The Witcher: Blood Origin 2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Of Warriors, Wakes, and Wondrous Worlds

- [growling]
- [Fjall] Come on!
Move it!
[creature snarling]
[Éile yells] No, wait for me!
[Fjall grunts]
[Fjall yells]
[creature sighs]
What is that thing?
Dead. Thank fuck.
Please tell me this is our world.
[Fjall] Over there.
[Éile] Closer, at least.
[Zacaré] The energy it's giving off,
it's what you felt in the world
that Balor's beast came from.
It's what's leaking into ours.
[Fjall] Then let's get to it.
[crows cawing]
[soft thudding]
- A dwarf.
- [Meldof scoffs]
It's feeding time, for fuck's sake!
Ah, godhead mushrooms.
I'm not high, you Elven shitweasel.
[Brother Death] Balor's beast.
We're fucked.
Come with me if you want to live.
[beast roaring]
[crows cawing]
Of course,
I was plannin' on watching you get eaten,
till Gwen said there was
something special about you lot.
And right she was.
I'm not usually one to gush over elves,
but, um, it's an honor
to feed the lot of you.
Heard you'd killed
a hundred soldiers in Daédwóde
after those Golden Empire wankstains
burnt down a Dwarven bank.
Somethin' like that.
[Meldof] Mighty stuff.
And the Lark herself, no less.
Thought you'd be shorter.
Still, it's not your fault.
Your exploits are becoming
more famous than your songs.
They say you killed
a four-score of empire assassins
sent to kill you in Inis Dubh
with just your bare hands and teeth.
You killed more. Hah!
Hah-hah! Knew it!
Sit! Sit, sit.
[Éile] Thanks for this.
It's been days since we've had a hot meal.
A meal shared is a meal well-seasoned,
as my father used to say.
Not a bad spot, Meldof.
Is it true, then?
You plannin' on killing the empress?
No planning about it.
Mad as a bucket full of stoats.
I love it! May the gods of mayhem rise up
and be forever at your backs.
Xin'trea's a tough nut to crack, though,
and doesn't look like
you have much in the way of an army.
Doesn't matter.
This one's Dog Clan,
knows a secret way in.
[Meldof] You want to kill the empress,
you'll have to kill her monster first.
You know it can turn people
into a bloodied mist, right?
Wiped out the town of Gylfen in one go,
they say.
[Éile] Honestly,
we've no idea how to kill it.
We barely escaped a monster
a tenth its size earlier.
Why don't we poison a sheep
and feed it to it?
- Fuck sake.
- [Brother Death] Could work.
What if we could create our own beast
to fight and kill it?
[Fjall] How?
With the heart of the creature
from the gateway,
and a very particular magic,
I could become one with it.
Don't remember puttin'
any godhead in that stew.
- What do you mean, "become one with it"?
- [Syndril] Exactly that.
I merge the beast's biological essence
with mine to gain its strength and power.
Hopefully, that'll be enough
to kill Balor's beast.
But I can't do it alone.
Not again!
Not again
I thought maybe you'd come back here
to make amends.
I know I haven't been back
since Mother passed.
- But
- We should never have taken you in.
[Syndril sighs]
I never told anyone about what happened.
I thought maybe if I put it away
- But you can't.
- [sighs]
I've tried.
- What we did to her
- We were trying to save her.
No, she died, Syndril.
And then we brought her back.
No, whatever we brought back to life,
that thing wasn't her.
She died, and we should
have just left it at that. [sobs]
[sighs and sniffles]
I know
I know I have no right
to expect your help,
but that beast,
everything that's wrong, is because of me.
Without your help, the world ends.
Maybe I should just let the world end.
[somber music playing]
I'm so close, Solryth.
I just need to stay alive.
[suspenseful music playing]
[floorboard creaks]
[ominous music playing]
[Éile] Your merging of elf and beast.
If you can do it, it can't be you.
It needs to be a warrior. Not a mage.
One of us.
[Éile] Stick to your plan and destroy
the monolith after we slay the beast.
[Zacaré] Even if you do
survive the ritual
you'll probably lose who you are.
Every nerve, every sinew
will be brutally corrupted.
The transformation will be long.
Beyond painful.
Ithlinne said,
"Two apart shall become two as one."
[sighs] This again.
[Éile] I'll do it. This is my destiny.
Fuck destiny.
You will have time to decide.
The preparation will take all night.
There are feainnewedd flowers
in this cave,
but I'll need you
to collect mandrake root,
wolfsbane, and corpse nettle.
