The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

What A Toxic Lady!

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
Mr. Hong, have a car wait for me out front.
I see that you know who I am.
What are you doing in my house?
What else? I'm here to see my daughter-in-law.
Can you let go of me?
It's good to meet you. I'm Tae Ha's mother.
My mother
passed away, so leave this instant.
Until when are you going to act out?
With marriage, one should mature.
That's why your grandfather constantly busies himself
as your babysitter.
He said you should take over
the "Flowers and Butterflies" exhibition
calling it a wedding gift.
Did you call in a favor?
That must be how you do things at work.
Calling in favors and such.
That isn't who I am.
Now that you know, please leave.
I think that's enough.
Tae Ha is about to lose it.
I'm sure you'll also be
at his grandfather's birthday party next week.
I mean, yes.
We're family now, so we should get along.
When you attend the party,
I hope you'll be wearing something a little more appropriate.
Come by the office today.
I'll get you a spot on the marketing team.
I got on his nerves like you wanted me to.
What's this about a job?
- That's no fun. - I never told you to work.
Just keep a seat at the office
if you at least want to receive your menial share.
Your grandfather is no pushover.
She was my husband's mother for sure.
Is that woman
really your mother?
She seemed like your stepmother by the sound of it.
How is that any of your concerns?
Also, who were you to say
you'll attend my grandfather's birthday party?
He is an elder of this family, so
Whatever. Once Mr. Hong gets here,
sign the contract and get lost.
Forget it. I found a way back.
That will take me to Joseon.
It brightened up earlier
and Hanyang appeared before my very eyes.
Look. It is Joseon.
If I can go through this
What the How did
Are you messing with me?
This is a TV, and what you watched was a show.
No, it was the Joseon I remember.
Stop the nonsense, please.
No, I truly am from Joseon.
Where's your proof?
Can you logically prove it?
Can you logically prove that I am not from Joseon?
Is there proof?
Logical evidence, my foot.
You cannot answer me either.
Also, my name is Park Yeon Woo, not "Hey."
Yeon Woo of the Park family. You swindler.
(Chapter 3: What a Toxic Lady!)
I cannot stand his way of talking.
So what if he looks like my husband?
Their personalities are nothing alike.
Why do I keep
encountering those who resemble the ones I know?
The flowers have not withered.
Yes, that is the place.
Mr. Kang.
What happened to your car?
Did you get hurt?
You should see a doctor.
See a doctor right away!
It's no big deal. Where's the contract?
It's here,
but you should get checked out first
Ms. Park is upstairs. Have her sign it.
Of course. My gosh.
What happened to the TV?
I'll get her signature first.
Mr. Kang.
Ms. Park is gone.
It was a multi-story building that looked over the palace.
Once I am near it, I will be able to tell.
- I would like to ask something. - Sure.
How can I get to Gyeongbokgung?
What the
We're almost there.
Ma'am, please tell me you have money.
I do not have any money,
but I have something far more precious.
This is milk which is a delicacy that was only served to the king.
What the
She seemed to know who I was.
Also, she seemed uncomfortable around me.
Almost everyone finds you unapproachable.
You're like an ice queen and all.
An ice queen
who is beautiful but also intelligent.
Anyway, was she truly adopted?
I don't understand
why the chairman approved of someone like her
as his granddaughter-in-law.
I don't even know if that about her is true.
Apart from her name, I found out nothing about her.
What? Really?
- Ms. Choi. - All searches turned up empty.
Only one thing is for sure.
Now that Tae Ha is married,
Father has begun the succession process.
And that must be stopped.
Absolutely. Don't worry, ma'am.
I'll keep the directors in line and monitor what goes on.
Cross-check all the people Secretary Hong has met recently.
Yes, ma'am.
By the way, what is this woman's name?
It's Yeon Woo of the Park family.
Park Yeon Woo.
Where do you live? You have a cellphone, right?
I live at a residence,
but it is a long distance away from this new Joseon.
And what is this cellphone?
Ma'am, you're not helping yourself by acting this way.
It is why I must ask. Where on earth am I?
- Darn it. Let go of me! - Hold on.
- Let go. - Sit here.
Is this a place where you interrogate criminals?
- Like Podocheong? - Podocheong?
This is a police station, so I guess it's similar.
Why does she always take off like this?
She picked the worst time.
Ms. Min and Tae Min caught sight of her,
and Chairman Kang's birthday is coming up.
