The Wedding Coach (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

A Baby Bump in the Road

I'm Jamie Lee, comedian,
actress, author, and former bride.
A few years ago, I got married.
Was it magical? Kinda.
Was planning it a bit of a nightmare?
[dramatic music intensifying]
In fact,
I found wedding planning so ridiculous
that I wrote a book about it!
Here's the thing.
The wedding industry wants you to believe
that everything should be perfect,
but that's some bullshit.
There's no need for a wedding expert.
You just need someone who's lived
through it to do your dirty work.
I'll be there to help couples
get to the finish line,
and I'll be bringing along
some of my friends to help.
Consider me the wedding coach!
Do I have pit stains?
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
I see you. I see you.
He's actually doing pretty good!
[Lee] Meet Savannah and Cesar.
They're getting married in just six days
in front of their two families
who don't speak the same language,
and their wedding's about to crash
into a serious communication barrier.
And if that wasn't stressful enough,
they decided
to complicate things even further by
throwing a baby in the mix!
That is right.
Savannah's got a built-in plus one.
You're so sweet!
Oh, my God! We're having a baby!
To help this couple throw a wedding
that will seamlessly blend
their two families,
I am enlisting my bilingual,
hilarious friend,
comedian Matteo Lane.
Get serious.
- OK, it's time to jump into it.
- [Lane laughing]
[upbeat music playing]
It's 'cause he moved closer to me,
that's why he's doing so good.
Me and Cesar first met
at the University of Houston-Downtown
Go Gators!
in the library. [laughs]
When I first saw Cesar, he was studying.
I really didn't think much of him.
He just had on a T-shirt and some shorts.
He was looking kind of scruffy. [laughs]
But then the next day,
when he came to work,
he had, you know,
a clean haircut, a clean beard,
and I was like,
"Oh, this is not the same guy at all."
That was like the beginning of everything.
First time I saw Savannah,
she was all natural, beautiful.
- She had an old grandma sweater.
- Cardigan.
She likes to correct me every time.
And right then and there,
I knew that she was gonna be the one.
I got this butterfly feeling,
can't really explain it.
She brightens up my day every day.
My mom always taught me,
find someone that reminds you of your dad,
and Cesar reminds me of my dad
in so many ways,
you know, from how caring he is,
how he likes to work on things.
He's like a man's man, you know,
a family man
and someone who loves me for me.
Good days, bad days, Cesar always wants
to be there for me no matter what.
The day Cesar proposed,
it was our two-year anniversary.
He took me to the aquarium.
When we got there,
the whole family was there.
By the time I turned around,
he was on one knee,
and I said, yes, obviously.
So the wedding is coming up fast,
and I'm gonna be a pregnant bride,
which I did not expect.
I don't want anybody to judge me.
At this point, no one knows.
Cesar's family doesn't know yet.
Not even my mom knows yet
that I'm pregnant.
I don't know if she will be mad.
I just don't want her to feel
a certain way when I walk down the aisle.
So, what do you think
the baby's gonna be? Boy? Girl?
Doesn't matter,
but it'll be nice to have a little me.
[both laughing]
The planning is getting crazy.
This wedding is just all about romance.
We'll be getting married at a hall.
We want our wedding and our reception
to be both in the same place.
It's on the southeast side of Houston,
and we're expecting about 300 people.
At this point,
we do not have an officiant.
It's very important that we find
an officiant who is bilingual.
Cesar's family,
they're coming from Mexico.
They speak mainly Spanish.
My family, we just speak English.
I am worried,
because we're so close to the wedding.
We're just hoping that Jamie can help
bring our two families together
and make this day
something really special for all of us.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lee] Mm!
- Hi!
- Hi!
- [Savannah laughs]
- [Lee giggling] Hi! Oh!
- Nice to meet you!
- Yes, it's so nice to meet you, too.
- How are you?
- I love this lavender.
- Oh, thank you!
- It's so nice.
- I love this!
- Thank you!
It's like a crown for your chest.
