The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Champagne Dreams, Beer Budget

(LAUREN) This app can match
you to your perfect dress.
And they even have a
presto delivery option
so we can have it here by next week!
Honey! You are going to
look amazing in any of these.
Thank you.
I can't wait for Hannah's
opinion when she gets here.
Look, we can order through the app.
We don't have to go anywhere.
We can plan our wedding
from here. From this cafe.
I'm sure we'll get the most
out of our web-coupon
with Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
You sure will!
- Hey guys.
- Hey!
So, since our last meeting, I
went over some of Mom's files
to catch up on some of the
conversations you had with her.
To keep us on track.
Exactly. We going to need to
update the budget a little bit
and finalize some of the key details.
Okay but my priorities are
the dress, accessories, shoes.
And what collar should Mellow wear.
One decorated with sparkles or flowers?
Because Mellow can pull off anything.
Let's focus on finalizing
your dress first.
So it sounds like we're
looking at something custom.
So I have just the designer for that.
Looks like our kind of guy!
Yeah, that's my brother.
He's some kind of guy.
Let's go consult James
back at the office
and then we can come back
when Christopher gets here
to talk cakes.
What is your opinion on these shoes?
Let's play a little
credit card roulette.
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love and love for all ♪
Ah, so, Paige should be here any minute.
But, remind me. What do
the two of you do again?
I'm a graphic designer and
Lauren is a paper artist.
How did you the two of you get engaged?
Oh, well we actually
got engaged twelve times.
- What?
- Yeah.
The first time was at the state park
when we were hiking.
But because there was no audience,
Leo proposed eleven more times.
Any time we went to dinner or
a gallery or anywhere really.
Ladies and gentlemen! If I
could have your attention.
Will you marry me?
Yes! For the fourth time.
Will you marry me?
Yes. For the seventh time.
It never gets old.
Any idea where you want this?
Ah, just on the table is fine for now.
It's just a printer.
I know. It's just a small,
everyday thing to think about.
It's not that small. I had
to carry it through the
I'm in charge now.
I'm in charge of modernizing.
And satisfying clients.
And finding new business.
And ordering paperclips.
You can do this.
You have been working
for Marguerite and running
this family just fine for years.
And don't knock paperclips.
They are important and
you can't have papers
willy nilly loosely all over the place.
And we also know people
understand running a company.
Like Sally.
Just have a coffee with
her like you used to.
Vent a little.
Yeah I can talk about
James and Hannah being
James and Hannah.
What I need to talk about
is the business finances.
Look, I went through everything.
It just doesn't add up.
Yeah, I guess this
isn't really a good time.
For ?
I lost the Jansen's jewelry account.
It happened before the funeral.
And I didn't want to add
more that week for you.
Dan, that was one of
your biggest accounts.
I know.
There goes our family vacation.
Losing Mom is having all
these residual ripples.
I don't know if I can handle this.
Your Mom taught you
how to dance through it.
You sound like her.
You're right, you're right.
I have everything that Mom taught me.
Including: "Don't be
late for your clients"!
Get out of here.
Oh, I keep forgetting.
Pastor Evan has called
the house a few times.
- He's left a couple messages.
- Ah, sure. I'll call him back.
Hey! Do you remember Lauren and Leo?
Yes. Nice to see you again.
So. I am just reviewing your budget.
Which is
Fifteen thousand dollars.
We've got the Carmichael
Hall booked for the reception
and St. Augustine's for the service.
And your date is
Oh, wow. Fast approaching.
Plus we've been doing
some planning on our own.
So, James is maybe going to do
some custom work on her gown.
Their budget is a little
sparse for custom anything.
Hey, Paige.
Just reminding you
you have an 11 o'clock.
Well I'm sure James and I can fit
their dreams into their budget.
Of course.
Yeah, I mean, moderation
is my middle name.
Okay. I guess double
bookings are a good thing.
You two are in good hands.
Leo and Lauren, meet James
'Moderation' Clarkson.
He's been focusing on our wedding gowns.
- Oh.
- And accessories. And color palettes and,
I believe, there was a mood board?
Right. Let's not get
too ahead of ourselves.
James has been working with
Stephen Hawson's label lately.
He's got quite a flair and
a few opinions of his own.
Yeah, right there.
Okay. Tighten it.
I do not permit you to disturb
me when I'm in the zone.
