The Unit s01e03 Episode Script

200th Hour

gñ| [speaking spanish.]
no eres-- jona going over my recognition symbols for la paz.
you ain't going to la paz.
get up and start walking.
walk away from that.
you're traveling.
i'm flying solo.
how we doing on it? you're going to indonesia.
mosque riki-tik.
we're cutting your travel documents.
what? some bwig's niece and her missionary friends are building churches where they're not appreciated.
now they're in danger and in hiding.
you're gonna get those kids back.
my team was training for la paz.
mack's gonna take 'em.
it's time, isn't it? you're sending me in to get some teenagers? passport, visa, an i.
card, and there's your ticket.
daylight's burning.
conference call with pentagon in 5.
regarding? preparations for the senator's visit.
preparations for the senator's visit.
uh, just bring the carpets.
try not to mess it up.
what do you care it's the cia's van.
it took me three years of ass kissing to get upgraded from a donkey cart.
it's my van.
i'll tell the missionaries to wipe their feet.
appreciate it.
whose daddy got you sent out here? ashley krauss.
uncle's in the state department.
lucky girl.
stupid girl.
should be in college instead of out here building churches no one wants.
the rebels already killed the converts.
since they can't find the missionaries, it looks like they're lling anyone that helped them.
last thing i heard, they had the kids stashed away at some farmhouse.
yeah, they were, until the rebels killed the farmer.
and this guy hartano knows where to find them? says he does, but you can't trust him.
thought he was your guy.
i know him well enough not to trust him, and neither should you.
he'll extort you, then screw you over or vice versa.
but other than that, you vouch for him, right? the locals are out for blood.
so if things get hairy don't call.
you're on your own.
[honk nk honk.]
it's got a lot of horsepower.
how many miles? "like new, must sell.
" guy's owned the corolla for 4 years, and it's like new? mack, help me out.
you lost me at 28k.
! i don't ask to get behind the wheel.
i'm on a trip to fantasyland.
i'm not going through liepzig.
here we go.
i'm nonstop to detroit.
so does buying a caddy make you all-american? some of us like to give back.
brown, you want to weigh in on this? what, my dream car? watch this.
all teams ready? bravo team ready.
deuce and a quarter, convertible.
deuce and a quarter? that's jonas-- that's top's exact car.
bob: no kidding? jonas tell you that? right before he left.
anything solid, you know? sure, i-- execute.
one's still breathing, but he doesn't look too good.
backup team resets the room.
alpha takes the assault.
let's do it.
school is now in session.
now watch how it's done.
go get 'em.
any questions, senator? when i catch my breath.
a little shock and awe in your honor.
see how your money's being spent.
before you hit me up for more.
you've bee this picnic before.
and what are we looking at now? that's our "b" team moving around the bad gu so their relation to the hostages will be a complete surprise.
now, the live ammo, is that for my benefit, colonel? live ammo's standard.
no disrespect, senator, but this unit doesn't do party tricks.
one of these teams is about to be deployed.
everybody squared away? i'll take 1, brown each man's ordnance covers his quadrant of the room.
now, the hostages stay safe through all that chaos? well, to the bad guys, it's chaos, but to us, it's a precision assault by perfect shooters.
it's why training's crucial.
you should take a seat.
take my chair.
all teams ready? bravo team ready.
brown, take 1.
alpha team ready.
ryan: i have controls.
stand by.
thank you, men.
it's impressive.
my men would love a photo of you in the shooting house.
so would the minority leader.
we'll move on.
it's looking a lot like lunch, huh? we'll see you boys at the grill.
you buying? yeah.
we'll catch you later, coots.
we got more to do here? uh-huh.
on this? you don't think they're, uh ready to go eat? damn.
you took one.
grazed, yeah.
how? clear and holster your weapons.
we're sure as hell gonna find out.
execute, execute.
i saw the right side was heavy, so i went there, and fired one, two.
two, went down the hall.
one, two, three, four.
my corner.
turned, fired three, four.
saw another target.
fired five, six.
it was my round.
i trimmed you.
