The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

(Jung Ryeo Won)
(Wi Ha Jun)
(Scriptwriter: Park Kyeong Hwa)
(Director: Ahn Pan Seok)
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
(Episode 3)
Promotion isn't everything.
Don't forget the best promotion is lecture skills and word of mouth.
Understood. I'll do my best.
Thank you.
How about this?
A teacher and student sally forth.
A miraculous teacher and student.
Isn't it a more touching story?
I see.
(Daechi Chase)
It seems our discussion isn't quite finished.
Could you elaborate on what you just said?
From what I heard,
we're sharing a limited amount of pie in this industry.
Right. We have a limited number of students.
But every year, the number of students is going down.
Instead of fighting for only a small group of students,
I thought it would be better to increase the number.
And you need Seo Hye Jin to do that?
When I first came to this academy, the biggest lecture room was
as big as this one.
All the desks and chairs were secondhand too.
Ms. Seo helped you grow this academy into a major institution.
What if she sees this as a bad attempt at charity?
If you sign off on this,
I'll look for a way to persuade Ms. Seo.
So this will be a deal, not charity.
I hope you can bring me some good news.
The final exam is coming up soon.
All the academies will go into full battle mode.
- Before the battle begins
- Let's get our fighting spirit up.
Yes, sir.
(Although he goes to Byung Young)
So the teacher from Chanyoung High won't use
any supplementary materials?
That's what the schoolteacher said. So my hands are tied.
Summarizing their notes from school for them is a bad habit.
How harsh.
I can maintain the highest number of students
from Chanyoung High thanks to this.
Go easy on that.
Your wrists and vocal cords
are all we have. But they all have an end date.
They have a short shelf life for a reason.
Thanks for your concern.
- Ms. Seo.
- Yes?
I have something to discuss with you.
Go ahead.
Could I talk to you in private?
How about the meeting room?
Why did you suggest that? No one asked you to do that.
Because I didn't want to.
It felt like I was stealing your spot.
But he explained the reason behind it.
But that was all based on the director's hunch.
The other teachers would think that I'm getting nothing more than
just some special treatment for no reason.
So you want to use me as your shield?
To be precise, this will be a strategic partnership.
My answer is no.
I knew it.
Being the face of the academy won't bring a huge effect or anything.
It's just a symbolic role.
That's what people who couldn't utilize this chance would say.
Enough is enough.
Just because I said you should go for what you want,
do you think I suddenly don't have any pride?
No, Ms. Seo. It's not what you think.
Did you think I would gladly say yes to your offer?
I knew you wouldn't be happy.
- Then what?
- I thought you would choose
the benefit over your pride
by staying cool-headed just like now.
How was I just now?
You weren't surprised
when I told you that your face wouldn't be on the posters anymore.
I told you that you and I had to compete too.
Don't say no just yet. Please reconsider.
You should reconsider.
Seizing the chance when it's presented in front of you
is a skill you need to be successful here. Okay?
(Lecture Room)
What was that?
So I have to find a way, right?
A way that can benefit both of us.
When I find it, you have to join me.
I told you that was unnecessary.
Come on. Promise me. That's your signature move.
"If you can solve this, I'll let you go home." You know?
Sure, find it then.
That's a promise.
You promise me too.
The special lecture for the finals is around the corner.
I don't have time to waste, bickering over matters like this.
You have until tomorrow.
Sounds good.
- Here.
- Thank you.
You don't have any classes yet.
I thought I wouldn't have a chance to talk to you until later.
I'm new to this neighbourhood.
I was wondering
if I could get some help or if you had any advice to pass on.
It's my understanding that
counsellors have a lot of experience and information.
Where did you hear that?
From an online forum.
I see.
What kind of advice do you want?
to tell you the truth,
I'm at a disadvantage.
I didn't graduate from a prestigious school.
I don't have any teaching experience in this neighbourhood.
Even so. You beat many impressive candidates to get a job here.
You should be more confident.
Mr. Lee Jun Ho was
called into the director's office for a private meeting.
That must have hurt your feelings a bit.
I want to show them what I can do as a teacher.
What should I do?
I never thought
I would be getting such an innocent question in Daechi-dong.
I'm confident that I'm just as good as any other teacher here.
