The Trump Show (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

This programme contains
some strong language
This programme contains some scenes
which some viewers may find upsetting
Father, we just thank you
for President Trump. Yes.
Lord, if you raise them up
for this hour,
give America
one last-minute reprieve,
and we thank you and we're going
to see another great
spiritual awakening.
Thank you, Jesus.
Lord, you would surround him with
your fire, your anointing. Yes.
Speak to them
even in the night hours. Yes. Yes.
Lord, they are steps
ahead of the enemy.
I pray total confusion
in the camp of the wicked. Yes.
America is rising up.
Yes. Thank you, Jesus.
Your anointing
is upon our president.
Supernatural way
One day, if someone were
to make a movie of your life,
who would you see playing yourself?
Maybe, uh, maybe myself.
- We love you, Trump!
- I love you, too.
Tremendously entertaining.
The guy knows how to put on a show.
Welcome back to the studio.
God's Gonna Cut You Down
by Johnny Cash
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later
God'll cut you down
Sooner or later
God'll cut you down ♪
Hello, America. Hello.
The First Lady and I wish
each and every one of you
a happy Fourth ofjuly.
tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
the gambler, the back biter
Tell 'em that
God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that
God's gonna cut you down. ♪
The Senate, they'd like to get
my financial statement.
At some point, I hope they get it.
You going to turn it over?
No, at some point I might.
But at some point,
I hope they get it
..cos it's a fantastic financial statement.
It's a fantastic
financial statement.
And Let's do that over, he's
coughing in the middle of my answer.
Yeah, OK. I don't like that.
You know? Your Chief of Staff.
If you're going to cough,
please leave the room.
Yeah, hi, um, I'm Mick Mulvaney.
I was the third Chief of Staff.
I had walked into the Oval Office
in the middle of the interview, um,
and I coughed.
You just can't. Just to change
the shot. Sorry, Mr Trump.
OK, do you want to do that
a little differently, then?
Yeah, we just changed the angle.
Yep. Thank you.
So, at some point
So, at some point, I look forward
to Frankly, I want
I'd like to have people
see my financial statement.
The president called me in
and he said,
"Look, Mick, why don't you come in?"
So when I took over I said,
"Look, you're never going to change
the president being who he is."
I believe the book was called
A First-Rate Madness.
It's a fascinating book, and I just
saw it on television sometime
and it's about
how different types of people
of an atypical personality
often rise to leadership positions,
and they can be extraordinarily
successful presidents.
Well, Greenland, I don't know,
it got released somehow,
it's just something we talked about.
Denmark essentially owns it.
We're very good allies with Denmark,
we protect Denmark like we protect
large portions of the world,
so the concept came up,
and I said certainly I'd be
Strategically, it's interesting.
People were like,
"What? What's he talking about?"
What what Who's been talking
about this? The answer was no-one.
Alabama could even be in for
at least some very strong winds
and something more than that,
it could be, so for Alabama,
just please be careful also.
In all of the states
that are on the path of Dorian,
obviously the hurricane
remains at category two
This is the original path
that we thought.
You see, it was going to hit
not only Florida but Georgia,
it could have
It was going towards the Gulf,
that was what we
What was originally projected.
It is being called - I'm sorry -
Sharpie Gate.
A cone annexe, of sorts.
A protuberance, an appendage
added on to include Alabama.
I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
I was put here to do a great job,
and that's what I'm doing,
and nobody's done a job like
I've done it. I am the chosen one.
I genuinely don't know
whether Donald Trump
entered the American political arena
with a messianic complex.
But the president became
convinced that he alone
could see things
for what they really were.
There was no real check and balance
on the president's behaviour.
He is unquestioned,
he is infallible.
Requiem in D minor. 626
by Mozart
Trump was very focused
on the 2020 election.
But the 2018 mid-term election
scared his pants off.
And he was suddenly staring down
the possibility that he wasn't
going to be re-elected,
and the Democrat that he was most
afraid of at the time was Joe Biden.
This is the guy that's unhinged,
he is unhinged.
This guy, like all bullies,
is a coward,
he does not want
to run against me.
So he immediately began to try to
determine how he could smear Biden
and Biden's reputation
prior to the 2020 election.
Er, and he landed on the Ukraine.
Trump is upstairs
in the White House
picking up the phone
to talk to Ukrainian president,
and in the Ukraine they're waiting
for the call to come through.