You know that.
- Yes. I do.
- And?
And I'm also here to make
sure that more work gets done.
- And?
- And more work gets done
when there's more people to do the work.
Do not ask me to call James.
I will never return
his calls. Ever. Again!
He went behind my back and
used my brand's resources
on his own collection.
I had to tell my investors
that we were over budget and
they cut back my Fall
and Winter collection.
Cut back Kendall!
Stephen Hawson doesn't get cut back.
Especially not because of
some climber like James.
But, he brought his A
game to the creative.
He worked hard. He cared.
It's not my place to say it,
but the gossips are saying
he deserved his own collection.
James Clarkson's own
collection was one of
the worst the gossips have ever seen.
So I don't think so.
Okay maybe
I shouldn't have fired the guy
on the day of his Mother's funeral.
But it was just another
Thursday in the fashion business.
Maybe he deserved his
own collection with you.
I do not permit you to tell
me how to run my business.
(LAUREN) See like this.
But this length and
with sleeves like this.
Well you've certainly
given plenty of options.
- Which I can blend into something chic.
If you'll just give me one sec.
So, is he going to call me back?
(KENDALL TEXTING) Not going to happen.
Sorry, I tried.
My house it's good to me ♪
It's good to be at home ♪
Sunlight, a cup of tea ♪
It's like a James Clarkson time capsule.
Why I gotta be so anxious? ♪
I know everyday gets a little
better than the last one ♪
I knowwww ♪
My biggest believer.
And archivist, apparently.
(YOUNG JAMES) Oh, people, please!
Go easy on the eyeliner!
Remember (CLAPS)
This is Breakfast at Tiffany's
meets Industrial Chic. Huh?
Let's get back to work.
What do you think? Off white?
Ah, see. My new addiction to
vintage accessories is paying off.
This one.
Look at this! I am so proud of you.
This is all your vision.
Could you do some finals
on the models over there?
- And Paige
- Yes.
I am anointing you
guardian of the clipboard.
Who is wearing above all grace?
(HANNAH) James?
James, where are you?
Ah, I'm up in the loft.
Hey, we're kind of in the
middle of a planning session.
Yeah, she kind of kept everything.
You should see the old tapes I found.
I didn't know she had
all these vintage gems.
I feel like when we all moved out,
Mom just started online
shopping like crazy.
You do get your eye from
her though, you know.
Okay Hannah Banana.
Let's get back to the wedding business.
Apologies for the remodeling commotion.
I like to refresh
every couple of seasons.
(PAIGE) No worries.
I'll be right down.
All right.
It says here that you
would like to do a wedding
in a few months, and you'd
like some upscale choices.
Yes. I want to spoil Genie with
the most gorgeous day possible.
And do you have a budget in mind?
Well I had no real notion just yet
- but I want it to be a memorable event.
How many guests?
I would say most of the neighbors.
About forty.
I was thinking of a
Southern Belle theme.
You know with mint juleps
and those finger sandwiches.
An afternoon affair. Delicious!
This is Genie?
Well heavens yes.
Arthur, the Henderson's dog,
will just be wearing a little bow tie.
And cuff links.
We were thinking a Saturday.
A Saturday. Okay.
Let me see what we have available.
What about next Saturday?
- Sure. Next Saturday.
- Very good.
I want this to be the most
glorious day for Genie.
So we are exactly on budget.
Ninety-five dollars under,
I'm happy to say.
Nice! We appreciate that.
Are these arches
included in our package?
No, that's in the
Crystal Wedding Package.
So. Let's talk about the cake.
Is seven tiers in our budget?
I don't think seven tiers
fits into the budget.
Ah. Okay. I can wrangle this budget.
You're pet friendly, right?
We'll have to add an additional charge
for a whole new level of cleaning.
Mellow has to be here.
Whatever the price.
How about we skip the groom's cake?
I don't get a cake now?
It's okay.
Let me just revisit the numbers.
I'm sure we could think of something.
I'm a cake wizard
so if you give me a
couple photos I can follow.
It's true. He is.
These are amazing!
How's everybody doing
in these weeks since the funeral?
Well, I don't think we've had
the time to process any of it.
And James?
Is he headed back to New York?
James is still here although
he keeps telling us
he's going go back soon.
And Hannah seems okay although
she has the tendency of
bailing when things get hard.
