The Walking Dead: Origins (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Negan's Story

Let's meet the man.


Pissing our pants yet?

Boy, do I have a feeling
we're getting close.
The post-apocalyptic world is
full of heroes and villains.

Most of the time,
those lines are blurred.

NEGAN: I did what I had to do back then.

I made myself into a monster
because that is what the world needed.

We're all heroes of our own stories.

Now, if you look at Negan's journey
from a different point of view,
well, it might change
how you feel about him.

Little pig, little pig,
let me in!
Here is Negan's story.

NEGAN: Well, I hope you got
your shitting pants on, boy,
'cause you are about to shit your pants.
Before the world went to hell,
Negan was a regular guy.
Please tell me that you
did not spend $600
on this "Happy Days" bullshit.
He may not have been the best
husband, but I'll say this.
He did love his wife, Lucille.
But then Lucille, she
got devastating news.
What's going on?
What is it?

I've got cancer.
And then everyone got devastating news.
MAN: and Cumberland have
concluded that in all cases,
the killers are eating the flesh
of the people they kill.
MORGAN: All of a sudden,
people started dying
and coming back from the dead.
Lucille, her cancer diagnosis
was a personal apocalypse for Negan.
He became less selfish, a better man.
Caring for his wife gave him purpose.

Until one morning when their world
was turned upside down again.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Determined to save his
wife, he hatched a plan.
We have made it this far, so
we are gonna see this through.
I'm gonna find these doctors,
and I am gonna bring you back
the drugs that you need,
and we are gonna kick
this cancer out of you.

He finds the people
he's heard rumors about.

Drop your guns! Drop your guns!
I don't want to shoot him, but I will.
Okay. Take it easy.
MORGAN: Although he might not
make the best first impression.

No, don't.
- ♪
- [THUD]

But they eventually come around.

I found that note you wrote.
My daughter went out to the warehouse
to see if we have what you need.
We had it all.
Everything on your list.
I don't know what to say here. Um
We have a lot. We just want to help.
They not only gave him
the medicine that he needs,
but they also give him one
bad-ass way to defend himself.

There's a gang that owns
the roads at night.
Is that empty gun your only weapon?
Yeah, I broke my hammer on the way here.
Here. Take this.
This the bat you hit me with?

Damn, girl.
You pack a wallop.

MORGAN: On his way back to his wife,
Negan gets captured by the same
gang he was warned about.
You gotta let me go.

Negan is forced to give up
information about the folks
who just had helped him.
If you don't start talking
by the time I stop,
- I swear to God
- Wait, wait, wait.
Just bring me my map.
Bring me my map.

He doesn't want to, but he
doesn't see another way out.
He has to get back to his wife.

However, nothing could have prepared him
for what he saw when he got home.



He couldn't save Lucille.


So when he lost Lucille,
there was no longer a reason
to keep a lid on his rage.

And unfortunately for those guys

Negan had no reason to spare them.
NEGAN: Now when I see red,
it's just a question of
what I am capable of.
And, well, man, I hate
to break it to ya.
See, I am starting to think
that I am capable of damn near anything.

So this
this is for not killing me.

After a while, after
some trial and error,
Negan found himself as a leader
of a community, the Sanctuary,
and from the start, he did it his way.
So you kill the right people
at the right time

everything falls into place,
everybody's happy.
some people more than others.
But you kill one,
and you could be saving hundreds more,
and that is what we are all about.
We save people.
He solidified his leadership
by commanding
an almost cult-like following.
Until one day his men
came across some folks
led by an ex-sheriff by
the name of Rick Grimes.
And those people,
well, they didn't want
to play by the rules.

They attacked Negan's people.
Was Negan in that building
last night, or was he here?

I'm Negan, shithead.

Now, there's a whole world
of fun that we can talk about,
so let's have a chat.
I'm sorry it had to come to this.
Big mistake, Rick.
Big mistake.

Go! Go!



You made it. Welcome
to where you're going.

All right, let's meet the man.

Hi. You're Rick, right?
I'm Negan.

You are so gonna regret
crossing me in a few minutes.

And with that,
Negan and Rick, well, they
finally meet face to face.
I don't want to kill you people.
I want you to work for me.
You can't do that if you're
dead, now can you?

But you killed my people,
and for that For that,
you're gonna pay.


MORGAN: After Negan kills Abraham,
Rick's right-hand man, Daryl,
he goes and does
something extra stupid

and has to pay the price.

That is a no-no.
Back to it.

Now, Negan doesn't want
to keep killing these guys.
He's just trying to
teach them his rules.

