The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e03 Episode Script


Multiple stab wounds,
the slashed eyes
- It seems to be the same killer.
- Time of death?
Hard to say. The cold complicates
things. A few days, I would think.
So she could
be the first victim.
Judging by the blood in the
hall and the marks on her shoes,
he must have dragged her
down here while she was still alive.
The first stab wound
was inflicted out there.
But as you can see, her blood
was spread over a much larger area
than at the other crime scenes.
So he stabs her out in the hallway
and then drags her,
bleeding, between rooms.
What for?
Looks like he sat down
over there after stabbing her.
To watch her die?
It's the room.
She was supposed to die here.
This room has some
particular meaning to him.
[phone rings]
We have to send the
body back to Reykjavik
and get Miro to come back
from Oslo with the morning flight.
Isn't it about time Iceland
had its own forensic pathologist?
Well, she has to thaw, so
we'll have to wait anyway.
That was Hakon. He has a
witness at the next farm.
My God! What's going on?
[Arnar] Did you know Brynja personally?
No, not personally.
She'd drive past on her way to Valhalla.
She'd go there for walks and such.
Can you tell us anything about Valhalla?
No, I don't know much about it.
But I don't think it
was a good place.
It must have been hell
for those poor boys.
My daughter said she saw
two cars drive by the other day.
I didn't think anything of it
until I heard what happened.
Palina is developmentally delayed,
so we just have to bear with her.
- Okay.
- I'll go to Brynja's house. See you there.
Palina, dear. There are
people here to see you.
Their names are Kata and Arnar.
They came all the way from Reykjavik.
They would like to ask you
about what you told me the other day.
Do you remember what you saw?
She can be a little
shy around strangers.
Is it okay if I
Yes, of course.
Hi. My name is Kata.
Wow, you sure can draw!
Did you draw all of these pictures?
Do you want to tell me what
you told your mom the other day?
About what you saw?
Would you like to draw me
a picture of what you saw?
Wow, thank you.
Is that a jeep?
Great. Did you see anything else?
Is that another jeep?
No, that's a small car.
The killer's car?
Maybe, but you can't use
this drawing for a BOLO.
You don't say.
How many small gray cars
do you think are out there?
It's still better than nothing.
- If the kid is even telling the truth.
- Wow, aren't you the cheerful one!
Ragnar's alibi is solid.
He was in Spain when
Brynja went missing.
Ragnar is innocent.
Okay, I'll go to town hall.
Where are we with the Valhalla boys?
[Helga] We're just getting started.
- I was about to check our database.
- Okay.
- [Erlingur] Is that Arnar?
- Yes.
- Let me talk to him.
- Erlingur wants to talk to you.
Hi, Arnar. Listen, I can only access
one camera up there.
And nothing. I just really need
access to the private cameras.
Hold on. Hakon?
Can you help Erlingur find all the
private surveillance cameras in town?
Yeah, sure, of course.
Hakon will call you later.
Cool, thanks.
How's it going?
Nobody saw any gray cars.
I just have to keep asking around.
I just I just don't get it.
Brynja, I mean
Polite and sweet.
Never caused any trouble.
The entire town is in
shock. People are terrified.
Who kills an old lady?
Right. Sorry.
Go right ahead.
I'll be in touch
with your colleague.
That's right. Valhalla was under
local administration, but state-funded.
I'm not sure the files are digital.
They might be in the basement.
Let's see here.
Yes. Aisle five.
Can I take a look?
Sure, that should be possible.
Did you know Brynja?
Everyone knows
everyone in Borgarnes.
- Were you friends?
- Friends? No.
- Why not?
- We had some history.
I threatened to press charges against her
when she worked at the nursing home.
What for?
She was an nurse on my dad's ward and
severely neglected him and other patients.
My father ended up in the hospital.
I should have pressed the matter further.
Here it is. Aisle five.
The box with the
Valhalla files is missing.
All the files on Valhalla were
sent to the Ministry of Justice.
[Arnar] I see.
[Kata] I'll ask Helga to contact
the Ministry. We need these files.
Should I pick you up?
I'll talk to you when you get here.
Listen, I've got the owner here.
What exactly am I supposed to tell him?
[Erlingur] I need to know what kind
of compression he uses.
Ask if he uses H.264,
MPEG-4 or Motion JPEG.
You have to connect to the server
because this isn't coming through.
