The Midwich Cuckoos (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

The Hive

-[Sarah] There's been a blackout
for 12 hours.
We thought you were all dead.
-Your wife's in there.
-Her sister's with her.
-[Man] Something occurred that night.
It seems that you've
all fallen pregnant.
-Is that a camera?
-They're filming us.
-You don't think that
I'm mother material.
-The baby has my DNA
but not yours.
[Keyboard clacking]
-[Zoe] "For two years after the
births, we lived a secret life.
We told no one what
we were going through.
-[Rachel] Morning.
-Good morning.
-[Zoe] "Our world became smaller.
Our world became Midwich.
We got used to our lives.
Got used to the rules.
We could see that our children
were special.
Not normal for their age.
But we loved them,
and they loved us, too.
We told ourselves we were happy.
That everything was alright.
And then one morning,
everything changed."
[Birds chirping]
[Siren wailing in distance]
What are you doing?
-[Softly] I'm coming.
-[Paul] 23, 24,
26, 27, 28,
29, 30.
I'm coming, ready or not!
Now, where could these
little rascals be?
Could they be in here?
No, they're not in here.
How about
[Children giggling
in distance]
I wonder if
Maybe they've gone back
-[Nathan] Mum!
-Shh! I
-[Laughs, echoing]
-Found you!
Get him!
-Come here, you!
-[Jane] Come on in, everyone.
Welcome, everyone.
Welcome to your new school.
If you'd like to follow me.
So, the aim of today
is for you to get to know
where everything is,
ready for your start
at the school next week.
This is where you children
will learn your sciences.
You will conduct experiments
in the schoolroom
-I know.
-as well as using
our beautiful grounds
to study plant and insect life.
And we are currently
upgrading our I
with the help of Ward 300.
-What do you think, Evie?
-I like it.
-[Cassie] I thought you would.
-This room has been specially
designed and tailored
to suit the needs
of the children.
It's where they'll have
their rest time.
We all know by now, they like
to take a small sleep
in the middle of the day.
And we firmly believe this
increases focus
and productivity.
-Is this also where they can
have time reading.
I Know they're already really
enjoying that.
-[Sam] Yes.
That happens after lunch.
-[Jodie] That's really good.
I've tried it out with Nathan,
and he seems to really enjoy it.
-[Sam] Yeah, well, we've noticed
all kids respond to that.
-Thank you.
-Your brother is
gonna be so jealous.
-Please follow me
into the reception.
-Nath, pay attention.
-Sorry, Uncle Paul.
-No, actually
Nathan has stumbled
on something
very interesting here.
This place was used for children
who were evacuated from
Birmingham during the war.
So it's not the first time
this place has been used
for a special purpose.
You can still see the air-raid
shelters under the school.
Okay, now let's gather
in the main hall
and we can give
the children their uniforms.
[Birds chirping]
[Car door closes]
Is your Daddy there?
-[Stewart] Charlotte.
Who is that?
W-What are you doing here?
-She made me come.
-Don't forget to pick up
your uniforms and sports kits.
[Indistinct chatter]
-Hang on. There.
-[Man] Morning.
-[Man 2] Hi.
-Hi, Zoe.
Did Mr. Clyde give you the tour?
-Oh, yeah. He loved it.
Center of attention, as usual.
-I, um -- I just wanted to say
thank you, actually.
-But I didn't do anything.
-You did.
I really struggled at first
with the -- the whole thing,
the experiment.
-Everyone found it difficult.
-Not everyone.
-Look at me, Mummy.
-You look amazing, baby.
It really suits you.
You look amazing.
-No, I think this was
a needed gift for Cassie.
-She's a natural.
I had to work a bit harder.
[Chuckles softly]
-And now?
-Oh, now.
Hannah's all I want
in the world.
[Electricity crackles]
-What was that?
-Maybe it was just the bulbs?
-That's not just the bulbs.
-Is that us?
-Who's she?
-I don't know.
-[Sarah] Charlotte!
What are you doing here?
-There's a lady with Daddy.
She came in a car.
That's her little girl.
