The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e03 Episode Script

Protect and Serve

Previously on "The Mob Doctor" So, you recognize your new patient? Witness Protection for more than a year.
I never agreed to kill somebody.
Yes, you did! You came to me, begging and pleading for your brother's life.
You knew Moretti's reputation.
He would have killed you.
Hey! Gracie, what have you gotten yourself into? It wasn't Grace, ma.
It was me.
Nate No! I screwed up.
Let me deal with her.
You got to watch that temper, pal.
Nobody's scared of you any You've always been like family to me, Grace.
But your debt to Moretti That would now belong to me.
What the hell are you doing here? You're in way deeper than I thought.
What do you want, kid? A job.
Where the hell were you? None of your damn business.
You disappear for two days, then come home with blood on your shirt.
How is that not my business? I don't answer to you, Daniella! I am your wife! You're a worthless piece of crap! Don't walk away from me, Daniella!! Even when I was little, I knew that choices were hard.
They can sit in the pit of your stomach and not let you go, even once you've made them.
I still don't know if I made the right choice.
But where I come from, even if you run away, you never really leave.
Multi-victim trauma incoming.
Family of four.
Status post hit-and-run chest contusion.
Minimal shortness of breath.
Daughter's name is Ruby.
I'm scared.
I got her.
She's Brady and hypertensive.
Gcs 2-4-2.
Blown pupil.
Call the O.
I'll prep her for you.
This way.
her husband.
Right leg internally rotated.
Weak distal pulses.
Dislocated hip.
Let's get him to bay 2.
Everybody grab on.
On my count.
Last up The son, Max.
to the pelvis and thigh.
Heart rate 120.
80 systolic.
Cbc, trauma panel, type and cross for four.
All right.
Bay 3.
Let's move it.
Where's my wife? Mom has started posturing! Brain's actively herniating.
No time to get her to the O.
Lidocaine with epi, Betadine, and a burr hole drill now.
Kelton, I need you to hang with me for just another minute, okay? All right.
My family Are they okay? They're here, Mr.
We're taking care of them.
It was a red S.
V Guy must have been drunk.
I tried to swerve, but he hit us head-on.
Okay, hit-and-run driver red S.
! Charlie 2-4.
Hit-and-run vehicle red S.
We were coming back from my *** soccer game.
It hit daddy's car, and we flipped over.
It's okay, sweetie.
We know.
Is my mom okay? Mm-hmm.
Tell me about you.
Can you tell me what hurts? I'm fine.
Let's take a picture of your lungs just to make sure.
I need a chest film here.
Guess I wrecked my uniform, huh? Pan-scan him.
Head, c-spine, left hip, non-contrast.
Chest, abdomen, pelvis with.
Right away.
Okay, Mrs.
Hang in there.
I'm through the inner table.
We're at the dura.
Run her to the O.
I hope you don't have to give Max needles.
He hates needles.
I know me, too.
Don't tell anybody.
It's a secret.
My chest feels funny.
I need help here! Give me an amp of epi and a crash cart! Where is that chest X-ray?! Her pressure's dropped down.
She was fine two minutes ago.
Transected aorta.
Why are you stopping? 'Cause she's gone, Olivia.
You can do an emergency thoracotomy.
For what? For her? She's gone.
For maximal educational benefit.
There's now way I'm ripping a little girl's chest open for your benefit.
Call it.
Time of death I'm gonna go talk to her dad.
I'll handle it.
You look like you need a break.
Thanks for coming, Grace.
I don't have a lot of time.
This way.
Watch your step here.
What happened? Thing over on march Lane.
Guy got in a fight, got thrown through a window.
He smells like a brewery.
Yeah, it's a bar fight.
Fix him.
I'll be waiting outside.
Hey, you know who owns this place now? Jimmy Palmer.
We had some fun down in his basement.
You remember that? Franco, I'm not really in the mood.
Excuse me for making conversation.
What the hell is this? I don't know.
Must have got hit before he went through the window.
This mark on his belly is from a seatbelt, Franco.
This is tempered glass.
Oh, yeah? Yeah! What kind of car does this jerk drive? Don't go there, Grace.
An S.
Shut up! A red one? Yeah, how did you know? 'Cause this guy just killed my patient.
Corrections by Rafael UPD right.
My guys will follow you.
