The Pact (2021) s01e03 Episode Script


You see the message?
-Yeah, we all did.
[Nancy] I think we gonna have to
give them what they want.
I don't have five grand.
We've got savings.
It was for a holiday.
Oh, I feel terrible about this.
I promise you I'll pay you back
as soon as I can.
Me too.
I'll find a way to pay my share.
They want the money left under
Maddox street bridge tonight.
What if it was Tish?
She saw us with Jack.
He bit you?
I hated him.
I'm glad he's gone.
Jack's phone's missing?
We will have to search his room.
Why should I help the police,
if they won't even
let me bury him?
The camera's prehistoric
but it does the job.
I'll have to take
your hard drives.
How's your wife?
[all three] Happy Birthday.
She's a valuable conduit
to the brewery so use her.
I need to tell you something.
There might be something
in Jack's room
that explains what he was
doing in those woods.
It's an invasion of his privacy.
Jack's postmortem
results came back.
He was asphyxiated.
[theme music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[Arwel] Doesn't look
like him anymore.
[Louie] He looks peaceful.
He should have
been a better dad.
[Arwel] The cravat was
a good idea.
Hides the rope marks.
[infant crying]
I better go and check on Jack.
I'm sorry.
Who would kill my boy?
We've just paid a murderer.
It might not be the same person.
We've got their number,
we should send it to the police.
Well, if we did that,
they'd find our numbers
in the phone records.
We can't withhold evidence.
At some point they're going to
find out we were in those woods.
Not if they catch
whoever did this first.
We're in too deep now.
If any of this
comes back on us
What if one of us killed him?
Don't pretend
you haven't thought about it.
Maybe one of us
went back for him?
In which case,
whose got the criminal record?
-She brought it up.
We can't start turning
on each other.
There were plenty of people
at that party
who could have followed us.
Plenty of people who hated him.
We went to see
the body this morning.
They said it'd be good for us,
that he looked peaceful.
But he was like a waxwork.
Just a thing, you know?
Not a not a person anymore.
This is a murder investigation.
It changes everything.
If we tell them what we know
they can rule us out.
-You don't know that.
-Cat's right.
We'd be the prime suspects,
whatever happened
it would ruin our lives.
We don't have lives
right now, there's only this.
It will pass.
The best thing for us
to do is to sit tight
and wait for the police
to catch whoever did this.
IT have logged
one of the pub hard drives.
It's a back-up of his PC.
There's nothing
of interest on there
unless you're into gang bangs.
My gang bang days are long gone.
The second drive
is the CCTV back-up,
-but it's partially corrupted.
-Well, can they restore it?
They're reckon
we'll get something,
it'll just take
a couple more days.
[DS Holland] Have someone on it
round the clock.
Yeah, will do.
Meanwhile focus
on that brewery party
let's nail that timeline.
When you're finished
with their social media
re-interview all the workers,
see if you catch anyone
changing their story.
Max, I need you down
at Arwel Evans' place
with a POLSA team.
-Yeah, I'm on it.
-Oh, and Max?
Anything from Anna?
Not really.
Any gossip going round,
any theories?
Nope, nothing.
This case could
put you on the map, Max.
If you play your cards right.
[telephone ringing]
Sorry Arwel.
This is a search warrant.
-His room's been stripped.
-This is how he left it.
[Max sighs] We need to know
all we can about Jack.
I don't know what to tell you.
What's in the barrel?
Get down there and check it out,
and the bins.
What the hell
are you playing at?
I shouldn't have
snapped at her before.
Oh, she's all right.
Well, I'm not.
Every time Max comes home I feel
like I'm going to lose it.
I mean, I actually
dread him coming home,
how awful is that?
I can't find my car keys.
Listen, um, we'll talk later.
I promised Father Martin that
I'd do a bit of
cleaning for him.
Yeah, I bet you did.
I just need to keep busy.
It stops me thinking.
Is that your birthday jumper?
Yeah, yeah, I've been
meaning to ask
where it's from 'cause
they left the security tag on.
Oh, God. I'm so sorry,
I'll take it back.
I can do it.
No, they'll need the receipt.
-Honestly, it's no trouble.
-Aww thanks.
How's Arwel?
He's losing it.
He, um, wants to hold a memorial
at the house
'cause the police
won't release Jack's body.
Will you come?
Of course.
We've found a melted laptop
in the bins.
Remains of paperwork,
photos, belongings.
You're wasting time on me
when you should be out there.
What you've done will seriously
impede this investigation.
Jack wouldn't want you
picking through
his life like magpies.
He's private.
Arwel Evans, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of perverting
the course of justice.
