The Newsreader (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

The White Marquis Matinee Jacket

Here we go again.
Not sure if you're aware, but, uh,
Helen's in a bit of a state down here.
- (SOBS)
- Open the door, please, Helen.
- What are they?
- They're Valium.
No-one has gone in to bat
harder for you than me.
I'm Dale Jennings
from Melbourne Observatory.
Man, you were good. You were good.
- Yeah! Ha-ha!
- Good job!
GEOFF: Am I being given the push?
LINDSAY: You've got
a pretty great option now
and I couldn't tell you how long
it's gonna stay on the table.
Well, I've come to a decision.
I'll be offering more on Saturday.
- I must stay on the desk
at the heart
of this remarkable bulletin
to see out this century.
- Yes!
GEOFF: There's an effort
to shift the bulletin
but I plan to put up a fight
and I'm hoping I can
count on your support.
You absolutely can.
You want to go? Catch
a glimpse of the comet?
You running away?
I've got a family thing.
Are you panicking about last night?
I mean
you've always been this
person above me, so it's
Like, too strange?
So, how are we gonna leave it?
I guess go back to work,
like we always go to work.
And then, um
next weekend, we could
go on a date.
Start dating.
MRS. JENNINGS: You certainly know
how to surprise me, don't you?
Hi, Mum.
- You haven't seen the paper?
- No.
You are in the social pages,
in The Sun, with Helen Norville.
I've been getting calls all morning.
Your uncle, Gwen.
I've been telling them,
"Don't ask me. He never
tells me anything".
You didn't tell me you were
going to Geoff Walters' party.
Oh, it was just a work function thing.
The paper calls you her new man.
Are you gonna tell me anything?
Um she just asked me
to go as her date, that's all.
Alright. One more question.
Is she as glamorous in real life
as she is on the television?
Ah Mum, I've gotta go.
Good morning.
- Hello, sailor!
- Hello.
The quiet achiever.
Good weekend?
It was fine, thanks.
A little bit better than fine.
- DENNIS: Dale?!
- Yes?
- Dale!
- Yes?!
- What have you got?
- What?
- Show me. Now.
- You haven't heard?
- What?
- Lindy Chamberlain.
They found new evidence.
They say she could be
released from prison.
NEWSREADER: A baby's cardigan
has been discovered at Ayers Rock,
and it may provide
significant new evidence
in the case of Azaria Chamberlain.
The cardigan, or matinee jacket,
was found by police during a search
for a tourist who disappeared
- Darling?
- What is it?
that the jacket matches
a jacket at Ayers Rock
a baby's jacket just near where
Azaria Chamberlain was taken.
DENNIS: I thought they already
found the jacket?
They found the jumpsuit, not the jacket.
The prosecution successfully argued
that the jumpsuit was too clean
that it didn't have enough blood
on it for a dingo attack.
But Lindy Chamberlain always said
that Azaria was wearing
a jacket over it
a white Marquis matinee jacket.
So, if this is the jacket,
if it's the actual jacket,
- then it's proof.
- Proof of what?
That she was never lying.
It should be in here somewhere.
- Alright.
- Uh, what's his name again?
Stuart uh, Tipple, I think.
Although he might be listed
as Lindy Chamberlain's lawyer.
Uh, should have both his home
and office number.
What are the chances?
New evidence at this stage?
150 yards from the camp site.
That area was searched and searched.
Well, whether it's legitimate
or not is not the point.
This was your signature story.
Everyone remembers you reporting
from the Rock in your safari suit.
Oh! Stuart Tipple!
That's why I love you.
Okay. Right. Okay.
Damn it. Engaged.
Hey, so, do we have any
footage from the Rock yet?
It's coming.
It'll be the first half of the
bulletin. At least four stories.
All the tapes from the trial.
We'll need the one
from the inquest as well.
Okay. So, how long has she been in jail?
- Has it been two years?
- Over three.
So, do you think she's
gonna get released?
If the jacket holds up, then, yeah.
She could walk free this week.
So, will she have to go back to court?
I felt the magic.
- MAN: On my hand.
Five, four
The discovery of a child's
matinee jacket near Ayers Rock
has shed new light on the
disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain
in 1980.
Good evening. Welcome to News at Six.
The white Marquis matinee jacket
was found during a search for a hiker
who fell from the Rock on Sunday.
