The Passing Bells (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

1 There's a war.
We have to fight.
Do you think we'll come back? - Does it matter it I don't speak French? - (ALL LAUGH) (GUN FIRING) You see life disappear in front of you.
And as it goes, you realise just how precious it was.
He seems so much older.
I don't have the ring that I promised you, but will you just marry me anyway? (HORSE WHINNIES) FREDDIE: That is the third letter you have written to her this week.
FREDDIE: Give her a kiss from me.
RUDl: And me! LANZO AND STEFAN: And me! (LAUGHING) Must be coming up to your first anniversary.
See that's the secret to a good marriage, just spend a week at home once a year.
My feet are aching in these boots.
I think I might join the cavalry.
STEFAN: I don't know where we're going, but they don't normally move this many people without good reason.
Well, let's hope we're not reinforcements.
Why? Well, think about it, why do they need reinforcements in the first place? Because the ones that were there first are dead.
(LAUGHING) ANTHONY: Next time somebody tells me something's gonna be over by Christmas, I'm gonna check which Christmas.
Home on Christmas morning.
Don't make him any more miserable than he already is.
There's something going on.
Have you seen how many big guns are moving forward? Yeah, well, the more the merrier as long as they're on our side.
CYRIL: On your feet boys.
We just volunteered.
What for? Stretcher detail.
A couple of blokes need patching up, medics are over by those old barns.
They're miles away, haven't they got any carts? All being used, that's why I volunteered.
Wing Nut! Two miles carrying a stretcher, you gone mad? I hope so, then they might send me home.
Come on! (WHISTLING) BEN: Hang on, if this is his idea, how come he's not doing any of the carrying? I'm carrying the map.
We don't need a map! Look, this is my mission, I give the orders.
You'll be needing your own stretcher in a minute.
It's okay, we're nearly there.
Besides, it's not the journey that's important, it's what's at the other end.
Dig deep! Everything away! What's going on? The British must be planning something.
Here you are, boys.
They're all yours.
Thanks, mate.
Okay, let's pick him up.
That's it.
I know he's up to something.
Come on then, what's here? A canteen? Hot grub? A roast dinner - Better than that.
- What? Little birdy told me they had a visitor.
Reckoned it was worth a two mile hike to put a smile on that miserable gob of yours.
CYRIL: Excuse me, Nurse! Can you come and see my mate, please? He's in a really bad way.
I'm not really a nurse, I'll get someone No, no, no.
It's urgent.
I think he's broke something! It's his heart we think.
Love sick he is, it's the worst case I have ever seen! (LAUGHING) Why didn't you tell me? I thought you were fifty miles away! (CLEARING THROAT) You'll have to excuse his manners, he hasn't got any.
Joanna, these are the boys I wrote about, this is Wing Nut, Kev, AJ and Jonesy.
I'm very pleased to meet you.
Thank you for looking after him.
It's nothing to do with us, we keep chucking him over the top, but he keeps finding his way back.
Like a flamin' homing pigeon he is.
- Can't get rid of him.
- Alright, you can get lost now, boys.
- Got any friends pretty as you nursey? - Go! - (ALL LAUGHING) - Make the most of it, we've got an hour.
JOANNA: Your friends are funny.
THOMAS: They think they are.
JOANNA: They care about you.
I can tell.
We look out for each other, that's all.
So, you're close by? Couple of miles.
You wouldn't believe how much stuff they're sending in.
It's the biggest push yet.
It feels like we're near the end.
I hope so.
You alright? You look sad.
- Aren't you pleased to see me? - Of course.
My brother has been killed.
I'm sorry.
He was fighting at Verdun with the French.
I heard it's pretty bad up there.
Is your dad alright? I think his heart is broken.
But he said he will stay on and fight.
He won't go home until Poland's free again.
(SNIFFLES) And when it is, - you can take me there to meet him.
- (CHUCKLES) I think I want that more than anything else.
Every time they bring wounded in, I feel sick, thinking it could be you.
You told me to keep my head down, remember? Boys never do as they're told.
(WHISTLING) I have to go.
(WHISPERS) Come back.
Come on, mate.
Let's get you away.
(INDISTINCT CHATTER) (SNIFFLES) GERMAN CORPORAL: The British and French are about to throw everything they've got at us.
We will dig in deep, and wait.
When the bombardment is over and they think we're all dead they will come.
And we will be ready for them.
There will be a final mail collection in two hours.
Are they getting younger or are we getting older? Where you lot from? I'm Harry.
From Southport, Lancashire.
All of us are from Lancashire.
How long have you been out here? We landed last week.
You seen the Germans yet? - Not yet.
- You will.
(CHUCKLES) You itching? Haven't stopped since we got here.
It's the lice.
Everyone's crawling with 'em.
I remember my first few days, couldn't sleep for scratching.
There's a bit of paraffin in here, rub it on your skin, it keeps 'em off.
Just careful when you spark up.
I'm Derek.
How old are you? I'm sixteen.
