okay?
- Are you sure?
Thank you, darling. [sighs]
[Viruca exhales]
Yeah, Tere. I'm in front of his house now.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [door squeaks]
[Raquel] Okay.
Gotta go. I'll call you later.
Why are you here?
- You don't know?
- [Roi] I don't.
My parents are inside.
You know, Roi, I'm not sure you realize
how serious a mistake you're making.
What? Skipping classes? Come on.
- Raquel, honestly.
- [Raquel] Roi.
- [taps]
- Hey.
Um, you and I should talk.
Show me your cell phone.
- Why?
- [Raquel] I don't want you recording this.
Because I'm gonna be honest,
and I don't want that used against me.
- [scoffs] You know how insane you sound?
- Take it out and put it there.
I could also take off my clothes.
I could have a microphone.
Fuck me. [sighs]
[Raquel] Roi,
you're trying to screw up my life.
- Really?
- I need you to stop.
How can I if I'm not doing anything?
So, you didn't hack my computer
and download my videos?
- [Roi huffs]
- No. Come back here! Roi! Roi!
- This is crazy.
- Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
- Hold on.
- [Roi] What?
Hold on. Listen, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
- Maybe I was wrong about you.
- Okay.
I can't take it anymore.
You gotta help me.
- If it wasn't you, then who?
- I have no idea.
- [Raquel] Iago? Nerea?
- No, no.
[Raquel sighs]
Whoever… [breathing shakily]
…you need to talk to…
tell them to back off.
[footsteps fading]
[rain pattering on roof]
[Raquel exhales]
[exhales] Shit.
Where the fuck is that book?
No, no.
Fuck, where is it?
[sighs, breathing heavily]
Fuck this.
It has to be here somewhere.
These are fucking photo albums.
It's not here. It… [inhales sharply]
- [books thudding]
- Raquel?
Is something wrong?
Nada, that novel by Carmen Laforet.
My mother's favorite book.
It was a first edition.
- We'll find it.
- I can't.
- Maybe we left it behind.
- No.
It's gotta be here because I brought it.
- It'll be fine.
- It has to be in one of these.
I'll help you find it.
- I don't know why it's not here.
- Raquel.
- [panting] Yeah?
- Calm down.
- Let's calm down and talk.
- No, I don't know.
- Let's talk.
- Talk about what?
Somewhere else.
Let's go out somewhere.
- [birds calling]
- [water flowing]
[crows cawing]
[brakes squeak]
Oh, this is amazing. [sighs]
[both sigh]
[Raquel panting]
- [Raquel] I've been here before.
- [Germán] But did you go in?
[Germán exhales]
Ah, it's better
in the water than out, huh?
- Yeah.
- [softly] Yeah.
[crow cawing]
I remember going
to the hot springs with my dad.
Not these, of course.
I think they just built these.
[Germán sighs]
[Raquel clicks tongue, sighs]
Maybe now you'll tell me
why you brought me here.
What did you wanna talk about?
[tense instrumental music playing]
I'm gonna try to buy a stake
in my mom's restaurant.
I'm hoping
that you'll see things the way I do.
I wanna do this. [sighs]
So, you're going to quit writing?
- Perhaps… I'll do both at the same time.
- ["Parkineo" playing on stereo]
[car horns blaring]
[people shouting]
Well, it was nice while it lasted.
- [woman 1] Hey, guys!
- [man 1 whoops]
- [man 2 trills]
- [man 3] All right, ladies.
[woman 2 laughs] Oh!
[man 4] Come on, people!
I wanna see you all get naked!
Is that Germán?
Hey, girls, grab us some beers.
This calls for a celebration, eh?
Hi there, Gabriel.
This is my wife, Raquel.
Smart move to bring your lady here.
He's a genius, am I right?
My wife wouldn't come here
even if I stuffed her ass
full of pills and shellfish.
And she loves both. [laughs]
You don't seem
to be missing her all that much.
Hey, we gotta have some fun
now that she's away in Mexico.
- [man 5] Hey, let's go!
- Get in there.
[women laughing]
Later, we're gonna keep the party going
at my place. You should join us.
No, tomorrow I have some classes to teach.
And I have to do a shift
at the restaurant.
- [man 6] All right, guys. Cheers!
- Fair enough. Another time.
[women laugh]
- Very nice, girls.
- Bottoms up, all right?
- [indistinct chatter]
- ["Parkineo" continues playing on stereo]
- [crow cawing]
- [Germán panting]
[Raquel sighs] We're not getting anywhere.
I swear
we've passed that tree three times.
That's the hot water
playing tricks on you.
Your blood pressure's low,
so you can't think.
Maybe. Hey, what's the deal with Acebedo?
Bit of a character, isn't he?
