The Winchesters (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

You're Lost Little Girl

Breaker, breaker one three.
Come in, Big Rig Mama.
This is Twinkle Star calling.
Do you copy?
Copy that, Twinkle Star.
You've got Big Rig Mama.
I'm ten in the wind
and halfway to Hogtown.
What's the situation, little lady?
It's Bernice, Mama.
I can't find her anywhere.
Did you ask your brother
to help you look, hon?
Can you come home and
help me find her, please?
I miss her so much.
Carrie, sweetie pie,
our family needs this paycheck.
You understand what that means, right?
I'll be home in a few days.
Until then I need you to be a big girl.
Can you do that for Mama?
10-4. I'll be a big girl.
That's my little star.
Sleep well, baby.
Big Rig Mama signing off.
Twinkle Star signing off.


I've missed you.
I thought I'd never find you.


There's no map to being a hunter.
No playbook.
You gotta follow your gut.
But that can only take you so far.
Truth is, you can't do it
all on your own.
You need other people
to help guide the way
your friends, your family.
Otherwise you just end up lost.
Yeah, uh, I know.
Well, just tell her I called
if you do see her.
Thanks, Nina.
Still no word from your mom?
Mm. I heard she was working
with a group of hunters in Minnesota
a couple months ago.
But I'm not even sure
she knows my dad's missing.
Keep leaving messages.
So they're still separated, then?
They never gave a reason why.
But nothing's been the same
since Maggie died,
for any of us.
So we've gone through
every single one
of my dad's hunting journals,
every note on a scrap,
and I still can't find him.
We're not gonna stop until we find him.
Okay, but even if we do find something,
what does it matter
if he wants to stay lost?
Okay, do you really think
that your dad sent us
all the way to Topeka to lose his trail?
Um, well
Last time I talked to my dad,
we got into a really huge argument
about quitting hunting.
And I don't know, I just feel
like him being out there,
him leaving me behind to worry,
it just feels like he's giving
me the silent treatment.
Maybe there's another reason.
You told him what you wanted.
Maybe he's trying to prove
that he can do it alone
so you can leave.
You guys have been at this for days.
How about a little break at least,
just for a couple of hours?
I don't know, maybe go see a movie?
A movie?
Yeah, yeah. A movie.
Um, do you want me to check
what's playing?
Well, you can take a
break if you need to.
You can see "The Omega Man".
But I'm gonna check in with Ada,
see if she knows something.

All of this from a trance?
It was the only way to access
the echo of the demon that possessed me.
That demon was after
the exact same thing
as your father.
This lovely item,
which I take is still
more of a paperweight
than a monster-killing box?
Without that thing working,
we don't stand a chance at stopping
the Akrida from invading our world.
Now, what did come from the writing
may be a path to fix the box.
The demon that possessed me
and the demon that attacked you all
outside of the clubhouse,
they're partners.
They were working together
to try to find that box.
Well, the demon that possessed you
was killed by the box.
So better find the partner.
Exactly, which leads
to the other piece
of the puzzle I found.
This address is reoccurring
in different fragments of the writing.
- Do you know the place?
- No.
I'm guessing the demon did.
I know it's not much
to go off of, but it's
Mary, good. You're here.
- Losy, what's wrong?
- Just drove by your place.
And cop cars everywhere
at your neighbor's house.
Looked like an episode of "Dragnet".
You're close with them, right?
Yeah. Their dad's out of the picture,
and their mom's a long-haul trucker,
so I keep an eye on the kids
whenever I can.
Okay, I have to go over there
and see if they're okay.
- Thank you.
- I'll go with you.
I'll go check out this address.
Uh, don't go alone.
Bring Carlos, and if you see a demon,
call Lata here, and we'll come running.
So how old are these kids?
Ford's 12. Carrie's 8.
With their mom gone so much,
they're both handfuls
act a lot older than they are.
Guess it reminds me of me
when I was their age.
- Betty. Hi.
You're a you're a cop.
No flies on you, huh?
- It's nice to see you.
- Yeah.
But I do have to ask you,
since this is a crime scene,
- what are you doing here?
- My friend lives here,
- actually.
- Oh.
Well, not here, here.
Next door.
- Um, that friend is me.
- Oh.
Hi, I'm Mary.
- Mary Campbell?
- Yeah.
We got ahold of Mrs. Billups.
She said to contact you and your dad
to look after Ford.

Where's Carrie?
She's missing.
- Do you mind if I
- Not at all.
Thank you.