-Did Daddy say anything else?
-He -- He said they needed
to talk alone.
-Come with me. Come on.
-Yeah, this is Haynes.
There's something's
going on down here.
-[Dog growls]
Stop it!
-[Tilly whining, barking]
Stop it! Come on.
Come on, follow me.
Tilly, that's enough!
That's enough.
you don't know this girl.
Let's go. Come on.
-Who's that?
-She's new to me.
[Susannah] I'll be right back.
I'm Susannah Zellaby.
I'm sorry, I don't know
your name.
-You have my daughter?
-Yes, she's just in the car.
Can we talk?
-[Stewart] Th-This is just
a little misunderstanding.
-[Susannah] I'm sure it is.
-If we could just be left
on our own
-[Susannah] You're not from Midwich,
are you?
-[Amrita] No.
-I hope you don't mind
me asking.
But were you here
the night of the blackout?
-Susannah's with the mother.
-I'm getting
her paperwork sorted.
We'll need accommodation.
Don't let her leave.
-What do we know about her?
She worked as a consultant
on Stewart McClain's
council campaign.
-How the fuck did we miss her?
-Hey, sweetheart.
Hannah, look at me.
It's okay.
Just tell us what happened.
No one's going to get angry.
-How did you know that girl?
-We've always known her.
-I didn't want to have the baby
in the first place.
I went to the clinic,
but I couldn't do it.
So then Stewart and I
had this agreement.
He'd give me money,
and I'd bring her up on my own.
It was that easy.
It was fine.
It was tiring, of course,
but Sunny's wonderful.
She's never been any trouble.
I am so glad I kept her.
I can't imagine my life
without her now.
-You must have noticed she's
Well, she's been growing
much more quickly
than normal children.
-Yeah, but I went to two
different doctors,
and they both said there was
nothing to worry about.
Why did I know nothing
about this?
[Doorbell rings]
[Engine roaring]
[Camera shutter clicks]
-Who's this?
-I'm DCI Paul Haynes.
Don't worry.
You've done nothing wrong.
But we would like you
to stay in Midwich
for a while, if that's okay.
-There are certain procedures
we have to go through.
Tests we need to run on Sunny.
We'll put you up in a hotel.
-No, thanks.
I think we're better off
at home.
-I'm sorry, Amrita.
It's -- It's not
as simple as that.
This whole thing is
a carefully guarded secret.
-Not my problem.
Come on, Sunny!
You've met your dad,
but now it's time to go.
-I want to stay here.
-Don't be stupid, Sunny.
-I want to see the others.
-Which others do you mean?
-The others.
Hannah, Joe, Connor,
Lily-Grace, Nathan, Ezra,
Milo, Louis, Olive, Adnan
-Stop that, Sunny.
-Juliet, Livy, Chuka,
Andrew, Lucy, Flora,
Kingston, Jamie, Winston
-[Woman] We're ready to proceed.
Now, on the screens in front
of you are some images.
Evie, would you like
to start us off, please?
And choose a picture.
Now, the rest of you,
click on the picture Evie chose.
[Computers chiming]
-[Bryony] That's impossible.
Let's play again.
Sunny, now it's your turn
to select a different picture.
-[Bryony] What the hell?
-Why are we here?
No one's telling us anything.
-[Jodie] Beats me. I text Paul,
but no answer.
-Who's the mother anyway?
-She's from London.
Sarah's beside herself.
I reckon she'll kick him out.
-How long's it gonna be?
-It's fine.
-Um, bathroom?
[Door closes]
[Door buzzes]
-[Man] Send the scans to Wimbledon.
-[Knocks on door]
[Door buzzes]
-Who are you?
I'm one of the Blackout Mums.
Are you the mother of the child
from the cricket pitch?
-Blackout Mum?
Is that what you
call yourselves?
-It's kind of a shorthand.
-Well, I don't like it.
It's weird.
-It's a weird situation.
-I just want to leave.
They won't let me.
-I'm Zoe.
What is this place?
-It's called Ward 300.
It's for the children.
test them,
monitor their development.