- [people shouting]
- [horns blaring]
Speak of the devil. Let's move aside.
[passengers continue shouting]
- [Germán] Hi.
- [women laughing]
[dance music blasting on car stereo]
- [woman laughs]
- [brakes screech]
I can give you a ride.
Throw those in the back.
- [Germán and Raquel] No.
- [Gabriel] Come on, it's no trouble.
I don't wanna go to any party.
Well, you can drop us off at our place?
Of course. One quick drink at my place,
I'll take you wherever you want. Come on.
You won't regret it, I promise. [laughs]
- ["Stay the Same" playing on stereo]
- Thinkin' that you might change ♪
Thought I loved you
More than I really did… ♪
- Oh, my God.
- What do you think?
I guess you could call it impressive.
Should have left you sooner… ♪
[women chatting and laughing]
But you just, you just stay the same ♪
Stay the same
You just, you just stay the same… ♪
- [Germán, softly] Quela.
- What?
Stay the same
You just, you just stay the same… ♪
[Germán] Quela.
Isn't this Viruca?
- [Germán] Mm-hmm.
- And who are the others?
[Germán] Let's see.
Those are the Acebedos, Gabriel's parents.
That's the regional vice president,
and this guy is Tomás Nogueira.
He's a big-time contractor.
the recession hasn't hurt them too bad.
- Come on. Let's go.
- [Raquel] Why is she with them?
[Gabriel] Hey, lovebirds.
- One beer, one water.
- [Raquel] Thank you.
Actually, it's not water,
but it is the same color. [chuckles]
Also, here.
- And here.
- [Germán sighs]
- For when you feel like taking a swim.
- [Raquel] Oh.
If you're feelin' shy,
you can put 'em on over there. Follow me.
[Raquel] Um, hey, uh,
I wanted to ask about that photo,
the one with Viruca. Did you know her?
Uh, yes. I knew her. Why do you ask?
No, no reason.
I'm having a hard time imagining her here.
What do you mean? [laughs]
I'm trying to imagine her
with politicians and on yachts.
Well, you know they say power
and beauty go hand in hand,
and Viruca sure was beautiful
and a total party animal.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [chuckles] Ladies, follow me.
[woman 1 laughs]
Should have left you sooner
Thinking that you might change… ♪
Why is it so weird that Viruca
might have known the Acebedos?
It's a small town.
Everyone knows everyone.
Well, I don't know. It strikes me as weird
that a schoolteacher
would have friends like these.
It's… it's almost like every week
the image I have of Viruca changes.
The new things
I find out don't fit with the old.
What, is there some kind of mystery?
- [sighs]
- Never mind.
- I need to use the restroom.
- [Germán exhales]
- [guests laughing]
- ["Ivy Mike" playing on stereo]
[woman 2] Come on. Okay, it's obvious.
The woman in the video, it's her.
- Look at how horny she is.
- [man] No way.
[woman 2] Look closer.
Tell me you don't see it.
Okay, anyway,
I'm gonna upload it later today.
- And then
- Hey. Hey!
- [woman 2 laughs]
- Hey, excuse me. What are you watching?
- Excuse me?
- [Raquel] What are you watching?
- Why is it important?
- Let me see.
- May I see your phone?
- Are you kidding me?
- [scoffs] Get away from me.
- Can I see that? That's private.
What the fuck are
- [woman 2] Let's go.
- You've got an illegal video.
Who do you think you are?
[scoffs] "Illegal"?
[Raquel] Hey.
Hey. Don't walk away
- [man] Lady! Back up.
- [woman 2] Are you crazy or what?
You're really not gonna show it to me?
Uh, hey.
[Raquel sighs]
[Germán] Did something happen?
Um, nothing. I… I thought for a second
that maybe they took my phone.
It was a mistake.
I'm tired. Can we just go?
- [Germán] Uh, yeah. Yeah.
- [guests laughing]
- [wind howling]
- [thunder rumbling]
[Raquel panting]
- [brakes squeak]
- [Germán] What a weird night, huh?
Can't wait to go to bed. [sighs]
- [Raquel] Yeah.
- [owl hooting]
- Hey. You okay?
- Yeah.
You've been ignoring me since we left.
- It's just that…
- What?
Um, I understand
why you wanna buy the restaurant.
[gentle instrumental music playing]
And I wanna help you.
Are you for real?
Well, it's not gonna be that easy.
First, we gotta find the cash
to make the down payment.
We can sell my mom's place
to get the money.
I think enough time has passed.
No, no way. That's impossible to ask for.
You're not asking. I'm offering it to you.
My heart belongs to you.
And my inheritance will help make sure
that you don't lose yours.
You'd do it for me. What do you think?