Since you asked me an innocent question,
I will give you an innocent answer too.
Bring results in a short period of time.
So how can I do that?
If I knew the answer to that, I should be teaching here.
(Dasom Orthodontic Clinic)
(Daechi Chase's 1st Scholarship Student, Lee Jun Ho)
(Ok Jang Hoon, Gong Jin Hee, Im Do Hee,)
(Yeom Jin Ho, Lee Ji Soo, Lee Jung Min)
(Yang Soo Bin, Park Hyung Joon)
(Han Ye Sung, Jun Hyun Ji, Seo Sung Mo)
(Schedule for Tenth Graders, Chanyoung High, Seo Hye Jin)
(Heewon High School, Seo Hye Jin, not enough students enrolled)
(Schedule for Tenth Graders)
(Heewon High School, Seo Hye Jin, not enough students enrolled)
are very well aware of where we stand.
You're not going home?
Your department didn't have any classes today.
I thought you guys would go out for a meal.
I still have work left.
Let's go home.
You go ahead without me. I have to wrap this up.
Did Jun Ho go somewhere?
I think he's still here too.
Shouldn't you go home?
Aren't you hungry?
I'm glad you're here.
Come inside for a second.
Please sit.
Come on.
Mr. Lee.
Jun Ho.
Yes, Ms. Seo.
You're bothering me.
I'm so busy right now.
I don't have the time or the energy to teach you or guide you.
I doubt that you have time to waste on this silly game.
You need to start teaching right away. Don't you?
Just start with the director's offer.
It's a great opportunity.
Let people know that you're at Daechi Chase.
Start with that. Once the students go on a break, you can
I almost fell for it.
You're bothering me too.
If I could help it, I didn't want to go against you
and I was going to do what you said.
- But what?
- I don't want to do that.
I'll do this with you no matter what.
This is for my benefit.
- Jun Ho.
- You told me to find a way.
And I did.
All right.
Become my partner.
A joint curriculum, a joint promotional ad,
and a joint lecture.
To put it simply, a teacher and student sally forth.
This kind of chance won't come often. You know?
Didn't I tell you? No one here is your colleague.
But you said there could be quid pro quo.
My answer is no.
I already have the highest number of students from Chanyoung High.
But that's not your end goal.
I can handle my own business.
We should start with
Heewon High School.
Getting good grades
at this autonomous private all-boys high school
is as challenging as at Chanyoung High.
This is uncharted territory for you. In other words,
this is your Wailing Wall.
I realized it when I was looking at the Hall of Fame.
That you mostly focused on two schools at the minimum
or three schools at max.
But the Seo Hye Jin I know
would never be happy with just a couple of schools.
She would have given her best.
Then I found it.
The evidence of your best effort.
What did you see?
For the past three years,
you have held a total of eight information sessions
for the parents from Heewon High.
you never had enough students to run a class.
Only three students signed up
for your special lecture for the midterm exam.
But you had to turn them away
as the enrolment requirement wasn't met.
Do you know why I couldn't meet the requirement?
Because there was a chief gatekeeper at the Wailing Wall.
This mythical figure has had
the highest number of students
from Heewon High for the past 20 years.
Choisun Academy.
Director Choi Hyung Sun.
Also known as
White Haired Witch.
(Daechi Choisun Academy)
(Director's Office)
She's a former teacher at Heewon High.
Then she started teaching at an academy.
Four hundred students from Heewon High
are taking Director Choi's class.
She has never cancelled her class or been late
in her 20 years of teaching.
Her crazy self-discipline is so creepy that
people call her a witch.
You did well on your tests, right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
I've already emphasized it many times.
Your school grades are the factor that evaluates your diligence.
This isn't a time of pain, but an opportunity.
It's a precious opportunity
for you to beat your fellow classmates who read
thousands of books growing up.
You can't afford to miss even one question.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
Let's do our best today as usual.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Open your book to Page 89.
(Daechi Choisun Academy)
The monthly revenues she makes from the students
- of Heewon High
- I'll make a lump-sum payment.
must make the annual salary of an executive look insignificant.
Her TAs changed several times.
But this loyal TA of hers has been working for her for eight years.
Some say he's a high school graduate.
Some say he has a PhD.
