The Traitors UK (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Previously on The Traitors
..the players arrived here
at this Scottish castle play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win
..up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are The Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
They've already chosen
their first victim.
By the order of The Traitors,
you have been murdered.
But they weren't the only
ones playing a deadly game
My boyfriend, Tom,
is also in this game.
We're keeping that to ourselves. the faithful started
their quest
to work out who The Traitors are.
I voted for Nicky. Nicky. Nicky.
Nicky. You're all wrong.
I'm a faithful.
Oh, no. A wrongful
banishment left everyone reeling.
I just thought it was Imran.
But everyone jumped on the bandwagon
and then look at them all.
They all just look like idiots now.
This is just all really tough.
But who will The Traitors
look to murder next?
Alex, Aaron or Claire?
Traitors, we are killing it.
This is The Traitors.
We need to just throw a huge
spanner in the works again.
I do feel like a bit of a murderer.
I feel like I'm killing
an innocent person.
It feels so wrong,
but it feels so right. Right.
Last night, The Traitors
murdered a second faithful.
This morning, only the surviving
players will make it to breakfast.
Oh, my God, we're the first.
We're the first.
God, what a change from yesterday,
can I say? I know.
First to breakfast. It's, like,
I know who's going to be murdered.
This is my time to shine.
This is when I can truly act.
I genuinely have no idea of how
they're going to go about this.
What would a faithful do?
I just need to get into that zone
and really think like a faithful.
Look at poor Nicky. Oh, two Xs.
Good morning. Morning! Yay!
How are you?
Good, thank you, yeah.
Welcome to breakfast!
How are you feeling? I didn't
sleep, if I'm really honest.
Tossing and turning.
I mean, that was just horrendous.
Yesterday I thought, like everybody
else, that we had got it right
and it was Nicky.
And how wrong were we?
We sent home one of our own
and those Traitors
are laughing at us.
100% laughing at us.
I think the only person that
got it right last night was Aaron.
D'you know what? I was quite,
I respected him. Yep.
Yeah, for not actually
following like a sheep.
Good morning!
Here we are! Hiya, pal!
Look at this.
So I've gone into breakfast and
I'm struggling on how to play it.
How's everyone feeling, anyway?
Good. Relieved.
Relieved. Relieved, relieved.
It's just bittersweet, isn't it?
Cos as relieved as we feel
Yeah, we feel. Somebody's going to
not feel relieved. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, my!
Hey. Sleep all right?
You all right? You OK? Yeah.
You can't help but just stare
at the door in anticipation.
Listen, we're through it.
For me, Imran's a bit shady.
I don't know if he's just
an awkward person,
but every time I'm with him,
I feel very uncomfortable.
I still think he's a traitor.
How's it going, man?
I'm good.
Aaron and Alex aren't here.
Oh, my God.
I'm not being funny.
Aaron's not here, right?
I'm having issues
in my own head right now.
I'll say hello later,
say hello later.
I was really happy to be
at that breakfast table
because I honestly didn't think
I was going to be there.
I literally packed most of
my clothes, got them
in piles on the sofa. Have you?
I'm still backing my decision
from last night.
I still think it's Imran.
I just went against the grain,
at the end of the day. I'll not
write Nicky's name down,
just because everyone else is.
I'm the most sincere and honest
estate agent.
I'm an honest person.
Yes? ALL: Come in.
Hey-hey, hey!
Are we last?
No. No. There's one more person.
It's going to be Alex or Claire.
Oh, God. That's awful.
Yeah. Hi.
My 100% from day one was Claire.
I kinda have that feeling where
my heart's racing, I feel nervous.
I'm just hoping and praying
she'll walk in the door as well.
Yeah, this is horrible.
I've decided.
I am worried about Alex.
We're a couple, but obviously
we needed to keep that a secret.
I struggled to hide my nerves.
I was checking the door
every half a second.
Each time people were
coming into the room,
I was just waiting and waiting
and waiting.
It comes down to
the last two people.
It's Alex or Claire,
and I'm sat there
and I'm like, torn, because I'm
like, do you go with, like,
the mum figure who is amazing
or the girl that you think could
potentially be your future wife?
I can't call this.
I can't call this.
Let's not, just
Oh, God, this is horrible.
You got tears coming through there.
Oh, mate, I'm not enjoying this.
I like them both.
Like, a lot. I think
they're both incredible.
I'm going to be absolutely
gutted either way now.
I actually feel
Horrible. ..upset.
God's sake, man.
Come in! Come in! Come in!
Who is it?
Yes, Alex!
Hello, hello. You OK?
Claire's not here?
You're the last one in.
Claire's not here.
You're the last one in.
Claire's gone.
Don't look at her as Claire.
Look at her as a player.
Everybody gravitates towards her,
she's leading people's ideas.
People aren't going
to expect her to go.
I think it will work out best
for every single one of us.
There's a benefit. Yeah.
And it's going to disperse everyone
and we'll sort of take control.
"Dear Claire,
by order of The Traitors,
you have been murdered."
Signed, "The Traitors."
I would rather have everybody
put my name up at the roundtable
than this because
this is backhanded.
This is a backstab.
They've taken my experience
away from me.
I think they're both incredible.
She's such a lovely person.
