The Unusual Suspects (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Come, come, come, come, come, come.
Oh, shit. Shit.
It's locked.
How're we gonna get in?
Got an idea.
Watch out.
Sara, stop!
There's a key, you idiot.
OK, let's do this thing.
Sara's kids have these.
Toy smart watches with
a walkie-talkie function.
We can use it to talk on the day,
then get rid of them.
No phone records.
Nice work, Evie.
Alright. Let's run through it
again from the top.
The theme of the party is carnival.
We'll have a ringmaster,
clowns, hula-hooper,
fortune teller, and a former
punk band who now do kids' parties.
Think chaos.
Very loud chaos.
I pretend to be drunk.
Drowning my sorrows after
my recent public humiliation.
Let's get ripped.
Generating more footage
for the rock bottom portion
of my phoenix from the flames
comeback narrative.
I'll get Jordan to take Sara
to dry out in the garage -
or as he calls it, the man cave.
When Sara is in place, passed out,
in view of the CCTV,
I'll use my Russian malware
that I've installed remotely
to create a loop
of the man cave CCTV.
Prepare for take off.
I swap myself out for the mannequin,
hidden the previous evening by Amy,
and then head upstairs.
Remember, you have to lock
the outside door,
so no-one comes in by accident.
I set off again and
remember to lock the door.
Sara puts the mannequin in place
and makes her way
via the maid's staircase
Where there is no CCTV. the second floor of the house
to the master bedroom,
where, thanks to me,
she will find everything she needs
ready to crack the safe
in the walk-in-robe.
On the cue of the band playing
..Sara will start drilling.
Wait, why do I have to drill?
Oh, my God.
Ah, you are the least
obvious suspect.
Because you're rich and white,
and have no close connections
to anyone in my house.
Yes, no, I mean, it's your necklace.
Why don't you just leave it
somewhere and I just lift it?
It has to look like a real robbery,
Sara, obviously.
And Jeannie wants the necklace
locked in the safe all the time now,
since your party.
Oh, yeah. Keep going.
So while you're upstairs,
the rest of us stay outside
to be caught on camera.
Our collective alibi.
Meanwhile, I have an open bar
where there are many entry points
to the rest of the house,
making narrowing down suspects much
harder for police down the line.
Sara finishes drilling,
lines up the lock,
opening up the safe
and takes the necklace.
Then, on the cue of the band
playing Happy Birthday,
Sara will go back downstairs
and replace herself.
Sara takes her position
back on the couch.
The egg is back in the basket.
And I'll turn off the loop
and head on over to Roxanne's.
While I check in on Sara.
(WHISPERS) Do you have it?
Sara gives me the necklace
and I tuck it into my trousers.
Birdie makes a sound
complaint at the front door.
I'm here to make a noise complaint.
I insist you come in for a cup of
tea and a biscuit in the kitchen.
I put my bag down,
ready for the handover.
Birdie leaves.
Birthday burglary complete.
The end!
We still have to pack up,
cover our tracks.
Yes, now what will bring us down
is what we do afterwards.
Nobody can spend the money quickly.
That is how people get caught.
SARA: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Birdie.
But we'll have done the hard part.
We'll have our ten million dollars.
No, we'll have a very hot, extremely
expensive one-of-a-kind necklace.
And a new problem.
What's that?
Who's going to sell it?
Who's our fence?
What the fuck's a fence?
We need a serious criminal.
Someone with the right connections
to get us our 10 million
plus commission.
That is important.
I can't have my share
going below two million,
what the fuck am I doing this for?
You know, Harry the Hammer
owes me a favour.
What? Are you joking?
Didn't he dispatch his enemies
with a claw hammer?
Oh, darling, that was years ago.
He's like a pussycat now.
Oh, OK, I think we can all agree
no-one with a history
of whacking people.
Yeah. We need someone
we know we can trust.
To bring into the circle of trust.
We must know someone like that.
Sure, we know so
many people like that.
Maybe Jordan would know somebody.
Rack off, Sara.
Jordan's a white collar criminal,
not some lowlife.
