The Traitors (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Murder They Wrote

- Previously on "The Traitors"
Cody, Cirie, and Christian
committed their first murder.
I definitely think I was
murdered because I'm a threat.
- And evaded banishment
- I voted for Michael.
I really do believe
that you're a traitor.
- I voted for Geraldine.
- Michael.
- Geraldine.
With the faithful losing
one of their own.
you have been banished.
- I'm a faithful.
- Aah!
- As the prize fund grows
$20,000 for the pot.
Are the faithful homing in
on the traitors?
So, here's the thing.
Brandi's mentioned you.
- Oh.
- Gonna have to say this, too.
She mentioned your name.
It probably has to be
Brandi next.
- Are we sure?
- Mm. Yeah.
I don't think we should go
after Brandi outright
because Kate is in with Brandi.
She's expecting it,
and she's gonna be able
to pinpoint him or me or you.
Think about it.
- I don't know. I don't know.
The biggest thing
about Reza going
was it created chaos all over.
Should we keep going in that
trajectory of, like
And serves what?
Who are you suggesting?
- Michael.
I want to keep Michael around
because he's a great shield.
I don't know
if we should risk it.
- Bam?
- My thing about Bam,
if Bam goes, it would be like,
"Why in the world?"
I don't know. I don't know.
Bam's my guy.
Like, my best friend.
- What do you think?
These are the three
Bam, Michael, or Brandi.
- It's been so long ♪
Long, hard days ♪
- You guys sure about this one?
- I'm sure.
- Those evil ways ♪
And so the traitors have chosen
their second victim to murder.
Surviving players will make
their way to breakfast.
And one player
will have been eliminated.
And only the traitors
know who that is.
- My evil ways ♪
- Oh, we're the first ones.
- We're the first ones in.
- All right, we can breathe.
Being a political analyst
and commentator,
I am fantastic
at reading people.
And so I am interested in seeing
who's going to be murdered
because it tells me
the mind-frame of the traitors.
It was a perfect scenario for me
walking in first with Cirie.
Not a lot of eyes
are on us traitors,
but we know
who's walking through the door.
And I know one thing for sure.
This murder
It's gonna be big.
I feel like I have an
irregular breathing pattern.
We evaded being murdered
once again.
- We survived another night.
- Yeah.
- How are you feeling?
Still on edge, like, nervous,
'cause I don't know.
I don't know who's gonna
walk through the door.
I have no problem sitting back
and trying to maintain
that shocked appearance.
I can't give away for one second
who it may or may not be.
After, like,
the first roundtable,
it can go so many
different ways.
- Right.
A lot of people
voiced their opinions.
- Who is it?
Any day I'm walking into
breakfast alive is a relief.
But also, I would be devastated
if Brandi was gone.
Brandi and I are aligned
and who we think are traitors.
And I think we're quite similar.
Moving forward, we have to get
a traitor out tonight.
- We have to get a traitor.
Otherwise, we're all screwed.
You know?
I think it's really
important that we
gather information today,
that we don't have
a Salem witch trial,
because that's what
it felt like.
- I feel the exact opposite.
- Really?
- Yeah.
The only person that's gonna get
rid of faithfuls is a traitor.
- Michael sent Geraldine home.
And he was confident,
and he was wrong.
If he's not a traitor, he's,
like, the worst faithful ever.
- Oh, no.
- Hey!
I'm just really grateful
that I'm still here
because I'm the quietest person
in this house.
But it might actually carry me
a few days into this game.
I just lay low and let people
make themselves targets.
- Ey-oh!
- Hi!
I survived the banishment,
I survived the murder.
And so my game plan today
is just to sit back,
be quiet,
just take everything in.
I'm not going to say a word.
Michael would have been
a good one to murder
and put targets
on other people's back.
But as traitors, we didn't want
to create a predictable pattern.
He is now an easy target
for the other faithfuls.
- All right!