I don't have that one person
to trust any more.
I feel like I'm now exposed.
It's really hard.
You all right, my love?
Yeah Whoever's done that,
I'm pissed.
Yeah, you're, you're
an arsehole for doing that.
That is a really low blow
from The Traitors.
It was quite a hard decision,
but I have to be true to myself.
What I came here to do
was to befriend and betray,
and I befriended her
and I think that was the right time
for me to say, d'you know what?
She needs to go.
I need to do what I can to win.
This is going to pay for my wedding,
it's going to pay for me being able
to counsel young people,
it's going to help so much
more people.
And also it'll give me,
my kids a better chance.
Cost of living is going up,
like, everything's going up.
Just having that little bit
more of financial security
..would really, really help.
Come on.
There are some really
great performers here.
Well, that is the
scary bloody thing.
Good morning, everyone.
So The Traitors have murdered again.
Yeah. Claire has gone.
And I know that you will all
really, really miss her.
To take your mind off it,
we're going to have another mission.
You can build up the prize fund.
Do you like funfairs?
Then we'll have a good day.
I like the fact Amanda
just went "no."
Then everyone but Amanda
will have a lovely day.
I will see you at the funfair.
Bye. Thank you.
Thank you. See you later.
I can't understand it.
Maybe that's it. Maybe it's random.
Maybe they're going random.
Just totally and utterly random.
I hate the fact that
the last person comes in
because I feel like everyone else
I'm like, "Yes, let's go!"
Then as soon as that last person
walks in Yeah, mixed energies.
Yeah, it's two sides of
the coin, isn't it? Yeah.
It messes with your head cos you're
relieved because you're still here,
yet simultaneously you're like,
"Fuck, someone's just gone."
I think we're all
just feeling like
..shit. BOTH: Shit.
Cos I thought they'd use it
Come and sit down cos I need to
tell you stuff, guys. Yes.
Hells, yeah. Hey.
Hey, guys. Hey, guys.
There you go, now he has to try
and pot one of the red balls.
It is a bit suspicious
it's been two girls.
Do you think it's someone
who might perhaps be a bit
more laddish, a bit more intimidated
by these strong female characters?
I think I've had a bit of
an epiphany.
So, last night in the roundtable,
Aaron voted for Imran.
But if you was a Traitor,
you'd know that Nicky was faithful,
so they'd look, to look good,
they've put up Imran
to, like, deflect
and send us all down
that rabbit hole.
I feel like with Aaron, say if
The Traitors know Nicky is faithful.
Yeah. They know that.
Yep. So they're going to go Imran
cos I'm going to look like a good
And Wilfred, he said
he's really close to Claire.
And then Claire
Today I was kind of
listening to Maddy
and she was pointing
the fingers at Aaron,
and she did mention Wilfred.
This is the first time Wilfred's
been mentioned
and I just had to defend
my fellow Traitor
and get Wilfred's name
out of Maddy's mouth, basically.
So I came up with
the Ted Bundy theory.
Aaron is stunning
and he's really nice
and he just plays
the charming nice guy.
We need to think of
Ted Bundy's characteristics.
Oh, my God! Good-looking,
charismatic. Really good-looking.
And he is fit.
But also saying Wilfred,
I feel like he's quite
charismatic and funny. Yeah, he is.
And that's sometimes
I don't know. I don't know.
I think Wilfred is
very pure, though.
Do I say both of
their names, though?
I think we need to take this
one at a time. Agree. Yeah.
You need to take The Traitors one at
a time, but also the killings.
Because then they won't
expect it the next day
and we could focus in on them.
Like, it was so good to just
get it all off my chest
and just tell them everything.
I really trust that bunch.
So I think I was in a good bunch.
Tonight, we cannot
CANNOT choke out
another Faithful. Hm.
So I think we need
to be really clever today.
Get all your grievances out today.
Actually, I don't wanna
make a big issue of this,
but I do have a bit of a grievance
about something I heard
you said, Imran.
When we did that first task
and we were on the boat
and we were team blue Yeah.
..did you say, "Ugh,
we're not going to win
cos we're a disadvantaged team"?
I remember saying that
the blue team we had
are more disadvantaged
than the green team
cos the green team had
more younger people in there.
Was it just an off the cuff comment?
No, so first of all
Because it did hurt my feelings.
There was a comment that
was made, that was my only beef.
I called him out on it.
Maybe that's a defence mechanism.
Maybe that's me being a gay man.
It's fight or flight again.
I'm nobody's fool.
I'm very nice, but don't get
on the wrong side of me.
Anybody's feelings
were hurt by that,
I want to say I apologise.
OK. First of all, it wasn't
pointing fingers at anyone
with a certain age and saying,
"You're the reason
why we're losing."
At the end of the day,
we're a single team.
I think my emotional ability
is perhaps less sensitive
than the group's.
I think I'm naturally
very competitive.
I'm the youngest person in the world
to obtain a PhD in astrophysics.
It's important to keep
a strong mind.
I think yesterday was a
good experience for me.
Yeah, it was a lot to take,
but I'm kind of glad
that it happened
because I like everything
out there for people to see
and I think that's the way we're
actually going to get The Traitors.
I always look at reasons
as to why I'm not winning.
He took a few of
the things personally.