- Thank you.
- OK, so, feel free to sit.
- I mean, I got you a decaf.
- OK.
So, like, OK. So, how are you?
How are you feeling?
- I just want it to be done with.
- Yeah.
I know this is supposed
to be a happy thing,
but I'm like,
it's literally just really stressful.
You tell me the issues,
and I'll help you guys figure it out.
My whole thing is just getting
a bilingual officiant,
because our vows will be really sweet,
they're gonna be really nice,
and I would hate for one side to be crying
and everybody else is just like
"What are they talking about?"
I want everybody to be crying and happy.
So you guys can be, like,
locked into each other
and not worrying
about everyone understanding.
Right, exactly.
- And you are gonna write your own vows?
- Right.
So, we're both completely opposite.
- Let's hear it.
- I feel like I'm overthinking it.
But that's not his style, I guess.
Because I really don't see Cesar
get really emotional.
- Cesar struggles with being romantic.
- Yes.
I really want him to express to me
how he really feels about me
on the day of the wedding.
- Yeah.
- Because I'll remember these forever.
We want to try and harness his feelings
into vows that really mean something.
- Right.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- Cheers to you and your wedding.
- Cheers! Yes, thank you!
To me, there's something very empowering
about the fact that you're doing
the wedding milestone
and the baby milestone at once.
Just makes the occasion even bigger.
- Exactly. That's how I feel.
- I love it. Up top.
- Yes.
- Way to get it.
[both laughing]
I've been keeping that a secret for,
like, the longest.
- So that, like
- How do you do that?
Maybe it's this age-old fear I have.
Like, growing up my mom was like,
"No kids. No kids."
You know, "Don't have kids too young."
Maybe that's just still with me
as an adult.
It's pretty wild that even as adults
we seek our parents' approval,
but I believe disclosing a big secret
is like letting a tiger out of its cage.
Yes, it could be dangerous,
but at least it will be free.
[Savannah] My mom's kinda unpredictable.
I feel like she'll be excited,
but I don't know if she will lecture me.
[Lee] I got you.
- We're gonna handle this.
- Good!
[percussive rock music playing]
Matteo, I'm so excited
you're gonna help me with this couple.
I'm very excited.
This is what I would describe as
a multicultural, family-centric wedding,
and I'm bringing you in because
- [speaks in Spanish]
- Sí.
Also, you're a bit of a Renaissance man.
I feel like you are
not a jack-of-all-trades
but a jacked-of-all-trades.
- [in deep voice] Yeah!
- You are like an ice sculpture.
I feel like I could, like,
pour vodka down you and
- You could
- Ice luge.
I'm so desperate and needy
that I would let you.
- Oh, thanks!
- Yeah.
- Uh! That's the friendship we have.
- [laughs]
- OK, so Savannah is pregnant.
- Oh!
However, her mother does not know
and she's worried her mom is gonna,
honestly, freak the fuck out.
I don't want her
to be holding all of that in,
so I have to make sure I help her
breach that conversation.
I want her
to let her emotional water break.
OK, today's the day.
We're telling mom you're pregs.
How are you feeling today?
- I'm nervous. [laughs]
- OK. Yeah.
I know Martha, I know how she is.
You know, I think she just might feel
like it might be too soon.
So, let's make space for her
to have some kind of reaction
that is not
- OK.
- the most favorable.
We can ease into it
with the dress fitting first,
and I'll be there right by you
the whole time.
Anything goes wrong, I'll look at you.
Yeah. I'll be like, "Cool."
Then we'll skedaddle so I can talk to Mom.
I'm hoping that dropping this bomb
in the middle of another activity,
like a wedding dress fitting,
will be a good way to keep everyone
from getting too focused
on this one itty-bitty baby.
- Hi, Jamie!
- Hi!
- I'm Savannah's mom.
- Nice to meet you, Martha!
- Well, welcome.
- I love your house.
- Thank you!
- [Lee gasps]
- Look at that!
- [Martha laughs] What?