And after they finally
start getting the picture,
Negan returns to the Sanctuary
with Daryl as his prisoner.
Ha ha ha! Dwighty Boy!
He sees value in strong
people like Daryl.
He wants him to be like Dwight,
one of Negan's top lieutenants.
And this Dwight guy, he is still loyal,
despite getting half of
his face burned off
and being forced to give
up his wife to Negan.

After giving Daryl some time
to think about his options
die in a cell eating dog
food or work for Negan
he pays him a visit.
This, well
it can all be yours.
All you gotta do
is answer one simple question.

Who are you?
But that Daryl, he is a stubborn one.
So Negan brings him
along on a field trip
to see his old friend Rick.
Little pig, little pig
let me in!
Now, when the Saviors
meet a new community,
they take half the crap.
That's just the way it is.
But that Rick, he still doesn't
quite get how things work.
You don't decide what we take.
I do.
Satisfied with their haul,
Negan and the Saviors
head back to Sanctuary.
And all is well
until he's paid a surprise visit.
Stay back! Drop your weapons!
I only want Negan.
He killed my friends.
No one else needs to die.

And Negan, he likes
what he sees in this kid.
Is that any way to treat our new guest?
So he shows him around the place.
So, do I kill you?
Iron your face?
Chop off your arm?
Tell me. What do you think?
I think you jump out
the window to save me
the trouble of killing you.
Now, there is the kid that
impressed the hell out of me.

Let's go for a ride, kid.

Negan brings Carl back to
Alexandria safe and sound,
and with Rick out on a run, well,
Negan makes himself at home.
Damn, that smells good.
And life is really good in the suburbs.
You should know that Rick Grimes
has a history of not working
well with others.
You know, I'm thinking, Spencer.
I'm thinking how Rick
threatened to kill me,
how he clearly hates my guts.
But he is out there right now
gathering shit for me to make sure
I don't hurt any of the fine
people that live here.
And then there's you

the guy who waited
for Rick to be gone
so he could sneak over
and talk to me to get me
to do his dirty work
so he could take Rick's place.
You know what I'm thinking?
'Cause I have a guess.

It's because you got no guts.



Despite the attempt on his life,
Negan always recognizes
opportunity when he sees it.

What is this?
This was homemade.
And while Negan tries to find
out who the bullet maker is,
Rick finally returns.
Your shit's waiting for you at the gate.
Just go.
Sure thing, Rick.
Right after I find the guy
or gal that made this bullet.

It was me.
It was only me.
All in all, it was a
very successful trip.
Negan reminded the Alexandrians
who was in charge
and got a fancy new
bullet maker with a mullet.

But back at the Sanctuary,
there's less pleasant news.
Daryl has escaped.
So while his men go searching,
Negan calls up his newest recruit.
You do not need to be scared anymore.
You don't need to be scared.
You just have to answer me one question.
And it's a big one.

- Who are
- I'm Negan.
I'm utterly, completely,
stone-cold Negan.
I was Negan before I even met you.
I just needed to meet
you properly to know.
But not everyone in Rick's group
is as eager to join the Saviors.
I come salved with the hope
that it is my dropped
knowledge that you heed.
Options are zero to none.
Compliance and fealty
are your only escape.
Where's Negan?
Rick, he thinks he's got the upper hand.
I'm Negan.
Rick finds out his allies
are working for Negan,
and Negan's not done.
See, he's got another card to play.
So you don't like Eugene anymore.

You guys gotta like Sasha.
I do, too.

Got her right here, packaged
for your convenience.
I want all the guns you've
managed to scrape up.
And I want it now,
or Sasha dies.
Let me see her.

All right. Just give me a second.
I might have to get her up to speed.
You can't hear shit inside this thing.
Everything was going according to plan.
You're not gonna believe this crap.
- Holy goddamn!

Ah, honey, God damn it.
But that's why you always have a plan B.
We can make another deal.
- Aah!
And Rick finds himself on
his knees in front of Negan.

I guess I got to start all over again.
I truly don't know what more
I could have done to warn you.
And this isn't a warning.
This is punishment.

I'm gonna kill Carl now.
I'm gonna make it one nice, hard swing.
Try to do it in one because I like him.
I just want you to
put that in your brain
and roll it around for a minute.
I'm gonna kill Carl,
and then Lucille here,
she's gonna take your hands.

You can do it right in front of me.
You can take my hands.
I told you already
I'm gonna kill you.
All of you.

You said I can do it.

He's given Rick's group
multiple chances,
but now, see, Negan is
done playing around.