- I thought I was dead.
- How are you?
- Every night, I'm a wreck.
And then once
I'm in the breakfast room,
I'm so, like, shooken because
I'm not murdered.
I'm grateful.
- Top of the morning. Wow.
All right,
I'm a little late to the party.
- There's just two left.
- It's Bam or Brandi.
We're so stressed.
Yeah, Bam or Brandi.
- Oh, my gosh.
I can understand why Brandi
might be on the chopping block
just because she was outspoken.
That could get you into trouble.
But Bam?
Well, that's exactly what they
would do. It's perfect.
If it is Brandi,
I think there's a pattern.
She was just, like, very vocal
at the table, which I respect.
But, like, obviously,
someone may have not liked that.
Christian's doing a lot of
talking and explaining.
Inside, I'm like, "Bro, like,
you got to be careful.
You can't do that."
Why would anyone get rid of Bam?
If it was Bam,
I'm gonna be so confused.
- Exactly.
If it is Brandi,
I can see their thinking.
- Look at Kate right now.
She is, like, pissed.
- I think Bam's been murdered.
- Bam?
- Why?
I'm not happy about it.
I'm just saying.
- No accu Why?
- I know.
I want a caveat, you know.
I think it's Bam.
- That was a heavy knock.
- I know.
Come in.
Oh, my God!
- What?
- Come in.
- Come on.
- Oh!
- Hi, babe.
- Hi, honey.
I was waiting for you.
I knew you'd come.
- Bam.
- Damn. That's ruthless.
- I thought you were gone.
- Bam's out?
People are gonna think
that Brandi's too obvious.
But if Bam goes,
it would be like,
"Why in the world?"
It's gonna throw a lot
of people off of our trails,
and no one's gonna
be able to understand
and figure out why Bam.
- I love Bam like a brother.
But I think you're right,
As much as I don't want
to do this,
that's the move we got to do.
This one really hurts.
I feel horrible.
Bam was the first person
I really connected with.
Playing the role that I wanted,
I had to do it,
and it absolutely destroyed me.
Aw, man.
By the order of traitors,
you have been murdered.
It's it sucks because
there's really no rhyme
or reason why I got picked.
Everyone protect your own back.
Trust nobody.
Anyone can get backstabbed.
Clearly, I did.
I totally thought they were
gonna get rid of her.
- There's no rhyme or reason.
- No. Yeah, that's terrible.
Why would you ever
get rid of Bam?
- We chose Bam.
But Brandi could potentially
have a little
evil eye, stinky eye on me.
Maybe she is
who we look at next.
Where did Kate say that she
called it? I don't remember.
Yeah, I don't know
where she got that at.
Earlier, like a couple
minutes ago, she said Bam.
- I didn't
- And we were like, "What?"
Kate did. That was her
prediction. Bam.
- That's interesting.
- Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!
- Good morning.
I hope you managed
to get a good night's sleep.
Although I imagine
it must be rather tricky
when you know you may not see
the light of day.
As you've realized by now,
this place is less
bed and breakfast,
more death bed and breakfast.
And I am like a less butch
Agatha Christie
in a fabulous outfit.
But why are you laughing?
A man was murdered here
last night.
Wham, slam, thank you, Bam.
- Aw, come on!
Three down, 17 to go,
but everything to play for.
And talking of play,
I'll meet you outside
in a few minutes to explain
the rules of today's mission.
I think if it was Brandi,
we would have
a better indication of
like a little bit of a pattern.
But Bam is, like, so random.
- It's so random.
- I got to go pee.
That hurt my heart.
- That's a weird pattern.
I am so happy you're still here.
- Me, too.
- Want to go sit over there?
I was not about
to wear heels all day,
but I was because I thought
I was going home.
Obviously, I thought there was
a chance I could be murdered
because I was so vocal
about Michael, Christian,
and Cirie being traitors,
but I'm glad I wasn't.