If we haven't got a fence
willing to take it off our hands
for cash money up front,
then there's no point
in doing any of this.
Guess I have to start
looking for another job.
What? Why would you do that?
For money.
Oh, you've still got
Nick's bribe money.
That'll see you through.
But when that runs out?
I need to keep sending money home.
By then we'll have done the heist.
Birdie just said we can't
spend that money fast.
Oh. That doesn't apply to me.
And why not?
Because I'm rich, Evie.
No-one knows where
I get my money from.
BOTH: # I'm all out of love
I'm so lost without you
# I know you were right
# Believing for so long
# I'm all out of love
# What am I without you?
# I can't be too late
# To say that I was so wrong
# I'm so lost without you
# I know you were right
# Believing for so, so long.
You still got it.
You still got it, Amy.
You realise as soon as the cops
are looking at a robbery here,
you'll be found out
as an over-stayer.
They'll put you in a detention
centre, maybe for a while.
I know.
I'm actually going home.
God, I'm so sorry I didn't do more.
You know, I didn't know what my life
would be like without you
and I didn't want to find out.
That's alright.
We had a good run, huh? (LAUGHS)
You were an OK boss.
Better than those arseholes
that we worked for in the beginning,
Oh, my God.
You know, I would look after you
forever, if I could.
This is better.
It's not you looking after me.
It's us doing something together.
So find someone
to sell that necklace, OK?
# Ba-da-ba-ba-ba! #
Thursday? That's wonderful.
(GASPS) Rae!
So good to see you.
It's been ages.
Oh, darling, I've been
in the Riviera, and let me tell you,
there are no clinics
in Europe as good as yours.
Anyway, I've been meaning to call.
I'm actually having another one
of my little trunk sales tonight.
You, umwant to come over
for a private show?
I would love that.
Now, umhow're you doing, love?
II heard about Jordan's arrest.
You know, I've been through it all
with Rocco.
You have just gotta keep your cool.
Thanks, Rae. It's been tough,
but I'm coming out swinging.
Of course you have, darling.
You're a tough broad like me.
But if there's anything
that I can do,
you just pick up
the dog and bone, alright?
There is something
I'd love to run by you.
Well, come through, we'll have a chat
before your treatment.
Oh! OK.
Did I do good or what?
Sorry, English.
Rae, it's perfect.
Her husband is an accountant
for the mob,
but he's not a heavyweight,
and she is connected, but no danger
of any smashy-smashy.
Well, I trust Rae because
I've been buying handbags
that fell off the back of a truck
from her for years,
and in all that time, not one fake.
And all the girls
who work for Rae love her.
No-one has a bad word
to say about her.
And that really means something.
OK, girls!
Hello, Rae!
Well, this is a bit
of fun, isn't it?
As I always say,
nothing brings people together
like a little criminal conspiracy.
Right, now who wants to
pour the champagne
while you fill me in on the finer
points of this daring escapade?
Thank you, Evie.
So, we have a $16 million necklace
that's in a safe.
Owned by a witch that's
just begging to be liberated.
How very Wizard of Oz.
Do go on.
Ah, there.
Not too bad.
Very good.
Hope Garth doesn't notice.
He's never in here.
Neither are you.
How's Melanie?
She's good.
I've decided to do an article about
you and Melanie for my website.
Sara, no.
'Love your nanny' was the start
of all of my problems.
Whatwhat do you mean?
My husband saw your posts.
Made him think that
I was hiding things from him.
I was.
What were you hiding?
(SIGHS) It's hard.
I'm going to do something to fix it.
We're about to do a heist
because you can't afford
to even pay me.
Oh, yeah.
(LAUGHS) But Sara to the rescue?
You're always like, "I
got this. I got this."
Sara, you don't got this.
Oh, my God.
Am I the worst?
You are. (LAUGHS)
# Beautiful girl
I'm a beautiful girl. #
Yes, I am.
Mum's getting on well with the kids.
Mm, so touching.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to say Mum can live
with you if I get put away.
Are you joking?