- Or you can use a USB drive. Have one?
- Wait
Wait, wait, I don't understand
a single word you're saying.
Maybe it's best if you speak
to him yourself? Hold on.
Excuse me, he wants to talk to
you about the surveillance cameras.
Yeah, sure.
- Hello?
- Hi, my friend isn't really getting it.
You're probably using H.264,
MPEG-4 or Motion JPEG
- for video compression, right?
- No.
- Oh? Then you have to connect
- I don't understand what you're saying.
to the system. You can use a USB drive.
You should find a file on C
He wants to talk to you again.
I think he's a little nuts.
- Hello again.
- Hakon, you have to go back there
and find the file, because
it's not coming through.
It should be on the C Drive,
unless it's an old system.
- Maybe you should just come here.
- Come there? I don't have time for that.
- Hold the door.
- Are you sure about this?
Someone's coming.
What should I do?
- Hold her?
- It's all good. We'll be out in a minute.
What are you doing?
[girl screams]
Could you repeat that, please?
[Helga] Yes, so the
photograph is obviously the key.
Hugrun is trying to get a fingerprint
off the photo we found at Omar's.
We need your copy
of the photo, right away.
Kata? Arnar? Are you there?
Answer me. Hello?
Yes, we're on our way.
Have you checked if
Thor received a photo?
We're looking into it.
We're asking Iris.
What's the word from
the Ministry of Justice?
They have the Valhalla files.
A report was compiled on all the boys'
homes in the country a few years back.
- Do we get to see this report?
- Yes, they'll send it later today.
I spoke to the man in
charge of compiling of it.
It's Petur Alfredsson,
the current state prosecutor
[Helga's voice fades out]
It's very important now
- We'll talk when we're back in the city.
- No, Kata, I'm not finished. Like I was
- Katrin, can I have a word?
- I don't have time right now.
Now, Katrin.
What's wrong?
You don't decide
when our conversations end.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm responsible for this investigation.
I want to know everything, no matter what,
and I'm not going to repeat myself.
Petur is on his way.
Petur who?
The state prosecutor, Katrin.
[Arnar] You were in charge of
this report, is that correct?
Yes, yes. I was head of the
investigation committee at the time.
I think the title of the report
best describes its content.
Every boys' home in the
country was examined.
Every single one including Valhalla.
- And what were your findings on Valhalla?
- An exemplary boys' home.
- No irregularities?
- Not really.
Isn't that unusual,
considering the home's history?
No, I think people tend to forget that
most of these homes were rather well-run.
The same applies to Valhalla,
as the report states.
[Arnar] The section on Valhalla is much
shorter than the others. How come?
Well, Valhalla only operated from,
what, from early 1986 to 1988, so
Some of the other homes were
operational for decades.
We have a photo, taken at
Valhalla, of 12 boys.
Yet, only four men were
interviewed for the report.
I think most of them were reluctant
to comment on the subject.
Isn't that unusual?
- I'm not the right person to ask.
- What do you mean?
I was only asked to come here
to provide insight into the report
because the police commissioner implied
Valhalla was connected to these murders.
You see no connection?
I have no grounds to comment
on a murder investigation
that I simply know nothing about.
What a load of crap!
- [Helga] Katrin!
- Three people have been murdered.
And no one is going to tell me they're
not connected to Valhalla.
No matter what this report says.
Kata. Are you okay?
You're not letting this stuff
get to you, are you?
Good. Don't let it.
You're doing a great job.
We're all just doing the best we can.
[girl in the video screaming]
[Egill] Hi.
This is awful. Do you have
any idea who this psycho is?
You know I can't talk about it.
No, I know, but
this is just so crazy.
Mom is afraid to leave her house.
Listen, I spoke to Kari.
Oh, okay. And?
We really don't
need to worry about it.
Okay, but what about
the fight and the video?
The fight was nothing serious.
And he didn't know anything about a video.
So I think this was all
a big fuss over nothing.
Okay. I'm glad to hear it.
Thanks for letting me know.
No problem.
- Okay.
- Talk to you later.
Yes, and best of luck.
Yes, thank you.
- Bye bye.
- Bye.
Svenni, can you call me a cab?
What do you want, Eyja?
I just wanted to see you.
Does Leifur know where you are?
You read my letter.
I heard that you went to visit Dad.
I miss you.