So, uh, what's the story there?
Oh, no. We, uh it's a study group.
Yeah, I enrolled in a community college
- when I got back.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- You know, I called you.
The second I heard you got back.
I-I know. I, um
- I-I should have called.
- It's okay.
All I wanted to say
is that I'm really glad
you got home safe, Johnny.
Thanks, Betty.
What is it, Ford? You can tell me.
I skipped this part with the police.
I knew if I told them,
they'd think I was crazy.

When I got to Carrie's room,
I saw something grab her.
I all I saw was
this long, twisted arm.
It pulled her into some
kind of sack and
and disappeared into thin air.
[SIGHS] Great.
Now you think I'm crazy, don't you?
No, I don't.
And I'm gonna get
your sister back, Ford.
I promise.

Ford said something grabbed his sister,
and then she vanished.
That, uh, lines up with
what Betty told me.
Sounds like you two had fun
talking shop, huh?
I didn't tell her what we do,
if that's what you're asking.
Told her that we were study buddies.
I've never see one of these
in a kid's room before.
Oh, that's how Ford and Carrie talk
to their mom on the road.
I have one too.
My dad taught me how to use one
when I was Carrie's age.
Had me scan the dial and listen
for hunter code words in the chatter.
You said you started young.
You weren't kidding.
Sometimes I'd fall asleep
listening to the truckers.
It always made a me wonder
what it would be like
to have a normal life.
What'd you imagine? Hmm?
I mean, what did Mary Campbell
want to be when she grew up?
An astronaut.
I mean, come on.
There had to be something.
See, I, I wanted to be a catcher
for the Kansas City Athletics.
My parents never let me dream like that.
Being a kid who killed monsters
was my only option.
You know, when I was a kid, I, um
I made this list of all of these places
I was gonna go to look for my dad.
Kept it for years,
crossing off destinations,
adding more.
Enough time goes by
all you see is a list, you know?
Are you saying I should stop
looking for my dad?
I'm saying that once you find him
and leave hunting for good,
you're gonna need a new list.

Check this out.
Looks like some kind of fabric.
The kind that belongs
to a disappearing sack?



It's a hex bag.
What's in it?
It's herbs, blessed dirt, bones.
It's powerful.
It's designed to ward off
any and all malicious spirits.
My folks made sure this house
was super monster-proof,
but an extra layer can't hurt.
Ford will be safe here.
Okay, you grab that bag
and hang it over that window.
I'll grab the other one.
Mm, whoa, whoa. What is that thing?
Uh, it's just herbs and dirt.
I know, I know, it smells bad,
but it's for good luck.
[SIGHS] I need all the luck I can get.
Hey, I saw you talking
to that lady cop earlier.
Is she a friend of yours?
I have, uh, more important things
to worry right now.
Mary and I are gonna find
you sister, Ford.
We just we need you to stay put okay?
No. No, I'm not staying put.
I was supposed to look after Carrie
but I lost her.
I'm coming with you guys to help.
They best way you can help
is by staying here, where it's safe.
Those bags you put up
aren't just for good luck, are they?
That thing that I saw take Carrie,
that thing was real.

Ford, can you keep a secret?
My friends and I,
we take care of things like you saw.

Like a-a monster club?
Absolutely like monster club.

Can I be in the monster club?
Yeah, but as long as you
remember the first rule:
monster club is a secret.
Got it?
Okay, and don't go back to your house.
Just stay here, where it's safe.
And don't worry, we're
gonna get Carrie back.
I promise.

You're listening
to your siren of the airwaves,
Rockin' Roxy.
Here's a new one that's sure
to have you buggin' out.
I got that restless feeling ♪
This new pirate radio DJ
cooks up a tasty ear palate.
I approve.
It's a fitting soundtrack
for the end of my life,
my youth withering to decay
here in the most boring act
of all hunterdom:
a stakeout.
Patience, my friend.
Easy for you to say.
You brought along
a Zen gardening project.
Do you really think your demon's partner
is actually shacked up here?
Well, that's what we're
here trying to figure out
by keeping an eye out on things.
Or you can put down your little snippers
and we could bust the door open.
Great idea.

Muchas gracias
for ending my pain, amigo.
- Allow me to start yours.
Holy water?
Way out of your league, slick.

Toss him in.
[CHUCKLES] Quick thinking.
How'd you know I keep
a devil's trap in there?
I've rode in the back of that van
across three straight lines.
Good to see you again, Ada.
We should tell Mary and the others
we got ourselves a demon.

Let's take him someplace quiet
so we can talk with him first.