Well, I don't know about
bailing because I've seen her
hanging around Christopher's
cafe a lot lately.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Huh!
- Can you blame her?
He makes good coffee.
How about you? How're things going?
Oh well, you know.
I'm still trying to
hire for the position.
But I don't think I'm going
to have a hard time finding
someone to accept a six figure salary.
I'm sorry. What?
Sally, you didn't tell me
you were offering that much!
You didn't ask.
You simply said you weren't interested.
The money is tempting, believe me.
Dan has had few clients leave.
And I'm pretty sure our
business is heading to the dogs.
Ah, seriously.
How is business?
Clarkson's booked for
the next little while.
Thanks to Mom.
Paige. Come on.
I know what financial
stress can do to a marriage.
Dan and I aren't stressed per Se.
I just trying to give you some options.
Okay? You know that I
would love to hire you.
You could generate new business,
travel overseas for sourcing.
Not to mention what
the financial freedom
can do for you.
I know, but I love Mom's business.
Fine. Fair enough.
But I mean you, Hannah and James
all on the same payroll, come on.
Hannah and James have very
reasonable expectations.
'James' and 'reasonable'
have never lived in the
same sentence before!
You know that. Come on.
Job offer aside, I want you
to know I am also prepared
to make a significant offer
on Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
What? No. No. Sally, you
I can't
You don't have to say anything, okay.
I am just going to write down a figure
so you know what I'm thinking.
And then you can share
it with "wandering" Hannah
and "reasonable" James.
Come on.
Pastor Evan!
I'm so sorry I haven't
returned any of your calls.
I've just been so busy.
I haven't had the time.
You know Paige, we can talk
anytime. About anything.
It doesn't have to be a reason.
We can share memories.
Talk about Marguerite.
I need that too.
I feel like I've lost
my mentor and my anchor,
all at once.
And now I have to be
there for James and Hannah.
And, I don't know. I
don't think I'm ready.
Sure you are.
Even if your mind doesn't
thinks you're up to it,
your heart knows better.
Sometimes the rawest
periods in our lives,
they can really open up our
hearts to new possibilities,
new paths.
You know, I've been
weighing the pros and cons
of this job offer.
It's a great opportunity. But
I'm torn.
Do you know what your Mom would say?
She would say that being my own boss
instead of working at
someone else's schedule
is worth the weight of the crown.
See how she's still here for you?
Yeah. Thank you.
I needed that.
You know, she was always Team Clarkson.
She'd want to know that James and Hannah
were fitting into the business well.
We're all trying anyway.
It's all you can do.
Thank you.
I've been going through
all of these "stages" and
the one that I'm struggling
the most to get past is denial.
How so?
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
But I'm not ready for
everyone to pity me.
Especially not the kids.
You know Marguerite, not all
of life journeys are meant
to be shared.
Some of them are just ours alone.
And this path you're on,
it doesn't give you much control.
Right. It doesn't.
I can't control that my body
is not responding the way
that the doctors hoped.
But you can control how
you live through these days.
Only you can do that.
I don't want to share this
awful illness with the kids.
But I do want them closer now.
And I want them together.
They'll be close to you.
Oh. Have you checked her emails?
Well her password is
her first pet's name
and her birthday, just
in case you need it.
Thank you. I'll check it tomorrow.
You know you can call me, Paige.
Thank you.
Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
You got a man, we got a plan.
Yup. One second. She's here.
It's that hunky caterer.
Which one?
Hey Christopher. What's up?
I'm so sorry.
No, we don't want that
coming out of your pocket.
Okay. Talk soon. Bye.
Leo's catering check bounced.
Wow. Dream clients.
Ah, you guys! Mom loved these two.
Yeah, but Mom had one employee.
Now that three of us
are taking the salaries,
we need to focus on high paying clients.
More bookings, bigger business.
You sound like Sally.
Sally is a very
successful businesswoman.
And our competitor!
Yeah, but she's not wrong.
Right now two out of three
of our weddings coming up
this month are turning a profit.
Do you know what that means?
Two out of three ain't bad?
No, no, I hear you Paige.
I'm calling Leo right now.
I'm going to get to the
bottom of these money issues.
Thank you.
Yeah, I know Hannah.
Yeah, I'm going to sort
that all out tomorrow.
I promise. Yeah. Okay.
