The Nest (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

It's going to be our
embryo that goes in. You
won't have any genetic
relationship to the child.
Yeah, I'm just cooking it.
Nothing to do with me.
A body was recovered from
the Clyde yesterday.
It's looking like another
drugs death.
Don't you touch me!
Don't you ever dare touch me!
You don't
know nothing about me or my life!
Kaya, be careful! Kaya, slow down!
I need you to get her
Social Services files.
It's exploitation, pure and simple,
and I'm having nothing to
do with it.
I'm new to Glasgow, actually.
I'm from Lewis.
She killed someone.
Knifed her.
Killed her unborn child.
Someone's recognised me.
What am I going to do, Hilary?
This programme contains
strong language and some
scenes which some
viewers may find upsetting
Still up for prom?
I cannae believe I'm going to prom.
I can't believe that no-one's
clicked on about us.
That's probably cos none of them
can imagine that you'd want to
spend your free periods shagging
a pregnant lassie.
It's an amazing decoy.
It's not that long now.
Where will you live,
you know, after?
Don't know.
Where were you happiest?
Like, ever in your life?
I'm not prying, I'm not.
I'm just trying to help.
Calderwood Falls.
My granda took me there
when I was tiny. It was
It's ages away, but
worth it.
I just thought it was amazing.
You know, totally peaceful
and kind of like
So you want to live in a waterfall?
Piss off, you!
Well, where were YOU happiest?
Right here, with you.
I don't know how to help you.
You can't go on like this.
It's eating you up.
Can Emily no' see the state of you?
She thinks it's work.
Why won't you tell her about Kaya?
She is nearly 24 weeks.
You have got to talk to Emily.
And decide whether you
want to keep going with this.
Or else there'll be no decision
to be made. I cannae.
It would fucking destroy her.
She has got her feet under
the table.
This lassie will be in your
lives forever.
I cannae have that.
It's not happening.
Well, then, tell Emily today.
Just tell her.
He's upside down, or she is.
Do we know which? We do not.
They've given it to us in a sealed
yellow envelope in case
we're tempted.
Are you? Well, I am,
but Dan's dead against it.
I think it would help him. With?
Well, getting his head around
the idea that we are actually
having a baby.
That's normal, that's men.
Well, not if you've got a new man.
But you don't have one of those.
I'll pass that on.
I'm serious, give him a break.
He's not going to get all
excited about little knitted
cardigans or whatever.
But it'll all change
once it gets here.
When Kaya's out the house and it's
just the two of you again. Mm.
Right. I am calling it.
That's a boy. What you saying?
I don't mind.
Whatever it is, I'll take it.
That's her passport.
Plane tickets to London.
She's due at the clinic 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Termination's at 10.
We'll make it clear,
she signs the nondisclosure,
she'll get access to other funds
and keys to a flat.
We'll pick up this afternoon,
tell her what the score is.
Drive her to the airport.
You meet her there at the back of
five. Not a problem.
Come on, son. Just keep it together.
We've got to talk to the engineers.
Come on.
It's the sewer roof,
the whole thing's collapsed.
God, when did this happen?
I've only just found out.
I've had to stop all the work,
make the area safe.
It's Victorian sewers,
all the way from here to Greenock.
Did we not know that when we started
the job? Of course we did.
We had it factored into the cost
of the development.
It's only when that one section
got damaged and that we put
the ultrasound down that the state
of the whole system's come to light.
It all needs replacing.
Not with us, it doesn't.
Well, contractually, I'm afraid,
that's where the burden lies.
Did you no' hear what he just said?
This could shaft
the whole development.
Cannae wait to see this place.
What you going to build on it?
Have you got one of they wee models
that show you what it's going
to look like?
You seem stressed out your box, man.
It's the job.
It's not the deal I thought it was.
What's going on?
Dodgy area.
Aye, I know.
I used to live here.
It's cool, you can pick it up.
Hello? Will you come into town?
I can't just now.
Look, I
I know you said it was too
early to buy stuff,
but I think that's exactly
what you need.