I don't mean them personally.
He took it in a very
kind of odd way.
I'm actually going to go outside
and get some fresh air.
Yes, I'm outside. Come on.
Somebody come outside.
It was so hard because obviously
I get along really well with Alex.
Yeah. And then knowing
in that last moment
that Alex or Claire was going to
come out, I was like,
either way, this is going to
be awful. Yeah.
We're going to go out there and do
another mission in a minute
where we've got to
work together as a team
and be the big,
happy family again
Yeah, but that's nice,
I like that. I like that.
It takes the weight off
for a bit. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
Because we are actually
all really nice people
despite this game that we're put in.
We're here for that.
Yeah. We're there for the missions.
100%. We are! We love it. Yes. Yeah.
I'm retired.
I have an active social life.
I bike, I swim, I play badminton,
table tennis,
I go to pottery classes.
And this I see as a chance to get up
and do something completely new.
If you really want to
and if you have the health,
you can bloody well do it.
And you should.
Our players are heading off
to their third mission
of the game.
This is a chance for both Traitors
and Faithfuls to work together
in order to win money,
which will be added
to the final prize pot.
Oh, my God!
Yeah, this is scary.
This doesn't look safe.
Oh, there is literally
a skeleton on it.
My mouth just absolutely fills with
the potential vomit as you see
this kind of great big wheel
just spinning over and over.
What is about to happen?
OK. Welcome, everyone,
to mission three.
You've already banked £23,000.
If you do this correctly,
you add another 10,000.
Wow. This is my amusement park.
Don't focus on them.
They enjoyed themselves.
I am going to pick at random
five names out of that tombola.
You five will ride the wheel of fun.
Oh! Yes, boy!
Hanging upside down off of
something that looks like
it's going to fall apart?
I didn't want to do it.
I ride BMX bikes, but going upside
down absolutely petrifies me.
Even when I'm on my bike,
my body's this way up for a reason.
D'you know what I mean? Like
Otherwise, people would just be
walking around on their heads.
For those of you on the ground,
I will be asking you a question
about those who are
riding the wheel.
The same question will be asked
to those riding the wheel.
For every answer that matches,
£100 goes in the pot.
All right. Amazing.
Not only that, if you manage
to stay on the wheel
for the full 10 minutes,
I'm going to give you a little bonus
We can do it, guys.
Now, if I haven't picked
out your name, don't relax.
Don't go "Phew, everything's fine."
Because we're going
to play this twice.
OK, let's pick the first five.
Yeah. Good luck, everyone.
I don't wanna be picked.
I'm just willing
every single name
to be someone else.
The first person to ride
the wheel is
I'm going to be stuck to a
Ferris wheel going upside down,
answering some questions.
My name came up and I was like,
"Yeah" cos I really wanted to do it.
But then at the same time, I was
like, "Actually I don't think I do,
cos if you're on the wheel
and they ask a question,
some people could mention your name.
The fifth person
to ride the wheel of fun
I just felt my heart drop
basically down to my ankles
and come back up again.
And when it came back up again,
it was beating at 1 million mph.
You all right, Theo?
WHIMPERING: Yeah. You're OK, baby.
I feel like I'm getting in my mum's
washing machine, let me tell you.
Matt, you don't look that happy.
Shit holiday. Oh
You got this, Matt!
Yes, Matt!
So let's do it.
Uh, no.
Nah, I don't like it,
I don't like it.
OK, here we go.
If it's between Theo,
Matt, Wilf, Fay and John
Make it fast, guys.
Write it down.
John. John. John?
John? OK, are we all agreed on John?
Yes. Have you got your answer?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
We're done, we're locked in.
Has everyone on the wheel
locked it in?
Yes. Who on the wheel
is the most likely to be a Faithful?
They all knew that I was Faithful.
So that was quite a nice
little accolade, a little tick,
so I was very proud.
OK. John, it's coming round to you.
# John # You went John?
John. Wilf?
Matt, you're doing really well.
What's your answer?
I just wrote my own name.
Theo, show me.
Theo. Afraid no money.
You made £300.
Yes! Come on.
John was the most faithful.
That's not good for us Traitors.
If there's no way that we can
plant seeds for the Faithfuls
to banish him, then
..he is going to have to be a
I've got to do it.
Oh, my God!
Next question
It's gotta be Theo.
It's gotta be Theo.
He's class at everything.
Everyone keeps saying how fun he is.
Theo! Theo?
John, reveal your answer.
Theo. Theo! £100!
Oh, fair.
Uh, God.
Who did you pick, darling?
Well done.
Oh, my head!
Only out of the people
on the wheel
Come on, guys!
Let's be real!
Oh, that's easy.
What's your answer?
Matt? OK.
Matt! Matt! Matt.
I'm confident enough in myself
to flirt my way around,
but that wasn't really my game
plan, to flirt with no-one,
but I fancy Alex like
nothing else in the world.
Yeah. I guess it kind of
happened, didn't it?
Whoa, whoa, no, I don't like it.
It's not nice, this!
All right, here's the question.
Bloody hell.
Oh Oh, my gosh.
That's going to cause drama.
This isn't personal,
by the way, anyone.
Have you got an answer for me?
Everyone OK
Let's put It's like "what?!"
