The Oath of Love (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 3=
(Nurse Station)
Give me a piece of paper, please.
I need to fill in
the discharge application.
Your treatment is not over yet.
I'll discuss it with the doctor.
Just hand me the paper and pen
and leave me alone.
Mr. Lin.
It was you
who said those frightening things
to my family
or they wouldn't be in a panic.
What exactly did you say
to Lin Zhixiao?
Even she's forcing me
to do a re-check.
Mr. Lin,
would you please calm down now?
I can understand
how you feel right now.
I've seen many patients
who felt the same way as you do.
You feel that
you're thinking for your family.
You don't want them
to worry about you.
You're not me.
But have you ever thought that
if something happens to you one day,
your family will feel guilty
for the rest of their lives?
Because they'll feel that they lose you
because they haven't insisted
on giving you the treatment.
Losing temper
is not gonna solve any problem.
I just saw your daughter crying.
Do you want her
to live with doubts and worries
all the time?
do you still need this?
Zhixiao. You're coming right on time.
What's wrong?
As soon as I got back,
your father told me
that he'd love
to have another gastroscopy.
Do you think
he's having a hard time?
He told you so?
- He's gonna do one more gastroscopy?
- Yeah.
It's okay. No worries.
I persuaded him to do it just now.
Why did he listen to you today?
It's not like what he'd do.
I have no idea either.
When I was talking to him,
he refused to do the check.
Maybe he has figured it out now.
Your father is a freaky man.
I'm gonna buy something.
I'll be back later.
Hello. Bed 9 from In-patient.
(Digestive Endoscopy Center)
Okay, you can go in now.
Okay, thanks.
This is Bed 9.
Okay, guys, just wait here for a moment.
This is a biopsy sample
from Gastroenterology.
(Date: March 13, 2019
Name: Lin Jianguo)
Hi, this is Gu Wei.
Dr. Gu.
I'd like to know
if the pathology results of the biopsy
of the patient in Bed 9 has come out.
Hold on, I'll take a look.
Hello, Dr. Gu, are you still there?
Yes, I am. Go ahead.
Okay, I see.
Do you know the situation of Bed 9?
People including the director
were very appreciative
of what you've done on this occasion.
From the perspective of the patient,
being diagnosed with cancer
is not something to be happy about.
You misunderstood me.
What I mean is that the timely diagnosis
for Bed 9
is a blessing.
I do feel happy for him
that he could meet
such a good doctor like you.
I didn't use the right word.
I know you didn't mean it.
No worries.
Would you consider…
Gao Xi.
I can't operate on him.
My application for transferring
to another department
has already been forwarded
by Vice President Gao.
The center should have
a new arrangement to announce
in the next two days.
I told you.
I know my own physical condition.
I'm fine.
A re-check is a waste
of both the precious medical resources
and money,
isn't it?
Yes, yes.
We never should be too anxious.
To make up for you,
I will make soup for you today, okay?
Your favorite.
That's more like it.
And you.
Why do you two
have to make me suffer again?
You are the same.
Fine. It's all our fault.
You should take advantage
of this period after surgery
to recover from your ulcer.
If we don't have the doctor
watching you,
you will smoke
behind me and my mother, right?
What are you talking about?
When did I smoke?
What I said is true.
I saw it.
Your mints
and flying chess,
did you hide them in the drawer?
I'm not stupid, okay?
I can't even eat mints now?
I saw you put them here before.
Did you move them?
No, I didn't.
Where did you put them?
Chapter 2…
Chapter 2…
Get up.
Get up.
Why? I'm just lying here, aren't I?
Why do I have to get up?
Lin Jianguo.
I I just put them here…
I didn't smoke, seriously.
- I just…
- You didn't smoke?
Don't you know it's harmful
to your stomach and the other organs?
Don't you know that?
I'm gonna turn this place upside down.
If I find one cigarette, you're dead!
I didn't smoke.
I just feel happy to see it.
It's just a stomach ulcer.
I I didn't smoke.
What's the big deal?
Okay, okay.
Alright. Alright.
Have you ever listened
to me for once all these years?
If you've heard me,
how can you get this disease?
Tell me.
It's my fault. Okay?
Don't talk to me.
Alright. I really…
Really, I'm wrong.
What's wrong?
I'm fine.
Take this lollipop.
Sweet food can make you feel better.
I'll have this.
Thanks, Qiuqiu.
What a smart boy you are!
You've become a Doctor of Medicine now.
