The Unlikely Murderer (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[boys laughing]
[boy] Damn. That was good.
Okay, we have three crowns in the pot.
We need another player.
- Stig?
- [boy 2] No.
[boy 1] Then who?
Hey Stig!
Three crowns in the pot,
come on, you're in.
[pop music playing]
- You know how to play bridge?
- I do.
- Really?
- Sort of.
[laughs] Sort of?
Under no circumstances can anyone find out
that we have someone in our dorm
who doesn't play bridge.
Sit. We'll show you how it's done.
Right, guys?
- [boy 2] Sure.
- [boy 1] First, you shuffle the deck.
Pay attention now.
[boys laughs]
[Harry] Ah, here they are.
How's it going, Stig?
You're not cheating now, eh?
- [Stig] No.
- Huh?
I've been thinking about something.
When I look at you, you remind me of, uh
How shall I put it? You look like
Einar! You have a pool table at home.
What colour is the 5-ball?
[Einar] I seem to recall
it's somewhat orange.
Exactly! Somewhat orange!
You look like a 5-ball, Stig! [laughs]
That's too good.
- You're not offended?
- No.
No, no.
[mumbling indistinctly]
[mysterious music playing]
[telephone ringing]
Why didn't Engström
participate in the reconstruction?
Göran, what did Engström say
when you asked him to participate
in the reconstruction?
Well, uh, a lot of things.
First, uh, I couldn't get a hold of him.
Then he didn't have time.
It was all a bit of a nuisance, you know?
Listen, they're a few short
down at the switchboard
Can you help out?
[telephone ringing in background]
Who's that?
[Arne] Engström.
- Are you still looking into that clown?
- Yeah.
As long as we can't place Engström
at Sveavägen, we don't have a choice.
You've gotta keep focused, Arne.
We don't have the time.
[man] Maybe.
It's possible Stig Engström shot Palme.
From what you just told me,
it's incomprehensible
that those in charge of the investigation
prioritized another lead.
But if Engström and Stay Behind
were responsible for the murder,
we'll need more than that.
We can't be the mouthpiece
for another private investigator theory.
If we go to print
it has to be the real thing.
Go to print? What do you mean?
If we know the truth,
we won't stop at anything.
In which case,
we'll start with a big report in Filter.
And straight after,
we'll publish the book on Stig Engström.
- Book? What book?
- The one you're going to start writing.
This is how Engström
got to the Grand cinema
without anyone seeing him.
The alarm was going off
for almost 50 minutes.
That gives Engström plenty of time
to walk to the Grand and back.
So Engström heads straight to the Grand
to shoot Palme, but changes his mind?
That's my guess.
But I have no clue why
he changed his mind.
And then when he gets back here,
what does he do?
Engström was in a hurry
to catch the night bus,
he has no time
to drop off his weapon at the office,
he goes directly to the main entrance.
- [elevator dings]
- Probably taking the lift.
Yeah, he comes here and clocks out
2.5 minutes before the murder.
Listen, I think it's best
we talk more in my office.
[telephones ringing in background]
After that, Engström comes
back here through the back door,
he walks out on Sveavägen
to catch the night bus.
He doesn't get very far
before he runs into the Palme's.
[Arne] He only encounters them because
Lisbeth Palme wants to go window-shopping.
That's why they cross the street
and end up on the same side as Engström.
If they hadn't crossed,
Palme would be alive now.
Engström couldn't
have anticipated any of this,
but he's still carrying the gun.
He sees the Palmes on Sveavägen,
so he changes direction
and follows after them.
He's on a street that's almost empty.
The only people he encounters
are witnesses Fauzzi and Anders Björkman.
Engström quickly catches up with Palme.
[Arne] Hmm.
Write a report on
everything you know about Engström.
Who would even want to read it here?
You're the only one who can finish this.
Anyway, there's a special clock
that's ticking away. You know that.
- You are aware of that, yeah?
- Mm.
You're the only one who can get Engström.