We'll need the heart of the beast
back at the monolith brought here.
- [Éile] I'll get the herbs.
- You can't let her do this.
The girl does what she wants.
Trust me.
[Éile grunts]
[rustling footsteps]
[Fjall] This can't be you.
Has to be me.
Because some child with a sickness
babbled some prophecy nonsense?
[Éile] It was nonsense
when beasts didn't exist.
It's more than just the prophecy.
I have to atone, Fjall.
In Zacaré's mists,
I remembered burning a family alive
in the name of my king.
It wasn't even
the worst of what I did for my clan.
We've all done unspeakable things
in the name of our clans.
I thought sharing my music
could fix what I did.
But it will never be enough.
Sacrificing myself is the only way.
- You bring so much hope to this world.
- [sighs]
I've seen it.
I bring nothing but
I bring nothing but death.
You need to live, Éile.
It's okay.
Fjall, all my songs are sung.
[tender music playing]
[Scían] Who will take the elixir?
I'm going to do it.
You know I'm probably dying tomorrow,
So where's my fucking wake,
you sad bunch of whoresons?
[Meldof] A wake!
- Yes! Yes!
- [Brother Death chuckles]
- Fuckin'
- [lively honky-tonk music playing]
Where did you get all this from?
Ah, just because I live in the poxy woods
don't mean I got to forsake
the trappings of civilization.
Drink with me.
[all laughing]
[Brother Death] You make it up as you go.
If you'd told me I could use my hravel
against your vaina
You said you knew how to play!
I'm dealin'.
We should let him cheat.
I feel bad for him.
- He'll still lose.
- [Meldof laughs]
If you fell into a bucket of tits,
you'd come up holdin' a cock.
- You're not drinkin'.
- One of us has to keep sharp.
Even if Syndril's magic works,
we still need to get inside the palace.
Tell me about the secret entrance.
There is no secret entrance.
And even if there was,
I'd have found it and shut it down myself.
So we're gonna have to fight our way
inside the walls of Xin'trea
without sellswords?
We'll improvise.
Every time I think
I've suffered the last fool,
another lands in front of me.
[dramatic music playing]
[Merwyn] Well done, Master Avallac'h.
Can you open a gateway?
- I believe so.
- [gasps]
I mean, it all works in theory,
but I can't know for sure
- until I try it myself.
- Mm.
- If I could
- [crash]
- Thief!
- [cries out]
Did you think
that you could steal from me?
Leave him!
- [hissing]
- [gasps]
Do wait your turn, Empress.
I shall attend to you soon.
Tell me, boy, is it youthful arrogance
or just naked stupidity?
- [rumbling and crunching]
- [gasping]
Shall we make this quick? Or interesting?
- [Balor yells]
- [gasps]
- [coughing]
- Interesting it is, then.
Have you ever witnessed
a fool turned inside out?
Want to travel to other worlds,
Master Avallac'h?
- First you need to learn how to fly.
- [gasps]
No! [wails]
[Eredin] Balor!
- [blade rings]
Do it and she dies.
[Balor] Don't.
- [sighs]
- [groans]
[Merwyn] Go.
[chains jingling]
Summon the best physic we have.
We can't lose him.
[Balor] You've been played.
why does your hammer have a name?
She was the fairest dwarf
you ever did see.
- Great big baps on her.
- [laughs]
A fine silken beard too.
Jealous of it, I was.
I can no more sprout hair on me chin
than a king can wipe his own arse.
I was mad in love with her.
The happiest days of my life.
What happened?
The usual.
Elven soldiers raided our camp
while I was out huntin'.
I found Gwen naked,
gutted like a boar
by those Xin'trean bastards.
You make for a terrible elf, you do.
Apologizing to a dwarf. It's not like you.
Anyway [sighs]
So I went up in the Koreth Mountains
and mined myself some fine ore,
smelted it down,
and added my sweet Gwen's ashes to it.
And then me and Gwen went huntin'.
The last thing they saw
was Gwen's name coming to claim justice.
Remind me never to cross her.
[group laughing]
- [Meldof] You and the mage lass
- [Brother Death] Yeah?
How'd you come to be, then?
Well, it's a long story.
Only stories worth telling.
Well, one day
you fall into a mage's mists
and she sees all that you have done
all the evil
that you've torn into the world.
And somehow, somehow, she sees
good in you.
And she starts to heal your soul
with a gentleness that you don't deserve.
[loud snoring]
[grunts] Huh?
