The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

And That Changes Everything...

[pop music playing]
[music fades]
Where's your mind at right now?
There are ladies over there that
do not feel comfortable having Jake here.
[tense music swelling]
But here's the part
that I personally struggle with,
and I… I don't know what to do with it.
If you wanna speak out against somebody,
"Hey, you wronged me,"
that takes a lot of courage to say,
"You wronged me. I don't like it."
"Don't do it again."
[Gaspare] That don't mean
you have to hate each other--
Or attack. Viciously attack.
[Gaspare] So, what do you think
the solution is?
We need… We need more people,
just like you and me, and Jake,
if he'll communicate it
in a hopefully better way,
just saying,
"Look, we're in this together."
"Let's grow together.
Let's learn from each other."
"Yeah, we're gonna make mistakes
and stuff and, you know, that's just…"
"That's gonna be part of it.
But we don't have to do this."
I can tell you unequivocally
that I trust Jake,
but I think Jay brought up
a fantastic point yesterday.
You can't shout out orders
and expect people to follow.
This is a social experiment,
and that means
we need to learn about each other.
Jake says
he's smoothing things over with people.
But he might smooth it over
on the surface.
Are they probably
still gonna vote for him?
Possibly. But I don't know.
He's gotta stop.
He's gotta stop trying
to control… everything.
And he needs… Just needs to be happy.
If he likes Julie, go to the pool.
-Flock, you know?
-[Gaspare] Yeah, yeah.
Flirt, you know?
Do the things you usually do.
[Gaspare] Fuck. God.
No. Flock, flock. You know, flock.
-Flock. Flock together.
-Oh, flock. I'm like, "Oh damn."
[laughs] No. I was not saying that.
[upbeat music playing]
[music fades]
[serene music playing]
[Bryce] I have a huge passion
for my business.
-So, we're huge in the corporate sector.
Like, we are part…
We're relocation specialists.
-So, like, companies like Boeing, Amazon.
-Perfect. You're totally niched.
Oh my God.
Yeah, so everyone who's like…
We have a lot of…
I mean, obviously,
Microsoft and Amazon started in Seattle.
So, we have a lot of people that
we're transporting all over the world.
Anyone who's, like, inbound or outbound,
we'll be helping them in that experience
and, like, making it an easy transition,
so they can actually focus on their work.
-Very cool. Super niche. I love that.
-It's a great program.
Lindsey and I were the very first people
to have a one-on-one.
She's my first conversation in this house.
I feel like I can trust her.
So, I know that you asked me
what the secret was.
I feel comfortable telling you my secret.
What do you think?
-I think you're the millionaire.
-Okay, yeah, well.
-You guessed right.
-Okay. [laughs]
-At 20 years old…
-Oh my God.
…I sold the highest-priced home
in Pierce County.
-You did? Tell me what that went for?
-$6.25 million.
-$6.25 million.
He almost wears it like a badge of honor.
Like, he really was dying to tell someone
he was a young millionaire, I feel.
And so he shared that with me.
There is no other reason
to have shared that.
I'm telling you,
I'm really in this for the group.
I'm here for everybody.
But then when the secret came out,
everyone's initial reaction was,
"Well, why do they even deserve to be here
if they're a millionaire?" I was like…
I do deserve to be here. I don't know
where my next check's gonna come from.
That and there's a hundred reasons
to be here.
-I brought a Louis Vuitton toiletry bag.
-Oh my God. You keep that shit.
I brought Armani shoes, Armani sunglasses,
Ray-Ban sunglasses. Like, I haven't worn
sunglasses one fucking time.
-You're fine with the Ray-Bans.
-[Bryce] Okay.
[serene music playing]
Hey, look at it. The two soldier brothers
out having coffee.
Cheers, broski.
[Brian laughing]
[Brian] It's such a fancy glass
for my morning drink.
Right now, I'll tell you guys,
Jake is freaking out.
-[Winnie] He is.
Yeah, he thinks
everyone's going to vote him out.
-[Winnie] I know.
-He really pissed off…
I'm not gonna lie, he pissed off,
like, all the women in the house.
[Winnie] Besides Simone.
-Simone's wishy-washy, guys.
-[Julie] I know. She is.
[Tolú] Julie,
can I say something real quick?
You really can't help who you like.
And as I watch you guys,
and as I watch your relationship
continue to grow and bond,
I can tell that you are truly developing
some feelings for Jake.
And I get scared that it could kind of,
like, cloud some of your judgment.
I hope it doesn't come to this.
But if it ever comes down to a situation
where it's between Jake and the girls,
I question truly which side you'd pick,
and for me, that's scary.
I've had friends
that I looked at as sisters,
and as soon as it comes
to a boy situation,
they just dump their girlfriends.
Especially a tot…
Like, I'm sorry, if he was a good man,
that would be different,
but he's so bad, espec…
Towards you and for you.
I understand that.
And I will say, like, I have the same fear
you have about me swaying,
I have it about you two
picking each other over me.
A thought that I did have, I was like,
"Would the girls turn against me,
or would Jake turn against me?"
-Well, you see what I mean?
-[Julie] Yeah. I do.
That's why I'm willing to admit that
and have the conversations we need to,
so that I also feel solid in us
and that you guys also feel solid in me.
So, I wanna ask you a question,
the elephant in the room,
if it comes down to it,
would you vote for Jake?
I don't want to.
Like, I would feel fucking awful.
But I mean it when I say
I want all of us to go to the end.
I would pick you guys over him.