I think I love you. [kisses]
[both grunt softly]
[Raquel sighs]
Absolutely not. No way. No fucking way.
Well, why wouldn't we?
Do you have a better idea?
Are you being serious?
Tell me you aren't being serious.
But we promised them we'd help out, Mauro.
Please. That's just the kind of thing
you say to be polite.
My parents are about to be evicted.
Do you understand what that means?
And I'm gonna do
whatever it takes to stop it.
[Mauro] You can't seriously mean that.
Viruca, please listen.
There's gotta be some other way.
There has to.
- Like what?
- We can figure that out later.
No, no, because every second we waste here
is a second closer to my parents
losing everything. It's that simple.
- How'd we get ourselves into this mess?
- I can tell you why.
It was because we were greedy and stupid.
Because we had to live beyond our means.
This house,
for fuck's sake. Just look around!
And you, always going, "Okay,
okay, okay," without ever questioning.
[chuckles] I'm bad because I thought
you deserved a good life?
- The life I deserve.
- [Mauro] The kind of life we talked about.
- We've ruined the lives of my parents.
- Your parents?
- [Viruca] Yeah.
- It's your parents' fault.
I could never make enough.
Everything you did was to impress them.
I don't wanna hear
another word about them!
You're really blaming my parents
for the stupid things we did?
- So, it's my fault now?
- Yeah, maybe it is.
Viruca! Viruca, where are you going?
I'll be right back.
- Calm the fuck down.
- Yeah, you calm the fuck down.
[Raquel and Germán panting]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
[Raquel moaning softly]
- [gasps]
- [Germán moans]
[both breathing heavily]
- [moans]
- [tense music plays]
[Simón inhales sharply] Oh, yeah.
- [grunts]
- [Raquel gasps]
[breathing heavily]
[thunder rumbles]
- [high-pitched ringing]
- [voices cackling]
[Raquel gasps, panting]
No! No, no, no, no! No!
[voices continue cackling]
[Raquel] No! No, no, no! No!
[moaning softly]
[Germán] Baby, are you okay?
[hushes] It's okay. It's okay.
I'll be right back.
[Raquel breathing shakily]
- [whining]
- Okay.
Here. Here, here.
Open your mouth a little,
if you can. Just a little bit.
Okay, calm down.
Calm. Okay.
Just breathe. Breathe.
Okay? Just breathe.
- [Raquel exhales]
- [Germán] Count to three.
- …two…
- [takes a deep breath]
They were there.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [Germán] Who?
- They were there.
- [Germán] It's okay.
We're the only people in here.
- [Raquel crying]
- There's no one here.
It's just us. Baby, it's just you and me.
[Raquel panting]
[Germán, softly] You're okay.
- Hey, Viruca.
- [school bell rings]
[indistinct chatter]
Where have you been hiding?
I haven't seen you at the gym in a week.
Ah, you've been keeping track
of when I decide to go and when I don't?
- I don't think I'm going back.
- [Iago] Why? Afraid of something?
Losing control of yourself?
You couldn't stop looking at me.
[scoffs] Do you know
what your problem is called?
Narcissistic personality.
Wanna know the cure?
A hard dose of reality.
And being told no.
No, no, no, no.
Not everybody wants you, Iago.
- Good morning, everyone.
- [school bell rings]
- [students chattering]
- [Viruca] Finish up now, everyone.
[tense instrumental music playing]
- [cell phone chiming and vibrating]
- [Viruca] Hmm?
[Viruca sighs]
- [group grunting]
- [man 1] Oh, fuck.
[upbeat music playing on sound system]
[man 1 sighs, chuckles]
[man 2 groans]
[Iago chuckles softly]
[door opens]
Why are you here?
- [cell phone chimes, vibrates]
- [Germán sighs]
[man speaking indistinctly on TV]
- [Germán chuckles]
- What? What is it?
[sighs] Nothing. Some random number.
They messaged asking me
if I wanna see their porn video.
- [chuckles] Do you wanna watch it?
- No.
No, I'm sure it'll just give you a virus
when you open it.
Delete it.
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Germán exhales]
I'm gonna go get myself
a glass of water, okay?
- Should I pause it?
- [Raquel] Please.
[button clicks]
[cell phone chimes]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [quietly] Motherfucker.
[Raquel] Nada is a story about women.
Back then,
women could not pursue their dreams
or educate themselves…
simply because we were perceived
as objects.
[cell phone chimes]
[sighs] Objects which, above all,
at that time,
took the job of raising kids. Excuse me.
[suspenseful music playing]
Everyone, stop.
Nobody move.
- Fuck, are you a cop now?
- [class laughs]
Show me your hands.
[boy 1 chuckles]
- Give me that.
- [boy 2] Whoa.
[Roi] Um, okay.