GEOFF: Three years into
Lindy Chamberlain's
life sentence for murder,
the bombshell discovery could prove
a new turning point in the case.
I could only see the dingo
from sort of the top
of the shoulders, up.
But he came out in such a hurry, I
thought, "There's no food in there.
But he just might have
damaged or mauled the baby".
DALE: For six years, Lindy Chamberlain
has maintained that a dingo
took her baby from
Ayers Rock campground.
Yesterday's discovery of Azaria's
matinee jacket backs up that claim.
WOMAN: (ON RADIO) If the garment
is confirmed to be Azaria's,
it may well be a breakthrough
in Mrs. Chamberlain's effort
to prove that she did
not murder the child,
and that Azaria was taken by a dingo.
The jacket was found
on the south-west side of the Rock
during the search for the body
of an Englishman
who apparently fell to his death
while climbing in a dangerous
and secluded area.
Hi, Cathy.
I was
wondering if we could talk.
What about?
You need to know that Dad Dad's sick.
He's very sick.
- With what?
- Uh, cancer.
Mum doesn't know I'm here. I just
How how long has ?
Uh, he was first diagnosed
eight months ago.
Um, he's been in hospital
for the last few weeks, but, um
Mum's decided to bring him home,
and we think it's, um,
probably for the last time.
Thank you. Thanks for telling me, Cathy.
The whole family's coming
down now, Lanie.
The Norvilles, the Kazics.
It would really it would mean
a lot if you would come and see him.
Look, I know you still
blame him for everything,
but everything he did was because
he was told it would help.
(MUFFLED) He hated leaving
you in that place.
He watches you, you know.
(MUFFLED) Every night, six o'clock,
without fail, the news goes on.
He watches every single second of it.
He loves you.
You're the first here,
if you would like to take a seat.
No, no, look, here, sit next to me.
So, Jean said lunch meetings
usually mean firing or promotion.
Oh, it's not either of those things
or they wouldn't have asked both of us.
You ordered the grog?
- HELEN: No.
- Typical.
Now, listen to me.
I want the details of this conversation
to remain strictly between us.
Yep. Lindy Chamberlain.
You'd be a bit of an expert, there,
wouldn't you, young Dale?
- Well, I wouldn't say I'm an expert.
- I bet you wouldn't.
But she's gonna walk free, right?
When's that gonna happen? Next week?
I think it could even be
before the weekend.
Upstairs, they reckon the first
interview with Lindy Chamberlain
is gonna rate four million.
It's the story of the decade.
Traditionally, this has
been Geoff's story.
But they
they want it to go to you.
Now, I don't necessarily
concur with this decision
because upstairs have no idea
about your dramas.
There won't be any dramas.
If I give this to you, you two
- you're gonna get that interview.
- Yes.
- How?
- We start with Lindy's solicitor.
- Stuart Tipple.
- Yeah?
Well, great, Dale. But
we rang him. No reply.
He must already be in Darwin.
You get us to Darwin,
I'll make sure that I am the first
person that Lindy Chamberlain sees
when she walks free.
We will camp outside the prison,
we'll then track her back
to her home in, um
Mount Isa.
I can call Jean now
get her onto flights.
There's one other thing
for you to know,
just you two, no-one else.
Certainly not Geoff.
Upstairs are prepared
to offer the Chamberlains
up to 100 grand.
- For the interview?
- Yeah.
As a fallback option?
Do you have a problem
with that, young Dale?
- Have we done that before?
- No.
But they're willing to, for this.
This interview will make you
the face of News at Six.
Has Lindy Chamberlain ever
been interviewed by a woman?
Not sure.
The amount they're paying,
this is gonna be more than a story.
This is gonna be, like,
a Sunday night special.
- Probably.
- Like, maybe even a two-parter.
And then if I can build
a relationship with her,
I can follow up with her
first Christmas at home,
first school drop-off.
You sure it's a good idea,
camping out in Darwin?
Yeah. We need to be
as close as we can to them.
I think the bigger question
is what are you gonna do
for our Friday night date?
I guess I'll just have to get creative.
You certainly will.
Flight details and hotel details.
You'll have to pick up the tickets
at the Ansett desk.
Oh? Okay.
And, uh, could you please
confirm with me when you arrive?
Of course.
You packed your swimmers?