It's not unreasonable
to want my mum looked after.
It is totally unreasonable
to ask me to look after her.
She hates me.
Look at it like this.
You want to keep a hold of
that necklace,
looking after Mum
is your best option.
She goes, it goes.
Just saying.
You know what?
We're having this party tomorrow
for the boys.
But after that, it is over.
I want a divorce.
No. I want a man that fights for me.
I need an equal to walk beside me,
not someone who drags me down.
Sara, we need to talk.
Yeah, I know.
But do we have to do it now?
Are you leaving me?
What? No!
Why would you say that?
Tonight I went to pay
for dinner, for our children,
and my card was declined.
All my cards were declined.
And then I checked
our joint bank account.
It's empty.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
This is some kind of tactic,
isn't it?
You've hired some
shark divorce lawyer,
'cause you want me to know
how trapped I am,
as if I didn't know already
No, that is absolutely
not what is happening.
Don't you dare leave me for that
fucking wanker Nick.
What? Eww. No, of course not.
Don't say it like it's ridiculous.
I know you fucked him.
Everyone on the internet
knows you fucked him.
I fucked him.
And it was a mistake.
I'm so sorry, Garth.
So where's the money, Sara?
Well, if this isn't a tactic,
then it's something else.
What is it?
It's a situation. An event.
A series of events
creating a situation.
Sara, are you broke?
No. No.
No, it's acashflow problem.
You blew through your
entire inheritance, didn't you?
You spent it all
on that stupid website.
This whole time
you've been telling me
that I'm the colossal fuck-up and
failure and you blew all that money?
EVIE: Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you.
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
I really, really,
really believe they are.
It's too much, Birdie.
Nonsense, darling,
it's a freebie from Roxanne.
Today's the last day before
the voucher expires.
Well, why don't you use it?
I told you, I've got
a mountain of paperwork.
Besides, it's like Oprah says, this
is your chance to practise receiving.
Come on. Go on, you have
a great day at the spa.
Off you go. Come back
sparkling like a diamond.
Thank you.
Bye, darling!
Oh, that's pretty, isn't it?
You fellas think you could do that?
How are my boys?
You're going to have
the best day ever, my boys.
The very best.
Come on. Let's have a go
at the photo booth.
Kids, why aren't you ready to go?
Mum's being weird again.
Have you been taking drugs?
You know what your problem is?
You worry too much.
I got this.
Oop. Oh.
Ah, that was nice.
Welcome! Welcome!
I'll put it with the other presents.
Power Range Rovers are go!
Ah, I'll take Ollie to
look at the animals.
Look at all the mummies.
Hi, Sara.
Fuck. What are you doing here?
Slow your roll, I was invited.
Oh, sure, you were invited
to a six-year-old's birthday party.
I'm calling security. Roxanne!
Jordan invited me.
We hit it off at the art show.
He has great taste,
and wants to buy some of my work.
Sorry, ladies, I slept with her once
and now she won't leave me alone.
He is obsessed with me.
You are literally the first person
to watch all of my Instagram stories.
That is a fucking fabrication.
Can you just leave? Please, Nick.
My kids are here.
I don't think so.
Ah It's not what it looks like.
Everyone sees through you
eventually, Sara.
It's so fucking tragic.
Isn't it time
for you to have a drink?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Sara, are you alright?
Yes, yes. Mocktails.
She's good.
# I'm a catch
But I never get caught
# Mister Right knows I'm never wrong
# So delightful,
can't stop the charm
# Oh, you wanna try?
OK, twist my arm
# I'm so flexible
# Keep it fluid like my music
when it's sexual
# Know you like it
when I do it all sensual
# Flow's menstrual
# Lyrics you might find
# Gotta a hundred other honeys
and a bulletproof heart
# You want a shot?
Whip out the card
# Put it on your Amex
Let's hit that hard
# You wanna talk?
Debit or charge?