I was able to identify
the fabric you found.
The pattern's North Indian.
Ironically, not far
from where I was born.
I might have been able
to identify it sooner
if not for the fact that
it's over 1,000 years old.
Okay, so not something you'd
find in a Woolworths catalog?
I wish it was.
There's only one monster I know of
that might leave
something like this behind.
I always thought it was just story.
His name is Bori Baba, or Father Sack.
It's equivalent to the bogeyman
where I'm from.
Okay, why do I get the feeling
he doesn't deliver presents
in that thing?
In a rather disturbing way, it does.
See, Bori Baba lures its victims
by tempting them with
an item they've lost.
And not just any item.
Something that has deep meaning to them.
When a person wishes
for this item to be found,
the sack appears.
Then Bori Baba emerges
from it, takes them,
and traps them in its maze.
It tends to stay
in one area for a while.
It likes to play with its food.
It enjoys taunting and hunting them
until it eats them alive.
A Colombian hag and
now North Indian bogeyman.
Do you guys find it weird
that we're coming across
so many wayward monsters?
And all of them so close to home,
this one quite literally so.
Okay, well, what are you thinking?
I'm not sure.
But all of these unicorns
started popping up
as soon as the Akrida did.
That has to mean something.
Okay, well, Akrida or not,
we still gotta find
this Bori Baba.
What else do you know?
Unfortunately, very little.
Apart from this entry,
there's no written lore
on how to track it.
No details on how to kill it.
Bori Baba stories are largely
a part of oral tradition,
passed down from generation
to generation.
Did you hear it when you were a kid?
My father told me.
To this day, I still have
nightmares about it.
But I don't remember any details
on how to defeat it or escape it.
Okay, well, why don't
you just ask your folks?
I mean, I'm sure they remember
something about it.
Um, Lata's parents died years ago.

- I'm so I'm sorry, I didn't
- That's okay.

It's late there, but
I can try to contact
some of the people back home.
If we're lucky, someone will know
how to stop this monster
before it hurts Carrie.

- And I'm pulling
this next one from
the very deepest part
of the record crate.
To describe it as a B-side

Carrie [YELLS]

Ford, we got cheeseburgers and fries
from the Grill Palace.
Uh, maybe he got homesick
and went back to his house.
No, he knows it's not safe.
What if he's out there
looking for Carrie by himself?
Uh, I'm gonna handle this.
Just keep looking.

You and Mary take this study group
pretty seriously.
Yeah. Yeah, no, we, uh we have a
big exam coming up.
Wh-what about you?
What are you what are you doing here?
I'm checking on Ford.
Right. Yeah, so no, you actually just
you just just missed him, actually.
Mary took Ford on a snack run, so
They walked.

Anyway, I will, uh
I'll let Mary know that you stopped by.
I know we didn't end
things perfect, okay?
But we had a deal.
We'd talk when you got back.
I-I know. I just, um
Look, when I when I got back,
some stuff came up about my dad.
Okay? It's complicated.
But the long and short
of it is he's gone.
I'm so sorry, Johnny.
I think a part of me always knew.
Anyway, that's kind of what
I've been wrapped up with.
Not really how we left things, so
there's there's no
hard feelings here.
Not for me.
Well, I'm here
if you ever want to talk, okay?
Let the Campbells and
Ford know I stopped by.
They need anything, just call.

John! Can you hear me?
Hey. Hey, what's going on?
Where are you?
Bori Baba took Ford.
It must have lured him
outside the house.
Okay. All right. But
we're gonna get 'em both back, Mary.
Okay? Just
let's call Lata and see
if she has anything.
They don't have time for
us to just keep guessing.
Okay. So what do you want to do?
Mary, where are you?
We don't know how to get people
out of Bori Baba's sack.
But we do know how to get in.
Please tell me you're not doing
what I think you're doing.
I can't leave those kids
alone with that thing.
Lata told us the rules.
You think of something you've lost
and the sack appears.
And I've got plenty to choose from.
Damn it, Mary.
Don't do this.
Okay, if you do this,
you're gonna get stuck in there forever.
I'll kill Bori Baba.
You get us out of the sack.
Mary, I don't know how, okay?
J-just wait. We'll find him together.
- Just-just please, Mary.
- Work with Lata,
trust your instincts,
and I'll handle the rest.
Mary please, no.
You found me once, John Winchester.
I have faith you'll do it again.