Uh, I'm I'm coming to Darwin.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- I thought we'd pick up a local crew.
- Oh, no, no, no.
I covered Darwin for a year.
'81, '82. Did the the trial,
the sentencing.
I know it like the back of my hand.
- Mm.
- Great.
I hear I'll be travelling
with a brand-new couple.
I guess that saves on hotel rooms.
Thank you.
We've booked separate rooms
for you and Helen,
but if you'd prefer
No, separate's fine. Thank you, Jean.
GEOFF: Dale? Got a minute?
Come in, come in, sit.
So, Dale
I gather you're headed to
Berrimah prison with Helen?
- You covered the prison back in
- '83. Yes, yes.
Uh, the prison and Mount Isa.
The Mount Isa interview
remains the third-highest rating one
we've ever done.
I know. I was watching.
You were incredible.
Oh, well
Yes, I'd much prefer
to be up there for this,
but, uh, old Lindsay was adamant.
Well, it's your story.
You have to be on that desk.
You know, just quietly,
I'm trying to secure the
Chamberlains' first interview.
- Really?
- Yes, yes.
You see, Lindy and and
Michael, they know me.
I always always showed
them a lot of respect.
And, Dale, the crucial thing
and my advice to you
is respect their faith.
I respected that.
And seeing as you'll be up there,
representing the bulletin,
I'd ask you to do the same.
I will.
Good lad.
Thank you.
Hopefully, I'll have some good
news in the next day or two.
Thank you so much for seeing me
on such short notice.
I probably won't even use them,
but just having them there helps.
Is it getting to sleep or staying
asleep that's the problem?
No, it's sleeping on the road.
You know, all the strange hotel rooms,
and then working late into
the evening certainly doesn't help.
I did prescribe two dozen a month ago.
Yes, I know, but I left them
in a hotel room.
We've been back and forth quite a bit.
From, um
- From Darwin, actually.
- Mm.
'Cause I'm about to
I shouldn't really be saying this,
but I'm about to interview
Lindy Chamberlain.
- Really?
- Yes.
They think she's going to be released.
Well, what do you think?
Did did she do it?
I don't know yet. I haven't met her.
What do you think?
Never really trusted her.
No, Well, I mean,
you and half the country.
A dozen, okay?
Hey, hey, honey,
when I'm without you ♪
I get a chill up and down
my spine ♪
REPORTER: matinee jacket,
and confirmed that it was, indeed,
the one Azaria was wearing
Tearin' out this heart of mine ♪
And I wouldn't have it ♪
I know I can say I ♪
Wouldn't have it ♪
Whew! It is hot!
TIM: Welcome.
Alright. So, is this
the only way in and out?
There's not a back entrance
that they could use?
Three months, nonstop, right here.
Alright, well, where's
the best place to be
if you want to ask a question?
She's not gonna take any questions.
- I think she might, you know?
- I doubt it.
Alright, well, let's just set up
as close as we can.
ROSS: Oh, can't we check in
to the motel first?
I want to get a soft drink.
They've already announced her release.
It could happen at any moment,
so let's get set up, please.
You sure you don't want to
get out of those pants?
- What?
- They look hot.
- I'm fine.
- What are they? Polyester?
They're a blend.
Ooh! "They're a blend".
- Did you want to see me?
- Yeah. Shut the door, will you?
Not in trouble, am I?
You, mate,
you're gonna be reading
the weekend bulletin,
as of tomorrow.
Because I may need you
to step up, and soon.
To what?
To newsreader, you flog.
- Is Helen leaving?
- No.
- Geoff?
- That's not your concern.
There you go. I thought he was gonna
see out the bloody century.
Christ, son, this is not a conversation.
I am just telling you what is happening.
Yeah, but don't I have to
cover some wars or something first?
Rob, you've covered the America's
Cup. You've covered Cliffy.
That means so much more
to the average punter.
Don't overthink this, son,
for Christ sake.
I mean, being a newsreader
is the duck's nuts.
You'll love it. Great pay.
You get to waltz in here of a midday.
- Yeah, but Mum and Dad always say
- Now, just shut up!
Go chat to Dennis about it.
Because it could happen
sooner rather than later.
Helen seem tense to you?
I think she's just anxious
to get the story.
I heard the two of you had a good night
the other night at Geoff's party.
It's not really that fascinating, Tim.