But the bottom line is that no one knows for sure.
Where did you hear about her TA?
I called my friends who went to Heewon High.
Everyone went to Choisun Academy.
All the top Korean teachers took a shot at her.
But they couldn't even make a dent.
Teaching at an academy at the age of 60
isn't an easy thing to do.
The new generation must take over.
I'm saying that changing the promotional poster
won't help us sign her students.
But we can mark a new era with this.
With this teacher-student concept?
Here's a thing about teachers.
They can stir up your innermost ambitions.
Okay. Fine.
Say that I somehow got the students from Heewon High enrolled.
That's a big gain for me. Yes.
But what about you? What will you gain from this?
A glorious debut.
The news of breaking down her gate.
Then the powerful ruler will be furious at me.
The fury will turn into attention.
That kind of attention will have priceless value.
What do you think?
Is this worth your time and energy?
I'll have the students sign up
for this class schedule for the final exam.
(Daechi Choisun Academy)
There hasn't been any changes from the midterm schedule, correct?
Right. All the teachers are focusing on their main school.
That explains why they're happy with making 10,000 dollars a month.
Don't you know that things are shaky at Chanyoung High?
All of their notes from previous exams
will be useless now.
That's why Mr. Lee Yi Joong
will hold a big parent information session
Do you think he can get the job done?
Our next year's sales will be riding on this.
We don't have enough time to recruit another teacher.
I'll do it. I'll take Chanyoung High.
Tell them to put up a banner I'll do a lecture for students
from Chanyoung High.
Yes, ma'am.
When will you start?
Seo Hye Jin will probably start her class
six weeks before the exam.
Oh, right.
Seo Hye Jin.
I'll start mine on the same day.
Well, why don't you start a week earlier?
To have an upper hand.
Make it the same day.
Yes, ma'am. Understood.
At Heewon High, over half of the students
score higher than 90 points on the Korean exams.
So many students get pushed down
to the 4th class after getting 2 or 3 questions wrong.
The students have a high level of education,
but they're overly sensitive.
That's my speciality.
I'm sure you know. Going up to 60 points from 10 points is easy.
But trying to get a perfect score from 90 points
Why do I even bother saying it? It's worse than dying.
So did you want to die?
It was like going through the loss of humanity.
As my class went up, the materials got harder to study.
One by one, I started to see my friends as walls I had to climb.
I didn't know.
I acted tough.
It's not very cool to let people catch you feeling anxious.
Still, I was okay.
I had you.
Advertising isn't enough.
There has to be something else with a big impact.
I know.
Getting kids is the first step.
Maintaining classes, finding books to expand on,
and getting a good lecture force is second.
Both are hard.
I am determined.
Don't make any plans from 10pm to midnight for the time being.
Are you doing this with me?
Well, co-lecturing while preparing for exams
isn't really something I've tried before.
But I think it could grab people's attention.
I will make sure that you don't regret it.
If two lecturers are too far apart in their teaching skills, it's over.
We'd just fall together.
Gosh. That will never happen. Never.
Excuse me. I just warned you.
It means, "Don't try to tie me down."
Got it?
What? Oh, okay.
Well, you're going to teach like you mean it anyway.
You might even keep me from going home like you used to.
Shouldn't you be thanking me first?
I don't express my thanks with words.
Then what?
Jewels and riches. A shining reputation.
The memories of victory that you will take to the grave.
Stuff like that. I'll give that to you.
I wish you could be less of a smooth talker.
I know, right?
You shouldn't have taught me so well.
Oh, right.
Almost forgot.
Here. Take a quick look through these first.
- There will be a lot to study.
- Okay.
Send me a text when you get home.
Forget it. Isn't it scarier to get a text at night?
Still, text me.
Fine. I will. Bye.
Oh, and there's something else I haven't told you.
I'm moving out soon.
Did you get kicked out?
I'm just moving out.
Gosh, but with my savings,
I couldn't find anywhere to live in this neighbourhood.
I nearly lost my mind while going around to realtors
I'm looking for a place near yours.
Well, it's cheaper than this area.
And it'd be easy to carpool.
I won't have money for a car once I pay my deposit.
Anyway, just letting you know.
Oh, and don't forget to text me.