I think Jona would enjoy
getting to know her uncle.
I have nothing to say to you all.
Five days ago? Yes, I was here.
I set out in the morning.
- Are there any cameras on the boat?
- Of course.
Does one of them point in that direction?
- Okay, I need to see that footage.
- Okay.
This is from the camera
that faces the pier.
- Can you rewind a little?
- Okay.
Stop. Can you play it from there?
He's attacking him.
- Wait, wait. Could you rewind it a little?
- Sure.
Stop. There.
Did he drop something?
- Hi
- Hi.
[Arnar] This shows us
that Thor knew the killer.
[Kata] Just like Omar and Brynja.
The only thing that connects them
is Valhalla, where they all worked.
Yes, it would seem so.
I think our next step is to talk
to all the boys who were at Valhalla.
- [Arnar] What about the Interpol database?
- [Hugrun] No, no match.
Okay, but the knife
matches the wounds?
Yes, the blade's length and width
match the stab wounds.
Are you sure there are no
usable prints on the photos?
Yes, unfortunately.
Thor never received a photo?
No, not according to Iris.
It could have been sent to his ex-wife.
I can call you when we have the results.
I'll wait.
What's this?
We recently started
building a DNA database.
Government officials,
police officers and such.
If we should ever need it.
Kata's ex-husband works for the
company in charge of the project.
The blood on the knife is human.
We'll have to compare it to the victims.
- When will you get the results?
- I'll send it to Oslo now.
If you call them, we might perhaps
have the results today or tomorrow.
Okay, I'll call them.
Where is Kata, anyway?
[Helga] Listen, let's be perfectly clear.
You can't disrespect people
assisting us with the investigation.
You read the report.
It's shoddy work. Every
single word is rubbish.
That is completely irrelevant. Your
behavior is unacceptable, Katrin.
I called Petur and apologized to him
on your behalf and the department's,
and thanked him for
his assistance, Katrin.
Katrin! If something
like this happens again,
I'll put Arnar in charge
of the investigation.
Excuse me, you
We can't afford to botch the investigation
because you can't control your temper.
Is that understood?
That will be all.
What's the status here?
Johann Agnarsson died from
an overdose nine years ago.
Bjarni Viktor Kjartansson
hanged himself 15 years ago.
There's no way Valhalla
was a normal place.
Four names. Two dead.
Why is it so difficult to
find the boys in the photo?
I just haven't gotten further.
Do you have contact
info for these two?
- Yes.
- Find them. I need to speak to them.
Yes, I'm right on it.
- Here's the water.
- Thank you.
Let's go, honey.
Yes, I'm trying to find Vidar Jonsson.
- I'm trying to figure this out.
- No problem.
Hi, I'm sorry, my name is
Disa Geirsdottir, and I'm with the police.
I'm trying to get in touch
with Vidar Jonsson, your neighbor.
But doesn't he live
in the apartment downstairs from you?
Thank you so much.
Yes, thank you, goodbye.
Hugrun, I've contacted my colleagues
in Norway. They are expecting it. Yes.
This is the police. Esther Jonsdottir?
Is she there?
Are you Fannar?
I'm Arnar, one of the detectives
working on your father's case.
Is your mom at home?
She's asleep.
Could you wake her up?
I need to have a word with her.
Wake up.
Wake up.
There's a cop here.
He wants to talk to you.
When mom is asleep,
it's almost impossible to wake her up.
Could you ask her to call me
when she wakes up?
Hey, one quick question.
Did your dad get any mail sent here?
Really? Okay.
Could I possibly see it?
Is Valkyrie any good?
It's okay.
I played EVE for years.
Okay. Do you wanna try it?
No, thank you.
Maybe later.
Did you ever play with your dad?
Here it is.
May I?
When did this letter arrive?
A few weeks ago.
It's a photograph.
Did you look at it?
Did you recognize your dad?
- Do you recognize anyone else?
- No.
Do you know if your dad had any enemies?
No, I don't think so.
There was this one guy who attacked Dad
in the food court at the mall, though.
- What do you mean? Attacked him how?
- He screamed at him and threatened him.
Oh? When was this?
About two or three
weeks ago, or something.
You know what? Show
me how the game works.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- You press this to go forward. See?
- Yes.
- You have to hold this button down.
- Right.
and you go down.
Just try it. This is the accelerator.