[men shouting in bahasa.]
do you speak english? who are you? peter ostrander.
why are you here? i work at the medical clinic.
but why are you here? hold on.
hey, it's ok.
it's ok, it's ok.
just want to show you.
i'm delivering medicine to a few people in town.
for wulendi alatas? she's got a bad infection.
you're with the church, from america.
no, i'm a doctor from suriname.
[speaking baha.]
why? my shot was off, an inch.
about an inch? why? i aimed off.
you aimed off 1 inch with intent? no, it was--wasn't-- walk it again.
from the hall? right there.
you reached your corner-- i turned, i saw a target on my right, and i went for it.
you did what? i shot at the trd target.
no, what did you say? what did you just say? i went towards the target.
was i drawn? stick with it.
what happened? i fixed on the target.
i adjusted sufficieny-- you stopped, you adjusted.
i shot outside my quadrant.
and? i fired befo i saw deep.
you remember that? i fired blind.
well, that's not good, is it? no.
is it gonna happen again? no.
why not? because i remember what i did.
let's see.
run it again, boys, live and in color.
want to get that looked at? when we're done.
today is a different kind of holiday, sweetie.
it's washington does fort griffith day, and we get to prove we're civilized folk who know how to use a fork and such.
i can follow the colonel's orders.
ryan's sent over some talking points.
for a tea party? it's mostly what not to say.
he's handling the begging bowl.
thank you for all your support, senator.
just like at.
and we've beensked to add a guest.
it turns out one of our own comes from the senator's home town.
who's that? believe me, you don't want me there.
she is a ranking member of the armed services committee.
i didn't vote for her.
aren't we lucky to live in a land where that's your own private business? plus i'm babysitting.
tiffy's counting on me.
dory grant, pam's oldest, is taking over.
you still househunting? not seriously.
we probably can't even afford to live off post.
i didn't want to waste your time.
i didn't ask.
i went to the other fellows 'cause i didn't want to waste your time.
tea's at 1500.
i'll be like this.
tiffy's wearing a silk blouse.
yes to stockings.
see you there.
peter ostander? rudy hartano.
so pleased to meet you.
thank you.
with all the medical supplies you ordered, i feel like we're old friends.
double espresso.
speaking of friends, i believe we know someone in common.
he has a new van.
of course.
dan with the van.
he's spoken of you.
good things, i hope.
the best.
you're a good liar, peter.
i am sure dan told you that i'm a murderer and a cheat, but he failed to say that he's a terriblpoker player, and the man i killed slept with my wife.
he did say you were a man to be taken seriously.
there are those things that cannot be mended with a sunny disposition.
broken promises, for an example.
to honesty.
to honesty.
[indistinct chatter.]
the rebels have been especially brutal lately.
they have been killing missionary sympathizers.
if i may, i'd like to show you a new line of medical products.
these are heart rate monitors.
very nice.
you have access to these? yes, but they are stuck in a warehouse right now due to local unrest.
when do you think those will improve? it is too hard to tell.
foreigners arrive, and what do they do? they depart.
we survived the dutch for 350 years.
foreigners don't know that oureligion has been here since the 12th century.
so when they take our land and build a church, you can understand our sensitivity.
i'm not unsympathetic to your people.
in any case, we have to wait until things quiet down.
our business will have to wait.
the clinic can really use these.
i'd like to buy all your stock.
oh, i could not sell them to you.
why not? i havether customers.
these are a rare commodity in this region.
what would you have me do? hold out for the highest bier.
what a good idea.
willhis cover it? it will do.
oh, of course, my delivery is out of the question.
tell me the loading area.
i'll pick them up myself.
i will write up the order.
she's being dog and ponied as we speak.
i'll be walking her to her luncheon down at the club.
chew gum, see if i can't charm some money out of her.
you bet.
have a good one.
[hangs up telephone.]
you ever consider the o.
, sergeant? can't say i have.
wise move.
the situation down in la paz is not sorng itself out.
gonna deploy.
now? next hour or so.
here's a question i'd have put to jonas.
i've been putting it to him since the new man came i sir.
in jonas' absence, i'm asking you: is alpha team ready to go? we will be.
say again? sir, we will be.
that don't cut it.
jackson, find sergeant cootsor me.
bravo team will be taking this one.
yes, sir.
sorry, mack.
hey, i didn't lobby for it.
give 'em hell.
clean shot.
we're ready to mix it up.
we're ready to clear the room.
bravo team's coming in.
bravo team? they're taking our flight to la paz.
pack it in.
we're standing down.
this one's on me.
sorry, guys.
hey, sorry is what you tell your girlfriend when you finish too quick.
enough sorry.
grey, williams, you get that jeep greased before you knock off.
let's go.
brad: we were almost out of food.
sam was going back to town tomorrow.
the lord sent you just in time.
it wasn't the lord, it was ashley's uncle.
still, it was part of his plan.