- [Savannah laughing]
- [Lee] Aah!
I was trying to get Savannah
to wear my dress,
but, you know, they want their own stuff.
[Lee] I know they want their own stuff.
Do you wanna try on your dress for Mom?
[Savannah] Yes.
- I can't wait to see her in this dress.
- Oh, girl, I know she's gonna
She's just so tiny!
- She's so little.
- [Synora] Yeah!
Here comes the bride ♪
[Lee] And Jamie ♪
And a fetus in your stomach ♪
[Synora] Oh!
- [Martha] Oh!
- [Synora] The princess, princess!
- [Martha] Look at my princess!
- [Synora] Princess!
What about up here? How's that?
Up here, is that
- Yes?
- [Savannah] This feels good up here.
Ain't nothing right here, huh?
- [Synora laughing] Mm!
- [Martha laughing]
Just checking. Hmm! [laughing]
- Well
- I told her
- No, you you still
- I'm pregnant. [chuckling]
For real? [squeals] Oh!
Oh, my
- Oh, my God!
- [Synora screams]
[gasps] Oh, my God!
[squeals and giggles]
- [Synora] I asked you the question.
- [Martha sobs]
Wait till Daddy finds out! Ooh!
- Howard!
- [Savannah giggles]
- What's wrong?
- [Savannah giggles]
I'm pregnant. [giggles]
- OK, congratulations!
- [Lee laughs]
Hey! Congratulations!
- [Savannah] Thank you!
- Pregnant.
[all laughing]
Telling Savannah's family
was one of the most beautiful moments
I've ever witnessed in my entire life.
Being pregnant on your wedding day
is not a big deal.
It is nothing to be ashamed of.
Cesar will be here later with his family
and then we'll tell
They don't know either?
- No.
- [Howard] I'm glad you said.
- I'm so stupid, I'd have said something.
- Two reveals in one day.
Yeah, so it'll be two reveals in one day.
Old Granny.
Don't call me "Granny"!
- I ain't gonna be nobody's granny now!
- [all laugh]
I ain't gonna be "Granny"!
[uptempo music playing]
[Lee] Now we are going
to a barbecue with Cesar's family.
We want everyone to mingle
and come together.
It's sort of like a family reunion,
but there's no "re."
It's the first time they're uniting.
I really, really need your help.
Because, otherwise,
it would just be me alone handling this
and I would be as useless as ScarJo
in Lost in Translation,
just like laying in the window,
in my underwear,
staring at the Houston airport.
- So
- Sounds like my Instagram.
[Lee] Guess who downloaded
a translator to her phone?
- Did you?
- [Lee] I did.
- [Savannah] Hi!
- [Lee] Hi!
- [Lane] Hi! [laughs]
- This is Matteo Lane!
[Savannah] Hey, Matteo!
Hi, Cesar. I'm Matteo. Nice to meet you.
- Oh, likewise.
- This is Jamie.
- How you doin', Jamie?
- Hi! I've heard so much about you.
- How are you?
- [Cesar] I hope it was great.
- [chuckling]
- [Lee] Yes!
- [Cesar] Hey!
- [all shout] Hey!
- [Cesar's dad] Hey! Buenos días!
- [all laugh]
[in Spanish] Good afternoon!
My Italian is better than my Spanish.
[Lee in English]
I'm gonna speak to your mom.
[Cesar laughs]
[Lane in Spanish]
She speaks Spanish with her cellphone.
[in English] OK.
[in Spanish]
Are you excited for the wedding?
[in English] Yes.
[all erupt in laughter]
And then she responds back
in English! "Yes." [laughing]
[quirky music plays]
OK, well,
sit and enjoy yourself for a sec.
[music continues]
- Can you pass me the ketchup?
- [man coughs]
Pass the ketchup.
[music continues]
- [Cesar] Do a toast now?
- [Savannah] Oh, yeah, do a toast.
We want it in both languages.
OK. [speaks in Spanish]
Toast. [speaks in Spanish]
A surprise for everyone.
