The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e03 Episode Script

Aliens Among Us

[theme music]
bang bang bang
[instrumental music]
[crickets chirping]
[engine sputtering]
What a perfect night for a launch.
Yeah, sure. Seen one, you've seen them all.
[chuckles] Bet you won't say that
when they test
the new Vanguard Space Cruiser.
Oh, no! We've lost our downlink.
(alien #1) 'Earthlings, beware.'
I can't see.
Earthlings, you will never reach our stars.
(alien #1) 'Let this be your warning.'
beep beep beep
(Jonny) 'Wow! The Vanguard
Space Cruiser.'
(Dr. Quest) 'The surprise I promised you
is over here.'
As of tonight my matter transporter
is fully operational.
But what is it for?
(Dr. Quest) 'It can instantly transport
people, supplies..'
woof woof woof
'heh-heh, even pets while in orbit.'
It'll mean the beginning of a permanent space station.
All I need is a volunteer.
I'll be your first customer, Dr. Quest.
Well, then, step right in.
First, I set the coordinates for the transporter
inside the Vanguard.
Ready, Race?
Yeah. Your goldfish bowl is a little snug, doc.
I designed a simple security device
for activating the transporter.
'It won't work unless you know the trick.'
Hey, Bandit! Come back here.
woof woof woof
Bandit, what the..
That would make a great magic trick.
It's just like pulling a rabbit out of the hat, Hadji
or an overexcited pooch.
woof woof woof
- Can I go next? - Me too.
Hold it! There's only room for one at a time.
arf arf arf
arf arf arf
Hey! No fair getting in front of the line, Bandit.
[all laughing]
(woman over radio) 'Dr. Quest, help!'
Emergency at launch site one.
- 'What happened?' - Please, help.
- Race! - I'm already a step ahead.
Can Hadji and I help?
Until I know what's happened over there
you three stay and keep an eye on Vanguard for me.
You can count on us. Right, Bandit?
arf arf arf
[siren blaring]
Can you tell me what happened?
- Out of the sky.. - What came out of the sky?
The other guard's just as bad off.
A total state of shock.
What I can't figure is, there's no sign of an explosion.
'That gantry was just pushed over.'
Invadersfrom outer space.
Awful.. Must never reach the stars.
(both) Woo-hoo! Yippee!
Being a guard sure is fun.
He-he, I think Bandit takes it too seriously.
arf arf arf
(both) Huh?
(Hadji) 'Jonny, do you see what I see?'
If it's from outer space, yeah.
It's gonna crash through the dome. Run!
[music continues]
beep beep beep
[glass shattering]
Dad will never believe this one.
Be warned, earthling invaders.
You shall never reach our stars.
(both) Wow!
Was that a close encounter, Jonny?
I-I g-guess so.
I'm only glad it wasn't any closer.
- But why can't we come along? - We saw the aliens in person.
Not this time, boys.
Better step out of the way.
'An international summit might sound exciting'
'but it'll just be one long boring meeting.'
But can you stop the aliens from attacking again?
(Dr. Quest) 'That's what we're going
to find out, Hadji.'
Fueled and ready to go, Dr. Quest.
We should be back by tomorrow morning.
Jonny, don't forget to wear your commu-con watch
'in case we need to reach you.'
Let's watch them lift off from the beach, Hadji.
(Hadji) 'Great idea.'
Lift off at exactly 11:14.
- Wanna go for a swim? - Sure.
(Jonny) 'Oh, wait a second.'
'Here, Bandit. Can't get my watch wet.'
woof woof
Last one in is a bug-eyed alien. Ha-ha-ha.
[Bandit whimpering]
(alien #1) 'This device is useless.'
The coordinates are set, but it will not activate.
(alien #2) 'Have you damaged it?'
No. It is more complex than we thought.
Then Quest himself will show us its secrets.
Master, he will never agree to help us.
(alien #2) Oh, yes, he will.
Believe me, heh-heh-heh.
'We can make him.'
beep beep beep
[dolphins squeaking]
Think the aliens are still somewhere on Earth?
No way! They're trillions of miles away by now.
[dolphins squeaking]
Go to sleep, you guys.
But what if the aliens come back?
I hope they do. I'd do anything
'to see those space goons face-to-face again.'
A-ah! Suddenly sleepy.
Can't keepmy eyes open.
[dolphins squeaking]
[Jonny snoring]
Quest, we have the boys.
[dolphins squeaking]
Well, where's our welcoming committee?
Jonny? Hadji?
Alright, boys, game's over.
[Bandit snoring]
Bandit! What happened to the boys, Bandit?
[watch beeping]
Huh? Jonny's commu-con watch.
- They're not down in the lab. - Or in their room.
- Maybe they left us a message. - I'll check the beach.
Quest, we have your boys.
We want the secret of your transporter.
Our coordinates are set. Transport yourself to us.