You do not have to say anything
but it may harm your defense
if you do not mention
when questioned something
you later rely on in court.
Do you understand?
Wouldn't you do
the same for your boy?
Protect him,
even in death?
If I was you, I'd want justice.
[cell phone rings]
[controller keys clicking]
[knocking on the door]
[knocking on the door]
-You're supposed to knock.
-I did.
And I do your washing Ryan,
I know what goes on in here.
Mom I'm busy like,
what do you want?
Do you know
how to trace a phone, like,
find out where it is,
just from the number?
-It's a girl at work's
getting prank phone calls.
I want to know who's doing it.
And you've got the number?
[keyboard keys clicking]
There's GPS tracker apps.
They're probably behind paywalls
but if she's desperate
then I guess
Yeah, I think she is.
Can you send me the links?
Are you spying on Tamsin?
This isn't about Tam.
-Are you spying on me?
Get over yourself.
I'm getting a lock
for that door.
Follow me please.
[DS Holland] Oh, Max.
Evans has called his lawyer,
they're coming down.
What do you think?
Um. I've known him for years.
Pretty straight, but, um
-I don't know.
it's best you
don't do the interview.
I got to duck out
for twenty minutes
and deal with something.
Okay I'll keep you updated.
Oh, good work, Max.
[tag pops]
Oh shit.
[approaching footsteps]
Sundays are a day of rest.
I don't mind.
God's orders.
You know when
the first lockdown happened,
it got me thinking.
I realized that
I'd just been marking time.
not really living. And
and what an insult
that was to
to God.
And to all those people
who don't have that luxury.
And so I swore that
once lockdown ended
I would change.
And then I didn't.
So, I've been praying
for help
for the courage to change.
I want my life
to count for something.
He heard you.
You know sometimes it's hard
to see the bigger picture.
God has a plan for all of us.
I used to believe that.
I used to think of myself
as a good person.
Everyone has doubts
from time to time.
Nobody's faith is
ever truly unwavering.
-Even yours?
Especially mine.
-You're home early.
-[door closes]
I was thinking
take out for dinner,
pizza or something?
-The usual?
-I guess.
-Garlic bread?
Whatever you want.
What's wrong?
Are you having an affair?
-I just needed you to tell me.
Of course, I'm not,
what are you talking about?
-Are you leaving us?
You need to be straight with me.
I am.
Max what's going on?
You withdrew our savings.
-No, I didn't.
-I got a text
One of those automated messages.
I thought it was a mistake
so I checked online.
-You emptied the account.
-I moved it.
Another account
with a better interest rate.
-Show me.
-Show me the account.
-Don't you trust me?
You just lied to me so,
no, not right now.
-Show me!
-Max the kids--
Show me the account.
What happened to the money,
And no more lies
because I'll know.
Well, say something!
I lent it.
To who?
A friend got into trouble
she needed money.
What kind of trouble?
She couldn't pay
her mortgage.
It doesn't matter.
A girl at work.
So, you gave her our savings?
We'll get it back.
-I don't know.
-Why are we
subsidizing someone
else's mortgage?
She was about to be kicked out.
What would you have done?
I don't know, none of my friends
have ever asked me
for four and a half grand.
It was just sitting there.
That's not the point.
You didn't even ask.
What would you have said?
That presumably
she's a grown woman
who shouldn't have
got herself into that mess.
You just gave away
our money and lied about it.
I know I'm sorry,
I should've asked you.
Well, it's a bit late for that.
-It's all over the news.
They're saying it's murder.
Come in.
-[keys jangling]
-[lock clicks]
[door shuts]
We might've been the last people
to see him alive.
Cat what happened that night?
I don't know. Uh. You went
back inside and we went home.
And that's it?
That's it.
Well, where was Jack?
I guess he went back inside.
He didn't though.
I was watching for him.
You were drunk,
how can you be sure?
I'm sure.
Cat I need to know
what I'm covering for.
[scoffs] Nothing.
I don't know what happened.
what are you doing here, huh?
What's this really about
sudden attention,
being nice, the cakes?
What do you mean?
No one does
something for nothing.
That's pretty cynical.
Have you come into
any money recently?
Sorry what?
Have you?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
That night,
after we left the party
I went back, to see
if you were okay.
Only you weren't there.
I went home.
Cat what's going on?
You can trust me.
I made you those cakes
because I wanted to.
Because I like you.
If you don't want
to believe that
fine. I'll go.
You're really talented.
This one's beautiful.
Why's she so sad?
Don't know.
There's a memorial next week
for Jack.
Yeah, I saw the email.
-Will you be there?
-Why would I?