You've been so stressed.
It's something to look forward to.
I'm going in!
I'm picking up a teeny tiny bath
towel with a teeny tiny hood.
I'll call you back.
My head's not on it, sorry.
Can we do it another time?
Talk to me.
You're not yourself.
You haven't been for weeks.
We've been through so much
to get here. I just
I just want to enjoy it with you.
Are you expecting someone?
We could have got on the phone.
Aye, but you know me.
I prefer a walk and a chat.
Hi, Emily.
Tea? Whiskey?
Nah. Nah, I'm OK, pet.
I just came to have a constitutional
with the wee man.
So, you bottled it with
the lassie today.
You need shot of this.
And your head back in the business.
There's only two ways to get
out of a bad deal, son.
You either negotiate
your way clear
or something happens
beyond your control.
Force majeure.
Fire, flood
act of God.
Just an accident.
Quite unexpected.
Aye, it's sad, but
these things happen.
And as time goes by,
people get over it
and life goes back to what it was.
Wouldn't have anything to
do with you.
It Never has.
Are you Tony Docherty's son?
No. Fucking spit of him.
To what you suggested
No acts of God, no accidents.
Is there another plan?
It's OK.
It's OK.
Everything's going to be OK.
We're here.
We made it past
the point of no return.
Prom. Who the fuck am I kidding?
Well, you were looking forward
to it. It's ridiculous.
There I am, cutting about like, oh,
look at me, I'm in a fucking film!
How long before it all goes
What's changed?
That lassie who recognised me - she
could pop up at any time. Any time.
You cannae dwell on her.
You don't even know who she is.
Well, I know she's from the island.
Aye, and she's probably gone back
there. Have you seen her again?
Well, then, that'll most
likely be the end of it.
It's coming on three months.
This was always a risk.
We talked about it, didn't we?
Even in a city however many miles
away, Scotland's not that big.
There was always a chance that
someone from the past might recognise you.
And the planned response to that
happening was to move you on,
which we can still do, but
that means disclosing to Dan
and Emily No. Nonstarter.
Definitely not. Look, you're
settled. You've built something.
You're on an even keel.
You've become part of this family.
Now you go to your dance
and live your life, OK?
Let us worry about something
that'll likely not happen.
You Have Placed A Chill
In My Heart by Eurythmics
Oh, my God!
What is this?
We're celebrating!
You're going to prom!
You're actually mad.
This is too much.
Have one of these.
Thank you.
What's that for?
OK, that's it. Hip swinging.
Hip swinging!
Is Gina coming round to get ready?
It's just going to be me.
You look so beautiful! No,
I don't. I look like a fanny.
What a hunk!
Mum! Oh!
You look beautiful.
You ARE beautiful.
And if anyone tonight makes
you feel less than that,
then they can go
and fuck themselves.
I haven't heard you swear before.
You cannae carry it off.
Well, they can, because
you could buy
and sell every other
kid in that place.
Do you want some?
I'm so proud of you.
OK, go and stand over there.
Emily? Mm-hm?
I need to tell you something.
I don't want to lie to you cos
you've become like a mum to me.
All right. It's OK, whatever it is.
Me and Jack are going out.
Not pals - we're like
a couple kind of thing.
God! So you're Aye.
But, like, nothing rank's happening
to the wean cos it's condoms
all the way and, you know, it
doesn't go all the way up, does it?
Like, married folk dae it
when one of them's pregnant,
so it can't be doing any harm.
I wouldn't do it if it was.
No. Um
Wha I mean, thank you for telling
I mean, I'm shocked, a bit,
but it's fine. I'm shocked and all.
I don't know why he wants to
shag a pregnant lassie either,
but there you go.
That was much better that time.
More natural. Just "fuck!"
Yeah, it', it's good.
It's good for you to have a life
of your own, you know, away from us.
It's good. It's normal.
So, are you picking Gina up
or are you meeting her there?
I'm not going with Gina.
We're not together any more.