At the end of the day, we're
here to take out a traitor.
We need to banish Michael today.
- Can we crash this party?
- Yeah.
- Of course.
- I'll sit on a pouf.
- How you doing, Arie?
- I'm doing good.
Stressful, obviously.
I think Michael is
on the chopping block.
First of all,
he's on borrowed time.
He's the reason all of our
- Shh.
So if we say Michael, you know,
"You sent home Geraldine,
and you were pretty bold
about it, so
And you're really comfortable.
Pointing fingers,
so we're killing you."
Everyone that voted
for Geraldine will see
that Michael is a liar.
She was just sitting there like,
"It's not me, guys."
And he's like, "It's her.
It's her. It was always her."
Like it was the most
obvious thing.
Like, what's there to discuss,
Yesterday was
I mean, I was a train wreck.
I had I was freaking out.
You know, nobody obviously wants
to be the first person gone.
You must feel so bad.
And you sent her home.
- She was trying to send me home.
- No, she wasn't.
Guys, I don't think we should
just, like, go after one person.
Like, honestly.
- I do. I do.
I feel very uncomfortable
with that.
- This is great.
We want faithfuls pointing
fingers at faithfuls constantly.
- We're not attacking him.
We're getting quest
We have questions.
- Calling me out.
- Oh, yeah. You're next.
You're next. Don't worry.
- Oh, I don't care.
Come at me.
- I will.
That's fine.
Let me know when you're ready.
As a hairstylist,
you're basically a therapist.
So I am just constantly,
all day long, hearing stories.
So I feel like Azra
is comfortable talking openly.
I feel like I have her support.
I feel like
she's a really great friend.
Let the cards fall
where they may.
Let's go make some money.
Today, I mean,
we've got a mission
in the midst of all this.
- Who knows what that brings?
Also, when someone is suspicious
of something,
anything they do
is gonna set you off.
You're gonna think everything
they do is sketchy,
no matter what,
if you're suspicious of someone.
I'm not suspicious
of many people.
- That whole thing was like
- Yeah, anybody yeah.
Pointing fingers like that.
But you know
what else is sketchy?
You voted Geraldine out
and like, stuck with him.
- Because I got
I thought she was weird,
the way she was acting.
She was a great partner. I mean,
I said that at the table.
I'm a big girl.
I can make my own decisions.
So I don't trust you.
So I don't trust you.
- Kate is very direct.
Sunglasses on and off.
I feel like I should go out.
Hey, if you don't trust me
Look at me. That's okay.
I'll do what
I guess I have to do.
I'm not gonna lose sleep
over it either.
I'm not coming
at you personally.
I just think it was
I don't feel like you
are at all.
I think she is a very,
very big threat.
She's on to me.
- Whoo!
- Chilly!
- Hello there.
- Hello.
Music gives a soul to the
universe and life to everything.
Music could also give you lot
25 grand today
to add to the already existing
50 grand in your prize pot.
Today's task is quite simply
to make sweet, sweet music.
You'll all have to pull together
to achieve your goal.
In your last mission,
you left money on the table.
So how will today's mission go?
And who will be culpable
if there's a failure?
It's time to split up
into two groups.
The first group of seven
will be the music makers.
The other group of 10
Your job is to be the ears.
I'm an ear. I know I work in
music, but I'm an ear of music.
I'm, like, pretty musical,
so follow me if you have
any music talent whatsoever.
- I can sing in the shower.
- Yeah, I got a great ear.
- So you are the music makers.
You'll be taking a short walk
to the castle chapel.
Once there, you will take turns
in conducting a masterpiece
for the rest of the group
to play on the magnificent
chapel bells,
all under the watchful eye
of my groundskeeper, Fergus.
The rest of you, the listeners,
will join me in the castle.
Your task is to match the music
coming from the bells
to the music contained
in a music box
from my extensive collection
in the castle.
There is a figurine
in every music box.