Mm. You're forgetting Fors,
I mean, it's not just me on this.
You're the only one
who doesn't piss his pants
every time Holmér shows up.
Can you hear the clock, Arne? Tick-tock.
[tense music playing]
The government wants
a status report today.
You have to do it.
A few days ago,
some drunk Finn fell into the station
demanding to speak to you.
- A Finnish drunk?
- He had a tip-off.
Are we really that desperate?
Turns out this Finn did time in prison
with a real tough bastard.
One night, the two of them
were watching TV and suddenly
Palme appeared on the screen.
According to the Finn, this man said:
"Olof Palme is gonna die."
Yeah, I know. But I thought
I should at least check out this guy
who was so sure
that Palme was going to die.
According to the Finn, when did
this conversation about Palme happen?
A few weeks before the murder.
From now on, this is a race.
Holmér and his gang are up to something.
[Fors] What are they up to?
Only Holmér and his inner circle know,
and the three of us aren't in that circle.
What I do know is they
have something they call "the main lead".
Is that what they call it?
- That gives us nothing.
- [Arne] That's the whole point.
Holmér wants full control.
So, of course it's a race
it's a race between
"the main lead" and the Skandia Man.
- [Gosta] You wanted to see me.
- [Arne] Yes. Hi, Gösta.
Thank you for coming.
- This man. Do you recognize him?
- Yes, of course I do.
- From where?
- Well, from the TV and the news.
Not from the crime scene?
No, definitely not.
Engström wasn't there. No.
Engström says he was there,
and that he helped
to try to save Palme.
I know precisely what he's saying.
- He helped by performing CPR, hmm?
- Yeah.
And got the murderer's
description from Lisbeth.
He also tried to give a witness statement
to a police officer who wouldn't listen.
It's a lie. All of it.
- Hmph.
- You sure about that?
He wasn't there. He's lying.
[telephone ringing]
The Danish Security Service has
a contact who's sitting on information.
So the Finn's information was good?
Yeah. But the contact wants compensation.
Not gonna let
something like that get in my way.
No, of course not. We'll call it
"preliminary investigation expenses".
- How much?
- One hundred thousand
- Oh!
- Deutschemark.
- But that's almost 400,000 kronor.
- It'll be worth it.
I assure you.
[officer] Command centre.
Yah, I'm still here.
But I've already told the police
everything I saw that night.
Yes, I know, Yvonne.
Nonetheless, I need you to tell it again,
for me as well.
Oh, okay.
It was on Friday night,
I was walking
along David Bagares gata with my friend.
We were heading towards the stairs
that lead down to Sveavägen.
Did you hear the shots?
but on the other side of the street,
I could see a man running.
He was running in our direction,
away from Sveavägen.
- And what are you thinking?
- That he was running from something.
He was turning around
to see if anyone was following.
Did you see his face?
but he wore a dark coat
and it was flapping in the wind,
so it can't have been buttoned up.
Dark trousers,
low-heeled shoes
that made him slip in the snow.
And he was doing something with his hands.
He had a wrist bag that
he tried to put something into as he ran.
Did you see what it was?
And you are sure it was a wrist bag?
Me and Stefan Glantz
tried to save his life.
I gave him CPR
while Stefan tried mouth-to-mouth, but
it was difficult,
there was just so much blood.
I, uh
guess he was already dead
because nothing helped.
And you're sure
it was just the two of you, yeah?
Yes, I think so.
I don't remember anyone else.
And you didn't see
this man at the scene?
[Arne] But how do you know
this was right after the murder?
Just after we got to
the stairs that lead to Sveavägen,
that's when we met the witness.
- Jeppsson?
- Yes.
And he tells us that a man
had been shot on Sveavägen,
and that the perpetrator has just escaped
in the direction we came from.
It has to have been the man I saw.
He says that
the two of you helped each other.
[woman] So, you're getting close?
[Hans] Maybe.
My contact is prepared
to give you critical information.
You won't be disappointed.
So, what do you have?
Money first.