That question's so deep.
For some reason,
I had a really bad feeling
I was going to get sussed out,
so I couldn't enjoy it.
I just can't chance
having my name come up.
Can I see your answer?
Fay! Fay!
Give me your answer, Matt!
Fay! Yes!
John, what's your answer?
Fay. £300.
I don't want them to say,
"Oh, I'm ruthless
cos I know at the end of the day,
being ruthless is a Traitor.
All those characteristics
lead the way to being a Traitor.
Fay, my darling, what's your answer?
And Wilf, what's your answer?
Theo cos you're a savage.
That's all right,
that's really good.
That's the best answer.
This is horrible.
This is a horrible question.
I honestly think we're going to
have to go to roundtable again.
I don't know anybody
that's two-faced.
That's an awful one, isn't it?
OK. Can I have your answer, please?
If everybody's putting, "Yeah,
Fay's ruthless, whoo!"
"Yeah, Fay's two-faced, whoo!"
What is that sowing in their head?
Sowing those seeds, isn't it?
I know, at the end of the day,
I'm not those things.
Fay! Great.
Matt, who did you put down?
Fay? Yes!
Fay, what did you
write down, please?
I blew up my lane.
I locked myself in. Whoo!
I wasn't going to put
anybody else down.
Fay. Fay? £500.
Yes! 500!
I thought this was really
interesting because obviously
me knowing full well
she's a Faithful
means people are looking at her.
Fay, how do you feel about that?
Well, I can handle it.
Guys, as you endured the wheel
for the entire ride,
I'm also going to give you
an extra £2,500.
Sofrom that round made
The first round went pretty well.
I was out of it, I was safe,
but there's going to be
a second round.
OK. I was like, "oh, my gosh.
Please, can it be me?
Please, please, please, please,
please, please, please be me.
Oh, my gosh.
I got to go around the wheel.
I literally got to go on the wheel.
And I was so buzzing.
Yes! Let's go! OK.
This is my first time being
on a roller-coaster.
Go on!
Oh, my gosh!
I know it doesn't really count
as a roller-coaster,
it's not like that. But still, it's
like a roller-coaster ride.
So, yeah, it was amazing.
It was like, it was, it was so cool.
Oh, my gosh! OK.
I've got a quadriplegia,
which is short stature.
I've always been below the height,
so I could never go on it,
so I've never been,
like, upside down.
You OK? Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
I think a lot of people just draw
assumption that I'm basically
wrapped up in cotton wool,
and I feel like they're quite
shocked, like, "Oh, she can do that.
"Oh, my goodness.
I never knew that."
I just like to prove people wrong.
Listen, guys.
This is really hard up here.
We're going to think Alex.
Go for Alex. We'll go Alex. Alex.
Alex! Alex!
Thanks, guys. I didn't realise you
all thought I was a narcissist.
Hmm. It's Maddy. It has to be Maddy.
We voted for Maddy.
Meryl! I voted for myself as well.
I think people perceive me
as someone who's maybe, like,
quite ditzy and silly.
But, like, I'm
cleverer than Yeah.
I think Oh, maybe I'm not,
is cleverer a word?
Ohh, sugar!
Next question.
Oh, that's an awful thing, meaning
that you won't remember them?
I vote Rayan.
We've written Rayan!
Rayan. Meryl?
Rayan. Rayan?
Alex, who did you write down?
So I write Meryl.
Meryl? Sorry.
OK. Maddy, who did you write down?
Maddy. Rayan?
Yes! You?
OK. I was quite happy with that.
If people can't remember my name,
they're not going to put
it down at the roundtable.
Oh, my God.
It's got to be Andrea.
Is it Andrea? We happy? Ssh!
We're voting Andrea.
Andrea, correct.
Alex. Alex, aw!
Meryl? OK.
Maddy, show me.
I've gone for Meryl.
Doesn't matter. It's fine!
Don't worry. You've got £300.
I think everyone looks up to Andrea.
She does have a lot of influence.
You know, people will
listen to Andrea.
You know, this was
something that The Traitors
need to keep an eye on.
We need to think tactically here.
Oh, here we go.
Last question.
Ooh. Oh, God.
Ah, that's so hard.
I think everyone's
going to say Meryl because
she's done a lot of things this time
that she's done the first
Yeah, yeah.
So she needs you
So we voted for Meryl.
OK. Rayan, who did you
write down, please?
OK. Andrea, who did you write down?
And Meryl?
OK, this seems big-headed,
but it's not.
And Alex?
Sorry, guys. Andrea.
Maddy, who did you write down?
Well done. Well done, Rayan.
Well done.
Oh, gosh.
You should all be incredibly proud.
It was hard.
You OK, Rayan?
Yeah, just heavy breathing.
It's just, just catching my breath.
I'm all right. I'm good.
I understand. I'm just happy
we got through.
I'm happy we got so much money for
the team. Smashed it. Yes. Yes.
In round two, you made £4,300.
So it brings your total
for today to
Huge well done.
You all did absolutely brilliantly.
Not only that, you might have got
a few more bits of evidence.
You might have learnt something
about each other.
That is all useful because
the next time you meet
is at the roundtable.
D'you know what?
This mission allowed us
to see what everyone else
was thinking, which, you know,
is something that we needed to know
without asking the right questions.