I know Jake has a target on his back,
and aside from the girls,
I'm closest with Jake in the house.
So, if he goes home, I'm losing a friend,
but I'm also losing someone
who I think would protect me to the end.
We shouldn't make
a decision about voting until you talk.
You have to talk to Jake.
If these two don't talk,
someone I care about is going to go home.
[rhythmic drum playing]
When I was young,
we used to have my friend's father,
he used to go like this, "I could tell
the… Sun… The time just by looking up."
He would hold his hand up,
and go like this.
And as kids, we were amazed by it.
He was looking at his watch.
He had a watch on,
he'd just look and be like, "2:30."
And then we'd look and be like,
"Holy shit,
he could tell just from the sun."
This is important.
-I need you to approach Tolú.
And ask her to talk.
She is open. And this is gonna save…
No one has to go home this week. Please.
-For me and her, and everyone. Please.
-All right.
Thank you.
I have no problem going to someone
when I know that I've hurt them.
I don't wanna leave a relationship
broken that could be fixed.
[wave crashing]
[Jake] All right, so tell me genuinely,
like, what's going on?
I feel like when we're connecting
with individuals from different cultures,
and different experiences
and different backgrounds,
we can't forget
to look at them as individuals.
I don't look at you and think,
"Oh, that's that military dude."
"Black Hawk flyer."
I'm like, "Nah, that's Jake."
Your soul and your personality,
that's what comprises Jake in my eyes.
Even when you're being complimentary,
which… I… I love the compliments.
-I know you love my style.
But you often make references like,
"Oh, you know, you just look so African."
It hurts me because I feel as though
you see me as just "the African girl."
I don't feel like it's always… it's coming
from a malicious place.
But do you recognize that, for me,
I don't want that to be
the sole characteristic
that you see me as?
Like, I… I am so much more
than just my culture.
I am so much more
than just the way I dress.
Understanding my background,
I'm coming from a place where,
when I first came into this country,
I wasn't accepted.
I was alienated. I was picked on.
I was beat up purely for being Nigerian,
for being from Africa.
To go back to that place, like,
damn, I can't… I can't even just be
a regular individual anymore.
-Like, you know what I mean? And the--
-[Jake] Yeah, I do.
I don't want to sit here
and try to explain, like, reasoning.
'Cause I feel like I'm deflecting
from, like, what you're feeling.
And I want you…
First of all, I want to validate you,
and I am so sorry
that I said those things.
And for you to say that to me
and to knowing how
maybe just short-sighted
and callous I may have been…
And anything, even as a simple comment
that can just hurt you,
-I never wanna hurt you, okay?
-[somber music playing]
And I am so sorry that I did that to you.
I stepped back
and I thought about it for a while,
and I was like, "Bryce didn't have
an opportunity to go to the Vault."
-But you know who I didn't even recognize?
And I even stood there in the line,
and I was like,
"Damn, I guess I don't fucking exist."
[Jake] And I was just like, "Oh my gosh."
Like, I didn't even acknowledge
this big-hearted girl who I… who…
who already didn't have
an opportunity to have that power.
Like, the last thing I want to do
is take that from you.
And I didn't acknowledge it.
And I want to admit that to you,
because I want you to know, you are seen.
I want you to know
and see me and look in my eyes.
I am so sorry.
Thank you for that.
-I want you to feel assured of that, okay?
-I care about you, all right?
-I care about you too.
That's why it hurt so much.
Thank you.
[Jake] Thank you for hearing me,
and I'm so honored I get to hear you.
For me, that meant a lot.
He acknowledged where he fell short.
He's accepting
where he exhibited ignorance.
It really made me feel like,
you know what?
People can change.
Put that smile back on.
-[chuckles] Back up.
-It takes…
Rarely you get a tear outta me,
and when you do you have to…
-It's a nugget of gold so…
-[Tolú chuckling]
Thank you.
Ready to go? Come on, let's go.
Let's get back to this party.
-'Cause now I can use a shot.
-[Tolú] Yeah, heavy on the shots.
Where's Winnie?
[pop music playing]
Can we have a fucking good time
and let me make some drinks?
Yes! Yeah!
-Let's go. Let's go.
-[Brian] Yeah, baby.
-Hey, bartender… Hey!
I want a drink.
I want something sour and strong.
[Lindsey] Jesus.
-[Tolú] You're my fellow bougie bitch…
-[Bryce] Can we go shopping…
What's that shopping strip
down in California?
-Rodeo Drive.
-Right. And we can have brunch.
Oh my God, I love you.
We'll take our 25K.
-And then we'll go buy, like, two shirts.
-An espresso martini…
I've never had
an espresso martini in my life.
[Jake] This is your element, huh?
This is my element.
-This is my--
-This brings back so many memories.
This is my element currently
because I'm not an old man.
Yeah, I don't know
what that feels like either.
That means you're in denial.
Am I?
No, I mean… Is thirties that bad?
I don't know. I feel like it's good.
[Julie] It's not that good.
I feel like it means you're seasoned,
you know what I mean, ma'am?
-Do I look good?
-Yeah. You look great.
You're incredible. It's implied with you.
I'm always like,
you came down, I was just like, brr…
-[Bryce] Cool.
-Tomorrow. It's my oldest birthday.
-My oldest's birthday.
-And his name?
Their name is Kay.
-[Simone] Yeah, their name is Kay.
They chose that name. So, yeah.
-Oh, great.
-So they are not… They're not…
-'Cause they're non-binary. Yeah.
-Yeah. It's all good still.