That guy on the kitchen table just killed a little girl.
You expect me to patch him up and send him on his way? That's exactly what you're gonna do.
In case you forgot, I own your debt.
Who is he? Don't ask me any questions, Grace.
I have to call the cops.
He is a cop.
Patrick Shaw is a Captain.
Yeah, he's guarding.
Could be internal bleeding.
Happen to have an ultrasound? Very funny.
There's a soda machine in the other room.
Pull out one of the tubes and bring it to me.
Grab me that bottle of distilled water and one of those bowls.
Ohh, what the hell?! Easy, Shaw.
She's your doctor.
Ohh, you're killing me here.
Look, I need to check if there's bleeding in your abdomen.
If there is, you'll end up in a hospital and they'll arrest you.
Hold him down.
I can't look at this.
Ohh! Geez, Grace! Ohh.
All right.
I'm gonna put some fluid in your belly.
If it comes out clear, you're good.
If it's red, we got a problem.
Is he good to go yet? Yep.
Fluid's clear.
Just got to stitch him up, and he's good to go.
Hurry up.
Hey, sis.
What are you doing here? I'm working.
What are you talking about? I'm working for Constantine.
Are you out of your mind? Are you? Nate, I don't have a choice.
You don't have to "save me" anymore, Grace.
Or didn't you get the message? I'm not sure it was such a good idea bringing in the jamook.
Time will tell.
I want you to torch the S.
Bring the kid along.
Let me know how he does.
I'm gonna go talk to our friend.
That's all right.
He can stand up on his own.
They got to get me home.
I hurt like hell.
That's good.
You know why? Because you killed a kid.
Because of your stupidity and your arrogance, you killed an innocent child.
If I didn't need you right now, you would already be dead.
Where are we at with the Kelton family? Son is hemodynamically stable.
He has an extensive crush injury to the left hip and pelvis.
Hip C.
S are pending.
And what about mom? Subdural hematoma evacuation was successful, but she has ongoing brain edema and increased intracranial pressure.
We need to get the pressure down before we can assess her neurologic function.
Nice of you to join us.
We're doing everything we can.
We got a description of the vehicle out.
And we're canvassing hospitals and urgent-care facilities for the driver.
You don't understand.
He killed my little girl! An accident that bad The driver's hurt, which means he'll show up somewhere for medical care.
You coming? Hey, how long would it take a slow intra-abdominal bleed to turn South? I don't know.
The goal is to prevent Mrs.
Kelton's brain cells from dying while she recovers.
Suggestions? Therapeutic hypothermia Reduce temperature to 33 deeeees celsius.
Let's start with the cooling blanket.
What's in the hypothermia protocol? Hypothermia regulation system, temp probe foley cath, and E.
You are running point.
What's bothering you? Soon we're gonna have poker machines in every bar in the South side.
The whole city's gonna follow.
You have major Cash-flow issues, Constantine.
Let me tell you something about Chicago, pal.
The streets, they're all paved with gold.
Only we got to get there first.
You were away for 15 years.
Power vacuums get filled.
You have a plan, huh? I got a lot of plans.
Soon as they start falling in line, you'll be the first to know.
Sorry I'm late.
How's the Kelton boy? Major arteries in his lower leg are all crushed.
There's almost no blood flow.
I'm sorry.
You feel like dinner? Not even close.
Beer and a back rub? A little closer.
That girl today That was not your fault.
You know that, right? There's nothing that anyone could have done.
So, option "a" is I take you home and I distract you.
Nice try.
Or option "b" is I just distract you right here.
So, uh, who's this doctor guy Grace is dating, huh? You know, some fancy, north shore puss.
Big mistake, man.
I always thought she'd end up with you.
Yeah, I'm sure you did.
Hey, so did she.
What are you saying here? She never told you? Forget I said anything.
Told me what? When Grace was an undergrad and you guys were still dating, she thought you were gonna pop the question.
She never said anything to me.
You took off for New York.
Listen, I had to work for the cassos.
Moretti had the cops breathing down his neck.
I had to get out of town.
You were gone for a year.
Well, I was stuck.
I didn't have a choice.
She thought it was 'cause of her.
Well, why didn't she say anything? I don't know.
I mean, you know Grace.
I love her, but she's a pain in the ass.
Hey, watch your mouth.
