The Wheel of Time: Origins (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

The Greatest Warder

Whatever comes, face it on your feet!
Burn me!
Dig your blasted heels in, Warder!
Look alive!
Blood and ashes.
On your feet.
Jearom Gaidin.
Sir, yes, the greatest swordsman.
A man without history.
Only legends pass through
the ranks of the warders.
His prowess with a sword knew no equal.
In battle, all who should cross him found
themselves at the far end of his blade.
Save one.
Ten thousand victories
and a single loss
to a farmer with a wooden quarterstaff.
His sole defeat became a legacy.
Never again underestimate your fellow man.
Respect the wielder, not the weapon.
Who is the greatest blademaster
of all time?
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