-I knew we were meant to talk.
Yeah. Oh, we are meant to talk.
-When you're ready. I'll wait for you.
-We're meant to talk. I'm male-presenting.
-So, I've the privilege of saying he, him.
I was gonna ask about your pronouns
but I'm like, "You'll just tell me
if you need me to know."
-So, I'm whatever.
I knew it. Oh my God, I love that.
I just think people just need to be
who they wanna be,
and we should not… No one should be
telling them who they are.
When you are a very energetic person
and a very flamboyant person,
and I talk with my hands a lot,
-sometimes people judge that.
-[indistinct chatting]
But listen, me and my girlfriend
have been together for six years.
We were high school sweethearts.
She's my best friend.
And however people perceive me
is the way they want
to judge the book by the cover.
You know, I'm very confident
in who I am, and…
there's only one Bryce Lee.
[upbeat music playing]
[Julie] I am the best mediator.
I made the guy I like in the house
make up with my best friends,
and now everyone likes each other.
I literally fixed it.
Like, we can maybe
actually go through this week
without voting anyone out of the house.
[music fades]
Y'all are the five
that I trust the most in this house.
That's why I called y'all
to the edge of this cliff.
Because y'all
are my ride or dies right now.
And I want to open this conversation
and see where y'all's head is at
in regard to the vote.
I wanna let y'all know, full transparency,
'cause y'all are my girls,
I did have a conversation with Jake,
and he was very remorseful.
I will say that. Like…
-And it felt very, very, very genuine.
[Tolú] So, with that being said,
I know for myself personally,
I'm not gonna cast a vote tonight.
In all honesty, I don't think
anyone needs to go home today.
And so, with that being said,
I kind of… If the rest of y'all
would like to share your decision,
I… I open the floor to that.
[Julie] So, I'm glad
we're talking about this.
You guys, I'm sitting here saying
this is my true, honest opinion
that we can get through tonight,
and no one has to go home.
So, I am not going to vote,
and that is my honest truth.
[Winnie] Mama Jay?
-I do have somebody.
-You do?
-I do.
Okay. Who?
I'm not gonna say.
Can I drop a name,
and you tell me yes or no?
-I, no… I really don't. I just don't.
But you do think
you're going to vote tonight?
Mm-hmm. I know I am.
And that changes everything.
Is there anything that can be fixed?
-With this vote?
-No, if she wants to vote…
[Julie] I feel like, 'cause we just talked
about Jake and all this shit.
So, it's… Like, when I ask,
I'm like,
"Is there a chance after remorse?"
-That's why I'm bringing someone up. Okay.
-Not for me. Not for me.
[indistinct chatting]
[Jay] I'm sorry
if that's gonna hurt people.
Or they're going to get up and go,
"This is a bunch of bullshit!"
-I am firm with my decision.
-All right.
I feel fine with it.
But if you tell Jake,
then your trust is broken.
No. I agree.
[Tolú] This is a circle of trust,
for real, for real.
So, if any of us go out
into that house and start whispering…
[Jay] Yeah.
…this entire circle has been broken.
And this will be detrimental
moving forward.
In my book, it will not come back.
If Mama Jay votes for Jake,
I don't feel like that's fair.
So, I just feel like it's up to me
to save Jake from going home.
So, what am I going to do now?
[ominous music playing]
[Brian] I totally bonded with Jake,
that's absolutely wonderful,
but unfortunately, I may not see clearly
through the eyes of others.
Their reality is their reality.
It's very difficult.
[Gaspare] I wanna win.
I wanna be here till the end.
But also
I want to play the game the right way.
The trust can be rebuilt,
but I do think there's going to have
to be a few cracked eggs
before we get the omelet.
-Whoa. That was a good analogy.
-[music fades]
[Lindsey] Going into tonight's vote,
I'm pretty happy a match was lit,
because I want these guys
to start fighting with each other,
and in-fighting, and leave me out of it.
[ominous music continues]
[music ends]
-Oh my God.
-[suspenseful music playing]
Hey, everyone.
I think you know why we're here.
It's time for your next Trust Ceremony.
It is.
One by one,
you'll come meet me at the Cliff's Edge
and tell me your decision.
Do you want to vote
and cut someone out of the Trust?
Or do you not wanna vote
and keep sharing the money?
Remember, it's majority rules.
So just one vote could be enough
to send someone home.
If there is a tie,
then there's no majority,
and everyone is safe.
I'll see each of you very soon.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
When we all woke up this morning,
tensions was high,
and I feel like now,
I feel like everybody's together,
and the tensions aren't so high.
And if you feel any kind of way,
or whatever the case may be,
if you've something to say,
you're more than welcome to say it.
Everyone's been
under just crazy amount of stress.
I agree.
Mistakes were made,
and I think, because we are human,
we're gonna see more of that.
Uh, we just need to remember
to kind of have some grace.
-[Tolú] Mm-hmm.
For the first time,
we really experienced true conflict.
But we were able to go through resolution.
Yes, we had an ugly moment,
but we had open dialogue,
and we passed that hurdle.
So, moving forward,
this is how we need to continue to go.
This is how we need to continue to grow.
Shit… Shit is gonna get ugly sometimes.
Are we gonna let it break us?
Or are we gonna bend
and come back stronger?
To follow that up, I'd like to just ask,
like, is anyone going to vote?
[music ends]
I can tell you, I'm not gonna vote.
-I'm not gonna vote.
-I'm not gonna vote.
Unequivocally, I am not gonna vote.
I want this family to stay together.