All right? You ought to be kissing her feet after what she did for you Bailing you out with Moretti like that.
You were on death's doorstep, my man.
I didn't ask her to take on my debt.
I could have handled it.
No, you couldn't, Nate.
And you got no idea what you're getting into here.
Yes, I do.
I mean, I grew up with this.
You think I wasn't watching? You think you know how these guys end up? Huh? Constantine's got money stashed away.
You think he needs this crap? he's still jonesing for it.
I think he's gonna get it.
And I want to be there when he does.
There's three ways this goes down, all right? One he gets it.
Two he gets busted.
Three he gets killed.
That's a one-out-of-three shot, Nate.
Well, I'm a gambler, right? This is no life.
You still got choices.
I'm making mine.
You do the honors, then.
Congratulations, my man.
You're a felon.
What's up, Max? How's the leg? It looks like frankenstein, but it doesn't hurt.
Good morning.
This is Dr.
We figured we'd hit you with the hottest doctor we have.
That's a good strategy.
So, where's your dad? I told him that I was okay and that he should stay with mom and Ruby.
Why? Um you know how parents like to get all the gory details.
No kidding You should have seen my mom when the coach was compiling stats for all-stars.
Did you make the team? Players cup Two years in a row.
Were you a soccer player when you were young? "When I was young.
" Yeah center midfielder.
I'm a striker.
Eight goals this season.
Seriously? And twelve assists.
Am I gonna have to sit out the rest of the season? It's too soon to tell, buddy.
We'll be back in a little while to check on you, okay? Mom.
I was at the bakery with the girls when you texted, so I brought you some pastries.
Thank you.
What's up? Can we sit down and talk? We need to talk about Nate.
What about him? You know his new job? Yeah.
He's working for Constantine.
That's why you don't know any details.
No, he knows better than that.
No, he doesn't.
You got to talk some sense into him.
Tell him what it did to dad.
I don't know what you mean.
You told him all those stories.
They were lies, ma About dad, they were lies.
And Nate needs to hear the truth.
Your father was a good man.
He was a drunk.
Look, mom If you don't tell him the truth, Nate's gonna go down that same path.
I got no control over him.
You really believe that? Franco told me you did good last night.
It was nothing.
No problem.
Don't sell yourself short.
You know why I brought you here? We're sitting on asphalt that was delivered by trucks that I owned Out of a city yard that I controlled.
This street and hundreds of others like it They were money in the bank before I got sent up.
That bodega over there? Dave Jay he fenced more stolen electronics out of that place in one day than your average box store sells in a week.
I protected him.
We all made money.
Everybody was happy.
What happened? If if you don't mind my asking.
Set up By a two-bit punk by the name of marcellus coin.
He wanted a piece of what I had, only he didn't have the nerve to get a gun and take it.
Instead he set me up with the cops, and he ratted me out.
Piece of crap.
Doesn't matter.
Marcellus coin is "mi morte vam.
" What matters is the future.
You see, all this got taken away from me, Nate, and I'm gonna get every inch of it back and then some.
You want to be a part of that? Yeah, I do.
Well, it's gonna be a tough fight.
And there's only one way to know when the fight's over.
When they put the other guy in the ground? No.
When they put you in the ground.
Oh, hey.
How's your day going? Two surgical consults.
I had to open up a lap chole that went South.
Compared to yesterday, that's not so bad.
I can't stop thinking about that little girl.
Oh, and Olivia wanted to open her up for practice.
Any improvement with Max's leg? Brett's getting an angio.
How long have I known you? You got to go easy, babe.
You lay your heart on the table every time a patient draws a crappy hand, pretty soon there's gonna be nothing left over.
Yeah, I know.
Do I got to drag out the Margarita mix and the "mean girls"? No.
It'll just make me think of Olivia.
You can't fix everything.
No, but you got to try, right? Grace, what are you doing? I I just got to take care of something.
Her temperature's down to 33 degrees, but her brain pressure isn't improving.
No response to stimuli.
What can we do? We wait.
Max's angiogram results are back.
The thigh has massive edema.
The femoral artery and its major branches are all compromised.
Any more tissue death, the boy's at risk for acute tubular necrosis and kidney failure.
Opinion, Dr.
wilcox? Extent of the devascularized tissue is set up for rhabdomyolosis.