I can't keep up with him.
I'm home.
Is that it?
(Aren't you hungry? I'm about to die of starvation.)
Aren't you hungry?
I'm about to die of starvation.
Sorry. Starting tomorrow, let's work after we eat.
Are you already asleep?
Ms. Seo?
Seo Hye Jin. Are you sleeping?
Goodness. Look who it is.
Isn't this Director Choi?
It's been a while, Director.
What brings you here?
You never used to come to directors' meetings.
It must be because I'm not skilled at running my academy,
but I'm still busy lecturing, so I couldn't show up.
I'm jealous in many ways.
- Shall we head inside?
- Of course.
These are the schedules for special lectures
by big single-subject academies during finals season.
And these are the schedules for the main math academies.
You have to avoid math classes at each of the schools,
so please note these in preparation for finals.
That darned math
There isn't much difference from the midterms.
Can we expect your schedules
to remain the same as your special lectures during the midterm season?
We're keeping things the same,
from having Wednesdays off to seasonal schools.
Yes, sure.
Sounds good.
I think we might have some changes.
Did you get more students from Heewon High School?
It's not that. I was thinking
I'd open up a class for Chanyoung High School.
You mean you'd do an in-person lecture?
The schools have changed their exam question policies,
and we have to prepare to take in pre-high school students.
We've been getting lots of consultation inquiries.
I heard that you also hired
a lecturer from a big academy, Director Joo.
My goodness.
Rumours sure spread fast in Daechi-dong.
The students at Chanyoung High are so fortunate.
Ms. Seo Hye Jin is so talented.
Everyone else is just a challenger, including me.
(Houses, Stores, Studios)
(Land, Stores, Apartments, Houses)
(Monthly rent 1,000 dollars, Studio deposit 50,000 dollars)
Yes, Director.
I'm on my way to work.
Yes, I think it will take me about 30 minutes.
All right.
As you said, this parent information session
will be conducted in two parts for Heewon and Chanyoung High Schools.
We've already sent out text messages to let people know.
We've also reserved the hotel catering service as you mentioned.
The limit on the number of people attending the session in person
will be 50 people in order of arrival.
I think about 30 people would be enough.
We're worried that more people might come.
In case it strains your health, ma'am.
Director, here is what you asked for.
Thank you.
But maybe you should go see a doctor if it's bothering you.
No, I'm fine. You can step out now.
Yes, sir.
So, Ms. Seo,
it's good news to me that you accepted Mr. Lee's suggestion.
It will be a good concept.
It's true, but
An unexpected variable has come up.
Choisun Academy is
opening up an in-person lecture by the director for Chanyoung High.
By Choisun Academy
The White Haired Witch?
Ms. Seo has had
the most students from Chanyoung High
for over seven years now.
Our efforts won't fall apart that easily,
but it does make me anxious I mean, uncomfortable.
Gosh, I'm sorry.
So, let's put a hold on changing the ads and whatnot.
I think our priority should be to maintain our Chanyoung students.
Yes, sure. It doesn't matter to me.
Our goal isn't to maintain the current figures.
Goodbye, then.
- We're in your care.
- Of course.
Chae Won, let's meet again.
- Bye.
- Okay, bye.
(Daechi Chase)
I earned my keep today as well.
You were born to do this job.
I'm halfway to being a shaman.
I can see where I should scratch to satisfy people's itches.
Gosh, you're not far off from setting off on your own.
Shush, you.
Think things through carefully.
It's less stressful to get paid a monthly paycheck.
You never know when someone will get into a fight or want to quit.
Being a director is just a series of stressful situations.
Is something the matter?
I don't know.
But things felt quite serious in the director's office.
He even had Ms. Seo and Mr. Lee in there.
Heewon High School, you say
And it's not just about raking in the students
that Director Choi loses.
We should shovel them in. The White Haired Witch's students.
Starting with the 10th graders.
If this plan succeeds,
it will make the directors of Daechi-dong
jerk awake from their sleep.
That's what we want.
Look at you
Sit next to each other.
Go on.
A bit closer.
Right next to each other.
Be affectionate.
Be affectionate.
Would the teacher-student concept
have enough of an impact?
We should make an impact.
First of all, please make a call to Director Choi.