I'm okay.
I'm going outside for some fresh air.
Would you please just stay here
and play by yourself for a while?
Good boy.
- What's wrong?
- Uncle Gu.
I made a mistake.
What happened?
I lost my medicine.
I didn't dare
to tell my mother and Dr. Gao.
They'll scold me for sure.
Can you help me look for it?
Don't worry, Qiuqiu.
Tell me where you've been.
I just went to the rooftop to play.
the rooftop is particularly dangerous.
You can't go there alone in the future,
I see.
I just finished my work.
I'll go find your medicine.
Can you go back to your ward first?
Come on.
Why are you up here, Dr. Gu?
Qiuqiu asked me
to help him find his medicine.
How could his medicine be here?
Do you need my help?
No, thanks.
I found
what he has lost.
Were you crying?
It was just the wind…
It blew something into my eyes.
And I've got some
excessive internal heat lately.
So I'm okay.
Bad mood
can lead to cortical dysfunction,
which can cause endocrine disorders.
Studies have found
that 80% of diseases
are related to cortical dysfunction,
such as hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases, etc.
So it's not a bad thing
for you to cry.
I think you do need
to vent properly too.
You must
have known the pathology results
earlier than us.
In fact, your father's stomach cancer
is in the middle stage.
As long as he cooperates
with us during the treatment,
he has a good chance to be cured.
I know.
The earlier the diagnosis is made,
the sooner he can get the treatment.
It's definitely a good thing.
It's just
Listen to the music.
It's Johannes Brahms's
Double Concerto for Violin and Cello.
I can't believe you know music so well.
Beyond the title of the piece,
I also know
that this version was written
by the cellist Mischa Maisky
with Bernstein,
and the Vienna
Philharmonic Orchestra
as well as Kramer.
Mischa Maisky?
He's a legendary musician.
I love him so much.
He was born in wartime
and went through
the turmoil and hardships.
Even so,
he never gave up his dream of music.
He is one
of my favorite cellists.
Whenever I encountered difficulties
and challenges,
the first man
who came to my head is him.
I wanna be like him
when I face the challenges
and setbacks in life.
You know quite a lot.
Of course.
I'm a junior in the music department,
it may be a little hard for you to tell…
This hospital is practicing MDT,
which stands
for Multi-Disciplinary Treatment.
But I don't quite understand.
In simple terms, it means that doctors
of various specialties,
such as medicine and surgery,
work together to customize
a medical plan
for a patient.
This is the surgeon
who will operate on Mr. Lin Jianguo.
Dr. Yan Bingjun.
- Hello, Dr. Yan.
- Hi.
Let's get right to the point.
Lin Jianguo's tumor
is located
in the lesser curvature of the stomach.
In this case,
we recommend
radical total gastrectomy,
which in layman's terms,
is to cut out the whole stomach.
Cut out his whole stomach?
Here's the thing.
Mr. Lin's tumor
is in a special location.
And the ulcer area is relatively large.
The most critical problem is
that his cancer might be worse
than what the gastroscopy showed.
total gastrectomy is the safest way.
My mom is kind of overwhelmed right now.
Sorry, Dr. Yan.
I did some research on the internet.
In similar cases like this,
Dr. Gu seemed
to have used
the distal gastrectomy
preserving half
of the patient's stomach.
Dr. Gu?
Dr.-Dr. Gu?
You mean Gu Wei?
Yeah. Gu Wei.
No matter what Dr. Gu thinks,
I have my own medical philosophy.
For patients,
eliminating all possible risks
of post-operative recurrence,
in my view,
should always be the top priority.
So, Dr. Yan,
you're saying
that as long as this surgery is done,
my father's disease won't recur
in the future,
That's not what I meant.
No one
can be 100% sure
that the disease won't come back
after an operation.
We, as doctors,
are just saying that we'll try our best
to minimize the probability
of its recurrence.
Okay, I understand.
What about this?
This is the consent form for surgery.
Take a look at it.
Mr. Lin's surgery
is scheduled for…
Next week.
Next week. You still have time.
You still have time to think it over.
If you have any questions,
feel free to tell me at any time.
I have surgery to do.
I gotta go get ready.
- Okay. Thank you, Dr. Yan.
- It's nothing.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- It's okay.
If you have any follow-up questions,
you can keep asking Dr. Gao.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Have a seat.
Excuse me, Dr. Gao.
As I said before, as his daughter,
I hope that my father
can live a quality life.