# My time is money
You got no sense
# You in the closet
like Michael Pence
# You ain't my type
I do not like you
# I am a goddess
You just a white dude
# I'm the cherry on top
# Got cake, got cool,
got ice, got rocks
# And I make your shit pop
# So fresh, so clean
Yes, queen, I'm a star #
Time to send in Jordan, I guess.
Let's do this thing.
# Cherry on top. #
Have a drink with me.
I don't know how well
you know my wife,
but she's literally going to
kill you if you ruin her party.
We're the same, you and I.
We're no good.
We're both fuck-ups, Jordan.
All that money fucks you up.
He's gonna divorce me.
Hey, you never could
handle your booze.
Come on. Come on.
Down we go.
I'm sorry, Garth.
I love you.
Say what you like about her,
she's one hell of an actress.
I'm back!
Huh? You're back?
So soon?
One of the most important things
about being connected
to the flow of the universe
is knowing when something
is truly meant for you.
The day at the spa was a gift
from Roxanne for you, Birdie.
I feel like it was
meant for you, though.
No, no, no, I talked to
the girls at the clinic
and they said don't worry
about the expiry date.
Come in any time you like.
Oh, that's so sweet.
You really shouldn't have.
But I must. And so it is.
Ooh, let's go check out Roxanne's
party. It sounds mega-wild.
Oh, it's a children's party,
isn't it?
No, I can't stand children.
Walking germ factories.
I might pop over.
Hey! How's that Aussie bloke
of yours going?
Any more cryptic messages?
Ooh, he just texted.
All emojis.
Hit me with it.
The Eagle has landed.
No, it was a beagle.
It ran across the grass.
Oh, a beagle.
# From the top,
it's a long way to the shore #
Far out.
Sara, everything OK?
Sara, do you copy?
# I switch on
and it's nag, nag, nag, nag, nag
# But it's cool,
my mind's a garbage bag #
What the fuck?!
Oi-oi, the cameras.
I'll check in on her.
The man cave?
If you go in there,
you'll disappear from the CCTV
and they'll know it's on the looper.
Oh, yeah.
There's cameras there too.
We'll ask Birdie.
Birdie, do you read me?
What was that?
Oh, just a reminder I made
for myself to do some reading.
Oh. You are good with technology.
Ah, yeah.
It's a message from Birdie.
"Can't talk now, Gigi is here".
Oh, bloody hell, Birdie.
I can't reply to this.
It will leave a record.
Gigi is supposed
to be at the clinic.
I'll message her through the watch.
Send text to Birdie.
Is that a smart watch?
How long have you had that?
Oh, just got it.
I'm going to have to
send it back, though,
because the text is so damn small.
What are you up to over there?
Oh, just some boring,
fiddly accounting.
How's your text going?
Oh, I think I'm getting there.
Ask him how his weekend is.
That's only common courtesy.
Birdie says, "All clear. Go ahead."
What does that mean?
Just go from here.
Yeah, OK, OK.
Get out of my way.
Psst. Fancy a line?
No, no, no. This way.
Wait! Stop!
Ha! Look at Sara.
Never could handle her booze.
That's what I said.
I haven't done drugs in years.
Roxanne wouldn't allow it.
She's too classy for drugs.
I gave up everything good for her.
Exactly. Forget about her.
You've been married the whole time
Tinder's been around?
Oh! You've got no idea
what it's like out there, man.
Get high and slay, brother.
You got any more of this?
Sara. Sara!
Hey! Stop! Sara!
Stop! Hey!
Oh! Evie, God.
Thank God you're here.
This is so much harder than F45.
Oh, don't look at me like that.
We can fix it.
We still have time.
OK? Oh.
Oh, no, we can't fix it, can we?
I'm sorry, Evie. I fucked up.
I had a drink and then that
combined with the Xanax and
I messed everything up.
My whole life is in the crapper
and oh, my God, I've become someone
who uses words like 'crapper'.
What is even going on?
Hey, snap out of it.
We haven't got time for this, OK?
Give me the gloves.
Give me the gloves.
Lock the door, OK?
Don't let anyone in, no matter what.
And do you have some of those
other pills in here?
The ones that make you,
you know, go up?
OK, take them.