So I'm not exactly
feeling a reason for us
to try throwing lead at each other.
You're gonna make me count.
Okay, okay.
I'm counting.

Now, Rick may have
decimated the Sanctuary,
but he missed his primary target.

And Negan, he decides it's time
to take the fight back to Alexandria.

I'm gonna go to Rick's,
make a little spaghetti.
When he shows up, send him my way.
And he wants Rick
all for himself.



This shit isn't funny anymore.
Don't make me do this now, Rick.
I got plans for you.
Cut you in little bitty pieces,
feed you to the dead,
and make you watch.
- Aah!
- Aah!
You ever shut the hell up?

[MUFFLED] Aah! Don't you touch her!

Rick is a slippery one, and he,
along with most of his group,
they manage to escape,
so Negan makes it back to the Sanctuary,
only to find out that his top guy
has been conspiring against him.
You want to be the man,
you got to beat the man.
If you can do that
then, hell.
you should be the man.
Spoiler alert He ain't the man.
And Simon, he wasn't the only traitor.
Turns out Dwight was
working with the enemy,
so Negan puts Dwight where he belongs
back in a cell,
and he shifts his focus
to ending the war
with the help of Eugene.

Here we go.
Time to do something useful
with our pathetic lives.
And now with Negan's
army fully supplied,
they catch Rick in an ambush.

NEGAN: [AMPLIFIED] Look at that.
Pegged again. Pegged so very hard.

But there is one loose end
that Negan didn't account for.


Goddamn Eugene.

He's running!


After all that, Negan loses the war.

Save him.

- No!
- Maggie! Maggie!
No, he can't!
No! No, he killed Glenn!
MORGAN: He loses his people
and loses his freedom.

So it turns out that
solitary confinement
is about the worst punishment
ever for someone like Negan.
And he has nothing to lose but his life,
and he's ready.

Get to it.
Have your justice.
Kill me.
It was worth it.


Please. Please.
Please kill me.
When Maggie refuses
I came to kill Negan.
And you're already worse than dead.

That settles it.


As the years went by, with Rick gone,
Maggie's left, Negan
starts making friends
in the most unlikely places.
"If airplane A is flying east
at 500 miles per hour
and airplane B is flying west
- at 650 miles per hour, how"
- You know what?
You ever seen an airplane fly
in any direction at any speed?
Do you think you ever will?
Probably not.
So what the hell
difference does it make?
So even though Negan is making
connections in Alexandria,
he's still looking for a way out.

JUDITH: Thought you
were smarter than this.
You know, there's nothing
out there for you.
For anyone.
I promise you
that I'm not gonna hurt anyone,
even if they try to hurt me.
I gotta go.

But if I see you again, I'll shoot.


But unlike her daddy, Rick,
Judith knows a thing or two.
I told you there was nothing out there.
You sure as shit did.
Language! I'm a kid, asshole.
What can I say? I like to
swear in front of my friends.
People that know some shit.
His time in the cell doesn't last long
when a blizzard strikes and
everyone is forced to evacuate.

Now, lucky for them,
they bring him along
because things go sideways real quick.
- Judith!
[GRUNTS] Okay.
[GRUNTS] I got you, I got you.
You know, it turns out
that there are some perks
for good behavior.
He gets time out of his cell
and, well, he starts taking
another kid under his wing.
You looking for a job, kid?
Gage and his friends
started again today.
Again? Jesus. Alright, kid, look.
Obviously you're having a day,
but you know what happened
with rolling with it?
- I'm not just gonna smile and take it.
- Look.
They are trying to get
a reaction out of you.
They want to see you upset.
Don't give that to them. Screw them.
But Lydia's bullies,
they didn't back off.

- Please!

MORGAN: So Negan stepped in.

- What the hell's going on back here?
- BOY: Holy shit. Margo? Margo?

You know, the people out
there are talking about
putting you down.
Saying Rick ain't around
to save you no more.
Maybe they should have
done it a long time ago.
But just when it seems like
Negan's number is finally up,
he's given a second chance.
A new group called the Whisperers
have started a war
and their leader, Alpha,
she has pissed off the wrong woman.
CAROL: I need this done.
And it'll help every man,
woman and child here.
And what do I get out of it?
You've been eating whatever
shit we throw your way,
hoping that one day they'll all forget.
They won't.
Not unless you do something
to make them forget.
So you bring me Alpha's head.

And with that, Negan's a free man.

And only he and Carol know the mission.