Congress had appropriated
a chunk of money
as military aid for Ukraine,
and Trump asked the president
to do him a political favour.
He said, "All you have to do
is announce that"
"you're looking into the Bidens
and you'll get your aid."
The whistle-blower complaint
accuses the White House
of participating in
what some are calling a cover-up.
The whistle-blower's allegations
are dramatic,
claiming the President of
the United States is using the power
of his office to solicit
interference from a foreign country
in the 2020 US election.
I think it's ridiculous, it's a
witch hunt, this has never happened
to a president before, there's never
been a thing like this before.
It's nonsense.
We had a very good conversation
with the Ukrainian president,
the conversation was was perfect.
They tried to take that conversation
and make it into a big scandal.
The problem was
A whistle-blower wrote a false
narrative of the conversation.
This about right?
About where I was? Yeah.
Rudy Giuliani is fighting back.
It comes in the wake
of the now-infamous call
between Trump
and Ukrainian President Zelensky.
In that call,
Giuliani's name comes up repeatedly
as Trump asks for foreign help
investigating Democrat Joe Biden.
Did you ask the Ukraine
to investigate Joe Biden?
No. Actually, I didn't,
I asked the Ukraine to investigate
the allegations that there was
interference in the election
of 2016
You never asked
anything about Hunter Biden?
You never asked
anything about Joe Biden?
The only thing I asked
aboutjoe Biden
is to get to the bottom of
So you did ask Ukraine
to look into Joe Biden?
Of course I did!
You just said you didn't!
First of all, I didn't investigate
Biden. I was investigating
the allegations that Biden was
involved in a major bribery scheme.
So I had to investigate it.
I can use it
to defend the president.
They said Trump is pressuring
the President of the Ukraine.
What was he asking him to do?
He was asking him to investigate
serious allegations of crime.
He didn't threaten him.
The Democrats are going after
the president for a - I consider -
perfect conversation,
at best a marginal conversation,
so you've got to look at that
as just complete phoney.
And because their
Trump derangement syndrome
is so bad, they reduce themselves
to idiotic theories.
Erm, now getting on to the business
at hand,
I understand it's been
a fairly slow news week.
President Trump is not
a big fan of foreign aid -
never has been, still isn't.
Did he also mention to me
in the past the investigation?
Absolutely, no question about that.
Er, but that's it,
and that's why we held up the money.
Now, there was a report
We do We do that all the time
with foreign policy.
We were holding up money
I have news for everybody.
Get over it.
There's going to be political
influence in foreign policy
I'm talking, Mr Karl.
The latest bombshell came from
acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney
admitting there was indeed
a quid pro quo to pressure Ukraine.
Mulvaney's words,
which he later took back,
directly contradicted what the
president has been saying for weeks.
There was no quid pro quo.
There was no quid pro quo.
There was no quid pro quo.
When you talk for a living,
invariably you're going to say
something wrong.
And that one day, I got it wrong.
But it didn't change the merits
or the substance.
Everything we did was a 100% legal.
Good afternoon.
Last Tuesday,
we observed the anniversary
of the adoption of the Constitution.
Shortly thereafter, press reports
began to break of a phone call
by the President
of the United States
calling upon a foreign power
to intervene in his election.
Therefore, today I'm announcing
the House of Representatives is
moving forward with
an official impeachment enquiry.
The president
must be held accountable.
No-one is above the law.
If this goes to impeachment,
the Senate will vote
to either convict
or acquit the president.
If two thirds of the Senate
vote to convict him,
the president
will be removed from office.
Wherever I go, God rules.
When I walk on White House grounds,
God walks on White House grounds.
I have every right and authority
to declare the White House
as holy ground
because I was standing there
and where I stand is holy.
Paula White, President Trump's
televangelist spiritual advisor,
is the latest addition
to the White House staff.
It's been an honour
What's your name, sir?
Pastor Mark Burns.
Where you from, Mark?
South Carolina.
The great state of South Carolina.
We need a strong leader that's
going to, you know, stand for
the rights of Christians, the rights
of Americans, create jobs
I met Donald Trump back in 2015.
I was invited to come
to a private meeting
of about 20-25
of America's
top evangelical leaders.
Thank you all so much, I'm looking
forward to it, thank you all.