'Tell no one or the boys are doomed.'
They're not at the beach.
We're going back to the Vanguard hangar immediately.
- Ah, Hadji. You awake? - I, uh, I think so.
Where are we?
Are you sure we're awake?
- 'Yeow!' - Jonny, look!
There is no escape, young earthlings.
Dr. Quest will find us.
Dad will get us outta here fast.
As a matter of fact
we are waiting for him at this very moment.
We've gotta get out of here, Hadji.
Why this sudden decision to get back to the launch site? Hm?
Oh, we may have overlooked a clue back at the hangar.
This is a trap for dad, and we're the bait.
- We've got to escape. - But how?
Now, there's a guard outside.
That's never stopped us before.
(Jonny) 'Hey, bug-face,
my friend has to be leaving.'
It-it can't be.
Bombs away!
- Round and round he goes. - Where he stops, nobody knows.
(alien #1) Whoa! Whoa!
We should take this magic act on the road, Jonny.
First, we gotta get outta here.
If we can find the Vanguard, we can transport ourselves home.
Come on.
Got to hurry before Race comes in.
- The coordinates are all here. - There's nothing outside, doc..
Hey, what're you doin'?
I've got to save the boys, Race.
I've scrambled the coordinates. You won't be able to follow me.
Don't do it, Dr. Quest.
woof woof woof
No, Bandit. Stay back!
woof woof woof
Great! Now what am I supposed to do?
- Looks like the coast is clear. - Let's go.
We're in the homestretch, Hadji.
I just want to be home.
(Jonny) 'They've captured
dad and Bandit.'
Alright, where's my son?
woof woof woof
(Dr. Quest) 'Wha-what the..'
The aliens are fake.
What's going on here?
Have you done anything to the boys?
(male #1) 'That all depends on you,
Dr. Quest.'
It's you!
And I have you, right where I want you.
Dr. Zin.
Well, Quest, you've unmasked my little plot.
What's behind these phony spacemen, Zin?
It's ingeniously simple, since I'm a genius.
If everyone thinks the Vanguard was stolen
by invaders from space, no one would suspect the truth
that I, Dr. Zin, have your matter transporter.
But I'm the only one who knows how it works.
Yes, and you'll show me
'since I have something very dear to you.'
Not for long, he doesn't. I've got a plan, Hadji.
(Dr. Zin) 'I have big plans for your
matter transporter, Quest.'
Besides bringing the worlds riches to me
it also brings ultimate power.
(Dr. Quest) 'You'll never get away
with this, Zin.'
(Dr. Zin) 'Please, Quest. Can't you use
a better cliche than that?'
woof woof woof
- Thanks a lot, Bandit. - Seize those boys!
- Great move, dad. - Yeah.
Let's get out of here.
After them, you fool. They must not escape.
Come on, Bannon, think.
How're you gonna track down Dr. Quest and Bandit?
He's wearing Jonny's commu-con watch.
I can beam in on it.
beep beep beep
Score one for modern technology.
- What do we do now? - Keep as quiet as possible.
beep beep beep
Bandit, shh.
[beeping continues]
Oh, this just isn't my day.
arf arf arf
[man grunting]
(Jonny) Great work, Bandit.
Come on.
woof woof
(Dr. Quest) This way.
This must be the control room.
This ship is as fake as our alien friends.
It's nothing but a hovercraft in disguise.
- Can you fly it? - I don't see why not.
Stand away from the controls. I said get back.
- Sim-sim-salabim. - Wha..
- Hurry. - 'Great trick.'
It only holds for ten seconds.
beep beep beep
Quest! Quest!
(Jonny) What's happening?
The sonic cannon is out of control.
We must reach Vanguard and transport out of here.
I hope my coordinates are right.
beep beep beep
(Dr. Quest) 'Hurry, boys. Almost there.'
Not so fast, Quest.
The transporter's secret. Tell me its secret.
It worked. Nothing to itI think.
Zin? What's he doing here?
Hey, Zin. Can I join your little tea party?
Race Bannon. You'll be the first to perish.
Now's our chance. Come on.
No time for all of us to transport back.
- You boys go first. - No, dad.
Say, Vanguard's engines are used during re-entry.
Maybe they can fly us out of here.
beep beep beep
Come on, baby, turn over. Turn over.
What a time to need jumper cables.
We need to find the exit out of here real fast.
beep beep beep
I see daylight ahead.
- Woo-hoo! - Yay!
Hey, everybody. Look!
That should be the last we'll ever see of Dr. Zin.
And his phony space aliens.
(Race) 'You sound disappointed,
It was kind of exciting to think they were real for a while.
Right, Hadj? Ah!
woof woof woof
Do you know what that creature is?
Yes. It's..
(together) the alien mud monster
from outer space.'
[both laughing]
woof woof woof
[all laughing]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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