The Village (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Deeper into the Abyss

- So, is this the place you mentioned?
- Yes.
It's beautiful.
Chief! We have been
on many forest missions
but I have never seen anything like this.
What's that?
- looks like your science bottles.
- Sir
Exogenyx logo!
Bag them.
So, did a team come here before us?
Dude, go!
- Careful.
- There are a lot of leeches around.
How did it end up here?
Check this out.
What the
You wanted to see me?
- Jagan.
- Sir?
- Can you both leave?
- Yeah.
- Jagan.
- Sir?
Before you go
bring me that file.
Why are you creating a big scene?
Why can't you just die in silence?
Come closer.
Come, please.
Did you meet the doctor?
What did he say?
He said that heavy rains are expected
in Singapore for the next ten days.
What else can we expect from him?
He said that I can walk
only in my dreams.
Actually, I don't even remember
how walking feels like.
And apparently, it seems like
spinal cord therapy won't work on me.
My nerves are shot.
Do you remember?
It all started with that shot
you gave me first.
Back then, I was about eight years old.
I can understand your suffering.
After your mom passed away
I was not there for you and
I know you suffered a lot.
the reason why I left you alone
is something you don't know.
Now that you are on your death bed,
are you getting scared?
Stop annoying me and just die.
I need to say something to you.
Whatever it is,
just write it down and die.
I will read it when I am bored.
I have done a lot to make you walk.
I have done a lot of wrong things.
You should not repeat the same mistakes.
So, please listen to me.
This this is about you.
Okay, tell me.
I was doing a research
to find the chemical composition
that could cure your nerve damage.
I pushed myself and tried doing my best.
I spent many sleepless
nights, starving myself.
It was like walking in the dark.
Then, I saw a glimmer of light.
A chemical!
Lantanite! That was it's name.
That is when I discovered Kattiyal.
What happened here?
The people who sowed
sins here, reaped it too.
During the 2004 tsunami
the whole of Kattiyal
turned into sterile land.
Come on, hurry up.
Careful. Do not break the bricks.
Hold this.
Bathe him properly! Use the soap.
He never takes bath. Just like his mom.
Aren't you coming to work today?
- You go on, I will come in a while.
- You're hardly eating. Just eat!
Sethu, we must fix all this.
Or else, it will leak
during the rainy season.
What's going on?
Look what's happening.
You fuckers! Stop it!
Hey, stop it!
Move the vehicle!
I said, move it!
Don't you have a heart?
How dare you demolish our houses?
- Get down!
- Look
we have the contract to clear
this place immediately.
Please move aside.
We have to demolish it.
Who the hell gave you the
contract to demolish our houses?
We did.
We have the documents!
The owner of this land has
sold this land to our company.
If you have any concerns, go ask him.
What do you want me to do?
I earn nothing from that mine.
All its mineral resources
have been depleted.
And that's why I have sold the mine
and the place occupied by you all.
They are demolishing our houses.
Where will we go now?
The one who has bought the land has
all the rights to demolish what's on it.
What can I do about it?
What about us?
You should have thought about it
before castrating my brother!
We've been working
for you for three generations.
And you will throw us out once
all your dirty work is done, is it?
Who gave you
permission to sell the land?
- Whose permission should I get?
- Our permission!
Yes, you should ask us!
Fucking bastards.
Rotten scoundrels.
Who the hell do you think
you people are?
I am the rightful owner.
I will sell it or burn it down to ashes!
No one has the rights to question me.
The trees we planted and
the land we sowed know,
that we have the rights!
You don't have any rights!
For a mere 38 annas,
your great grandfather
sold your entire lineage
to this Amaran's dynasty.
You don't have an iota of rights.
They have the rights!
The law permits it.
This is none of your business.
Do not interfere in this.
Enough, Mom.
We must put an end to this today.
Go ahead and ask these people
to go and beg those company men.
Why should they beg?
I will chase them out.
That land belongs to my grandfather.
I am the sole owner of it.
You don't even have
the rights to sell it!
What makes them
think that they can buy it?
Your land?
Kattiyal is not your
grandfather's property.
I built it from scratch.
It is mine, and no one else
can claim any right to it.
If you want, you go along
with them and die. Go!
- Listen--
- No Sakthi, leave it.
Don't fight with your family for our sake.
- We will leave this village.
- Hey!
Where will you go, you fool?
You don't have to go anywhere.
I have a place of my own.
Let us go there.
I knew this would happen when I saw you
reading that book on communism.
That you will rebel against me some day.
That is why I gave that
worthless piece of land to you.
Go on. Take these people there
and build a graveyard for them.
Go on.
The Deity is descending on her.
The Deity has possessed her.
- Mom, I
- Hey!
Don't come near me.
You traitor!
Our Deity will not forgive you.
- No mom, don't
- You will rot in hell.
You will rot in hell.
You, along with these people,
will decay and turn into dust.
- Subadhra! What happened?
- Dad, listen to me
- The Deity has spoken! Get out of here!