Well done on today.
Go back to the castle.
Get warm.
Now I feel
people are really starting
to look at each other as people,
rather than just players.
The players have worked together
to add more money to the prize pot,
but soon they'll be back
at the roundtable,
where they must once again
attempt to banish a Traitor.
8,000 added to the prize pot,
which is really good.
I'll be honest with you,
I'd just love that money so much
because it'd just mean
I would be able to help my mum out
as well, be able to support her
and do loads of good,
nice things like that.
Does anyone else feel like they're
still getting lost around here?
No, not really. No! I do.
What was the one about me
that you all voted for?
What was that again?
Who's the most honest?
Aw, yes. Most likely to be Faithful.
That's what it was.
Yeah, I think it was
You genuinely think that?
Yeah. Yeah. 100%?
100%. 100%.
You act Faithful. Are you Faithful?
100%. 100%. Are you a Faithful?
I'm 100% a Faithful. 100,000,000%.
I don't think I've,
I haven't got it in me.
No, I wouldn't have it in me.
Are you Faithful? 100%.
Good. I'm sorry to ask.
I just, I need something to go on.
No, 100%. Yeah.
D'you know what I mean? Yeah, 100%.
I love strategy and game mechanics
and number crunching.
I'm a children's author.
My books recently
have been all about games.
I do a lot of running the games, I
don't do a lot of playing the games.
So I'm here to prove that
I can practise what I preach.
D'you know who said something
a little bit this morning?
Was Maddy.
Maddy suspected you and Aaron.
She said, "It's those two."
I'm sure that's what she said.
It really scared me.
It just takes one other person
to jump on that bandwagon
for that snowball effect.
So I have to keep
just, like, downplaying it.
If you take you from
the roundtable from last night,
there were two other people that
And those names
have been thrown around.
I think it's Imran.
Maddy in her head,
she thinks it's Aaron at the minute.
Maddy's had this
conversation with me.
I just don't wanna bring this out of
nowhere and be totally wrong. Yeah.
How is your shoulder?
It's a little sore.
Just put your head forward for me.
How long does it take you to, like,
become a masseuse?
Well, massage therapist.
I don't like the word masseuse.
Sorry. That's all right.
Well, it can take anything between
three and four years, really.
So it takes you 3-4 years
to become
Yeah. Are you classed
as a professional?
Yeah, you do different levels.
In a spa, you have to have
a three point skillset.
So I went and I
managed it for a while
and then they kind of trained me up.
Did you have to pay for the courses
or do they do it themselves?
Yeah, you had to pay half.
So how long have you been doing,
like, massage?
Massage therapy. Massage therapy.
About 11 years.
The benefit of having ADHD
is you're just super, like,
enthusiastic all the time.
I get a bit excited.
I've got a lot of energy.
I get really curious.
I ask a lot of questions,
like, I'm very invested in,
like, what people have to say.
Was he drilling me for information
or d'you think he
was genuinely interested?
Oh, I don't know.
It was a little bit like
I was having to justify who I was.
All right? Yeah.
Anyway I have no idea
as the answer to that.
No. Thank you, thank you.
Hi. How are you?
I'm all right. I was just
looking at the wall.
There's a load of nice people
there that I genuinely
don't believe are Traitors.
100%. I've got a gut feeling
that Amanda is not a Traitor.
Yeah. Agreed. Yeah. Alex?
100% no. She's too lovely.
Do you think because
she's very beautiful
that you as straight men
No. Really?
No, no, no. Alyssa?
No, she's, like,
so lovely and innocent.
I know. It's really, yeah.
That's a no for me.
OK. Fay?
Possible. It's possible.
It's possible. It's possible.
But I'm a bit more no than yes.
He'd definitely get away with it.
I know. He's very clever,
he's very intelligent, isn't he?
Very intelligent. Very smart.
He's one that I genuinely think
that if he's offered it,
he can go all the way because
he will just slip below the radar.
I know. What about Wilf?
It is possible. Yeah.
But his emotions are so strong.
I know. Yes. But you just think,
is he just a really good actor?
When he found out
that Claire had gone
Oh, he was crying.
..he was crying and I thought
Why are you crying so So much.
Yeah. Made me go,
"You don't know her that well."
But they both have strong stories
and d'you know what?
At this point in the game
WHISPERING: ..I think it's him.
It's so hard because I just,
I can't trust anyone now. I know.
I'm here really as a Faithful
to find out who these Traitors
are and get rid of them.
I need to be ruthless,
but I'll do it
as a smiling assassin.
# Come as you are
# As you want
# As I want you to be #
As the sun sets,
the players gather together,
ready to head to the roundtable,
where they will attempt
to vote out a Traitor.
I think everyone's getting
a bit overwhelmed as well.
WHISPERING: Nobody said your name.
Maddy said my name
earlier to someone.
I was going to, I think,
I don't trust this. No, no, no.
We're done. We're done.
Because I don't wanna
be fucked over.
Because I'm so anxious today.
I was confident, but obviously
my name's come up
and now, like, so nervous.
It's hard. All I can do is pretend
I'm a Faithful at the moment.
The finger's going to be pointed
at a lot of different people
today, I think.
I don't want to see my name
on the board again.
