The On1y One (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Actually, we can give it a try

Oh, yes.
But it's just a meeting of lips.
I won.
Hey, no.
Oh, sorry.
I'm still better at lyrical writing.
Tell the others, an eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth.
-You can go back to your room now.
-No, wait.
-Oh, yes.
What's this?
You're giving me money?
You're giving me money after kissing me?
What do you take me for?
Even if I was,
you think I'm only worth this much?
This is water money.
What do you mean, water money?
You got me a bottle of water
at Xi Le this afternoon.
I'm paying you back now.
You're saying it's money
for the water I got you?
Paying me just for some water?
That's true.
Didn't the boss at Xi Le say,
"Brothers have to clearly settle
their debts"?
we hardly know each other.
All right.
Close the door for me. Thanks.
In recent years, more importance
has been given to oral English.
So remember, class,
oral, oral, oral.
Three times, because it's so important.
Oral practice is very important.
There are two example sentences here.
Who can read this?
Qi Jiahao.
Excellent. You may sit.
Thank you, ma'am.
So, class,
What's the difference between the two?
I've got no time for you now, Crab.
It's so hot.
It still hasn't been accepted.
Since we're not friends,
we're enemies then.
Do you have to fly tonight?
You've only just returned.
I came back to see you all
because I was worried.
Otherwise, I'd have flown direct
to Shanghai from Thailand.
All right, I know.
Thank you so much.
I'll leave the household to you.
-I'll take you to the airport.
No need.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on.
I've prepared your favorite casserole.
-What's wrong, honey?
Auntie Zhang, take Xiaowang away first!
-Good boy, Xiaowang. Honey
-Auntie Zhang, we'll go to the hospital.
Sheng Wang, your mother
will return in a jiffy.
Don't be afraid.
Good boy.
Don't cry.
I've prepared your favorite casserole.
Ouch, it's hot!
Ma'am, you got scalded!
Put your hands under running water!
Look how clumsy I am.
Please be more careful.
It's okay. I'll be fine
once I put some ointment on.
-What's the matter?
-She got scalded.
It's okay.
I was careless and got scalded
while making a casserole.
Why did you make a casserole
for no reason?
Xiaowang likes it.
I think his mom often made it
for him when he was little.
I didn't know how to make it.
Auntie Sun happened to be here today,
so I asked her to teach me since I'm free.
Put some ointment on.
This ointment is very effective for burns.
I always have it with me.
It really burns.
Making a casserole won't turn you
into my mother.
And my mom didn't get hurt so easily.
Xiaotian. Never mind
Listen, look after Xiaowang!
No need for that!
What did you mean by that?
I don't need you to look after me.
Why do you have to always wait for
and accommodate me?
As if I'm lower than you.
You don't need to do this.
You're not obliged to.
You're such good pals that
you even came together, huh?
You don't look very good today.
Do you have a fever?
I'll get something for you.
Our handsome guy's English
is so good that his score
on the last weekly test was way higher
than the school's average.
150 English practice questions.
You should've finished them by now.
Thank you, Lord, for your kindness.
You don't look good at all.
Last night, did you secretly
Did you catch a cold?
This is for you.
It's good for reducing fever.
Thank you.
I have a fever too. Take a look.
You can stop lechering.
have you finished the 150 questions?
The rest of you?
Why aren't you answering?
Only our little English teacher
Qi Jiahao answered.
Are the rest of you pretending to be dead?
Okay, open your test papers now.
We'll begin explaining.
Miss Jing's style is that
whoever gets called up
-will be publicly humiliated.
-Hand over the paper.
Never mind.
I'll let you off this time.
I'll use someone else's.
Jiang Tian.
Take the exam paper from the
white-faced student in front of you
and bring it here.
He doesn't look strong enough
to come to the front.
Excuse me, ma'am.
He's not well.
Why didn't he go to the clinic then?
Sheng Wang, you and Jiang Tian
look at the paper together.
Everyone, look at the first question.
Your breathing is disturbing me.
I win.
-Sheng Wang.
What's the matter? You're not focusing.
Sheng Wang didn't do badly in this test.
He only got
seven or eight questions wrong.
What about you, Qi Jiahao?
Four Questions.
Come to my office after class.
Okay, everyone.
Let's look at the next question.