-I always knew
she was different.
-What did you feel
was special about her?
-I don't know.
She had this, uh, hold over me.
Like a spell, you know?
Like all I needed was her.
-This woman I spoke to said
they want us to stay in Midwich.
Like, permanently.
She offered to pay me.
-They're paying all of us.
And they're -- And they're
monitoring us all the time.
No one goes anywhere.
-What do you mean?
-Well, I haven't left Midwich
since Hannah was born.
None of us leave.
I gave up work,
I don't see old friends.
Family visits are kept
to a minimum.
We pretend it's a choice,
but it isn't.
We're slowly cutting
ourselves off from the world.
-I've -- I've told no one this.
A man came to the house once.
Just once.
He said he was a doctor,
but I don't think he was.
He and Sunny spoke for an hour,
then he left.
If they knew about me
all the time,
why didn't they say something?
[Door buzzes, opens]
[Footsteps approaching]
-I shouldn't be here.
-Give me your number.
[Cellphone chimes]
-Amrita, if you want to leave,
you should go while you can.
[Door closes]
-[Bryony] I don't understand.
How can that be?
-[Susannah] I know it's disturbing,
but the evidence is clear.
If one child learns something,
they all know it.
It's a hive mind.
The knowledge transmits,
without the need for language
or expression.
-And why didn't we
know this before?
-Either it hasn't
happened before,
or they hid it.
Thank you so much, everyone.
Your children
are coming through now.
-So, how did he do?
-Bloody brilliant, weren't you?
-I got them all right,
didn't I, Uncle Paul?
-Aced it, mate.
Now you go home with Mummy,
and I'll see you later, okay?
-I need to go back.
I, uh, have to look after
the new mother.
-Mum, what's going on?
-Uh, we're not sure yet.
Some kind of
subliminal communication
between the children.
Keep that to yourself for now.
-Come on.
-Come on.
What is it?
Why are you wearing that jacket?
You don't start school
for another week.
-I want to wear it.
-That's pretty.
-Did Granny tell you, Mummy?
About us?
She did, a bit.
-I just
hear my friends' thoughts,
that's all.
Does it scare you?
No, of course not.
I love you more than ever, okay?
-[Susannah Echoing] It's a hive mind.
or they hid it.
-[Paul] Found you!
[Children laughing]
-[Jodie] Attack!
-[Nathan] I got them all right,
didn't I, Uncle Paul?
-[Bryony] I'm going to see Westcott.
Arrange a meeting for Monday --
all the parents.
Say nothing till then.
You're fond of him, aren't you?
-Yeah, I guess.
-And the mother?
-What's that supposed to mean?
-It's okay.
I'm not judging you.
-Fuck off to London, would you?
-What is it?
-I thought you should have
a look at this.
It was earlier today.
-[Sam] It could have just been
an accident.
-[Zoe] You weren't there.
You didn't see her face.
I overheard them
talking in Ward 300.
They talked about one mind.
Like they're all one being.
Why did we ever agree to this?
Why did we sign
that piece of paper?
-Just calm down. Okay?
She's an amazing kid.
Don't go back there.
[Door closes]
-Mummy doesn't love me anymore.
Of course she does.
-No. Only you do.
-I'm sorry about keeping you
in the hotel.
It's only for a few more days.
I can get there myself.
-I've been told to make sure
you're okay.
[Keys jangle]
[Door closes]
-All right?
-Uncle Paul, can we play
"Hide and Seek"?
-Not now, Nathan.
-Just one game, please.
-Nathan, you can play
with Lily-Grace
when Mary-Ann comes 'round
tomorrow, okay?
-It doesn't work
with Lily-Grace.
-It's "Hide and Seek."
Of course it works.
-No, it doesn't.
She'll Know where I'm hiding.
-What do you mean?
-You should tell her.
-Tell me what?
[Water boiling]
-Hannah, love, tea's ready!
-You alright?
-Did you hear about
the new girl?
-Why didn't they know about her?
Bunch of bloody amateurs.
-I heard there may have been
a development with the children.