Pashing a newsreader
in front of everyone
I think is pretty fascinating.
Plus, I thought you said
there was nothing going on.
Well, there wasn't.
But then things changed?
I guess that happens.
Guess so.
Tim? Tim! Ross!
It's the car. I think it's her.
- MAN: Come on, come on!
- Get set up.
Two seconds.
Is she in there? Is she in there?!
- Is she in there?
- It's just a driver.
No, it's just a driver.
Back in the car.
No, no, no, Helen, we need
to get a piece to camera.
Lindy is the story.
I'm sorry, hon, but we need footage
of you in front of that jail.
We're gonna miss the bulletin
if we do not get this shot in.
We have to send the tape off
in an hour. I'm sorry.
Yes. Yes. It's rolling. It's rolling.
Lindy Chamberlain is finally
a free woman
Berrimah Prison made
the announcement this afternoon
after serving three years
of a life sentence.
DALE: No, no, the the inquiry!
You've got to mention the new inquiry.
Come on. Come on, come on.
- Ooh, I swear to God, Dale.
- It's important.
Mrs. Chamberlain will be working
with her legal team
on the new inquiry.
The Attorney-General
has assured us that she
will remain a free woman,
regardless of the outcome.
- Okay, great.
- Well, she is fucking gone!
Well, let's stay positive.
At least we got a story
for the deadline tonight.
At least we're actually on the bulletin.
HELEN: Berrimah Prison made
the announcement this afternoon.
And only hours later, she was
transported from prison,
shielded from sight.
MAN: And we're back in 10.
Mrs. Chamberlain will be working
Well, that was just riveting,
wasn't it? (CHUCKLES)
So glad we went to
so much trouble to get that.
Helen Norville, News at Six.
Meanwhile, the search
around the base of Ayres Rock,
where a number of items
of clothing were found,
is continuing.
REPORTER: Police and forensic
experts were already at work
as the sun rose over
Central Australia today.
They were anxious to get on with the job
before the sun heated the sand
to the 68 degrees
measured by the team yesterday.
I mean, the car was definitely going
in the opposite direction
to the airport.
- Yeah, it was.
- Yeah. So, she is still in Darwin.
Not necessarily. She could
have easily circled back.
If she made it to the airport,
she would've been spotted.
Did she have a favourite hotel
or did they used to stay somewhere
- particularly when they were here?
- Not that I remember.
How many hotels can there be
in Darwin? There's four of us.
- We could start ringing them.
- I'm not ringing hotels.
Even if she was staying at a hotel
- Well, we should have followed.
- they wouldn't tell us.
Geoff said the key to Lindy
was her faith, so
- churches.
- Oh!
- So, this is
- Hang on.
She stayed with a churchy
couple during the trial.
- Who?
- Uh, the the Parkinsons.
- Parkinsons. Parkinsons.
- Where?
He's No, he's saying
He's not saying it is Parkinson.
He's saying it's something like that.
- Where were they?
- TIM: Uh, it was in the city.
Newsroom. Noelene here.
Hey, it's Dale in Darwin.
Ah! Nice footage of
that car driving away.
I need you to go through
the trial clippings for me.
I need a name.
So, Tim reckons that the Chamberlains
stayed with a local couple here
in Darwin during the trial.
Uh, members of their church.
Seventh-Day Adventists.
The (SHOUTS) Parkinsons?!
- Try the Parsons, maybe.
- Or the Parsons.
There are hundreds of articles.
LINDSAY: Oi?! Is that Darwin?
- Helen.
- Dale, actually.
Bugger off, Dale.
Put Helen on, will you?
- Who is it? Lindsay?
- Yeah.
- Lindsay
- That shot of the car.
Is that the only bloody thing you got?
You know what? To be fair,
that's all anybody got.
They were trying very hard not
to get any kind of press coverage.
Now, listen, we've got
a really solid lead.
Your lead, would that involve Noelene
tossing these clippings round
like bits of confetti?
- The Parrys.
- The Parrys.
- Parrys. Parrys.
- Parrys?
Parrys! It's John John Parry.
He had a, uh, pest control.
Okay, cool. Hey, Lindsay, I'm gonna
call you back tomorrow, alright?
We've got a solid lead. We might even
have an interview by then.
I bet you you will.
- Here we go. Parry's Pest Control.
- Fantastic.
So, Lindy's in that house.
We don't know that.