Also, how stupid are you?
You should've cut her off when she mentioned his birthday.
Getting baited by her obvious tactics
For how long
will this go on?
I'll look for her that way.
Ms. Park!
It's her, right? Someone was looking for her.
Right, Mr. Hong Sung Pyo. Hong Sung Pyo
Soon, I will be behind bars.
No, this cannot be.
Mr. Hong Sung Pyo, this is Gwanghwamun Precinct.
Not long ago,
- you left a photo with us - Delivery!
- My gosh. - of a woman you were looking for.
She's currently at the precinct.
- I am sorry. - You should come down here
- What No, wait. - Stop right there!
- But the delivery - You'll have to wait.
- My gosh. - Are you all right?
- What now? - You
- Take the car. - Got it.
I just got a call from Gwanghwamun Precinct.
Where? Gwanghwamun?
(Gwanghwamun, Gyeongbokgung, Seoul Station)
- Nice! - But I almost had it.
It's my turn next. Hold on.
This is the one.
Let's see.
- Yes! - I missed yet again.
You go ahead, then. What a miss.
Go ahead.
This is the one. Hold tight.
You brat. Just look at what you're wearing.
You're not filming a movie, you know.
Why can't you at least
steal from me like a common robber?
Dad, don't be like that,
and open a cafe for me or something.
Help me hone my independence.
Maybe I should set you free from the family register instead.
You darn brat.
Whenever I give you money, you spend it away instantly.
So why would I open a cafe for you
Hold on a second. Did you get into trouble?
Be patient, kids.
It's annoying.
- I want braids as well. - Pay up.
Thanks, lady.
No problem. Next!
That is it for today.
Lady, you're the coolest.
I will be back tomorrow.
Yeon Woo, you will go back.
This place will take you home.
Ms. Park!
I am returning to Joseon.
- Help. - Ms. Park.
Stop it.
Who are you trying to kill?
That was not it. I was scared.
Then, why did you jump in the pool again?
We brought this crape myrtle tree here
the year you were born.
So I prayed every single day for you and this crape myrtle tree
to regain good health.
That is the kind of child you are, Yeon Woo.
You are so precious to me and your parents.
We raised you with nothing but love.
This was where
our house was.
Do you have to be a loose cannon?
I promised to help you in any way I can
which is why I'm baffled.
All day
Did you know that from the moment we met,
you have only disrupted my life?
I am aware of it.
I am,
but I could not help myself.
I may have disrupted a few days of your life,
but my whole life has been uprooted.
Everything I knew
as well as my existence
My life as I knew it has disappeared.
I am clueless
as to why I was brought here.
What should I do to go back home?
What do I do?
What do I do?
So tell me. How was her first impression?
Doesn't she seem like a fine young lady?
I was impressed in many ways.
She and Tae Ha make a sweet couple.
Right, I'm glad to hear that.
Why did you invite her to my birthday party though?
She must be busy trying to settle down.
We could've invited her some other time.
As a new member of the family, she should introduce herself.
I have things to teach her as well.
Right, of course. I guess you're right.
It makes sense since she and Tae Ha
will soon be the new faces of SH.
Well, I appreciate this.
Get some rest, then. I'd like to do the same.
Rest up.
Did you know?
Many years ago,
this was an area west of the Capital District Office
called Hwanghwabang.
(Hwanghwabang: An administrative district in Joseon)
And that is a crape myrtle tree.
I do not need this. I am not soaked.
The car seats will get wet.
Dry yourself well.
I hate it when my car gets dirty.
"Yoon Am?"
What are you doing? Aren't you coming?
I am coming.
(Objectives, Contract Duration)
(Entrance Ceremony, Congratulations)
(Entrance Ceremony, Congratulations)
Tae Ha.
We only have each other now.
You are
all I have now.
we have to trust
and protect each other from now on. Okay?
we're one team.
What's up?
Did you pray again to be sent back to Joseon?
I prayed for the peace and well-being of the new Joseon.
Thank you for your help earlier.
You saved me once again in the swimming pool.
Thank you for not thanking me sooner.
I apologize for the belated thank-you.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Are you a good liar?
I lie when I need to, and I'm a really good liar.
So, let's do this.
Do what?
Let me propose to you properly.
Let's get married.
So you are saying
it will be a proper contractual marriage?
Be my wife for just a month.