As I was about to walk into
Trump Towers that very first day,
I remember hearing
a voice that said,
"Something special
is going to happen."
Donald Trump walks in with his Bible
and he began to say things like,
"I believe Christianity
is under attack."
Has he delivered? Absolutely!
Oh, my God, has he delivered?
Yes, he's delivered.
Donald Trump has placed two
Supreme Court conservative justices
on the nation's highest bench.
Before that,
we're swinging way left.
Number two, - he's pushing
for prayer back into schools.
The president also made it
very clear that transgenders
don't have a place in the military.
We have an advocate,
we have someone in the White House
that's going to speak for us.
Committee will come to order.
Do you swear or affirm that
the testimony you're about to give
is the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?
As the impeachment process
was going on,
we know the enemy is up to no good,
and so therefore we have to pray.
We're in the Oval Office,
and I'm right behind President Trump
and we are laying hands.
Father, we just thank you for
President Trump. Thank you, Jesus.
Lord, if you raise them up
for this hour,
give America
one last-minute reprieve
and we thank you
that we're going to see
Several times have we done this,
and we have told him
that he is the chosen one
to be the leader
of the United States of America
in this time.
Was there a quid pro quo?
The answer is yes.
I was holding
video conference calls
where we had 50 to 60,000 people
that were joining in,
offering their prayers
for Donald Trump
in the midst
of this impeachment trial,
creating a force field around him.
So you're acknowledging Ukraine
very much felt pressured
to undertake these investigations?
You felt the power of God
inside the Oval Office.
I believe the Democrats
are tearing this country apart.
When Jesus was falsely accused
of treason,
Pontius Pilate afforded
more rights to Jesus
than the Democrats
have afforded this president.
The president did nothing wrong
in this issue.
It's a sham, a witch hunt
and it's tantamount to a coup.
I see coming up a president
who will put his hand down
even through this sham impeachment
and he will do his job,
he will put the American people
As a lifelong Republican,
it was devastating
to see how the president
had gotten such a vice-like grip
on the Republican Party,
so much so that members of Congress,
who in private will say,
"I think the president is crazy,"
but in public are too afraid
to go against him.
Cos the president likes to use
lots of little dog whistles.
So if someone speaks out
against him, he likes to say,
wink and a nod, "Maybe my Trump
trolls should go after them."
So, people actually feel afraid
for their security
and their safety
if they criticise the president.
Two thirds of the senators present
not having pronounced him guilty,
the Senate adjudges that
the respondent, Donald John Trump,
President of the United States,
is not guilty as charged
and he is hereby acquitted
of the charges in said articles.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
We've all been through
a lot together,
and we probably deserve
that hand for all of us
because it's been
a very unfair situation.
Did nothing wrong.
Did nothing wrong.
I've done things wrong in my
life, I will admit. LAUGHTER
Not purposefully,
but I've done things wrong.
But this is what the end result is.
You can take that home, honey,
maybe we'll frame it.
It's the only good headline
I've ever had
in the Washington Post.
LAUGHTER It was all bullshit.
Thank you very much, everybody.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled feat.
Ludacris, Rick Ross, T-Pain & Snoop Dogg
All I do is win, win, win,
no matter what
Got money on my mind,
I can never get enough
And every time I step up in the
building, everybody's hands go up! ♪
You could just see how happy he was.
And they stay there,
and they stay there
And they stay there
Up, down, up, down
Cos all I do is win, win, win
And if you're going in,
put your hands in the air
Make them stay there
Members of Congress,
three years ago, we launched
the great American comeback.
Confidence is surging
and our country
is highly respected again.
All I do is win, win, win,
no matter what
Got money on my mind,
I can never have enough ♪
But everybody knew that, really,
the trial was still out.
The real trial is election day,
November 2020.
And, my fellow Americans,
the best is yet to come.
Thank you, God bless you
and God bless America.
Thank you very much.
2020 is shaping up to be
a really good year
for the president.
He's acquitted from the impeachment
trial and the economy's strong,
but suddenly all of that changes
virtually overnight.
The CDC said yesterday
that they believe it's inevitable
that the virus will spread
in the United States
and it's not a question
of if but when.
Do you agree with that assessment?
Well, I don't think it's inevitable,
it probably will, it possibly will.
It could be at a very small level
or could be at a larger level.