[suspenseful music playing]
I see people aren't answering, so…
I'm just hoping in this moment,
Jay is going to change her mind,
at least talk to us.
[music fades]
I don't know why we ask that question.
Because, I mean,
you can say you're not and still vote.
You know what I'm saying?
I just don't know
why do we put that on the table.
There was no reason to ask that question.
And she literally does it,
and then she, like, looks at me.
It was total betrayal.
I had a tough night last night,
and I… And it was a really emotional day,
and I just would like to just be private.
And I, you know, why do I have to say
"yea," "nay," to anything?
[Tolú] That's why it's a private ceremony.
This is where we're able
to have open dialogue with one another.
But whatever happens
out there on the cliff,
that is between you, Brooke.
That's it.
[Tolú] Mama Jay never explicitly said
who she was gonna vote for.
Who, though?
Who is it? Is it still Jake?
Because if you're still trying
to vote for Jake,
and if it's on my behalf,
I'm letting you know I've forgiven him.
Maybe I'm naive,
but I really truly do not want there to be
an elimination for this Trust Ceremony.
-[Tolú] Yes, ma'am.
How are you tonight?
[Tolú] I'm great.
Jake's apologized,
and his apology was… It was so genuine.
And if I feel like you're willing to do
the difficult things that need to be done
to make yourself a better person,
I feel as though second chances
should be granted.
Yeah. So, Tolú,
it's time for you to decide.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I would not like to vote.
I feel like the bonds in the house
are getting stronger,
and I feel as though everybody deserves
an additional chance in this experience.
[tense music playing]
Mama Jay feels some kinda way,
and she's made it very clear
she was making a vote.
I don't know who rubbed her the wrong way.
I don't know who stepped on her toes.
I don't know who looked at her wrong.
I just know
my Black ass is not going home.
I mean, the biggest issue that we had,
I feel like we got through it.
Define the issue.
What happened with Jake and his decisions.
With decisions that you make,
there comes consequences,
whether they're good consequences
or bad consequences.
It made people feel some kinda way,
and it hurt people. It did.
But I am not voting.
I can't say, and I can't answer
for everybody else, but we'll see.
[music continues]
I hate everything about these ceremonies
because I hate knowing
that it could be you
even when you don't think it's you,
and it only takes one vote
to get you out of here.
It's like the worst feeling you can feel.
[Brooke] Jake.
-What's going on? How are you?
-I have wanted to talk to you.
Yeah, it's been pretty intense,
to say the least.
How're you hanging in?
Good. I'm actually feeling great today.
So everything, even though it was intense,
we really worked through a lotta things,
but I'm feeling excellent.
Do you still feel
like the leader of the house?
I feel like, yes. I still feel
like I'm a leader of the house,
and I just need to, uh, kinda step back
as the group is still healing.
But I'm still gonna keep doing
what I'm doing
and protect this group
'cause that's always been my goal.
Okay. Jake,
would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I'm not gonna vote for anybody
because I wanna keep this family together.
[ominous music playing]
[Gaspare] Going into this,
I like to think we could all come together
and share this money,
but I was born at night,
and it wasn't last night.
So, I know that's not gonna happen.
I do think someone is going to go home.
-That's the reality--
-Why do you think that?
'Cause I'm from New York.
This is how we think.
[Brooke] Bryce.
-What a whirlwind. Yeah.
-What a whirlwind!
This whole process,
is it getting tougher for you?
Easier for you?
It's getting a little sticky,
and I'd love to see what happens next.
[music continues]
[Brian] Everyone deserves to be here.
And not only that,
we can still learn
so much from each other.
[Simone] I wish I could do something
to make sure no one goes home.
At this point, I feel like
there's only so many things you can do.
Simone, how's it going?
I'm very conflicted.
What are you conflicted about?
There's a lot of tempt.
I'm tempted.
At the table, Julie asked,
"Well, who's going to vote tonight?"
And four of us said, "I'm not."
And then the rest,
other six didn't say a damn thing.
Of course, then my mind starts going.
Now, I know what the right thing to do is.
I do not want to cast a vote.
[Brooke] Has there been any moment for you
in the last 24, 48 hours
where you've been challenged
or frustrated?
I did share
a few choice words with Jake last night,
and I really respect
how he showed up today.
I mean, he really embraced it.
And you trust Jake?
I didn't say that.
[tense music swelling]
[Julie] Jay is a wild card.
And how this game works is,
with one person goes in, Jay,
and she's going to vote, whoever
she's gonna vote for is going to go home.
I start to think that the only way
I can save Jake is if I cast a vote.
And if I do that,
then they will cancel each other out,
and no one is going home.
[music fades]
[Brooke] Julie. How're you feeling?
I wanted to come down here
and truly, honestly not vote at all.
Mama Jay says she is going to vote.
That means Mama Jay has
all the control and all the power.
And I trust myself more
than I trust Mama Jay and her decision,
so… I wanna be the wild card
to counteract the wild card.
-Oh wow.
-[Julie] Yes.
[suspenseful music playing]
I know what I'm gonna do.
I have not at one time the whole day
thought about changing my mind.
I am firm in my decision.
I'm voting tonight,
and I don't care who is upset about it.
[music fades]
Mama Jay. How are you?
[Jay] I'm good.
It's very funny.
I feel like I have a good intuition.
And I have big red flags.
It's not a dislike. It's just a trust.
It's a… It's a trust.
-Mistrust in someone else.
-Yeah. Yes.
So let me ask you, Jay,
would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote and keep sharing the money?