What happened?
I'm going with Kaya.
Is that all you've got to say?
What would you like me to say?
You're 18.
You've worked hard for your exams.
You've got the summer ahead
of you to enjoy yourself.
You know, come September,
that'll be it - you'll be away.
Mum, I'm not going.
Yes, you are.
It's not the right time.
You're leaving school, you're
going to university. I've decided.
I've already told the college.
They're holding my place -
well, not holding it.
They don't defer places, but I just need
to apply again the following year. No.
Absolutely not!
This is the person I've been
closest to in my whole life! No.
Can you stop saying no like you have
any say over who I go out with,
how I feel, or what's
important to me? OK.
You tell me - what
is important to you?
Staying in Glasgow, supporting
someone I love to do this thing,
this amazing thing for someone else.
And what do you even know about
her, eh, about her background?
"Her background."
Can you hear yourself?
What, cos she's a scum and I'm,
what, socially mobile?
The first person in our family to
go to university? Oh, do you know?
Fuck that!
Ask her what she did!
You're full of shit!
Ask her!
Go on. Tell me. What did she do?
She's not being honest with you.
Don't make decisions - huge,
irreversible decisions -
when you don't have the full facts.
She has told you lies from start to
finish - you and Dan and Emily!
So you can phone Cambridge the
first thing tomorrow morning
and tell them that you will
be taking up that place!
Kaya's background is
none of my business.
She's made it your business
by cheating you out of a future
you have worked your arse off
for and that you bloody deserve!
Night, Mum. You'll get over it.
Jack, she hurt someone!
She killed someone,
Jack, a woman and her baby!
Sorry, some bullshit.
I'm on my way.
Neve McKinnell. Google it.
That's the name of her victim.
They couldn't name Kaya at the
time because she was too young.
Kaya isn't even her real name.
What's going on?
Nothing. I need a lift to prom.
I'll be out of the film at 1130,
so if you've had enough just give
me a call and I'll come pick you up.
Oh, and, um
That's just in case of emergencies.
What's the thinking?
If you've bottled it, just tell me.
Don't leave me standing
here like a fucking idiot.
Looking sharp, Jackie boy.
All right, Rankin.
Hi. I'm Rory.
I'm here with Jack, or have you
changed your mind?
I don't give a fuck, man.
It's fine. Let's go.
Can you come home?
I have done a stupid thing.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Just a fight
with my mum. It's OK.
I told Emily.
She didn't mind at all, so maybe
you can stay there sometime or
Sweet Jesus. Is that yours, Rankin?
No. It's not Kaya's either.
She's a surrogate.
Aye. You're such a special
person for doing that.
I could Never do that.
I'm going for a pish.
Who is she? She's a surrogate?
Who's Neve?
What the fuck happened to Neve?
What the fuck? Get out.
Neve. Is that
why you're doing this?
Answer me. Look, I've just dropped
out of my future to be with you.
Out of here.
I'm talking to my girlfriend.
If you don't leave this
minute, I am sending you home.
Answer me! Kaya!
Everyone else out of here
as well, please.
Hi. Kaya, is it?
I'm Mrs Ford.
I'm just out here
if you want to have a chat or
a glass of water or something.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
OK. I'll just be outside, then.
Hey, it's Emily.
Uh, the film's just finished
and I'm heading home,
so let me know
if you need a getaway car.
Oh, hi.
Hi. Hi. How was it?
Oh, sorry, who's this?
Are you the parent of the boy
whose phone this is?
He's my nephew, Jack.
Jack. Well, hello, Jack.
What's wrong? What's happened?
He's come in to A&E at St Jacob's.
Too much to drink.
Can you help us contact his parents?
Oh, God, um, yeah.
Um, sorry, is there a girl with him?
No. No, there's no-one with him.
That's why, until you called,
we didn't even know his name.
His pals brought him in
and buggered off.
Idiots left him in the waiting room.
Why didn't you tell me?
How could I?
Dan hasn't even told Emily.
Oh, God.