To the White Haired Witch?
Gosh, why should I?
Just let her know that
I am scared.
The principle is to only give questions from the textbooks.
The meticulous memorization method that Choisun Academy boasts
will be a sure way
The school curriculum
Yes, director. This is Choi Hyung Sun.
Our dear Ms. Seo is scared to death.
I mean, if you take this to an all-out war,
- it will become a huge hassle.
- Why do you need
- the White Haired Witch's schedule?
- I mean
She was nagging me so much to at least get your schedule
- for Chanyoung High School.
- I'm curious what she wants.
- Goodness.
- If it's just Chanyoung High,
- Yes.
- or Seo Hye Jin's Chanyoung High.
- Oh, I see.
- Ms. Seo.
- I see.
- You're not really scared, right?
- Yes, got it. Thank you.
- Right.
- No, don't be sorry. No need.
- Indeed.
Yes, of course.
Have a good day. Bye.
It's as I expected.
Tuesdays and Saturdays in the evening.
They're the same days and times as Ms. Seo.
And she's even starting her lectures on the same day.
They're also going to teach 10th graders.
Are you smiling?
What will you do now?
You want to avoid an all-out war?
There's no need to be tempted by numbers.
Even though Director Choi is a skilled veteran,
the battle stats between us
are fairly equal.
Our lecturing skills, reputations, level of books,
and even the grades of the students we teach.
We can't change anything overnight.
But there is one variable that we can change freely.
- The days we teach?
- Yes.
Tuesdays and Saturdays
(Tuesdays, Saturdays, night)
Leaving out the days with Heewon High lectures,
the time slots that Director Choi could choose are
at least 8 and at most 10.
But Director Choi went ahead and chose Tuesdays and Saturdays
and exactly at the same time slot as my lecture time.
When you said you were scared
If someone was scared and wanted to go all-in on
maintaining her Chanyoung High class,
she'd move her class to Wednesday and Sunday evenings, 100 percent.
That's because this is the time slot that Director Choi
has been teaching Heewon High classes for the past 20 years.
It's the safest time slot.
And if Director Choi predicts that,
she'll change her lecture schedule
and hold her Chanyoung High classes
on Wednesday and Sunday evenings.
That's because she's after our Chanyoung High students.
Yes, probably.
But what if the White Haired Witch doesn't move as we predicted?
- Mr. Park.
- Yes?
Let's change our schedule.
Move Chanyoung High to Wednesday and Sunday evenings.
But that time slot is when you teach Heewon High classes.
I should let them know that I have no intention of
adjusting our schedules peacefully.
She won't have any intention of adjusting our schedules peacefully.
Then, we'll leave our Chanyoung High classes as they are,
and we'll go after Director Choi's Heewon High classes.
If Director Choi moves her Heewon High classes
as we predicted,
we'd be able to shake her up a bit,
if not deliver a critical blow.
Without causing any confusion for my Chanyoung High students,
we'd have the upper hand in targeting Heewon High.
And even if Choisun Academy doesn't move as we expected,
we won't lose anything.
This won't be enough.
Gosh, the real part starts after this.
We have another variable that Director Choi doesn't know about.
Come on.
Jun Ho could use a tactic
that the White Haired Witch would never use.
But that's only one thing.
Free lectures.
A tactic only new lecturers can use.
What do you mean by that? Free lectures?
Mr. Lee.
We want to talk a little more.
Is it something I can't hear?
Please excuse us.
Yes, sir.
- Is today okay?
- Yes. Good.
- Then, I'll make reservations.
- Okay.
Oh, here he comes.
Mr. Lee.
You have time this evening, right?
All of our teachers have their own schedules,
so we can't have a huge get-together,
but we were going to go and grab drinks with whoever has time.
Come with us.
Oh, but I already have plans for tonight
Is it perhaps a date?
No, it's not that.
How many are we?
Shall I make the reservation?
Wait. We haven't asked Ms. Seo yet.
The sun might set before we decide.
I'll make the reservation and call to add her if we must.
Heewon High School.
Did you have them in mind since then?
Since when I suggested we use Jun Ho as our poster boy?
If I could see that far ahead,
I'd have to change my profession to fortune-telling.
I guess?