One hundred thousand Deutschemarks
have been transferred to the account.
The names of those
who were at the meeting.
Is this your so-called "main lead"?
Even the Danish police has its sources.
How trustworthy is your source?
[woman] The names on the list are good.
We know they had a meeting.
About murdering Palme?
It sounds a little vague.
I'm just passing on the information.
Do what you want with it.
- Was Palme shot with a Llama?
- [woman] Mm.
- And the numbers are?
- [woman] The serial number for the gun.
[dramatic music playing]
[knocking on door]
A journalist wants to talk to you.
- I'm not interested.
- No, I thought not.
Number's here
in case you change your mind.
[Lisbeth screams]
So none of the main witnesses
saw Engström at the scene of the murder.
Not Glantz, not Jeppsson, not Hage.
Have you asked Lisbeth Palme
if she recognizes Engström?
You know she was too hysterical.
[Arne scoffs]
Would you rather I'd asked for permission?
You were the one
running things for the first few hours.
Then I took over.
I think it's got to the point where
we're going to have to arrest Engström.
Otherwise, we're gonna have to stop
We didn't exactly
wake up to a normal Saturday.
The country's Prime Minister
executed in the street.
I should've asked for permission.
I see that now.
Or I should have at least apologized.
I know, I bought opera tickets and all.
Come in, guys. We're finished here.
- Hi.
- Arne.
[Hans] Right, close the door
and I'll bring you up to speed.
[door shuts]
[Stig mumbling]
What What are you doing up?
Get some sleep.
[indistinct chatter]
Guys, guys, he's on his way!
Guys, shut up. He's coming.
[chatter stops]
[all applauding]
[chanting] Arne! Arne! Arne!
Arne! Arne! Arne!
Ladies and gents, Arne Irvell!
[all cheering]
It's always the best ones who leave us.
But you, Arne
You are among the best of the best.
We find ourselves
in the middle of the biggest
murder investigation in Swedish history.
It's also the most
challenging and the most dangerous.
So, naturally, the question is
How will we manage without Arne?
Who else can provide your wisdom?
Your calm temperament?
Today is your last day with the police.
By morning,
you'll be part of the "others".
The ones out there
who clearly have no idea
what takes place within these walls.
But we
We who remain,
we know what Arne is made of.
Because you, Arne
are the best of the best.
And when we have
Olof Palme's murderer
behind bars, and we will get him
you should have the luxury of thinking,
"I knew all along that it was
Put your hands together for Arne
who retires today. Huh?
- Bravo!
- Thank you.
- [all applauding]
- [Hans] Bravo! Arne. Don't be a stranger.
[door buzzes]
[officer] So it's time?
[Arne] Here.
Trying to get through. Thanks.
[door buzzes]
- Congratulations.
- Good job.
- [police radio beeping]
- [man on radio] Sveavägen, over.
[woman 2] Tunnelgatan/Sveavägen.
- [man] Yes?
- [woman 2] A guy's been shot.
- [siren wailing]
- [indistinct radio chatter]
[man] Has there been a shooting or?
[man 2] Yes,
some poor guy's been shot here.
[man] Oh?
[man 2] On Tunnelgatan/Sveavägen.
[man 1] Uh-huh.
[man 2] It just happened.
- Apparently, he's been shot in the chest.
- The chest?
[woman 2] This is Control, over.
[woman 3] Is it true?
Has Olof Palme been shot?
[woman 2] Yes.
[Pär] So, 20 minutes after Palme's
been shot, Engström wants to get back in?
[security guard]
Yes, and, um, he was very different.
Yeah, he was extremely shaken.
Sure, he'd just seen
Palme get shot, but still
[breathing heavily]
- There was that thing he said about Palme
- What?
What did he say?
[Arne] So he said
he thought Palme looked small?
After the second shot,
he stood there for a second
looking at the body on the ground.
That's when he thought Palme looked small.
Why the hell would he go back to Skandia?
He can't have had anywhere else to run.
- Have you read the draft?
- [Arne] Yeah.