Hey, I've been thinking about something.
This house is a little
small for when I move in.
What are you talking about?
Why don't we take the
wedding money and instead
start building our life together.
Put a down payment on some property.
Something modest, out of the city.
Mellow would love the
long walks in the forest.
You could have your own studio.
Off leash.
Chasing all the squirrels he wants.
I love it.
And we could get married at town hall.
Just you and me.
Because all that matters is
that you and I love each other.
My parents got married at
town hall with just the clerks.
Mom always said she regretted it.
Later, she wished her
sisters had been there.
That there've been a real photographer.
Yeah, I guess I'd miss my sisters too.
Leo, there's another reason this wedding
is so important to me.
Tell me.
When I was growing up
we moved around a lot.
I didn't get to have many friends
and I missed a lot of the
usual kid celebrations.
I feel like I'm finally
putting down roots.
Like I finally have
something to celebrate.
We both do.
All right.
Big wedding here we come.
Let's crunch some numbers.
Let's crush some numbers!
(LAUREN) Oh no! Mellow!
Did he just swallow that tin foil?
Call the emergency vet!
Mellow! Mellow!
How was your day?
"Stressful as usual Dan.
That's why I'm ignoring you?"
Oh hey.
Can I show you something?
What is this? The weekly lottery?
Sally's offer to buy Clarksons.
So, she tried to poach you,
and now she wants to buy the business?
I can't tell James and Hannah.
Why, because they wouldn't want to sell?
No, because they totally would!
And then Mom's legacy
is just poof! Gone.
And then I'd have to work "for" Sally.
Not necessarily.
Maybe Sally wants to keep
the Clarkson branding.
It could be its own division
and you guys could all stay on.
I doubt it.
James is going to head back
to New York in a heartbeat
and Hannah's just
probably going to take off.
Yeah, but you would have
a solid pay check and
A vacation, maybe.
I know.
I've just never seen so many zeros
on that side of the decimal point.
These are life-changing zeros.
Yeah, they are.
Whatever you decide,
though, I support you.
Well other than that huge
news, how was your day?
Well a woman asked us to
plan her dog's wedding.
That's hitting a new low.
Yeah. Thanks, Mom.
But it is giving me some perspective.
Do you mean with regard
to your grouchiness?
I clearly haven't
been able to hide that.
You have good reasons.
Can we talk?
I'm worried about us.
You and me.
I just feel like we've
been two ships lately.
We will always come back to the harbor.
You're just figuring out this business.
It's not going to be this crazy forever.
Thank you.
(HANNAH) Doesn't the same
thing happen in fashion?
Really great collections
come out of tough
times and little money?
Well I'm the last person
to consult on money matters.
Not exactly my strongest skill.
Maybe if we focus on the
right side of our brains,
and come at it from the place of love,
we can find a way for them.
I think I might need a new way myself.
You've always known your
way while we mere mortals
are still struggling to find ours.
I am more mortal than you think.
Um, I'm in a bit of a spiral.
I pushed Stephen too far and, reveal,
he wants me out of the business.
He says I have no concept
of money and that I have been
over spending on my own
collections and neglecting
the Hawson signature lines.
Imagine that.
So, I'm no good at budgeting at work
and even worse with
my personal finances.
And it's New York so
everyone expects you
to live and look a certain way. And
(SOBBING) I am swimming in debt.
No. Don't. Please.
It gets worse. Um
The night of the blackout I stole money
from Mom's petty cash
to get back to New York.
You what? James!
I know it's awful. I feel awful.
You betrayed our trust! Mom's trust.
What were you thinking?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I know how hard it is
for you to come clean.
And I also know that Mom would
want us to pull together now.
I didn't want to shatter
her belief in me.
I think that's why I
didn't return her calls
because I didn't want her to
hear the failure in my voice.
Mom loved you so much.
We all make mistakes. It's okay.
Well, while we're at it
Sally offered me a six-figure salary.
- Sally offered you a job?
- Yeah.
What? Just out of the blue?
Before Mom died.
You went behind Mom's back?
It's not like that Hannah.
Mom always supported my
career. All of our careers.
I could use some of
that support right now.
Sorry. I know. We all could.
Guys, we have an opportunity here
to create a great life for ourselves.
Just like Mom did.
But that's not going to happen
if we're not all fully in.
I'm going to tell Sally a firm "no".