[machine gun fire.]
shh! everybody quiet.
stay low, stay close.
where are we going? to a safe house, then a landing zone.
is that like an airport? we're going home? that's the idea.
i want everybody out of sight.
come on.
let's go.
what about the mission? what about our church? it's gone.
they burned it.
and if they find us, they'll burn us, too.
am i clear? daddy's home! daddy! i can hot pepper! watch me! afraid your home's been designated day care for the afternoon.
i'm just grabbing some gear.
packed to your specifications.
and some lunch.
tough morning? no.
tiffy: mack cracking the whip with jonas gone? not giving you guys a lunch break? no, mack's just, uh just me doing some catch-up.
lissy: mom, jen won't share! catch-up? i'm gonna be late.
you wanna talk about it? no, don't wait up.
try and stop me.
any chance you could not do that right now? did you remember or maybe even just notice a u.
senator is gonna be here in an hour and the place smells like a gym.
couldn't you-- what happened? it's nothing.
what--stop it.
what the hell happened? is that a gunshot? i got trimmed.
you got shot.
did you even clean it? it's nothing.
no! dammit! no! you don't come home-- you don't so this to me again and give me nothing! and when you re-upped, i knew-- oh! when you went behind my-- how many more stitches? how many more broken ribs? the skin graft! how many more bandages do i have to change-- or bug your ass to change for nothing! for nothing! the lie that you were getting out! hey! stop it, baby! stop! don't baby me! calm down! let me go.
that hurts.
hurt or nothing from you.
well, i can't take any more nothing, so come on.
tiff, don't.
now look what you've done.
what i've done?! i'll show you what i've done! [china shatters.]
[indistinct yelling off in distance.]
you're no neophyte at reading budgets either.
you know you can't quadruple the number of missions the unit handles without increasing its training.
which is my your request is a priority of mine.
an unfunded priority.
i don't make these decisions alone.
but you are influential.
on both sides of the aisle if you're really buttering me up.
well, let's not flter-- colonel.
old ranch family sits down to sunday night dinner.
big platter of chicken.
mother wants to say grace.
they all bow their heads.
at that moment, the lights go out.
when they come back up, there's an empty platter of chicken and uncle jeb with a fork through the back of his hand.
popularity of c.
aside, the pie is only so big.
just remember boots on the ground.
nothing happens without 'em.
can't get 'em on theround without the right hardware.
talking ospreys, chinooks, or blackhawks? i like 'em all.
even the ones not built in my state.
cut it.
cut it.
[engine sputtering.]
"what is permitted to others, is not permitted to you.
" mind if i see that? head shots only.
yeah, yeah, yeah.
don't worry about it.
t it again.
[jeep engine sputtering.]
you sure you're all right? yes.
it was-- i goaded him.
it was after a training screw-up.
i knew he'd be pissed.
you need to be straight with me.
i am.
this was all me.
before was supposed to be a one-time thing.
before was just a push.
i don't mean just, but that was over a year ago.
the only way that jonas and i kept it internal was that it didn't fit a pattern.
i know.
a pattern's repetition.
not one shove, not an isolated event.
this wasn't that i promise.
we've shared a bit, wouldn't you say? mack a i really are doing better.
we'll never be easy, but that's us.
it's fireworks.
a lot of good fireworks, too.
[doorbell rings.]
just a sec! tom: who's home? colonel.
senator's ahead of schedule.
you ladies ready for her? can do, tom.
just a slight change of plans.
tiffy's coming down with something.
and jen's had the flu.
we're moving the tea-- already have, as a matter of fact-- to your office.
the note i got about the brown's being constituents? exactly.
it's at the brown's now.
let's let tiffy get back to bed.
i'll check on you later.
get some rest.
i'll be fine.