Oh, that was a great tale, that.
[all laughing]
[Éile] He watches the morning light ♪
Catch on her raven hair ♪
Curves of her lips ♪
Promisin' a life that they will share ♪
Two lovers intertwined ♪
In the light of a winter's dawn ♪
As the rubble of war ♪
Sweeps down through the valley ♪
So stay with me, oh, lover ♪
My heart's filled with worry ♪
Stay with me, oh, lover ♪
The borders are burning ♪
And war is yearning ♪
To take you away from me ♪
And to bury you deep ♪
In the clay down below ♪
So come to me, oh, lover ♪
My heart is still burning ♪
Come to me, oh, lover ♪
Your unborn is yearning ♪
My soul is yearning ♪
To feel the river swirling ♪
To join you once more ♪
In the next world eternal ♪
[Fjall] Come to me, oh, lover ♪
[Éile] Oh gods, please.
- [laughs]
- [owl hoots]
- [Fjall] My heart is turning ♪
- [thunder rumbling]
Stop it, you're butchering it.
- Oh!
- [Fjall] Feel the cold river swirling ♪
- Oh!
- And join you once more ♪
- Is that what I sound like?
- [laughs]
You have a true gift, you know.
Have you given any thought
to what you'll do
if you survive all of this?
I don't know.
I don't have any gifts.
Other than killing and
disgracing myself constantly.
[both laugh]
[Éile] Who knows?
If we'd been born under different stars,
I'd have been raised a normal child
and not been
uh, like this.
And you'd have been a pig herder.
- And Merwyn your wife.
- [laughs softly]
Twenty brats around you.
[both laugh]
No. [clears throat]
What I had with Merwyn
wasn't real.
Under any star.
I wish we'd been born under the same star.
Don't forget me.
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder crashing]
[dramatic music playing]
- [scream echoes]
- [gasps]
[Fjall bellowing]
[blade rings]
[Fjall screaming]
[ominous music playing]
[screaming continues]
- [Éile] No!
- He's beyond strong.
You have to stop this.
It was supposed to be me!
He's taken the first elixir.
If we stop this now, he will die.
- [groans]
- Tie him down!
- [Éile] Fjall! I'm here.
- [Fjall moaning]
- It's me! I'm here.
- [wailing]
There has to be a way to reverse this.
There isn't, I
We have to keep going.
- [gasps] No, no, no!
- [Zacaré] Hold him still.
- Swallow!
- No! [gurgling]
[mysterious elfyn]
As this Trial of the Grasses
began to take its brutal toll on Fjall,
the young empress was
about to realize her grand ambition.
[Avellac'h] Empress.
Taking control of the key to other worlds.
High Commander.
Master Avallac'h. Are you ready?
Of course.
A moment?
[suspenseful music playing]
[pulsing energy]
[sounds fade]
[Eredin sighs]
This is folly.
We need Balor.
If we can't open the gateways,
we can't conquer new worlds.
Without new worlds, there is no food.
- We'll have rebellion ready to ignite.
- We just got rid of him.
He'll resist us now,
but I'll convince him.
No. No, he'll take any punishment.
He'd choose death over losing face.
I'll take care of it.
Ready your scouting party.
They'll be ready.
How much longer?
Everything so far
has been to prepare him for the procedure.
[Fjall groans]
This wasn't the procedure?
You should go.
This could all go very wrong.
Éile, I know what it's like
to watch someone turn into a monster.
[Fjall wails]
Do what you have to do.
I'm not going anywhere.
[Syndril] Open his mouth.
[Fjall whimpers]
[yelling] No! No!
[groaning] No, no, no.
[Syndril] He's ready.
[Éile whimpers] Fjall.
[Zacaré] We have to start it now
or he won't make it.
[Éile] Do it.
- Mother of clay, hear my plea.
- [rustling]
Mother of seas, lend me your power.
- Mother of stars, lend me your power.
- [creaking]
Mother of all unseen, lend me your power.
Mother of seas, lend me your power.
Mother of stars, lend me your power.
Mother of clay, hear my plea.
- Lend me your power!
- [gasps]
[Zacaré] Mother of seas,
lend me your power.
Mother of stars, lend me your power.
[Zacaré continues chanting]
[Fjall wheezing]
[Zacaré sobbing]
[somber music playing]
- I'm so sorry.
- [weeping]
[gasps, snarls]
- [wings fluttering]
- [crows cawing]
[Meldof inhales] It's torture.
You lot aren't made
for taking this much pain.