Of course, only when I need you.
The terms are simple.
You'll have to follow my lifestyle, no matter what.
What am I, your dog?
I must obey your lifestyle no matter what? I refuse.
I'll take out "no matter what."
Fine. I can live with that.
You will not meet my family on your own.
I do not want to deal with in-laws anyway. Sure.
Third, you must keep this to yourself.
Fourth, do not talk about Joseon in front of others.
Fifth, don't go out unless you absolutely need to.
Sixth, including your acquaintances You're not allowed.
It is not allowed.
(Not allowed)
- Lastly - Do you even know
what "simple" means?
When the contract ends in a month from now,
you must move out, no matter what.
Do not worry. That is what I want.
No matter what.
let me tell you my conditions.
You must help me no matter what so I can return home.
There's something else?
This is your copy.
(Choco Pie)
Very well.
- Then let us work together - Let's be good partners.
Let us keep our promise to each other.
First. You must help me no matter what so I can return home.
Second, provide me with meals and snacks,
and make sure we never run out of Chokho.
Third, call me by my name.
Fourth, teach me about the new Joseon.
Fifth, I grew up sheltered. I am very precious,
so do not mistreat me.
How did I end up with a complete stranger?
I cannot die here before I could even return home.
He may be a swindler,
but he does resemble my husband.
It will be okay.
Park Yeon Woo.
You will return home, no matter what.
- Enjoy. - Will do. Thank you.
How pretty. This looks so nice.
So as for the exhibition of "Flowers and Butterflies,"
you want me to just let your mother take care of it?
Why? Are you afraid of running into her?
No. If I'm being talked about, I'll be uncomfortable.
I can show them what I can do even without the exhibition.
Then why does the department store need "Flowers and Butterflies?"
The ambassador's wife is a fan of Yoon Am's paintings.
She went to an art school.
We need the American VIPs' help to make sure
the opening of our New York branch goes well.
So, you're acting like a crybaby
when you already have everything figured out. My goodness.
Reaping the benefits of someone else's labor
also requires a skill.
You should only think about SH.
If being talked about makes you uncomfortable,
silence them.
Have some guts,
or you can protect nothing. Certainly not me or the company.
Well understood.
Let's eat.
All right.
Please stay still. We'll check your ECG.
Your heart is beating irregularly?
The test results don't show anything out of the ordinary.
(Cardiac Surgeon Choi Hyun Wook)
When does it usually happen?
What's going on?
Is there someone you like?
- Sorry? - Why are you so surprised?
Is there a woman who's making your heart skip a beat?
No, not really.
Check and find out when it tends to happen.
If it keeps happening, we'll run some in-depth tests.
They say you must know yourself and your enemy to win every battle.
What is this?
Is this cotton?
- I will now start cleaning. - My gosh.
What is going on?
Do not come.
Do not come near me.
Go away. I told you to go away.
My goodness.
Go away!
Reassessing current location.
What is that thing doing?
How dare you. Stop at once!
How dare you eat all my Chokho?
Such insolence!
Sa Wol.
Let me see. How much is this?
Yes, sir.
Yes, I'm almost there.
Okay, got it.
Mr. Hong.
Mr. Hong.
I just met a martial arts master.
Wait, sir!
This is huge!
Did you all hear the news?
The VIP exhibition of "Flowers and Butterflies."
Kangdro will do it.
Seok Ju.
Have you been napping?
You're talking complete nonsense.
Ms. Min has been eyeing that project for a while.
Kangdro will do it?
Yes, believe me.
I heard it directly from a friend of mine on that team.
If that's true, I'll chop my hand off and give you 50 cents
No, I'll give you 50,000 dollars.
What are you doing?
Ms. Oh.
Be careful with your hand.
We'll wrap up the exhibition of "Flowers and Butterflies."
I know there isn't much time left,
but make sure the handover goes well,
and please do your best.
I did some research on Yoon Am, the artist.
Shall I turn it into a report?
Ms. Yoo, you're always so quick.
Sure, please do that.
What is this, all of a sudden?
What is happening?
Does this mean Ms. Min lost the power struggle?
- For real? - Ms. Oh.
When will you give me the 50,000 dollars?
You can do an e-transfer.
Ha Na.
When did you do the research on Yoon Am?
The communications team asked me for a favor.
You rock.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
There is a monster inside. It is eating all my Chokho.
So you are saying
it is a tool that can clean the house on its own?