[door closes.]
when kim brown got the senator's invitation, she insisted on hosting.
you know texans.
don't trust anybody else to get it right.
did mack put a hand on her? no.
no, that will not happen again.
you, me, and jonas, we all swore to that.
how ahead of schedule is your senator? she's wrapping up now.
then we're in the wrong precinct, aren't we? oh, my god.
i can't believe this.
thanks for jumping in.
i had a choice? my mother would have a heart attack, my house looking like this.
fine kettle of fish.
speaking of kettles m.
grab a pan.
just nuke them in the cups.
tea bags on the stove.
you have any more chairs? couple of lawn chairs.
should we bring 'em in? [doorbell rings.]
remember, it's none of her business who you voted for.
i shouldn't say, "gee, i wish you didn't have that family fortune to finance a smear campaign and steal an election?" senator! welcome.
what an honor.
i'm kim brown.
from galveston, i'm told.
born and bred.
afraid we have a house full of kids today.
all future voters in my book.
this imolly blane.
a pleasure, senator.
please, come on in.
peter ostrander, from the medical clinic.
i got a little lost.
where you going? i have garbage from the clinic.
i was looking for a dump site.
in the middle of the night? as i said, i got a little lost.
so i'm heading back to the clinic now.
his brother works at the clinic.
oh? what's his name? wait a minute.
listen to me.
listen! there's deadly germs here.
oh, come on! wait a minute! wait a minute! dangerous germs.
we're talking sharps here.
that isdirty needles, contaminated garbage.
only someone already infected with aids, hiv, can search the van.
malek, over.
thank you.
[starts engine.]
all right.
everyone in the house, now.
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
where are the other two? where's ashley and her friend? they decided to stay.
well, actually, sam wanted to stay and ashley's his girlfriend-- where are they? they went back to the farmhouse.
they jumped out when you were moving the tree.
go inside.
they think it's important to continue the lord's work.
go! hey, what did you do to my van? we're fine, thank you.
you got any cash? what for? two of them got away.
what do you mean, got away? they went walkabout.
you want my opinion? forget 'em.
they made their choice.
meanwhile, life is a bowl of cherries for the folks who can't call daddy and fly home when things get interesting, all because of two bible-thumping fools who haven't got a clue.
i'm going back.
better you than me.
give me your money.
all i got's 60,000 rupiah, about 5 bucks.
rudy's gonna want more.
you gave all your money to rudy hartano? he found them once.
you got lucky.
don't trust him again.
you'll regret it.
why? because you trusted him once.
on your 200th hour.
that's when new pilots make their first big mistakes.
enough experience to be confident, enough to screw up real good.
we've all been there.
chuckles here tried to jump out of an airplane with a dummy chute before pinkney pull him back inside.
and g.
joe, he bounced a grenade right off a tree, right back to our feet.
should have seen us all running for our lives before the damn thing exploded.
what's the glove for? actually, it's for your hand.
just a small one.
i would not be able to show my face back home if i missed this chance to thank you for all that you've done for the military men and women and their families.
looks like there's still work to be done, especially with moving assistance.
furniture's overrated.
she's not saying no, if you have some extra cash laying around capital hill.
i'll check my pin money.
are these homemade? yes, ma'am.
what helped my family get settled quickly here, aside from all the women who have been so great, is the base day care and playgrnd and the hospital.
thanks for not forgetting us.
the gratitude is all mine.
family support for our folks in uniform is just crucial to our nation's defense.
and i know that every one of you women has made a special, long-term sacrifice, a sacrifice this nation is eternally grateful for.
well, please e-mail me or call me with any questions or concerns you want to bring to my attention.
senator, apologies for the late arrival.
i'm tiffy gerhardt.
i had some issues to deal with at home, but i'm glad i caught you.
i do have a concern to bring up.
what's on your blouse? my husband's blood.
let me get you-- i assume the others thanked you for your ireased support for families.
they have.
which, let's be honest, is such a teeny sliver of the defense budget.
what are you saying? at every woman in this room knows that the real life and death need of this unit is the expanded training facility your committee has been sitting on.
giving serious consideration-- for 3 years! tiffy, senator webb is a guest in my home.