- Dad!
Get the hell out of here!
I have seen the suit that he was
wearing before
in the Exogenyx lab.
He must be a fellow scientist.
Mr. Jagan.
I have only one question for you.
And I want you to tell the truth.
What are we actually dealing with?
What are we dealing with?
Go, figure.
Whatever it is, we brought
you here to protect us.
Shut your trap and do your
job without asking questions.
Looks like rapid decomposition.
Look at that spot.
The lesions on the neck indicate
Indicate what?
I am not sure you'll understand it.
It seems like it was
- it was
- Ripped out of the body.
How long since it happened?
Maybe two to three days.
this team was formed
only two weeks ago.
They were sent for some research.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Yes.
- Hello!
- Did he survive for many days?
- Prakash sir, can you hear
Or did this just happen only
two-three days ago?
- Jagan here
- Or
I guess something is
- delaying the decay process.
- Can you hear me?
Hel Shit! Shit!
Looks like some kind of phlegm.
- Where?
- It looks viscous.
What if this is slowing
down the decay process?
But how is the decomposition
healing itself?
Maybe it is a form of
dead cell regeneration?
Yeah, could be it could be.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
What are we protecting them from?
No one seems to know, sir.
Can he be trusted?
I'll keep an eye on him.
You watch over these lab rats.
Sir, be careful.
Can't afford to lose out on
your world famous biryani.
Happy, that's my mom's recipe.
Doesn't matter if I survive
or not, but it will!
Are you done?
Have you come to a conclusion?
Let's discuss the rest
in the lab. Come on.
I have a doubt, sir.
If my head is also found
like this tomorrow
The company had taken
an insurance policy on me,
and I've mentioned my mother as the
nominee. Hope it will reach her.
Hope what will reach her?
Your head?
- Sir
- Arul.
- Sir
- What is wrong with him?
we need to analyze
the collected samples.
- Shall we go back?
- Where to?
Not only the forest, we need to
collect samples from the factory too.
Do not forget that. Now come.
I said, come on!
What the hell is this, sir?
Another head in the
middle of the forest.
Some kind of cult or something?
Calm down! Quiet!
Somebody just keep him quiet.
Do you think some vampires did it?
Look around the place.
I won't be surprised if a
dinosaur jumps out of the bush.
But Lucky is always ready.
Get back! Get back!
Lucky! No!
Hold your fire!
You might end up firing at Lucky!
Maya Maya.
Who is it?
Hey! Maya!
Leave her! Maya!
Leave her alone.
Don't touch her.
Leave her!
"To the warrior who died
in the battlefield,
the sky will shed tears.
Mourning in the field
and wasting time,
is something we don't
prefer nor does he."
Do not waste time.
Sorry, sir. My colleague
who is more importantly my friend
died a futile death
and wasted your time.
Focus on finishing the
job and getting out of here.
Didn't you just say that he also
doesn't like to waste time?
Don't you dare talk for one of us again.
Give me the phone.
I must make a SAT call.
That belongs to Prakash sir.
Give me the phone!
This is a laundry call.
Who's the laundry for?
Farhan here.
Exogenyx, Singapore
and it's employee, Jagan.
- I want their details.
- Copy that, chief.
You have lost one of your
guys for our cause.
At this moment
a "thank you" cannot
express our gratitude.
But still
I saw you cutting a piece
of your uniform.
That's our quadrant's battlefield ritual.
Every time we lose one of us,
we will offer something
that belongs to us.
And so
we buried a small piece from
our uniforms along with him.
where is Sanjeev?
Sanjeev? Sanjeev?
- Sanjeev!
- Sanjeev!
- Where did you go? Sanjeev!
- He was right here, sir!
- Sanjeev!
- Sanjeev!
- Keep it down!
- Where the heck were you?
Why are you screaming? I was nearby.
We just lost someone.
How can you casually wander around?
Why did you go alone?
You won't believe what I just saw.
It's difficult to explain.
- The hell with you.
- It was just abso--
Don't ever do this again,
if you want to stay alive!
Let's go.
Come on, move. Quick.
- Come on.
- Sir, Arul
Why did you stop here?
I see a light inside.
Let's check it out. Come.
This is the house I grew up in.
What is that?
Two tails?
Did it have two tails?
- You saw it, didn't you?
- Yes, I did.
Don't let go of me.
Don't let go of me!
Save me!
- Get up, Peter.
- Let's go.
- Are you alright?
- Oh God!
- Sir, come on.
- Guys, come on!
what on earth were those
freaking creatures?
I'm baffled
Are they dogs or wolves?
- What were they?
- Guys
- You alright?
- I am fine, sir.
- Are you alright?
- We are fine.
What the heck is happening here?
It makes no sense.
Guys, where is Peter?
Peter sir?
- Peter
- Peter sir!
Peter, sir!
- Peter, sir!
- Peter!
- Peter, sir!
- Peter!
Don't look back and just jump, old man!
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