I think I go in, right now,
and just make the offer.
The offer, as in the interview,
or the offer, as in ?
Everything. We're the only media
here. We've got the advantage.
That's a decision for upstairs to make.
I think that upstairs
want us to go in hard.
Are you gonna pay her?
Helen, I don't think
journos are the ones
who should be offering
cash for interviews.
Do you know how much money
that the media's made
off Lindy Chamberlain?
You think our CEO deserves
that more than she does?
I think I'm gonna just record
this, just in case.
- It's not about that.
- How's she gonna earn money?
Is she gonna walk into a shop,
get a job? She can't do that.
This has nothing to do with Lindy.
It is a precedent.
We need to secure the interview first,
without resorting to paying her cash.
I disagree. We're here. She's free.
- We go in with all that we have.
- Wait, Helen, don't
- Mr. Parry?
- Yes.
Hello. My name is Helen Norville.
I'm from the News at Six.
I was wondering if Lindy
Chamberlain was with you.
I'm sorry, I can't give you
any information.
I totally understand.
But if you were able to maybe
pass some information on to her,
I'm actually here with a camera crew.
Now, if she were interested in
talking to us about her release,
how she feels,
I can offer a very sympathetic ear.
I can also offer a large sum of money.
And let me be clear, I'm talking
about financial compensation
for her to speak with us.
If you could please
stay back from the yard.
ROSS: How'd you go?
- Did you get the story?
From here, it kind of looked like
he slammed the door in your face.
Well, I think that
he's going to tell her
and I also think that she's
going to consider it.
- So, we just wait.
- For how long?
However long it takes.
DALE: We'll stay until it gets
dark, but then we'll go.
No, we stay until she emerges.
- Tonight?
- Yes.
Helen, we need a phone. We need
- Food, a toilet.
- There's bushes everywhere.
We have been up since dawn.
We don't know how many days
we're going to be here.
And we need to sleep, all of us.
I'm on my own here?
Honestly, for a story of this magnitude,
to send a game-show girl
with no field experience
She has some field experience, darling.
It didn't show.
- Not too much.
- Just a
Anything from the Chamberlains' lawyer?
Not yet.
How many times have you called?
I've left two messages.
The Chamberlains know me.
Their lawyer knows me.
If they are inclined to speak
to anybody, it will be me.
Or Ray Martin.
Ha! Doubt it.
Well, he's very popular.
Dee mentioned
The Weekly was looking to partner
with a respected broadcaster,
like yourself,
and they'd be willing to offer
a considerable cash incentive.
You've been making calls.
No. Dee just mentioned it.
I will get this interview.
But I've never paid for a story
and I never will.
A bit hot to sleep?
Don't worry, you get used
to it after a while.
I'm surprised you're not
sharing a room with Helen.
It's a bit early
in the relationship, is it?
You seem totally obsessed
with my personal life.
But you never talk about yourself.
You never, ever disclose
anything about you.
Well, is there something
you want to know?
No, actually. I
I think people's personal lives
should stay personal.
- You know, my personal life
is, uh it's not a secret
or anything like that.
I just just don't advertise it.
Because, uh
well, because I'm gay.
And you don't know how people
are gonna take it, you know?
it's nobody's business but your own.
I hope I didn't make you
uncomfortable or anything like that.
It's no issue, from my perspective.
Well, that's a good thing.
With Helen, at Geoff's party
we sort of just got caught up
in the moment.
And then
we haven't had a chance
to catch our breath.
And then, this story broke, so
It's not like we're in some
big relationship or anything yet.
Do you reckon it's gonna be?
Well, I guess you can't fight love.
I'm gonna go to bed now.
I think I've cooled down.
- 'Night.
- Goodnight.
Oh Mm!
Is is Noelene there?
Yeah, yeah. She's here. I'll go get her.
G'day, it's Rob.
Hello. Yes.
Yep. Fr-from work.
Yeah, hey, listen, I'm doing the,
um the weekend bulletin tonight
and I've just found out that
I've got to do a live interview
with the coroner
of the Chamberlain case.
And I've got no idea
about, uh, any any of that.
Just ask the producer for the questions.
No, I did. I've got 'em.
I just I'm not sure that
I'm understanding the, uh the story.
Just read the questions they
gave you and don't worry.
It won't show.
But is there any chance that you can
come in and help me prepare?