and i hate to be rude, but sometimes beating around the bush seems like a big old waste of time.
and i know you're a busy woman-- do you? so i'll make it quick.
i look kind of a mess here because my husband was shot today.
minor training accident.
nothing to him.
it's what the men in this unit live with every day and why they drill so hard from dawn to dusk every minute they aren't deployed in hostile territory.
they cannot make mistakes.
eir training has to be relentless.
sharing the shooting house.
now there's 4 and a fifth coming, but no more hours in the day.
and maybe traing doesn't look as sexy on the budget as high-tech hardware whatever, but i guaran-damn-tee you there is not a wife here who if told there's no more money to be had wouldn't say: fine.
put every penny into helping our men prepare.
give them their best shot at coming home alive and screw the new roof on the community center.
andthat's it.
go work.
couldn't have rigged it better myself.
you wanna know where i got the body parts no.
how much did they pay you for the location of the missionaries? does it matter when everyone is happy, huh? jonas: how are they? look good to me.
you two ok? he tries that again, i will spit this gag out.
you do and i will cut your throat.
that man's a maniac.
i want him arrested now or i will- enough.
if you were a woman, i'd marry you.
you coul't take the period of adjustment.
senator still here? we've pushed her flight twice.
senator: no, i'm not.
i'm not--i'm not saying.
$10 million is not chicken feed.
molly: oh, not to us, but to your committee-- it may be hog fodder but it's not chicken feed.
[all laugh.]
i'm not suggesting how to do your job, but out of curiosity, how much does it cost to reconstruct one of those helicopters? just one.
out of how many ordered? you're barking up the wrong tree, gals.
you have to go after missile defense.
that's where the real fat is.
now you're talking.
we'll pinch a little there.
we'll take it from the air scouts.
senator: just don't get me to have any base closings, 'cause, you know well, actually, i'd kinda ke to see the steam coming out of the ears of my esteemed colleagues on the committee.
kim: is that what happens when their blood boils over? jonas: well, we're here.
as promised, your very own van.
hartino: our frien dan won't mind? oh, i know he will.
not so fast! kill the witness, huh? you're as cleaver as i am.
what are you talking about? you were gonna shoot me and take the van back.
well, no, i wasn't gonna shoot you.
you think i'm a fool? i saw you reach for your gun.
it wasn't my gun.
it's the last piece of your payment.
where is this wire from? the van.
you disabled the van? i needed some insurance.
you could have just taken the van and sold me out.
wouldn't that be dishonest in some circles.
i'm hurt, peter, that you do not trust me.
i guess that makes us even.
only now you have the gun and mynsurance.
we're even then? i'd say so.
i'm gonna miss you.
peace would be nice, but you were good for business.
oh, don't worry.
there'll be other missionaries here in a year or so.
and you'll be back to rescue th.
hell, no.
when she asked if i had anything stronger i thought you were gonna bust a gut.
sogood day all around.
not for the guys.
i think i know who shot mack.
bob? if he's anything like mine, he's gonna need a little space.
mind another piece of advice? if you wanna shop for off-post housing, don't go to carl farge.
i didn't think you'd approve.
i don't.
and i won't charge commission.
how are you gonna make a living? baby, i don't make a living off of family.
[country music playing.]
how you doing, colonel? i felt 10 years younger as soon as i got that potomac river rat back on her plane.
you got a little project there? remember the night lyle carved that? the guy was a master blaster.
for all the good it did him.
quite a team you had right out of selection, joined jonas together.
now you're the only one left.
dealing with a grn recruit.
brown's all right.
a new guy always takes effort.
you broke in grey, broke in williams.
that's right.
where is your team? what? your team.
they knock off yet? [gunshots, shells hit floor.]
good guy didn't feel the breeze.
how'd you know we stuck it in there? i sensed it.
i felt him there.
thought we'd get you with that one.
looks like brown's ready to put us in the barrel.
set the room.
we'll answer.
something else i remembered about this morning.
yeah? you were out of position.
couple steps over the line into my area.
sorry doesn't put you back in position.
well, i ain't sorry about that.
that's what we do at this level.
add e unexpected.
sorry's for the stuff after.
i get you.
so let's run it.
like maybe we figured out a thing or two.

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