The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[tense music playing.]
[rain pattering.]
[thunder rumbles.]
[heart beating.]
[theme music playing.]
[car starting.]
[indistinct chatter.]
Were you in the residence at the time? [indistinct radio chatter.]
- Do you know her? - Yeah.
I know her.
[breathing heavily.]
What happened? Is she dead? Are you Anna Whitaker? Yes.
Is she dead? - This your house here? - Yes.
- Why don't we step inside? - [whispers.]
[sighs deeply, sniffles.]
Are Neil and Emma okay? I'm Detective Lane.
This is Officer Walters.
- You call 911 earlier tonight? - Yes.
What exactly did you see? I saw her with her throat She had been stabbed.
- She was right there.
- Where? In the window.
You say it looked to you like someone slit her throat? Well, it didn't look like it.
It was.
There was blood.
I saw the blood.
- You have a little party here tonight? - What? No, no.
Wh wh what happened to Lisa? Lisa Maines? Jesus, yes.
What happened to her? Nothing happened to her.
- [tense music playing.]
- What? Your neighbor was very confused when we showed up to his door telling him there had been a report of a murder in his home.
What what are you saying? What Where is she? On an airplane.
She's a flight attendant for Olympia Airlines.
No Someone killed her.
I saw the blood.
Officer Walters, do those Olympia flight attendants wear scarves? I believe they do.
Red scarves.
So maybe, from all the way over here, that red scarf could look like blood, especially if you've had all this wine.
Maybe you took some pills? No.
I know I know what this looks like, but, um, I swear I know what I saw.
Okay? I s saw her dying, and she she looked right at me.
[breathing shakily.]
How's this book? I've heard good things about this.
The Woman Across the Lake.
"When high-powered attorney Grace St.
James escapes to her dream house by the lake, her dream becomes a nightmare after she witnesses a gruesome murder.
" I could see how something like this could make your imagination run wild.
Oh my God.
I didn't imagine it.
I don't know if you know this, but it's illegal to make a false report.
It wasn't a false report.
You ha you have to believe me.
- You want me to write her up? - No.
I don't think that's gonna be necessary.
Do you, Anna? No.
Why don't you sleep it off and figure out how you're gonna apologize to your neighbor in the morning.
[footsteps receding.]
[door opens.]
I saw it.
I saw it.
Didn't I? [inhales, exhales sharply.]
[suspenseful music playing.]
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it! [whimpers.]
[footsteps creaking.]
[feet shuffling.]
[birds chirping.]
I can't have imagined that.
[suspenseful music playing.]
[birds chirping.]
- Anna.
- Hi.
- [Neil.]
Um - [Anna.]
Um - [door closes.]
- About last night Yeah.
What the hell was that about? - I saw - 'Cause they said you saw a murder.
I know it sounds crazy, but I saw Lisa in your window, and someone had slit her throat.
But Lisa flew to Seattle last night.
Okay? - She's fine.
- No.
I saw it.
Were you drinking last night, Anna? - Neil.
- [Neil.]
Because Carol says Carol said you might have a problem.
Were you? I mean, a little bit, but Look, I was li I was literally I was just texting with her.
- With Lisa? - Yeah.
Can I see? Let me see.
- You wanna look at my phone? - Can I see it? Fine.
[dramatic music playing.]
[Neil sighs.]
All right.
Can I just come inside for a minute just to look around? Because none of this makes any sense.
Anna, listen to me.
I know what grief can do.
- It can make you feel crazy.
- I'm not crazy.
I know, I know.
Of course you're not.
But having the police here last night, just, it scared the hell out of Emma.
I'm so sorry.
Please just go home.
- Please? - But, Neil No.
Just go home.
[door closes.]
[car door opens, closes.]
- [sighs.]
- [car door opens.]
[car beeping.]
Carol? Oh my God.
Please, Anna, no.
You had to have heard something last night.
As a matter of fact, I did.
I heard police sirens that woke up my boys.
And Scott.
Scott has a meeting with a very big client today.
Carol, I saw her get killed.
I'm sure you think you did.
Why did you tell Neil I have a drinking problem? Because you have a drinking problem.
Carol, I I'm I'm sorry that I lost my temper yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Okay? But but you you have to believe me here.