I would like to vote somebody
out of the Trust.
Tell me who.
[tense music intensifies, fades]
[ominous music playing]
All right.
Here we are.
Okay, you all came down
to the Cliff's Edge to make a choice.
Turns out…
The Trust has been broken once again.
[suspenseful music swelling]
And someone is going home.
The person
who has been voted out of the Trust
and is leaving with nothing is…
[music crescendos]
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[Jay] I would like to vote somebody
out of The Trust.
-[Brooke] Tell me who.
Simone. Why Simone?
There's just a little bit of game-playing
that I don't like.
I really saw it last night.
-Do you trust her?
I'm going to vote Simone out of the Trust.
Simone. Tell me why Simone?
She's the only other person
who I don't have
a super strong connection.
Like, right now, I, like, love everyone.
This isn't about wanting to cut her out
for me to have her share of the money.
This is more of trying
to counter out Mama Jay's vote
while still holding trust with Mama Jay.
My vote was supposed to be a tie.
Mama Jay also voted for Simone then,
or maybe she just didn't vote at all.
And I'm the one
who sent Simone home by myself.
Like, I feel
[Brooke] So, I want you to come up here.
Come on over.
Okay, how are you?
It would have been great to stay here,
but I get to go home and tell my children,
"I was the best person I could be here,
and that's just the most important thing."
You were looking at me, but when I said
it was you who'd be leaving,
there were multiple shocked faces
around this table.
That's good. That's nice to know.
[Simone] I don't know what happened.
I know we talked
about rebuilding trust. But…
the cancer is just too deep,
and it's spreading.
There's no trust here. There's just none.
[chuckles] Oh, guys.
Maybe I could've used
that money in the Trust.
But you know what? I have so much more
wealth walking away with my integrity.
That is worth so much more
than whatever is in that Trust right now.
Simone, thank you so much
for being part of this experience.
-Bye, Simone.
-[Simone] Bye, guys.
All right, I'll see you all
tomorrow morning for the next test.
I'm shocked. Who was she even a target to?
She just hung out
all day at the pool, like…
[whimpers] Simone deserves to be here.
Juelz deserves to be here.
It's not fair for Simone to go home.
Like, she's so more deserving of this
than I am.
I'm sick and tired
of trusting these people.
And here it is that we have
an absolute angel of a lady going home.
How can you justify this decision?
I didn't even hear
that she pissed anyone off.
Obviously, I do not have
a good read on this group.
It's embarrassing, and it's defeating.
-But I don't think she wronged anybody.
-[Brian] She didn't, man.
[Gaspare] I mean, everybody seems to
genuinely been, like, fine with her.
Everybody is, "She has a heart of gold,
and you know,
she's trying to be a good mom."
Oh, for God's sake.
It's so crazy.
Everything's so crazy feeling.
In this moment, I truly don't think
anybody thought I did it,
but I'm just wanting to make sure
that I just kind of have a neutral face.
[Jake] I thought tonight
we would all be raising glasses.
I thought we would be unified.
Something was going on
with somebody having conversations
with her about something.
[Jake] Someone here,
they did vote for her.
-But we don't know who.
Who did she have beef with in the house?
Simone really truly is a sweetheart,
but a lot of the women felt
as though she was kind of wishy-washy.
And a woman like that can be dangerous,
because you don't know
who's going to influence her
to make what kind of decision.
So, the decision Mama Jay made,
I can understand it.
[Jake] I can't wrap my brain around
how you could go down there
and be like, "Her."
-[Gaspare] Yeah.
-Who's gonna use an angel like that?
First of all, you're a scumbag.
-I'm just gonna say it.
-[Brian] Yes.
[Julie] I knew
the boys would be disappointed,
but yet Jake is going off.
And I used my vote to save him.
There is a conflict somewhere
that we don't know about.
And now we're back to,
like, eggshells again.
I don't think
people are going to understand
because it's like,
"Why did I have to get involved?"
-[Jake] Dude, I don't get it, man.
-I feel like people are going to hate me.
[gloomy music playing]
[Tolú] Did you cast a vote?
Yeah. For Simone.
Oh my God.
[Julie] I know.
[Jay] I want you to know
this was not easy.
To me, it was protecting the group.
[Winnie] You had your reason.
I have no feelings
or anything towards you,
but I have a question that I need to know,
so I know how to move, and how I feel.
You said, "I'm going to vote."
"I don't wanna tell you who it is.
I don't wanna discuss it."
So, my question is to Julie,
why would you open your mouth
and say, "Well, is anybody gonna vote?"
[Jay] Exactly.
Oh my God, this is Simone's chair.
[Julie] I know.
In my spirit, I feel like it was
more than you who voted for her.
[Jay] Yeah, she did not say
it was just one vote.
Brooke didn't say a number
of how many people voted.
So, it just makes me
more observant on one particular person.
Why the fuck did Julie ask that question?
-I don't know why she--
-We talked about it, yeah.
No. Tolú, as your sister,
be honest with me,
because y'all have been very close.
Why did that girl sit there
after we just had that meeting…
And this woman sat there and said,
"I'm voting, but not voting for y'all."
-Why did she open that question?
-[Tolú] You didn't see my face?
I don't understand
why she asked that question.
I don't like her.
Julie was scared
that Mama Jay was gonna vote for Jake.
So, what… But wait, are you saying
that Julie was gonna vote?
Now, I can tell y'all. She…
She cast a vote for Simone.
'Cause she was scared
that Jay was gonna vote for Jake.