I didn't think he'd say something
as crazy as "teacher and student sally forth."
Even more so that Choisun Academy would come after us.
Honestly, all of that was unexpected.
It is a fantastic idea but
What were you going to do
if I objected to the end?
I don't know. I didn't consider that.
Why not?
I just thought Lee Jun Ho would come to me.
It was a hunch.
Do me a favour, director.
Jun Ho.
How about we use him to promote our academy?
He went to Chanyoung High School.
I'll do my best to keep my students,
but he could be a second line of defence.
You want to announce Chanyoung High's
- miracle kid is here?
- Yes.
It will appeal to the kids with middling or low grades.
My old age is getting to me.
I want to make a conservative decision.
I'm okay with preserving the status quo.
Choi Hyung Sun's 60
and she's going all out to take me down.
We can't just sit still and defend our position.
I'll teach Jun Ho as best I can.
What else can I do but trust you?
You're Seo Hye Jin.
Oh, and about the free lecture.
We should keep it a secret until the new advertisement goes up.
To give Choisun Academy as little time to fight back.
Yes. Let's do that.
(Daechi Chase)
(Math for Medical Students)
I feel uncomfortable having to tell you this.
But our principal and vice-principal are hearing stuff from other people.
From what I heard,
even our board chairman heard something too.
You say the extra classes for math
and science are special programs to raise creative minds.
Are those classes
just fine because they cater to future students of medicine?
You teach Korean.
What do you do?
You have kids read whole passages and share their thoughts.
They think
that's a bit too much.
There are many things you could teach.
Logical essay writing,
or you could branch off an episode from the educational network.
A schoolteacher
has the right to teach independently and autonomously.
That is
a right no one can touch.
Don't expand the matter by bringing rights into it.
I'm just asking you to shift your focus
to help students do better in exams.
Mr. Pyo.
- Mr. Pyo.
- Excuse me.
What the Seriously?
Mr. Pyo.
The academy's main instructor post and appearing in the advertisement.
There's no point in dreaming of them as long as Seo Hye Jin's around.
Poor me.
There's no beating her.
Even more so if you teach English.
Do you have to say something so upsetting
in front of our new hires?
I don't mind. It's fine.
It's not.
You're mostly fine until you sometimes feel hurt.
Excuse me.
Han Ju, it's been a while.
Are you done for the day?
Yes. I teach at Daechi-dong, so I'm successful now.
I'm still trying to find my bearings.
I called to ask you something.
Did Mr. Pyo Sang Seob of Korean
transfer schools?
I believe he had a year left on his tenure there.
Oh, really?
At least our academy doesn't resort to cheap tricks.
We shouldn't do that too.
Excuse me. Would you mind
if I go ahead?
What? Ms. Nam.
You said we should drink until we die.
I'm really sorry. I remembered I had to do something real urgent.
Sorry. See you all tomorrow.
- Take care.
- Bye.
(Daechi Chase)
(Special Lecture)
(Special Lecture)
A free lecture?
No way.
You'll teach part of a three-hour lecture
to give the students a taste.
It's something new instructors sometimes do.
If that works,
why didn't you do that?
Have you been to a noodle sampling at a supermarket?
Of course.
Do they ever give out samples of the best-selling product?
No. You know the taste.
Exactly. Both Choi Hyung Sun and I are instructors
with a long history and everyone knows our taste.
You're a new release that no one has tasted yet.
My gosh.
When my grades plateaued for a while,
my mom checked out so many other academies.
I know that. Everyone talked about you.
But I insisted on sticking with you.
Because you never gave up trying to persuade me or make me understand.
So what?
Are you ready to study now?
I'll send you the notes and syllabus I came up with
to target the Heewon High kids.
Choose the part you're most confident with.
- I don't mind what I teach.
- Okay.
Why can't anyone else see this?
Our joint lecture is still a secret, right?
Of course.
Not knowing that, what if they saw this?
What if Ms. Nam or Ms. Kim were to see us?
How do you think they would feel?
Rumours would spread.
They'll think you're getting preferential treatment.
That Seo Hye Jin of all people is sharing her teaching know-how.
Kim Chae Yun worked with me for five years,
and I never did this for her.
Lecture skills.
It's a great business trade for a teacher.