You're coming across too eager.
Just stick to what we know for sure.
Like the weapon, for instance.
Where did he get it from?
- He bought it at Plattan.
- Oh, that's just speculation.
And it's probably not true if you ask me.
So you think he happened
to one handy in his office?
No idea.
But that's the point.
Don't give Holmér a reason
to dismiss your entire report
over nothing more than a few wild guesses.
Just stick to what you know for sure.
[Hans] You know
we're getting close to a raid?
You'll have to rearrange
all this quite a bit, won't you?
How many fat 50-year-old
compulsive liars have you arrested
for premeditated murder in your career?
Well, there's a first time for everything.
You can see Engström as Palme's murderer?
- Given what we know from the scene
- [Hans] No, that's not what I meant.
Given what we know
about Stig Engström as a person,
can you imagine him shooting Palme?
And you?
Well, it can be tricky
to understand what Engström was thinking.
[Hans] Difficult
or impossible?
[Lennart] If we arrest Engström,
we can get a clearer picture
of how his mind works.
Cheers, guys.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Okay, tell me.
Any updates?
It's, uh, business as usual.
You know, whenever I turn on the news,
I think, "Here it comes."
"52-year-old man from Täby
arrested for Palme murder."
Come on, don't be stingy with the details.
When are you bringing in Engström?
Engström's gone cold.
What he did
on Sveavägen, we may never know.
That in itself is a concern.
But he's not a priority.
How's Engström gone cold?
Well, looks like we pushed it too hard.
Nieminen is walking along
David Bagares gata and sees a man
in a coat and with a wrist bag
fleeing the murder scene,
and you're telling me
that it's no longer Stig Engström?
Like he said
there are some things we may never
know in this case regarding Engström,
but it's more important
that we solve the murder, right?
[Arne] You're smoking again.
Yeah. So Holmér got to you, did he?
- Did you even put up a fight?
- Lay off, Arne.
Listen here, Göran.
Don't you think I know the real reason
why Engström wasn't
part of the reconstruction?
Now, how did you put it?
"He was busy." Did you even call him?
You didn't, did you?
Did you ever believe that it was Engström?
[Arne scoffs]
Then, please, enlighten an old fool.
If it wasn't Engström
who shot Palme, who the hell did?
[Fors] It's coming.
Just keep watching the news.
[Rapport theme song playing]
[host] Last night, a large police raid
took place against the PKK.
Solving the murder of Olof Palme
may be closer than ever.
Around 20 people were arrested in
and around Stockholm early this morning
who are suspected of complicity
in the murder of
Prime Minister Olof Palme one year ago.
It is alleged that the murderer
was an assassin hired by PKK.
[Margareta] Maybe it's finally over.
[Hans] The police have taken interest in
Yeah, could be.
20 people who are suspected to be
complicit in the murder of Olof Palme.
- [reporter] Is this your main lead?
- [Hans] Yes it is.
Like I said, our efforts today
were a part of our "main lead" strategy.
[host] It began early this morning
when police officers
who were part of this morning's raid
gathered in police headquarters
at Kungsholmen.
It was still pretty bold of Hans Holmér.
- He really went all-in with the PKK.
- [Thomas] Yeah, but he had no choice.
Without the PKK, he had nothing.
But Holmér knew
that he would be questioned.
That's why it was so important
to quickly get rid of
all alternative theories of the murder,
especially the Skandia Man.
But how do you get rid
of an alternative perpetrator?
Well, that turned out
to be surprisingly easy.
The question was who would do it.
Holmér knew exactly who
the right man
for that assignment should be.
Göran Fors.
Everything that pointed
to Engström had to be invalidated.
Göran Fors started by establishing
that Stig Engström
had been at the scene of the murder,
as a witness.
And there was a witness
who had approached a parked car
and said he'd seen the murder.
This was a misunderstanding,
which Göran Fors was well aware of.
He knew that it wasn't Engström
that the person in the car had talked to.