[in Spanish] I wanna tell you guys
that you're gonna be grandparents!
- [in English] Oh, my God!
- [overlapping screaming]
[Cesar] You're gonna be a
It's a grandchild on the way!
[all cheering]
[both] Grandpa! [laughing]
[mothers squealing]
So, we have pictures
we want to show y'all.
- [squeals]
- [Martha] Oh, my God!
The universal language is sonogram!
Picture of a baby [screams softly]
Brings people together.
for Cesar
y Savannah?
- Sí.
- Sí.
- Oof!
- Eh!
- Oof!
- [Cesar's mom] Yes.
- [Lee] Yes.
- [speaks in Spanish]
- First grandchild?
- [Cesar's mom] Uh
- [Lee] First, uh
- The first
- [Lee] Grandch
- [indistinct muttering]
- [Cesar's dad chuckles]
- [Lee] Um
Hey, guys.
So, now I'm kind of seeing firsthand
why a bilingual officiant
might be necessary.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- [Lee] Just a bit.
- Just a bit. [laughs]
What if we just did,
like, a bunch of tequila
- [Cesar laughs] Yeah!
- I'm listening.
And then no one cares.
You know what I mean?
They'll understand,
just not with their brains,
it'll be with their bodies.
They'll be like,
"I'm really feeling these words."
I think you're gonna have to really
cut down the vows and stuff,
because if it's in Spanish and English,
you're going to make the wedding
twice as long.
- Three, five sentences?
- Well, not that short.
- No, not that
- [Cesar] OK.
Not like, "Hello, hola.
I love you, te amo."
- [Cesar] Adios.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, adios.
- A little more involvement.
- OK.
- We're gonna work with you on that.
OK, we're on a bit of a mission today.
- We're gonna pick up Cesar.
- OK.
- Because he needs help with his vows.
- Yes.
I was thinking
we could take him on a little tour
to places that are meaningful to him
and Savannah to, like, jog his memory
and get his romantic juices flowing.
That sounds really pornographic,
but I mean like his mental juices flowing.
Vows are important to Savannah,
so the stakes are high,
and also some men have a difficult time
expressing themselves
- and being vulnerable and opening up.
- I mean
Except Italian men. Very different.
Goldfish dies,
they are screaming into a river.
[in Italian accent]
Why you do this to me? Why?
- [Lee] So, Cesar
- [Cesar] Mm-hmm.
- I spoke with Savannah about vows.
- [Cesar] OK.
I'm getting the impression
that she would really love your vows
to let her in on how you feel.
Can you think of like a positive memory
from when you first met her?
Going to the zoo.
I remember coming out of the restroom
and just seeing her.
- I was like, "Wow, I'm really with her!"
- Coming out of what?
- I went inside to the restroom.
- Oh, to the restroom!
I went to the restroom right next
to either by the elephant or
OK, well,
maybe we'll keep that out of the vows
Yeah, I feel like peeing and elephants
are gonna have to stay out of the vows.
Look at this!
I was thinking about
how you guys met at the library.
That is literally
the hottest thing I've ever heard.
[Cesar laughs]
[Lee] Like if a guy peered at me
through a bookshelf,
I'd be like,
"I'm leaving my husband for you."
[Cesar] Ah, you'll be surprised
what goes on in the library.
[Lee] OK. Show me the spot
where you guys had your first kiss.
It was through this trail.
We sat up there.
- We sat next to the shade, we talked
- [Lee] This feels nice in the shade.
And out of nowhere
we both look at each other.
We make eye contact
and it was like you felt it.
- It's gonna happen ♪
- [Cesar] There you go!
- Exactly like that! [laughs]
- Here you come ♪
It was beautiful. A magical moment.
[Lee] I feel you're very sentimental.
I feel like we're sort of chipping away.
We're chipping away,
we're getting the more emotional
- I want it to be vows only you could say.
- OK.
The more personal the vows, the better.
Specificity is not only funnier
than trying to be funny,
it shows that you really see your partner.