Sit down.
Do you know what your test score was?
Yes, I do.
You don't think it's strange?
You got every question right,
but I said you got
seven or eight questions wrong.
Are you depressed?
-You want the truth?
-What else?
I'm not depressed.
Because scores are for others to see,
while strength is for us alone.
You sure know how to talk.
Then do you know why I said you got
seven or eight questions wrong?
Wait for me.
-I know.
-You do?
Then tell me why.
Because I've just moved here
and haven't fully assimilated
into the class.
The only ones on good terms with me
are Gao Tianyang and
And who?
No one else. Just Gao Tianyang.
But it's because he's easy
to get along with,
not that the class has accepted me.
Actually, most people in class
look upon me as a stranger,
looking at me like some strange thing.
That's why
I can't perform too poorly,
or I'll be out of place in this class.
But I can't do too well either,
or I'll take too much attention away
from my classmates.
Which means I need to be good
but not too good.
That's the best.
I didn't think
you'd come up with such notions.
I didn't really.
They're just random thoughts.
It's more or less what it means.
As long as you get it.
The intensive classes
can be easy
or complex.
Everyone is on the same level.
You'll find more competition
than affinity with people.
Even though most students
are simple-minded,
there are some who may be
more competitive and wary.
So I also hope you can be
a little low-key.
As far as the 150 test questions
are concerned,
maybe I can't keep a low profile on that.
You know
During the morning self-study,
the class will compare the answers
How many of them?
Depending on how many people Gao Tianyang
can pass the papers to, there should be 1
About 20.
We need to discuss this.
Incoming. Our class's god of English,
Sheng Wang!
Are you crazy?
I'm not some attraction.
Go be a tour guide.
It's just awesome that you got
all 150 answers correct.
I hit the jackpot when I copied yours.
You've got some audacity.
Let's discuss.
Why are you cursing me?
I wasn't.
I looked up
Shanghai International's forum.
It says in there that you're
the school's handsome bastard.
I call people by a single word.
Single word for handsome bastard
is bastard.
I've no objection to your practice,
but can't you use another word?
Don't use handsome either.
How about Sheng?
Shen? That sounds like kidney.
I'm Sheng.
How about we call him Wang?
-Why ask me? Ask him.
-We'll call you Wang.
I don't object to it,
but don't you think it's weird?
Let's hear you say Wang.
-It suits you well.
-Gao Tiangou.
Gou Tianyang.
We'll just call you Sheng.
Sheng is good.
We'll call you Sheng then.
I'm okay with it. It's up to you.
Can I ask a favor of you?
Next time, when you hand in
your test papers,
can you not let Gao copy it?
Our teacher wants me to make sure
no one copies another's work.
It's my duty as a prefect.
I don't want to cause trouble to anyone.
Exactly. There's still the phone.
Don't trouble me again.
Record that.
You've never played on your phone?
You've never copied another's work?
Don't think that I'd don't dare.
I've recorded it all. I'll hand it
to the teacher at the end of term.
I'm just kidding. What time is it?
That's a lot.
I don't think I have any.
Tian, where did you go?
The clinic.
The clinic?
Surely not?
Went to get some cold medicine
for our Sheng?
My mom scalded her hand.
I got her some medicine.
Come here.
What is it?
Are you free tonight?
Qi's friend has opened
a café by the river.
Today is the grand opening.
They have not only coffee but barbecue
and ice-cold drinks too.
It's perfect for this hot weather.
How about it?
Not much homework today.
Let's go relax a bit.
Qi will be there.
I don't think
It's not good if I don't go.
-I'll go then.
Bye, Tian!
You seem to get along with Jiang Tian.
Why didn't you invite him?
It's not that we get along.
We're childhood friends.
We grew up
at the Little White House together,
but Tian has never joined in
with such activities.
-He's very busy.
But I'm surprised that
you would want to ask him.
Why surprised?
You two haven't got along
since you came here.
If it wasn't for Miss Jing
insisting on pairing you with him,
you two wouldn't be talking at all.
I thought you wouldn't want him to go
because you don't know him.
Yes, I don't know him at all.
I'll be home late today.
If my mother asks, tell her
the teacher wanted to see me.
You don't know him?
He's telling you his whereabouts.
No He's just
He's not reporting to me
but to his family.