Once you have matched the music
coming from the bells
to the music in the music box,
you must search the castle
for an item that matches
the figurine and bring it to me.
There will be five rounds,
5 minutes each,
and for every correct item
you bring me,
I will give you $5,000 to add
to the collective prize pot.
Music makers, you will now take
the short walk to the chapel.
Ears, follow me.
- Ooh. Let's do it.
I'll definitely
be watching everybody
during this mission to see
if there's any clear-cut people
we can murder
from something
that happens during the mission.
- Oh, God. We're going in.
- Whoa. What is this?
Wow. Fergus!
- What?
I just feel like
all of Scotland is
Is a little musty and cold.
And here we are in this church.
I mean, it is, like, spooky.
- There are numbers.
- Oh, my God.
They are numbered.
This is right up my alley.
I played flute and piccolo.
I was married
to a band director,
so music was always around me.
Okay, so I'm gonna
conduct first.
The first one up was
gonna be the hardest
'cause we were just trying to,
like, get our bearings straight.
I think that's why we needed
Shelbe to kind of lead.
So you're going
to do one and two.
You're two and three and four.
You're five. And no cursing.
Try not to curse either,
- No cursing in a church.
I think that our team
is gonna be amazing
because I really think
I'm good at music, you know?
- Players, the game has started.
- Let's go, guys!
- I'm turning the page, okay?
- All right, let's do it.
All right. One.
- While the bells are being rung,
it's up to the rest of the
players to decipher the tune.
I need to hear it again.
I need to
- Interesting interpretation.
Oh, shoot.
I'm sorry. I messed that up.
Okay. Oh, damn it.
Is that the New Year's Eve song?
Wait, so are you gonna, like
Are you gonna call
- That's that song?
- Yeah.
Let's get playing.
Let's get playing.
- Five, four, five.
- Louder.
- Six, five.
My bell was ding!
- Seven.
- So every time I hear the ding,
I was like, "Yeah, look at me
contributing. What?"
- Eight.
- Nice!
- Yes.
- Do you know what the song is?
- I know.
- What is it?
- That's "Auld Lang Syne."
Ain't that "Auld Lang Syne"?
- What is the figurine?
We don't know what
the figurine is yet.
- What's the figurine?
-3 minutes has elapsed.
- Keep listening.
I flip open these boxes,
but there's like 15,000 of them.
They sound like,
"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."
Like, they all sound
the dadburn stinking same.
- It's this one. Listen.
- Wait. It was
- This is "Auld Lang Syne!"
- Owl?
- It's in the billiard room.
Hurry, players.
Clock is ticking.
Off I went,
and there was the owl.
And this owl's been
staring at me
since day one in this castle.
- You have 30 seconds remaining.
- I got the top hat just in case.
- Do we think it's the owl?
- We take the owl to him?
- Yes! Yes, yes, yes.
- Is it this owl?
- Did you find an owl?
- Yes. That's it. That's it.
- But we need to take it to Alan.
- You sure?
- Take it to Alan.
- You sure?
Is it the right one?
- Yeah, give it to him.
As a traitor,
it's all about the money.
I want our "team," as faithfuls,
to win as much money
as possible so traitors
and I can steal it at the end.
- $5,000.
Don't get too cocky.
It's time for the next round.
- Okay, so, six.
Two, three, four, five.
- Five.
- Oh, it's one of my favorites.
- Oh, I know what it is.
- You know what it is?
- It's that piano song.
- Dun, dun-na-na-na, na-na-na ♪
I just know what it sounds like.
Hurry, players.
Clock is ticking.
- One, four, two.
- Shoot. I don't even know it.
- Don't know it.
- Never heard of it.
I've heard it before.
I know it.
We don't know it,
but here's the thing.
Hopefully they do know it.
Your time's halfway up.
Two and a half minutes.
- Could be it.
When I was little,
my grandmother had a music box
with a ballerina,
and it was that song.