Okay, um
I'll send for my stuff in New York.
I'm in.
I've always been in.
But am I equally in?
No "little sister" short straw?
Yes. Equal.
Okay, then I'm in.
Okay now, we need a win
to get back on track.
Maybe Mom's looking out for us?
Speaking of which, her
playbook sent me to a meeting
with a woman who actually wants
to hold a wedding for her dog.
I legitimately live, laugh,
love for canine couture.
Oh land line.
Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
You have desires
Hey. Slow down, slow down, slow down.
Mellow ate tinfoil! Is he okay?
Well it sounds like
the vet saved his life.
Yeah yeah. Come right in.
Nola wants to know if
the kimono print is ready.
Did you check the order status book?
It isn't up to date yet.
James usually does that every morning.
Just get me the supplier's number.
They're only in for one more hour.
Time zones.
Nola also wants to know why
James hasn't dropped by lately.
What did you tell her?
That his Mother passed away recently.
Not excellent that she died.
My prayers are with the family.
We can't hide it that
he's not here forever.
You have to let the others know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just
don't have to do it today.
I still have a bit of time
to stitch that story together.
Meanwhile, Hawson's
is a James-free zone.
Peaceful. Calm.
Yep. Tranquil.
Very tranquil.
Bridget's stylist was also
calling about her dress
for the music awards next week.
She said James usually books
her in two weeks in advance.
- Just in case.
- Yeah, well tell her that I say that
two weeks is a bloated time frame.
Book Bridget for Monday.
(SCOFFS) Celebrities. I tell you.
(LEO) Mellow's been
with Lauren for years.
We had to get him to surgery.
He's in our hearts, you know?
I think you made the right decision.
I'm afraid our only savings
was the wedding fund.
I have no idea what
we're going to do now.
We're not really sure
if we can even pay you
for your time this week.
Listen, we really wish
we could help both of you
during this tough time,
but unfortunately
You know, I want to
do more than just wish.
I want to give you a personal,
heartfelt and inexpensive wedding.
I don't know how I'm
going to do that yet,
but we have to get creative.
Let's see if we can bend those numbers.
Our Mother would have
wanted you to have a day
that is worthy of your love.
Do yo thang do yo own thang ♪
Do yo own thang
get on get on get on it ♪
I think you volunteering to
make the cake was very kind.
I have a really great
cake mentor on speed dial.
He's also really kind. Yeah.
Shall we?
Yeah. Let's do it.
Look at you now ahhhh ♪
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon ♪
Everybody out here feelin' you now ♪
Ahhhh ♪
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon ♪
Look at you now pick me up ♪
All the way up ♪
Pick me on up I
love I love I love it ♪
Show it off show it all off ♪
Make 'em all stop you know ♪
Look at you now ♪
Ahhhh c'mon c'mon ♪
C'mon c'mon ♪
You're a culinary genius.
Okay. I'll see you in a bit.
Yeah, go ahead.
Thank you.
Judith. Hi.
I need to review our checklist.
One. Genie's diamond bow.
Yes, the jeweler
Oh, finished it today. So I'm
going to pick it up tomorrow
on my way to the office.
Make sure the diamonds are
princess cut, not cushion cut.
They look similar but
they very much are not.
They most certainly are not, Judith.
I'll double check in the morning.
To veil, or not to veil?
Ah, well, I have samples
in organza, tulle, lace.
Just bring Genie in
and I'll do a fitting.
Genie will let us know
if she likes any of them.
Or not.
Snacks for the reception.
Oh, ah, so the bakery started
Sorry, the barkery started
making the liver treats tower
and the bow-wownies.
And the custom ceramic water
bowls arrived yesterday.
So all is good.
You're a life saver, Paige.
What would I do without you?
Well, it's my pleasure.
It's going to be delicious.
Here. For you.
Okay, I'm confused.
How did you know I like
cinnamon in my coffee?
I know things.
Like you came in to
try my chicken pot pie.
And you're here because it's hard to be
around your siblings 24/7.
Okay. You do know some things.
I love Paige and James, but with
everything that's been going on,
it's just been overwhelming. You know?
Yeah. It's hard to lose someone.
I miss my grandfather.
He was 95 when he passed away.
Yeah. It's just so funny.
The three of us have been
reverting to our old child-like ways.
It's so weird.