Saying the bride loves to veg out
and watch TV, that's fine,
but saying the bride watches
every version of Pride and Prejudice
back-to-back in her underwear
is just more connected,
and it creates a visual.
[door chimes]
- Alrighty, guys.
- [Lee] Mm!
Queso ice cream. It's delicious.
OK, you know I love blue food.
- [Lane] Oh, God. Blue ice cream.
- I do. I
Cotton candy is legitimately
one of my favorite flavors.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person
who ever gets it, so
They had bubblegum in there,
I almost took it.
It was hot pink and blue and I was, like,
"Uh! It's really hard for me."
- So, I tried to be more cultured today.
- [Cesar chuckles]
[Lee] OK. So, tell me, what happened here?
We were sitting down,
eating our ice cream.
"I gotta ask you something."
She's like, "Go ahead." She thought
it would be a regular question.
I'm like, "I would love for you
to be my girlfriend."
"I feel that you're the one for me."
I love that you made an event out of
asking someone to be your girlfriend.
It has a very, like,
high school sweetness to it.
[laughs] Well, she always said,
you know, "Make sure it's memorable."
"I want something to remember."
Now, she always never lets me forget it.
She's like,
"Why didn't you tell me to get ready?"
"You took me out in your pajamas."
I'm like, "I got you in your natural form,
no makeup, no nothing. It was just you."
That's sweet!
That feels like a snippet for the vows.
- I think so, too.
- [Lee] This is beautiful.
Savannah's gonna be like,
"Hail Cesar." Uh!
[Cesar laughs]
It's obvious
that Cesar is a sentimental guy.
Now, he just needs to take that
and put it on paper.
But now, we have to find them
a bilingual officiant,
and they're feeling really anxious
about finding someone who can connect.
- Do you think Salma Hayek is available?
- Oh! Maybe her boobs are.
- I mean, they are the globes!
- Gorgeous.
They are unreal.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lee] Guys, really excited you're here.
You're getting married here!
- This is where we're getting married.
- [Lane] It's sweet. It's so nice.
So, after being at your backyard party,
there was a lot of cross-talking,
there was a lot of confused looks.
It kind of felt more
like the New York Stock Exchange.
- But with catfish.
- [they laugh]
[Lee] I don't want that at your wedding.
So, yes, today,
we are gonna be auditioning officiants.
- [Savannah] Oh, yay! I'm excited!
- [Cesar] Nice. Nice.
- That is great.
- [Savannah] Yay!
Unfortunately, we only found three people
available on such short notice,
but they're gonna give you
a snippet of their spiel,
and you are going to see
if you could picture yourself
hearing this on the day
from this very person,
and then we'll just kinda see
where you guys are at.
- OK, sounds good.
- [Lee] Alright!
- I'm excited.
- Thank you.
- This is our couple!
- Hi.
- Hello! I'm Savannah.
- I'm Justin.
- Cesar.
- [Justin] Hi, Cesar. Nice to meet you.
So, Justin, you speak Spanish.
Um Yes.
[Savannah] Alright.
So we're ready whenever you are.
OK. I want to welcome everybody to
to the wedding ceremony.
- [Cesar chuckles]
- Great job, Justin!
OK, these two, uh, beautiful people
have come together,
and if you don't act right, she
she will leave you.
[Lee] Oh, wow.
OK, now in Español.
OK. Yeah.
[in Spanish]
Is it possible to speak in Spanish?
There will be a huge Mexican family,
and they won't comprehend a thing.
[all laughing]
[quirky music playing]
[Lane in English]
Just anything in Spanish will do.
- [Justin] OK.
- [Lane] If you can.
Sí. Um
[Justin laughs nervously] OK.
[Lee] Justin,
I'm getting a divorce-party vibe.
And you don't speak Spanish.
- Yes. Alright. Uh, OK. No.
- [Lee] No.
[groans loudly]
[Lee] He doesn't speak Spanish at all.
He also seemed
like he'd never been to a wedding.