-It's got nothing to do with me
or you, though, has it?
-Joe's in your house.
-Let me explain
something to you.
See that boy?
That's my son.
I'd kill for him.
I'd die for him.
-[David] I'm getting closer, Joe!
-But that one
That's just 30 grand a year
tax-free from the government.
He's only here till
the money runs out.
-[David] Joe, look at me!
Didn't you hear me?
-I was playing with my farm.
-Alright, sit down, then.
-We didn't hurt the dog.
-We didn't hurt the dog.
[Door opens]
-You okay? Oh, Jesus!
Quick, quick, quick,
quick, quick!
Hold it here.
-Daddy, what happened?
-[Sam] Oh, it's okay.
Mummy just hurt herself,
that's all.
I understand this is difficult.
You know, you should have been
a part of this a long time ago.
-I'm scared.
I don't Know what's going on.
-No, none of us do.
Which is why we need you to
give us a little bit more time.
Will you trust me?
[Door opens]
-I'd like some answers.
-Amrita, take Sunny to the room.
Sarah, can I have a word?
I want to talk to her.
-It's fine.
She has a right to know.
Take Sunny for me, would you?
This won't take long.
We'll wait in the bar.
Come on.
Would you like a drink, Sunny?
Something fizzy?
Uh, a lemonade.
-You alright, Sunny?
What are you looking at?
-She's just talking to the lady.
She won't be long.
Alright, let's sit up here.
And drink your drink.
So, how long have you known
the other children, Sunny?
-Since always.
-So why didn't you come back
to be with them before?
-I didn't need to.
But now I do.
-[Amrita] Look, it was three years ago,
and it was a stupid fling, okay?
-[Sarah] Did Stewart know
you got pregnant?
-Yeah. But he never gave a shit
about Sunny or me.
-So why're you here?
-It wasn't my choice!
-Listen to me.
Why would I come here?
I don't need him or you.
My life is fine.
I didn't ask for any of this.
Where's Sunny?
I want to go to the room.
-She -- She's just by the bar.
-Where is she?
[Electricity crackling]
What are you doing?!
Leave her alone!
[Soft rock music playing
on stereo I
-When were you going to tell me
about the kids?
-[Sighs deeply]
We're gonna tell everyone
on Monday.
-And I'm just "everyone," am I?
-No, of course not.
-Just a citizen.
-Jodie, I've got a lot going on
at the moment.
I could do without this.
-[Sarcastically] So sorry.
[Dishes clatter]
-I don't actually
have to live here.
Do you know that?
I could have moved out ages ago.
The government would have paid
for my rent.
But I knew how much Nathan
meant to you.
-What are you saying?
-I'm saying if you don't trust
me, then we have a problem.
-Of course I trust you.
But there's always going to be
things that I can't tell you.
-You'd have told Deborah.
-What did you say?
-You heard.
-Don't go there, Jodie.
Just don't.
-I'll call Mary-Ann
in the morning
and see if she's got any
decent apartments available.
-Yeah, you do what you want.
-I will.
-Well, go on, then.
-I didn't ask for any of this!
Do you understand that?
None of it!
-Were you fighting?
Come. Come sit with me.
I'm sorry.
What are you looking at?
-[Nathan] Pictures of you, Mummy.
And that's you, Daddy.
-[Cassie] That is amazing!
-[Nora] You are so clever.
-[Cassie] Right, Evie, your go.
[Nora] Can you close your eyes?
Olive, you're gonna choose
something, alright?
And Evie, you're
gonna guess what it is.
Come here! No peeking!
Right. No peeking.
-I have it.
-[Cassie] Okay, Evie,
what has Olive picked?
-The hanky.
-So very clever!
-Oh! High-five.
-[Cassie] You guys do another one
without me, okay?
Right, who wants to have a go?
-Okay, right.
-I thought we agreed
not to say anything.
-I didn't. Evie told me.
It doesn't have to be
like a dirty secret, Mum.
We always knew
they were special.
Well, at least, I did anyway.
Did you do it?
[Cellphone chimes]
-[Evie] Yeah.