That is truly fascinating.
All right.
Your name is Dol Soe from now on.
Ms. Park.
Is there anything you know?
Yes, I am quite knowledgeable.
I finished "Elementary Learning" at age seven
and mastered "The Four Books and the Five Classics" at age ten.
And I learned something new today.
When you pull one out, a new one comes out.
Pull one, and a new one comes out just like this.
This tiny thing
allows you to buy all these things?
This is a truly fascinating world.
I will treasure this.
I will send Mr. Hong once things die down a little.
You can buy the things you need.
Until then, let me borrow your clothes.
The fabric feels so soft,
and I can move around easily in this. It is just perfect.
Look at the round moon. It must be a full moon.
No, it is not.
The next full moon is in a few days.
Mr. Swindler.
I bet you have no friends.
Right, I don't have any friends.
How did you know that?
Only idiots would not know.
Did you know?
The Jade Rabbit
lives on the moon.
It is a secret my father shared with me and no one else many years ago.
"The Jade Rabbit?"
- Your father told you that? - Yes.
My father is originally from Hamyang.
His name is Park Jae Wan.
He was the Minister of Personnel.
I told you.
I am a precious daughter of a noble family.
You sure are.
Wait up.
How's your heart?
Is she still harming your heart? Are you all right?
"Harming my heart?" As if.
She's way too precious.
Mr. Swindler.
What do I do to make Dol Soe move
The door
Let the great wisdom lead me
to enlightenment, dear Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
Let the great wisdom lead me
SH Seoul decided to organize this exhibition
of "Flowers and Butterflies" by Yoon Am, hoping to show
the company's sincerity to our customers and to the world.
Then will this exhibition
help SH establish its New York office?
He looks so excited.
- He's doing an interview. - Opening our New York office
is important, of course.
- Does he think he's the CEO? - But, more importantly,
this event will foster
- Are you just going to watch - cultural exchanges between
- and not do anything about this? - Korea and the US.
Ms. Min.
The "Flowers and Butterflies" we have is a forgery?
- Did you check? - Yes, ma'am.
We looked into it separately through the curator.
We've cross-checked everything too.
I heard there were many forged works by Yoon Am,
so I suspected it.
Mr. Yoon, that jerk. How dare he?
What should we do?
But Tae Ha is the one
in charge of the project anyway.
Go and get the curator.
Yes, ma'am.
This painting is here, right?
Yes, that's right.
Then we're good. Next.
This must be "Flowers and Butterflies" by Yoon Am.
It looks incredible, just as I heard.
We've checked the painting,
so you can go ahead and send it to the exhibition venue.
Okay, will do.
- Seok Ju. - Yes.
Let's go.
Are you going out?
You've partied enough. Come to work starting next week.
I told you. Work is so boring.
Nothing will change anyway.
SH belongs to Kang Tae Ha.
Grandpa has no interest in giving it to us.
Don't you know that?
I told you.
If you want the small share you rightfully deserve,
get your act together.
Tae Ha doesn't think that you're his rival anyway.
Then why are you forcing me to go and work at the company?
Because I made the mistake of giving birth to you.
Does that answer your question?
Don't reveal your anger so easily.
If you want to show your anger, hurt someone else, not yourself.
Darn it.
This is actually good.
I was bored out of my mind anyway.
You want to hang my naive Jae Chul out to dry, don't you?
What did you do to Jae Chul?
How did you seduce him?
Isn't it obvious?
With my pretty face.
I'm very pretty.
- So even in the new Joseon, - What did you say?
appearance is everything.
How dare you. Watch your tongue!
You dodged?
Dol Soe.
This is an emergency, right?
Hey, Ms. Mourning Dress. Where are you going?
- You're not wearing that dress. - Who are you?
Come on. Don't be like this, sister-in-law.
Anyway, let me take you somewhere.
No, I am busy right now.
When you threw the money at me the other day,
It really hurt.
What is your relationship with Tae Ha?
Is this a contractual marriage?
What do you mean?
If you're curious, come with me.
Shall I do whatever I want?
Where will you take me?
I won't bite you.
You'll shoot lasers out of your eyes.
Tell me where you are taking me.
If not, I will get out.
Hey, that will be more fun.
How much did he say he'd give you? Kang Tae Ha.
What on earth are you talking about?
Your brother and I got married because we love each other.
My goodness.
