The Orchestra (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Kammertonen tak!

Isn't it slightly blasphemous -
to have sex in an archive
with 300 years worth of masterpieces?
Am I not worthy?
Of course, you're worthy.
You're Giuseppe "Verdi-licious".
- Bo.
- Regitze.
You're starting therapy today, right?
Thanks to you.
- Good luck with it.
- Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hi, Mette.
This is Bo Høxenhaven.
Hi, Bo.
My name's Mette, and I'm a business
psychologist. Come on in.
Have a seat.
Gertrud, are we just
setting an example here?
We're not the bad guys, Jeppe.
There's no room for offensive behaviour
and inappropriate language here.
And yes.
Hopefully, we'll set an example as well.
In situations like this,
we'd usually have four or five sessions -
but Gertrud wants us to continue
until we've made sufficient progress.
Until you think I've made
sufficient progress, you mean.
- You could say that.
- Then let's say that, Mette.
This is just an offer, Bo.
An offer I can't refuse.
That's true.
Not if you want to keep your job.
But you should try
to consider this a cooperative effort.
Do you know why you're here?
Are shrinks taught
to drink tea with both hands?
We're here to talk about
how to speak to women
in a non-sexual manner.
- Did it go well?
- Go well?
This is a miscarriage of justice,
so I wouldn't exactly say that.
- This is not about you.
- Who's it about then?
It's about the Hall. We need to be
at peace and to follow the rules.
You're just a victim of management.
Let me tell you something, Bo.
If you had done what I said
and apologized to Anastacia -
we wouldn't be in this situation.
- What about your wife?
- I know you don't exactly love her.
Damn right.
She found a solution.
Now you get to keep your job.
What about you?
Do you love her?
What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
- I don't know.
Neither do I. I'm not married,
so I don't know anything about that.
No, but I can tell you that Regitze
is my best friend and my wife.
- Okay.
- So yes, I love her.
I guess everything's alright then.
If you
theoretically, had information -
which could ensure that
the best musician got the best job -
wouldn't you be obligated to use it?
Even though it would mean the person
didn't get the job fair and square.
If you're the best person for the job,
you should get it.
How you get it is completely irrelevant.
It is, isn't it?
- Even if it's dishonest.
- Dishonest?
Will you be dictated
by the morals of mediocrity -
and let your art fall by the wayside?
No, I really don't.
That would be a stupid thing to do.
Three, two, one.
- Wow.
- Happy Valentine's Day.
Wow, that's
a ballon.
It's so pretty.
You're such a sweetheart.
It's like one of those teddy bears
you win at a shooting gallery.
If you win a teddy bear, I want it.
You can have this, baby.
We can share it.
Thank you. I'll give it to Tobias.
- Right.
- They're so beautiful, honey.
How romantic.
I have to get that.
- It's Regitze.
- Regitze Nygren?
We know that you're having an affair
with Simon Elliott.
If you want it to remain a secret,
you'll have to dismiss him immediately.
Not just for your husband's sake,
but for the Hall. Understood?
Bo, is that you?
Hi, Bo.
I'm glad you called.
- Who's this?
- Regitze.
I didn't call anyone,
and my number's unlisted.
I recognized your voice,
and your number's on the intranet.
No, it's not.
We have to talk about this.
That's probably a good idea.
The cafeteria in one hour.
What am I gonna do with you, Bo?
We're a group of people watching you.
It's just you, Bo.
- We're a faction.
- Cut the crap.
It's just you.
So what if it is?
I have nothing to be ashamed of.
It's a disgrace that Simon Elliott
is the solo clarinetist.
Not just to me,
but to the Hall and to music in general.
It's hurting
our international reputation.
So if you have Simon Elliott fired -
I'll make sure Jeppe doesn't find out
about you and Simon's
- Affair.
- Yes. Exactly.
Listen carefully.
Everyone knows you're a far better
clarinetist than Simon.
But life's a popularity contest,
and no one can stand you.
People just don't like you,
but they like Simon.
That's why things are the way they are.
- Why don't they like me?
- You're repulsive and arrogant.
And antisocial. And you just proved
that you're completely unscrupulous.