- [boy 3 chuckles]
- [class murmuring]
[Raquel] You're not supposed
to use your phones in class!
I don't know.
[Raquel sighs]
[girl gasps]
[class murmuring]
[Raquel breathing heavily]
[exhales deeply]
[class grows quiet]
What was I saying? [sighs]
[colleague coughs]
[footsteps approaching]
- What are you doing with those?
- With what?
- Those essay questions.
- Nothing.
Raquel. Raquel!
[Raquel sighs]
Those questions
are from an exam Viruca gave
right when the trouble started.
Yeah? What do you mean?
What's going on?
Nothing. Nothing.
Stop. Talk to me.
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
A student of mine, I'm not sure which one,
is forcing me to put those questions
on the exam, among other things.
In exchange for what?
Are they threatening you with something?
Did someone threaten Viruca?
- [ominous music playing]
- I need to know
If you don't wanna end up like Viruca,
you can't make any mistakes.
Because if you make one false move
or show weakness,
then that's the beginning of the end.
No one will be able to save you.
I just need to find out
who is behind this,
who is doing this to me.
You must have your suspicions.
Iago. She was afraid of him.
He was obsessed, crazy about her.
He wouldn't stop harassing her.
Viruca told me about it in the beginning,
but then, I don't know.
Why's that?
[Mauro] She was distant.
Wouldn't even let me touch her.
That son of a bitch
did something to her, I'm sure.
[gasps] Could he… Did he force her?
[Mauro sighs]
But why wouldn't she report?
For the same reason
most people don't report.
Because she was ashamed.
- [Raquel sighs]
- Afraid no one would believe her.
Because the person who attacked her
had some kind of dirt on her.
Maybe Iago had something
to blackmail Viruca with.
[Raquel exhales]
Don't make the same mistake.
[Raquel] Mm-hmm.
- [footsteps fading]
- [Raquel sighs]
[exhales deeply]
- [school bell rings]
- [dramatic instrumental music playing]
[door slams]
[school bell rings]
[Raquel] Today is the exam.
Let's get to it.
Pull out something to write with
and put away everything else.
[Mauro] If you make one false move
or show weakness,
then that's the beginning of the end.
[Raquel breathing shakily]
[students murmuring]
What the fuck is that?
[Nerea] Are you for real with this?
What are you doing?
[boy] What the fuck is she doing?
[Nerea] You can't be serious.
[murmuring grows louder]
[Nerea] What is this really about?
Us or Viruca?
Her exam had the same questions.
What are you trying to prove here?
- I want you to answer these questions.
- [class murmuring]
- In silence!
- [class grows quiet]
[somber piano music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Nerea] …bunch of bullshit.
[Roi] Yeah.
[Raquel] Iago.
[Iago sighs heavily]
I hope you'll decide
to leave it at that, all right?
You've got what you wanted,
so we're done here.
I don't know what you mean.
I won't let you treat me
the same way you did Viruca.
You don't know the first thing
about what me and Viruca had.
You keep her name out of your mouth.
[footsteps fading]
[tense music playing]
So, what happens now?
You want me to go away? Tell me.
Tell me what you want, and I'll do that.
[Viruca exhales]
Give me your phone.
Let me see it.
If you ever want to send me more photos…
send them to this number.
[Iago exhales]
[tense music swells]
[energetic music playing on sound system]
[Iago sighs, chuckles softly]
[Simón] I try most things once, right?
[Demetrio] Try my king crabs.
You'll never say no to seafood again.
[Simón] I told you,
I'm allergic to seafood.
[Demetrio] You poor soul.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [dramatic music playing]
[mom] Here,
I brought you boys some snacks.
How's the wine?
[Raquel panting]
[thunder rumbles]
[continues breathing heavily]
[thunder grows louder]
[mom] Come on, time to eat.
Raquel, come in!
We're about to have lunch.
- Come on, Simón. Let's go sit down.
- Sure. Smells so good.
[thunder rumbles]
[dramatic music continues playing]
- [door opens]
- [Viruca exhales]
[door closes]
[man] What's up? You never asked me
to visit at school before.
Something happen?
Hello, Tomás.
[Tomás] Uh, hi.
Please look at something for me.
These are pictures your son sent me.
[cell phone clicks]
[Tomás sighs]
- What the hell is he doing?
- He sent them yesterday.
[Tomás] But why?
[Viruca sighs]
Think he suspects anything?
You know what I really think?
Is that he has
the same type as his father.
[gasps softly] You're a devil, aren't you?
[both laugh]
[Viruca chuckles]
- [lock clicks]
- [Tomás] Come here.
Come here. I want you now.
- You want me now?
- [Tomás] Get over here.
[both laugh]
[Tomás] Mm. Mm!
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
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