A business trade?
Instructors who quit
take a list of their students and disappear.
This is preferential treatment.
And double the work for you.
So I need you to focus so I don't have to do this again.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(Daechi Chase's miracle Lee Jun Ho, Main instructor Seo Hye Jin)
(The best Korean lectures so far weren't actually the best!)
I like the picture.
(Attached files)
(New email)
(To Seo Hye Jin)
(The mail was sent successfully.)
To properly understand "Hunminjeongeum Created by Sejong,"
you must master the basic concept of middle-age Korean.
The principles of creation.
The consonants and vowels.
You need to know how they were created.
Let's start with the consonants.
The number of Hunminjeongeum's initial consonants
There are 17.
(Hunminjeongeum Created by Sejong)
You graduated years ago and you remember that?
I'm playing a model student.
The basic rule of initial consonants is
To write as it sounds.
The rules of creation are?
Hieroglyphs, added strokes, exceptions.
Should I just stop? Call this off?
You can quit.
This PIN is not registered.
Why won't it work?
(Daechi Chase)
Oh, right.
You may enter.
Who is it?
My bag's in the office.
- My bag.
- Oh, no.
Is anyone here?
(10th Grade Social Studies, Min Hui Ju)
(10th Grade Korean, Seo Hye Jin)
Hi, Chae Yun.
Oh, I'm so very sorry.
I came back to the academy
to read up on something.
I'm not ambitious at all.
Yes. I'll treat you properly next time.
Okay. Bye. See you.
Don't laugh.
(Material Check-out Log)
(Chanyoung High School, Past Exams)
(Written Exam, 2nd Semester of 2023, 10th Grade Korean)
I don't think she'll leave.
Let's see.
What will you do?
Wait here.
Why did she leave her lamp on?
Pack your things.
My gosh. Do you have everything?
Let's take the stairs.
Ms. Seo.
Ms. Seo.
Your hand. Why is it so cold?
They're always cold.
You got scared.
You can't accomplish anything big if you're this timid.
It's not like we got caught holding hands.
Let's go.
No. You take the passenger seat.
I might end up dead if I let you drive tonight.
Let me.
Get in.
What do you think Nam Cheong Mi's up to?
I don't know. The others will be eating and drinking.
You must be hungry too.
It's fine. I'll snack on something at home.
I have to pose for photos tomorrow.
Will I look all puffy?
We can't allow that. Image is everything.
But then, I'm crazy handsome even when I'm puffy-faced.
Ms. Nam. Over here.
I'm so sorry.
You should be in bed.
Not at all.
I was still up waiting for my son.
Why did you want to see me?
- Ms. Kim.
- Yes?
My future class.
Would it be a nuisance to Ms. Seo if I taught Chanyoung High kids?
- Chanyoung High?
- Yes.
I think I could do well.
That would be a massive nuisance.
And it won't be a wise decision for you either.
I looked up some material
and I think I have a competitive edge.
Some academies goad instructors by getting them
to teach students from the same school,
but we don't recommend that.
I see.
I put together a list of schools
our existing instructors were too stretched out to cover.
I really want to do this.
I'll help you out.
You're home at last.
Why are you out here?
This is an instructor at our academy.
She wanted to ask me something.
This late?
Oh. I should let you go home.
Okay, Ms. Nam.
- See you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Let's go inside.
- Okay.
Why do you come home late all the time?
Why? Did you miss me?
So what?
What a shame.
Hello, Mr. Lee.
Well? Do you like how it looks?
It's the best.
It couldn't be better than this.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
My gosh.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(Daechi Chase's miracle Lee Jun Ho, Main instructor Seo Hye Jin)
(The best Korean lectures so far weren't actually the best!)
It would've been nice if you'd given me a heads-up.
Ms. Seo was all about keeping it under wraps.
You know we can't ignore any of her requests.
You should consider how the other instructors will feel.
The other instructors
have you to talk to and lean on.
There will be a backlash.
A backlash?
They'll understand the reasoning,
but this involves emotions.
Are they even qualified?
Tell them to bring me an outstanding idea
like that of Seo Hye Jin and Lee Jun Ho,
and I'll willingly spend to build on it.
If they don't want to do that,
tell them to think carefully
about what will actually benefit them.