- But they know I'm better than Simon.
- Take those glasses off, you fool!
Jeppe is a good person, Bo.
Don't hurt his feelings.
Keep your mouth shut, and stop sticking
your nose in other people's business.
Good talk.
How's the therapy going, Bo?
- Hello.
- Hi, Jeppe.
I want to talk to you about Marcellino.
I'm not sure his manner of speaking
is in tune with our guidelines.
In light of
the issues with Bo Høxenhaven -
we probably have to fire Marcellino.
You can't fire him.
You don't have the authority to do that.
- No, but
- Yes. I can fire him.
But I'm not gonna do that.
We need to have
a consistent position on this matter.
Just don't listen to him.
Marcellino is a great artist.
He's expresses himself dramatically
because his music is dramatic.
Would you say
that you're a lonely person?
Loneliness is a part of human life.
You might as well ask me
if I'm breathing.
Okay. Let's say
that loneliness is a part of life.
Do you think
you're more lonely than others?
If I'm more lonely than others,
it's because I choose to be.
I focus on what really matters.
What matters more than other people?
I have yet to meet someone who
matters half as much as Mahler's fifth.
Maybe loneliness
is the root of your problem.
You don't socialize with women,
so you don't know how to talk to them.
Jesus Christ.
What kind of role model was your father?
I haven't seen my father
since I was a kid.
Hi, Bo.
You don't have to pick me up
from school every day.
Right. I'm sorry.
There's something I want to run by you.
Marcellino's manner of speaking
reminds me of
An amateur pornographer.
Yeah. It's not raising any eyebrows.
- Of course not.
- What's up with that?
He should be thrown out on his ass
or have a talk with Mette.
Marcellino is the conductor.
- The rules don't apply to them.
- That's not right.
Think of it
as moral diplomatic immunity.
Someone should say fuck it
and fire the guy.
Keep that to yourself or you might get
fired yourself. Just a word of advice.
Admit to your mistakes and humour her.
Otherwise, you'll never get out of it.
I know it goes against your sense
of justice, but it's not worth it.
Just a word of advice.
Can I ask you something?
You can ask me anything.
If someone asked
if you played in the nude,
would you get offended?
You shouldn't get offended by that.
The person who said it probably admired
and desired you at a distance.
And maybe imagined that you
No one's asked me that.
Is that what you thought?
No, no, no. I just wanted to say
that I often do it myself.
Exactly. That's what I mean.
That's how I rehearse.
Me too.
But I keep one shoe on.
- Oh. Because of your clubfoot.
- Yeah. Exactly.
Is your foot shaped like a club?
No, it's like
Wait. I don't want to know.
Cheers, Elin. Forget I asked.
Cheers, Bo.
What the fuck have you done, Jeppe?
Did you fire Marcellino?
- Yes, I did.
- For fuck's sake, Jeppe.
This will cause less of an upset.
It would've ended in a scandal.
I just fired Marcellino.
You can't do that, honey.
No, but I just did.
But why?
It's gonna give me
a huge legal headache.
His behaviour was extremely
offensive and inappropriate.
In this case, morals are more important
than your workload on Monday.
Did you really fire him?
Come here and lie next to me.
Come on.
Are you my dirty, little Valentine?
I won't do anything offensive.
I won't mind.
- Here I come.
- I wanna show you something.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
I'm a heteronormative male,
and I've been an exponent -
of an aggressive
and discriminating patriarchy -
that is fundamentally
power-hungry and perverted.
I've exhibited toxic masculinity, walked
over women and ignored their integrity.
I've offended them verbally
to hide my own insecurities -
but I'm sitting here
as a rehabilitated perpetrator -
who condemns the offensive culture
I've been an exponent for.
When I leave this office today,
I will look my victims in the eye -
and ask for their forgiveness,
but I know I'm not entitled to get it.
Way to go, Bo.
Way to go.
- Take care, and be nice to others.
- Thank you, Mette.
- Good luck.
- It's been quite a journey.
I'm glad to hear it. I'll tell Gertrud
that we've had our last session.
- Thanks.
- Take care.
God damn it.
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