[typewriter clacking]
Despite that,
Göran Fors declared that was the case.
But, um
the main problem
was still David Bagares gata.
Who's the man seen running away there?
No, I don't recognize the coat.
[Fors] Uh-huh.
The one I saw was
of thinner material and it wasn't done up.
[Fors] So the coat is not right.
But, of course,
obviously, the coat was wrong.
Because Engström
wasn't photographed in the same clothes
that he wore on the night of the murder.
[Fors] Anything else?
No, everything else looks about right.
The length of the coat, the man's build,
the shoes and the wrist bag.
That's how I remember him.
So, how tall would you say the man you
saw running towards you that night was?
A little above average. Maybe six foot.
How tall would you say
the man in the picture is?
I'd say, uh, 5'9".
[Thomas] Stig was 5'10".
So Nieminen was off by an inch.
Which was enough for Göran Fors.
We have one more item before lunch.
Stig Engström
Have you all seen the report?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
We may never find out
where on Sveavägen Stig Engström was,
but we're ruling him out as having been
on the scene.
- Great.
- [Hans] Lunch.
[indistinct chatter]
["Låt Kärleken Slå Rot"
by Ted Gärdestad playing]
[indistinct chattering]
[Stig] As a policeman,
he should know better.
He should've been thinking about that.
No, I think that the police
are entirely wrong about the weapon.
They say Smith & Wesson,
but they weren't there.
I heard both shots,
and the revolver did not sound
as large a calibre as a .375 Magnum.
I've also been thinking
about the second shot,
the one aimed at Lisbeth.
The murderer must've felt so terrible.
I mean, shooting Lisbeth must have
been like shooting an innocent animal.
[mysterious music playing]
[pen clicks]
- [typewriters clacking]
- [telephones ringing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Thomas] It's incomprehensible
that nothing happened
after Häggström sent in his report.
So the CIA use Stay Behind
to murder Olof Palme.
Because Palme
was too friendly with the Russians.
The Cold War was still going on.
The CIA began to see Palme as a threat.
So Stay Behind
uses Stig Engström as the hitman?
[Thomas] Yeah, that's why Palme
was shot right outside of Skandia.
[Stig] Well, Skandia used to have vision.
But not just at Skandia, in all Sweden.
There was conviction.
Nowadays, now people don't care.
They only care about how much time
it takes Mr. Engström to draw, you know.
- Do you know what that means?
- No.
The beginning of the end.
[men laughing]
[man 3] They get nothing.
If he stays away, everything will be fine.
[Stig] Palme
That nasty little rat.
[indistinct conversation]
So, back to work.
Do my best to please the geniuses
in the advertising department.
It's really you, Stig.
- Hi!
- Hey.
Oh, this is Anna Eckerman.
Anders from accounting.
- Hi, Anna.
- Pleasure.
- Stig's ex-wife.
- Yeah.
- [Anders] See you at the office.
- Yeah.
- Do you live near here?
- Eh, no.
I work up here at
- Skandia.
- [Anna] Really!
I have a senior position in the company.
I live, uh Thanks. In Täby.
In a big old house.
- That's nice to hear.
- Yes, thank you.
Yes, it's a very
well-ordered existence in Täby.
High society. [chuckles]
Meet Rickard, my son.
- Yes. Hello.
- Hi.
- So, how old are you?
- I'm 15.
- Yeah.
- [Anna] Do you have any?
No, it It just never worked out that way.
Work's so busy, and
[melancholy music playing]
Ah, we should be going.
- Really good to see you, Stig.
- Yeah.
- See you.
- Yes, bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[tense music playing]
[Harry] So, Palme's letting his son
go off to study at Harvard, huh?
- He won't be paying any taxes on that.
- Scandalous.
[Harry] It's awful.
If I ever run into
that bastard on the street
I'll give him a piece of my mind.
I see Palme now and again.
Several times a week. He used to
Start by asking him why he let
that Soviet sub escape from Hårsfjärden.
- We had it. All he had to do was sink it.
- Yes.