There was a lot of crowd
following yesterday.
So I think it's important now
that people go
with their gut instincts.
It's a witch hunt at that table.
Like, it absolutely is.
I don't know where
to point the finger.
I need to be careful
with what I say.
We can't afford to get
rid of another Faithful,
so I can't get rid of someone
just because I don't like them.
We need to start playing this game.
Welcome back to the roundtable.
It is time for another banishment.
Before that, some fantastic news.
Today you made £8,700.
That means the prize pot
currently stands at £31,700.
So out there
..The Traitors can scheme
..they can deceive
..they can murder.
But this is your room, Faithful.
This is where you get
to kick one of them out.
As I said when you first got here,
get them before they get you.
It feels like a discussion
should be had.
Who would like to begin?
Has anyone got
any general ideas at all?
Yeah. Can I begin?
So, I feel like yesterday
we all went with our gut
and we got that massively wrong.
So, I was looking for signs and
I'm going to vote Aaron
as a Traitor because
I love you as a person.
Aaron, I think you're great.
But you held up Imran and
I feel like if you were a Traitor
and you knew Nicky
was a Faithful Hm.
"Everyone's voting for a Faithful.
"Aw, I'm going to seem like
such a good guy
if I send everyone off
in a different direction to Imran
and I'm going to send them
down that rabbit hole tonight."
So everyone votes Imran tonight.
You're the only one -
and Wilf, I think, mentioned Imran.
Yeah, I did.
OK, first of all,
I wasn't the only one here yesterday
that thought Imran was The Traitor.
But when people got here,
then they started
pointing the finger.
Now, I would say I'm quite
an honest person.
So I voted for Imran.
I didn't wanna get swayed at all,
and that was my mindset behind it.
If you think that, like,
that's fair enough.
All I'm saying is
if you guys were Traitors,
you'd know Nicky was a Faithful.
So already you're one up on us.
So, you know she's a Faithful.
Yeah, I knew she was
a Faithful all along,
I literally was telling people,
like, "I genuinely think she is"
and none of you guys believed it.
I sat here and went,
"I can do the smart thing right now
and I could say,
"Yep, I'm going to go with" But
is that because you're a Traitor?
Maddy. She's the only person
who's going to be detrimental to me.
The thing is, her theories
are just ridiculous.
But she's right about me.
I'm just going with the one person
who I had in mind last night,
and I knew I should've
gone with that.
Maybe if I did go with that, Claire
would have been still here.
Erm, Imran.
I think because I called you out
and you saw mine
and Claire's connection,
and you saw that
she was my safety blanket
that you just offed her
and got rid of her.
So, it's easy for you to get
rid of her to hurt me.
But I don't know.
I'm going on things that I
believe in, and that's what I
believe that because I've called him
out and he just went in on himself.
But that's my evidence.
I've always said
when I come in here,
I've got my evidence on each
of you, and if I'm wrong,
then I'll look like a complete tool
and I have to deal with that.
But it's my evidence.
I'm being honest today.
I've not come up with anything.
And I think everyone's
clutching at straws a lot
because nobody's come up
with much. Yeah.
If I was a Traitor, the last thing
I would wanna have
is to be under a microscope
cos I will crack.
And that's what we need to try
and get over, is this idea of,
Oh, we've just said a name
and we all go and do a crowd herd,
just like what we did yesterday.
I made a point last night
before I voted.
I said, "I like to give people
the benefit of the doubt."
And I noticed, Imran,
when you first had
the opportunity to defend yourself,
you never once said,
"I am not a Traitor."
You didn't look anyone
in the eye and say that.
So I am giving you another chance.
Everyone here has talked about
You've still not done it.
You've still not done it.
You're still deflecting.
Why aren't you saying it?
Let's give him a chance.
I'm not a Traitor. I don't know
what you want me to say,
I'm not going to beg them.
..something I will never, ever do.
So the only other thing
that I could do is just try
and put my point across.
Imran, you're not convincing at all.
Like, not at all.
When you're going,
"I'm not a Traitor,"
like, you're not saying it
with conviction.
But I'm genuinely worried
that's the same as Nicky.
Just going off of that,
and, like, this morning,
we also have to
think about, you know,
it was Claire and Aisha
that were murdered.
We need to think tactics. Yeah, why?
This hasn't been mentioned yet.
D'you know what I mean? I agree.
Why, what's their
thought process behind this?
And the only thing
I can think of is deflection.
They're two of the same group.
And in that group -
and I'm so sorry, Aaron -
is yourself.
And I know I made this joke
this morning and I was just like,
"Oh, we have a
Ted Bundy on our hands."
And a Ted Bundy is charismatic,
good-looking and sweet.
And that's you, my love.
I just, I just, I just don't know
where they came from.
People were, like, pointing fingers,
but they didn't come to me
beforehand, especially people
that I thought I was on
quite a good level with.
Today when I was trying to
massage yourself,
you were kind of grilling me.
How long have you trained? No
Yes, you were. Yes No way.
Let me finish. OK.
Yes, you were grilling me,
asking about my qualifications,
asking me how long
I had been a massage therapist,
what levels, really trying
to trick me out.
I get really, like,
I've always said this, like,
one of my top qualities
is I'm curious.