Whatever happens,
we're totally prepared.
Back now with breaking news
on the latest strain of coronavirus.
We're getting word just now
that Rhode Island
has its first presumptive case
of the virus.
Officials there say the patient
is in the hospital.
They're reaching out to people
who have been in contact
with this patient
who recently returned from Italy.
The American health industry
knew that Covid-19 was coming,
but the president
did not take it seriously.
We're We have a very small number
of people in the country
right now with it,
it's like around 12.
Many of them are getting better,
some are fully recovered already.
He is downplaying the threat of the
coronavirus to a dangerous degree.
It's going to disappear one day,
it's like a miracle,
it will disappear.
The second US fatality was a man
from a nursing facility
near Seattle. Researchers say
the virus may have been circulating
for weeks undetected
in Washington State.
We know he was amply warned.
He chose not to take action.
You know, it would have been
a crisis that would have been
difficult for any president
to manage.
But it was especially
difficult for Trump
because he lives with
this magical thinking that anything
that's in opposition to him,
he can eventually overcome.
The message we've chosen today
was delivered on January 25th, 1987.
It is entitled
Positive Thinking Works Wonders.
Here is Dr Norman Vincent Peale.
Donald Trump, for decades,
has been obsessed with a book called
The Power Of Positive Thinking,
written by self-help guru
Norman Vincent Peale.
And this has been, in many ways,
Trump's road map to life.
You know, the greatest speaker
I think I've ever witnessed
was Dr Norman Vincent Peale.
He'd talk about success stories
and people that were successful,
and you hated to leave church cos
you wanted him to go on further.
There was a real
family relationship there.
In fact, they grew so close
that Peale wound up
officiating Donald Trump's
first wedding.
And a key precept of that book is
essentially if you believe that
nothing bad is happening to you,
then nothing bad
is happening to you.
That is so central
to understanding the Trump psyche.
One of my people
came up to me and said,
"Mr President, they tried to beat
you on Russia, Russia, Russia."
"That didn't work out too well."
"They couldn't do it."
"They tried the impeachment hoax."
"That was on
a perfect conversation."
"They tried anything,
they tried it over and over,"
"they've been doing it since
you got in. It's all turning."
"They lost. It's all turning.
Think of it. Think of it."
"And this is their new hoax."
Another unfortunate milestone
as the US overtakes China
as the country with the most number
of confirmed cases
of the coronavirus.
Medical staff across the country
have been warning of dire shortages
of protective equipment.
Well, this is a war zone.
We're trying to keep our head
above water and not drown.
The Department of Homeland Security,
we had written the playbook on how
to handle a nationwide pandemic.
We built this very elaborate system
to lead every single piece
of the response,
from health to security to safety,
so that the US government
will be able to spring into action
like that and protect
the American people.
We've already got
the biggest epidemic on Earth,
more than 7,000 people dead.
There's now a Navy hospital ship
docked in the Hudson River,
another 1,000 beds.
Those playbooks were on the shelf
in 2019 at the end of the year.
The president threw out
the playbook on day one.
Our country wasn't built
to be shut down.
Ultimately the goal
is to ease the guidelines
and open things up to very large
sections of our country
as we near the end of our historic
battle with the invisible enemy.
America will again
be open for business.
I said earlier today that
I hope we can do this by Easter.
I think that would be
a great thing for our country
Mr President, you just reiterated
that you hoped to have the country
reopened by Easter.
My question is - you have two
doctors on stage with you -
have either of them told you
that's a realistic timeline?
I think we're looking at a timeline,
we're discussing it,
we had a very good meeting today.
You suggested Easter.
Who suggested that?
I just thought it was
a beautiful time, a beautiful time,
a beautiful timeline.
Donald Trump's always looked down
on expertise.
Fauci embodied a number
of problems for Trump.
Would you prefer a 14-day
just sort of national shut down
to slow this down?
He wasn't willing
to completely toe the line
and say whatever
Trump wanted him to say.
Fauci gave factual,
practical information
that the American public
could act on.
Dr Fauci,
it was explained yesterday,
there has been some promise
with hydroxychloroquine,
this potential therapy for people
who are infected with coronavirus.
Is there any evidence
to suggest that, as with malaria,
it might be used as a prophylaxis
against Covid-19?
Without seeing too much,
I'm probably more of a fan
of that than
maybe than anybody.