Oh, we're going for Louie.
And I'd like it
if you were there.
[Tamsin] We're gonna
watch telly.
[Anna] Sure.
I'm not angry at you.
I'm angry at them for
putting you in that position.
You bailed out a mate
and I get it.
But we've worked hard
for every penny of that money.
I saw my parents' struggle
and I never want to
end up like that.
Your friend needs
to take some responsibility.
[phone ringing]
[phone vibrating]
[Dylan] Louie,
it's Dylan Williams here,
I'm a solicitor acting
on behalf of your brother.
What's happened?
They've released me
"pending further investigation."
Whatever the hell that means.
Why did they arrest you?
I burned Jack's belongings.
Arwel why would you do that?
Because I want this to be over.
[rumbling thunder]
Okay, boss.
Thanks for the update.
[Holland] Keep chasing those
nerds for that hard drive.
Will do.
-See you tomorrow.
-[Holland] All right, bye.
Any news?
Nothing I can talk about.
Oh, you scared
the shit out of me.
I'm so sorry.
We don't keep secrets.
We never have.
[objects clattering]
Can I help?
Oh no, just browsing, thanks.
[security alarm blaring]
[shopkeeper] Excuse me?
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
Can you open your bag please?
How come Arwel
wasn't at the party?
How would I know?
And why you asking?
I thought you might've
heard something.
Right so I'm just your
interview subject, am I?
I'm not a mind-reader.
Fair enough.
Guess I'll see you later then.
[door opens, closes]
What's going on
with you and Dad?
-That's not nothing.
[cell phone ringing]
-Hi Louie.
-Hi Anna.
First off don't panic.
[Anna] Max wait.
What are you doing?
I'm going to the station.
Louie's been arrested.
Have you seen her?
No one's telling me anything.
What's going on, how is she?
She's being interviewed.
Tell them it's a mistake she was
returning that jumper for me
they left the tag on.
She's admitted to theft.
Well, she's grieving,
she's not thinking straight.
There's more going on
with Louie than you realize.
-What do you mean?
-Look there's no point waiting,
she's gonna be a while.
Seriously, go home.
She won't say anything.
I told them I'd pay for it
but they wouldn't listen.
To be fair,
you should've done that
before you walked out
the shop.
Have you done
this kind of thing before?
No, never.
[knocking on door]
Max, this whole thing
is a mistake.
Can you give us a minute?
What'll happen to me?
Well, it's your first offense,
you'll probably get off
with just a fine.
-The maximum sentence for theft
is seven years.
But it won't come to that.
I'll have a word
with the management,
explain what you've
been through.
Thank you so much.
But first I need your help.
Can you think of a reason
why Arwel would
destroy Jack's belongings?
Pretty much everything
Jack owned,
Arwel chucked on a fire.
He's not coping.
I don't know what else
to tell you.
His flight landed
the afternoon of the party,
but he didn't go.
Do you know why?
Have you asked him?
He said he was tired.
Well then
It was the brewery's centenary.
Was there tension
between him and Jack?
I can't speak for my brother,
you'll have to ask him yourself.
do you have any idea
who might have been
in the woods with Jack?
The investigation team's
been going through
the brewery accounts and
they've found something strange.
Regular cash withdrawals
from the main account
over the last 12 months.
Reported as "working expenses".
Over 40 grand's worth.
Any idea what they are?
[Louie clears throat]
Yep, they're
staff events.
The Christmas parties,
That's a lot of money
on decorations.
I noticed the withdrawals
started around the time
Arwel retired
and you started helping out
with the accounting.
Was Jack aware of
these withdrawals?
Does your boss know
you're asking me about this?
It's not a formal interview,
I just wanted a chat.
-Between us.
-Trying to earn brownie points?
-Did Anna lend you money?
I know it was someone
from the brewery.
Four and a half grand.
Ring any bells?
Your face says it all.
-[knocking on door]
-[handle clicks]
Her brother's outside.
With a lawyer.
I want to see Louie.
My colleague hasn't
finished her interview.
I've been instructed by
Mr. Evans
to represent his sister
so I'll sit in, thank you.
Who cares about
fucking knitwear?
I'll pay for it.
I'll pay for ten of them
just let her go.
It's not up to me.
This family has been
through enough.
Your superiors
won't even let me bury my son.
I have to hold a memorial
without a body.
I'm sorry
but in a murder investigation
we can't release the body.
Louie's grieving her nephew.
All I'm asking is for you
to show some compassion.
-Are we going or what?
-[Arwel] Oh.
"Thanks for getting me out
of the police station,
-Arwel." [clears throat]
-Yes, thank you.