So I've been training for this
since I was five.
-2 minutes remaining, players.
It's really a memory
through and through,
to not only recall the songs
that are being played
by the bells,
to remember which one it is
and which music box.
It's a difficult mission.
What started out as
a really adorable,
sweet music-box mission
has now turned into something
quite creepy and chaotic.
There's a million boxes
playing music at the same time.
It's chaos.
It's this one.
It's ballet slippers.
You only have
20 seconds remaining.
- What is it?
- What is it?
- Ballet slippers.
-10, 9, 8
- Where are the slippers?
You only have
20 seconds remaining.
- What is it?
- Ballet slippers.
- Yeah. I know exactly where. Go.
-10, 9
- My tits.
- 4, 3, 2
Just in the nick of time,
but congratulations.
$10,000 have been won.
- $10,000, baby, $10,000.
- I'm nailing this mission.
I guess it never hurts
to impress
when you could be
banished or murdered.
- Yes, we got this money!
Yes, money in the bank!
- Here we go.
All right, eight, six.
Eight, seven, five, six.
- Yes!
doo-doo-doo! ♪
I mean, I actually had no idea
what I was conducting.
doo, doo-doo-doo! ♪
- Okay. It's my favorite.
- Let him go.
I'm glad you know it.
- Rachel definitely took over.
- Doo, doo! ♪
- What is happening, Rachel?
Rachel is a lot,
and sometimes it's annoying.
I can't wait to murder her.
All right.
Eight, six, eight, seven.
- Is it The Nut or
Dun-dun, dun-dun-dun,
dun-dun-dun ♪
- Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun ♪
- Da-da-da-da-da ♪
- I have no idea.
- Yes, you're right.
- I know where it is.
- Yep, I do.
Third sound goes, and I have
no idea what this sound is.
- You know it?
- What is it?
- It's a hat the top hat.
- Well, rather coincidentally,
the box that I pick up is the
dadburn stinking right box.
It was right here.
It was right here.
- Congratulations.
Another $5,000 to the prize pot.
- Six, seven, eight.
They don't make 'em
like this anymore.
- "Ode to Joy."
This is it. The feather.
I don't know where it is.
I'm just running.
- Careful. Running in heels.
- Let me see.
- This?
Yes, that's it!
That's it!
- This?
- Correct.
$20,000 you've made
for the team.
Bravo. You're on a roll.
-20 Gs just sitting right there,
waiting for Mama
to take it home.
- All right. Turning.
Okay, so, three, three.
Five, eight, seven, six,
six, five, two, three, four.
I don't recognize
this song at all.
- That is "Rockabye, Baby."
- Is it?
- Yes.
- Where's "Rockabye, Baby"?
- I know where it is.
- Which one is "Rockabye, Baby"?
- I know where it is.
Cirie is absolutely killing
this mission.
- Yeah, she is right.
- She's right.
- She has three babies.
- If you do well at a mission,
I do think that it will make
people feel comfortable
and trust me.
And I'm trying to get as much
safety and support as I can.
- What's that? What's that?
It's a horse and a carriage.
Oh, there's one in the
It's in the billiards room!
- Whoa!
It's right here.
- Get it, get it, get it.
- Is this it?
- That's it.
Let me see. Yes, yes, yes.
- Go, go!
I just hurt my knee.
- This is so much fun.
I'm having so much fun.
- We're gonna win.
- Well done.
- $25,000.
Let the bells ring out.
Congratulations. Working
together has really paid off.
Brandi really tried
in the mission,
and I still don't trust her
as far as I can throw her.
I'm hoping everyone else
can see things my way
at the round table tonight.
- See ya, Fergus.
- Bye, Ferguuuus!
- Bye, Fergus!
I don't want to toot
my own horn,
but toot, toot, I could
totally nail this by myself.
How good does that feel,
getting that 25 Gs?!
- We redeemed ourselves.