I feel good about it.
That's all it is, just a feeling,
you know, I'm a smart guy.
Is it possible that your impulse
to put a positive spin on things
may be giving Americans a false
sense of hope? No, I don't think so.
What do you say to Americans
who are watching you right now
who are scared?
Er, I say that you're a terrible
reporter, that's what I say.
Go ahead.
I think that's a very nasty question
and I think it's a very bad signal
that you're putting out
to the American people.
Let's see if it works.
It might and it might not. I happen
to feel good about it,
but who knows?
I've been right a lot.
As it becomes clear
that this not something
that's just going to go away,
the president finds that there's
no amount of Norman Vincent Peale
that can assuage the doubt
that is beginning to wash over him.
You can see it in his face,
you can hear it in his voice
as he begins to lash out
at anyone and everyone.
Your second question was?
I couldn't hear you.
Can you take it up? Because I cannot hear you? I'll
just speaker louder, sir. OK, good, you want to be
politically correct, go ahead. No, sir, I just
want to wear the mask. Go ahead, go ahead.
Hi, everyone. I work for Costco
and I'm asking this member
to put on a mask
cos that is our company policy.
So either wear the mask
And I'm not doing it
cos I woke up in a free country.
Pigs! Democratic pigs, all of you.
That man harassed me
for not wearing a mask!
Back off! Back off!
You need to leave.
In Jesus Christ's mighty name!
Get off this aisle! You are a demon!
He has encouraged
divisiveness to a remarkable degree.
It is not the law!
It's not law. It is the law.
It's not a law, it is an order.
He tells Americans that
they should liberate themselves
from the stay-at-home orders that
his own administration advocated.
He tells Americans that they really
don't have to wear masks,
even as his government
is telling them that they should.
It's breath-taking.
He had the opportunity
to be a war-time president,
but a war-time president leads.
And what the president
didn't do was lead.
Instead, much of the response
devolved into political infighting
and personal attacks.
I can't imagine if, during
World War ll, Winston Churchill
went on TV and said,
"My generals are shit, I don't
believe them, I don't trust anyone,"
"and also by the way, Britons,
next time there's an air raid,"
"feel free to go to the market,"
"don't worry about it,
you'll be fine."
Well, I think, I mean,
I think he handled it very well.
I don't really know how it is
that he didn't handle it correctly.
In our country, the president
doesn't run hospitals, right?
The federal government
can put out general guidelines,
and then the states
have to interpret it.
It was clearly being spread
by China.
As Americans, we should agree
that we were victimised by China.
Maybe they wanted
Maybe they wanted to impeach him
for inventing the virus
or something. Who knows?
Thank you very much.
So, supposing we hit the body
with a tremendous, uh,
whether it's ultraviolet,
or just very powerful light,
and I think you said
that hasn't been checked,
but you're going to test it.
And then I said, supposing you
brought the light inside the body,
which you can do,
either through the skin or
in some other way, and I think you
said you're going to test that, too.
Sounds interesting. Right?
And then I see the disinfectant
where it knocks it out
in a minute. One minute.
And is there a way
we can do something like that?
Erm, by injection inside
or almost a cleaning. Cos you see,
it gets in the lungs
and it does a tremendous number
on the lungs,
so it'd be interesting
to check that,
so that you're going to have to use
medical doctors with,
but it sounds
It sounds interesting to me.
And today, we are expecting
to cross that 100,000 threshold,
100,000 Americans
to have lost their lives.
We must utilise
our nation's scientific brilliance
to vanquish the "viwus".
The coron-ah-virus treatment
accelerator programme,
which ismexpediting
the development
of new anti-ri anti-viral
and other therapies,
and they're doing it
on a very rapid basis.
I can't breathe!
Please, your knee on my neck.
I can't breathe, shit.
Well, get up and get in the car,
man! I will.
Get up and get in the car. Mama!
You're still on him!
We're all covering
the Covid-19 crisis.
We're all covering any other matter
of breaking news that's happening.
And then there's word
of this death.
And my wife and other people said,
"Have you seen this video?"
You saw a man
pleading for his life.
And it shocked the country,
the conscience of the nation.
People of all races,
different ages, saying,
"That's not the America
that we want."
CROWD SHOUTS I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!
Say his name! George Floyd!
Say his name! George Floyd!