Anyway, it's too complicated
to explain it to you.
Right now, the two of us
We're just co-renters.
Best if you ask Jiang Tian
his own situation.
So now, you two
live together at night and pretend
to be strangers during the day.
Are you two having some secret affair?
Secret affair?
I have my own room, and he has his.
Are you close with your neighbor?
Very close. My grandparents
live opposite us.
Are you done?
You're going?
Goofing off again.
You're really
Hey, enough.
Hey, it's beautiful here!
Look at me!
Let's take a group photo.
Over here, together.
Go over there!
What's going on? Stop fighting.
Everyone, get close.
One, two, three.
One more, and get the river in it.
One, two
-Why is it just Gao Tian Yang's head?
-Really cool.
-Don't steal the spotlight.
Ridiculously handsome.
I heard the owner of this café
opened up the front of the first floor
and made an open-air area
where you can look down at the river.
Cherish it.
It's our final year.
In 12th Grade next year,
the school will recommend that
we board at the school
to save study time.
Everyone will move in then,
except some strange ones
who will rent at the Little White House
and make it like a dormitory
outside the campus.
Is that so?
Listen, Sheng.
Why do I feel like you're interested?
Are you wanting to live
in a dormitory now?
When can we start registering?
I'll tell you once the school notifies us.
You want to board at school?
It's lively there.
Besides, if we can't finish our work,
there'll be lots of people to copy from.
-Hey, it makes sense. Well said.
They usually copy from you.
Yes, he'll bring it over for us to copy.
Okay, Qi's waiting for us.
Let's go, hurry up.
-Why would he copy from others?
Why aren't your classmates here yet?
I don't know. They should be here soon.
Quick, come in!
What took you so long?
Xi, long time no see!
Long time no see.
I'll never forget how you took me
to Old Ding's to steal his sausages.
They were delicious!
-There'll be lots of sausages later.
-Thank you, Xi!
They're all your classmates?
This is my friend.
They call me Xi.
You can call me Xi too
if you don't mind it.
Hello, Xi.
This gentleman here
is my partner.
His name is Lin Zi.
You can call him Lin Zi.
-Hello, Lin Zi.
-Hello, everyone.
I'll let him show you to your seats.
Your place is right inside.
Business begins today.
Eat and drink all you want.
Come in here and take a seat.
You guys dig in first.
I'll prepare some things.
Okay. Thank you, Lin Zi.
-Thank you.
How did you get to know Xi?
He was our private tutor.
I'm telling you, he's really amazing.
The school has an honor roll, right?
He was always at the top of the list.
He even became Taiwan's model student.
How's the flavor?
It's great. Thanks, Xi.
Thank you, Xi.
Who ordered the beer?
Sorry, Xi. I ordered it.
I took a break from school. I'm 18 now.
You're 18, but your classmates aren't.
Okay, then. Besides liquor,
everything else
is on the house.
Then I'll just get some drinks.
Tianyang, why don't you ask Jiang Tian
if he wants to join us?
Jiang Tian?
Are you all Jiang Tian's classmates?
You know Tian?
I don't just know him. I know him well.
Tian often comes here?
We've met before, right?
Welfare Society, the Ageh fish ball soup.
Sorry, I'm not good at recognizing faces.
You left without paying,
then Jiang Tian took you away
Oh, I remember now!
You left without paying?
-You didn't pay?
-Didn't pay for your food?
I did pay him later.
So you actually know Tian well.
No wonder you come to class together.
Hello, Jiang Tian.
You're really not coming?
All your friends are here.
Including Mr. Dine and Dash.
Okay, you do your work then.
Jiang Tian has something on.
Eat and drink all you like.
Let me know if you need more, okay?
Xi, have you got things like meat skewers?
We do.
-Lin Zi.
Grill more meat skewers.
Thank you, Xi.
Eat all you want.
Your leg's aching again?
Not at all. I told you I'm all right.
Why did you come?
I bumped my knee against something.
It's fine.
Okay, leave it.
-Let me take a look.
-There's no need.
It's nothing.
It was just a little bump.
Have you got used to living at that place?
You never answer when I ask you things.
How is it? Have you settled in?
Actually, there's cause and effect
in everything in life.
If I wanted to eat dried fish,
I'd put it under the sun.