Hi, Emily. Hi, Callum.
Look, I've just spoken to a nurse
at the hospital.
Jack's drunk too much. He's in A&E.
It's Jack. He's in St Jacob's.
Too much drink.
Oh, my God. Kaya's not with him.
I'm trying to find her.
What about Kaya?
Emily says she wasn't there.
Emily called me.
Is he OK? I'm sorry, Dan.
What for?
I told Jack.
It just doesn't make sense.
I mean, he doesn't drink.
He's out cold.
He can't tell us anything.
She was looking forward to this.
They're together. Did you know
that? They're a couple.
They had a fight.
I phoned one of his school friends.
Oh, Christ.
I'm sure she's safe.
Why would she run off?
I mean, it's not who
she is now. It's
What's going on? What is it?
I'm going to see Jack.
Please, I'm frightened.
Where is she?
What are you not telling me?
I found out something
about her background
something she did
that she was involved in
when she was younger.
Something she hadn't told us,
and had no intention of telling us.
She killed someone.
Somewhere in the Highlands
and Islands somewhere.
It was a big story at the time.
Do you remember the wee girl
who was up for murder?
That's her.
That's impossible.
It's not.
I've done every possible check.
I told Jack about Kaya.
I told him.
It's my fault. I told him.
He must have confronted her.
YOU knew?
Hi. Detective McClelland.
You're the parents?
No, not of Kaya -
of the baby.
She's our surrogate. She's 25 weeks.
OK. Well, come on in here with me.
Look, at the moment, it sounds like
Kaya has left of her own free will.
No, she didn't.
Look, you don't understand.
She was distraught
and she doesn't have her phone.
We found it near the school.
It's quite common for teenagers
No, no, no, no.
Look, I don't know how to say this,
but Kaya killed someone.
Years ago, when she was a kid,
she stabbed someone.
A lassie called Neve McKinnell.
Killed her, killed the baby
she was carrying.
Neve McKinnell?
The Lewis case?
You're saying Kaya's
that wee girl? Aye.
How do you know that?
I've got papers in my office.
I'm going to make a call.
Is Mum here? Mum? No.
This is me at my work, darlin'.
We picked up Mum from here once.
Aye, we did.
James McKnight, I'm here to see
Carol McClelland. OK. And sorry. OK.
And I can get some hot chocolate
and comics for you, yeah? Go on.
The best thing you can do is go
home, get some sleep if you can.
There needs to be
somebody at the house.
More than likely she'll
go back there.
I know you.
Are you Carol McClelland?
I'm James McKnight -
Kaya's social worker.
Oh, please,
do you know where she could be?
I'm here to help find the lassie -
no' get you your property back.
You, you fucking prick!
Right, at this moment in time,
it's one and the same thing.
Leave your car. I'll take you.
No. Don't come home.
Emily! I've got nothing
to say to you.
How long has she been gone?
Four hours.
Is she who they say she is -
Scotland's Mary Bell?
Youngest ever female
convicted of culpable homicide?
How did they find out?
Isn't the question - how could
they not have known?
Is she a danger to herself
or the baby?
She'd fallen in love with
that family.
She thought this was her reborn.
Where was she living before
she moved in with the Dochertys?
The Lowestock flats up in Possil,
but she was only there a couple
of weeks - then she met them two.
Any pals there? None that I know of,
and before that it was secure care.
What about other connections -
kids or staff? No' really.
The most consistent relationship
she had was with me or Janis -
my colleague. What about relatives?
None that she's in touch with.
Where's her mum?
Still in Lewis, but there's no' been
contact there for years.
Oh, darlin'.
It's not your fault.
Where's Kaya?
Any news? No.
Listen, I'll be in,
but no' till later.
I had to take Frankie with me
last night.
Her mum still in rehab? No.
She's back on the shite,
so she's either with her pals
or on the street.
Right, so, what about Kaya?
I don't
Where has she gone in a ball dress
and a pair of heels?
I think she'll go home. Home?