-[Cassie] Did you get it right?
Okay, let's play another game.
Olive, you go first.
- [Man on TV] Their dinner-suit markings
might make them look smart,
but they have another,
much more important purpose.
It's their camouflage.
Their black backs help them
disappear into the darkness
when swimming underwater,
concealing them from predators
from above,
whilst their white bellies
help them blend in
-when viewed by predators
who prey from above.
This form of coloration
is called countershade.
-Sweet dreams.
-[Cassie] and you can play
with all your friends.
How does that sound?
-Can I get an ice cream?
-Ice cream?
[Both laugh]
Night-night, my angel girl.
Love you.
-The kids are asleep upstairs.
Go straight to my office.
[Door opens]
Sit down.
-I know this sounds crazy
-No, go on.
-This afternoon, Hannah
made me hold my hands
over a pan of boiling water.
She made me hold it there.
-What do you mean?
-Literally that.
I couldn't move.
She wanted to hurt me.
-Zoe, why would she want
to hurt you?
-Because I think she sees me
as a threat.
She doesn't trust me.
-Hey, sweetie.
We're going home.
They said we could.
Come on.
We don't belong here.
We're going home, okay?
Let's go.
-It's like she's been lying
to me and Sam all this time,
growing more and more
attached to us.
And then this new
child's arrived
and everything's changed.
And it's not just her.
It's all of them.
Amrita sensed it, too.
I spoke to her.
And then I overheard
you talking,
saying that they're
all one mind?
-Well, we -- don't know
what they are.
-But you did say that.
I don't trust them.
None of them.
-Listen, the last few days
have been strange,
to say the least,
but there have been no incidents
for two years.
-You don't believe me.
-That's not what I said.
-Sam doesn't believe me either.
It was like she's bewitched him.
I should go.
Please, Zoe, sit down.
-I-I -- No, I don't --
I shouldn't have come.
-Zoe, sit down.
-I thought you might
understand, but --
-I do understand.
-No, you don't.
You -- You're not seeing it.
Any of it.
-Zoe, please.
Zoe, please. Ca?
-This is Zoe Moran.
Please leave a message.
I'm taking your advice.
We're leaving.
Good luck.
I'm thinking of you.
If you ever get out of here,
call me.
[Birds squawking]
-Come on.
[Keys jangle, car unlocks]
Sunny, come here!
Sunny, come on.
We're going home.
It's gonna be okay.
You don't belong here.
You're mine.
Come on.
That's enough!
Get in now!
[Car alarms beeping]
-I'Il wait another five minutes
[Door opens, closes]
-Evening, Zoe.
-Where've you been?
-I just went for a walk.
-Well, you can
ask her yourself now.
-Ask me what?
-You were in the
restricted area earlier.
Ward 300.
Just wanted to Know why.
-Oh. I, um, got lost.
-You spoke to
the new girl's mother.
-Yeah, I just wanted
to be friendly.
-Did she say anything to you?
Anything you think
we ought to know?
-No. Nothing.
-Amrita's got a lot
to cope with.
We need to manage that
Please don't do it again.
I'll see myself out.
[Door opens, closes]
-You didn't tell me
you did that.
-You didn't tell me
anything about it.
[Keys clatter]
-'Cause you didn't want to know.
-[Sunny] Charlotte!
-Thanks for coming.
-What did she say?
-Just that her mother drove
her here and dropped her off.
-It's her second helping.
She hadn't even fed her.
tried to call her.
There was no reply.
Well, I should probably
take Sunny to Ward 300
until we find her.
-I want to stay here.
-Sunny, this isn't your home
is it?
-I want to live here.
This is where I began.
[Cellphone ringing]
-Excuse me.
-[Paul] It's me.
There's something you need
to see right now.
I'm taking your advice.
We're leaving.
Good luck.
I'm thinking of you.
If you ever get out of here,
call me.
[Cuckoo calls]
In April ♪
I open my bill ♪
In May ♪
I sing night and day ♪
In June ♪
I change my tune ♪
In July ♪
Far, far I fly ♪
In August ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
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