Okay? You know, one of Scott's clients is a therapist.
If you want - I already have a therapist.
- Well, maybe you need a better one.
Go fuck yourself, Carol! [dog barking.]
I know what I saw, goddamn it.
[suspenseful music playing.]
To get to the bottom of something, sometimes you have to remind yourself that if you don't risk anything, you risk everything.
And the biggest risk you can take is to risk nothing.
And if you risk nothing, what you're really doing is risking not getting to the bottom of something.
And if you don't get to the bottom of something, you risk everything.
Hey, Buell.
Um, would you mind taking a look at something for me? Well, I'll be.
I don't know how that could've happened.
All I can think is that maybe a raccoon fell from the roof.
But then you'd think you'd see his body, but there's no body.
I mean, if he fell, you'd figure there'd be a dead raccoon here.
I don't know.
Would you mind running to the hardware store and seeing if you can replace it? Oh yeah.
I don't mind at all, Miss Anna.
Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing.]
How the hell do you do this? [vehicle approaching.]
Oh my God.
[exhales deeply.]
- [door unlocks.]
- [Anna.]
Oh! [gasps.]
Where is the blood? [panting.]
[exhales sharply.]
[suspenseful music intensifies.]
[Anna gasps.]
I'm Lisa, Neil's girlfriend.
Hey, hey, hey.
- [gasps.]
- [Carol.]
This is the wrong address.
Please, Joe, will you do me a favor [Emma.]
Anna? [Anna gasps.]
Emma, honey, go upstairs.
- [Emma.]
Why? - Emma, now.
[Anna panting.]
What the hell are you doing in here? Huh? You broke into my house? I'm sorry.
I I needed to see it for myself.
There's nothing to see.
Nothing happened to Lisa! [Anna.]
First of all, she's dead.
And second of all, she is not who you think she is.
Okay? There are all these pictures of her kissing this other guy, and she looks totally different.
Okay? I mean, it's still like her, but let Here, I can show you.
I Shit.
I don't have my phone.
Let me see your phone.
I'll prove it.
- What? No.
- Let me see your phone.
No, no, no.
[breathing shakily.]
You get the hell out of my house, and you stay away from me and my daughter.
Someone's gotta believe me.
Anna, you know I love you.
- Oh my God, you don't believe me either.
- I believe you're in a ton of pain.
I am telling you I saw her.
You see Elizabeth too.
[indistinct chatter.]
[melancholy music playing.]
Oh my God.
You're right.
[Anna crying, sniffles.]
I think, um I think I need help.
- Uh, hi.
I'm Anna.
- Hi.
- Hello, Anna.
- Hi, Anna.
Um, and I'm here because I woke up this morning convinced I'd witnessed a murder.
And I think the truth is that, uh, I drink a lot, and sometimes I mix it with pills, and I do that because I'm just in so much pain.
I lost my daughter three years ago.
And, uh, I think the truth is I've never truly faced that.
I mean, I have a shrink, but I lie to him because maybe I don't wanna get better.
Maybe I'm afraid that if I get better, I'll forget about her.
[emotional music playing.]
Thank you, Anna.
[indistinct chatter.]
Anna? Um, I'm not sure you remember me.
Eileen? Our daughters were in the same class.
Oh, yeah.
- Nice to see you.
- [whispers.]
That was really touching, what you said about your brother.
It was, um, hard to say.
These things are hard to talk about.
Oh, no.
I meant the words.
Autoerotic axphys asphyxiation.
It's literally hard to pronounce.
You know, I I always felt really bad that I I never reached out.
It's fine.
I get it.
I mean, you didn't really know what to say, and I also don't think I was really in a place to listen.
[Eileen sighs.]
[Eileen clears throat.]
[emotional music playing.]
[tense music playing.]
Do not go down that road again.
It's the grief.
[breathing shakily.]
[woman over PA talking indistinctly.]
[indistinct chatter.]
Next year? Hi.
That sign over there says that, uh, you'll be flying to the West Coast next year.
So, right now Olympia Airlines doesn't fly to the West Coast? Correct.
Not until next year.
So currently, you don't fly to Seattle? Currently, Seattle's on the West Coast.
