The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Hard to Swallow

(music playing)
MICKEY: Three, two, one.
-Another day completed.
-(noisemaker honks)
Here comes tomorrow.
Huh, 13?
Now, why does that sound important?
Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen,
thirteen, thirteen, thirteen
-Oh, what the
-(gnaws, cackles)
Whoa, a flea!
Right. Today is the day
Pluto needs to take his flea pill.
With new and improved flavor.
Pluto's gonna love these.
Oh, Pluto!
(pants, barks)
Hiya, pal.
Okay. I'm happy to see you too,
my wittle fuzzy-face.
(barks, smooches)
(both smooch)
Ready to take your flea pill?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (pants)
Oh, I know it tastes bad,
but you got to take it.
Hey, come on, just take it.
Take your pill.
Come on now.
Be a good boy.
Pluto, Pluto. Don't you
Oh, he has to take his pill,
those fleas are gonna eat him alive.
Oh, what am I gonna do?
(music playing)
Karaoke time.
(singing) The Camptown Racers
Sing this song, doodah, doodah
-Now, you.
-(barks rhythmically)
(glass shattering)
The old garage door opener.
(tires screeching)
Pancake surprise.
Pluto, breakfast.
Hey, sorry about the pill thing, pal.
I wanted to make it up to you,
with this fabulous breakfast.
Good dog, Pluto.
-You really ate the whole thing.
Egads! Now, how did that get in there?
Those pancake people.
All right, all right, you got me.
-But you gotta trust me, boy.
(gasps) You don't trust me anymore?
-But, Pluto.
But wait.
Doesn't he know
it's for his own good, gosh.
(phone ringing)
It's for you.
(mutters, slurps)
-(all cheer)
What am I gonna do?
(soft music playing)
(slamming on door)
(giggles) That's Mickey's knock.
Minnie, you got to help me.
I can't get Pluto to take his
(whispers) flea pill.
Is that all?
My Fifi never has trouble
taking her wink, treats.
Maybe she can show Pluto it's okay.
Great idea.
Fifi, treat time.
(triumphant fanfare)
-See Pluto?
(mutters) flea pill
Oh, my, uh,
how did that get in there?
MINNIE: Uh, Fifi, I Oh! (yelps)
Oh, please, Pluto.
(marching footsteps)
Pluto! The fleas are coming!
Time's up, boy.
You gotta take your pill!
-MICKEY: Here comes the airplane.
MICKEY: Ha-ha!
Take it! Take it! Take it!
Take it! Take it!
(dramatic music playing)
Here, see for yourself, fleas.
And they're coming for you.
(blows raspberry)
-Pluto, I'm not trying to trick you.
-Pluto, get away from the door.
No! Don't go outside!
Don't worry, boy!
I got the solution right here.
Ooh! Ah! Ooh! Ah! Ooh!
(spits, whimpers)
-En garde, bloodsuckers.
-(swords clanging)
-(swords clanging)
-(all gasp)
Oh, buddy, you're safe now.
I'm so glad you finally trusted me.
Now, how about some pancakes?
(pants, chomps)
(both smooch)
-(phone ringing)
-Mickey, help!
Oh, take it! Take it! Take it!
Take it, take it, take it, take it!
-(Minnie screams)
-(fleas roar)
MINNIE: Take it, take it, take it!
(music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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