We killed it. And it was fun.
We killed it, and it was fun.
You know, Rachel is, like,
super into winning.
And so that's great.
But the only issue
is my ears hurt.
So, let's talk about who we're
getting rid of,
because it's gonna
happen tonight.
I would only choose
somebody who was,
like, sending
other faithfuls home
because you took up a chance
for us to send a traitor home.
- Hey-yo!
The mission of the day
is accomplished,
but mine's still going.
I'm just trying
to find the traitors.
Kate and I have an idea
who the traitors are.
But it's really hard
to talk around other people.
So we thought, "Let's write
it down and sort this out."
Let's name, like, who
we're not sure of.
- Mnh-mnh.
- No?
- She's solid.
- Okay.
- No. I love her.
But definitely Michael.
- Michael. Still Michael.
We have to get rid of Michael.
I really do think
he's a traitor.
I am hoping that people
finally listen to me.
I believe Michael, Christian,
and Cirie are traitors.
My plan today
is to get Michael out.
He's a master manipulator.
But we have to get
our faithfuls on board.
We are gonna get in their heads.
And I think that
if people are smart,
they go with the popular vote.
Right now, if we had to vote,
who we going with right now?
I have not ruled out
Kate and Brandi.
- That's what I was thinking.
- Hi!
Brandi, who do you think
is a traitor?
- I think Michael.
- Okay.
- He's the weakest link.
But he was saying that
he has social anxiety.
But I have it, too,
and I'm not sitting here
saying it all day long.
Kate and Brandi are doing
anything they can to get people
to turn on Michael,
and they're just, like,
"Michael's doing this,"
pointing fingers.
Kate and Brandi, they're, like,
telling everyone, "It's Michael.
I think it's Michael."
Don't say that I said that.
- No, no.
Because they're gonna come
after me in a heartbeat.
Brandi's logic for
targeting me yesterday
was "You said Geraldine,
you said Geraldine,
you was gung-ho-ing
for Geraldine."
Well, you're gung-ho-ing
for me, lady.
Like, what the heck?
- I know.
So, I mean, using
your same logic,
you're the number-one suspect.
The thing about her and Kate are
they're so loud personalities,
and so if we do target them,
we better be able
to get them out because
- Right. You have to.
- Because they will
They don't care.
Michael has been the target
at the last roundtable.
As long as he stays,
he's a shield for me.
So I want to quietly protect
Michael as much as I can.
- I'm in hot water.
Brandi and Kate,
together, want me gone,
and they're dead set on it,
so I'm nervous.
I don't know if this is
gonna go well for me.
Kate called me
a traitor earlier.
That means we need
to be calm, you know,
stay with the majority
of the group,
because very quickly, I could be
the main topic of discussion.
- Hello, players.
What a busy and lucrative day
you've had.
You raised $25,000.
The collective prize pot
now stands at $75,000.
But if a traitor remains
at the end of the game,
they'll take it all.
Now is the time to draw that
evil like poison from a wound
and banish a traitor forever
from the game.
You all have one vote.
And the player
who receives the most votes,
be they faithful or traitor,
will leave the game immediately.
- I will speak up as a faithful.
I've done a lot of watching
yesterday and today,
and I think the vote on Bam
was designed to confuse,
which it did.
When I then begin to think about
who has kept up so much
confusion specifically today,
who has continued
to throw out names,
that's you, Kate.
I think today you threw mud
at the wall all morning.
It's interesting to me
that Michael is the traitor
and you voiced that we have to
get him out all day.
"This is what we need to do.
This is the plan."
And a part of it I agree with,
but when I look at behavior
and when I look
at what can be confusing,
you come up on my list.
There's a traitor among us.
And I believe it's you.
- There's a traitor among us.
And I believe it's you.
I did say I think
Michael's a traitor, and I do.
What if we get rid of the one
we're pretty certain of?
- Right.
I mean, Kate, you're a lot
better at this game
than what you let on.