Well, the femoral artery proximal to the injury is healthy, and it's got all its collaterals.
We could bypass the injury with a graft.
There there'd be plenty of blood supply for Max to keep his leg.
That's a long shot.
A protracted vascular surgery increases the risk of septic shock.
Not necessarily.
I appreciate that you want to save the boy's leg, but you have to focus on saving his life.
We go with the definitive treatment.
You need to talk to the father.
Get his consent for an amputation.
I got your text.
What's the big emergency? I can't do this, Franco.
I am covering up a little girl's murder.
Listen to me if you knew the situation with Shaw, you wouldn't want him locked up.
Aw, don't give me that crap.
He's the head of the gang task force, Grace.
I don't care if he's the head of the freaking universe.
When we were little kids Little kids You ever see a dealer anywhere in bridgeport? Huh? No, because Constantine was running things.
So what? It wasn't exactly paradise? No, but we didn't have these disciple creeps selling us smack and rock in front of our school.
Hey, you remember the Krasik kid? Yeah, she O.
'd last month.
Yeah, because of them.
See, Constantine wants these chumbolones to go down hard.
The only way that's gonna happen is with Shaw.
Shaw's planning a raid on the disciples in a couple of days.
He gets locked up, that's done.
Then Constantine handles it, and that's a lot more blood, Grace.
You do not want that.
Yeah, I don't know, Franco.
Come on, Grace.
Let this guy buy his way back into heaven.
Let him clean up the streets.
And you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart? Laura Krasik's Uncle was a friend.
We take care of our own, Grace, like I used to take care of you.
Besides, since you fixed him up, the raid's still on.
You did fix him up, right? I got to see him Soon as possible.
I may not always be here to cover for you.
I found him slumped over the table in his apartment.
It's my gut.
It's killing me.
Who is he? He's a cop with a bad spleen.
Don't worry He doesn't bite.
His insurance card's in his wallet.
I'll call you later.
What are you doing here, Devlin? You don't have a surgery scheduled.
I know 'cause I'm your attending.
Patient came in with a belly bleed.
I need to do a laparotomy.
Did you get a C.
? Already did an ultrasound There's free fluid surrounding the spleen.
His pressure's dropping.
I-I should really get going.
All right.
Any issues page me.
All right, thank you.
I figure there's a reason why this patient gets the special treatment, right? Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know it it's messed up.
So, I'm just gonna trust you? Let me fix the spleen Get in, get out.
How you doing, Mr.
Kelton? Her hand is so cold.
We have to slow down Claire's metabolism while her body tries to heal.
But can she feel it? I mean, she's freezing.
No, not while she's unconscious.
It just protects her brain.
I know it's hard.
It just takes time.
I do need to talk to you about Max.
We need to make some decisions.
Well, he was doing good.
He's watching TV.
The hospital wants you to sign off on amputating his leg.
Oh, God.
Truth I do not agree with the hospital.
There is a chance that we could save his leg by bypassing the injury area, but that may increase the risk of his leg becoming infected.
And if that happens? If that happens, he could die.
I will do everything I can to make sure that does not happen.
I know this is hard.
But after talking with Max, the thought of not fighting to save his leg is incomprehensible to me.
We can take his leg And your son will absolutely survive.
But it's up to you.
Oh, hey.
You're home early.
Just passing through.
We have to talk.
About what? About your father.
What about him? I said a lot of things Because I wanted you to have someone to look up to.
What is that supposed to mean? Your father was a drunk Who had more affairs than I can count.
What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing? He made a living beating people up.
And by the time you were born, the only way he knew how to communicate was with his fists.
I don't know why you're saying all this Because you're working for Constantine now, and I don't want you to end up like your father.
Grace put you up to this, didn't she? Oh, what difference does that make? I got places to be.
Goodbye, ma.
Grace, I'm trying to track down Dr.
Any idea where he went? He is in the O.
with Dr.
Guthrie doing the femoral bypass on Max Kelton.
Is something wrong? He was supposed to get consent for amputation.
I I'm sure there's a reason.
There damn well better be.
You ever done a femoral popliteal bypass? No, sir.
I observed one when I was a first-year.
Well, let's make it quick.
I got box seats to the sox game.
I'll get you through the graft.
Close at your own peril.