Elves can take a lot more than
a dwarf can. That's a well-known fact.
Ah! Fact.
Elven fact.
We've been taking punishment
from the likes of you for generations.
Suffering and pain
you'll never understand.
Yeah, but you know,
it was a long time ago, you know.
- It it wasn't
- Wasn't you?
Your world is built on our bones.
Know why
I call those monoliths cock towers?
Because our ancients buried them
to bring fertile bounty to the land.
They're sacred.
And, yet again, elves defile them.
- [sighs]
- No wonder famine's rife.
Look, you know,
you won't find me denyin' it.
You really believe
you can kill the empress?
Aye, that's the plan.
I'm comin' too, then.
[laughs softly]
Now, why would you want to help
a gang of elves?
Between yourself and myself
and the skies above
because I'm empty?
I've hunted down and killed
the last of the ones who defiled Gwen.
There's nothin' left for me now.
One last quest to take me to her.
End my breaths in a glorious fashion.
We'd be glad to have you.
And Gwen.
We need a good cook.
Where's Scían?
- [energetic music playing]
- [hooves clomping]
[horses snorting]
[elf] Halt!
What is your business in Xin'trea?
I have information for your empress.
[elf] Forward!
[low growling]
[ominous music playing]
[Merwyn] Your markings.
Ghost Tribe? I've seen drawings
in the tomes of Tolomast the Younger.
I thought you were
I am the last of us,
thanks to your father.
Were it another time,
I would have killed you by now.
[Merwyn] Wait.
Were it another time,
you would have tried.
[low roaring]
Now, what of your claim?
I know where Fjall Stoneheart is.
He's alive?
[Scían] Last I left him, yes.
I traveled south with him
and the Raven girl.
I was her sword mother. She trusts me.
And now you're willing to betray her?
You betrayed some family of your own,
I believe.
50,000 oirs for Fjall, in advance,
and 20,000 for the Lark.
[scoffs] She's not worth that much.
She is the voice of the people.
Besides, she has stolen his heart.
- Fine.
- [Scían] I'm not done.
In exchange for Fjall,
you will return my tribe's sacred blade,
Finally, I require 50
of your Golden Empire soldiers
to help bring him in alive.
I doubt he'll be keen to see you again,
on your terms.
- Make it so.
- Empress.
- [shuddering]
- [heartbeat]
[Éile, muffled] Fjall?
[heartbeat grows louder]
[heartbeat stops]
Fjall, it's me.
[somber music playing]
I can smell your blood.
I want to destroy everything.
It's all right.
Hey. The others are outside.
It's just you and me.
[Fjall sighs]
[wind whistling]
I'm sorry.
What the fuck were you thinking?
I thought you were gone.
Couldn't bear it.
[passionate music playing]
I'd die for you, Éile.
- [growls]
- [heartbeat]
[heartbeat fading]
- You already did.
- [sighs]
[Fenrik] We sacrificed those children
for nothing.
Why didn't it work?
What more could she possibly need?
True sacrifice comes from within.
Now I realize what she meant.
Too late.
- [lock turns]
- [door creaks]
We need to talk.
[door closes]
There's no need for this.
I had this dimeritium cell built
to hold recalcitrant mages.
To suppress their magic.
Make them feel like
they were naked and powerless.
And now here I sit.
Naked without my power.
By the grace of a recalcitrant empress.
But there is a way to be free.
Serve your empress.
Your little shadow
couldn't open the gateway, could he?
[Merwyn] Let me speak plainly.
If you cooperate under my rule,
I'll absolve you of your actions
and reinstate your title,
Chief Sage of the Council.
I helped you once.
Look where it got me.
No, we began this at odds.
But look at what
we have already achieved together.
Elfkind under one flag at last,
poised to conquer other worlds.
Thanks to me and my vision.
Yes, and I am grateful for it.
We are both stubborn as rams.
Even so,
why do we find ourselves so far apart?
- It's a matter of respect.
- Respect?
Balor, you see me
as a princess to be kept on a leash
until the time comes to trade me,
use me, or get rid of me.
And you see me as a lowborn
raised far above his station.
This is how you see yourself.
I see you as a singular genius
capable of so much more
than the box my father put you in.
I only ask that you see me the same.
Let's stop this bickering
and shape the future of elfkind together.
There must be something better than this.
There is.
Together, then.
But you must release Fenrik.
I still need her as my apprentice.
Of course.
You can't trust this bitch.
She thanks you
from the bottom of her heart.
Release them.