I don't work on Saturdays.
- Um see you soon.
Great. Thanks, Noels.
Do you know who Lindy Chamberlain is?
Yep. I'm all over it. I'll see you
in an hour. Thanks, Noels. Bye.
This is the coroner back in 1981.
Yeah, Mr. Barrett. That's his name.
I do know his name.
So, his finding, as coroner,
was that Azaria Chamberlain
was taken by a dingo.
He said there was no reason
to suspect otherwise.
Yep. Yep.
But then a murder charge
was brought against Lindy
and, so
So, he was wrong.
But also right. What? What?
No, he was right.
You know, he was always right.
But during the murder trial,
he was held up to ridicule.
His reputation was shredded.
Yeah, but
Um uh
It's like he won the premiership,
but then he was told he
lost it on a technicality.
Only now, years later, it's been
proved he actually did win it.
- Vindication.
- Yes.
So, he said the dingo
took the baby, and now
now it turns out
the dingo took the baby.
Well, why aren't we asking, like,
how does it feel to be proved right?
You should. That's a good question.
It's not the list.
Uh, it doesn't matter.
It's your interview. Ask it.
- "Mr. Barrett"
- Mm-hm.
" after all this time, how does
it feel to be proved right?"
I kiss the ground on which you walk ♪
I kiss the lips
through which you talk ♪
I kiss the city of New York ♪
Where I first met you ♪
You're my darling, don't forget it ♪
'Cause I'm the guy
who will regret ♪
REPORTER: It is assumed
that Mrs Chamberlain
It's pretty safe to say that
we've lost our advantage.
Shall we just get a piece to camera
before it gets any busier?
Should we just get something about
how it was her first night of freedom.
- Sleep okay?
- Yeah.
You do realise last night
was Friday night?
And you said that you were going to
do something a little bit creative.
I thought we were working.
- Next weekend, we'll
- What?
Can you see the door? (CLEARS THROAT)
TIM: Yeah.
- Okay. Good, Ross?
- Yep.
And rolling.
Behind me, in this suburban home,
is where Lindy Chamberlain has
spent her first night of freedom.
She's been staying with the Parrys,
members of the Adventist Church
who have been steadfast in their
support of the Chamberlains.
DALE: Stuart Tipple, Lindy's
lawyer. Stuart Tipple.
Arriving now is Stuart Tipple,
Lindy Chamberlain's lawyer.
Mr. Tipple, Mr. Tipple,
Helen Norville, News at Six.
No comment at this time.
I'm wondering if you know
I made an approach yesterday.
There'll be no interviews, no photo
opportunities, given right now.
You're wasting your time.
Please, move on.
We'll just get your piece
to camera and go.
He just said no interviews.
He actually just said
no interviews right now.
- Helen, he asked us to leave.
- Dale, this is the gig.
You don't walk away
the minute somebody
- We need to call the office.
- closes the door in your face.
We need to update Lindsay and Dennis.
If you've reached your limit,
call the office.
- It's nothing to do with
- Speak to Dennis. I'm staying here.
- me reaching my limit.
- Oh, my God.
Bit of a lovers' tiff?
Do you have 10 bucks?
Uh, yeah. Sure.
How come?
Bribing the neighbours.
There you go.
Thanks, I'll, uh, pay you back.
No worries.
Jeez, I hate it when Mum and Dad fight.
- Could I get you a cuppa?
- Thank you, no.
Just the phone is fine.
Well, sing out if you need anything.
Newsroom, Noelene speaking.
Hi, Noels. Is Dennis
or Lindsay available?
Uh, both. Who do you want?
Let's start with Dennis.
- You alright?
- Yeah, I'm
Just can you put Dennis on the line?
MR PARRY: We'll keep trying the
number, Lindy. We'll get through.
LINDY: I just told him last night,
I'd speak to him again in the morning.
I know you did. Michael's probably
getting hundreds of calls.
When an office spends a fortune
sending you to Darwin,
the expectation is you will call in
first thing every single morning.
So sorry, Dennis.
- Gotta call you back.
- Don't hang up this !
Helen, come with me.
- Just come with me.
- What? What is it?
MR. PARRY: Is he any better?
LINDY: Oh, he was still a bit shy.
And Aidan was there,
leaning into the phone.
He's so cheeky.
He said they bought me a present.
He didn't say what it is, though.