What the hell's going on?! Well, let's see Vascular attending, Betadine, bright, shiny instruments with us.
Must be a surgery.
Why did you talk Scott Kelton into this surgery? Why did you even offer him the option?! If I were Max, I'd at least want my doctors to try.
It's a quality-of-life issue.
It's quality-of-life? It's our job to make sure he has a life.
For God's sakes, Stafford, take a breath.
You advocated for a dangerous surgery with a father who's under terrible emotional stress, and you left me with no option but to allow it! Well, that's the thing about bells You can't un-ring them.
I told him the risks.
He signed the consent.
Now, with all due respect, sir, I've got a 12-year-old kid on the table.
I couldn't get ahold of Shaw.
Well, he was banged up pretty good.
He probably just turned his phone off.
He screws up this disciples raid, I'm gonna rip his throat out.
I mean, you know I told Grace it was payback for the Krasik kid O.
She buy it? I think so.
Hello, Constantine.
Look at you.
You look beautiful.
How you been? I'm fine.
You? Still on the right side of the grass.
Give us some privacy, will you? It was good to see you, Daniella.
Would you like a glass of wine, a little champagne? Nothing.
We haven't seen each other in 15 years.
The least we could do is share a toast.
I want you to stay away from my family.
Grace came to see me.
So did Nate.
Now you.
That hardly seems like "stay away," dannie.
Please, don't call me that.
You used to like it when I called you dannie.
Listen, I got nothing but good things in my heart for your family.
Which is why I'm asking.
Cut Nate loose.
Kelton's brainstem reflexes are present, and she's withdrawing all four extremities to pain.
That's a big improvement.
White, can can I have a minute? We're kind of in the middle here.
Ah, it's fine.
Start titrating down the midazolam drip and recheck her icp.
Make it fast I have a "death and donuts" seminar in five.
Okay, well, it might not be my place, but what Dr.
Robinson did is not really out of disrespect.
You are correct It's not your place.
When we were first-years, you told that story about the resident who used to write down everything you said.
He indexed it all.
And when a patient came in, he would check the index and see what you said to do the last time.
Yeah, the kid was rocket good with the alphabetizing.
Unfortunately, he was so busy predicting how to please me, he fused a patient's cervical vertebrae when all she really needed was aspirin and some physio.
And the moral of the story is you're not really a surgeon until you stop following orders and start making your own calls.
I'm glad to hear you're paying attention to my stories, but it's still not your place.
Thanks for stopping by, kid.
Whatever you need, boss.
What can I say? Looks like a few things fell off a truck.
I've been wanting to talk to you, Nate.
You know, this thing we do, this business that I'm in It's not for everybody.
And I want you to know, I think it's right for you.
What do you think? I told these morons I wanted them to pick me up some new 3d tvs, and this is what they get me.
You want me to talk to them? Nah.
I want you to give one to your mom.
Lock up on the way out.
How did the surgery go? It's too soon to know.
Well, he's got a strong pulse.
Yeah, it looks like the graft worked.
Look, I understand why you did it, but I know.
White was right.
I just Couldn't let that father face another horrible thing.
Do you need a break? It's Max's room.
What happened? Pressure's down to 60 systolic.
Heart rate's at 160.
The graft must have ruptured.
He's gonna bleed to death into his thigh.
We've got to pinch-off the artery.
Get Dr.
He already left.
Start two units prbcs and page Dr.
Wound's open.
How's Max? We redid the bypass, transfused over 60 units.
Everything looks stable.
Well, that's great news.
Next time, secure the graft with a running stitch.
Next time? You're not gonna beat me up over this? No, I'm gonna beat up Guthrie instead.
He shouldn't have left before you closed.
He had a thing.
Truth is I could kick your ass from here to Arkansas.
But residents beat themselves up enough.
Anything I'd do would be redundant.
Her brain pressure has improved, so we're gonna try and let her wake up.
Max is doing really well.
He should be fine.
Oh, her temperature's at 37.
Just about back to normal.
Can she hear me? It's worth a try.
The doctors just told me Max is okay.
His leg is okay.
How is Ruby? Announce and out of turn 3 comes castillo in the 21 car and basil in the 23 car.
Hey, doc.
When can I get out of here? What are you doing? Where are we going? Where the hell are you taking me? Hey! Give me an answer! That right there, Captain Shaw, is the family that you hit.