And I want to vent about
my co-workers to my family,
but they are my co-workers.
Can't win.
Well I'm always here to listen.
Yeah? All right, well. Send me the bill.
Hey do you need any more
help with the nice couple?
The champagne taste on beer budget?
You are a genius!
This is yours. Thank you!
(HANNAH) Hey James! I need you!
Shocking! What's up?
Are you still in touch with that
guy ran the Red Line Brewery?
Remember? Where you did
your first fashion show.
Yeah. We keep in touch.
They let us have the
venue for free, right?
As long as people bought beer?
Yeah. That was the deal.
And we were able to
bring in our own food?
Yeah, but it's just a brewery
not a restaurant so
you can kind of do whatever you want.
(HANNAH) Hey! You're just in time!
Come check this out.
So, take a look at this venue.
So, it's actually within your budget
if you pre-pay for some
drinks and some beer.
Plus they let you
bring in your own food,
so that doesn't mark
up our cost too much.
It looks amazing.
You guys are awesome!
So, we're doing simplified
floral arrangements,
we're doing banquet
style seating. What else?
(JAMES) It looks like they
have everything they need
including an amazing dress.
(HANNAH) I think we're
actually going to pull this off.
Let's get you two married!
We are gathered here today
to join Leo and Lauren in matrimony.
Lauren, you are my best friend.
I was always looking for you.
Here you are.
I am so grateful that we can
wake up every day together,
for the rest of our lives.
I know we will always be a family.
- Me and you. And Mellow.
Together. Forever.
The rings?
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Let's go. Let's go.
I can't believe we pulled this off.
This might go down as
the cheapest wedding
in the history of Clarkson
Wedding Essentials.
The cheapest and the most beautiful.
Well, I would rather
be here than in New York
with a room full of people who
know the price of everything
and the value of nothing.
Here here!
I'm pretty sure you got that from Mom.
Yeah. I mean, obviously.
- Oh I love this song!
(PAIGE) I've got
another wedding tomorrow.
So I'm out of here.
Of course. I hope she feels better.
Paige! Paige!
My friend Allen just called
and his daughter spiked a fever!
And now he can't make it.
Okay, umm
We can drop off a box
of treats to him tonight.
Human treats!
That way he can still feel like
he's part of the celebration.
No, not Allen the guest.
Allen the Officiant!
We've lost our Officiant?
It's horrible!
Judith. Everything's going to be okay.
We'll think of something fabulous.
It's not like it has to be
an actual legal proceeding
or anything, right?
Right. All we need is someone
who knows weddings inside out.
(PAIGE) Welcome friends.
We are gathered here
today to celebrate
Puppy love.
(PAIGE) Let us lift up our joyful hearts
as Genie and Arthur
celebrate their togetherness.
Do you take Arthur to
be your puppy partner?
Arthur, do you take Genie
to be your puppy partner?
I'll take that as a yes.
Genie, take this treat as
a sign of Arthur's love.
And Arthur, take this treat
as sign of Genie's love.
May you share companionship
and playfulness
everyday for the rest of your lives.
You are now two dogs bound
by love and commitment.
You may sniff the bride. (LAUGHS)
(PAIGE) Pastor Evan. Twice in one week.
(PAIGE) I'm blessed,
but this dog wedding
really dragged me out.
Have you checked into your Mom's email?
I'm sorry. I forgot.
I ran into Dev from the
Chamber of Commerce on Sunday.
He's looking for a reply.
He thought someone would be checking
into Marguerite's inbox.
I'm sorry. I'm a bit lost.
The new women's business
initiative from the Chamber.
Oh. Yeah, I think maybe I saw something.
I was one of her community advocates
on her loan application.
Dev just had some
final paperwork for you.
Because the money came through.
What money?
Business line of credit.
To help bolster new
hirings and or acquisitions.
(PASTOR EVAN) Your Mom was
always looking out for you.
Next time on The Wedding Planners
A wedding on wheels. That's a first.
Married? You just started dating.
When did you get engaged?
I've got a meeting with Matt McCurdy!
What I've come here for
is none of your concern
as we're not currently working together.
Our parents had a falling out
after my folks won the lottery.
We're supposed to be family!
You two seem to be the
best at what you do.
What do you say to a
little healthy competition?
Yeah, we need all hands on deck
if we're pulling this
wedding off in a week.
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