Did you speak to Kahlia?
I think she's gonna need some time.
- Oh, my God. Is it ?
- MR. PARRY: It won't take long.
I just look so different
to how they remember.
I thought you were gonna
come out of prison different,
but you haven't.
You've still got the same smile.
They'll recognise that smile.
Just the thought of us
all sitting down, as a family
- One more sleep.
- One more sleep.
Helen Forget the money
Forget waiting for her.
You write her a personal letter,
you introduce yourself,
you explain to her why you are
the best person to tell her story,
and then we fax it to her lawyer.
And we make it a story
about a grieving mother,
someone who's been separated
from her children.
The Lindy that's always been there,
but everybody's just refused to see.
- That's it.
- Let's do it.
MAN: We are back in four
One of the most interesting figures
in the long history of the case
has been Dennis Barrett.
Mr. Barrett was the coroner
of the Northern Territory
during the first inquest in 1980,
for which he faced fierce criticism.
He joins me now from Darwin.
- Mr. Barrett, thank you for joining us.
- Thank you, Rob.
- Now, at the time
- Thank you.
Uh, sorry. No, thank you. Uh
The first inquest, you found
that Azaria Chamberlain
had been taken from the tent by a dingo.
That's right. Yes.
And you also criticised the
police forensic team
and you went further to suggest
that the police,
the public and the media
had created a prejudicial environment
for Lindy and Michael Chamberlain.
Yes, I thought that was happening.
How does it feel to be right?
Well, everyone was doing their job
to the best of their ability.
But, sir, with respect,
I'd put it to you
that, uh, you were right all along.
You're not angry?
It's Lindy Chamberlain who suffered.
Well well, that's I mean,
that's very gracious
of you, Mr. Barrett.
I'm just I'm just not sure
that everyone would feel that way.
As I say, everyone was doing their job.
I have no bitterness about any of it.
It's it's like you lost
the premiership on a technicality,
only to find out, years later,
that you actually won it.
As I say, the legal process was followed
and what happened was a tragedy.
- Mr. Barrett, thank you.
- Thank you, Rob.
Oh, that was cactus.
I didn't mean literally talking
to him like a footy player.
I know. I know.
The rest of the bulletin was fine.
Well, don't go overboard, will you?
No, it was okay.
I can't talk to anybody
about anything but footy.
I mean, around here, there's just
there's just so much
- So much what?
- Oh, I you know, it
Like, with the sports boys
and with Lindsay, it's just
it's all this it's posturing.
I don't know how to talk to people.
Sorry, Noels.
Oh Uh, no, it's it's okay.
DALE: What is that draft four?
I think this is gonna be the last one.
I thought the second draft was perfect.
I just want it to be a little bit
more about the mother story,
as opposed to the family story.
I got that from the second pass.
I think I can do better.
Uh, I was gonna wait,
but this is the perfect light.
I know it's Saturday evening,
and I concede the original
deal was Friday,
but we do have this sunset and the view,
some warm champagne,
two of the better mugs
from my motel room
and some artificial flowers
that I stole from reception.
I committed an actual
crime for this, so
Have I redeemed myself?
Yeah, I think you might have.
Can you, um
spare 10 minutes?
You want to finish the
letter, don't you?
I'm just I'm so close.
I'll be maybe five minutes.
Ah that's alright.
But let the record show that I did
deliver on this creative date
and you chose work.
Do you really think that
the second draft was good?
It was fantastic.
But I, uh
I want it to be career-defining good.
Well, for me, it was, but
if you think you can
make it even better
take all the time you need.
ROB: Lindy Chamberlain is finally
on her way home to Mount Isa.
Boarding a plane in Darwin
this afternoon,
she will soon be reunited with
her husband and three children,
as Helen Norville reports.
Mrs. Chamberlain's getaway proved
to be a carefully planned manoeuvre.
She was shielded from sight
as she was smuggled
from this suburban home.
She was then taken to Darwin Airport,
straight to the aircraft, in a van,
accompanied by her solicitor,
Stuart Tipple.
She boarded the flight from
the back stairs, covering her face.
And now the world awaits
Mrs. Chamberlain's
first public appearance,
her first public comments
as a free woman.
What will she say about her release,
about her family reunion
and, of course, the extraordinary
events of the past six years?
I'm Helen Norville.
You're watching News at Six.