He's like, "We here today gather
for the first man on the moon."
- Where are we?
- No, Justin!
- [Lane] Great to meet you. Bye.
- [Justin] Thanks.
- That's a definite no.
- [chuckles]
[Lee] Hi! How are you?
- What's your name?
- Paul Quiroz.
We were thinking maybe you could do,
like, a little sample?
- [Lane] In English and Spanish?
- I do them both, yeah.
- Perfect!
- I mix both languages into the ceremony.
[Lane] We'll be the audience members.
So I'll be the Mexican side
'cause I'm part Mexican.
And I'll be the basic white bitch
who chose to sit on a throne.
[Savannah laughs]
We are gathered here today to celebrate
the wedding of Savannah and Cesar.
[speaking in Spanish]
- [continues speaking]
- [Lee] Wipe it on my sleeve.
[mimics blowing nose]
[continues speaking in Spanish]
[in English] That's the intro.
Now, it is a Rocky Horror Picture
themed wedding.
Are you OK with wearing
women's lingerie and heels?
- Yeah, yeah.
- [Lane] I'm kidding.
- I do feel you'd be open to it.
- [they laugh]
- [Paul laughs] I would.
- You seem like an open guy.
- Yeah, you seem very chill.
- I'm very laid back.
- [Savannah] OK.
- Very easygoing.
[Lee] OK, great!
- [Lane speaks Spanish]
- [Cesar chuckles]
- [laughs, speaks Spanish]
- [Cesar] Ciao.
[in English] How did you feel?
He was still very clear, you know,
he was able to communicate.
Other than that,
let's look at our other candidate
before we make a judgment on this.
Alright, we have one more officiant
that we're gonna audition.
Are you guys ready?
- I'm ready.
- [Lee] OK.
- Hello.
- Veronica. Very nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. I'm Savannah.
- Hi.
So I'll bring my podium,
and I'll stand here.
Stand right here,
pretend you have your dad here,
you will already be turning around
God. The choreography.
Today, we celebrate the love
of Cesar and Savannah,
and the life they are building together.
[repeats intro in Spanish]
[in English] Then we do your love story.
Then I do a Bible verse.
Then I talk about how two doves,
they've flown apart, they finally meet.
Then we do your "I do's."
Then we do the ring exchange.
She's putting on a nice voice,
but, like, I feel cold.
I feel like
she's writing a detention slip.
Look, I'm just very protective
of Cesar and Savannah,
and I want them to have someone
who matches their vibe.
Someone who can make their ceremony
more personal.
- So
- What are you thinking?
- Her voice, it transcends.
- Right.
You could tell, in the back,
they'll be able to hear her.
- But too formal and direct.
- I agree.
Yeah, like, "This is how things
are supposed to go."
Yes, she might potentially kind of
suck the fun out of it a little bit.
But, here's the thing.
Since you've been looking for an officiant
for a while with no luck,
what if old JL over here
- [Savannah] Mm-hmm.
- [Lee] And
speaks Spanish.
So, we were thinking
since we've gotten to know you guys,
and we would make sure to craft something
that really applies
to both of your personalities,
maybe I officiate in English
and then he would do the translating.
- Oh, I would love that.
- [Lane] Really?
- You mean it?
- [Savannah] Yeah!
- We'd love to do it.
- Yeah, but no pressure.
I don't want to put you guys on the spot,
like, if you need a moment.
We love y'all. It'd be a pleasure
to have both of you. Wouldn't it be?
- Yeah, I think it'll be really fun.
- Me, too.
- Me, too!
- [Lee screams]
[Lane] Thank you, guys!
We'll make the best wedding ever!
[upbeat music playing]
- Day of the wedding!
- Day of the wedding!
And there's so much shit we gotta do!
Will the families understand each other?
Will everybody get along?
Will Cesar pull off his vows?
Will we pull off officiating?
I've never officiated,
and I've never done anything professional
for Spanish besides make love.
[splutters] And
OK, well, that's a lot to take in.
I'm just gonna have a moment with that.