I had to try three recruitment offices before I got in.
Your mum and dad know you're here? I left them a note.
You stick close to me alright? When you're out there, keep your head down.
And write home.
Your family'll wake up every morning and think you're dead.
Letters are the only way of telling them you're not.
My little brother told me that.
How about a friendly game of cards, boys? KEVIN: Oh boys, come and have a look at this! You must be joking! It was in that old bombed-out house we passed.
Can anyone play it? DERECK: I can.
(LAUGHING) RUDl: When do you think it'll start? Tomorrow.
All the officers have been standing round a map all day.
That's always a bad sign.
It feels different.
STEFAN: We're dug in.
It'll be alright.
Do you think this is it? That whatever happens here It'll be the end of it? (CHUCKLES) SOLDIERS: # If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is I know where he is I know where he is If you want to find the Sergeant, I know where he is He's lying on the canteen floor I've seen him, I've seen him Lying on the canteen floor I've seen him, I've seen him Lying on the canteen floor I've seen him, I've seen him Lying on the canteen floor I've seen him, I've seen him Lying on the canteen floor (SINGING CONTINUES) PRIEST: You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you make the most high your dwelling, even the lord who is my refuge, then no harm will befall you.
No disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.
- Amen.
CORPORAL BOND: Thank you, Father.
Now we are going to shell the shit out of them, all day, every day.
Then we'll go over there and mop up what's left.
We'll be home soon, boys.
Everyone will remember that this is where we won the war.
Here at the Somme.
MAN: Now, gentlemen! Clear! (INDISTINCT YELLING) (EXPLOSION) MAN: (SHOUTING) Load, aim, fire! THOMAS: Poor bastards.
Move! Go up the stairs.
Move! Move! It's coming down.
MICHAEL: Freddie! Freddie, it's fine.
It's fine.
It's fine.
Where are you? It's fine.
It's fine.
(GRUNTS) Take it.
(GURGLING) We're gonna die here, Mikey.
We're gonna die here in this hole.
- No we're not.
- I don't even know where I am.
- I know - I don't want to die.
(SHUSHING) We're not going to die.
Freddie, We're not going to die.
(EXPLOSION) (SOLDIER SCREAMING) (COUGHS) - When do you think they'll come? - Soon.
They must think we're dead.
Maybe we are.
CYRIL: They've had six days and nights of this, with no let up.
There can't be any of them left.
Let's hope not.
It's horrible though, it could just as easily been us.
Exactly, that's why I don't feel sorry for 'em.
I'm not saying you should.
What then? I don't know.
Clean your rifles and bayonets then get some shut eye, boys.
We go over the top in the morning.
30 ack emma.
Clear up what's left.
Bloody hell.
CYRIL: Be alright.
The shells will have cut a path through the wire, destroyed all their trenches.
You go first then, be right behind you.
BEN: And I'll be behind him.
No-one's survived that.
This is it, it's over.
We could be going home! STEFAN: They're all right.
I can see them.
(COUGHING) (SIGHS) They're here! Stefan! (LAUGHS) So, we're going to do some proper fighting then? Can't wait.
If there's any shooting there'll be shell holes everywhere, jump in the nearest one you see and keep your head down.
When you get the shout to move up, don't go straight away, there'll be a burst of gun fire, wait until it stops, and then go.
Run as fast as you can to the next shell hole.
You saying there won't be many Germans left.
It only takes one bullet to kill you.
CORPORAL BOND: (SHOUTING) Wait until the mine under their line is detonated, then we all go together.
We're not expecting too much resistance so keep moving forward.
Let's finish this up and go home! We go on the whistle.
GERMAN CORPORAL: The bombardment has stopped.
They'll be coming over.
At your guns.
To your positions.
OFFICER: Walk forward in an orderly fashion.
How's your guts? OFFICER: Keep your shape.
I've got butterflies How stupid's that? - Me too.
- Maybe it's wind.
Or worse Who wants a race? Ten bob says I reach the German trenches first.
You're on.
Come on.
Come on.
(WHISTLE BLOWS) (SHOUTING) Come on boys! Move, move! Come on! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Go up! Come on, let's go! Get up! - (WHISTLE BLOWS) - Come on! (SHOUTS) Move up! Looks like no one's home.
Looks like your ugly mug's scared them off, Kev.
Ben! OFFICER: Go! Keep moving.
Come on now! Don't just bloody stand there! Keep moving! (FIRING) (SOLDIERS GROANING) - (EXPLOSION) - (GRUNTS) (FIRING CONTINUES) (EXPLOSION) (SHOUTING) GERMAN OFFICER: Back at your guns! - Rudi! - GERMAN OFFICER: At your guns! (EXPLOSION) (SHOUTING) Come on.
Off you get.
- Go as soon as you can.
- I will.
- DEREK: What's going on? - Deserter.
THOMAS: I'll meet you there.
I don't want to go without you.
- (GUN SHOT) - (GRUNTS) Derek! Hey!
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