But you're putting him over the group.
Literally just threw
every woman in this house under the bus.
[Jay] Exactly.
[medieval music playing]
I trust myself. I value myself.
I honor myself. I love myself.
I trust myself. I value myself.
I honor myself. I love myself.
Simone was voted out last night.
For me, this vote is gonna start
shining a light on how people really feel,
and that is exactly what I'm here for.
I'm here to see true partnerships
and make it through this game,
like a chess match, and honestly,
when everyone's getting along,
that's not interesting to me.
Look in my bed.
Do I still have crumbs in my bed?
-What did you eat?
-A bag of Lay's and Pringles.
And four Milano chocolate cookies.
["Climb Higher"
by Daniel Farrant & Nick Kingsley playing]
Had to cut my way through the jungle ♪
Had to fight my way through the fire ♪
Had to crawl right back to the… ♪
-Oh, are we playing a game?
-Oh, what is that?
-Ready for your next test?
Let's do it.
[Brian] Let's face it.
It seems like most
of these, quote, "tests"
usually end up
in the house being disrupted.
[Tolù] Brooke is always
stirring up some shit.
I'm just hoping that maybe this can
kind of bring the group back together.
I don't know.
This is your basic game of shuffleboard,
with a twist.
As you can see,
in front of you are two lanes.
The lane on the left-hand side
has three scoring zones,
1,000, 2,000, and at the very edge,
the 3,000-dollar mark.
If you take a shot on this lane
and your disc lands in one of those zones,
you'll put that amount of money
into the Trust for the good of the group.
However, you have a choice.
On this lane,
there's a target that represents
guaranteed immunity for you and you alone
at our next Trust Ceremony.
So, if you're not feeling too confident
about your position in the house,
well, this may be the lane for you.
But if you take a shot on this lane,
and you miss the target, you get nothing.
No immunity and definitely no money.
You each only get one shot.
So, choose carefully which lane
you want to take your shot on.
Make money for the group.
-Keep yourself safe.
I have never in my life
touched neither shuffle nor board.
-Let's go!
Okay, Tolú.
I don't even know what shuffleboard is,
if we're being fucking honest.
I've really only seen it on TV,
like, see old people do it on the cruises,
but I don't know about this game.
You want the money? You want the immunity?
-We're going for the money, honey.
-[Brooke] For the money, honey.
-Go, Tolú.
I'm nervous. Okay, I got this.
I got one thing on my mind ♪
Too late I just crossed the line ♪
That's it. That's good.
Oh! Damn.
All right, Gaspare. You're up next.
What's the key to being good
at shuffleboard, you may ask?
Great question,
'cause I don't have an answer.
-Let's do it, man! It's in!
I just pushed my hand forward,
and that's where it went.
Everyone. And I mean everyone…
Nicely done. A thousand dollars, Jay.
…immediately went to benefit the team.
It's okay.
[Tolú] Kill it
like you killed that tank top.
[Lindsey] Doing pretty good.
[Tolú] Every single time, it's more money.
I'm sorry that I didn't do it,
but more money, more money.
You want money, you want immunity?
Oh, more money, of course. Let's go.
I can hit a high C,
but I can't throw a spiral football.
That's just not my strength.
[Julie] You got it, Bryce.
[Bryce] But when there's money
on the line, I have a new profession.
-Keep going!
I like it ♪
I like it ♪
Come on, come on!
-So close.
I love you, girl, but damn.
Black Twitter is gonna go crazy.
#Black girls can't play shuffleboard.
I-I-I like it ♪
Come on!
-All right. Julie, you're up.
-Julie. Let's go!
Have you ever done this before?
Never played.
But I have, like, a delusional amount
of self-confidence. So I'm feeling good.
-You want immunity or money?
-I want money.
Show me, girl. Walk on over.
Go, Julie. Come on!
Get that three.
I like it ♪
I like it ♪
[Brooke] Three thousand dollars.
Yay! I won 3,000 dollars.
This is the easiest money I've ever made
besides that time
when I took it out of that dude's wallet.
Okay, so you each chose
to shoot for the money, each one of you.
And you were able to add
$10,000 to the Trust.
Maybe more importantly,
you guys all worked together as a group.
[Brooke] You did.
Hey, the house gets ten grand,
we're lit, everybody's happy.
Especially after all the drama
and the tension in the house,
and all the side looks,
and the little whispers,
we actually really came together,
and we accomplished a really big goal.
Head back up to the house,
and I will see you soon.
-Sounds good.
Waiting for our bartendress.
-Winnie, where is my espresso martini?
-I don't know. Her ice is melting.
-The ice.
-Where did she go?
[Tolú] Okay, you wanna try to make one?
-Let's wing it.
-At this point, let's wing it.
[Winnie] What's up, pumpkin?
-[Julie] I wanna talk to you.
Everyone's happy. We're celebrating.
There's a big morale boost
with shuffleboard.
But I still have it in my mind
what happened with Simone.
When we were down at the cliff
with all of us girls,
I truly was, like,
"Awesome. No one's going to vote."
Then, Mama Jay goes, "I'm going to vote."
And I was… I have… I had no clue.
I don't know where her vote is going for,
I'm, like,
"I had immunity, so it's not me,"
but I'm like,
"Is it someone I care about?"
So I was, like,
if I throw in a vote, and Mama Jay votes,
then this is a neutralizer vote.
And then we can all be safe.
-Who were you protecting?
I'mma be a hundred with you.
I'm really disappointed in you,
because if we're gonna make
a decision as a team,
let's all talk about it.