And drink some water.
Sober up. Can you do that?
OK. OK. Do not let anyone in, OK?
OK. OK. Go.
There's something I need to say.
There have been times
in our marriage
when I felt something was missing.
I couldn't put my finger on
exactly what it was.
So to find out that maybe you're not
everything you appear to be
..really took me by surprise.
And Nick? Oh.
That was a shock.
I know you must have been
all sorts of fucked up
to have made a mistake that stupid,
The point is,
all of this has made me realise
what's important to me,
and that is
..I love you, Sara.
I love you, no money,
fat, bald, driving a bus,
getting drunk and making a spectacle
of yourself - I don't care.
I mean, of course I care,
in terms of your own wellbeing,
but those superficial things?
They're not important to me.
They never were.
What in the living fuck?
SARA: Go away.
Everything's totally normal in here.
What's going on? Open the door.
I can't do that. I'm sorry.
What's that noise?
Oh, um
I thought I'd have
a lovely relaxing spa,
and I accidentally clogged the drain
with, uh, bath salts,
and it's all
God, I've made a bit of a mess.
It's really
It's terrible, actually.
OK, well, open the door
and I'll help you clean it up.
You'd do that for me?
Of course I would.
That's the deal, right?
We're in it together.
Now, open up.
I really, really want to,
but I can't.
It's not bath salts, is it?
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about being broke.
Why didn't you?
Because, I don't know
That's always been
what I have to offer.
You think I'm with you
only for your money?
Well, it's a fact, Garth.
You love spending my money.
Sara, whatever it is
you think you're hiding,
I'm pretty sure I know already.
Except the money,
and fuck the money.
It was your money. I'm sorry
that I acted like it was mine.
ROXANNE: Evie, stop drilling.
How can you forgive me so easily?
You know sometimes when I say
I'm going away on a business trip?
Well, I just go and stay
at a hotel in the city.
Is that a sex thing?
I just, you know,
order room service and watch TV.
You know the other week
when I said I was in Melbourne?
I was just staying in the CBD.
Oh, Garth.
We deserve each other.
Where are we at, girls?
I'm almost there. Got one hole left.
Let's do happy birthday.
You have exactly two minutes, Evie.
I'm doing my best, OK?
Smiley face emoji
instead of the heart eyes,
so I'm not coming across too eager.
Keen to start that apprenticeship,
because that's what we talked
about when we first met.
And then, "Let me know
when you have time for"
I'm just gonna make a complaint.
About what?
The band. It is so loud,
I can't hear myself think.
It's fine.
No, I'm going.
It's for the good of
the neighbourhood, not just for us.
You're in a very weird energy today.
That text is perfect. Send it.
You wait here for his reply.
# Happy birthday #
Oh, fuck! Engaged!
No, no, no, no, no. Up that way.
Up, up, up, up!
Let me do that.
What are you lot up to?
I'm onto you.
You have a great view here, ma'am.
Wait. No, wait!
Don't leave me here!
I'm here to make a noise complaint.
You're too early.
It's all messed up.
Hey, you÷
Lady! Lady! Help me! I'm stranded!
Just stay calm.
Elder abuse!
Check in with Sara.
Don't worry about Sara.
Evie's up there drilling.
Shouldn't we be worried
about the cameras?
Don't worry about the cameras.
I took care of all the cameras.
Evie? Evie.
Make them play it again!
Twice! For twins!
You want to do something for me,
Jordan? Do it now.
Are you on drugs?
Oh, my God.
Twice! For twins!
Oh, sing along with me. Come on!
# Happy birthday to you
# Happy birthday to you.
# Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!
# Happy birthday!
# Happy birthday #
Hello, stranger.
Hey. Thanks for texting.
Are you at home?
Well, I'm nearby.
How about I pick you up
and take you out for a meal?
Oh, I thought you'd never ask. When?
Five minutes?
See you soon.
Help. Please.
Please, people.
We have to pull the plug.
I'll give you the combination.
No, that will totally
give the game away.
Well, this is it!
We can't keep this up.