"Enjoy the show and eat the leftovers."
I can't tell them that, can I?
You don't have to put it so harshly.
Let's be professional about it.
I know we're supposed to fend for ourselves,
but I can't help but feel let down.
A heads-up would've been nice.
I wanted to tread cautiously.
Don't you care about what's fair and equal anymore?
Consider me a scout of sorts.
You all ended up teaching more students
by placing classes before and after mine.
Heewon High School is an opportunity for you too.
If you place your classes before and after mine,
you'll have a better chance of starting a Heewon class.
What then?
It won't hurt your careers at all.
Is that a promise?
I'll mention your classes whenever I teach.
And I'll insert your flyers whenever I hand out material.
So don't be too upset about it.
What about me? I teach the same subject as you.
Once I start a Heewon High class,
you can take over my Daesan High class.
Please help me out.
You'd better open a class for Heewon High kids.
I'm angry, so I expect leftovers from your table at least.
Are you both well-prepared?
You know lots of people are watching you, right?
Be fair and keep an eye on the people around you.
That's what I hope you'll do.
That's what I'm doing.
The crown comes with a responsibility.
You should love your fans equally.
How about a coffee?
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
I'm not that upset about it.
Why not?
I'm reluctant to share because I might look crafty.
If this works, we'll all benefit
from the students Ms. Seo will bring in.
- What if it fails?
- That's the point.
If you must fail, it's best to do so quietly.
If she were to fail after stirring things up,
the damage would be incredible.
Basically, whether Ms. Seo pulls this off or not,
we have nothing to lose.
That's why the other team leaders didn't complain too strenuously.
Plus, the White Haired Witch started the fight.
It won't be easy.
The water to sauce ratio
has to be thicker.
- What's that?
- What?
- Have a taste.
- No way.
What is it?
- You eat that?
- Yes.
- Stir-fried chicken?
- I don't want it.
Try pork next time.
He's an ordinary guy who teaches for free.
The headline's a bit provocative on our part.
Who is this Lee Jun Ho?
Seo Hye Jin taught him all through high school.
He got eighth class in his first high school mock exam,
and the then college student Seo got him into Korea University.
It was talk of the town back then.
I think I remember.
His mother was famously influential in Daechi-dong at the time,
and that's how Seo ended up with a Chanyoung High following.
They helped each other out.
I don't think you need to worry about this too much.
Mr. Park Ki Sung.
How long have you worked for me?
This is my eighth year.
you think this is a simple free lecture?
With one call,
they made me move my Heewon High classes.
Then the day my class is scheduled,
they scheduled this event, three hours before my class starts.
Does this brazen challenge
seem ordinary to you?
What I meant is,
it would never succeed.
Do you know what problem students with low grades have?
They don't know what it is they don't know.
Such students must have knowledge beaten into them.
If you're a teacher.
The upcoming final exam works in our favour.
Heewon High's midterms focus more on grammar.
I see.
It's hard to stand out.
- I'm off to a class.
- Okay.
Seo Hye Jin speaking.
It's Choi Hyung Sun from Choisun Academy.
We get to speak on the phone before we even meet.
I'm sorry you had to meet me through a rude advertisement.
Don't feel sorry.
I called to ask you to do me a favour.
I'd like you to do your utmost at the upcoming free lecture.
That's all I want to say.
Lots of people teach smaller classes of Heewon High students,
but it's so hard to find one worth bench-marking.
I'm hoping what you're planning will provide us with a challenge.
I called to say that.
Okay. I look forward to your lecture that caters to
Chanyoung High students.
If you end up opening a full-time class, that is.
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
I'll teach Chanyoung High students too.
- Ms. Nam.
- She should have better morals.
Say that to her face and you'll get shot.
Ms. Seo.
What can a 60-year-old do?
Do we just have to guess what will be in the exam?
What else must we do for them?
Do as I say and don't complain. I'm right.
Seo Hye Jin's lecture will be cancelled.
What a shame. She'll have worked so hard for it.
The attendance rate is 99 percent.
- A memorable triumph.
- Let's create one together.
Did you announce it properly?
I think the teacher and student lecture will flop.
Prove that
your face is next to mine not because you were favoured.
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