If this is the cause,
the effect would be
the cat taking it and eating it.
When the fish is eaten Hey, be gentle.
-Okay Just bear with it.
-The fish getting eaten is the cause.
Me catching the cat
and giving it a beating is the effect.
The cat getting beaten is the cause,
so it looks at me as if I'm an enemy.
When I go out, it jumps down
and gives me a scare.
That is the effect.
As a result, I bumped my knee.
Many things
seem to exist by themselves,
but everything's actually
closely connected.
all you want is
run away from your destiny,
you're actually
just afraid to face yourself.
So every arrangement is the best.
Once you face it, you'll be set free.
What did I tell you?
Seek stability.
Stability will enable us
to be up to any task.
Okay, sit down.
What are you doing?
I'll see to it.
It's your fault.
You made me bump my knee.
Okay I won't blame you.
You stole my green pepper
You ate what he ate. Do you like him?
I ate from another side.
-Can you swallow it?
-Leave me the yellow one.
Drink more water if you're sick.
Who told you I'm sick?
You tell me.
Was it Jiang Tian?
He isn't even here.
Why would he care?
Wow! You've got to finish it.
Slow down.
Sheng's very thirsty.
Meat skewers coming.
Thank you, Lin Zi.
-Make some space.
-I want this one.
-Why does this taste so weird?
-Hey, who took my chopsticks away?
-Gao Tian Yang.
-Take more if it's not enough.
Raise your glasses.
Do you guys know?
Miss Jin seems to have been single
for a long time, right?
But lots of male teachers at school
are chasing after her.
But she doesn't care about any of them.
So I was wondering,
could the person she wants
to fall in love with be me?
-Not possible.
-Don't talk nonsense.
You dare talk about falling in love.
It's your father who won't
let us have any romance.
That's right.
Did you listen to him?
-Did you listen to him?
Do you know that
those two girls from the next class
often come to see Tian?
I heard they've changed
their affections lately.
Seems they like the guy
who just transferred here.
There's another newbie in our class?
You're the one. Are you
-My green tea.
-It's not tea.
This is beer.
He isn't even here. Why would he care?
Slow down.
No wonder it tasted weird just now.
I'm going to the washroom.
-I think it's too much.
Don't steal his drink.
I just wanted a taste.
Is he drunk or not?
He looks okay.
I think you look more drunk,
with your crazy antics day in day out.
I suddenly thought of something.
Lately, haven't they
started the selection of model students?
You sure get news fast.
The class prefect should be
announcing it tomorrow.
One class should have three places.
But besides high achievers,
there are also class prefects.
I don't think I have a chance.
But there are still the class votes.
That's right.
So I'm going for it.
I'm paying for this meal
to thank you for your vote.
Waiter, the bill, please.
-What's the problem with that?
-Qi, you're rotten.
Paying the bill?
Your classmate who went to the washroom
has paid the bill.
Was it Sheng?
Sheng, are you all right?
I'm okay.
You paid the bill?
-Thanks, Sheng.
-Thanks for inviting us.
I just want to thank you
for including me in this.
I'm no longer by myself now.
enjoy your food and drinks.
Let's dig in.
Xi, we'll leave Sheng to you.
We'll get going then.
I've got a bad headache.
Why have you come?
Didn't you go to Old Ding's?
You gave him beer?
I gave him water.
He insisted on cold water
but took the wrong drink.
I only drank one mug of green tea.
When I wanted to drink a second mug,
someone snatched it.
Let's go. Can you stand?
I didn't drink beer.
Where's Gao Yangtian?
His name's Gao Tianyang.
Then Song Sirui, Xu Xiaozui, Qi Jiahao,
and that whatever Chili Fish?
Where've they gone?
They've gone home.
Looking at your condition
I thought I'd send you home
after I'd cleaned up.
No worries. I'll take him.
Can you walk?
Xiaotian Zi.
Start driving
back to the palace.
Wait till I've gone over this mountain.
Be careful.
Walk faster.
You used to wait for me.
Do I have to wait for you this time?
What's this you have?
Cockroach poison.
We don't have cockroaches at home.
It's to poison you.
I'm faster than you.
I win.
Sit properly.
I'll go buy some water.
I don't want it.
Sit properly.
They all say we know each other well.