You promised me
you weren't doing this anymore.
Dylan can get you off
a shoplifting charge but
but he can't work miracles.
All right,
can we get going please?
And if you needed money
you only had to ask.
Was this about Dad?
I understand if you feel like
you were owed something.
That's not what happened.
So why steal from the brewery?
Did Jack find out?
Oh, please tell me you
didn't have anything to do
-with what happened. No, no.
-Fine, I'll walk.
Please no, no.
I'm sorry.
All right. It's just
It's all
The police will want
to interview you
about the accounts.
And I'll make sure Dylan
sits in with you.
He says they'll get a warrant
to search your house so
if there's anything in there
you don't want them to find
Why would you do this for me?
Because we're family.
What happened to Louie.
Arwel took her home.
-Did they charge her?
I sorted it.
Thank you.
I know what's going on.
You gave her that money.
You do realize
we'll never get it back?
I need to go round.
Can you pick up Cat
and meet me at Louie's.
[knocking on door]
I saw her
in the upstairs window.
-You've tried phoning?
-Yeah, she won't answer.
[knocking on the door]
What are you doing?
You'll break the window.
Open the bloody door.
[Louie] Leave me alone.
Louie we just want
to make sure you're okay.
We're not leaving
until you speak to us.
Come on love.
I can't.
[Anna] Louie?
Hey. It's us.
-[Louie] Go away.
-Open the door.
Louie open the door
or Cat will kick it in.
I'm okay.
You don't look it.
We just want to check on you,
we're not here
[door closes]
What's all this?
It's brand new.
What? All of it?
How long have you
been doing this?
On and off.
You ever been caught?
You can hardly move in here,
how do you live?
Do you sell it?
Then what's the point?
If the police find this--
Yeah, they're getting a warrant.
We need to get rid of
everything right now.
But there's shitloads.
Do you know anyone?
Oh, yeah, that's right,
because I'm the criminal.
-Well, do you?
-Well yeah, maybe.
-We can't involve anyone else.
we'll just have to move it.
The brewery sheds?
Oh, too risky,
the police are all over it.
-Jesus Christ, Louie.
-I'm sorry.
You could hide it
in our garage,
as long as it's just
for a day or two.
It's full of junk anyway.
How do we move it
without Richard seeing?
He'll be in bed by nine.
-As long as we're quiet.
-You sure that's okay?
We'll need to borrow a van.
My neighbor's got one,
and he owes me a favor.
-We can't muck about.
-Right come on,
I'll give you a lift.
Can you stop?
I don't know.
Why didn't you ask me for help?
Because I like it.
We were sitting in the church
at my father's funeral
listening to the eulogies.
The lies about this "good man".
There was a woman next to me
I'd never seen her in my life
and she was crying.
Properly sobbing, you know like
she wanted the attention.
And her
purse was sticking
out of her coat.
It was red.
Fake leather.
Gold clasp.
And I took it.
I saw her looking for it
at the wake.
She was panicking and
she was shouting at the staff.
And I stood right next to her
with the purse in my pocket.
And I felt powerful
In control.
It can't stay here long.
Don't worry,
we'll sort something out.
Thank you.
Come on. Let's go.
[phone chimes]
Have you seen my cufflinks?
Anna? Cufflinks.
They're in the drawer.
[door opening]
Dad's ready to go.
You look nice.
Can we get this over with?
Stop it, you'll mess
your tie up.
There'd better be food.
I'm starving.
I'll see you inside.
[Louie] We can't keep paying.
[Nancy] I don't think
we have a choice.
[Cat] We can't ignore it.
And I can't keep lying to Max.
All I do is lie. I'm sick of it.
-It's okay, love.
-It's not okay. I'm not paying.
Anna. What are you doing?
Louie's not feeling well.
-It's starting.
-I'll be right there.
-We'll talk about this later.
I'm done.
Thank you for coming.
I'm not going to stand here
and pretend Jack was perfect
or popular.
But he was my son
and I loved him.
Jack had his struggles.
We all know that
But I I'd hoped
that handing him a business,
and responsibility
like my father
did for me, it would've
helped him find his
place in the world.
But it wasn't to be.
In the end Jack followed
his own path.
He was fiercely unapologetic
about who he was.
He burned fast
and bright.
Excuse me.
But whatever mistakes
he may have made
I don't think any of us can say
that he deserved this.
If we have to be here
You probably shouldn't do that.
Shut up, you nerd.
Have a drink.
You, okay?
I need wine.
I'll get it.
You came.
You asked me to.
What happened to your eye?
Nancy been knocking
you around again?
Just me, being clumsy.