Because I guarantee,
if you would've came and talked to me,
we'd just, like, have time to have a…
I'd have told you,
"Mama Jay says she's not voting for Jake,"
and you wouldn't be feeling
the way that you feel right now. Correct?
Yeah. That's why, when I was at the table,
I was like, "Is anyone going to vote?"
Which, I could've worded it better
maybe, but--
-You should've never asked that question.
-Yeah. It was an unfair question.
The reason why I did it is
'cause I wanted her to say something like,
"I had thought about it.
I was going to, and I changed my mind."
'Cause it was after we had all talked.
Can I be honest?
It wasn't a good decision.
I'mma be honest.
-It wasn't a good decision.
But you were protecting Jake.
You have all rights to feel that way.
You have all right
to have made that decision.
I just wish you'd have included me
in that thought process.
I wish I would have just, like,
let Mama Jay do her thing.
-Be in this moment that you're in now.
Yesterday happened. It is what it is.
Can't do nothing.
You can't bring her back.
But just remember,
if we're going to be a group,
then we need to be a group together.
For me, specifically,
Julie's still on my radar
because everybody can see
her emotions are clearly vested in Jake.
So, do I fully 100% trust her
that she won't make
another emotional decision
without fully thinking it through?
No, I don't.
[slow tempo music playing]
-[Brian] Hey! Let's go barbecue.
-Come on! Let's go!
-[Winnie] Oh yes. Barbecue.
We got some chicken, and we're barbecuing!
Coming from the bad vote, Simone's gone,
we need to get people back together,
celebrating again.
[Tolú] Are you gonna be the griller?
Yes! We will be your sous-chefs.
There's no better way to do that
than introducing beef.
-[Gaspare] No one's gluten-free, right?
[Brian] Beef makes everyone happy.
Oh my goodness!
[Winnie] I don't eat beef.
[Brian] Unfortunately, I get
not everyone eats beef.
But for those who do,
it can be a darn good time.
-[Tolú] Brian!
-[Jay] Brian.
Brian was in his element.
And that's a sexy cowboy there.
-Grill Master.
-Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some.
Yes, sir!
Being in this big barbecue atmosphere
was really nice.
It's like a team effort.
I loved it.
I think I had, like, three steaks.
[Tolú] Compliments to the chef!
Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
[Julie] I'm worried.
That's not a good way
to start a conversation.
-[Jake] What about?
-I have something I wanna tell you.
And I'm worried about trusting you.
So I've been, like, back and forth,
if I wanna tell you,
if I don't wanna tell you.
So we came down to the cliffs,
and Mama Jay goes, "I'm voting."
We all were like, "For who?"
She wouldn't tell us.
I thought she was voting for you.
I cast a vote to protect you.
Because I thought
someone was voting you home.
You cast a vote too?
I cast a vote
because I didn't come to you--
Oh, so two of you voted off…
-I cast a vote to protect you.
I got ya, okay. Well, thank you.
-That means a lot.
-No, it's not!
-That means a lot. Are you kidding me?
-[Julie] My intention--
But how do you feel?
-I feel like fucking shit!
-Oh, 'cause of Simone.
The vote was supposed to be a neutralizer.
Well, yeah.
Okay, so let me ask you this then.
What was Jay's reason
for voting her off, though?
-Why is she firing at people?
-I was the only one.
-I'm like, "I told you."
-I got it. I got it.
And I'm like, "I have your back."
-And I meant it when I said it.
-Yeah. Listen.
I got it. But what I'm saying is,
she's a loose cannon.
Tolú and Winnie,
I don't care about their connection.
Grandma Jay has to roll.
You can't tell the girls
that I told you that it was Mama Jay.
I can't break the girls' trust.
I understand…
I understand you did what you did because…
Which means a lot.
I feel like Julie did a really big thing.
She took a serious risk for me,
and that meant a lot to me.
And then at the same time,
when I learned
the backstory of why she did it,
then it just makes me second-guess
the entirety of the house.
And it is now painting a picture for me
on where certain groups are aligning,
because I know who Mama Jay talks to,
and now, I'm knowing there may be
other people she is working with too,
just to strategically remove
people from the house.
It's gonna be fine.
We just have to see
how the next 12 hours play out,
because this changes
the entire dynamic of everything, okay?
So I genuinely appreciate it, okay?
You need to stop crying.
It's gonna be good.
Appreciate you. It's gonna be good.
There is a loose cannon in the house.
It really kinda makes you question,
"Dude, am I gonna be next?"
[suspenseful music playing]
-Hi, Brooke!
-Hi, Brooke!
-[Brian] Howdy.
-Hey, Brooke.
-'Sup, guys?
Guess who's coming to crash the party?
The Vault cards.
All right, guys.
We've been through this before.
You're gonna come up, pick a card.
The cards with the silver edge means
you're heading into the Vault.
Once you go inside the Vault,
you get two offers.
You have to decide
which one you wanna take.
No one has to know
about what goes on in the Vault.
You can totally keep it to yourself.
Up to you
what you wanna share with others.
[Brian] We got this. We're good.
Currently, right now,
I'm feeling pretty darn optimistic.
We're finally getting along,
and we gotta do another Vault.
Which means
somebody picks between self and team.
And there's usually always a caveat to it.
Doggone it!
Lindsey, you're first.
[Lindsey] I do not want
to get in the Vault.
I don't wanna shake anything up.
I want them to shake it up and in-fight,
leaving me completely safe.
All right, Mama Jay, come on up.