Wow! Look at this!
- [Lee sings note]
- Oh, what's going on, Jamie?
- [Lane laughing]
- [Lee sings high note]
- You look so cute!
- You look so cute!
- [Lane] Hello, hello.
- My little jumpsuit teddy bear boy.
- Look at your butt! [gasps]
- I know, thank you. Doesn't it look great?
Glutes high and tight!
- OK, real talk.
- OK.
[sighs deeply]
[giggles] I'm feeling really, like,
anxious about officiating
- OK, so am I.
- Really?
- [Lane] I'm so nervous!
- Oh, my God!
Why are you nervous?
You get to do it in English!
I speak Spanish,
but I never learned how to read Spanish,
so I'm like reading it,
and I sound so Italian.
I sound like Mario and Luigi.
I sound like [mimics Mario in Spanish]
Like, I sound ridiculous.
OK, but that's my favorite video game.
And I'm wearing the Mario suit!
Oh, my God!
- [mimics Mario in Spanish]
- [Lee laughing]
[Lee laughing hysterically]
- [Lane] Ready?
- [Lee] Let's practice.
[Lane] Let's do this.
[speaking in Italian]
- [in English] That was Italian.
- You did great.
Hola, hola.
- [Lane] Mira! You look so good.
- [Lee] Hi!
- Do you like our outfits?
- You look so snazzy.
Long time no see. How are you?
- Thank you.
- Look at your tux!
- Hi, buddy!
- How you doin'?
[Lee] Oh, my God!
[Lane in Spanish]
Cesar, we have a lot of questions for you.
- Mira.
- [in English] How are your personal vows?
Right now, it's just handwritten.
- [Lee] OK.
- I'm nervous. I hope I don't choke up.
But with this, hopefully,
you know, she loves what I say,
and everything goes on, moves on forward.
The only thing,
and I would say this to her too,
is don't feel
like you have to rush through them.
- You get one shot at this.
- Of course.
Read your vows, get comfortable with them.
Take your time with them.
Sounds good.
- See you soon.
- Proud of you.
Thank you.
[upbeat music playing]
- [Lee] Hi!
- [Savannah] Hey!
I'm feeding you a cookie.
Will you eat one cookie?
- [bridesmaid laughs]
- [Lee] Just You know
You just need some sustenance.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
[Lee] My God.
Your eye makeup is everything.
[Martha] Jamie is like the best.
She's feeding us cookies and crackers.
Guys, I know you haven't eaten
properly today.
That's what happens on wedding days.
Yeah, she's looking at me like, "More."
- Somebody feed the bride.
- [Lee laughs] Like, "Here!"
Yeah! Feed the bride!
[Cesar] Thank you for coming.
[Lee] OK, so guests are arriving
and there's a forklift. [laughs]
Why is there a forklift
in the middle of the room still?
This area's for cocktails, people,
not moving diapers in bulk.
Hi. Are you with the venue?
There's a forklift
- Mm-hmm.
- in the middle of the room.
- Why is that still there? If they're
- OK. Wait.
[indistinct chatter]
[Lee] Ma'am, can we just
I can light the candles
if you want to handle the forklift.
I can do that. Is it working?
- Yeah.
- [Lee] Yeah. OK. Yeah.
[forklift engine starting]
[engine rumbling]
Do we need to open the door?
Are we gonna all die?
- [tense music plays]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Savannah] There we go.
- I love those earrings.
[Savannah] Oh, my God. It's very tight.
- Ooh, Lord Jesus.
- You got it, Mom?
[music continues]
[Lee] OK, these little strings
seem like they're tightening this up.
- [Martha] Cut these out?
- [Lee] That's what I'm thinking.
[music continues]
Nice, and then
- [Lee] Ah!
- [Martha] Oh, good.
- [Savannah] Oh, Jesus!
- [Lee] Nice.
[instrumental music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[instrumental music swells]
Who gives this woman
to be married to this man?
[Howard] I do.
[Lee softly] OK.