So this surgery
Can I ask Dr. Gu to do it for us?
Yes, yes.
Dr. Gu was the one
who found my husband's cancer.
We trust him a lot.
I understand what you mean.
This may disappoint you,
but Dr. Gu is…
Or maybe you can go talk to him,
as the family members of the patient…
Dr. Gu Wei
is indeed
one of the greatest surgeons
in our hospital.
I support your idea.
Go and talk to him.
As long as he agrees,
there won't be any problem.
Okay, okay.
Okay, okay.
Thank you, Dr. Gao.
By the way,
Dr. Gu is usually occupied.
I suggest you do something
to convince him.
- Okay, we understand.
- We understand.
Okay, then.
We'll leave…
- We'll leave it here for now.
- Okay.
We'll come back
after discussing with Dr. Gu.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Dr. Gao.
Bye, Dr. Gao.
I'm going back to the ward
to stay with your father,
or he'll get suspicious.
go to the mall right now
to buy something for me.
I'll give you 2,000 yuan.
What for?
Buy something,
and give it to Dr. Gu.
Don't ask.
One, two, three, four, five.
Take it.
Did you not hear what Dr. Gao just said?
"Do something".
For "Do something",
she means we should be respectful
and grateful
when talking to Dr. Gu.
Did you take this the wrong way?
You're too naive.
That's a social protocol.
Just listen to me.
Go buy a gift
and gave it to him,
Your father's surgery
is the first priority!
Don't dilly-dally here.
What are you dawdling about?
Come on, go!
- I'll go then.
- Come on!
Lin Zhixiao.
You've been following me.
Is something wrong?
Dr. Gu.
I'm serious.
You are the most trusted doctor
by our family now.
We earnestly expect
you to operate
on Mr. Lin.
Miss Lin.
Your father's surgeon is Dr. Yan.
So I suggest you
discuss with him if you have anything.
I understand. I understand.
Dr. Yan is a nice person.
But Dr. Yan said
if he operates on Mr. Lin,
he will cut off Mr. Lin's stomach.
Well, Dr. Gu,
I want to know if there is
- any other surgical plans…
- Surgical plan.
I just said
I suggest you discuss this with Dr. Yan.
Wh-What about you?
Why can't you do it?
Personal reasons.
Got it.
Dr. Gao told me
I have to be sincere.
Fruits are rich in vitamins.
People like you
should eat more oranges.
Wait a minute.
I'll wash them for you right away.
No, I'm fine.
Don't like fruits?
It's all right.
Something better is coming.
Dr. Gu.
I believe
doctors like you are
exhausted, aren't you?
Isn't that how it feels?
I know that.
Before my college entrance exam,
I couldn't sleep.
I felt anxious. I lost my hair.
I lost a lot of hair.
But I used this.
(Anti-hair loss shampoo set)
No more hair loss troubles.
This is amazing.
It's imported from abroad.
If you buy this set,
you can get hair growth essence
for free.
I'm not lying to you.
When I'm done with this,
my hairline is growing back.
No, but I didn't mean
your hairline
is probably retreating.
I just thought you could
prevent it before it happens.
Am I right?
You don't seem to like this very much.
It's okay.
I got a better one.
Dr. Gu.
(Sea Cucumber Men's Supplements)
Have you ever got the feeling
that your body is depleting?
As doctors,
you always operate, consult
and see patients.
No matter of energy
or physical strength,
you can't keep up. I understand.
I checked this online.
This thing
is nutritious.
Especially it is good
for men in their 30s like you.
(Sea cucumber Men's Supplements)
Men's supplements.
Go for it, Dr. Gu.
Miss Lin, I'm busy.
There is a consultation this afternoon.
About the surgery,
I suggest you talk to Dr. Yan.
I appreciate your kindness.
I think we just had…
a pleasant conversation.
What's the matter?
Was there something wrong?
Dr. Gu.
This thing works really well.
Got it. Got it.
Dr. Gu,
I have nothing else to do.
I just want to tell you
I'll be waiting for you at the door.
He didn't agree?
Dr. Gao.
He He didn't agree.
You go back first.
Let me ask him.
All right. Thank you, Dr. Gao.
Lin Zhixiao, didn't I tell you
I let Lin Zhixiao go back first.
So, what do you want from me?
For this thing,
is there really no room for discussion?
You diagnosed his father's disease.
Gao Xi.
Don't try to talk me into this.
Okay, I won't talk to you.
If you like,
it's good to do research.