He loves you when he's never dated anyone?
What do you mean, "Why?"
It is because
I am very pretty.
You think you're pretty? No way.
Hey, you're funny.
This place
Where are we now?
Don't you know where your dear husband works?
This is where Kang Tae Ha works.
I must leave.
If you keep this up, I'll take you to Ms. Min,
not Kang Tae Ha.
Seriously, why are you doing this?
It's fun to see someone in a pickle, whoever it may be.
Let go!
- Are you hurt? - Forget it.
Hold on.
If you leave it untreated, it will fester.
Make sure you see a physician and get it treated.
did you not learn about the 3 fundamental bonds and the 5 virtues?
It is rude to address your elder brother
by his name like that.
You had better watch out, you bundaeggun!
(Bundaeggun: A troublemaker or bully who harasses others)
Hey, Mourning Dress. Stop right there!
Is that Mr. Hong?
Darn it.
(SH Seoul Exhibition Hall 1, This way)
Mr. Hong!
What are you doing here?
What brings you here?
Well, the troublemaker
What is happening here?
Mr. Hong.
Why is Ms. Park here?
Did you call her here?
No, I didn't.
I ran into her here just now.
You need to leave now.
An important event is about to begin.
Can't you hear me?
Ms. Park Yeon Woo!
Is this a painting by Yoon Am?
Mr. Hong, escort her out of here at once.
Then this painting
- is a forgery. - Look, Ms. Park.
Yoon Am's seal does not look like this.
The brushstrokes look different too.
How do you know that?
Because I am from Joseon
I know that you think I am talking complete nonsense now,
but please believe me.
I guarantee you that Yoon Am did not paint this.
My gosh.
Where's Kangdro?
Why isn't he here yet? He's keeping the VIPs waiting.
I have no idea.
Should I call Mr. Hong?
Maybe his stomach is upset.
Or perhaps, Kangdro has run out of battery.
Oh, I see.
- Seok Ju. - Yes.
Have you got a death wish?
This is no time for jokes, okay?
Ms. Oh.
Let's go.
Ms. Min also knows that this is a forgery?
I'm sorry.
Ms. Min told me not to tell anyone.
Yes, Ms. Oh.
The VIPs are here.
we should explain the situation to them and
- No, we can't do that. - Then what?
We can't exhibit this forgery, and we don't have an original.
We do!
There is an authentic painting by Yoon Am.
How are you today, sir?
Very well. Thank you. How are you?
I'm good. Thank you.
It's a great honor to meet you.
I'm Hong Sung Pyo,
the secretary of Kang Tae Ha,
the vice chairman of SH Seoul.
Please allow me to escort you
to a special event Mr. Kang has prepared.
- An event? - A special event.
- It could be fun. - An event?
Did we prepare an event?
Based on our commitment to preserving
and promoting our cultural heritage,
we have designated a special space
for our international clients,
who seek to immerse themselves in our traditions.
Stall them for 30 No, for 40 minutes.
Don't let the VIPs into the exhibition hall
until I come back with the artwork.
The VIPs went to somewhere else instead of the exhibition?
I think Mr. Kang also found out that it's a forgery.
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
He's buying some time.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo, are you sure Yoon Am's painting is in that box?
Yes. It was momentary, but I did see it.
Mr. Kang? I was waiting for you.
Did you find the box I told you about?
Yes. But actually
Good afternoon.
I'm Min Hye Suk, the CEO of SH Seoul.
May I have the honor of escorting you
to the exhibition area?
Mr. Kang will be here soon.
Please come.
Do they
really have Yoon Am's painting here?
Ms. Min is already there?
Let's go now.
What's that painting?
My goodness. Is this the "Flowers and Butterflies"
by Yoon Am?
Yes, ma'am.
Here it is.
Where's the painting?
Excuse me. What's going on?
I'm sorry.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
Yoon Am's "Flowers and Butterflies" turned out to be a forgery.
It was promptly removed.
A forgery? What do you mean by a forgery?
Ms. Min, a forgery?
May I request your presence in my office?
I'm confident that
we can provide you with a satisfactory explanation.
- Okay. - Please.
What is this? Why isn't Kangdro coming?
How would I know?
Look, he's here.
Pleased to meet you. I'm Kang Tae Ha.
Please accept my apologies for being so late.
It is my pleasure to formally introduce to you
the masterpiece painting created by Yoon Am.