- Oh, thanks. I appreciate that.
You're not here
for a good time and a drink.
You rallied the troops
last night
- Oh, my God.
And got almost the majority
of the vote for me to go home.
So you can play naive
all you want to,
like you're here
for a good time.
- Do you think I'm a traitor?
I absolutely think
you're a traitor.
And I absolutely think
you're a traitor.
- You think she's a traitor?
- I think you both are.
I bet you do.
Because that's your job, right?
Do you think Brandi's a traitor?
- No.
- I'm not.
- How do you know?
- Because I'm not.
Because her and I share
a lot of the same opinions.
And I know I'm not a traitor.
So she's zeroing down
on the same people.
I have a question for you, Kate.
You're dead-set
that I'm a traitor
and there's nothing
that can change
- Half the group was.
- No, no, no, no.
I'm talking to Kate right now.
We're talking.
This is not silence.
I'm loud. I can get loud.
You're not crying tonight.
Oh, come on, Brandi.
Come on.
You're not crying.
I'm just making a point.
I would like to hear
from you guys.
When will you know that
"Oh, yeah, that's definite
traitor vibes,"
because I feel like
a lot of the things he's done
when you write them all down,
it's like, okay,
it wasn't just one thing.
It's like,
"Well, that's true, too."
I think when someone lies,
when someone manipulates,
when someone's trying to tear
apart the faithfuls,
then I think
that they're a traitor.
He sent a faithful home
yesterday, so that's part of it.
Um, the majority of the group,
not one person.
But he was the one campaigning
for her all day.
I never thought of her.
- With that logic,
I mean, I know Brandi was
very vocal yesterday about,
"Oh, you're pushing Geraldine,
you're pushing Geraldine,
you're pushing Geraldine."
You're pushing me.
Well, your anxiety went away,
didn't it?
- It has It's one of them.
- Guys, I think we should be
Yeah, they're going at
each other way too much.
This is gonna divulge into chaos
if there's a thousand people
having side convos.
I think the point
of the matter is,
if it's not you,
Brandi, it's Michael.
- I think it's Kate.
I just think
the common theme here
is there's three distractions
going on, and it's faithfuls.
We need to eliminate
one of those distractions
so we can continue to move on
and try to find the traitors.
That's all I have to say.
Whatever. I'm not a traitor,
on my children.
I think Michael is a traitor.
I think Christian is a traitor.
The time for talk is over.
It's now the time to vote.
- It is very tense tonight.
My name didn't come up, so now
I'm just gonna stay quiet,
zip my lips, sit back,
and get a traitor out.
This is the most entertainment
I've had since I've been here,
because there's no substance
to any of the accusations
that are happening.
It's, like, not going really
near anybody that I care about.
And so I just want my popcorn
'cause I know this vote
is going to be a good one.
- I'm going to have to hurry you.
- Okay. Okay. Okay.
Players, it's time
to reveal your votes.
I'm going to start
with you, Michael.
- I voted for Brandi.
You tend to push me a lot
as being a suspect.
It reveals your true character.
- Cody.
- Michael.
It wasn't Brandi that was
causing the chaos yesterday.
It was Michael.
I'm just going with what I was
gonna go into it initially,
and if I'm wrong,
then I apologize to you
a thousand times over, bud.
- I understand.
- No big deal.
No hard feelings.
- Shelbe.
- Michael.
- Anjelica.
- Michael, I voted for you.
- Ryan.
- Kate.
I'm just strictly
going off of the people
I really trust in this group.
We have three for Michael.
One for Brandi. One for Kate.
- Kate.
I was Michael all the way.
Because that's all you
were preaching all day.
And then tonight,
around the roundtable,
I was between you and Brandi.
Michael became out
of the equation.
And I just don't think
Brandi is a traitor.
I'm sorry.
- Kyle.
- Michael, I voted for you.