My father also said to me
that we could become good friends.
Our classmates also say
we look like we're very close.
Even the café's boss Zhao Xi said
we look like very close friends.
They all think we're very close.
In reality, we hardly even exchange
a few sentences.
-Actually, we can
-I was really ill with a cold today.
But you never even bought me any medicine.
What's this?
Take the hangover remedy.
Take the cold medicine later.
Once you're sober,
come to me to get it.
What brand is it?
You know I'm very high-born.
I don't take just any medicine.
Don't take it then.
It tastes terrible.
Good medicine tastes bitter. Drink it up.
I've finished it.
I think I'm already sober.
Sober now?
Then count from one to ten.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Count from ten to one.
Ten, nine
Why should I obey you?
Let's go home.
I'm not drunk.
You're finally home.
Don't touch me.
Why are you two back so late?
I thought
Why's there such a strong
You two drank alcohol?
Xiaowang, are you all right?
I'm good. Totally fine.
Be careful.
Be careful. Come
Come, sit here.
Do you feel like throwing up?
Why would you take him out drinking?
Watch him.
Make sure that he doesn't vomit.
How's your hand?
My hand
It's all right.
I brought medicine for burns.
Apply it when you have time.
You bought it specially for me?
Watch that he doesn't vomit.
Are you all right, Mom?
I can understand Xiaowang.
I'm still not used to this place myself.
It's harder for him
as he has to get used to us also.
Add lemon, honey
This is for you.
It's to prevent colds. Hurry up.
Come on.
Drink honey water.
It'll help you sober up.
I'm sleepy.
I'm going up to bed now.
He's drunk,
very drunk.
I guess he thinks about his mother
when he sees us.
Who is it?
Jiang Tian?
He only just accepted my friend request.
Did you lock the door?
I'll come in then.
You want to come
Drink this.
When I was little,
when I came down with a fever,
my mom would make
honey lemon water for me.
Then my mom passed away.
Then for a time,
I would dream about my mother every night.
It was so painful for me then.
So I'd grab my blanket
and go sleep with my father,
so I could feel there was
someone beside me.
The pain would then subside a little.
But later,
maybe because I'd reached puberty,
maybe because my father
was becoming busier and busier,
that type of closeness
was difficult to preserve.
After that, the house
got bigger and bigger,
but there was no one to sleep close to me.
After a long time,
I didn't need anyone to be
so close to me anymore.
My dad respects me a lot.
They call someone
like my father enlightened.
But I know
that is just courtesy.
There's a huge difference.
I will drink it.
You can go.
I've finished it.
Here you go.
Don't stay up too late.
I remember
I have something I want to ask you,
but why can't I remember it?
Oh, I remember now.
at the riverside,
I said
they said we look like we're very close,
but we hardly exchange even a few words.
But actually,
you have said one sentence to me.
You said to me
Actually what?
-Actually, we can
Actually, we can try
Try what?
Try to be a little closer.
At this moment,
I totally forgot what
our English teacher said.
What's the difference between
"up to you" and "down to you".
Only then did I realize,
the moment Jiang Tian said that,
my world
turned upside down.
My world toppled.
You're Jiang Tian
of Year Two, Class A, right?
How may I help you?
My mother got scalded.
Can I get some medicine from you?
It is against school regulations,
-never mind. I'll get it for you.
-Thank you.
Three times a day.
She must remember to apply it.
Oh yes, your English teacher just called
saying your classmate has a cold.
Can you bring it for me?
I still have an errand to run.
Never mind,
I'll get someone else to bring it.
It's not good if I don't go.
-I'll go.
Bye, Tian!
You seem to get along with Jiang Tian.
Why didn't you invite him?
It's not that we get along.
We're childhood friends.
But Tian has never joined in
with such activities.
He's very busy.
But I'm surprised that
you would want to ask him.
Why surprised?
Nothing. You two haven't got along
since you came here.
If it wasn't for Miss Jing
insisting on pairing you with him,
you two wouldn't be talking at all.
I thought you wouldn't want him to go
because you don't know him.
Yes, I don't know him at all.
I'll be late home today.
If my mother asks, tell her
the teacher wanted to see me.
You don't know him?
He's telling you his whereabouts.
Subtitle translation by: Elaine Liew
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