This is 400 years we have been
dealing with systemic racism.
It has to be a systemic change.
Throw him out!
Throw him out! Throw him out!
Throw him out! Throw him out!
When the president looks out
his windows at the White House
and sees a crowd that is swelling
bigger and bigger,
he does not like
the imagery of that
that the White House is
surrounded by people chanting
and holding signs and marching
in a way that is a rebuke,
in some sense,
of his own administration.
Things were looking bad
for Donald Trump.
The polls showed Joe Biden
with a huge lead,
some of them a double-digit lead.
The vast majority of the protests
were peaceful,
but there were violent actors,
and Trump figures
he could latch onto that.
That gave Donald Trump
something he could campaign on -
law and order.
In recent days, our nation has been
gripped by professional anarchists,
violent mobs, arsonists,
looters, criminals, rioters.
As we speak, I am dispatching
thousands and thousands
of heavily armed soldiers
and law enforcement officers
to stop the rioting, looting,
vandalism, assaults
and the wanton destruction
of property.
We've just had to run about a block
as police moved in.
We've been fired at
with rubber bullets,
my cameraman has been hit. Er,
we've also seen tear gas being used.
Here we go,
they're moving through again.
This is exactly what it looks like,
exactly what it looks like
Whoa! Amelia, can you hear us?
Amelia, are you OK?
That is peaceful protesting.
And, you know, we're going
to back up a little bit.
Our producer got hit!
All right, all right.
Black lives matter!
Black lives matter!
Black lives matter!
Black lives matter!
I was a staff priest
at St John's Lafayette Square
right across the street
from the White House.
I had worked at Stjohn's
for two years.
The whole patio
of St John's Lafayette Square
was really
this little meeting space.
It was upbeat and hopeful.
You know? just this huge diversity
of humanity coming together.
It was a safe space.
But suddenly the whole mood changed.
Everyone, forward!
I suddenly saw people
running from the park.
Move back now! Move back!
And there was a wall of police
driving people off of the patio
of the church.
It's a Bible.
Holding up the Bible in that space
was also a gesture towards
this experience of Christianity
that is so foreign from my own,
this dangerous Christian nationalism
worships power
that sees this president
as chosen by God.
It has always been dangerous
to marry religious fervour
with political power.
And so offensive.
It's just sacrilege
to hold up these sacred scriptures
when you had just driven people away
with violence.
OK, thank you very much. We have
the greatest country in the world.
Thank you very much, everybody.
Keep it nice and safe.
Just hold it. Guys, guys,
hold right here. Hold right here.
Well, I think
he responded to it perfectly.
Black Lives Matter,
it's a completely Marxist,
hateful, hate white people,
socialist organisation that wants
to take over our government
and make it into
a socialist government.
They don't care.
This is all about socialism.
From the moment
I left my former life behind -
and it was a good life
I have done nothing
but fight for you.
I did what our political
establishment never expected
and could never forgive,
breaking the cardinal rule
of Washington politics.
I kept my promise.
Donald Trump as president
has attacked and undermined
the American intelligence community.
Has undermined the American
law enforcement community.
Has undermined the judicial system.
When you make it your mission
as president
to demolish all of these other
institutions of American life,
then you can't be surprised
when you find the country
racked with turmoil and upheaval,
and that's where we are today.
The baffled king
composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah ♪
No justice!
No justice!
Fall back!
Vehicles lined up in their hundreds
to form a pro-Trump caravan.
Police responded to violent scenes
ending in a deadly shooting.
might have thought
that electing someone
who was a businessman
would have been
something of an experiment.
If you weren't that happy with
how politics had been going before,
"Let's try something new."
How do I think it's played out?
Donald Trump is a star.
He's an icon, he's a magnet,
he's an American success story.
And, you know, he may be a bad
person, but he's our bad person.
What did Pontius Pilate say?
What is truth?
Mr President,
how many staff are sick?
You'll see him, uh, shortly.
He's He's back.
This is really a pretty amazing
photo op that we've been seeing.
The Marine One about to land on
the South Lawn of the White House.
Quite extraordinary,
the most unbelievable thing.
Don't let it dominate you.
Don't be afraid of it.
Don't let it take over your lives.
Get out there, be careful,
and I know there's a risk,
there's a danger, but that's OK.
Nobody that's a leader
would not do what I did.
I led.
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