Something came into your mind ♪
You know it ♪
Something's got a hold on you ♪
Now you question what was true ♪
Gotta try to find out ♪
What your life was all about ♪
Something got into your life ♪
You show it ♪

You know it ♪
Something showed you where to go ♪

So how does a botany lesson
get this guy to talk?
[CHUCKLES] He knows. Don't you?
My buddy and I talked a lot
when he was shacked up inside you.
I know all about your pathetic dreams,
like becoming a witch. [CHUCKLES]
But you don't have the know-how
to pull off a spell like that.
Spell like what?
Demons can possess non-human
living things too.
Even bonsai trees.
You can put a demon in a plant?
She can put you in a plant?
Small thing, isn't it?
Amazing. That little tree
can live for hundreds of years.
Imagine being trapped that long,
unable to scream or fight for centuries.
Don't look at me, dude.
This one's full of surprises today.
I mean, she could have
a hundred demons in that tree,
for all I know.
Once the spell is started,
it can't be stopped.
All it takes is just one drop
Wait, wait.
What what exactly
do you want to know?
You and your partner
knew about this box.
How did you know about it?
My partner was the details guy.
Thanks to that box, he's toast now.
He didn't tell you anything about it?
- How it powers up or
- I didn't care.
The Akrida can't be stopped.
Even with that thing working,
there's too many of them.
Me and my buddy, we went AWOL from hell.
Crossed lines to make
a deal with the Akrida.
We get them that box,
they let us live when
they destroy all life
on the planet.
Who'd you make this deal with?
I don't know.
But their leader took a page
out of the demonic playbook.
It's hiding inside a human.
Who's the leader pretending to be?
- I said I didn't know.
- Give us a name.
Some woman, all right?
That's all I know.
Now, exorcise me and
send me back home already.

Do you want me to do the Latin or
- No, no, no, no.

- Wh-why did you
- We send him back to hell,
he tells his friends about us.
If we need any more information,
we know exactly where to find him.
Right, Slick?
You are a deep mystery, Ada Monroe,
and honestly
I kind of dig that about you.
Help me get the host back in the van.
We'll get him set up at a hospital
before we head back.
Still can't believe Bori Baba's real.
I'm gonna summon him.
And end up trapped in the sack too?
How is that gonna help Mary?
What else are we supposed to do, Lata?
I mean, you said it yourself.
Okay, you called everyone back home,
and nobody knows how to get someone out.
So what are we supposed to do?
I just hunting
okay, this-this work,
this is the first time in my life
that anything has made sense, you know?
The opportunity to face
one's demons literally, yes.
- Yes, I do know.
- Okay.
Then you know that I can't lose her.
Okay, none of this works without Mary.
I need her.

- What is it?
There may be one other
person I can contact.
But even if I could get ahold of them,
I doubt they'd be willing to talk to me.
take the shot.


- Are you guys okay?
- No.
Monster club sucks.
- Tell me about it.

Guys, get inside. Quick,
quick, quick. Come on.

What the hell?
You sliced that monster's head off.
Why didn't that thing die?
Mary, I'm scared.
I know. I know. I'm scared too.
But my friends are figuring out
a way to get us out of here.
So we just have to lay low for now.
Okay? Just be quiet and
hold onto Bernice tight.

Tell me we got something.
A bit of a mixed bag, I'm afraid.
Uh, bad news first.
Bori Baba has to lure its victims
because it's vulnerable
outside of the sack.
That's why it leaves pieces
of itself behind.
- It can't survive in our world.
- Well, how is that bad news?
All we have to do is summon him
and take him out.
Because if we do that,
the sack itself gets destroyed
including everything inside of it.
We have to free Mary
and the children first.
Okay, um, how about the good news?
According to my friend,
the story goes that Bori Baba's victims
are trapped by the item they've lost.
In order to escape,
they have to willingly
let go of this item.
Okay, well, we have to tell Mary.
Right, but how?
It's not like there's a phone in there.
Except maybe there is.
Bori Baba lures people
with things that they've lost.
And if he's been doing
this for centuries,
there's gotta be all kinds
of things down there, right?
But even if there is a phone,
it's not like Bori Baba took
the phone line with it.
It won't be connected.
Then we don't use a phone.
Am I crazy for thinking this could work?
Technically, radio waves act
as background radiation in the universe,
so wherever they are,
it might get through.
We just have to hope
there's a CB radio in there
with a battery that isn't dead.
Well, fingers crossed, then.
Mary, it's John. Do you copy?
Mary! Mary, can you hear me?
It's John.
Guys, go in, go in, go in.
Go, go, go.
- Mary, come on.
Come in, Mary.
- Mary, can you hear me?
- John?
Come on, Mary, pick up.
John? John?
- John?
- Mary.
- I can hear you.
- Can you hear me?
- 10-4.
Yeah, yeah. I'm here with Lata.
- Took you guys long enough.
I'm here with the kids.
And they're okay.
- Ah!
So how do we get out of here?
You're all being held in there
by your lost objects.
All you have to do
is willingly let them go
- and you're out of there.
- Okay. Okay.
Carrie, I know you love Bernice, but
It's time to go home.
Guess I won't be needing this anymore.
- It worked!
All right. They're safe, Mary.
They're safe. Okay, so
you're up, Campbell.
Damn it.
Something's wrong. It's not working.
Uh, what did the Bori Baba
tempt you with?
My dad's hat, but it won't burn.
- Ahh!
- Mary!