The combination is 10-20-30-40.
Oh, you're joking.
That sounds like a dummy code.
We can't do that.
Use it or walk, Evie.
That's the combination.
30. 40.
I can't wait to be alone with you.
GARTH: I know. This is so weird.
It's great.
Who are you talking to?
Oh, my God, Evie, you did it.
Oh, my God.
Wait, Evie's in there with you?
I can't let you in.
Oh, fuck a duck.
Hello! Gigi!
Oh! Hi, Jeannie.
I'm locked out!
Yeah, the party's really great!
No, no, no, Gigi.
What are you doing here?
The text worked.
Dean's picking me up out front.
From here?
Don't worry about it.
Oh, I'm not worried. No.
It's really Ooh! Thank you.
I'm up here on the balcony.
OK, go, go.
Was that the necklace?
Why did you do that?
Garth is outside.
Oh, no, Evie. Garth doesn't matter.
What the
Yee-ha! Pool party!
Last one in's a rotten egg!
No way
Come on! Get in!
These parties are the best.
What's going on?
Can you explain it all to me?
I think this one's beyond me,
Thank you.
That's him. Gotta go.
This was just getting mega-wild.
What the hell is going on?
I'll tell you later.
I'll tell you everything.
No more secrets.
I've not had a red frog
in bloody 30 years.
Oh, shit.
Red frog. Red frog. Red frog.
Oh. Hello.
We just came to get, uh
There they are.
Right, see?
Excuse me.
Mrs Beasley? Ma'am?
I don't do that shit.
Lady! Lady!
Please! Help me!
I need my shoes and
a change of clothes.
No, wait! Don't touch anything!
You're not supposed
to be here at all!
Oh, nice work, Evie.
I didn't finish it.
What do you mean?
Where have you been?
She used the combination to open it.
What?! You can't do that!
What is wrong with you?!
I am trying to cover our tracks!
Oh, my God,
you screwed everything up!
Oh. We have to go! Now!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Hey, babe.
We good?
Very good.
Let's get out of here.
Buckle up.
Fire! Help!
I'm here. I'm here.
Where are the children?
Ah, here.
I'm onto you, trollop!
Who wants to count the firies?
ALL: Me.
OK, let's clap first. Clap. Yay!
The fire's out, and no-one is going
anywhere until the police get here.
We've been robbed!
Who'd be stupid enough
to steal from Roxanne Waters?
Come on. We have to meet Rae.
We have to get
the mannequin out first.
I'll do it. Go, go, go, go, go. Go.
I was helping.
Jordan, search everyone!
Start with her!
No-one leaves without a bag check.
Search yourself, Jordie.
Might find my missing nest egg.
I don't know what
you're talking about, mate.
Empty your bags.
You turn your pockets out.
Turn your pockets out, mate.
Oh, thank God.
We've been robbed.
My necklace has been stolen!
Worth $16 million.
Back up, back up.
That guy looks very guilty.
I don't even know who he is.
Argh! What the fuck!
I love you so much
Hey, hey! Privacy, please.
Somebody let me out. Hello!
Hello! Oh, you. You. Hello!
Hello, ladies. How'd you go?
Wow. You pulled it off.
I'm impressed.
So, how was it?
Well, they say the first job's
always the hardest.
Oh, my God.
That is bloody beautiful.
Do you have the money?
Do I have the money?
What do I look like, a crook?
In a Dolce & Gabbana kind of way.
You know what else is beautiful,
Ten million dollars in cash.
Oh, and the bags are a bonus.
Just a little thank you
for bringing it to me.
Great! Thank you, Rae.
Pleasure doing business with you.
Thanks for the bags, Rae.
We did it!
We actually fucking did it!
Oh, my God!
Oh, no.
Rae stiffed us?
I didn't see that coming.
I'm gonna get that bitch.
# All I want is money, money
# Money, money, gimme some
# All I need is money, money
# Money, money, all the time
# Dollar bill
# Cash money
# Money
# I need something
just like that #
Captions by Red Bee Media
(c) SBS Australia 2021
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