Thank you.
Okay. I'm gonna make a drink.
Do you want one?
Helen, we drank so much on the plane.
If I drink any more, I might pass out.
But sure.
Oh, can you read that? That's from work.
And I'm sure it's Lindsay
just telling me
what an awful failure I was.
I'm gonna I'm gonna pour scotch.
What does it say?
Well, he wants us in
first thing tomorrow.
Yeah, of course he does.
he's heard from Lindy's lawyer.
They received a letter
and they would like to arrange
a phone conference
to negotiate an interview.
- No!
- Yes! Yes!
- No! No! No!
Yeah he wants to confirm
the details tomorrow morning
before presenting her with
a proposal in the coming week.
Oh, I told you draft two was
Thank you.
Walters residence. Evelyn speaking.
Yes. Just a moment.
It's the lawyer, Stuart Tipple.
Geoff Walters.
Mr. Walters, Stuart Tipple here.
Stuart, hello. Long time.
Sorry, I haven't responded till now.
We received your request
and we're starting the process
of determining
who will represent the Chamberlains
in terms of media engagements
and interviews and such.
Of course, of course.
Just one point of confusion.
We received another proposal
from the News at Six
for an extended interview
with Helen Norville.
It came with a very compelling
letter and an offer of $100,000.
I see.
Is your proposal in conjunction
with that or separate?
No, no, I'm, uh
Are you sure about that amount?
100,000, yes.
And that offer's been made to Lindy?
No, not yet.
She's still settling in.
Sorry, Stuart, we, um
we seem to have some wires crossed.
I, uh
Let me get to the bottom of it.
Thanks for the call.
What did he say?
Never mind.
Back in an hour, darling.
- Clive.
- Geoff.
This is unexpected.
Thanks for meeting me, Clive.
Uh, there's a pub about five minutes
I won't keep you long.
You're not jumping ship, are you?
- Hmm.
- You gonna join me at 60 Minutes?
I have four pieces
of information for you.
Information that you absolutely
didn't hear from me.
Now, Lindy and Michael Chamberlain
are open to an interview.
We know.
And the Chamberlains have great
respect for your man, Ray Martin.
Other outlets have been
making cash offers.
Is that right?
The bidding is now at 100,000.
If that needs to be exceeded,
I know there are plenty of print outlets
that would be keen to partner
with a journalist of
Ray Martin's calibre.
Why are you telling me this?
Hey, Geoff?
Just come and have one drink.
Another night, Clive.
You two, in here. Den, you as well.
The Chamberlain call has been cancelled.
Didn't give a reason.
They just said it was off.
- What? Who did, their lawyer?
- (LAUGHS) Not a lawyer.
An assistant to Mr. Harry M. Miller.
Well, they have to at least
show her my letter.
No, they don't.
Well, I'm I'm gonna
talk to the lawyer directly.
- Is this ?
- No.
- I'm gonna call
- Helen
- It's not gonna do any bloody good.
- I'm gonna try. I'm just gonna try.
Do you think they've accepted
another offer?
Oh, well, I've heard something from
our affiliate covering Mount Isa.
He said that, uh
Ray Martin arrived this
morning in a helicopter.
Morning, all.
Morning, Cheryl.
Love the hat.
- Current run sheet, Mr. Walters.
- Thank you so much, Noelene.
Welcome home.
Oh, thanks, Geoff.
Tough beat up there, isn't it?
We thought we had an exclusive
for the bulletin, but
Well, I'm sure you gave it your all.
I'm scheduled to read the lead.
Perhaps, given you've been
away, you should do it.
- Really?
- Yes.
Well, that's very kind of you, Geoff.
I have my moments.
My new boyfriend's mother is coming
for the entire Easter weekend,
and I've never met her.
DALE: Helen, do not worry.
My mother is going to love you.
What's Dale's story today?
Oh, he's, uh, doing a piece
about the royal wedding.
EVELYN: Fergie and Andrew
have just set the date.
The wedding's in July.
What's wrong?
For Charles and Di,
Geoff worked 17 hour days.
Surely they can get someone else.
Honestly, it was just
just a bit of indigestion.
DENNIS: A story every night.
That's about 100 Fergie
and Andrew stories.
The royal red.
A drink fit for a duchess.
Okay. We just need two shots.
There's been an explosion in the city.
Near Dale?!
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