- I said we should go now. - We should try to find it.
It is here!
This is beautiful.
It's gorgeous.
It looks so much
Then, I hope you get home comfortably.
Thank you. I hope to see you again.
From now on, I will guide you.
I'm impressed, Mr. Kang.
Is that painting authentic, though?
Of course.
(Creating the new by respecting the old)
I made up a story for the US officials
that it was a surprise event.
We don't want them to think that the CEO of SH Seoul
is preventing the company from entering the US market.
Yes. Good job. You did great, Mr. Kang.
We'll have no problem opening a branch in New York, right?
Right. While we're at it, why don't we
let him handle the first-anniversary ceremony?
- I know. - Right.
You can trust him with it now.
- That's right. - You must be relieved.
Of course.
You did a wonderful job, Mr. Kang.
I want to be alone, so get out!
There's something you should see now.
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
Who is she?
She was the one who almost married Mr. Kang.
Do what
with Tae Ha?
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
Tae Ha!
Tae Min, what are you doing here?
Do I need permission to walk around with my own feet?
I was looking for something.
A white stray cat.
You're at an office, and this is my room.
Do you want me to call the guards?
Okay. I'm leaving.
I have to see a doctor anyway.
I let it pass last time, but treat Yeon Woo properly.
She's my wife.
I won't forgive you next time.
Your wife?
I don't know.
I'll do so if you're nice to me.
It feels like home to be here.
What happened?
Why did you come to the company?
I heard about Yoon Am's painting, and I wanted to see it.
I was going to tell you, but beware of my family.
Tae Min is a loose cannon.
And Ms. Min is a dangerous person.
I can paint the picture vaguely.
You must be feeling uneasy.
Thank you for today, though.
Thank you
for the quick appreciation.
By the way, how did you know?
- About the painting. - For an obvious reason.
Yoon Am
is my friend.
She did not have enough money for her daughter's wedding garment.
She apologetically handed me the painting,
which was so beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Because she was a woman
and because of her status,
her skills could not be fully expressed.
I felt sorry and pitiful.
So, I wanted to be her friend.
I treasured "Flowers and Butterflies"
she gave me as a gift.
It is beautiful.
I saw it again at the place called hotel,
which used to be my house.
I gave her the art name Yoon Am as well as the seal,
wishing her to live firmly as a rock.
Do you know why the colors
in Yoon Am's "Flowers and Butterflies" are soft?
Because she was stingy with the pigments!
I told her I would buy her more, but she didn't listen.
Okay. It is a lie. All lie.
I didn't say anything.
What are all these?
Are these for me?
What is it?
They eat yulran in the new Joseon too.
My mother loved it so much.
It'll be tastier, then.
calls for a drink.
- Can we - No. I don't drink.
I will drink it. I will drink it all.
Excuse me.
It smells expensive.
That was so funny.
Are you all right?
Look! Mr. Swindler is here.
It's getting late. Let's go now.
Did you know?
I felt full in here.
I wanted to help you.
For you, Mr. Swindler,
I wanted to be the Jade Rabbit on the moon for once.
I appeared out of nowhere,
but you took me in.
I wanted to grant you a small wish or help,
whatever it may be.
I didn't take you in. We made a deal, to be exact.
So, we should end it without causing each other a loss.
But today
Helping me? You're a troublemaker.
Love and gun
I can't believe this.
What are you looking at?
Why are you looking at me
- with your eyes wide open? Why? - Tease-ya!
If you keep doing that, I will make you regret it.
You do not know
I was the best pitch-pot player in Joseon.
Everything I threw went in.
Do you get it?
Ms. Park, what are you doing?
- Stop staring! - No!
It is pounding fast.
Are you all right?
It is pounding fast.
Are you all right?
Are you going to run away this time too?
Ms. Park?
You cannot. Not this time.
(Special thanks to Jun Ik Ryoung for her guest appearance.)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
It's crazy!
It was a mere collision.
It's nothing.
If it is because of yesterday, I am so sorry.
As expected, Tae Ha's marriage is a fake.
Are you going to be fine
when it's Grandpa's birthday soon?
I will do it. I will excel at it.
- Tae Ha, open wide. - Here.
I want to give my sister-in-law a wedding gift.
What on earth are you doing this?
Sa Wol, it is you, right?
Are you going to fulfill your duty as a wife again today?
I will do everything I can.
Because he is my husband.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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