We are gathered here today to celebrate
the marital union of Cesar and Savannah,
two incredible people
whose love is so loud,
you'd never know they met in a library.
[all chuckle]
[Lane repeats in Spanish]
[guests laughing]
[in English] With that said,
they've written some vows,
and they're gonna speak directly.
I got you. I'll hold it for you.
- I'll hold it for you.
- [Savannah] OK.
As your wife,
I vow to make you laugh.
[sobs] I vow to make the best
out of bad situations.
[sobs] And I vow to give my best to you
and our new bundle of joy.
You are my best friend,
my partner in crime, and my road dog.
- [Cesar chuckling]
- [laughs]
This is you. [giggles]
[guests applauding]
[Cesar sniffles]
- [Lee giggles]
- OK.
[Savannah laughs]
- Kind of hard to follow up with that.
- [Savannah chuckles]
Here it goes.
I can still recall the first time
I laid eyes upon you.
Dressed in your jean pants,
black and white Converse,
tank top with your grandma sweater.
- Or cardigan, as you like to correct me.
- [giggles]
Your face completely natural,
no makeup on.
I can remember it like it was yesterday,
because from that day on,
my life has been a timeless,
never-ending love story.
You care for me as I care for you.
I thank the Lord the day I met you.
I give you my heart, I give you my word
that in this world, you are my true love.
You carry our child.
We created our future.
Together as a family,
we paint the perfect picture.
[guests cheer and applaud]
Exchange a kiss to seal your vows.
[Lane repeats in Spanish]
[guests cheering]
[Lee] Woo!
- [Cesar] I love you, baby.
- Love you, too.
[Lee] They did it!
- Truly.
- [Lane] Yeah.
Because they wanted to really
bring these two families together.
And it was so emotional.
Everyone was crying.
Cesar's vows were so adorable.
So great ♪
It was an honor
[indistinct chatter]
By the way,
we're obsessed with that table.
They all look
like they're related to Celine Dion.
Like a table of Celines.
- Yes. We call them the three Celines.
- [laughs] The three Celines!
[emcee] They are married today!
Give it up for Savannah and Cesar!
- [guests cheering]
- [dance music playing]
Woo! Yes!
So, they're doing a gender reveal.
Gender reveals
might not be the best for all of us.
But I think this is something
that's helping bring the family together,
so it is a nice way
to celebrate the union of two families.
- Couldn't agree more.
- It's a girl.
- A girl? It's a boy.
- It's a girl.
[Lee] It is a boy.
It doesn't matter what it is,
as long as it's happy.
- Right. But in the meantime, it's a boy.
- Girl.
[emcee] Here we go!
In three, two, one
[screaming and cheering]
- [Lee] I knew it!
- [Cesar] Yeah!
- [Lee] I knew it! I knew!
- [cheering continues]
[Cesar and Lee screaming]
I'm very excited to have a baby boy.
It's like we did one journey
with the wedding,
and now we're off
into a whole new journey with the baby.
Hey! [smooches]
- [Cesar] Ooh, he kicked right away.
- He just kicked. He just kicked.
- [Lee] This was special.
- You were amazing. Congratulations.
Thank you, guys. No, you guys.
Jamie, from both of our hearts,
from the bottom of them,
thank you very much for everything,
thanks for your guidance.
If we didn't have you, I don't know how
my wedding would have turned out.
I love you, baby.
- You better!
- [chuckling]
[upbeat music playing]
Savannah wanted to feel comfortable
and special as a pregnant bride.
- It's totally wonderful and exciting.
- Right.
And we made her realize that.
It made it more fun and more eventful.
Everyone speaks
- Yeah!
- Including us.
- I gotta say, we just did it.
- Oh, we Let's
- [Lee] I mean, you, me, together!
- Let's call a spade a spade!
It was just You're welcome.
- [Lee] You are welcome.
- De nada.
- Prego.
- [Lee chuckles]
De rien.
Bitte zehr.
You're welcome.
[upbeat music playing]
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