And that's the chief of surgery.
Here's what he's telling them That their 8-year-old daughter's aorta was torn from her heart and she didn't make it out of the E.
Their son Max, he almost lost his leg.
It's a good thing his doctor is so stubborn He didn't let that happen.
And now the mom That mom is gonna spend every waking moment in occupational therapy.
With any luck, she will brush her own teeth by Christmas.
And that's because of you.
Look, it was an accident.
No, it wasn't.
You killed a little girl named Ruby.
You killed her.
Constantine wants you to clean up the streets, but I want you to know it doesn't square us.
Here why don't you hang on to that? What do you think? I-I don't know if I should accept it.
Don't be crazy.
It's free.
Check it out.
Where'd that come from? Constantine He wanted ma to have it.
Well, you can't keep it.
Come on.
When have I ever been able to do anything for you? This is a good thing.
Enjoy it.
Uh, if Nate says it's good, then, uh maybe it's good.
Do you really believe that? Constantine spent He's not a good guy.
The only reason he got sent away is 'cause a guy named marcellus coin set him up.
Yeah, I know the marcellus coin story.
I'm just saying before he went away, the neighborhood was better off.
Things ran better.
No one got hurt.
Nate, he's buying us off.
You don't see the strings attached to that thing? It's not okay.
Ma, it's not okay.
Here's to business, and here's to pleasure, boys.
And from the crime-watch desk just a few hours ago, Chicago police launched a surprise, city-wide raid against the disciples, one of Chicago's most violent and feared gangs.
Captain Patrick Shaw, commander of the gang task force, led the raid that confiscated over $4 million worth of heroin and cocaine.
Girl, you better wake up girl, you better run first thing in the morning faster than a bullet coming out of that gun tells you that he loves you then he take it all back girl, you got to wonder, girl, you got to wonder girl, you got to wonder 'bout a man like that girl, you got to wonder, girl, you got to wonder girl, you got to wonder 'bout a man like that The raid netted a dozen arrests, including high-level gang figures shorty lomas and Eugene "monster" poe.
Uh-huh girl, you better wake up girl, you better run first thing in the morning faster than a bullet coming out of that gun The most notable arrest is that of marcellus coin.
Marcellus coin has been the reputed leader of the disciples since the late 1990s, when his testimony led to the arrest and incarceration of infamous South side outfit boss Constantine Alexander, who was only recently paroled.
You're a son of a bitch! Yo, slow down.
The whole gang-raid thing, it wasn't about cleaning up the neighborhood.
It was about getting revenge.
I don't know what you've heard, but It wasn't about drugs! It was about marcellus coin.
All right, you listen to me right now.
This ain't gonna be good for you, Gracie! You need to step back! As soon as I send this e-mail, Chicago P.
's gonna get his medical records with a note that says his injuries are consistent with the car a Please, please, don't.
Don't you lie to me again.
As a kid, I realized I couldn't just disappear.
I had a home and a purpose.
And while I can't say I've always made the right choices, they've been the ones I can live with.
And over time, I've learned the choices that generally piss people off are the ones that let me sleep at night.
Captain Shaw's gonna be arrested.
He killed a little girl.
It's on him, not me.
Good for you.
You did the right thing.
The hell with him.
Joe, get the car.
And my mother doesn't need your gifts.
Well, I didn't think she needed it.
I just thought she would enjoy it.
We had a nice conversation by the way.
She spoke to you? Yeah.
That's what I said.
After you.
Look, Grace, what can I say? I've always had a weakness for the devlins.
Walk away.
Just walk away! Brought you some deep-dish.
You look good, Moretti.
Up and about? There's no more loyalty, Franco.
What am I doing here, then, huh? Staring at these freaking rocks? I heard the damn bomb missed.
The good news is the old man doesn't know who did it.
I helped you.
Thanks to me, Constantine thinks you're six feet under in kenosha, instead of Instead of what? Hiding out in a freaking trailer like a field mouse? I made a lot of guys a lot of money, a-and everybody's rallying around Constantine like he's the second coming? They're gonna come back.
He shot me and stole what's mine.
I'm on the side of the angels now, Franco.
Well, these angels They gonna kill Constantine for us? Oh, well, you know what they say, Franco.
God helps those That help themselves.

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