-C'mon, Mama Jay.
-Mama Jay!
[Jay] I'm wondering about that Vault.
I have it very medieval.
[chuckles] Like, I'm really in a cave.
I'm sure I'll crack up
when I see it, if I see it.
Black card. Not going into the Vault.
Come on, please, pick a silver card.
At the beginning,
it's like, "Oh, the Vault's so cool."
"What is this experience?"
Then you come out and like,
"My gosh, I got my dick kicked in
'cause everyone hates me.
I made the wrong choice."
"I took the wrong offer."
-Oh my God, bro.
It's the last thing
you wanna be doing at this point
Four left. Jake.
[Winnie] You got it, Jake. Jake, get it.
-Pull that silver card.
-I don't want it.
-[Tolú] Come on, Jake!
-You got this.
All right. Tolú. You're shaking your head.
Come on down, lady.
Come on, Tolú!
God, you already didn't give me
the shuffleboard.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music fades]
[tense music swelling]
Two cards left. One has a silver stripe.
I don't really wanna go back in the Vault.
I don't wanna be calling the shots.
Also, I don't wanna go
in the Vault with Jake,
because Jake is no stranger
to stir the pot in the house.
I'm trying to stay out of this mess.
I'm gonna keep my hands clean
and not jump into anyone else's drama.
-[Brooke] Gaspare.
-[Winnie] Come on, Gaspare.
-[Brooke] Come here.
-[Winnie] Go Gaspare!
-[Tolú] Gaspare!
I'm gonna assume you wouldn't put
two on the same side and I'm…
Sorry, Bryce.
[Winnie] It's okay. You're good.
-[Tolú] Bryce.
-Don't. You're good.
-You got this.
-I know.
We trust you to make the perfect choice.
-Yeah. You're fine.
-For the team, everybody.
Come on!
-For the team!
Get it!
Take the card!
[Gaspare] That might not be it.
Yeah. Good job.
Bryce is good in the Vault.
He has experience.
Bryce, Jake, head on down.
Bye! Bye, guys!
[Lindsey] You got this!
-Don't do anything I wouldn't.
-He knows where to go. Bye, guys.
Seeing Bryce and Jake together,
that's gonna be an interesting thing,
because we obviously know
Jake'll be the one to make the decision,
and Bryce is just gonna agree with him.
[gloomy music playing]
[Bryce] The last time going in the Vault,
I was with Gaspare.
Jake has a pretty strong personality.
Seems to be pretty masculine
and pretty, like, you know,
"Hey, I got these big guns,"
and "brotherhood,"
and I just don't know Jake yet.
We haven't been able
to connect on an emotional level.
There it is.
-I'll read the first one.
"Offer one. You each get
$10,000 from the Trust to keep
if someone goes home
at the next Trust Ceremony."
That's each of us, dude.
"Offer two. $2,000 dollars
is added to the Trust
for each person who does not vote
at the next Trust Ceremony."
I'm not voting. That's two.
Are you voting?
No. That's me. Brian's another one.
[Bryce] Julie, probably not.
Gaspare's not voting.
My thoughts go to Jay.
Because no one wants to address
the elephant in the room
with erratic behavior.
I need you to hear me.
Last night, this entire group
went into that vote knowing
that we didn't wanna send anyone home.
And then the angel of the group went home.
-Simone didn't deserve to go home.
-No, she did not.
When you were under fire at the couch,
Simone stood up.
She said, "I didn't feel that.
I didn't feel that."
I think that might have put
a target on her back.
And I think it was Jay.
You think it was Jay? I do too.
It makes me very happy that I know
that you're seeing what the other people
in the house are seeing.
I don't think she's picking people off
because she wants more money.
I think she's acting on her emotion.
I agree.
That person is hostile, and I know,
deep down, you know it's true.
And she is gonna keep picking people off
that deserve to be here as a family.
I'm very group-oriented.
I think we need to choose
the offer that benefits the team.
I think offer one
is a very, very selfish decision.
I completely agree with that.
Here's the risk to number two.
We're gonna get 2K
from every person that doesn't vote,
but guess who's still a threat?
[Bryce] Jay.
[ominous music playing]
It allows this sniper
to run free and shoot again.
It's hard for me to wanna
take offer one and get 10K each.
But I'm satiated knowing
that we're getting rid of poison.
[Bryce] Down on that cliffside
I said, "I will never vote."
I just… Being the youngest person
in this house,
I don't really wanna vote
the oldest person in this house.
And you're gonna allow someone
to hurt everybody because of that, dude?
This is gonna be one of the hardest things
you'll have to do,
but I know deep down,
you know it's the right thing to do.
Me and Bryce have to agree on this,
and I know his strategy differs from mine.
I'm about family. I'm about unification.
But it only takes
one bad apple to spoil the bunch.
If you gotta get rid of 'em,
you gotta get rid of 'em.
Your integrity's on the line here, man.
Everyone's relying on you.
At some point, you're gonna have
to make cuts. It's just when.
Jay should be going home,
and I stand on that.
[music ends]
["I'm on a Mission
(feat. Rutger Clemens)" playing]
I've been on a mission
I got rolled up sleeves ♪
I know where I'm heading
Who I want to be ♪
Doesn't even matter
What you throw at me ♪
I made myself a promise
That I intend to keep ♪
A game of slip and fall
I play it on repeat ♪
A game of slip and fall
I play it on repeat, yeah ♪
I've been on a mission ♪
I'm on a mission ♪
I'm on a mission ♪
[song ends]
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