Got it wrong yesterday, and I
don't have much other suspicion
that I feel is actually
confounded to go off of.
But we need people
that are willing to speak out
and actually come
to the table with opinions.
Because there's a lot of people
playing it safe,
and there's a lot of people
that are reserved.
And this is gonna get really
lame if that's the new normal.
- Rachel.
Brandi, I voted for you
because you have been spreading
a lot of chaos
around the castle,
and I really believe
you're a traitor, so
- Quentin.
- I voted for you, Kate.
- Now we have four for Michael,
three for Kate,
and two for Brandi.
- Brandi.
- Michael, I voted for you.
There was never a second that I
didn't think you were a traitor.
But I think, like,
trying to throw
chaos into the mix,
you did a great job.
- Cirie.
I listened to a lot
of conversations today,
and I was questioning
my gut feelings.
If I'm wrong,
then I'll eat that.
But I had to vote Brandi.
- Amanda.
- I voted for you, Brandi.
After listening to what was said
here at the table
and after hearing
what Michael had to say,
I voted for you.
So that's five votes
for Michael,
four for Brandi,
and three votes for Kate.
Michael, I chose you because
I believe you're a traitor.
- Azra.
- Brandi, I voted for you.
And as much as I agree with Kyle
when he said that some people
are reserved here,
but sometimes the reserved ones
can actually sit
and have intelligent
It's just sometimes there's
bigger personalities than me,
so I don't
I get afraid to talk.
- Michael has six votes.
Brandi has five.
Kate has three.
- Brandi, I voted for you.
- Arie.
- Brandi.
This is it.
The final vote.
Brandi has seven.
Michael has six.
Christian, your vote is crucial.
I know I'm not, like,
the smartest guy in the room.
I'm gonna go with, like, what
group decides as faithfuls,
It's not personal. I just
I just didn't
I don't really know.
I just went with this.
I went with
This is it.
The final vote.
I know I'm not, like,
the smartest guy in the room.
But I'm gonna go with like
what group decides as faithfuls,
It's not personal. I just
I just didn't
I don't really know.
I just went with this.
I went with Brandi.
Brandi, you have received
the most votes,
and you are banished
from the game.
Please come and stand
in the Circle of Truth.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa-oh ♪
Can you hear the thunder? ♪
- Before you leave us, Brandi,
please reveal if you are
a faithful or a traitor.
- Okay, guys. So
A lot of you guys
think that I'm a traitor.
I'm a faithful.
And so is Kate.
I'm just saying, you guys
have to stick together
because they're manipulating
the heck out of you.
And I think the chaos
that really happened tonight
came from Michael.
I am off.
I am off at all of
the fellow faithfuls
because I told you Brandi
was a faithful.
So you know what?
I have loyalty to no one.
- I am very relieved right now.
By the skin of my teeth,
I'm still here.
But Brandi was a faithful,
so I don't know
what's gonna come my way.
- So, Brandi was a faithful.
Can you all wash the blood clean
from your hands
and find out who the traitors
really are?
Only time will tell.
Sweet dreams.
Guys, we're playing
too emotional.
We just sent
another faithful home.
I'm sorry. I'm pissed.
Like, this is ridiculous.
- I couldn't be happier.
Brandi was coming into this
roundtable guns blazing.
Creates an abundance of chaos.
Now she's gone.
Another fateful bites the dust.
We're sitting at the roundtable,
and as we're talking,
Kate gets up.
And something falls
out of her skirt.
And I immediately
fly off my stool,
grab it, and put it
in my back pocket.
And I don't say
a word to anybody.
So I go to the restroom.
I open the note.
"Shelbe, murder,"
and that's crossed out.
And then Amanda's name.
- I know. Sucks.
At least she had a good
last speech.
- If you're a faithful,
why are you even
writing that down?
I need to do something with it.
- This plays right into my hand.
This is an opportunity
to frame Kate.
And I can't wait for it.
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