-You fancy buying a brewery?
-You're not serious?
Thinking about it.
Arwel it's been in your
family for generations.
Well, maybe it's time
to cut ties.
Draw a line
under the whole thing.
I'm not looking for any
extra investments right now.
Suits like that
don't come cheap.
That portfolio of yours
must be doing all right.
We're comfortable.
God that sounds tedious.
Come on Richard,
there's always room for growth.
Nancy's been telling me
to scale back.
And she's in charge.
Well, if you change your mind
you know where I am.
Least the weather held off.
If we're gonna be
discussing the weather
I'm gonna need a top-up.
It's all right.
You look nice.
Hey, where's your sister?
I don't know.
Thank you.
I need to speak to my sister.
-Let's go inside.
-I don't want to go inside.
Now, please.
You're looking at me
like I'm the enemy.
-You burned his belongings.
-I wasn't thinking straight.
No, you're smarter than that.
-what's going on?
-It all makes so much sense now.
And the thing is I knew--
In here. I knew.
But I kept telling myself
it couldn't be true.
You're getting worked up.
Have a drink.
Oh, I read about it.
Abuse, repeating itself
down the generations.
I don't know
what you're talking--
Oh yes, you do.
How many times
have I covered for you?
How many scrapes
have I got you out of?
And what do I get in return?
When I need you.
I get this
this hysteria!
Yeah, but I know
what I did was wrong.
I feel shit about it
every time I steal
I feel shit about myself.
But I can't stop.
Is that what it's like for you?
I need to know you feel remorse.
I need to know
you're not like Dad.
You're still letting him get
to you, after all these years.
We should have talked about it.
We never talked about it.
You should have seen someone.
I get it.
He's the reason you stole
from the brewery.
No, I didn't steal
from his brewery.
I'd have resented me too
if I were you.
But it was Dad's choice,
not mine.
We both know
why Dad left everything to you.
The same reason he hung
himself from those rafters.
He couldn't deal with
what he'd done to you.
I knew.
[sniffling] I let it happen.
'Cause I was glad it wasn't me.
He tried it once.
He came into my bedroom
late at night.
I screamed the house down.
And over the years
I thought I'd dreamt it,
like it was a nightmare
and then I realized.
He hadn't stopped.
He'd chosen someone else.
He'd chosen you.
That brewery was
the least you deserved.
And just so you know
Jack took that money.
I tried to talk to him
but every time I mentioned you
he'd fly off the handle.
God it all makes
so much sense now.
You have no idea
what I went through.
You were meant to protect him,
to break the cycle.
I wanted my brother to salvage
this fucking mess of a family!
You're deluded.
You don't know
what you're saying.
You burned his things
to protect yourself.
Was there a diary? An email?
Is that why you tried
to buy him off?
Or was that guilt talking?
Please tell me there's guilt
in there somewhere. Please God.
God you're just like Dad.
You've always been
an embarrassment to this family.
And now, you're a thief
and a fantasist.
I should've let
the police lock you up.
It should be you
in that morgue,
not him.
It should be you.
[phone beeps]
[line trilling]
-Mom, we've got a problem.
-How much has she had?
-I don't know.
-How much, Ryan?
-I don't know!
I found her like this.
She just needed
to sit down for a bit.
Were you watching her?
-Weren't you?
-It sinks.
Let's get her home.
Come here, come on.
Thanks Nance.
I'm so sorry.
Can everyone just back off.
You're making me feel worse.
Ryan, can you get a bucket.
She needs water.
Don't look at me like that.
You made
a fool of yourself today.
Taking after my mom.
I know who this is now.
I wish she was happier.
It's an old drawing.
I stopped doing self-portraits,
started on these.
I really like this one.
I could never
get the pose right.
Will you draw me one day?
Like Rose from Titanic?
I love that film.
Me too.
Don't tell anyone.
You secret is safe with me.
[gasps] What?
Just popping out.
Tam's asleep
but keep an eye on her.
[Max] Anna?
Where you going?
Cup of tea with Louie.
I'll be half an hour.
[cell phone ringing]
-Hey, it's me.
We've retrieved an image
from the pub's CCTV.
Can you see Jack?
-No, but there's a vehicle.
-Email the photo.
[phone lock clicks]
[ominous music playing]
-[lock beeps]
-[mechanical whirring]
[line trilling]
[phone buzzing]
This is Arwel Evans,
please leave a message
and I'll call you back.
It's me.
We need to talk.
You need to see someone
you need help.
[Louie] Please call me.
[dramatic music playing]
[gas whooshing]
[television noise]
[message tone]
[mobile chimes]
[music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
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