The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Sasha's True Intentions

Do you like Anos?
I do.
What's so great about him?
He's kind.
Kind? He was a real devil during the exam.
Do you like Anos, Sasha?
What? Why would I?
It's out of the question,
but Anos can look me in the eyes.
He definitely has a screw loose,
calling my eyes beautiful.
These cursed magic eyes try
to destroy everything they see
and it's the first time
I've met someone else who had them.
You were like Anos too.
Like him?
You looked me in the eyes.
Everyone else avoided
entering my line of sight,
but you were always by my side.
You would hold my hand and smile.
Thanks to you, I stopped accidentally
hurting the people around me.
You worked very hard.
Misha, I'm only going to say this once.
I'm sorry.
Will you forgive me?
I'm not mad.
Do you mean it?
Can I ask a question?
What is it?
What should I get her for her birthday?
It's tomorrow.
Wouldn't she be happy
with anything that came from you?
Maybe clothes.
Good morning.
Since when was that your seat?
It's empty anyway
and it's easier if the team sits together.
Oh, right. My former teammates
want to join your team too.
I've already refused them.
What? Why?
The three of us are more
than enough, don't you think?
Some exams require at least five members
and inter-year exams require at least
seven members to participate!
So there are rules for that too?
I've got a bad feeling about this.
As you all know,
they say that this is the year
the Demon King of Atrocity will awaken.
Today, we will have a special lecture
by one of the Seven Ancients.
The Seven Ancients?
You don't even know about them?
You really are a misfit.
2,000 years ago, the Ancestor used
his own blood to create seven servants.
They were the first Highbloods
to possess his blood.
I do remember that.
Those seven servants are known
as the Seven Ancients.
The Seven Ancients
started Demon King Academy
in order to raise the next Demon King.
So they're like school principals?
Supposing this school is run
by demons from the Mythical Age,
the way things are handled
is far too sloppy.
Moreover, they should know of my return.
Anos Voldigoad, please be careful
not to be disrespectful.
I will be careful.
Lord Ivis Necron of the Seven Ancients.
Hey, Ivis.
It's been a while.
My sincerest apologies, Lord Ivis!
We will expel Anos Voldigoad
from the Academy at once!
It is fine.
You said that it has been a while?
Two thousand years to be exact.
You don't remember?
Unfortunately, I have lost
my memories of 2,000 years ago.
All I remember is my master,
the Demon King of Atrocity, and no more.
Then you should remember me.
Are you connected to the Ancestor?
I see.
If you've forgotten,
then I'll make you remember.
-What are you doing, Anos Voldigoad?
So that's it.
Who are you?
We can continue this later.
Begin the lecture.
No punishment at all?
Listen, you
Today's lecture shall be
on the secret art of the Necron Family,
a lecture on fusion magic.
The benefit of fusion magic is
its fusion of distinct magical sources.
By combining distinct magic
with different wavelengths,
the power of the original magic
is multiplied more than tenfold.
This is the most basic
fusion magic spell, Jegum.
Shouldn't you be taking notes
or saving this in a recording crystal?
I have my memory.
What about you?
I don't see you making any records.
It's the secret art of the Necron Family.
I'm a direct descendant.
I mastered it a long time ago.
A direct descendant?
So you're close with Ivis?
No way.
The Seven Ancients
exist on a different plane from us.
I've only ever talked to him once.
I see.
I did indeed experience a return
to 2,000 years into the past just now.
What was that?
The origin magic known as Revide.
I returned a part of you to the past,
in order to draw out your memories
of 2,000 years ago.
The Demon King of Atrocity
My master
Avos Dilhevia
It seems that the past itself
has been modified.
Do you mean that you are my master,
the Demon King of Atrocity?
Yes. The name of the Demon King
of Atrocity is Anos Voldigoad.
Over the last 2,000 years,
someone has changed it to Avos Dilhevia.
Who is this someone?
I don't know yet, but it's probably
whoever erased your memories.
Indeed. If my memories have been erased,
then your explanation does make sense.
However, Anos, it is also possible
that you erased my memories.
While I do not take the words
of someone who can transcend time lightly,
I cannot ensure that you
do not intend to harm the legacy
of the Demon King of Atrocity.
A good argument. If I were
in your position, I would think the same.
For the moment, I shall remain neutral.
I feel something familiar from you.
I'd appreciate it if you would.
Is he honest or playing the fool?
Avos Dilhevia
It could be that they really exist,
and they're trying to take my place.
Your teammate dropped this.
Please give it to her.
Which teammate?
The one that isn't Sasha.
That's a strange way of referring to her.
Well, whatever. I'll give it to her.
You dropped this.
Thank you.
Isn't that the letter you dropped
before the entrance exam?
It's from the person who was my guardian.
Aren't you going to read it?
It's a good luck charm.
Sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
But Lady Sasha, that misfit
has no intention of listening to us!
Are you sure you want
to stay part of his team?
What's more
We're done here.
Come on. Let's go already.
For the dungeon examination,
you will brave the Labyrinth of Delsgade.
All teams will enter the dungeon
and compete based on the value
of the magical items, weapons,
and armor they recover.
Each team leader will have
ownership of any items recovered.
You may begin now.
Hey, Anos! They're going
to beat us to everything!