If you want to quickly
make achievements
in the field of scientific research,
you'd better go to one of the top labs
in the country.
I'll go with you.
How come I never knew
you have a scholarly plan?
Not before.
But for you,
I'd like to go with you.
Sorry, I didn't see anything.
Lin Zhixiao!
Come on in.
Didn't you just say
you have something to talk to me?
Now let's have a good chat.
Gu Wei.
Come on in.
Dr. Gao, I'm sorry.
I've got business
to talk about with Lin Zhixiao.
You go where you're needed.
I'm not finished yet.
Sit down.
Sorry about that.
I want you to think about it.
For couples like you,
I've seen too many at school.
You love each other.
But you broke up in the end.
She wants to get back together,
but you don't.
You want to abuse her again, don't you?
Very imaginative.
So she likes you.
But you don't like her.
If this is not the case
Could it be that you two are
in a secret relationship?
But you like
Stop! Stop! Stop!
You can go now.
No way, Dr. Gu.
You're so cruel.
You just took advantage of me.
Thank you.
You can go now.
Dr. Gu,
about Mr. Lin's surgery,
if we don't make it clear today,
I'm not leaving.
Don't keep prevaricating me
by saying it's because
of your personal reasons.
Or is it because you don't like
the gifts I bought you?
So what do you like?
Just tell me.
I'll just buy it for you, alright?
You see, it's like this.
I really like
the gifts you bought for me.
Could you
wash an orange for me?
So simple?
Yeah, it's that simple.
Are you sure?
Okay, wait a moment.
I'll wash you an orange
Mm, go ahead.
Be right back.
(Electronic Gastroscopy Report
Lin Jianguo)
(Doctor's Office 2)
Dr. Yan.
I want to talk to you
about the possibility
of distal gastrectomy
of the patient Lin Jianguo.
(Doctor's Office 2)
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Fine. Gu Wei.
Yesterday, I looked through
Lin Jianguo's gastroscopy report.
I found that
given the location of his tumor,
we can consider not
having his stomach removed
Just make one
You go ahead. I'm listening.
Dr. Yan.
I think we should save people
for the sake of their survival and life.
With Lin Jianguo's current situation,
the distal gastrectomy
can give him better access to nutrition.
Maybe it's better for him.
You said it yourself.
is your idea.
It's not mine.
the surgeon of Lin Jianguo
is me now.
I'm not willing to take that risk.
Neither will I
put my patient at risk.
Actually, these two plans
are both risky.
It's just that I think
a distal gastrectomy
is more suitable for Lin Jianguo.
All right, all right.
Our argument is
You have your thoughts.
I have my principles.
Well, if you insist on
keeping Lin Jianguo's stomach,
you can operate
on him.
What do you think I can do?
I have only one choice now.
That's to let Dr. Gu operate on Mr. Lin.
But Dr. Gu is not willing to do it.
It's not right.
I remember you said
Dr. Gu is just a pretty boy.
And he is a jinx.
You've changed your attitude
towards him so soon.
Come on.
Did you hear what I told you?
Thanks to Dr. Gu,
Mr. Lin's illness is confirmed at last.
Strictly speaking,
Dr. Gu is kind of Mr. Lin's
And at present,
Mr. Lin can only retain
more tissue in his stomach
if Dr. Gu operates on him.
Do you really think he is reliable?
He didn't get promoted through nepotism?
He's not a quack
with a medical accident?
That's because
I didn't investigate before.
I didn't know.
But now I know.
He's definitely not like that.
Then beg him
to operate on Mr. Lin.
I begged him.
I tried to persuade him.
I even bought him gifts.
But he didn't accept anything.
What did you give him?
I gave him…
Anti-loss hair shampoo.
There's another one.
Men's Supplements.
Why are you laughing? What's so funny?
Come on. You're so funny.
Don't you know what on earth
you gave him?
I thought they were good gifts.
Is there a problem?
Why don't you follow my advice?
I promise you will make it.
What's your advice?
Come here.
Dr. Gu.
(Doctor's Office 2)
Dr. Gu.
- I'm going back to the office.
- Okay.
Dr. Gu.
Here you are.
Dr. Gu.
Are you doing radio gymnastics
in front of my office?
Dr. Gu.
What's the matter?
Look! The aliens.
Lin Zhixiao!
Not me. It's your illusion.
The subscriber you dialed is busy.
Please try later.
(EMK: Have you ticked off
these scenic spots?)