I get curious,
I ask a lot of questions
But you've asked me before.
Can I not be interested?
Like, you were given But you
asked me the same questions.
Can I just ask a quick question?
Who else actually thinks it is?
Like, every single one of you
here right now.
Thinks that you're a Traitor?
Look at me, look at me
exactly in the eye
Let them speak.
You can't pull people out about it.
The time for talk is now over.
I'm going to need you all
to write down one name.
Who do you believe is a Traitor?
Has everyone locked in their answer?
Mm-hmm. Yes.
Alyssa, we're going
to start with you.
Who do you think
is a Traitor and why?
So I'm really sorry, Aaron,
but it's your name on my board.
You didn't convince me
that you are Faithful.
That's cool.
Unfortunately, I'm sorry,
it's also going to be Aaron.
Thank you.
Andrea, please.
Who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Aaron, I have written
your name down here.
I'm sorry, kid.
Thank you.
So we are currently
three votes for Aaron.
Alex, who have you
voted for and why?
So I stuck with what I walked
into this room with.
So I stuck with you, Imran.
And I really hope I'm not wrong
and I'm really sorry if I am.
Aaron, please reveal
your vote and why.
I'm going with Imran for the same
reasons I went for yesterday.
Erm, I think today when Aaron's name
was mentioned,
I wasa bit upset.
I've gotta say, having heard
what he's had to say now
and stick up for himself,
Imran, I'm really sorry.
I'm going with you.
I think you're a Traitor.
Thank you.
So that's three for Aaron
and three for Imran.
Imran, who have you voted for?
Well, here's a curveball.
So, even though all the discussion
that's happened,
I actually don't think Aaron.
And even though he
voted for me originally,
I don't have enough
evidence to actually vote him.
So my vote actually going for Theo
..because your emotions are quite
forced when you want them to be.
Meryl, who have you
voted for and why, please?
I voted for you, Imran.
It's nothing personal again.
Thank you.
I find it really difficult
to be able to read everyone.
I put Aaron.
I'm really sorry, but
I'm, I don't know.
I'm sorry.
So that's four votes for Imran,
four votes for Aaron
and one vote for Theo.
Can I take a second?
Sorry. It's all right.
Whoa, God, that's
Sorry. Yeah, no, sorry.
All right, buddy? Yeah, sorry.
I'm good now.
Hannah, who do you think
is a Traitor and why?
Imran, there's been a question mark
over you for a long time.
I hope I made the right decision.
Imran, I'm voting for you.
Rayan, who have you voted for?
Aaron, I put your name down.
I'm sorry.
So we have five votes for Aaron
..five for Imran
..and one for Theo.
Matt, who do you think's a Traitor?
Imran, I think you're The Traitor.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
..I hate to do this,
but I do believe you're a Traitor.
Thank you.
Theo, who do you think
is a Traitor and why?
With me, I say it all the time
is what you see is what you get.
This is real emotion
and you are just a blank canvas.
So maybe some of that,
you need to work on that.
But I'm voting Imran.
Thank you.
Tom, who did you vote for, please?
Maddy, you have the final vote.
I'm voting for Aaron.
Sorry, Aaron.
I do think you're a Traitor.
# Ah-duh
# Who's watching?
# Ah-duh #
Imran, you have received
the most votes.
You are banished from the game.
Please come up and join me.
Imran, before you leave
the game forever,
please reveal if you are
a Faithful or a Traitor.
I just want to say
I had a really fun time.
I came here for the challenge,
something completely new,
met some really
awesome people in here.
And to be honest,
I think there's a lot
more noble people
that will end up
using the money that they win.
I a Faithful.
Oh! No! God!
Thanks, everyone. Really enjoyed it.
So a message to the Faithful.
You didn't get a Traitor.
You will have another go tomorrow.
But The Traitors
will meet again tonight.
Sleep tight.
# Somebody's watching me
# Watching me
# Uh-oh-oh #
This is really starting
to wind me up.
# Who's watching me? #
I'm going in here. I think there's
a drink Is there drinks in here?
Why? Why?
That was so fucked up.
Just breathe for a minute,
breathe for a minute.
That's the weirdest feeling.
Can I just speak to you? What, live?
I wanted to speak to him
because I was so upset.
You're not going to have it now.
He's had his thing.
We're all going to have it.
To watch him go through that's horrible. It's like
watching one of my children
being accused of something
they haven't done.
Maddy, how are you feeling now?
Because you're completely
within your rights and everyone
I still think it's him.
You still think it's him?
Yeah. I think he cried
because Wilf voted him.
And I think that's shown
that Wilfred's a Traitor.
I don't think it is. I'm sorry,
but I feel exactly the same.
# Cos I'm fast enough
to get in trouble
# And not fast enough
to get away #
He was absolutely bawling and crying
like he'd lost his mum,
regarding Claire.
Aaron looked innocent to me, then.
Yeah, he did. Remember,
it's a competition.
It's a game. Leaving the room?
I mean, come on. Come on.
It's a fucking game.
# It's all a fickle game #
Can I just say something
really quickly?
Why didn't none of you guys,
like, say it?
Like, the ones John,
like, why didn't you say earlier?
Because Because you deflect.
You don't ever sit down
and talk about yourself.