I need to help this gentleman out.
Or sorry, did you have more geography questions? [suspenseful music playing.]
Maybe she didn't want him to know where she was going.
If lying to your romantic partner was a crime, everybody'd be in jail.
What about the earring? This is evidence.
If there was a dead body, it would be evidence.
But because there's no dead body, it's just an earring.
Can't you run forensics on it or whatever? - No.
- There might be some of her blood on here.
Or the murderer's DNA.
There there has to be something.
Give this back to Miss Maines when you see her.
She was with another man, this guy, Rex, and I bet he found out about her and Neil, and I bet he killed her.
Or maybe you're just a mother whose daughter was murdered in the most horrific way possible.
And now you see monsters around every corner.
I don't know if you know this, but I was a junior detective on the Massacre Mike case, and for a long while after that, I saw monsters around every corner too.
I'll never forget the day we brought him in.
We put him through a polygraph right in the station.
- Is your name Michael James Ennis? - Yes.
Are you 43 years old? Yes.
- Do you live at 1346 Abbott Street? - Yes.
Have you ever killed anyone? No.
[suspenseful music playing.]
Have you ever eaten anyone? No.
Is today Thursday? Yes.
- [examiner.]
Thank you, Mr.
- [Mike.]
Thank you.
Have a good night, everyone.
In that moment, I was alone with him.
I looked into his eyes, and I saw pure evil.
I put my hand on my service revolver.
I was ready to blow him to hell where he belonged.
But I took an oath to seek justice, not vengeance.
I thought, at least he'd never hurt anyone ever again, until the day he killed and ate your daughter.
And because of that, I've regretted not pulling that trigger ever since.
[Detective Lane sighs.]
I wish I could make it up to you, but all I can do is look out for you.
Go home, Anna.
[melancholy music playing.]
[sinister music playing.]
Well, if you're not gonna be the detective, then I will.
[suspenseful music playing.]
[keys beeping.]
[line rings.]
FBI Records.
Uh, hi.
Uh, this is Douglas Whitaker's assistant.
He wanted to run a background check on two individuals.
Is that something you can help me with? [woman.]
I just need Agent Whitaker's ID number to tag the request.
Oh, right.
His ID number.
Yes, I have that.
[drawer squeaks.]
Give me one second.
We're moving some stuff around the office, and it's a little Okay.
Uh [clears throat.]
FP61 [woman.]
No, not the department number.
I need the agent ID number.
What are the names? Lisa Maines.
And Rex [woman.]
Ma'am, you still there? Yes.
I'm having a little bit of trouble reading Douglas's handwriting.
Rex Bakke.
All right.
We'll see what we can come up with.
Thanks so much, and, um, you can just call this number back when you have the information.
No problem.
[sighs heavily.]
[exhaling deeply.]
[knocking on door.]
[drawer closing.]
- [Emma.]
- Hi.
I'm not supposed to be here, but I got a box of those chocolate bars with almonds you wanted.
That's really sweet.
Thank you.
Emma, I'm really sorry.
I You know I'd never hurt you.
Right? Yeah.
I'm gonna go get my checkbook.
[melancholy music playing.]
[footsteps approaching.]
I made it out for the same amount as last time, because I want you to sell the most.
Thank you.
And, um I want you to have this.
A duck.
It once belonged to a very special little girl, and now I want it to belong to you.
Thank you.
Hey, Emma.
Can I ask you something? Uh-huh.
Have you ever seen this man? Nuh-uh.
Who is he? Maybe no one.
One more thing.
Um, the other night, before the police came, did you hear anything? Like what? Like a a struggle or a fight? Well, my dad and Lisa were arguing, but I didn't hear too much, because my dad told me to go to my room and watch TV.
[tense music playing.]
My dad gets mad a lot.
He used to get mad at my mom too.
Emma you know, if ever you don't feel safe, you can come to me.
Okay? Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
[tense music intensifies.]
"Meredith Coleman drowns in tragic accident at lake.
" "Husband of victim brought in for questioning.
" "Neil Coleman named person of interest in wife's death.
" [whispers.]
Oh my God.
[tense music crescendos.]
[dramatic music playing.]
[cat meows.]

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