(Sansan: Coffee is delicious)
What's the matter?
I was wrong.
That day,
I didn't know clearly…
If you
are still not creative like this,
I advise you to stop.
(I've done a lot of wrongs.)
(I can't read your mind.)
(I don't know what you think
of our relationship.)
(I will always like you until…)
(old me old you)
Are you paying tribute
to Love Actually?
It doesn't matter what I pay tribute to.
Don't you answer it?
She is not important.
My priority
is you now.
If I create inconveniences,
I can give you a minute.
No, no, no.
You didn't.
It's very convenient.
Nothing inconvenient.
It's just a video call.
You can just watch it right here.
Gu Xiao.
When are you coming to see me?
What are you doing, Gu Xiao?
Gu Xiao.
- Gu Xiao.
- Bye.
Why didn't you call me?
Call me.
Gu Xiao, what are you doing?
I have some proper business to do now.
I will call you later.
Lin Zhixiao.
Dr. Gu, I've been waiting for you.
What are you doing here?
I'm here
I was just waiting for you
in your office.
I noticed you weren't there,
so I have to wait for you here.
I'm dining out.
You can come with me.
(Doctor's Lounge)
Dr. Gu, let me treat you.
Sansan, emergency!
I need to find a restaurant
nearby the hospital
to treat Dr. Gu.
A high-end one.
Quickly recommend me one.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(If time could stop at the moment)
Only the two of you?
(when we first met)
Yeah, I made an appointment.
- Okay, this way, please.
- Ms. Lin.
Is this place good?
- Yeah, it's delicious. Trust me.
- This way.
Thank you.
Is this the seat we reserved?
Yes, it is.
Thank you.
This is our menu.
Thank you.
Today is Couple Theme Day.
Couple Theme Day?
I'm sorry, I-I don't know
today is a special
We have three packages.
For 288 yuan,
388 yuan
and 588 yuan respectively.
Which one would you like?
Talk to me. Talk to me. It's my treat.
Got it.
Looks like your girlfriend's
in charge of the money.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
What kind of package do you want?
In our 588 yuan package,
there is an upgraded dessert,
heart-shaped tiramisu.
Its name is Devotion.
It has a good meaning.
Would you like to try it?
No, it's okay. It's okay.
I'll choose myself.
We'll have a 288 yuan package.
Thank you.
Okay, just a minute.
Lin Zhixiao,
I thought you were looking for me
because you want to ask about
your father's surgical plan.
Looks like now
there's something even harder to say.
Lin Zhixiao.
You can't really be
looking for a date.
No, no, Dr. Gu.
Don't get me wrong.
I didn't mean that.
I just
not easy to ask.
I still have to ask.
Dr. Gu,
please operate on my father.
Thank you.
Wei, you're not home yet.
Du, you're just in time.
Come here.
Handle this as usual.
After the patient's family do this,
they will feel at ease.
Who sent it this time?
Lin Zhixiao.
Lin Zhixiao?
She gave you a red envelope.
Does that mean you're not leaving
and you're going to operate
on Lin Jianguo?
She's not asking me to do my best
in surgery.
But she misunderstood me
because I don't want to
operate on her father.
It's okay.
Anyway, in two days,
my transfer application
will be approved.
That one.
Does it hurt?
It's okay.
I have paid the bills.
Why don't you go get me something?
Come out and I'll tell you
how to get there.
It's alright.
What's the matter, Ms. Li?
The red envelope is returned.
Red envelope?
Red envelope for Dr. Gu?
I went to pick up your dad's medicine.
When I was paying,
I found out that there is more money
in the card.
It is just the amount
of the red envelope.
If it wasn't him, who could it be?
Dr. Gu returned the red envelope.
Do you think he thinks we paid less?
Or are there other reasons?
Who knows?
I think he's made up his mind
not to operate on your dad.
Come on, Ms. Li.
Don't worry about it.
I'll convince him.
What can you do?
No worries.
I'll take care of it, okay?
All right, get inside.
♪Pass by the bustling scenery♪
♪Fascinated by a raindrop♪
♪Watch it glide on my fingertip♪
♪Kind of like
the intersection of pressing strings♪
♪Some small things♪
♪Have been kept in my mind♪
♪Later I smiled and remembered,
leaning on you♪
♪I couldn't help myself then♪
♪One likes another♪
♪They show love
by slowly getting closer♪
♪Secretly glad how incredible it is♪
♪One likes another♪
♪Leave all care♪
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
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