Then he goes back a bit. Try. But you'll
have to press this button to go forward.
Hi, check the security cameras
in the food court at the mall,
three weeks back, give or take
a week. And search for Thor.
And have the Child Protection Agency check
on Fannar Thorsson's condition for me.
Thanks. Later.
Kata, are you all right?
What? Yes.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I just needed a quick time out.
You're not overworking yourself, are you?
I'm just working
very long hours.
Kata, something is
bugging you. I can tell.
What would you do if little Oli
got mixed up with the wrong crowd?
Or, you know, later in life.
What do you mean?
Just, if you knew there was
Or if there possibly was something
Oh, I don't know.
Kata, has something happened to Kari?
Or well, he got into a fight at school,
and I'm not quite sure how to handle it.
Kata, you almost gave me a heart attack.
I thought something horrible had happened.
Don't worry about him. He's a great kid.
It's just a thing boys have to go through.
It's called hormones.
But you would do anything
to help your child, wouldn't you?
No doubt about it.
There you are.
I found another photo. At Thor's ex-wife's.
- Okay.
- Fantastic.
Listen, as I have you
both here, follow me.
All three letters were mailed from
the post office at Mjodd three weeks ago.
Erlingur is checking
the CCTV footage from the area.
Now look at this.
A gray car obviously backed
into the fence outside Valhalla.
Didn't the little girl draw a gray car?
- One of the taillights was broken.
- Assuming Brynja was the first victim,
we can look for a gray
car with a broken taillight.
Hey, we have addresses and
phone numbers for Benedikt and Vidar.
So, how should we do this?
Do what?
Do we talk to Vidar or Benedikt first?
Shouldn't we just talk to one each?
- Yes.
- Which one do you want?
Hello, Vidar.
We spoke on the phone earlier. I'm
from the Criminal Investigation Department.
As I mentioned earlier,
I need to ask you a few questions
regarding a certain matter.
Could you describe Valhalla to me?
And how you boys
were treated there?
I know it's been a long time,
and must be difficult to remember,
but it would be really helpful.
How we were treated?
That simply depended on the day
and what kind of mood they were in.
Some of us were severely
beaten, others not so much.
Is that what you want to hear?
Or do you want to hear about the time
they broke my arm for spilling something?
Or when Mom and Dad came to visit me
on my birthday, and I was locked up?
And they were told I
was out horseback riding?
Or in the evening, when
they would take a boy and
[Vidar breathes heavily]
Where were the police then?
Or the Child Protection Agency?
Where were you?
- Well, of course, I wasn't
- And everything is just dandy now, right?
I told those report writers everything,
and what did they do about it? Nothing!
Can I show you a photograph?
There we are, all of us together.
So young and stupid.
Could you name anyone in the photo?
Tommi. He was always running away.
I should have run away with him.
Are you in touch with him today?
He disappeared.
Well, at Valhalla.
Do you remember his full name?
No, he was always just called Tommi.
Some of the boys thought he had
made it to town, but I don't know.
He must have fallen into a crevasse.
He simply vanished.
I called the station a few days ago.
- You called? What do you mean?
- Yes, I called.
I waited until I was cut off.
So I called again. And waited.
And then some woman wrote down my number.
Not a particularly efficient
system you've got there.
It took you, what, a week to get here?
I called and said I had some
information about Valhalla.
Would you be willing to share
that information with me now?
Do you want to know the truth?
You know, everyone around me
is on tenterhooks because of this.
But I'm glad that someone
decided to kill those people.
Could you tell me where you were
on November 8, 14 and 15?
Right here.
Can anyone verify that?
Yes, sure.
My colleagues can confirm
that I was here on all those dates.
Have you seen this photograph before?
Complete hell on earth.
Do you remember the boys' names?
Do you remember any full names?
We were just kids.
And what about the staff?
And Brynja.
Oh, yes
and then there was Gummi.
Yeah, he worked there for a few months.
Gummi was the only one
who treated us boys kindly.
And he's not in the photo, or?
He's the one who took the photo.
- [Hugrun] I haven't gone through it all.
- That's okay.
But tell me, wasn't he wearing
a green coat when he was found?
Yes, that's correct.
And you think the bones
belong to this boy?
Hi, you are not going to believe this.
Kata, there was another employee.
There was another person
working at Valhalla.
We have to find him right away.
Subtitle translation by Sindri Eldon
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