To Lewis? But her and Siobhan
haven't spoken in years.
It's still her mum.
What's going on?
Lassie's gone.
Be careful what you wish for, eh?
What the?
Have you done something to her?
What? Force majeure? Act of God?
What kind of organisation are
we running here anyway, eh?
Why don't you tell me what happened
to the boy in the Possil flats?
Guy was trying to blackmail me.
I paid him off.
Then? Nae idea. He was a junkie.
It's nothing to dae with me.
It's not your fault.
If something happens to that baby,
it will be.
It's all right.
Where's she gone?
There's people out there
looking for her.
Dan and Emily wouldn't let a thing
happen to that baby.
Kaya would never do anything to
hurt them. She loves them.
Maybe she doesn't. I don't know.
I don't know her.
I'm not sure that's true.
But where's she gone?
Hopefully somewhere she feels safe.
Sorry. Takes me a minute to
get to the door. Mrs Gordon?
We are looking for your daughter.
Why would you think she'd be here?
Has she phoned you? Told you she's
coming? I'm not in touch with her.
Why? What's she done?
If she does make contact with you,
can you phone us, straight away?
Yeah, of course,
but she won't -
and she won't come here.
Why would she come here?
Well, if she does
I'm sorry.
Something's wrong. I can feel it.
How could you have let him go?
The state he's in.
He's an 18-year-old man.
No, he is not.
He's weak and he's upset
and he's vulnerable.
He's fine. I trust him.
You trust him!
You don't even know him.
You're trying to make that happen,
but you're not succeeding.
The mobile number you have called
Hey, Kaya, Kaya. It's OK.
It's OK. It's OK.
It's OK. You're safe.
You're safe.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Mum. Mum!
Are you OK? I've found Kaya.
Kaya, I need you to stay awake
for me. Open your eyes, please.
What's wrong with her? Open your
eyes. Hey, what's wrong with her?
Keep your eyes open. Are you Dad?
What? Are you the baby's father? No.
We've increased oxygen
but there's variable decelerations
in the foetal heartbeat.
We need to get the baby out.
No, no, no, no, no. You can't.
No - it's too early.
O sisters too
How may we do
For to preserve this day
This poor youngling
For whom we sing
Bye-bye, lully, lullay
Lulla, lullay. ♪
Kaya McDermott.
Are you Mum and Dad? No.
We're the intended parents
of the baby she's carrying.
She's our surrogate.
OK. I'll just find out for you.
It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right.
How's she doing? Eh?
I don't know.
They won't tell me anything.
Dr Galbraith. I understand
you're the intended parents? Yeah.
Kaya is still unconscious
but in recovery.
She has an infection
but the baby was delivered safely -
albeit very, very early.
We'll need to take it hour by hour.
A 25-weeker is on the borderline,
but she's a decent weight.
Can we see her?
Look, I'll be honest, we've had one
or two surrogacies here before,
but never one where
the NICU was involved.
So, we're in slightly
uncharted territory.
Kaya is the legal mother -
as I'm sure you know -
and she's not in a position to give
her consent to you seeing her.
We've got an agreement,
signed by all the parties.
I'll just get it up on my phone.
Well, if you agreed something
specific about what would
happen in these circumstances
We didn't.
Well, not specifically this, but
the whole agreement I'm sorry.
I can't let you see her.
James McKnight. Carol McClelland.
I'm going to see her now.
You didn't tell me about the ex.
What ex?
When you were giving me chapter
and verse about the girl's history,
you never mentioned
Kian Dodds - Doddy.
The guy who was found
dead in the water. I know who he is.
Looks like they were
in a relationship on and off.
He was keen, she wasn't.
Look, I'm not sure what you're
getting at here,
but if she was, it was
a long time ago now.
Yep - 25 weeks.
Give me two seconds, guys.
OK, I will speak.
I will speak about Heather.
Hi. I can take you in for a moment.
Come on. If you're really quick.
No-one's around.
No jewellery - not even
wedding rings.
It's time to leave.
On it.
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