We have lunch at the same place.
And there they sit
[Harry] His failures in the East,
that's the real threat.
It wouldn't surprise me
if that is exactly what he wants,
to turn Sweden into a Soviet stooge.
If we're not already.
Somebody needs to put a bullet
in Palme's head before it's too late.
Yes, indeed.
Stig, come here a minute.
I'm busy.
Stig, please.
[all] Hey!
[all singing]
For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny ♪
And so say all of us! ♪
This was you?
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
For he's a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us! ♪
Four cheers for our loyal friend, Stig!
Hip, hip
Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray!
Thank you, my wonderful friends.
- And now for the important part.
- Oh, wow.
- From all of us to our 51-year-old.
- [chuckles].
What's this now?
Shall I open it and take a look?
Ah, wow, look! [laughs]
[all laugh]
Anyone fancy a state-sanctioned freebie?
[all laugh]
Hang on, hang on,
we have one more gift for you, for Stig.
- Here.
- Huh?
- Happy birthday.
- [Stig] What's this then?
Oh, ay, ay, ay.
[Harry] Stig, your glass is empty.
Time for a refill!
[Stig] Yes. Right now? Shall I?
- [Petronella] Oh, Dad
- [Harry] What is it now, Petronella?
You can't just give a box of wine to Stig.
Why the hell not?
You can see he's happy, can't you?
You know very well
that he drinks too much.
Who cares? It's only Stig.
- Thank you. Cheers.
- Happy birthday.
Thank you. This is fantastic. Cheers.
[host] A fter ten hours of talks,
a dramatic decision
was made at the highest level.
Hans Holmér was forced to leav e
the Palme room after 341 days.
There was no agreement
on how to proceed with the investigation
after the failed police raid
on the Kurdish organization PKK.
[reporter 1] Around the world,
newspapers, TV and radio
all report the actions of
the Swedish police as a complete failure.
[reporter 2] It's no exaggeration
to call this a national disappointment
since the Swedish people believed
the police had found the perpetrators.
[reporter 1] The search for
Olof Palme's murderer continues.
The first reward for a legitimate tip-off
was promised a few days after the murder.
That has now been raised, yet again,
to as much as 50 million kronor.
[reporter 3] Hans Ölvebro is 42 years old
and has been a police officer since 1966.
On the first of March,
he will take over the difficult job
of leading the search
for Olof Palme's murderer,
two years since the crime was committed.
Ölvebro does not share Holmérs opinion
that there was necessarily
a group behind the murder.
So now they're back to the lone shooter.
[Hans Ölvebro] The amount of material
we have to go through is immense.
[reporter 3] But you believe
you'll be able to handle it?
Do you remain optimistic?
Yes, I believe that from
the material we have already gathered,
we will find the murderer.
[reporter 3] Even with such
an extensive collection of material,
Hans still thinks that this will benefit
the Palme investigation going forward.
Hello, Stig.
Ah Uh-huh.
Long time no see, huh?
Yeah, long time no see.
I was just on my way
to see some old colleagues.
I've been keeping an eye on you.
That so?
Yeah, Skandia bought out my contract.
They thought I was spending
too much time on the Palme murder
and not enough time working.
It's a mutual interest
we share, I believe.
Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
It must be so stressful
walking around with that big secret.
I can tell it's taking its toll on you.
How can you stand it?
- Well, I don't really
- I have a proposal.
We both know you're
gonna get caught sooner or later.
I might be the one to catch you,
or someone else.
The only thing
that will save you is your death.
why don't we split the money?
If you give me
enough information to nail you,
you'll get 40 million.
And I'll be happy with ten.
You get out in 15 years,
rich as a king. You'll be famous.
What do you say?
[suspenseful music playing]
- Well, I
- [chuckles] I'm only joking, Stig.
I'd never let you have a penny.
But it's very interesting
that you considered taking it.
See you.
It has not been proved
that Stig Engström murdered Olof Palme,
but the Swedish police
and Prosecution Authority suspect him.
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