Come on. Why isn't it working?
The Bori Baba tempts you
with items that have
that have deep meaning.
And the rules are that
you have to willingly let go
of what he gave you, right?
Well, okay, how am I supposed
to let go of my dad
if I don't even know where he is?
Maybe the hat doesn't
represent your dad, okay?
Maybe it represents something else
that you're struggling to let go of.
Like the search for him or

Or what comes after.

Hey, this morning,
I saw the look in your eyes
when I asked you
about life after hunting.
You couldn't even look me in the face.
because, uh, if we find my dad,
then I'm done hunting,
and hunting
hunting is all I have.
I'm not like you, John.
I never dreamed
I could do anything else.
I was raised to hunt, and
if I give up hunting,
I don't know who I am.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
I spent my entire life
looking for my dad.
Hey, but I'm trying to find a new way.
With the monster club.
I know it's scary.
It's time for you to start
dreaming about what's next.
You don't have to figure it
all out right now.
You just you just need
to take one step.
And right now that step is being okay
with figuring out who
you are after hunting.
Let the hat burn, Mary.


- What happened?
- It worked.
You guys okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Is it gone?

- Uhh!
- [THUD]
Stupid monster!

Mom, I missed you so much!

She's the one who helped us.
So she wandered off
looking for a lost stuffed bunny, huh?
Although we never did find
the bunny, unfortunately.
Happy endings aren't always
a part of the job,
you know?
Hey, I figured I'd see you here again.
So I brought you something.
I, uh, should have given it back to you
a long time ago, but

You made the right call.
We were, um, too young.
I was moving too fast.
So can we be friends?
Because I really care about you, Johnny.
Yeah. Of course.
And I-I still really care about you too.
And we'll always be friends, Bets.

How's mod squad?
Well, she bought the cover story.
Oh. So did Mrs. Billups.
And the kids are sticking to it too.
Although, I think Ford's
gonna be a handful now.
After he saw the Bori Baba go down,
now he wants to make
monster club jackets.
And I've seen that look before.
Am I gonna have to compete
with the kid for training?
Hey, um, back there
No. No.
You did the hard part.

So what's next for you?
Gonna continue looking for your dad?
But not tonight.
Mary Campbell, are you taking a break?
I'm taking one step.

I'm gonna bring my baby home ♪
Um, one for "The Omega Man".
That'll be $1.50.
I got you.
Oh, um, thanks.
- I'll pay you back.
- Oh, don't worry about it.
What's a dime between total strangers?
But, um, don't let me keep
you from your friends.
I like seeing movies alone.
Same here.
Well, here's a crazy idea.
Want to see this move alone together?
Why not?

Thank you for today, Lata.
I know it wasn't easy facing
your childhood nightmare, so
It felt good,
if not a little short-lived.
What Mary said earlier
two rare monsters in a row?
I mean, it has to all be
connected somehow.
- Through the Akrida.
And their leader who, turns out,
is someone disguised as a human.
- What?
- Whoever she is,
she is powerful enough
to terrify demons.
who is she?

This is Rockin' Roxy,
coming at you in the witching hour
with a new dark and dangerous sound.
It's guaranteed to bring
the rarest of hell-raisers
from near and far
to our beloved Lawrence.
So raise the volume and tune in.


In the cool of the evening ♪
When everything
is getting kind of groovy ♪

I call you up and ask you ♪
If you'd like to go with me
and see a movie ♪

First you said no ♪
You've got some plans for tonight ♪
And then you stop ♪
And say, "All right" ♪
Love is kind of crazy ♪
With a spooky little girl like you ♪

If you decide someday
to stop this little game ♪
That you are playing ♪
Spooky girl like you ♪
I'm gonna tell you all the things ♪
My heart had been
a-dying to be saying ♪
Spooky girl like you ♪
Just like a ghost ♪
You've been a-haunting my dreams ♪
So I'll propose on Halloween ♪
Love is kind of crazy ♪
With a spooky little girl like you ♪
- Spooky, spooky ♪
- Spooky, yeah ♪
- Spooky girl like you ♪
- Spooky ♪
Spooky, spooky girl like you ♪
Love is kind of crazy ♪
- With a spooky ♪
- Spooky girl like you ♪
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