So, now he just has to
convince them to trust him.
Honestly, fellas, what do you
got going on down low?
Are you flyin' around commando-style,
or do you got, like, walker
long johns with the la

For the last eight years,
I have been locked up by your enemy.
So you take me to your leader,
and I will spill every
goddamn secret I know.

But see, it's clear from the jump
that ol' Frown-y McTwoKnives
is threatened by him.
You are a waste.
But Alpha, she quickly
takes a liking to Negan.
And who can blame her?

I'm all in.
Whatever you want,
whatever I got
it's yours.

I thought you wanted them to join us.
They will.

As part of my horde.
After the destruction of Hilltop,
everything comes to a head
when he spots Lydia.

Sorry, kid.
This shit is done.
Thing you've been looking for?
I found it.
He promised Alpha that he
would find her daughter.
And as he leads her to Lydia,
he tries to find any remaining
trace of Alpha's humanity.
You think that it makes you strong
to say that emotions aren't
real, that we are animals?
That is bullshit, and you know it.
And now you claim that you
have to kill your own daughter,
your own flesh and blood.

It is her destiny.

He won't let anyone hurt Lydia.

Took you long enough.
Everyone's a critic.

NEGAN: Is this what you wanted?
What took you so damn long?
I told you to do it fast.
It's done.
Alright, I held up my end.
Now I'm asking you to hold up yours.
Just walk me through those gates
so I can open up a new chapter
in the book of Negan.
I'm not going back.
Not yet.

The disappointments continue
when he goes to release Lydia.
Hey, kid, I'm sorry about
- God!
- Where's Alpha?!
- Look, whatever Lydia told you
- Where is she?!
She is dead.
She is dead. I killed her.
You liar.
See, now, Negan knows
that Daryl's not going
to take his word for it, so
he shows him the evidence.
I swear to God it was on that spike.
Look, we we sit here
and we wait for Carol
or I can take you to find the
Oh, come on, man.
We're talking about Lydia here.
Why would I stash her
out in banjo country
unless the whole point
was to keep her safe,
unless the whole frickin' point
was just to use her as bait
so I could get Alpha alone?
You sure took your sweet
ass time, though, didn't you?
What is with you guys thinking
I didn't do it fast enough?

Alpha's dead
because of you.
We kneel
to the new Alpha.

You should probably shoot me.
Don't threaten me with a good time.


Now that Daryl believes Negan,
they rejoin the group.
And with Alpha's number
two still out for revenge
NEGAN: [WHISPERING] Hey, shit head.
he takes it upon
himself to end things.


For Alpha.

So with the skin freaks
out of the picture,
Negan starts to think that,
well, maybe he can be
part of this group.
But then
Maggie returns.
Hi, Maggie.

I didn't escape if that's
what you're thinking.
So now with Maggie back

nobody feels comfortable
keeping Negan around.
I see you went ahead and moved me in.
Daryl helped. I'm sorry.
The council has voted to banish you.
What you want just
isn't gonna happen.
It's not possible.
I know it's not what I promised,
but given our less recent history
it's better than you deserve.
It doesn't matter that
he's not in his cell.
Negan's alone, completely alone.

NEGAN: You know what the sad part is?
That you thought for even a second
that those folks would see you
for anything but who you truly are.
Which is me.
And even digging up Lucille

Even that's not enough
to keep his demons at bay.

NEGAN: I am sorry that I left you.
I was a coward.
I couldn't face the pain of
losing you, so I ran away.
I'm sorry that you went out like that.
I should've been there.
I am sorry that I named a
stupid baseball bat after you.

I love the shit out of you.

I'm gonna do your fighting for you.

If you stay here, she will kill you.
I just didn't want your death
on my conscience, and
now it's not.
Fair enough.

MORGAN: Love him or hate him
Negan is done running.
Some people might think he's a villain,
but Negan, he has a code
and he follows it.
NEGAN: You don't kill people
that don't deserve it
and you never kill kids.
Right or wrong,
Negan, he does what he does to survive.
And can you really fault him for that?
So whatever happens next,
one thing is for certain.
Negan is telling his own story

his way.

- ALDEN: What the hell was that?
The storm's pushing
air through the pipes,
making them groan.
It's nothing serious. We're good.
Know what that noise actually is?
That is God, telling us to turn around.
I'm pretty sure He would
have ran that by me first.
Oh, yeah?
The Good Lord direct
your one eyeball to this?
Water-line mark.
That means this tunnel
floods on a regular basis,
like when it rains.
It's bad down here. It's worse up there.
Look, man, all I am saying
And it ain't working.
You trying to run shit.
Keep moving.
Come on. [WHISTLES]
- Dog!
You're in on it.

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