It's all like you're on
a lads' holiday.
So that gives me cause for concern.
I'm entitled to my opinion.
I don't understand why
you're raising your voice.
Because you're talking through me
and I find it disrespectful.
Genuinely, look at me
dead in the eyes.
Do you actually still think I'm a
Traitor, yes or no? I couldn't tell.
I think every bloody
person's a Traitor.
We all think everyone's Traitors,
mate. Look, at the end of the day,
look, we tried a new thing.
We had to try something else.
And you defended yourself well.
I changed my mind.
I was thinking about you, honestly,
but I saw it in your eyes.
I just wanted to come in
Why did you leave the room?
Dude. Because I dunno, I dunno what
happened. It's a competition.
It's a game. OK?
I think I just started to over
It's a tad dramatic.
I know. I just
..didn't know where it came from
and I got attacked
from every single angle.
Well, that's the point of it!
Everyone's going to get attacked!
Why are you shouting at me again?
Becauseit doesn't matter,
because I'm getting,
you're putting my back up.
I don't understand why
Everyone's going to get
attacked at some point.
OK? He's just talking
the biggest load of rubbish.
And I don't know where
he was coming from with it
and I just think
that's quite a nasty person.
# Life's a fickle game
# We play #
We are always better at making
decisions when we're around
the castle without the pressure.
As soon as we go in there,
I feel like I crumble,
but I keep changing my mind
and be influenced.
How d'you think I feel?
First day I was so cowardly
that even though I didn't suspect
her, I voted Nicky.
Second day I was so confident
it was Imran and I was wrong.
So I'm also No-one's good
at this game because no-one's found
a single Traitor. Ivan,
we all get it wrong sometimes.
We've all failed.
No-one's found a single,
apart from The Traitors,
who are doing great.
We've not found a single Traitor.
So we need to step up.
I don't even know.
Like, you can't
How you doing? You all right?
I'm here to solve it, and I actually
think I might have nailed it.
So Wilf votes Aaron.
He then starts having a
panic attack and leaves.
So there must be two Traitors,
and one of them's just
backstabbed the other one.
I honestly think I should be FBI.
If I've got this right
Like, hello, MI5.
Actually, no, because you wouldn't
say that you're in MI5
if you work for MI5.
Know what I mean?
You're very emotional.
Very emotional.
I fucked it up, didn't I?
But you were very emotional
this morning as well,
with Claire. Oh, yeah.
I was, like, so shocked.
And you were, your head
was in your hand and you were crying
and your hood was up. I just
can't deal with people's burdens.
Yeah. The burden of people
I know. I was like, "My God,
he's going to have a heart attack.
It was just a bit strange.
When Wilf's name is mentioned,
it is a big step back for us
because we're so
in control of the game.
They are desperate.
Desperate to find a Traitor.
# I can feel it coming
# In the air tonight
# Oh, Lord #
Goodnight. See you tomorrow.
Sleep well. Thanks. Bye, everybody.
Bye. Bye, kids. Sleep well, darling.
I didn't get another wine.
I took away
I took away two people
Goodnight. See you tomorrow.
Yeah. I mean Yeah, see you,
I will see you tomorrow.
The chimes of the castle clock
signal the murder hour
is approaching.
Each day is going so bloody fast.
Night, everybody.
And with everyone finally departed
for their individual lodgings
# I can feel it coming
# In the air tonight #
It's time for Alyssa, Amanda
and Wilf to return.
# Oh, Lord #
But tonight, I have a surprise
for The Traitors.
Ah Oh, no.
Oh, what a day.
We did it again.
D'you know what? Yeah.
I decided today I'm going
to go a bit OTT,
so then I can calm it down.
And then people go,
"You've changed" and I'll go,
"Well, you told me that
I shouldn't be upset."
However, I will say
off the back of that
Yeah?'s not worked
in your favour.
Yeah, I know. Yeah.
And your name has been dropped.
I know, yeah.
But we backed you 100%.
Yeah, 100%. And I can tell
you that honestly
Yeah, cool. ..we just
We're going to back each other.
Yeah. It's your turn today.
It'll be your turn,
it'll be my turn, we all
just need to be there.
To hear Alyssa and
Amanda had my back,
it was amazing.
Like, they're amazing people.
Maddy's clever, man.
Yeah, she's always a step ahead.
Dark horse.
She's a dark horse. Yeah.
But she's too obvious
if we took her out. Yeah, 100%.
I'm not taking her out.
What? Come in!
Oh Hi.
Oh, my God.
Sorry to interrupt.
I have come with some news.
..there will be no murder.
Instead, you have the opportunity
to stir the pot
with the Faithfuls further.
You're going to choose
three players to put on trial.
You may choose any three
players, including yourselves.
You will observe them
all day tomorrow,
and tomorrow night
you will murder one of them.
I will announce the three
players that are on trial
tomorrow at breakfast.
So choose wisely.
You don't have long.
Good luck.
This gets so much harder
every single day.
Oh, my God.
Next time on The Traitors
My ego needs to catch a Traitor.
Those that are on trial are
Oh, my God! You're a liar
and you're a liar.
Fuck this! Fuck this!
Alex isn't a Traitor, straight up.
She's my girlfriend.
Oh, my God, man.
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