If we get the scepter
on the altar of the bottom floor,
we get full marks on the exam, right?
No need to panic.
Sure, but that's not even possible.
Not even the teachers have
ever reached the bottom floor.
There's only a legend
that the scepter is down there.
They said the scepter
strengthened the effect of Gaize, right?
Yes. They say the Ancestor made it.
It's the Demon King's Scepter.
Then it exists.
Making baseless claims again
How do you know?
This is my castle.
I heard they put monsters
down here for the exam,
but it looks like the other
students already beat them all.
Should we really be this relaxed?
About that birthday present
There are some nice things
in the treasure vault on the bottom floor.
If they're still there, you can have some.
Yeah and something for you too, Misha.
When's your birthday?
You're twins?
How old will you be?
I don't need anything.
There's no need to hesitate.
But tomorrow
Hey, you two!
Will you hurry up already?
Oh, come on. This is a dead-end.
Yeah. There's a hidden passage.
I don't see anything with my magic eyes.
It's specifically made to counter that.
The hidden passage.
Hurry up already.
He calls this a hidden passage?
What a hard head.
No one's ever found this before?
The bottom floor is at the end.
Is this sunlight?
It takes in sunlight
and moonlight from the outside.
This room is built as a magic catalyst.
Is it for naturally activating
a magic circle?
I'm impressed you could tell.
It looks a bit different
from 2,000 years ago.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Let's go.
This is the door to the altar.
It has anti-magic on it.
Even Geoglaze can't destroy it.
Then how do we get in?
Use your head.
You're stuck because
all you can think of is destroying it.
If magic won't work,
then open it without magic.
You're actually a musclehead.
Is that the scepter?
We're getting full marks
on the exam for sure now.
Can I touch it?
Choose something
that you think Sasha would like.
That one!
The Phoenix Robe?
It grants the wearer
the blessings of the undying flame.
Go ahead and give it to her.
A ring?
The Frozen Lotus Leaf Ring.
They say the cold within it
can freeze all seven seas.
It seems that the ring is calling for you.
Do you want it?
It's okay.
Where did you two go?
Sorry. Were you afraid?
I was worried!
Maybe now?
Sasha, this is for you.
For your birthday.
I don't have anything for you.
I don't need anything.
Thank you, Misha.
I'm so happy.
I'll treasure it forever.
Can I wear it now?
A lady is going to change clothes!
You're difficult to please.
She's really happy.
Thank you, Anos.
You chose it.
Thank you.
Why are you smiling?
Because I'm happy.
This is the happiest day of my life.
I'm really glad to hear that.
Coming out already?
What is this about, Sasha?
You men are so simple.
Just one little kiss and I had you fooled.
It was obviously all an act
to get first place in the dungeon exam.
Did you really think I'd care about
getting along with this defective doll?
And a birthday present? Seriously?
You make me sick.
What? You're still alive?
You're a stubborn one.
And you're quite the actress, Sasha.
This is far too lax to be a true betrayal.
If you wanted to kill Misha,
you'd do it, grind her into a pulp,
grow a rock around each piece,
and scatter them all over the world,
then I'd start considering it a betrayal.
All you did was rub her chest with
a knife. What are you trying to prove?
I can't say I understand.
Even if you bring that to the surface,
as the team leader, I have ownership.
I annul our Zect.
You shouldn't be able to do that.
Very interesting.
Should you be acting so calm?
If you don't help her, she'll die.
It sounds to me
like you don't want her to die.
What are you talking about?
Don't you see?
She was born solely to be used by me!
I use her and use her,
then throw her out like a worn rag!
She's a poor and pitiful magic doll.
Hey, you're still alive, right?
Before you die, I want you to know this.
The way that you trusted me,
after every time I tricked you,
and came back to me with that
good little girl act you put on
made me sick to my stomach! I hated it!
You have very honest eyes.
I hope you don't think
this will go unanswered.
A conditional trigger spell?
So if I do anything to you,
the knife will stab deeper?
Don't you care what happens to her?
Even you will need at least ten seconds
to get through those barriers
and heal Misha.
And that's more than enough time
for me to escape.
Rent should've activated!
Why did the wound disappear?
The moment I saw Misha
on the ground, I healed her.
You were seeing an illusion that I made.
Your Eyes of Destruction activate
when you're emotional.
If you were truly overjoyed,
they would have activated
when she mentioned your birthday.
Instead, they activated
when you received the robe.
That was when you decided
to stab Misha here.
And while you were speaking
about Misha with contempt,
they didn't activate even once.
In other words, you were in control.
You were in control because it was an act.
Now, will you tell me
your true intentions?
My body
Forgive her.
I don't mind forgiving her,
but I think it's best
if she comes clean and confesses.
Stay away from me!
you really are a fool!
I hope you regret this
until your final moments!
Misha, I have questions for you too.
Will you tell me about yourself?
Do you want to know?
You don't want to tell me?
I didn't want to tell you,
but you're my friend
and you're kind.
Just seven hours and sixteen seconds.
I'll make it in time. I have to.
At midnight
on my 15th birthday, I'll disappear.
Does this have something to do
with why she called you a magic doll?
A magic doll isn't quite right.
Misha Necron
has never existed in this world.
Next episode, "15th Birthday."
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