[Meldof] Searched the entire
cunt-forsaken forest.
My best mare is gone.
- I can't believe she took her.
- Who?
Oh, that that doesn't make sense.
Why leave now?
Without a word?
Maybe the lass was just being practical
in the face of a suicide mission.
Turns out there's no secret entrance
into the palace after all.
And when Fjall told her the truth,
you should have seen her face.
- She was
- She's back. She's back.
[horse neighs]
Scouted ahead.
All clear.
There's a hunter's track into Xin'trea
that will give us cover.
[Meldof] Smart.
You look the same.
Did it not work?
It did.
But not on me.
[mysterious elfyn] The Fjall
who emerged from that cave
was not the same
as the one who had entered.
The energy that shifted
in the air around him
was like nothing
any of them had ever felt.
[dramatic music playing]
Or seen.
Not bad.
Then let's get on with it.
No time to waste.
[thunder rumbling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Scían] Hurry up, Meldof.
[Brother Death] Leave her piss in peace.
Nothing worse than being rushed.
- [horse neighs]
- [Scían] Not much further now.
The hunter's track to Xin'trea
is just over the next ridge.
[Fjall] What the fuck?
- [Éile] Dead end.
- [horse neighs]
- Where the fuck did they come from?
- [draws blades]
[soldiers shout]
[draws blades]
[Scían grunts]
[Zacaré] What's she doing?
[soldiers shout]
Well, shit.
Form up!
Don't let them get behind us.
- [soldiers shout]
- Hold your ground!
[Scían] Halt! Ready your blades.
[Éile] Scían, what are you doing?
[dramatic music playing]
- [grunting]
- [horses neighing]
[all grunting]
[soldier gasping]
- [clang]
- [squelch]
That was a work of art.
Look at them all.
Like little bloodied hedgehogs.
Never doubt my plan again, Uthrok.
- [Brother Death] Do you know him?
- [Syndril] They're on our side.
Did we just win?
Not quite.
Sorry, Gwen.
Gets a wee bit jealous, see.
Éile of Raven Clan, meet Uthrok One Nut.
It's just a nickname.
They're huge.
Like two enormous, swollen pomegranates.
Go on, ask her.
[laughs] Don't give me that look.
Every blade on the Continent
is hunting you for the reward.
And I took that weakness
and made it a strength,
and just like that,
we have our way into the city
and our sellswords.
[mysterious elfyn] Now the Seven had
the blades they needed behind them,
they stood a fighting chance
if they could get Fjall inside
before the beast inside him
took over completely.
[Éile] Once we get inside the city,
break open the grain stores.
Let the people riot,
draw the soldiers from the palace.
[Scían] I'll use Fjall to get inside
the throne room so he can kill the beast.
[Syndril] Zacaré and I will
destroy the monolith.
[Éile] Merwyn's mine.
[Meldof] Here we are again, Gwen.
See you soon, love.
If I fall first, mind askin' her
to avenge your Elven friend?
She'd be delighted.
[Scían sighs]
[dramatic music playing]
This isn't gonna work.
They're onto us.
[Éile] Hold on.
Fight it.
[Fjall] I'm trying.
- Listen.
- [ragged breathing]
[humming gently]
[heartbeat slowing]
Carry my voice with you.
Don't let go,
not until you're staring that beast
straight in the eyes.
[horn blows]
[soldiers stamp]
[gates opening]
Right, then.
Let's go fuck up an empire.
[Éile] He watches the morning light ♪
Catch on her raven hair ♪
Curves of her lips ♪
Promisin' a life that they will share ♪
Two lovers intertwined ♪
In the light of a winter's dawn ♪
As the rubble of war ♪
Sweeps down through the valley ♪
So stay with me, oh, lover ♪
My heart's filled with worry ♪
Stay with me, oh, lover ♪
The borders are burning ♪
And the war is yearning ♪
To take you away from me ♪
Bury you deep ♪
In the clay down below ♪
So she waits by a river ♪
For the ghost of her lover ♪
His legacy she carries ♪
Soon to be a mother ♪
While the echoes of the fallen ♪
Still carry on the morning mist ♪
Searching for their way home ♪
To their one true love's kiss ♪
So come to me, oh, lover ♪
Your unborn is yearning ♪
Come to me, oh, lover ♪
My heart is still burning ♪
My soul is yearning ♪
To feel the river swirling ♪
To join you once more ♪
In the next world eternal ♪
To join you once more ♪
In the next world eternal ♪
[thunder rumbling]
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